City Council Agenda Packet 03-26-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 26, 2007 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve minutes of March 12, 2007 Regular Council Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Parks Department. B. Consideration of approving monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. C. Consideration of approving an on-sale liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe and Catering Co. D. Consideration to approve a resolution reimbursing expenses from possible bond Proceeds for 2007 Core Street Project 2007-01C and Chelsea Road (Fallon Avenue to CSAH 18, Project No. 2006-31 C. E. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development approval for an inline retail center at Union Crossings. F. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development approval for a multi-tenant shopping center, final plat approval and conditional use permit approval for a drive through lane at Union Crossings. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. G. Consideration of resolution updating Municipal State Aid Street System for the City of Monticello for the CSAH 75 Turnback. H. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 1. Consideration of approving final payment to Wright County for City's share of CSAH 75 improvements under City Project No. 2000-16C. Agenda Monticello City Council March 26, 2007 Page 2 J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Continued Public Hearing on adoption of revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel Energy. 8. Consideration of calling for an open house for presenting and obtaining input on a draft ordinance requiring licensing of rental properties. 9. Consideration of action relating to development of fiber optic system. 10. Consideration of approving an interim amendment to Section 9-1 of the City Code regulating traffic, allowing the City to grant permission to the Chamber of Commerce to place a sign within the City property for a temporary period of time. II. Consideration of approving a request for an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 2-2(PJ) defining public signs and an amendment to Section 3-9 regulating signs to address off-site, quasi-public signs. 12. Consideration of setting a date and time for interviewing Paula Mastey as candidate for Finance Director. 13. Approve payment of bills for March. 14. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 3/12/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 12, 2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!:e of A1Ielrlance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 1A. Presentation of award received for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!:e Proiect. Bret Weiss from WSB and Associates made a presentation of awards the City and WSB and Associates had received for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project from the City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) and the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). A factor in the City receiving the award was the complexity of the project, the involvement of multiple agencies and the creative fmancing for funding the project. 2A. Approve minutes of February 26. 2007 Special Council Meetinl!: The special meeting was a workshop discussing the proposed rental ordinance. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 26, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of February 26. 2007 Rel!:Ular Council Meetinl!: Tom Perrault had a correction on Page 3 for item #5F noting the property should have been described as lying south of Chelsea Road not north of Chelsea Road. On Page 4 relating to the street reconstruction project and the proposed parking lot improvements for Hillcrest Park the correction was that the parking lot improvements should be funded from the park fund not the pathway fund. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 26, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH CORRECTIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl!: items to the al!:enda. Jeff O'Neill added scheduling of a meeting of the Personnel Committee to discuss the upcoming union negotiations. Clint Herbst added an update on the compost facility operation and an update on the second liquor store site. I Council Minutes: 3/12/07 4. Citizen comments. petitions, requests and concerns. D.l. Bakken from Elk River and Lori LeBrun came before the Council to explain their proposal for a community effort to build a house for Shreveport, Louisiana. Hope Filled Hands is a non-profit organization established to build housing for the hurricane victims in the south. It is proposed to build the frame here and ship it down south where it is assembled. They stated they were looking for moral support from the community as well as from the Council. SUSIE W01CHOUSKI MOVED THAT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY EFFORT TO BUILD A HOUSE FOR SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Consent Al!enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC and Fire Department. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of appointment to Police Commission. Recommendation: Appoint lim Roberts to fill the vacancy on the Police Commission. C. Consideration of adoption of resolution supporting legislation on change in tax rate for utilities. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution supporting HF liB/SF 724 relating to changing class rate on utility companies. D. Consideration of approving a one year contract extension with Carefree Lawn Service. Recommendation: Approve a one year extension of the contract with Carefree Lawn Service at the same rates as the existing contract. E. Consideration of amendments to River City Lanes development agreement. Recommendation: Accept amendments to the Land Exchange and Private Development Agreement between the City of Monticello and River City Lanes. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS #5A, #5B AND #5D. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. #5C Adopting a resolution in support ofHF 1113/SF 724 relating to the change in tax classification for utility companies: Wayne Mayer stated he would like a copy of this resolution sent to the City's representatives at the legislature, Senator Amy Koch and Representative Bruce Anderson. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF HF liB/SF 724 AS RELATED TO THE VALUATION OF THE MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING FACILITY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 #5E Consideration of amendments to the agreement between the City of Monticello and River City Lanes pertaining to the land exchange: Wayne Mayer pulled this item because of the extension of the lease for an additional three months. He also questioned if the lease extension is an avenue where the City could recoup some of the expense in the amount of $12,000 that the City incurred in the removal of hazardous material from the Monte Club site. Jeff O'Neill pointed out the current proposal is a phased plan while the original plan was not. The phasing language is not in the current agreement so there needs to be some further changes to the agreement to address that. Wayne Mayer asked if this item should be tabled until all the changes were made. Mark Parnell representing River City Lanes said they are requesting that the City look at this now because the closing company has requested certain information so that this project can proceed. River City Lanes would also like to get this updated so construction can commence. Mark Parnell indicated delaying action would put the April I, 2007 deadline out of reach. Legal counsel, Joel Jamnik stated the dates under Section 4.4 in the current agreement or in the revised agreement would allow the Council to table action on this matter. There is one more Council meeting before the April I st deadline. Mark Parnell expressed his concern that waiting until the March 26, 2007 meeting didn't give them much time to get everything accomplished before the April I st deadline. Joel Jamnik stated language would have to be drafted covering the phasing and the change in lease payment terms. Clint Herbst said the Council could approve the amendments with the contingency of adding language for phasing and change oflease payment terms. Jeff O'Neill indicated that the language was drafted but had not been incorporated into the agreement. Wayne Mayer again asked about the asbestos abatement cost and whether this was a chance for the City to recover some of the costs. The costs for abatement could be included in the three additional lease payments. Tom Perrault felt the City didn't have a valid claim for reimbursement but Brian Stumpffelt it was an issue that could be negotiated. Wayne Mayer asked how this issue could be addressed as part of this agreement. Susie Wojchouski had a concern about the banquet facility being put in at a later date without a specific date being given. Wayne Mayer agreed stating that the smaller footprint for the facility would mean less valuation and fewer taxes generated. Wayne Mayer asked if the abatement cost and setting a timetable for the phasing ofthe project could be incorporated into the agreement. Joel Jamnik suggested the Council specify what changes the Council wants to add. Brian Stumpf felt the City should try to recover 50% of asbestos abatement cost. Mark Parnell said the second phase of construction would be about 18 months off. Clint Herbst felt the City could go up to 24 months and suggested that time frame be included in the agreement. Jeff O'Neill stated there was a $50,000 penalty if not constructed as proposed. This amount could be drawn upon after 24 months. The revised completion date for improvements would be November 30, 2007. With the 24 month allowed for the phasing the final completion date would be November 30,2009. Wayne Mayer felt the issues of the asbestos abatement, lease payments and phasing should be ironed out more before a motion is made. Susie Wojchouski agreed with Tom Perrault that the reimbursement for the asbestos removal is something the City may just have to absorb. She felt the City should negotiate on what the City is getting back in the way of lease payments. There was no monetary amount listed in the lease. At the present time the lease payment amount is what it costs River City Lanes to run the facility but nothing in excess of that. If the amendment is approved it would 3 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 extend the lease 4-5 months beyond the original date. Clint Herbst suggested any lease payments received after September 30, 2007 could be earmarked for asbestos removal. There was discussion what the monthly lease payment should be. Under the current lease it is $50/month. Mark Parnell stated he was not aware of the asbestos problem but he didn't think there would be problem with River City Lanes contributing $6,000 for asbestos removal. It was recommended that the payment be $2,000/month and if the lease payment extends beyond 3 months, the $2,000 rate would continue. Mark Parnell suggested a $1,OOO/month. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH RIVER CITY LANES CONTINGENT UPON STAFF ADDING LANGUAGE TO THE DOCUMENT COVERING PHASING AND REPAYMENT OF ASBESTOS REMOVAL COST IN THE FORM OF LEASE PAYMENT OF $6,000 THROUGH THE END OF DECEMBER AND IF THE LEASE EXTENDS BEYOND THE DECEMBER DATE PAYMENTS WILL CONTINUE AT $1 ,OOO/MONTH. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE QUESTIONED THE RENTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT. 7. Public Hearinl!: on 2007 Street Reconstruction Proiect.. City Proiect No. 2007-01C: order proiect and authorize preparation of plans and specifications. Bret Weiss from WSB & Associates gave a presentation on the proposed project. He stated they had conducted a number of informational meetings with residents in the area. The street reconstruction project is part of a phased program that was started in 2004. The condition of the streets are rated annually. Area 3 was originally proposed to be a one year project but because it was an area without curb and gutter and therefore more expensive, this project area was extended over three years. The proposed project cost was $3,300,000 but with changes based on Council and resident input from previous meetings the price has been reduced to approximately $2,000,000. Bret Weiss reviewed the streets affected by the proposed project. All the streets in the project area would be reconstructed with the exception of Kenneth Lane which would receive a mill and overlay. Existing street widths in the area vary from 22'-24'. The proposed project would widen River Street to 30' while Hillcrest Road and Hilltop Drive would be widened to 26'. Other streets in the project area would remain at their current widths. Bret Weiss emphasized that they have tried to fit this project into the existing conditions. As part of this project parking would be restricted to one side of the street. Bret Weiss indicated that portions ofthe existing ditch system would remain in place but the ditches would be filled in where it was proposed to install sidewalk. A parking lot at Hillcrest Park was added to the project since people using Hillcrest Park are parking their vehicles along CSAH 75. The project allows for either a graveled or paved parking lot. The Parks Department has indicated they do not have funds budgeted for the parking lot improvement. There is some sewer repair work to be done along Craig Lane that would be included in this project. There was discussion of the alignment of River Street at CSAH 75. It was noted the area on River Street east of the curve would have curb and gutter and storm sewer. Sidewalk would extend on the south side of River Street to the park entrance. Bret Weiss explained in more 4 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 detail the work proposed to be done on each of the streets in the project area. He stated they tried to minimize the storm sewer to the intersections which help reduced the overall storm sewer costs. In addition they have tried to utilize the existing ditch system. Since there currently is no cul-de-sac at the end of Hilltop Drive it is proposed to construct a cul-de-sac smaller than the standard cul-de-sac. This would allow a turnaround for vehicles. Another issue for the Council to consider is the installation of services for a couple of properties that were large enough to be split and therefore would need additional services. Bret Weiss felt it would be better to install them now before the road is improved. He added that the property owners have not requested that additional services be provided. Tom Perrault questioned whether the power lines in the area would be the reason the property did not develop. One property owner had requested the City look at constructing concrete streets. Concrete streets would add about 25% to the construction cost but would last longer. Brett Weiss said if the City wanted to consider doing a test area of concrete street, it could be considered. There is a drainage problem on Craig Lane which is proposed to be corrected. The curb around the cul-de-sac would be removed and replaced with drainage then being directed to the new low point of the cul-de-sac. Bret Weiss also pointed out that as part ofthe project, there is a possibility that a gas line may have to be relocated. In the feasibility report WSB & Associates had looked at improving River Street from CSAH 75 to the ball fields. They are recommending delaying this portion of the project. The adjacent property owner did not want reconstruction of the street. He merely wanted additional maintenance. Bret Weiss stated the pathway in the area was built in 1997. In order to get funding, the City needs to get a pathway connection to the ball field. There are two street options; a rural design at an estimated total cost of$2,082,700 and an urban design at a cost of $2,098,300, which is approximately $16,000 more than the rural design. The portion of River Street from CSAH 75 to the ball fields which is proposed to be delayed had an estimated cost of$470,380. The assessment rate for residential properties is proposed to be $3,300/per unit or driveway. There are approximately five properties in the project area that have dual driveways. The mill and overlay for Kenneth Lane would be approximately $1,434 per unit based on 50% of the cost being assessed. Sidewalk is proposed at $246/unit with Hillcrest Circle not receiving a sidewalk assessment since they do not have access to the sidewalk. 25% of the total sidewalk cost is proposed to be assessed. Non-residential rate for reconstruction is $80/front foot. Of the total project cost of $2,098,300, $562,000 will come from the street fund; $372,000 in special assessments; $420,000 from state aid funds and $495,100 from trunk utility funds. There will be a shortfall of $249,200. Bret Weiss stated there may be excess state aid funds from future projects that could be used to reduce the shortfall. The projected time frame for the project is to have the Council approve the plans and specifications on April 23, 2007; open bids on May 21, 2007 with construction start in June and completion of the project in October. 