Planning Commission Minutes 12-01-1971 . . . e - VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 December 1, lG71 Meeting of Plannin~ COl'1mission December 1, J071 1:'30 P.M. Members 'Oresent: Dale Lun~tz. Bob Davis, Jay Miller, Grant .schleif, 1,arry Flake, Absent: Fred To'Oel. Also nresent: T.tarren J ("'nes, State Highwav Dent; Thore Meyer, Engineer; Cnarles TooKer, Planner; Don Sp'ith, Press; Clif'ford Olson, Observer. Charles Tooker reVie1N"eri tne bgcKcrround t1,inklng on Dl"'nninp: narticularlv pertaining to traff'ic movement. Suggested o0ssibility of routing S. H. 25 dotom CAdar Street and nro- vide new bridge across ~fiis dissipYli to tie to an interchange to County 11 and 25 to Big Lake. Mr. Jones stated that in all likelihood S. H. 152 would be designated on 1-94 and Hain St. would revert to County or Village. By constitution Highway ?5 must serve Monticello and Big Lake so not feasible to route very far from Dresent bed. Commission should develop zoning proJ;Sram if re-routing seems desirable to Drevent excess costs. Studies should be nresented to Highway Dept. as they start planning five to ten years in adVAnce of work. Secretary presented plans for Bridgewater building. Commission re- commends that Council annrove buiJding' permit. Sec""'et~ry directpd to nresent Con Johnson as candidate for Planning Commission at orp'-'1nization me~ting of Council in January. (Next scheduled meeting January 5, lq72).