Planning Commission Minutes 05-11-1971 e e VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 . Planning C01'llnrission meptJnp: May 11, 1071 0:30 A. TVf. Sr. Cit. Center Present: Bob Davis, Rud Scn1eif, "'red Tone1, Fr. P. Gearty, Larry li'lake ,Jay ~.1:tller, Dale Lunp'witz, Ron Scbleif, Rill Sann'herg, Bill Elllott, ;:Jnd Cnarles Tooker. Secretary to check "lith Gary PrinD'le for Unifnrm Housing Code as re- ferred to in the Orrlinance. Heeting callen to nrder 'hy Soh Davis, chairl'l1an. r"-inutes nf previolls meeting annroved as read. Discussion rect"'rding the availahility of additional 701 funrls and question raised for Driority of action zoning, sub-division nlanninr;, downtown planning. Father Gearty raised the f)uestion of T)nssibility of ornerly nllmbedng and n2_ming of streets and roads. Bi 11 Sandberg cited that Mound has an indexer! man of all residents for location. Tourist center and Village Hall could be places V-lese ar", nosted. All village residents should have address listtng in telephone book. There 1t,r9S ri"Lsc1Jssion of sOWle strw't, possibly beinG vacated befarenaving. . Special 'neet:in,~ of Planninq; COl"1mission set for Hay 20, 3 P.M. at l:fright County State Sank with Cbarlps Tooker to go over DrorJosals to be aired by Ch?rles Tooker at C'harnrJer meeting tl,at evening. Discussion revL'rb"d to nriori tie2 to 1,e cnnsidererl for 701 planning a f'ter cTul;r 1. 1. Zoninr; ? Suh-rJivisinn nlanninp: 1. DOMnt.mm Dlanninf!, 4. Detail ed strept olanning 5. BOllsing study Poh Davis renort.erJ th.:lt no reSDr)1'")S", c,"""'e frn.", T01-msh1n reO';'1rding Dro- pes.::>l nf ,ioint nlanning rHscussion. T""el<er s1;0h'"er1 numerous mans shrn.rinr: existi n" san1 tarv service area and likel v i"'l"ediate need servi ce 8.1"009 t'hat area,",:p::eral1 y from Hill- crest Addition tn East '30 'hehreen River and I_04. Intern:ediate area need tnat sectinn south east of' town generally frol"1 Monte Club 1.rest to Hip;}n-my 25. Bill Elliott advised on nronoserJ sanitary sel'Ter line to serVR outlying area. Present system to serve area l"fest of Monticello. Ne1"f m80i n SQ1.Ith 2nd east of tovm. . Tooker rpcO,.,,1'llends that villap;e accmire npen space nresentl y avail abl~ -- an area near Montissippi Park area ad ,jacent to old La.Rie Nursing Home and area east from t~ere. Get easements along power line areas to develoD grepn belt, areR. on and ar0und tittle r'countain (Nonte Club si.te). Reouire developers to provide for park area in neighborhoods. . . . e e Sugn-ested tn~t C")l anr.1ng r.mr>mlSS1on mpot "d th Park Board and discuss t~ese Droposa]s. Tooker f'urt.,er suggested that cO)'i,,'irlerpMo)'i 'he r:iver. to "ravine areas for neir:hborr,ood school f'aci.lities. Long range nla!'1 to think on 4 eJe~entary schools ann 1 Jr. Hi. Ad ,jo'Jrned at 1?: Hi P 1\11 . DCG/l sf"', .-.tf...--rc . t...c..-.- Secret8rv