5 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Lee and Carrie McDougal, 101 Hillcrest Circle, questioned why Kenneth Lane was being charged less. Brian Stumpf pointed out that Kenneth Lane was getting an overlay while the other streets were being reconstructed. Bret Weiss added that assessments for mill and overlay were done differently than street reconstruction but all reconstructions were assessed in the same manner. They also asked about repair of curb and gutter once it was installed and if there would be additional assessments for repair. Bret Weiss replied that repair of existing curb and gutter is a maintenance expense. They also had a question on the type of curb for River Street and Bret Weiss responded that it would be surmountable curb. Jeff Van Giese, President of the Monticello Rod and Gun Club didn't feel their property should be classified as commercial because they are a non-profit organization. He questioned if something less than the $80/front foot could be negotiated. He also had concerns about the intersection of River Street and CSAH 75 and what could be done there as it does impact their property. It was suggested that perhaps some kind of agreement could be worked out where they would receive a certain assessment amount now and if the property develops differently then additional assessments may kick in. This is something that will be looked at prior to the assessment hearing. Bret Weiss indicated he would like to meet with the Rod and Gun Club about the intersection and any possible easements that may be needed. Joel Splittstozer, 1413 Hilltop Drive brought up a drainage issue. A lot of water already runs through their yard and he is concerned about additional water coming through his lot. Bret Weiss stated this project would not increase the level of water any appreciable amount. He also has a double driveway and would receive two assessments. He questioned the rationale for assessing two units for property with a double driveway. He argued if the lot size and driveway width didn't impact the assessment why should the number of driveways affect it. Bret Weiss stated that according to City ordinance double driveways are not allowed. Clint Herbst noted that at one time this area was not in the City limits and was annexed in later so some of the dual driveways were pre-existing. Joel Splittstozer said technically his was not a double driveway but rather U-shaped. Bret Weiss said three of the properties affected have U-shaped driveways and the Council should make the determination ifU-shaped driveways would be handled differently than a double driveway. There was some discussion on the two driveways and whether they were for separate uses. Brian Sturnpffelt that ifthe lot was large enough to be split, he would like to see them assessed for any double driveway but if the lot could not be split and there weren't separate uses, then the Council should look at handling them differently. The Council will take the time between now and the assessment hearing to study this further. Joel Splittstozer also asked ifhe decided to get rid of one of the driveways is there some way that could be incorporate with the improvement project. Correy Peters, 124 Hillcrest Road asked Bret Weiss to define "creek" for him as he questioned the City wanting to dump more water into this site. He also asked about widening Hillcrest Road to 26' and the impact that would have as far as his front yard. Bret Weiss indicated that 26' is the minimum width for a street with curb and gutter. Correy Peters asked about the widening of River Street to 30' and the impact that would have on the three properties adjacent to the park. Bret Weiss responded that the City is staying in the right-of- way for Hillcrest and on River Street the road would be shifted a little to fit the sidewalk and curb and gutter. 6 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 Mark Olsen president of the Monticello Area Alano Society asked about the location of the overpass and Bret Weiss responded that would be on the NSP side of the site. Mark Olson also commented on the wisdom of putting in sidewalk if there was going to be an overpass located there. Clint Herbst indicated that in all probability the City would not be doing that portion of the project. Mark Olson also brought up a drainage concern with the washing out of the storm sewer ponding area at the Klucas/Timber Ridge development. Bret Weiss indicated they would check the situation out but added that there has been a problem getting vegetation established. Mark Olson stated that as a non-profit organization they could not afford the assessment. He commented on the need to look at the intersection of River Street and CSAH 75 and the need to remove vehicle parking on CSAH 75 at Hillcrest Park. Carrie McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Road, asked if the residents would be able to get into their driveway during street construction. Bret Weiss said the residents should be able to utilize their driveways. She also asked since they are not getting a whole new curb would they get a price reduction. The rates set for this project are uniform. All property benefiting from the street reconstruction would receive the same $3,300 rate. Daryl Tindle, 1710 West River Street commented on the "creek" stating it is becoming stagnant and felt additional run off would only make it worse. He stated Outlot A which he owns would not be able to be split because of the power lines. Mr. Tindle said the culvert is blocked which causes the creek behind his house to fill up. Joel Splittstozer also commented on the water flow in the area. Bret Weiss suggested a separate meeting to look at drainage issues and water flows. Daryl Tindle questioned why he is being assessed for the triangular piece that he owns. Bret Weiss clarified that there is only one assessment per driveway. Daryl Tindle responded that the second driveway is used infrequently. He said the map showed the driveway going into Outlot A which is not a buildable lot. Dan Kellas, 1803 West River Street has a U-shaped driveway which has been in existence for 35 years. He has a larger lot but the location of the house and garage make subdividing or adding land to the lot impossible. He stated the road is higher in elevation than the lots that abut the road. He realizes it is important to bring down the elevation of the road. He concluded by again stating his opposition to the assessment based on two driveways. Len Hellwig, 1813 West River Street questioned the need for sidewalk and storm sewer as he didn't feel storm sewer would help. Clint Herbst stated the $3,300 amount would be the assessment whether the City goes with a rural section without curb or an urban section with curb and gutter. The rate is set at $3,300 no matter what the City cuts out. Brian Stumpf added for clarification that the $3,300 was for the street reconstruction and did not include sidewalk which is a $246/unit. Tim Vary, 1805 West River Street asked about the ditches. If the street is widened will the slope of the ditches remain the same or will they be steeper. He also noted there are no culverts in the area. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. 7 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 The Council then addressed some specific issues relating to this project as follows: . Hillcrest Park parking lot: Brian Stumpf did not want to see a gravel parking lot but felt granite chips or something with dust control would be better. Clint Herbst felt the use of milling material would be appropriate. Bret Weiss stated they could put curb around the gravel area. The consensus of the Council was to use the milling material for the parking lot rather than paving it and to have some type of containment or delineation of the parking lot area. . River Street - Rural or urban design: Brian Stumpf felt the urban design made more sense. Clint Herbst asked if a rural design was used would they put concrete along the edge. Bret Weiss indicated that would be the case. Clint Herbst felt in that case the City might as well put in the curb. . River StreetlCSAH 75 intersection alignment: Bret Weiss suggested talking with the Rod and Gun Club regarding a possible easement and then bring the information back to the Council. . River Street from CSAH 75 to the ball fields: This portion of the project will be delayed. . Reconstruction assessment rate: The Council set $3,300/per driveway as the rate and noted there will be some additional study of those properties with U-shaped driveways. . Sidewalk assessment rate: The Council set the assessment rate at $246/per unit which is 25% ofthe cost. . Mill and overlay assessment rate: The Council set the rate at $1,434 per unit which is assessing 50% of the cost. . Pedestrian crossing at Prairie Road: Continue discussions with County for alternatives to an at -grade crossing. . Plastic pipe: This will be bid as an alternate. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED UNDER THE 2007 CORE STREET PROJECT TO ORDER THE PROJECT, AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS COVERING AREA 3, EXCLUDING WEST RIVER STREET FROM CSAH 75 TO THE BALL FIELDS INCLUDING DIRECTIONS AS PER THE DISCUSSION OF THE ABOVE BULLETED ITEMS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT RIVER STREET COULD REMAIN AT 28'. 8. Public hearinsz on adoption of amendments to the nuisancelbliszht ordinances and ordinance establishinsz administrative fee process. Previously the Council conducted a workshop on revisions to the existing nuisancelblight ordinances in order to streamline the process for abating nuisances. D.J. Hennessey reviewed the proposed amendments to the ordinance. He stated the current process is lengthy and the City's current ordinance doesn't carry a lot of clout. There are three actions the Council is asked take regarding the nuisancelblight ordinances which are: I) Adopt the ordinance amending sections ofthe current nuisancelblight ordinance; 2) Adopt a new ordinance dealing with establishing procedures for addressing offenses and violations; and 3) Adopt a resolution setting forth the penalties for violation of the ordinance. 8 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 Wayne Mayer asked legal counsel, Joel Jarnnik ifhe felt the ordinance was enforceable. Joel Jamnik responded that the ordinance was straight forward and easier than going through the court system. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Arnie Tessmer, 719 East River Street asked who they report violators to. D.J. Hennessey said they could use the on-line form on the City's web site or they could call the Building Department. Carrie McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Road asked about race cars. D.J. Hennessey reviewed the definition of junk vehicles noting that it did not include race cars. She also questioned the off-street parking. D.J. Hennessey stated it has to be 15' from the street surface on an improved surface or driveway and one additional space to the side of the driveway. Jeff O'Neill said parking in the back yard is in the zoning ordinance and the Planning Commission will be dealing with that at a future meeting. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. While the Council felt the ordinance amendments were a good step they did note that the zoning ordinance revision relating to parking in the rear yard needed to be completed as well. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 7, CHAPTER 1, PUBLIC NUISANCE AND TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TITLE 1, CHAPTER 7, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSES AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A SECHDULE OF OFFENSES AND VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES FOR CITY CODE VIOLATIONS WITH THE MOTION BASED ON THE FINDING THAT ADOPTION OF THE ALTERNATE ENFORCEMENT MEASURES WILL ASSIST STAFF IN ADMINISTERING THE CODE AND HELP RECOVER THE COST OF ENFORCEMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Continued Public Rearm!! Stabilization a!!reement with Xcel Ener2V Clint Herbst felt the City should tell Xcel Energy that until they clarify certain points in the agreement this item will be tabled. Since Xcel didn't want to clarify the terms, he didn't feel comfortable signing the agreement. Wayne Mayer asked if this was something that should be put in writing so could be forwarded to the City's representative and senator to them an understanding why the City is doing this. He felt it was in the City's best interest to put this in writing and get it into the hands of other cities because there was a confusion factor out there. Clint Herbst felt the City should send a letter to Xcel with a copy to Senator Amy Koch and Representative Bruce Anderson so they know the City is asking for clarification of terms used in the agreement. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REVENUE STABILIZATION AGREEMENT, TO SEND A LETTER ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION FROM XCEL ENERGY WITH A COPY GOING TO THE CITY'S STATE SENATOR AND STATE REPRESENTATIVE AND TO SEND A COPY TO THE 9 Council Minutes; 3/12/07 REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS FROM OTHER UTILITY CITIES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Review of proposed ordinances and consideration of approvinl! franchise ordinance and franchise fee ordinance with Xcel Enerl!V. Legal counsel, Joel Jamnik reviewed the two franchise related ordinances with the Council. The term of the franchise agreement is 20 years with the franchise fee being used for the betterment of street lighting facilities and is limited to that use. Xcel requires that the franchise renewal and the franchise fee agreement be separate ordinances that run concurrently. The expiration date ofthe franchise is 2027. Wayne Mayer asked why the term of the franchise agreement was 20 years instead of 10 years. Joel Jamnik indicated it would make for an excessive work load for Xcel staff if they were redoing franchise agreements every ten years. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE FRANCHISE AND FRANCHISE FEE ORDINANCE WITH XCEL ENERGY. Tom Perrault asked that the ordinances be adopted as separate motions. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI WITHDREW HER MOTION. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI THEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE FRANCHISE FEE AGREEMENT WITH XCEL ENERGY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT STREET LIGHTING SHOULD GO ON THE REGULAR TAXES. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE FRANCHISE ORDINANCE WITH XCEL ENERGY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. John Wertish from Xcel Energy thanked Joel Jamnik and John Simola for their work on coming up with the franchise ordinances and thanked the Council for adopting the same. 11. Consideration of needs studv for Public Works Department and authorization to request proposals. At a special meeting held prior to the regular Council meeting, the Council looked at and discussed the existing Public Works site and facility. Brian Stumpf said his understanding from their discussion at the special meeting was to approve the needs study with the study to focus on looking for another site that would meet the long term needs of the Public Works Department. Brian Stumpf added that there had been some discussion concerning the fire hall. Fire Chief Steve Joerg was present and indicated the willingness of the Fire Department to work with the City on a fire hall site. John Simola said the scope of the study would be the full relocation of Public Works to another site that had the potential for 40 years of growth. This will be a long term project. Susie Wojchouski asked ifthe RFP was going out to just one firm or to a number of firms. 10 CounciL Minutes: 3/12/07 John Simola stated they would modify the RFP for just the one option, relocation to a different site. He would then throw out the high and low estimates received from the seven firms that originally responded and send the revised RFP to the remaining five firms. Wayne Mayer asked why they didn't consider sending it to more firms. John Simola responded that initially they had looked for frrms that had experience in the design of public works facilities. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SEND AN AMENDED RFP TO THOSE ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS WHICH SHOWED INTEREST WHEN THE LAST RFP WAS SENT. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of c1osinl! MCC wheel park operations effective 2007: consideration of authorizinl! sale of wheel park equipment and authorization to develop alternate uses for the site. MCC Director, Kitty Baltos, discussed the closing of the wheel park with the Council noting that usage of the facility has been decreasing in spite of efforts to promote it. The MCC Advisory Board has discussed other possible uses for the site and will continue to do so including conducting public meetings to get input from the residents and facility users. Some possible uses discussed were sand volleyball or batting cages. Clint Herbst said like any business if something is not working you change it. Because this is a Tier II facility, the liability insurance is high. Kitty Baltos stated she had talked to Tru-Ride, the supplier of the City's equipment, to see if the existing equipment could be cut down to meet Tier I requirements. Tru-Ride stated it would not be possible. Wayne Mayer said he still sees a lot of skateboarders on the street and questioned why they weren't coming to the skate park. In talking with some of the users, their comments were they wanted the facility to be bigger, to be free and to have less rules and restrictions. Wayne Mayer said it was a shame that a $100,000 investment by the City was not being utilized. He asked what the equipment would sell for. Tru-Ride thought $10,000 would be the minimum the City would receive. The purchaser of the equipment would have to disassemble it and then reconstruct it. It was noted that there are Tier II parks in Buffalo and Maple Grove and a number of Tier I parks in nearby communities. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO CLOSE THE MCC WHEEL PARKS EFFECTIVE 2007 AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF EQUIPMENT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Union Negotiations: Members of the Personnel Committee will check their schedules and establish a date for a meeting to discuss the upcoming union negotiations. Compost Facility: John Simola reported that the changes they had made for the compost facility seemed to work fairly well. The compactor at Public Works was used often and the City hauled ten tons of compacted leaves and grass to the Wright County Compost facility at a cost of $75/load. The compactor was an older model and it is hoped that with the garbage contract being extended the contractor will bring in a newer model. John Simola noted that by restricting contractors from using the facility it greatly reduced the amount of material for compo sting. He will submit a full cost report 11 Council Minutes: 3/12/07 to the Council. Second Liquor Store Site: Jeff O'Neill updated the Council on the prices for various sites and reported that at the next meeting he will present a potential offer for the Hoglund site for Council consideration. Tom Perrault complimented the Public Works Department on the great job they did with snow removal after the last two snowstorms. 13. Adiourn. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:45 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 12 Council Agenda: 3/26/07 SA. Consideration of approvinl/: new hires and departures for MCC and Parks. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Parks. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Cindy Anderson Title Meeting Recorder Department MCC Hire Date Class 3/6/07 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Derek Farnick end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Summer Hertwig end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Randy McAlpine end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Ted McAlpine end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Greg Johnson end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Joe Brooks end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Mark Geyen end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Robert Haberman end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal Kate Hook end of season Parks 02/29/07 Seasonal employee councillist.xls: 3/22/2007 Council Agenda: 3/26/07 58. Consideration of approvinl!: monthlv renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In January the Council approved renewing the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop, 1219 State Highway 25 on a monthly basis which is in keeping with the recommendation of the Wright County Sheriff's Department. The intent was that a monthly renewal would allow the City to monitor more closely any non-compliance to the City's pawn shop ordinance. The Council is being asked at this time to approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for another month while City staff and legal counsel does further investigation on some probable violations of the pawn shop ordinance. The reason for the delay in getting additional information to the Council is that scheduling has not allowed staff and legal counsel to get together to provide a recommendation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop for another month. