Planning Commission Minutes 04-13-1971 . . . . . VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 ^nril 11, 1071 Reg'ular meetinp; ()f Planninp: Com"1".ission -- Apri.l 1'3 -- 9:30A.M. -- ViJlage Hall Present: Robert Davis, Grant Scnleif, Father p. Ge arty , Larry Flake, Bi11 Sandberg, Cnarles Tooker, Planner. Absent: Dale Lungwitz, Fred Topel, J. W. Miller, Jr. Meeting called to order by Robert Davis, Chairman. Minutes of March 8th me0ting were not read as minutes had been misplaced. Robert Davis read letter from Beckman and S"renson that state had made more 701 monies available for olanning. Money must be spent by June 14, 1971. (Telephone convers~tion after meoting indicated. that processing for funds took uo to six weeks leaving only about hm v.reeks working time). Mr. Tooker's current reouisition for funds expends $h)OO.OO, leaving $)200.00 left in contract. Tooker explained planningl')rogrRm in progress using current 701 contract funds. Present phase of clanning deals with land use, ut:i.lit 1_es, thoroup:hfares and Dublic fadIi ties (parks, hospital, schools, etc.). Adrlitional olanning Fill go on to zr;ning, c10TNYltOwn dev- elopment, inrlustrial p1anninp', nubIie l1earings. Earl Lindenfelser Dresented olan for COl"JPonent mndular home for installation on nermanent founda.tion on his lot on Ramsey St. Yunicinal code refers to StRte H()using Code. Clerk to obtain copy of StRte Un'; form lT0us1ng Cnde. SDecifi_cations ("If rnorlul.ar n011sing to be cn~oared with Code before declsi 0n l",i 11 be made. T00ker rer"lorted on 1Clnrl use nlan and nn tl1oroughfare plan. Bob Dav:is rearl letter from N.S.p. -reouesting information from the Planning Commission rer,arrl:ing inrllJstrial nroperbr available. Next regular meetinrr set for Mav 11, at o:'}O A.M. DCG!lsg