Planning Commission Minutes 02-02-1972 VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295.2711 Regular meeting of the Planning C0rnmission, February?, 1072, 1:)0 p. !/I. Vembers present: R. Davis, <T. HallS, F. Topel, D. L'llngtdtz, L. Flake, J. Rowan. Also in att<mdance: Charles Tooker. Votion w:;s made by Dale I,ung1dtz, seconded by Larry Flake, to accent the R...) multiple restrlential Jot and yard requirements as indicated in Table 205, section R_2 \on. tr the provision that a two family unit he r~d11ced to 1200 so. ft. The per family unit be red:lcerJ to 1200 sq. ft. .r:tth the st:iuulation that under.p:round parking is nroviderl. All in favor. Carr:ted.