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving the renewal of the pawn shop license for another month. The renewal is in keeping with the recommendation of the Wright County Sheriff's Department. By formally renewing the license each month the City is officially indicating the license is not automatically being renewed on a monthly basis but is being considered formally by the Council each month. If at some point the Council should consider action to revoke or suspend the pawn shop license, the monthly renewal would demonstrate the Council's concerns about non-compliance of the ordinance and their efforts to address it. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 3/26/07 sc. Consideration of approval of on-sale liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe and Caterin\!o (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Cornerstone Cafe & Catering Company has submitted an application for an on-sale liquor license. The Council set the fee for the on-sale liquor license at $3,750 per year. Previously the City had approved an ordinance amendment that would allow liquor license to be issued to a restaurant with a seating capacity of 50. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the request for an on-sale liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe & Catering Company, 154 West Broadway contingent upon payment ofthe license fee covering the period of May 1,2007 through June 30, 2007. 2. Do not approve the liquor license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the license be granted to Cornerstone Cafe and Catering Co. for the period June I, 2007 through June 30, 2007 contingent upon payment of license fee. D. SUPPORTING DATA: License Application Certificate of Insurance ~)-lR!3Dl(f7 Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, SI. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale Liouor License. 3.2% Liouor license. or Sundav Liouor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor LicenseillontiCe./Iv) MN License Period From: 5!I!CJ"7 To: G/00/67 Circle One: ~ice~ License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (fonner licensee name) (Give dates) --_._---.~" License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating Sunday Liquor 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$37S1) - Sunday License fee: $ 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: C()rf)prSW\J.il Cok ~ (1.ter 1(\0\ ch. DOB - Social Security # - (corppration. partnership, LLC, or Indi~ G Business Trade Namt1\r[\P<'o{Mlf CJ~ ('M~~~ss ~ddresslf810Q&~ Pxcodway CityLnmJ i CC 110 Zip Code.m~ County~ Business Phone .' n _ Home Phone_ HomeAddressJl"q\O ~'1!JI{~N CityQ,C IQU.e I M.N.CfiJ)~ Licensee'sMNTaxID#_ _ -<l{l7-' (To Apply ,all 651.296-6181) Licensee's Federal Tax ID # ,." ~YY'r~" n....:n"Ju-"~.'fy33) If above named Iicense.e i~ a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/offic~ .} ,sW.cIv'1 ADY) (~I..Hf(lrh^t<.)SL) _ ~tKC>).fD A:Je i>$UJ.~1Itrl, P~ner/?ffi'lfName (~st Middle Last) . ) ~~me Ad<lreB' I L I Lfu.~ lID1lil (:j))lt'( iChDl0&L (}jmd.JD - I4ve R.B (Un~ (Partner/Officer rame (First Middle Last) . - cdtA !-Iome Ajdr:ss -f!\u f'i WI) 10\c..lt__ _ .___---.- .J 1:;S- Ii _ ~ ^W ~eo I 1Vl "I Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: I) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover comPle8el the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. '0. Circle One: (Yes 0) During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers CompensatIon Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following, --- , ~ Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name:J..DJ-p ~ f \ ~-+_J.lfHfOJ,(R..- Policy # _-'-__ I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit our website at www.dps.state.mn.us. (Form 9011-5/06) Council Agenda: 3/26/07 5D. Consideration of Resolution Declarinl! intent to Reimburse Proiect Costs throulili Bond Sale Proceeds. (JOO A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND IRS regulations now require that before a city can issue bonds to reimburse itself for expenses it has already paid through a bond sale, a resolution needs to be passed indicating which projects the city will likely sell bonds for in the future. This resolution is simply a technical requirement required by the bond counsel. The resolution being proposed covers various improvement projects that are currently underway or will be started in the near future. This resolution will allow the City to finance any of these improvements in the future by selling bonds. Adoption of the resolution is not authorizing a bond sale at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the various projects outlined. 2. Do not authorize the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted as proposed, thus enabling the City to sell bonds to finance the various improvement projects listed, if desired, in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of resolution RESOLUTION 2007-17 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE "CITY'') AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City reasonably intends to make expenditures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in the maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to designate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, and any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date and shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 and any successor law, regulation, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of March, 2007 Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Resolution No. 2007-16 Page 2 EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED MARCH 26, 2007 3/26/07 2007 Core Street Reconstruction Project $2,098,300 City Project No. 2007-01C 3/26/07 Chelsea Road Reconstruction from CSAH $3,334,150 18 to Fallon Avenue, Street, Utilities & Appurtenant Work, City Project No. 2006- 31C City Council Agenda - 03/26/07 5E. Consideration of a reauest for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stal!:e Planned Unit Development approval for an inline retail center at Union Crossinl!:s. Applicant: Rvan Companies US. Inc. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their March 6, 2007 meeting and recommended approval. Concerns were raised regarding the existing lighting adjacent to Highland Way. The applicant was present and clarified that the fixtures along the right-of-way have been turned over to the City. Concerns were also raised regarding the access drive entrance on the north side of the property, and the fact that it does not align with the existing access entrance on the north side of the Target site. Staff clarified that this was done intentionally, as both accesses are intended for service and delivery vehicles only. The Commission was supportive of the proposed elevations, which are similar in design to the proposed Retail A Building. The Commission clarified that five tenants are proposed for the site, two of which have been identified. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Ryan Companies is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for the construction of an inline retail center located at Lot 2 Block 2 of Union Crossings. The applicant is proposing 57,792 square feet of retail space between the Target and Home Depot properties. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located at the intersection of 7th Street East and Highland Way, between the Target and Home Depot properties. The site lies within the Union Crossings PUD. The parking lot and landscaping were installed during construction of the adjacent Home Depot property. The site relies on Planned Unit Development for shared parking, shared access. The proposed use includes five commercial tenants extending southeast from the Home Depot building. The westernmost tenant will be attached to the Home Depot building, with the other four other tenants extending east iuline. Two tenants have been identified for the retail space, including Office Max and Petsmart. Comprehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial use. Zoninf!: The subject site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUPIPUD. Setbacks. The site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. In this district, there are no minimum setback requirements. Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 Parking. The parking requirement for retail uses is one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. In determining the parking requirement, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other facilities. As such, the parking requirement is as follows: (57,792 x .9)/200 = 261 parking stalls. The site contains 309 existing parking stalls for the proposed use. The number of parking stalls provided greatly exceeds the minimum requirement for the site. As stated above, the site relies on Planned Unit Development for a shared parking arrangement between tenants. Due to its proximity to the Home Depot site, it is expected that overflow parking from this use will rely on the excess parking stalls of the inline site to accommodate parking needs during peak periods. As such, the proposed parking is appropriate for the site. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 2,220 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 45 overstory trees. However, with 57,792 square feet of gross floor area, the minimum requirement is greater, at 58 trees. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan, including three Autumn Blaze Maple trees, three Prariefire Crabapple ornamental trees, Gold Flame Spirea and Anthony Waterer Spirea shrubs, Sea Green Juniper coniferous shrubs, and a variety of perennials. The existing parking lot islands were landscaped upon installation, and the northeastern perimeter of the site has also been planted. All unpaved portions of the remainder of the site will contain sod. The existing landscaping consists of 35 deciduous overstory trees, 20 evergreen trees, and a variety of shrubs and perennials. When the existing landscaping is taken into account, as well as the three overstory trees proposed, the site would contain a total of 58 overstory trees. Thus, the minimum requirement is satisfied. Lighting. A lighting plan has been submitted for the site, indicating full cutofflighting throughout the parking lot. No information has been provided as to the style of fixtures, as they have already been installed as part of the parking lot construction. The parking lot lighting consists of shoebox style fixtures on 38 foot steel poles, consistent with the rest of the PUD. Wall pack lighting is proposed on the back side of the building. No information has been provided as to the style of these wall packs. However, staff recommends that the applicant use full cutofflighting in this location to reduce glare. Footcandle readings around the perimeter of the site are relatively high, with several readings over one footcandle on the Highland Way right-of-way. However, this may also be attributed to light spilling over from the adjacent Target parking lot. A number of trees are planted adjacent to the right-of-way to assist in reducing glare and screening headlights. As such, the proposed lighting may be appropriate. Signage. In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. A maximum of 5% of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. For purposes 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 of determining the gross area of the silhouette ofthe principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street( s). The total fa9ade, including the front of the building and the portion visible from Highland Way, has a silhouette area of approximately 11,740 square feet. Therefore, the total allowable area for wall signage is 587 square feet. The building elevations show the approximate sign area for each tenant. The applicant is proposing a maximum of 505 square feet of signage on the front fa9ade, divided up amongst five tenants. The elevations also show an 82 square foot sign on the east elevation, facing Highland Way. As proposed, the total signage for the site is 587 square feet, within the parameters of the ordinance. Access and Circulation. The primary access to the site extends west from Highland way, just south ofthe retail center. This driveway is proposed to be 30 feet in width. The access lines up with the access to the Target property on the east side of Highland Way. The site may also be accessed from the south, via a driveway into the Home Depot site off 7th Street. Cross access to the Home Depot site will be accommodated by existing drive aisles, connecting the parking lots. All internal drive lanes are proposed at a minimum width of 24 feet, wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the front of the building, and extending west to the Home Depot site. The proposed sidewalk will connect to the existing sidewalk on the Home Depot property. The width of the sidewalk in front of the building is proposed at a minimum of20 feet, and up to 75 feet on the southeast end. The pavement on the southeast end will be broken up by two landscaped islands. Building Design. The applicant has submitted color elevations for all three sides of the building. The building is proposed to consist of synthetic stucco with rockface masonry accents in varying earth tone shades. The front and east elevations will broken up with dark fabric awnings, gray tinted glass, and anodized metal cornices above each doorway. The rear elevation is of a similar design, with fewer aesthetic details. The back side of the building will be broken up by stepping forward portions ofthe fa9ade and using multiple earth tone shades. Service access for the building will be located on the back side. Grading and Drainage. Regarding grading and drainage for the site, the City Engineer has provided the following comments: 1. The applicant shall be required to show all drainage and utility easements. Additional comments from the City Engineer may be presented at the Planning Commission meeting. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted, the City Engineer has provided the following comments: I. The applicant shall be required to show all drainage and utility easements. Additional comments from the City Engineer and Public Works Superintendent may be presented at the Planning Commission meeting. 3 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 The City Engineer has also provided the following comments: Site Plan: 1. The pavement removal limits should be clearly defined on the plans. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and Final Plat approval for a strip center with retail and commercial uses, the City has the following options: I. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Final Plat approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent ofthe existing PUD and the B-4 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and the Final Plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-4 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Ryan Companies is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development to allow for commercial strip center containing a variety of retail uses, connected to the Home Depot building. The site is part of the existing Union Crossings Planned Unit Development, which contains a mix of retail uses. The request is generally consistent with the recommendations made by staff during Concept Stage Review. The proposed use appears to be consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the existing PUD. Staff recommends approval of the CUP for Planned Unit Development and the Final Plat, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit Z: Site Plan Grading/Erosion Control Plan SWPP Plan Utility Plan Civil Details Landscape Plan Landscape Details Photometric Plan Building Elevations Conditions of Approval 4 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval I. All wall pack lighting shall be full cutoff lighting to reduce glare. 2. The applicant shall revise the plans to comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in this report and detailed in the memo from WSB dated 2/27/07 and any additional recommendations from the City Engineer regarding grading, drainage, and utilities. 5 d lillllU ; lIllil! \""1'" 0 " 0 ~ 2& rH ~ t:5 l ~i~ ~~ <:J t;1 ~ ~ g lil~ (") I im~ ~ i~~ ~ e-j ~ . (") ~ . ~.- ~ Q ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ;;t ~ g ~ Q r r ~ ~ ~ 0 r I '" P 1"111' "ilr" 11111liillll "'d I II!!. II! 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Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stal!:e Planned Unit Development approval for a multi-tenant shoppinl!: center. Final Plat approval and Conditional Use Permit approval for a drive throul!:h lane at Union Crossinl!:s. Applicant: Rvan Comoanies US. Inc. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their February 6, 2007 meeting and recommended tabling the item. The item was tabled to allow the applicant to submit an alternate drive through design, revised building elevations, and a revised lighting plan. Specifically, the Commission was concerned that proposed drive though design may create traffic congestion and circulation problems. The Commission was also concerned with the proposed elevations, specifically the monotony of the rear fa~ade facing Target. Revised plans were submitted. addressing these issues, as well as conditions required by the City Engineer. The Planning Commission then heard this item at their March 6, 2007 meeting and recommended approval. The Commission was supportive of the revised elevations and revised drive through design. The Commission also approved of the revised lighting plan, which reduced the footcandle readings on the adjacent right-of-way. The City received a letter from Wright County regarding the access into the site off County Road 18. Said letter is attached for review. In reviewing the preliminary plat for access and right-of-way issues, the County recommended that the "right-in" access off East 7th Street, 160 feet from County Road 18, not be allowed. The County cited traffic safety as the primary concern. City staff has prepared a memo in response to this recommendation. This memo has been attached for review. