City Council Minutes 05-10-2000 Joint Board of ReviewMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW Wednesday, May 10, 2000 - 7 p.rn. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint 1 [erhst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce 1'hielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas opened the meeting and then turned it over to Greg Krarnber and Gerry Kritzeck from the Wright County Assessor's office. Greg Krarnber reviewed the assessment process for the year noting that during the period of 10/9$-10/99 there were 1 S6 sales with a median sale ratio of $9.1 °/,. The state requires that the sales ratio falls within 90% to lOS%. Mr. Krarnber noted tl~at the average increase for residential property was 7%~. A letter was submitted by the property owner ofLots 1-1 ~, Block 3, Macarlund Plaza regarding the $4,600 assessment on the garage units. 1"he assessor reviewed the property and recommended the assessed value be adjusted to $ 3,G00 per unit. BRIAN STl1MPF MOVI/U IZEUt1CE THE ASSF',SSIJ'U VALUATION FOR THE CARAGI t1NI"I'S FR(:)M $4,600/PER tTNIT TO $3,600/Pi~.R t1N1"1'. ROGER CARL,SON SECONDED TI-Ili MOTION. MOTION CARRIED LJNANIMOUSLY. A letter was submitted by the property owner for 1 SS-010-0.50101. The 12' x 69' parcel was assessed at $3,200. The assessor reviewed the property and recommended that the minimum value be placed on the parcel. BRi1CE THIELEN MOVED TO RI~,U~1CE THE ASSESSI;I) VALUATION FOR 1 SS-OlO-OSO101 AS RECOMMENDED BY 1'I-IE ASSESSOR. OLIN'[' I [EI~BST SECONDIU'1'HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIIU l.1NANIMOUSLY. Greg Krarnber indicated that the assessor's office this year had looked specifically at apartment buildings in an attempt to equali~c values throughout the County. A letter and survey had gone otrt to the apartment owners. A letter was received regarding the valuation on parcel 1SS-OS 3-001010 which questioned the increased in assessed valuation Isom $1,293,300 to $1,543,_500. 1~he assessor will be meeting with property owner on May 1 G, 2000 and will report back to the Council. }-Iowever, the letter was being read so that the requirements of the appeal process could he met. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO RECESS THE BOARD OF REVIEW UN"I'1L 6:45 P.M. ON • MAY, 22, 2000. CLIN'I' I-IERBST SECOND[D 'I'I-IE MOTION. M(TI'ION CARRII~:D i1NANIMOUSLY. Board of Review - S/10/00 1'he assessor indicated that a letter was also received regarding the assessed valuation for parcel 155- 010-050070. The assessed value for 2000 is $231,000 as compared to the assessed value of $220,800 in 1999 which was approximately a 5% increase. CLINT HERBST MOVED THAT THE ASSESSED VAL.LJA'I'!ON FOR PARCEL 155-010-0.50070 REMAIN AT $231,000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting recessed to be reconvened ai 6:45 p.m. o~~ May 22, 2000. Recording Secretary • 2