Planning Commission Minutes 02-03-1973 .I . ,\ ~ .... , r \~ ~\ v"'\ <" \. .I':, '\ . . 'ILLAGE OF MONTICELL~ Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295.2711 February 3, 1973 Planning Commission meeting -- Satup.day, February 3, 1973 q:oo A. M. Meeting called to order by Chairman Larry Flake. Maus, J. W. Miller, Larry Muehlbauer, Fred Topel Walt Markling representing the Village Council. Lungwitz, Grant Schleif. Members present: Jim and ex-officio member Members absent: Dale Guests at the meeting included: Mayor Bill Sandberg, Councilman Dan Blonigen, Mr. Con Johnson, Mr. Thore Meyer and Mr. Charles Tooker. Mr. Bob Davis gave a presentation at the co~~encement of the meeting including recommend- ations for corrections to the minutes of January 27, 1973. The minutes for the meeti~ of January 27, lq73 were read by Secretary Kevin La France. Corrections as noted by Mr. Flake and Mr. Davis were inserted. Motion to accept minutes as corrected was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Larry Muehlbauer. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller-, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Absent: Lungwitz, Schleif. Ooposed: None. Mr. Larry Muehlbauer, recently a:oDoi.nted to the Planning Commission by the Villap'e Conncil, was introduced to Planning Commission and Village Council members in attendance. Walt Marklin~ appointed as ex_officio member to the Planning Commission, was welcomed by Commission members. A discussion was centered on the proposed development of the Thunderbird Mall. Mr. Thore Meyer and Mr. Charles Tooker were given copies of the site plan as presented by the Bureau Investment Corp., St. Paul, Minnesota. A presentation was made by Mr. Tooker regardi~ the Comprehensive Plan Concept. Mr. Tooker emphasized the objective of the Plan is to preserve and emphasize the present retail center. Mr. Tooker feels there is a problem here with the proposed development of the Thunderbird Mall. Mr. Con Johnson stated that two business areas do not enh~nce the overall development of the Monticello area and emphasized development in the down- town area as did Jim Maus and Larry Muehlbauer. Bill Sandberg stated that the village is going to develop in a southerly direction and development should be considered there. Mr. Tooker agreed with the concept of southerly growth, but felt this should be in accordance with ideas explained in the Comprehensive Plan booklet. Walt Markling emphasized that if the Planning Commission does not want the Thunderbird Mall, the Commission should come ba.ck ...tth an alternative plan for the developers if they desire to locate in the Monticello area. lLarry Flake agreed with Mr. 11arkling's statement and stated that the reasons for or against should be outlined in writing, with an alternative proposal. Mr. Flake proposed that a copy of the proposed Thunderbird Plans be made available for home use by Mr. Tooker and Mr. Meyer. A motion was made by Jim Maus, seconded by Fred Topel, for the Planning Commission to co~e back to ~he Council, within a reasonable period of time, with an answer in regard to development of the proposed Thunderbird Mall. Voting in favor: Maus, Mi1ler, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Absent: Schlief, Lungwi tz. Oo'Oosed: None. . , . . . e e Planning Commission meeting February 3, 1973 Page 2 A motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Larry Muehlbauer, to allow time for the plans to be reviewed by Mr. Tooker and for his report on this matter. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Absent: Lungwitz, Schleif. Opposed: None. A motion for a special meeting of the Planning Commission, with the time to be announced later, was made by Larry Muehlbauer, seconded by J. W. Miller. Voting in favor: Maus, Miner, Muehlbauer, Topel and Flake. Absent: Lungwitz, Schlief. Opoosed: None. X short discussion was centered on the issuance of building permits. Verbal anproval of Planning Commission and Villa~e Council members present that routine permits such as a house, house adrlition, etc. are to he approved by the Villa~e Thlilding Inspector if they meet specifications as outlined in the BuDding Code, Zoning Codp booklets, ann. Comprehensive Plan. A motion to ad.i0urn was made by .James Maus, seconden by Fred Topel. Carried all in favor. Meeting ad,journed at 11: 50 A. M. , ;'./ /1 / d/' Kevin La KLF/lsg '--..0 l;;:::,;.-:1 ,,'--J '~.,i L,_.. J~r1 /~/Ca-~_1Z/ France, Secretary