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Ryan Companies is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for the construction of a shopping center, Final Plat approval and a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through lane, located at Lot I Block I of Union Crossings Second Addition. The applicant is proposing a 15,600 square foot commercial shopping center with multiple tenants to be located in the northeast portion of the site. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located at the intersection of CSAH 18 and East 7th Street. The existing Planned Unit Development contains Home Depot and Target, with two additional pad sites in the southwest comer. The subject site is located southeast of the Target building. A concept review was performed for the site in 2004. The site relied on PUD for shared parking, shared access, and setback flexibility. Comprehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial use. Zoninf!: The subject site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The purpose ofthe B-4 regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. cuP/pun: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. Parking. The proposed building is 15,600 square feet in area. The proposed uses for the structure have not been provided. A drive through window is proposed for the south unit ofthe building. The drive through indicates that this unit will be reserved for a restaurant or coffee shop use. This unit is shown at 1,800 square feet. The total kitchen and dining areas for this tenant have not been provided. Staff has therefore estimated the area of the kitchen at 1/3 of the unit, or 600 square feet. Tenants for the remainder of the site are assumed to be various retail services. In determining the parking requirement, 10% of the building is presumed to be reserved for utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other facilities. As such, the estimated parking requirement is as follows: Tenant Restaurant/Coffee Shop Retail Total Required Area 1,200 sf 600 sf 13,800 sf (900/.;) 1,080 sf 540 sf 12,420 sf Reauirement I space/40 sf of dining area 1 snace/80 sf of kitchen area 1 snacel200 sf of floor area S taUs 27 7 62 96 The site plan illustrates 83 parking stalls, including four handicapped stalls. The number provided is13 stalls short of the minimum requirement. Per the City Engineer's recommendation, the applicant has removed two parking stalls that were located within the drainage and utility easement. The entire Planned Unit Development contains over 2,100 parking stalls, 300 of which are located near the retail site and the two future building pads to the south. Any overflow parking from the retail site may be accommodated by the parking provided by surrounding uses. As such, the proposed parking arrangement is sufficient. However, it should be noted that any additional restaurant uses within the retail center would require further evaluation ofthe parking situation, as the parking requirement for restaurant uses is much higher than that for retail uses. Drive Through. The applicant is proposing a "low-volume" drive through circulating around the site. The order board is located in the northwest comer of the building. Traffic will then circulate around to the west side of the building and head south. The pick-up window is located on the opposite end of the building, in the southwest comer. Drive through establishments are allowed in the 8-4 District by Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance contains the following provisions for such uses: . The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance oflot. . At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. . Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. . Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 . Parking areas and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than six 6 inches high above the parking lot or driveway grade. . Vehicular access points shall be limited shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 5 of this ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance. . The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . The entire area other than that occupied by buildings or structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. The drive through has been redesigned to remove the pass through lane, as requested by the Planning Commission. As proposed, the design provides a 12 foot wide drive lane with approximately 160 feet of stacking space behind the window. With the driveway length provided, the drive through would provide stacking space for at least eight vehicles behind the order board. The drive through contains an adjacent passing lane approximately I 5 feet in width. The width of the drive lane extends to 20.25 feet on the west side of the building as traffic circulates around to the pick-up window. A low volume drive through would typically accommodate a business such as a coffee shop. The existing Caribou Coffee drive through has an average of five to six cars in the drive lane at one time, with more during peak periods. Therefore, the proposed stacking space is appropriate. The City Engineer has noted that the curbing on the west side of the one-way drive through lane appears to be located within the 6-foot drainage and utility easement. The applicant has verified that this back of the curb does encroach approximately eight inches into the easement. Upon review, the City Engineer has noted that the proposed curb location may be allowed. However, any disruption of private structures due to work within the drainage and utility easement would be at the expense ofthe property owner. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 1,234 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 25 overstory trees, as opposed to the 17 that would be required under the floor area calculation. The landscape plan exceeds the minimum requirement for the site, providing 36 overstory trees to be planted, including nine Patmore Ash, seven Autumn Blaze Maple, eleven Black Hills Spruce, and nine Austrian Pine. An additional 12 Prairiefire Crabapple ornamental trees and a variety of shrubs and perennials are also proposed for the site. The majority of the plantings are around the perimeter of the site to screen from CSAH 18 and the railroad. Sod is proposed on the south side of the building with a variety of perennials proposed near the foundation. All parking lot islands will also be landscaped. 3 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 Lighting. A lighting plan has been submitted for the site, indicating full cutoff lighting throughout the parking lot with shoebox style fixtures on 38 foot steel poles. Readings around the perimeter of the site are all under 1 footcandle, with no light spilling over onto adjacent rights-of-way. Signage. A 400 square foot pylon sign for the entire Union Crossings development is currently located on Outlot D. The City's sign ordinance permits the large pylon sign, with the requirement that other signs in the project are limited to wall or monument signs. Three monument signs were also approved during the first stage of developments. Tenants of these signs have yet to be determined. As such, only wall signage has been proposed for the site. In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. A maximum of 5% of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. For purposes of determining the gross area ofthe silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). The front fa9ade is approximately 5,200 square feet in area. The building will also be visible from 7th Street, with a silhouette area of 1,220 square feet. The total silhouette area for the site is 6,420 square feet. Therefore, the total allowable area for wall signage is 321 feet. Under the provisions of the Ordinance, the site would also be allowed a monument sign up to 100 square feet. However, no such sign is proposed. Each unit contains a wall sign 39 feet in area on the front fa9ade, for a total of 390 square feet of signage. The total area of proposed signage exceeds that maximum allowed by ordinance. However, another 100 square feet of sign age would be allowed on a monument sign. The 71 square feet of excess signage may therefore be accommodated by the PUD. All plans have also been reviewed regarding directional signage. Staff is concerned with directional signage for the drive through entrance. As presented, vehicles may enter the drive through lane from the center pass-through. Additional directional signage may be necessary to direct patrons to the appropriate drive through entrance in the northeast corner of the site. One such sign is located on the east side of the site, just north of the row of parking stalls and one on the south edge of the site. Staff recommends an additional directional sign on the east side of the island in the northeast corner of the site. The City Engineer has also reviewed the plans and made the following recommendations: 1. Add "Do Not Enter" sign (#5) at north end of driveway between lots 2 and 3. 2. Add "Stop" sign (#1) at south end of double-row of parking stalls east of building. 3. Add two "One Way" pavement markings with arrows adjacent to drive-thru bypass lane. Place one in northeast comer where one-way begins and other next to "drive-thru" marking on north side of lot I. Access and Circulation. Access to the site is provided at two points. One point includes the construction of an access road from 7th Street. This road will pass through the two future 4 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 development sites to the south, and end at the retail center site. This road is proposed to be 20 feet in width and will be a one-way, with all traffic circulating from south to north. A second access point is proposed off the existing driveway between the retail center site and the Target and Home Depot properties. The access extends to the east from this driveway and is proposed to be 30 feet wide, wide enough for two-way traffic and an additional turn lane at the intersection. All internal drive lanes are proposed at 27 feet in width, wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. A one-way passing lane is located on the north side of the drive through stacking lane. This lane is 12 feet wide in the narrowest location. The drive through line is properly striped to delineate a passing lane, and directional signage has been provided, indicating that both lanes are intended for one-way traffic. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the front ofthe building, and extending north to the Target site. The width of the sidewalk in front of the building is proposed at 11 feet. The applicant has provided a crosswalk at the sidewalk separation extending west to the Target site. A second crosswalk is shown, connecting the sidewalk to the future development pads to the south. The width of the sidewalk on the south side of the site is proposed at five feet. An existing City pathway also runs along the east edge of the property, adjacent to CSAH 18. A trail easement 21 feet in width has been provided in this location, in accordance with the development agreement dated July 5, 2005. Building Design. The applicant has submitted revised color elevations for all four sides of the building at the direction ofthe Planning Commission. The building is proposed to be constructed mainly of rockface masonry with stucco accents and a significant amount of glass coverage on the front elevation. The front of each unit will primarily consist of gray tinted glass. Some units will also contain a black fabric awning over the front entrance. Vertical striping within synthetic stucco pillars adds additional visual interest to the fayade. The right and left side elevations are similar to the front, including black awnings and glass coverage. The back side of the building, facing Target, will primarily consist of rockface masonry. The long fayade will be broken up by adding vertical details in lighter tones and installing black fabric awnings in the center ofthe building, as well as on each end unit. Service access will be on the back side of the building. All service doors are colored to coordinate with the remainder of the building. The color elevations provided illustrate warm earth tones with gray tinted glass and black awnings throughout the entire building. White striping will be utilized to accent the earth tones. The proposed colors appear to blend well with the existing buildings on the Union Crossings site. Fire Protection. The Fire Chief has reviewed the site plan regarding fire hydrant requirements. Three hydrants are required for the site, in addition to the existing hydrant in the southeast comer. Two hydrants are required on the west side of the drive through lane, and one is required in the northeast comer of the site, near the drive through entrance. Grading and Drainage. Regarding grading and drainage for the site, the City Engineer has provided the following comments: 1. Show all existing private and public utilities 5 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 2. The City prefers 2% slopes for cross drainage in the parking areas. 3. Show the existing topography on the north part of the site up through the railroad tracks. 4. Show drainage and utility easements. 5. A SWPPP should be provided with the final construction submittal. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted, the City Engineer has provided the following comments: 1. The existing watermain stub is an 8-inch, not 6-inch as noted. 2. Hydrants will need to be adjusted per City detail plate # 2001. 3. The 6-inch sanitary sewer service should have a minimum 1% slope. 4. Sanitary sewer sampling manholes are required for each building therefore add,another MH downstream of sanitary MH-2 within the easement or move sanitary MH-2 into the easement. 5. Revise the note where connecting to the existing sanitary sewer to use the existing slope to the next manhole instead of adjusting the slope in the field. Minimal deflection is allowed in the pipe. 6. It may be beneficial to align the storm sewer to the south within the driveway to avoid conflicts with a future building location. 7. Show drainage and utility easements. 8. All catch basins should have a minimum 4' build to prevent invert freezing/blockage. 9. Construct outside drops with sanitary MH-1. 10. Additional hydrant(s) may be required. City Fire Chief to review. Additional engineering comments include the following: Civil Details: 1. Include City detail plate #3002 for the outside drop. Plat: 2. The final plat should be revised (see attached easement sketch) to include an additional I 0 foot drainage and utility easement along the sanitary sewer mainline. 3. Drainage and Utility Easement is missing between lots 2 and 3. Site Plan: 4. Replace the note for existing sidewalk to state "pathway". 5. The mapping in the location map needs updating. 6. Callout the offset for the curb within the drive-thru bypass lane on the west side oflot 1. 7. Update City Standard Plates. 8. Add City Standard Plate No. 2001, Typical Hydrant Installation. 9. Add City Standard Plate No. SOlS, Gravel Construction Entrance. 10. Revise "?" to degree symbol in 45? in "ADA Parking Stall Layout". II. Handicap parking signs must be mounted at a lower height to be compliant with ADA rules. Revise both sign details accordingly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and Final Plat approval for a strip center with retail and commercial, and restaurant uses, the City has the following options: 6 Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Final Plat approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent ofthe existing PUD and the B-4 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval and the Final Plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-4 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. Decision 2. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PUD and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. C. RECOMMENDATION Ryan Companies is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development to allow for commercial strip center containing a variety of retail and commercial uses, as well as a restaurant use with a drive through. The site is part ofthe existing Union Crossings Planned Unit Development, which contains a mix of retail uses. The request is generally consistent with the recommendations made by staff during Concept Stage Review. The proposed use appears to be consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the existing PUD. The engineer has highlighted some concerns relating to grading and utilities, as well as the Final Plat. Regarding Decision 1, staff recommends approval of the CUP for Planned Unit Development and the Final Plat, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Regarding Decision 2, staff recommends approval of the CUP for a drive through facility. The site has adequate room for stacking space, a wide drive aisle and passing lane, and meets all conditions for approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Site Plan Grading/Erosion Control Plan SWPP Plan Utility Plan Civil Details Landscape Plan Landscape Details Photometric Plan Final Plat Architectural Details 7 Exhibit K: Exhibit L: Exhibit M: Exhibit N: Exhibit 0: Exhibit z: Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 Easement Sketch, Outlot B, Union Crossings Plan Review Comments from WSB, dated 1/23/07 Plan Review Comments from Bruce Westby, dated 1/24/07 Letter from Wright County, dated 3/16/07 Response Letter from Bruce Westby, dates 3/22/07 Conditions of Approval 8 A WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure. Engineering. Planning. Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763541-4800 Fax: 763541-1700 March 22, 2007 Mr. Bruce Westby, PE City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Response Letter - Wright County Union Crossings 2nd Addition Plat Union Crossing Retail A Building Plan Review Comments WSB Project No. 1627-66 Dear Mr. Westby: This letter is in response to the attached letter from Wright County, dated March 16, 2007 in reference to the access along 7th Street for the Union Crossings 2nd Addition Plat. The County recommends the current ''right-in''only access from 7th Street not be allowed due to traffic safety concerns on 7th Street and CSAH 18. This access location had been presented several times previously to the City and County with the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project, the 7th Street construction plans as well as the original Union Crossings plat. These concerns had not been raised by the County during review or discussions of these projects. It is our determination that there will not be a traffic safety issue on 7th Street or CSAH 18 with the current location of the access. It is not anticipated that traffic will back up onto either roadway based on the distance of the access from CSAH 18 and given the lane configurations on 7th Street and CSAH 18 as well as the proposed uses within the Union Crossings plat. Traffic is anticipated to be free flowing into the site, only slowing down to make the right turn at the access point. It will not be a stopped condition, therefore would not cause vehicles to back up on 7th Street or CSAH 18. Currently there are two westbound thru lanes on 7th Street from CSAH 18, with the north lane acting as a right turn lane to the access points to the Union Crossings site. There is also a dedicated right turn lane from southbound CSAH 18 entering 7th Street that allows for adequate access to the site. In addition, the building and parking lot layouts for the sites within the Union Crossings 2nd Addition plat, do not pose a condition where vehicles would need to stop as they enter the access. The location of the "right-in" access is common to many similar types of sites. It is our recommendation that the access remain in place and that the Union Crossings 2nd Addition plat be approved. We will also contact the County to discuss this issue. All other recommendations in the letter from the County are acceptable. C:iDo<umeMMand Seltitlp~gro$.S/Jwr'J.m:a1 Selli11g~I,Te1fl{lOJ'fUY lrtlemel FilesIOLKB3IJ.TR-b IWJtby-0322()7 (3).doc Mr. Bruce Westby, PE March 22, 2007 Page 2 Please contact me at 763-287-7162 if you have any questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~'p ks-v Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosure skb C:1Docume1l1S and IJetling.'d(/W/f.fVI)SSinger'J.ot:iJ( !iellillgs'Tef1l/'OlWJllntemel FI!es'.oLKB3'LTR-b wesrby-032207 m_lil)< Planning Commission Agenda - 03/06/07 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall revise the plans to comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in this report and detailed in the memo from WSB dated 1/23/07 and the memo from Bruce Westby, dated 1/24/07. 9 V~TY Ok <P ..&.-\ f~~ '\_ t! ~ <,Y 7656 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Honorable City Council Members and Planning Commission Members City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite # I Monticello, MN 55362 Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682.7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 March 16, 2007 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer (7631682.7388 VIRGIL G. HAWIONS, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 682-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUETTE Right of Way Agent (763) 682-7386 'te: Preliminary Plat Review - Union Crossings 2nd Addition, CSAH 18 Honorable Mayor, City Council Members, & Planning Commission Members: We have received the preliminary plat for the above-mentioned development located in the NW quadrant of CSAH 18 and East 7'h Street. We have reviewed the preliminary plat with regard to access and right- of-way issues only. Aspects of storm drainage, street improvements, and grading internal to the plat must be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance to city standards. We offer the following comments: I. No direct access to CSAH 18 from the site will be allowed. The "right-in" only movement shown on 'East 7'h Street is only spaced about 160 feet from CSAH 18 and may become problematic to traffic on CSAH 18. It is recommended, for traffic safety on East 7'h Street and CSAH 18, that this access not be allowed by the City. 2. The right of way shown on the plat is adequate_ 3. A right-of-way permit will be required if there will be any excavation work within the CSAH 18 right-of-way. No signage from the development will be allowed to placed in the CSAH 18 right-of-way or sight corner with East 1h Street. We trust that this information is helpful to you and if you have any questions or concerns regarding the above comments please call me at 763-682-7387. ~i~cere~ . J /J /~~~ Virgil G. Hawkins, P.E. Assistant County Engineer cc: Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer Steve Jobe, County Surveyor Bruce Leinonen, Permit Technician Bruce Westby, City Engineer Steve Brayer, Ryan Companies, Inc. Plat Review File No. 07-02 C:\Documents and Settings\\'gh73&7\My Documents\WPWIN\PLAT\ACCESS\200TIMonticello unic" crossings 2nd csah ULdoc Equal Opportunity .I Affirmative Action Employer ~g:~~~~~~ ~. .~ -0 . <~o a><-l"'<-;:::g::n ~ r ~g: " ~ ~~~~g:~ 0 ;JJ t::l ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 'ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T'ii~~g '" .. <. m !~t~~~~ ~ t;J~.....~zx'" :tf;; . 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Consideration of Resolution Updatine: Municipal State Aid Street System for the City of Monticello for the CSAH 75 Tumback (from CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) system allows cities with a population over 5,000 to be eligible to receive additional funding for road improvements and maintenance from the State Highway Users Fund. To receive funding, the City can designate up to 20% of its local streets to receive MSAS funding. With the continuing residential and commercial growth within the City, our system has mileage available for designation. At the end of 2006, 1.26 miles were available for designation. The City Council previously approved designating Meadow Oak Avenue from CSAH 18 to CSAH 75 as a MSAS addition in October 2006. If approved by the State, this would reduce the total available miles for MSAS designation to 0.73 miles. With the construction of the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange, CSAH 75, from CSAH 18/39 to the freeway, was turned back to the City and is no longer on the County State Aid system. It is now proposed to designate CSAH 75 from the intersection of CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak A venue on the City State Aid system. In order to keep this segment of CSAH 75 on the State Aid system, which would constitute excess MSAS mileage above the 20%, CSAH 75 is required to connect to other MSAS system streets, or streets of a higher designation such as county roads or state highways. Since CSAH 75 connects to Meadow Oak Avenue, which is to be designated on the State Aid system, there is an opportunity to designate CSAH 75 on the State Aid system to get the most funding for the system. It is proposed to designate an additional 0.50 miles for the turned back segment of CSAH 75 from the intersection of CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the proposed resolution to designate CSAH 75 from the intersection of CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue as a MSAS addition for the year 2006. 2. Do not approve the proposed resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and City Engineer recommend that the City Council approve the resolution as outlined in Alternative No.1. Upon approval, the City Administrator/Clerk shall provide a certified copy of this resolution for transmittal to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Resolution 2006 Proposed MSAS Designation Drawing C:\llo(.'......~1$ aNi SeI1i"K'IdIl'Mf.grossinger',Local Settingl',Te11lp01U'Y [memel FiluLOum:!'iAGN ITM-CSAHYj MSAS Upda/e Ru-0326(J7.dac RESOLUTION 2007-17 A RESOLUTION UPDATING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, as a requisite to qualify for state aid, it is necessary that the City Council designate certain streets within the City of Monticello to comprise a Municipal State Aid Street system; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the recommendations of the City Engineer and has approved certain streets within the City to be removed or to become a part of said system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. That CSAH 75 (turn back) from CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue shall be included as part of the City of Monticello MSAS system. 2. That the City Administrator/Clerk provide a certified copy of this resolution for transmittal to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 26th day of March, 2007. Mayor City Administrator C:ID<>CUII'I<!/lrs ~nd Setting.r',d<l_grossinp,1Loca1 Sm/MgslTempcnllY murnel Flks'.OLKB3IAGNnMA17,tCH-MSAS Upd4'" Ru }(JQ7-032(j07.do~ 18. GOLDE"'" EAGLE CT. 19. TALON CT. 20. EAGLE EYE CT. 21. LEAF CIR. 22. GOlDENROD LA. \ esA'''' '::f '5 -tw{t\~"- (ll ,c;,O W'\\lS) w@ -i. W > R. .. W > Q .. OJ ... N-E:. u Ei ~ ~..; ST. N.E. 0", ~ ~ w l~ > .. Q ~ .; 105 ~ ~ ST. N.W. fl't>o: r'WIrt76W /)A'" IfVE lo.S.3 ~;lIS) Council Agenda: 3/26/07 51. Consideration of approval offmal pavment to Wri2ht County for City Proiect No. 2000-16C. CSAH 75 Improvement Washinl!ton Street to Otter Creek Road. (JS, BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Project No. 2000-16C was a cooperative improvement project between the City and Wright County. Cooperative Agreement No. 02-01 defined cost participation percentages that the City and the County were to use to pay for the various improvements. On December 20, 2005 the Wright County Board of Commissioners authorized final payment to Buffalo Bituminous, the prime contractor on the project. On June 13,2006, the Wright County Department of Highways issued a letter requesting the City to forward to the County the final balance due for the City's share ofthe improvements. According to the County the final balance due amounted to $153,484.57 since the City's total share of the project costs amounted to $1,302, 987.93, of which $1,149,503.36 had been paid to date. Enclosed with the letter were copies of the Final Payment Voucher, Certificate of Performance, County Resolution of Final Acceptance, and a summary of the City's cost share for the project. Upon receiving the letter the City attempted to verify the County's final quantity calculations but noted several items that required further documentation. The City therefore contacted the County to request additional information, after which a series of communications by various means occurred between the City and the County over the ensuing months. Only recently was City staff able to detennine that the final quantities provided by the County were acceptable for final payment. On March 14, 2007 the Wright County Department of Highways sent another letter to the City requesting final payment for this project in the amount of $159,150.88, which includes an interest payment in the amount of $5,666.31 for the period of time that had lapsed since their first request for payment was sent to the City. However, since the City required further documentation from the County to verify their final quantities staff feels the payment of interest is not justified in this instance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve final payment to Wright County in the amount of$153,484.57 for City Project No. 2000-16C. 2. Motion to deny final payment to Wright County for City Project No. 2000-16C. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that fmal payment to Wright County be made in the amount of $153,484.57. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Wright County Department of Highways letter dated June 13, 2006 wi enclosures Wright County Department of Highways letter dated March 14, 2007, wi enclosures Cooperative Agreement No. 02-01 - ~~TV Ok (p~\ ,.. z rWm \A fJJ ~"2. 0 -, ",')I WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 18156 Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo. Minnesota 65313 Jet T.R. 25 and C.B. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682.7313 June 13, 2006 WAYNE A. FlNGAL'lON, P.E. Highway Engineer (763) 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS. P.E. Assistant Hipway Engineer (763) 682-1381 RlCHARD E. MARQUETTE Right of Way Agent (763) 682-1386 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite No.1 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: CSAH 75 Improvements, SAP 86-675-14 City of Monticello Deal' Rick: Enclosed please find the following information for the above-mentioned project: I. Final Payment V Gucher 2. Certificate of PerformanCe 3. County Resolution of Final Acceptance (#05-72) 4. Summary of City's cost share for project In accordance with Cooperative Agreement no. 02-01, article 4, we are requesting that the City forward. to the County the final balance due, $153,484,57, based on the final actual quantities that were constructed as part of the improvements. This request of$153,484.57 is based upon the final quantities & the computed City's total share of the contract to be $1,302,987.93 (subtracting out the previous payments received from the City totaling $1,149,503.36). Please call me if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, 1J~ Virgil G. Hawkins, P.E. Assistant County Engineer enclosures cc: Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer Nila Ellis, Highway Accountant (w/enclosures) Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Engineer John Simola, Monticello Public Works (w/enclosures) Project File (w/enclosures) F:\OO-PROJECTS\7514\Word PelfecllRequ..1 for City shsre 7514flnsl.doc Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Actioll Employer ~ ~~TY Cl... (p~ ~ Yl~~ \ fJJ ~ 4",0 76euS WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS , Wright Cou"ty Public Wor~B Buf.lcling 1901 HlFlhwQ(l26 North Buffa,lo, Mi"....OM 55813 Jot T.H. 35 and C.R. 138 Tolaphons: (788) 882.7383 F,AX, (783) 882.7318 June 13, 2006 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. liigbny l!lIIsl.... (1B3) 1182-7588 VIllGlL G. HAWKINS. P.E. .Asm-t !Rshwoy l!Ioc!no... (761) &82-'1387 BICHAllllIi/. MAIl'lUllT'l'lil llirh\.rWoy Agenl (7113) 662.1386 Mr. Rick WolfstelIer, City Administrator City ofMonticel1o 50S Walnut Street, Suite No. I Montlcel1o, MN 55362.9245 RIl: CSAH 75 Improvements, SAP 86-675-14 City of Monticiillo Dear Rick: \ Enclosed please find the following information fur the above-mentioned proj ect:' I. Final Payment Voucher 2. Certificate of Performance 3. County Resolution afFinal Acceptance (1105-72) 4. Swnmary of City's cost share for project ; In accordance with Cooperative Agreement no. 02-01, article 4, we are requesting that the City forward to the County the final balance due, $153,484.57, based on the fiual actual quantities . that were constructed as par! of the improvements; . This request of $153,484.57 is based upon the:final quantities & the computed City's total share of the contract to be $1,302,987.93 (subtracting out the previous payments received from the City totaling $1,149,503.36). Please oall me if you have any questions or require further infomiation. Sinoerely, 1J~ Virgil G. Hawkins, P.E. Assistant County Engineer -/ enolosures cc: Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer Nila Ellis, Highway Accountant (w/enclosures) Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Engineer John Simola, Monticello Public WoTks (w/clIclosures) Project File (w/enclosures) P,IOO-PROJl:CTS\75t4\W<>rd Pt~ol\R.qu..t for City eh.r. 75'411n,".~.. ilq..., Opportunity I Nfi",,"".. Aali<J" Hmploy. 'D ~ 8 ~l -.. "'''jl ~.s ~M I ~ A) . I VOJ 71.- 11M- y.... -- --... .... -_ ~... 004... .0.... ..........."1 ..... u... ..................,""~v ~FINA.... ..",...<:.1.1-'-; /': ) ~ . Gl,UANT,ne.s, ~I-kl'"'-lt-Jl AlJ'tl ~l ;:::e;~-_'________ CIT" (l.oc,.l....) PO"'''''IQr.) OF 5^~ clQb-b1S-/4-I.L~~~{tlr-\ I I ~At-J~~ ~ (NO'l //JeL\J l~dt.JG, SI6,NAI.... /M"AtJ-JeM~N1S) (Q""......nT'6',s ') 41-_ .It :f: -t-D, Q-<J:O. OQ' I MOefLl"Z.ATlON o.~x ~I,ooo = '4I.l18~.e9 2) FI~L...b I..A-e. O. 4} >4. ~ 2.., 000 - q~"~ g~ ) 31 9S S';f /I, I ez, SO .3 R~M.OVE Cot-:>C., C -\ C.., 2. 2. S'S L F >< '3.5\0 '= ~ / 83 L.. 5"'0- ) 14.21. I;' 1,1li:>.2.5"/ -4 ~fMJ:>"e- Cof'lc:.. S'lbS'ot-J'\l,..LoL.. ~ ~F l<: ~,7~ = ~ e-f_ ~'-' 5'~ '" 1191 ~ Z"'rs.3.Ss 'J"E/IJ.Q\l6 ~lr. Pl\l/rrM~l-JT" 7t...CJ'S'{ l<. 2,0S" ':. 15"56,00 (p) U-N..OUf Ac.&. BAse (1'1) ~"897~~ cy K~, 7.5"'.: .t 29; ze.4, 7S" ,\ o. J .3 eA~ /. /,:t) .$ 44:.,s, Co 71 r'-.t:rMOoJ~ c.p.i"~ BA-:'\~S. !a~",) SlJ.';t.e~so = 77S,6v ) a1~ 9' ~ $Av-J t:'o!\.lC, Pf\VCMEJ-JT .a I L, LF ....~.~.... - 4i, I e".QO L-' , ~. 00 ~) 'SA~ ~ 1"\. pf.:.urMr!t-rf" ~F'" 3.<0.0 =. ~&6:~oo ,/ 10) A ,,~. eAs,e {ell) c: L.. 5' 10100..... ~".L 00 - 4S 7, (20, 00 ........ ) /l "'" '7i.'f.= $ 3382..QO II /2. AC ? J P ~ / c,1., 3 VOl. (i:. I :. "1 . ec. :> 3 0 q -; . "'0 ) ~~,oOo '" 30Q /2. bR. ST~.JeT"'It.e', C>;.N II Y2J"c.e-) - ~I' 0.00 (;:;l '-oJ ,130G.as ,\ . t I 700 ~ _ ~SO. 00 13) I( "I fJSN z.. I y~ (.(,.'i!,"H~) - ~~ 00.00 .$" .:r OGL li;'- / , IS) B b 12- C ~ Gj ~ :$" -IS 2.0.52. 00 LF .I<. /3.5"0 - '-I4r- % 7. !r 0 - /~) 5bl~ M.tl~. C~G, 2~81 ~ s t20,1l1.2S 2 '-~ LF)(. 7.So ':- ~ , /7) B G:> 2..-T Z~13 ~.3.50 ~ 4-0,135.5"'0 C~ C. Ice~ .,c: - ~S, 4"-' f .au Ie) 4/1 3"'1->.2.5' :or. :#27.00 ~ 92.b7.7S CONe. ,uln...lf'<\...l 377 s'f - r-o, I,. <1. uu ~ 5" tJJf f'A.',l1':v I,a,O . ..Ir ~ t-:UI'\JC. . .17 .... .-sb.UU 4,b f'JQ. O~ ~"r. ~ 1..E'I"1:', 20 TR,o.~f'\C. CONT~L. (). Jlf1'\- 't Co 100,000 - 7i::rrAr- Cll"'i 5t+AI<i!.€ (:)F" SAP e€;,-6'1S-','1- (13t\-$e'O oN FINA-q QUA,J'o..Irl r.~s: ./ ~ , ' >~2"E:, 67/. .a6 ""'.....6.... ""~". V",..."., ~,u. 'lVI IV""'V........'......... I. ........ v~,.y Ok ,p~ ~V~ i i('.a~ I 1301..- 0 '7 ..6'" WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1IImtS Wrleht ODum, Public Worhs Building 190111lehwt1y 25 NDrtll Buffalo. Minnesota 5511J8 Jat. T.R.!J5 and aR. 138 Tolepllon... (168) 8~-7383 FAX, t/68) 882-7813 WAYN~ A. F1NGALSON, :P.f). HiGh.."" Z~;lnoor (~aa) 6Bl1.-~81l!1 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. As...,_ Bllll"'"" liD""'" . (~8S16Bl1.-~'A? RICHAlW !. MAllQUlTTB 1Il11>1.rWay Apnl (768) 612-7866 CERTIFICATE OF PERFORMANCE Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. CONTRACT NO. 0206 SAP ~~1S"-1~ COUNTY OF WRIOHT Total Value of Work:; $2.687,134.37 r HEREBY CERTIFY to tl1e Board of Comm issloners of tl1e above-named County, that I have been in cbarge of all work required by the above described conlract; and that all such work has been done and performed as' measured by and in accordance with and pursuant to the tenns of said contraot. DATE: J#S- srONATURE: gin..r Eo"1Il Opportunity IIIIIIrm.II., Actio" ItmploY<'r "'Ul VV '-v...., .n~ V..'~"""'" '1lIJ1~ ....V..lll~1 ..... ........ '''''''...........'......''' I. V"T CSAft 1S BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WRIGHT COUNT'l!, MINNESOTA Date December 20. 2005 Motion by Commissioner Eichelbere- Resolution No. Seconded by Commissioner 05.72 Rus~ek COUNTY Of WlUGHT RESOLUTION OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE BE IT RESOLVED that, all work having been satisfactorily completed and Engineer' 6 Certificate ofPerIormance having been submitted, the Wright County Board of CoIIUJUssioners do hereby accept Contract No. 0206 onder contract to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., of Buffalo, Minnesota, and do hereby authorize final payment. YES NO HEETER SAWATZKE RUsSEl< EICHEL BERG MATTSON x X X X X l-ili.liIJ:ili SAWATZI<E RUSSEl<: EICHELBERG MATTSON STATE OF MINNESOTA) 95. County of Wright ) I, Richard W. Norman, duly appointed, qualified, and acting Clerk to tha County Board for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a Il!!sollllion Or motion with the origlnalminutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Wright County, Minnesota, attheir se9sionhe1d on the 201ll day of December, 2005, now on file in my office, and have found the sarne 'to be true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Buffalo, Minnesota, this 20" day of December, 2005. ~4--- ...... .._ ........., ~u.. .......-....... ~.. II. ."... ".......IIU' lUll I1VI ,...."'V'"'l..,....~'" I, V..J Summarv of Citv's Share af CtlSlt . ~75 P iiid on Final Quantities' SAP 86-675-14. 86-675-14A & 86-675-148 I ~edllle 1.0 .UD 8S.675.14 ~Excludina Sianai S ~kf FInal en..t Citv Share based on Cool!eretlve Aareement (see attached breakdown\ $ ~,671.85 . En"lneerln" Reimbursement 111 %, oer coooerative aareement\ $ 29,333.90 Total 01:V S!1I!!..fc;:hedule 1.0 $ 29~l9~. Schedul e , n . SAP 86-67' .14A -Cll WatermainJ!1lll!Y. work .- 1iiii[Co"t City Share IT otal) $ 844,6157.95 . ...-..-. . Sc;:hedule 3 0 . SAP 86.675.14B . eitlf LandsC8Dino Final Cost City Share /TotaO $ 69,875.40 I ..- - r . ---.....;- Si"nal Sustem Work (CSA~ 39 & 75 TH 25 & CSAH 75\ - F'....rCo..t 50/50 Cost Solit. /lIems 49, 50, 51 & 56 of SAP 86-67S-'f4) I I I I ---..- Total Construction Cost (items 49,59.51, & 56) $ 157,000.00 Controller Cabinet, Wiring Costs ..Qnvolces attached) $ 13.397.86 - E!lQlneering Cost (S.E.H., Inc.) I .....~---_._.. .$ 14,500.00 I I - Grand Total Sianal Cost (subject to ~0~50 ~o..~.!..s.e!!!>' ---'-"'---....... $ 184,897.65 I City share (50% 9f $184.897.66) $ 92,448.83 I I -- -- Grand Total Citv Share (based"on Final Quantities) $ 1.302,967.93 SAP 86-875-14 6/1212006 Article 3 The County will be responsible for all field inspection of materials, quantities, and contractor performance for the work identified in the plan sheets prepared by the County (except sidewalk/pathway work, which is 100% City work). The City shall be responsible for construction staking, inspection of materials, quantities and contractor performance for all utility work & sidewalk/pathway work (water main & sanitary r' sewer) for which plans were prepared by the City's consultant engineer. The County will monitor the wage rates to insure that the contractors working on the County prepared plans have complied with the wage rates as specified in the contract. The City will monitor and report to the County the wage rates for the sub-contractors performing the utility work on the contract. Article 4 Upon award of the contract, the City's portion of the contract shall be computed based upon the contract unit bid prices. Upon written request from the County the City shall forward to the County, within 30 days of contract award, 50% of their portion of the cost. Upon notice by the County that the contract is 50% complete, the City shall forward an additional 25% of their portion of the cost. Upon notice by the County that the contract is 75% complete, the City shall forward an additional 20% of their portion of the cost, and the remaining 5% upon completion of the work. Upon final completion of the work the County Engineer will submit a certificate of performance which indicates that the work complies with the plans and specifications. The County Engineer will notify the City of the fmal amount of the City's share based on the actual quantities used and the funding participation amounts shown in Article Two. The City will be responsible for reimbursing final payment to the County within 30 days of receipt of the final payment request by the County. The County Engineer will provide to the City an as-built plan (ledger sized, ] 1" x 17") of the project within six (6) months of the fmal completion of the project. Article 5 The City shall be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevardlsidewalklbikepath related maintenance outside the curb or street area. The County shall be responsible for routine snow & ice maintenance within the curb to curb area of the highway. Article 6 The City shall be responsible for providing the necessary electrical energy for the operation of the traffic control signals, and any electrical energy for street lights. In addition, the City shall be responsible for at its cost and expense to (I) relamp the traffic control signals; and (2) clean and paint the traffic control signals and cabinets; (3) provide, at its costs and expense, the maintenance on luminaries; and (4) reimbursinl! the County for maintainin!! the EVP Svstem. (Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and ]69.03.) In the event said EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth herein are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City of written notice thereof ....,,,,, thp, County, the County shall remove the EVP System. at the City's expense. Upon completion of the project; it shall be County's responsibility at its cost and expense to (I) maintain the signal controller, (2) determine the appropriate signal timing sequence, (3) provide phone service to the controller for remote servicing, (4) provide for replacement ofpoJes, cabinet etc. if they should be damaged through vehicle collision etc. (major maintenance). (5) Provide maintenance for the EVP svstem. which costs would he reimbursed bv the City of Monticello. Article 7 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify. save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands. actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County . 5 ~~-rY Ok (/0 ~ ~~~ \- ! ~ 4Y 7856 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Work. Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 March 14, 2007 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer (763) 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 68.2-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUE'lTE Right ,rWay Agent (763) 682-7886 Mr. Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite No.1 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: CSAH 75 Improvements, SAP 86-675-14 City of Monticello Dear Jeff: Enclosed please find an invoice for the fmal payment due the County for the above-mentioned project Please note that this is a past due invoice, as the original request for [mal payment reimbursement was 'sent to the City on June 13,2006. Several of our staffhas contacted City staff over the past several months to inquire the status of this reimbursement and to see if any further information is needed or if there are any questions. We are not aware of anything that should be holding up this payment to the County. The terms of our cooperative agreement require that payment be made within 30 days of receipt. We trust that this payment will be forthcoming and we do not have to take further measures in this matter. Please call me if you have any questions or require further information. S~' 4~~'1J1 Wayne~ingalSo(J;E. ~. County~~~ineer Enclosures: Invoice 107 ($159,150.88) Copy of Cover letter dated 6/13/06 Copy of page 5 of Cooperative Agreement 02-01 cc: Vh'gil Hawkins, Assistant County Engineer Nila Ellis, Highway Accountant Bruce Westby, City Engineer John Simola, Monticello Public Works Project File (w/enclosures) F:\OO-PROJECTS\7514\Word PerfectlReque.1 for final Cfiy share 7514.doo Equal Opportunity I Affinnatiue Action Employer Wright County Highway Department 1901 Hwy25 No. Buffalo, MN 55313 Bill To: City of Monticello Attn: Jeff O'Neil 505 Walnut 51. SuRe 1 Monticello, MN 55362 NOTICE OF PAST DUE INVOICE Invoice from June 13, 2006 (copy attached) Interest accrued @5.5% July 13, 2006 thru March 14,2007 (Agreement attached) Make all checks payable to Wright County Highway Depl. THANK YOUI March 13, 2007 107 SAP 86-675-14 INVOICE DATE: INVOICE # FOR: TOTAL $ ,~ .S<#\~;~.,Q~:r $ 153,484.57 5,666.31 159,1'50.88 AGREEMENT NO. 02-01 ~~-rY Ok (p~~ ~'w~~ I!l OJ ~ 0 ~ .1.'''1 '856 WRlGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT and THE CITY OF MONTICELLO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: SAP 86-675-14 CSAH 75 - BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT REHABILITATION, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL, AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS July 9, 2002 F:\data\HWY\AGREEMNT\Monticello 7514 agre:ement.wpd COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City'., WITNESS TO: WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepared for the improvement of County State Aid Highway 75 (from liOO feet East of Jerry Liefert Drive to Washington Street, approximately 1.9 miles in length), hereinafter referred to as CSAH 75 improvements, and said construction plans are designated as SAP 86-675-14. The project includes, but is not limited to, pavement removal and replacement, turn lane construction, curb replacement, storm drainage construction, sidewalk construction, utility improvements, traffic control signal improvements, raised median "street scape" improvements, and other miscellaneous improvements within the corporate lintits of Monticello, and WHEREAS, a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City outlines the responsibilities and financial commitments for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 The County shall construct or cause to be constructed a project meeting state aid standards of pavement rehabilitation including roadway, utility, drainage, traffic control signa! installation at Elm Street (CSAH 39) and other miscellaneous improvements upon or along CSAH 75 within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as prepared by the County Highway Department, and on file at the office of the County Engineer, and: Article 2 It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and quality by the County, the County Engineer shall determine the actual amount that the City will reimburse the County in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 1. CSAH 75 Improvements - SAP 86-675 14: This participation is consistent with Wright County's existing funding policies. The City would be required to obtain any additional permanent RfW, as required to do the work. It is anticipated that additional right-of-way will be needed at the Otter Creek RoadlCSAH 75 intersection to accommodate the shift of Otter Creek Road to the west. Temporary right-of-way may be needed for construction purposes & would be the responsibility of the County to obtain. 2 Fundinl! Particioation: Turn lane widening improvements Turf Establishment (not including median areas) Surfacing Travel Lanes (WearlNon-Wear) Surfacing Paved Shoulders (Wear) Aggregate Base for reconditioning improvements to highway New Concrete/Bituminous Walk Curb & Gutter (&Entrance Pour-Backs) Retaining Walls Right-of-Way (permanent) Permanent Street Lighting (not including traffic signal) Storm Sewer Utility Work (San. Sewer, Water, and Casting Adjustments) Signing/Striping LandscapedlRaised Concrete Medians Traffic Control Signal System Construction Engineering Services Mobilization and Traffic Control County ~ 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 70% 30% 100 % (*A) O%(*A) 0% 100% 0% 100% 50% 50% 0% 100% 0% 100% 50% 50% O%(*B) 100 % (*B) 100% 0% 75%(*C) 25 %(*C) 50%(*D) 50%(*D) (*E) (*E) (*F) (*F) (*) See Notes 2. NOTES: A. The cost for aggregate base associated with restoring the existing highway section, disturbed due to utility work, will be paid 100% by the City. This will include, but not be limited to, all watermain work on the north side of CSAH 75 from Chestnut Street to Washington Street. B. Watermain, Sanitary Sewer, any Storm Sewer, including all adjustments of castings, will be at 100 % City cost. 3 D. The County and City will share in the constrUction & engineering costs for the traffic control signal at CSAH 75 & CSAH 39 (Elm St.) on a SO/50 basis. This is consistent with the present Wright County Traffic Signal Funding Policy. The County and City will share in the construction cost & engineering costs for the signal modifications at CSAH 75 and TH 25 on a SO/50 basis for the costs not covered by the State. C. The cost for the concrete curb & gutter for the landscaped medians will be paid 75 % by the County. Costs for landscaping, trees, etc, that will be located within the landscaped median will be the City's cost.' Maintenance of the center landscaped median, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City. The County will not be responsible for certain maintenance provisions upon completion of a traffic control signal system. Painting, relamping, cleaning of the signal system, street light maintenance, and power costs to operate the signal and street light systems will be the responsibility of the City (refer to Article 6 of this agreement). E. The County will provide engineering services for design, construction, and administration of the project. The County will not participate in any engineering costs incurred by the City that are necessary for the City to assess their portion of the project costs (Feasibility Studies, hearings, legal expenses, etc.). The City will reimburse the County for engineering services for the City's portion of the project that was designed by the County, based upon the following table. The fmal reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the City's portion only of the contract constmction cost (not including City utility work that plans were completed by. the City's consultant engineer). From Over Over Over $ 0 100,000 250,000 500,000 thm $100,000 thru 250,000 thru 500,000 thru Indefinite up to 18% up to 13% up to 11% up to 10% of City's Portion of City's Portion of City's Portion of City's Portion F. Mobilization and Traffic Control costs are to be split based on the ratio of County costs versus the entire project costs. G. The County will pay for the initial striping of crosswalks and pavement markings as outlined on the plan. Maintenance of the crosswalk pavement markings, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City. H. Permanent right-of-way acquisition costs are the responsibility of the City. Temporary right-of- way acquisition costs for any roadway work are the responsibility of the County. Temporary right- of-way acquisition costs for sidewalk/pathway or utility work are the responsibility of the City. The County shall prepare a preliminary estimate of construction cost for the County prepared plans for the project. The City shall prepare a preliminary estimate of construction cost for the City consultant prepared plans for the project. The preliminary cost estimates shall identify both the City's share and County's share of cost for the project based upon this funding agreement. This preliminary construction cost estimate shall be attached to this funding agreement. It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis tluough a contract duly let by the County. At such time as the County awards a contract, the City will prepare a new estimate of the County's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the County's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forwarded to the County Highway Engineer. 4 Article 3 The County will be responsible for all field inspection of materials, quantities, and contractor performance for the work identified in the plan sheets prepared by the County (except sidewalk/pathway work, which is 100% City work). The City shall be responsible for construction staking, inspection of materials, quantities and contractor performance for all utility work & sidewalk/pathway work (water main & sanitary sewer) for which plans were prepared by the City's consultant engineer. The County will monitor the wage rates to insure that the contractors working on the County prepared plans have complied with the wage rates as specified in the contract. The City will monitor and report to the County the wage rates for the sub-contractors performing the utility work on the contract. Article 4 Upon award of the contract, the City's portion of the contract shall be computed based upon the contract unit bid prices. Upon written request from the County the City shall forward to the County, within 30 days of contract award, 50% of their portion of the cost. Upon notice .by the County that the contract is 50% complete, the City shall forward an additional 25% of their portion of the cost. Upon notice by the County that the contract is 75% complete, the City shall forward an additional 20% of their portion of the cost, and the remaining 5 % upon completion of the work. Upon final completion of the work the County Engineer will submit a certificate of performance which indicates that the work complies with the plans and specifications. The County Engineer will notify the City of the final amount of the City's share based on the actual quantities used and the funding participation amounts shown in Article Two. The City will be responsible for reimbursing fmal payment to the County within 30 days of receipt of the final payment request by the County. The County Engineer will provide to the City an as-built plan (ledger sized, 11" x 17") of the project within six (6) months of the final completion of the project. Article 5 The City shall be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard/sidewalkfbikepath related maintenance outside the curb or street area. The County shall be responsible for routine snow & ice maintenance within the curb to curb area of the highway. Article 6 The City shall be responsible for providing the necessary electrical energy for the operation of the traffic control signals, and any electrical energy for street lights. In addition, the City shall be responsible for at its cost and expense to (1) relamp the traffic control signals; and (2) clean and paint the traffic control signals and cabinets; (3) provide, at its costs and expense, the maintenance on luminaries; and (4) reimbursinl! the CounlY for maintaininl! the EVP Svstem. (Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169.03.) In the event said EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth herein are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the County, the County shall remove the EVP System, at the City's expense. Upon completion of the project; it shall be County's responsibility at its cost and expense to (1) maintain the signal controller, (2) determine the appropriate signal timing sequence, (3) provide phone service to the controller for remote servicing, (4) provide for replacement of poles, cabinet etc. if they should be damaged through vehicle collision etc. (major maintenance). (5) Provide maintenance for the EVP svstem. which costs would be reimbursed bv the City of Monticello. Article 7 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or cha.racter arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County . 5 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees Which so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Article 8 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. Article 9 Before tIlls agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by the County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF tile parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: ~.4. tA JilMw City Engineer. Monticello !~ I'" () '2/ Date City Attorney. City of Monticello aW ~ City Administrator, C of Monticello '1/zv/o7- Date ~~~ County Atto 6 A verbal report will be given by staff at the meeting. The Council will have the option of continuing the public hearing or acting on the stabilization agreement. 7. Continued public hearinl!. on adoption of revenue stabilization al!.reement with Xcel Enerl!.V. (JO) 8. Chanl!es to Rental Housinl! Licensinl! Ordinance On February 26th City Staff met with the City Council for a workshop discussion on a Rental Housing Licensing Ordinance. Many changes and modifications have been made over the last month to the rough draft that was included in the packet for that meeting. City Attorneys, Soren Mattick and Tom Scott, deleted some portions that were unnecessary or redundant to "trim the fat" from the ordinance. There were also some minor wording changes to match terminology used by our city and make this chapter easier to understand. There were a few major changes that are outlined below. · Section 3-16-7 "Responsibility of Occupant (Renter)" was deleted (except section 3- 16-7 (C) "Disposal of Rubbish" was moved to section 3-16-6 "Responsibility of Owner (Landlord)). This section was removed by the Attorneys because they felt it was unnecessary. This now puts all of the responsibility on the owner for the cleanliness of the rental dwelling. This will help ensure that the owners take accountability for their properties and help "police their own". · Section 3-16-87 (E) (section is now 3-16-7 (E)) "License Issuance" was amended and all references to "Tier I" and "Tier II" licenses were removed. This language was removed because it creates a loop hole for noncompliant landlords to continue to rent their dwelling units. All references to "Tier I" and "Tier II" licenses in other sections were also removed. · Section 3-16-98 (A) "Tier II License Inspections" was deleted in its entirety and replaced with new section "Routine License Inspections". This was changed because 1. we are not using the two tier licensing system and 2. there wasn't any language in the ordinance that outlined our inspection process other than the tier II requirements. · Section 3-16-98 (B) "Occupant Initiated Inspection" was deleted and replaced with "Response to Complaints". This was basically a rewording of the section by the attorneys. Red text Strieken text Version edited 3/2lJ07 DJH ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RENTAL HOUSING LICENSE PROVISIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The following Chapter 16 shall be added to Title 3 of the Code ofthe City of Monticello. 3-16-1 3-16-2 3-16-3 3-16-4 3-16-5 3-16-6 3 167 3-16-& 7 3-16-98 3-16-W 9 3-16-+I-I0 3-16~11 3-16--812 3-16-1: CHAPTER 16 RENTAL HOUSING LICENSE PROVISIONS PURPOSE APPLICABILITY; SCOPE ADOPTION OF PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE DEFINITIONS ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNER (LANDLORD) RESPONSIBILITY OF OCCUP;\NT (RENTER) GENERAL LICENSING PROVISIONS INSPECTIONS CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES CONDITION OF LICENSED PREMISES HEARING PROCEDURE MISDEMEANOR PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Chapter to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the community at large and the residents of rental dwellings in the City of Monticello and to ensure that rental housing in the city is decent, safe and sanitary and is so operated and maintained as not to 130189 I become a nuisance to the neighborhood or to become an influence that fosters blight and deterioration or creates a disincentive to reinvestment in the community. The operation of rental residential properties is a business enterprise that entails certain responsibilities. Owners and operators are responsible to take such reasonable steps as are necessary to ensure that the citizens of the city who occupy such units may pursue the quiet enjoyment ofthe normal activities oflife in surroundings that are: safe, secure and sanitary; free from noise, nuisances or annoyances; and free from unreasonable fears about safety of persons and security of property. 3-16-2: APPLICABILITY; SCOPE. This Chapter applies to all rental dwellings in the City, including any accessory structures on the premises upon which the rental dwelling is located, such as garages and storage buildings and appurtenances, such as sidewalks and retaining walls. This Chapter does not apply to Oil ealHflus eo lIege or lliliyersity housing UllitS; Minnesota Department of Health licensed rest homes; convalescent care facilities; licensed group homes; nursing homes; hotels; motels or owner- occupied units; or comlominiam UllitS as defined and goyerned by Minnesota Statutes Chapters 515,515.'., and 5158. 3-16-3: ADOPTION OF PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. The International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, as published by the International Code Council, is adopted by reference in its entirety, except as modified or amended in this Code. Nothing in this Chapter or the International Property Maintenance Code shall be construed to cancel, modify, or set aside any other provision of the City Code. 3-16-4: DEFINITIONS. "Chief Building Ofjiciaf' means the Chief Building Official illspecter or a designated agent authorized by the City Coullcil to administer a!ld ellroree this Chapter. "City" means the City of Monticello. "City Administrator" means the City Administrator or the City Administrator's designated agent. "Multiple Family Dwelling" means a rental dwelling containing three (3) or more units. "Occupant" means any person living or sleeping in a rental dwelling unit, or having possession of a space within a rental dwelling unit. "Owner" means, with respect to all matters involving the making of applications and the giving of notices, the individuals or entities holding legal and equitable title to the premises. "Owner's "lgent" meRllS the legally COllstitutea persoll designated by the owner for such purposes whe haG charge, care or eontr-ol of a relltal cl>,yelliHg. "Premises" means a lot, plot, or parcel ofland including the building or structures thereon. 2 130189 "Rental Dwelling" means a building or premises, or portion thereof, containing one or more units used or intended to be used for residential rental purposes. "Unit" means a single unit within a rental dwelling providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. 3-16-5: ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The City's Chief Building Official is authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of this Chapter, subjeet to revievl BY the City CClUooil. The Chief Building Official may designate other City Employees to enforce the provisions of this Chapter. 3-16-6: RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNER (LANDLORD). (A) OWNER RESPONSIBLITYB. Every owner of rental dwelling is responsible for violations of duties and obligations imposed by this Chapter even if the duty or OBligation is also imposed on the oeellflant(s) ofthe rental dwelling, or even ifthe O':iRer, by agreement, has imposed on the oeeepant(s) the duty ofmaking sme that the rental dwelling eElHl]31ies with the reqtlirements Elf this Chapter, applicable provisions of the City Code and the International Property Maintenance Code. (B) CLEANLINESS. Every owner of a rental dwelling is responsible for keeping that part afthe premises '.",hich he Elr she oeellflies Elr eontrolG the rental dwelling in a clean, sanitary and safe condition in conformance with this Chapter, applicable provisions ofthe City Code and the International Property Maintenance Code, inehKiing afty shared or eElmmon areas in a makiple family dwelling. (C) DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH. Every occupant of a rental dwelling shall have all rubbish, garbage and waste stored and disposed of in a clean, sanitary and safe manner. (GD) OBTAIN LICENSE: The owner Elr o'llner's agent must obtain a license and pay all license fees as required by this Chapter before the rental dwelling may be rented. 3 Hi 7: RESPONSIBILITY OF OCCUPf.NT (RENTER). (f.) .\CCESS BY OV.'NER. E'lery eeellflant of a rental dwelling shall giye the owner or owner's agent aeeess to his or her unit, !IfId that part ofthe premises '.vhich he or she oeeupies or eontrols, at reasElnable times for the plH]lose ofinSfleetians and mailltenanee, !IfId making ooeessary repaffs 8f akeratiElBS Eln the premises. 3 130189 (B) (C) 3-16-87: (A) CLEANLINESS. Every occupant of a reRtal dwelling is respoflSil3le fur keeping his or her unit, EIIld any part of the premises which he or she oee-upies or eentr-ols, in a dean, sanitary EIIld saw condition in confumumee with this Chapter, applieable jlfovisions ofthe City Code arnl the International Property MltiBtenanee Code. DISPOS:\L OF RUBBISH. Every oeellflant of a rental d',>;'elling shall store and disj30se of all his or her ruBbinh, garhage and ':fltSte in a dean, sanitary and safe manner. GENERAL LICENSING PROVISIONS. -h LICENSE REQUIRED. It is unlawful to operate a rental dwelling in the City without first having obtained a license from the City. An owner must obtain a license for each rental dwelling. If the rental dwelling contains two or more units, and has a common owner and a common property identification number, the owner shall obtain a single license for the rental dwelling. 2. There are two types oflieenses: Tier I and Tier II. Both Tier I ana Tier II lieellSes must comply with all provisions of this Chajlter upon its eff-eetive date, (B) LICENSE APPLICATION. The owner ofa rental dwelling must submit an application for a license on forms and in the format provided by the City. The owner must give notice, in writing, to the City within five (5) business days of any changes to the information contained in the license application. The application must' include: I. the owner's name, address, and telephone number, owning partners if a partnership, corporate officers if a corporation; 2. the owner's agent's name, address and telophone number; 3-2. legal address of the rental dwelling; 43. the type and number of units within the rental dwelling; and M. the type of structure to be licensed (i.e., single-family, duplex, Multi- Family). (C) LICENSE FEES. The owner must pay an annual license fee, the amount ofwhich will be determined by the City Council. The lioense we scheoole is maintained at City Hall. The owner must submit the required fee along with the application for a new or renewal license. Applications for a renewal license submitted after 130189 4 December 31 are subject to a peaaky fee an additional late fee, which shall be determined from time to time by the City Council. (D) LICENSE PERIOD. The initial!icense period begins 1ip6fl on the effeetive date of this Chapter, and ends on February 29, 2008 March 14th, 2009. Thereafter, the license period is for one year and runs from March + 15th to the last day ofPebruary March 14th. The license must be renewed annually. All rental dwellings existing as of the effective date ofthis Ordinance shall apply for the initial license by (E) LICENSE ISSUANCE. I. Preliminary Inspection and Investigation. Prior to issuing an initial license, the Chief Building Official will inspect the rental dwelling to determine compliance with this Chapter, the City Code and the International Property Maintenance Code. The Chief Building Official will review the application for completeness. aHd determine whether aAll real estate taxes and municipal utilities are must be paid and current. 2. Tier I Lieense. If the r<*lta! d-v:elling is in full cOffiplianee ,::ith paragraph (1 ), the City '.':ill issue a Tier I lieense te the ewner. ~2. Compliance Order. As to any rental dwelling existing as of the effective date of this Ordinance, if the rental dwelling is not in full compliance with paragraph (1), the City may issue the initial license and will provide the owner or owner's agef!t with a compliance order pursuant to Section 3-16- HlO. If the e',vner correets the items in the eeffipliance erder within the speeified peried eftime, the City will issue a Tier I lieense to the owner. 4. Tier II License. If the e'.':fler does rot eOffeet the items in the eompliance order within the Sjleeified period of time, the City...:ill issue a Tier II lieeRse to the owner. The holder of a Tier II lieense shall be sub-jeet to the following requirements: a. The lieensed rental dwelling shall be subject to periodie inGfleetioR as proyided in Section 3 16 9 of this Chapter. b. The liceRse Reider shall pay the Tier II liceRse fee as established by the City COllHcil. 5 e. If the Tier II license holder corrects the 'liolatioRS in the eO!Ilfllianee order(a), the lieensee may apply for a Tier I lioense after the cKpiration of the eun-eRt license period. d. If the Tier II liceRse Reider has Rot cOffected the '.riOliitioRS in any outGtanding ceffipliance order(s) by the end of the o':lRer's eKisting 130189 lease ,,:ith the eurrellt te_lIt, tile City may SRsptmd or revoke the lieellSe under Seetion 3 16 12. The City may allo':: the eontinuation of the Tier II lieense inhe City detilimines that the license holder is taking reasonable steps and exereisiHg good faith to correct the '.'iolations. e. Section added in amendmellts (f. '*piration of Tier II licenses) f. Section added in amendmellts (g. limit on Tier II licellSes) 5. Section added in amendments (UBaaf-e or Danger-ous Conditions) (F) POSTING OF LICENSE. The owner shall post a copy of the license in the rental dwelling in a conspicuous place approved by the Building Official. In multiple dwelling units requiring a single license, the license shall be posted in a common area of the building such asa corridor, hallway or lobby. The posted license shall be framed and covered with clear glass or plastic. (G) RENE'N.'\L OF LICENSE. ".Ii ovmer may eolltinue to rent a dwelling after the expiration date of tile lieense provided the O..YFler has filed v/ith the City on or before December 31"', tile appropriate reFle.::allicense application and license fce. The issuance of a license under this Chapter shall13e eonsidered a pri':ilege and oot an a13s01ute right ofthe owner and shall not entitle the owner to an aalomatic renewal of the license. .'\.110'::ing tile OYlRer to eontinue to relit while the renewal license is being proeeased does oot obligate the City to aatomatieally reflew the license. (HG) TRANSFER OF LICENSE. Licenses are transferable. Any changes in the ownership of the rental dwelling require submittal of application and payment of license transfer fee. (m) REGISTER OF OCCUPANCY. The owner or its owncr's agellt shall keep a current register of occupancy for each rental dwelling. This register of occupancy may be reviewed by the City at any time. Said register of occupancy shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: 1. Address(es) ofthe rental dwelling; 2. Number of bedrooms of each unit; 3. Number of units in each building; and 4. Number of adults and children (under 18) currently occupying each unit. 3-16-98: INSPECTIONS. 6 130189 V.) TIER II LICENSE INSPECTIONS. !.R Tier II rootal dwellings shall be iI'lspected by the City periodieally until the rental dwelling eomplies ','lith this Chspter, the City Code and the Iilternational Property Mail'ltenance Code. !.fier each inspection, the City shall pro'Ade the O'Nner or ewaer's agent with a compliafJee order pursuant to Section 3 16 II. The OY/fier or oWFler's agent IffiISt correct the violations withia the time period specified iI'l the complianee order. If the '/ielations are FIOt corrected, the City may suspead or rev{)ke the lieease ]fider Sectioa 3 16 12, lII1less it is the initiallicease peried, ia whieh case, the HeeRSe is 'ialid \iEltil the eoo efthe OWIler's existiHg lease ',vith the curreilt tORant as ooted iI'l Sectioa 3 16 g(E)(1)(d). (A) ROUTINE LICENSE INSPECTIONS: After the initial inspection and issuance of the initial license, the owner of a rental dwelling shall permit access by the City to perform a minimum of one inspection every two years of the common space and every dwelling unit. The Chief Building Official may perform or require additional inspections if deemed necessary by the Chief Building Official or by the request of a tenant. The owner shall notifY the tenant or tenants of the time when the City inspection will be conducted and provide access to the units. (B) OCCUP..\NT INITIf.TED INSPECTION RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS. An occupailt woo belie?es that his or her rOIlta! dwelling is FIOt in compliance with the pmvisioRS of this Chapter, City Code or the International Hoasing Maintenance Code HIllY previde writtOIl ootice to the O'Nner or owner's ageHt ofthe reatal d'NeRing specifying the alleged deneieaey. If the owaer or O\VHer'S agOIlt daes not take action ta correct the alleged preblem, the acc10ljlant HIllY eailtact the City and request an iRspeetion of the rootal dwelling BY the Building Official apon showiag proof that the owner er owner's agent had been prepedy Rotified anti has been given a reasonalJle time in which to correct deftcieneies. The Chief Building Official or designee shall respond to complaints of violations ofthis Chapter. A complaint may be cause for a complete inspection of a unit or building. If an inspection is to be made, the Chief Building Official shall notify the owner/tenant of the inspection. If there are violations, the Chief Building Official shall notify the owner/tenant pursuant to 3-16-+-1- 10 to correct the problem which prompted the complaint. The cost of the inspection shall be paid by the owner if the City's inspection reveals actual deficiencies as described by the occupant, and the payment of such cost shall be a condition oflicense renewal. 3-16-W9: CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES. (A) OWNER RESPONSIBLE. It shall be the responsibility of the owner er-the owaer's ageilt to see that persons occupying the rental dwelling conduct themselves in such a manner as not to cause the premises to be disorderly. +his section applies te BOth Tier I and Tier II licenses. For purposes of this section, a rental dwelling is disorderly at which any ofthe following activities occur: 7 130189 1. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 609.755 through 609.76 as may be amended from time to time, relating to gambling; 2. Violation oflaws relating to prostitution or acts relating to prostitution as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 609.321; 3. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 152.01 through 152.027 as may be amended from time to time, relating to the unlawful sale or possession of controlled substances; 4. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 340A.401 and 340A.503 as may be amended from time to time, relating to the unlawful commercial sale and underage consumption of alcoholic beverages; 5. Violation of Minnesota Statutes section 609.33 as may be amended from time to time, which prohibits owning, leasing, operating, managing, maintaining or conducting a disorderly house, or inviting or attempting to invite others to visit or remain in a disorderly house; 6. Violation of Minnesota Statutes sections 97B.021, 978.045,609.66 through 609.67,624.712 through 624.716,624.719,624.731 through 624.732 as may be amended from time to time, relating to the unlawful possession, transportation, sale or use of weapons; 7. Violation of City Code section e I 4 or violation of Minnesota Statutes section 609.72 as may be amended from time to time, relating to disorderly conduct; 8. Violation of City Code Title 7, Chapter I, relating to nuisances. 9. Violation of City Code seetion 5 8 relating to elandeatine drug labs 9. Violation of City Code Title 5, Chapter 4, relating to recreational fires. 10. Violation of City Code Title 6, Chapters 2 and 3, relating to animal control. (8) CITY ENFORCEMENT. The Bailding Offieial is reSflonsible for enforeement and administration of this seetion. (GB) FIRST VIOLATION. Upon determination by the Chief Building Official that a licensed premises was used in a disorderly manner, as described in paragraph (A) of this section, the Chief Building Official must give notice to the licensee of the violation and direct the licensee to take steps to prevent further violations. 8 IlOl89 (J;lC) SECOND VIOLATION. If another instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurs within three months of an incident for which a notice in division (GB)ofthis section was given, the Chief Building Official must notify the licensee of the violation and must also require the licensee to submit a written report ofthe actions taken, and proposed to be taken, by the licensee to prevent further disorderly use of the premises. This written report must be submitted to the Chief Building Official within five days of receipt ofthe notice of disorderly use of the premises and must detail all actions taken by the licensee in response to all notices of disorderly use of the premises within the preceding three months. (BD) THIRD VIOLATION. I. If another instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurs within three months after any two previous instances of disorderly use for which notices were given to the licensee pursuant to this section, the rental dwelling license for the premises may be denied, revoked, suspended or not renewed. An action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a license under this section must be initiated by the Chief Building Official who must give to the licensee written notice of a hearing before the City Council to consider such denial, revocation, suspension or non-renewal. Such written notice must specify all violations of this section, and must state the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing. The hearing must be held no less than ten days and no more than 30 days after giving such notice. 2. Following the hearing, the City Council may deny, revoke, suspend or decline to renew the license for all or any part or parts ofthe licensed premises or may grant a license upon such terms and conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section. (FE) NO ADVERSE ACTION PENDING EVICTION. No adverse license action shall be imposed where the instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurred during the pendency of eviction proceedings (unlawful detainer) or within 30 days of notice given by the licensee to a tenant to vacate the premises where the disorderly use was related to conduct by that tenant or by other occupants or guests of the tenant's unit. Eviction proceedings are not a bar to adverse license action, however, unless they are diligently pursued by the licensee. Further, an action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a license based upon violations of this section may be postponed or discontinued at any time if it appears that the licensee has taken appropriate measures which will prevent further instances of disorderly use. (GF) FINDING OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT. A determination that the licensed premises have been used in a disorderly manner as described in paragraph (A) of this section shall be made upon a fair preponderance of the evidence to support such a determination. It is not necessary that criminal charges be brought in order 9 130189 to support a determination of disorderly use nor does the fact of dismissal or acquittal of such a criminal charge operate as a bar to adverse license action under this section. (HG) SERVICE OF NOTICES. All notices given by the City under this section, at the City's option, HffiSt may be either personally served on the licensee, sent by certified regular mail to the licensee's last knoVin at the address listed on the application, or if neither methocl of serviee effeets notice, by posting on a conspicuous place on the licensed premises. (lH) ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Enforcement actions provided in this section are not exclusive, and the City Council may take any action with respect to a licensee, a tenant, or the licensed premises as is authorized by the City Code, state or federal law. 3-16-lHO: CONDITION OF LICENSED PREMISES. (A) COMPLIANCE ORDER. Whenever the Chief Building Official determines that the condition of any rental dwelling or the premises surrounding it fails to meet the provisions of this Chapter, other applicable City Code provisions or the International Property Maintenance Code, he or she may issue a compliance order setting forth the specific violations and ordering the owner to correct such vio lations. (B) CONTENTS OF THE COMPLIANCE ORDER. The compliance order shall: 1. Be in writing; 2. Describe the location and nature of the violations; 3. Set forth a reasonable time for the correction of the violations by the owner or the o',':ner's agent; and 4. Be served upon the owner aHa the owner's agent either personally or by certified mail. A copy of the compliance order shall may also be provided to the occupants of the rental dwelling. (C) LICENSE ACTION. If the violations listed in the compliance order are not remedied by the owner or the o',':ller's agellt within the specified time given in the order, the license for the rental dwelling may be denied, suspended, revoked, or not renewed by the City. An administrative fine in an amount set forth from time to time by the City Council by resolution may also be imposed. If the City decides that it will be denying, suspending, revoking or not renewing a license or imposing an administrative fme pursuant to this Section, the City shall send a notice ofthe proposed action to the owner and oViller's agent of the rental 10 130189 11 dwelling. The proposed action by the City shall be heard by the City Council pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 3-16--1-;611 ofthis Chapter. (D) APPEAL. When it is alleged by the owner or owner's ageat that the compliance order is based upon the erroneous interpretation of this Chapter, other applicable City Code provisions or the International Property Maintenance Code, the owner or owner's ageat may appeal the compliance order to the City Council. Such appeal shall be in writing, must specify the grounds for the appeal, must be accompanied by a filing fee, as set forth by resolution of the City Council, from time to time, and must be filed with the City within five (5) business days after service of the compliance order. The appeal shall be heard by the City Council pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 3-16--1411 of this Chapter. The filing ofthe appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance ofthe action appealed from, unless such a stay would cause imminent peril to life, health or property. 3-16-Y11: HEARING PROCEDURE. (A) SCHEDULING OF HEARING. If the City makes a determination that it will be denying, suspending, revoking or not renewing a license pursuant to Sections 3- 16-M9 or 3-l6-H 10 of this Chapter, or if the owner or the o':iIler's agent is appealing the compliance order pursuant to Section 3-l6-f-l-l 0 of this Chapter, the City Council shall conduct a hearing on the matter. The hearing shall be scheduled at the next regular City Council meeting following the date of the notice or receipt of the owner's notice of appeal of a compliance order. (B) HEARING. At the hearing, the City Council shall hear all relevant evidence and arguments and shall review all testimony, documents and other evidence submitted. The owner or the owner' s agent shall have the opportunity to address the City Council at the hearing. (C) FINDINGS. After the hearing is concluded, the City Council shall make findings its decision on whether to uphold the compliance order or to revoke, suspend, deny or not renew the license or impose an administrative fine. The City COlolncil shall iScrue a writteR dedsioR v,ithiR thirty (30) days following the date ofthe hearing and sl1frll send a copy efits aeDision to the OViller and the ovmer's ageat by mail. The decisIDR shall specify the reatal dwelling or units to which it applies. (D) NO OCCUPANCY. If a license is revoked, suspended, denied or not renewed by the City Council, it shall be unlawful for the owner eT the oWRer's agent to thereafter permit the occupancy ofthe rental dwelling or the unit. A notice ofthe action shall be posted by the Building Official on the rental dwelling or the unit in order to prevent any further occupancy. No person shall reside in, occupy or cause to be occupied that rental dwelling or unit until a license is obtained or reinstated by the owner. 130189 (E) APPEAL. An owner may appeal the decision of the City Council as allowed under state law. 3-16-H12: MISDEMEANOR. Failure by an owner to comply with a compliance order after the right of appeal has expired or violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate punishable offense. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and publication and shall apply to all new and existing rental dwellings. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello the _ day of ,2007. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 12 130189 Council Agenda - 3/26/07 9. Approval offundinl!. for Monticello Broadband desil!.Ulbuild specifications. proiect fmancinl!. costs. and related actions. (C.S., J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Fiber Optic Task Force is requesting consideration of additional funding that will be used for upcoming work in preparation of designing, financing and building a fiber to the premise (FTTP) network in our ~ommunity. The investigation into fiber optics for the City of Monticello began in May 2005. The City Council authorized the formation of a Fiber Optic Task Force that would examine in greater detail fiber optic technology and in particular a fiber optic network that would provide very high speed data, voice and video services ("Triple Play") to homes and businesses in the City. A feasibility study was approved and findings showed that the project had merit. The City Council unanimously authorized continuation of the City-wide broadband fiber optic network project on the condition that the financing ofthe network would be based on revenue bonds rather than a general tax levy. In December 2006, the City Council unanimously authorized the Fiber Optic Task Force to move forward with preliminary work to prepare engineering and design RFP for release in early 2007; specifY requirements for revenue bonding; clarifY options for voice services and supply of video content and clarifY next steps for the City as a utility operation. A budget allocation for 2007 was approved by Council. As part of this process, Task Force members and consultants have been researching alternatives for voice and video services as well as legal aspects of City involvement in the operation oftelecommunication services. RFP proposals for a bond underwriter are under review. A draft RFP is being prepared for engineering and design of an FTTP network. Updates on these many activities were presented at a Broadband Workshop held on Thursday, March 22 involving City Council members, Task Force members, consultants, Bristol VA utility representatives and other interested parties. In order to move to the next phase, the Task Force proposes authorization of $90,000 to complete the designlbuild specifications for an FTTP network, financing of the project, and related essential activities including negotiation for voice and video services, creating a business enterprise, and satisfying legal and regulatory requirements. The City intends to reimburse itself for these expenses from future bond sale proceeds. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve funding in the amount of $90,000 for designlbuild specifications, financing costs, and related essential activities. 2. Do not approve funding at this time. Council Agenda - 3/26/07 C. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to obtain full information and updates at the March 22 workshop and consider choices for moving forward thereafter, D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Reports and materials will be provided at the Marc,h 22 workshop (or prior to the Council meeting if additional information is needed) City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 10. Consideration of the creation of an Interim License Al!reement allowinl! the City to I!rant permission to the Chamber of Commerce to place a temporary sil!fi on City property. Applicant: City of MonticellolMonticello Chamber of Commerce (NACI AS) The Planning Commission heard this item at their March 5, 2007 meeting and recommended approval of the interim use. The Commission was concerned about the effectiveness of the sign and potential safety concerns with locating the sign at this busy intersection. The Commission was also concerned with the ability to evaluate whether of not downtown businesses benefited from the addition of this sign. However, the Commission was supportive of the sign on the basis that it is temporary. As a point of clarification, the Planning Commission and staff were under the impression that only one sign would be allowed at this location. Any number of additional signs shall be evaluated by the City Council. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In concert with the Monticello Chamber of Commerce, the City of Monticello is proposing to grant permission to the Chamber to place a sign identifying various downtown businesses on City property. The purpose of the sign is to test whether a more permanent sign at this location would be of benefit to the businesses in the downtown area. The sign would be allowed for a period of time not to exceed six months. The proposed location of the sign is at the intersection of Highway 25 and West Broadway Street, adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce kiosk. The sign will not be allowed to be placed within the right of way for either Highway 25 or Broadway, as approval of any sign in those ROWs are MnDOT and Wright County, respectively. The City established a sign committee in 2006 for the purpose of exploring the signage needs of business owners, particularly in the CCD District. At the committee's December meeting, members proposed the option of installing a sandwich board sign on the Chamber of Commerce site for a temporary period of time. Downtown business owners would be allowed to rent the sign for specific periods of time to advertise their business, as scheduled by the Chamber of Commerce. The proposed sign would be a sandwich board, allowed for a period of six months. In order to accommodate this temporary use, staff recommends a temporary license agreement that grants the Chamber the ability to place such a sign on City property, irrespective of the zoning regulations. This sign is intended as a trial concept, and therefore a temporary license agreement may be more appropriate than creating an interim use clause in the Zoning Ordinance and granting a temporary sign permit. The proposed license agreement will contain a specific termination date and the ordinance will expire at that time. Upon expiration, the City may effectively evaluate if the sign has had any effect on downtown businesses. The City may also review any potential safety concerns associated with having the sign at the busy intersection of Highway 25 and West Broadway Street. 1 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 Following the test period, the City will be able to consider whether a more permanent sign would be beneficial in this location. Staffhas prepared an outline of the specific parameters for allowing this sign in the specified location. The proposed parameters of the agreement may be modified at the direction of the City Council. The City Attorney's office will be responsible for drafting any approved license agreement, for execution by the City of Monticello and the Chamber of Commerce. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a temporary license agreement to allow the City to grant permission to the Chamber of Commerce to place a sign on City property, the City has the following options: I. Motion to approve a license agreement to allow a temporary sandwich board sign for the Chamber of Commerce on City property, as outlined below. 2. Motion to approve a license agreement to allow a temporary sandwich board sign for the Chamber of Commerce on City property, with parameters as modified by the City Council on 3/26/07. 3. Motion to deny the proposed license agreement to permit a temporary sandwich board sign for the Chamber of Commerce on City property. CITY OF MONTICELLO TEMPORARY LICENSE AGREEMENT TERMS The City hereby grants a temporary License Agreement granting permission for a temporary sign to be permitted on City property. Terms of license agreement shall be as follows: A. The subject sign shall be located on City property at the southwest comer of the intersection, adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce site. B. The subject sign shall be a sandwich board sign. C. The subject sign shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. D. The face area of the sign shall not exceed seven (7) square feet on either side. E. No sign shall be located within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. F. No sign shall be placed within the public right of way. G. The Chamber of Commerce shall be responsible for all scheduling of tenants wishing to advertise a message on the sign. 2 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 H. Color and design shall meet the design guidelines for the CCD zoning district, and shall not be composed of "fluorescent" colors. I. The Chamber of Commerce shall be responsible for reviewing the design of each faceplate to be placed on the sign. J. The sign must be well maintained and kept in good repair at all times. Maintenance of the sign shall be the responsibility of the Chamber of Commerce. K. The sign shall be located on ground level. L. The sign shall not obstruct the vision of drivers or pedestrians or detract from the visibility of any official traffic control device. M. The placement of the sign shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle circulation. The Chamber of Commerce shall be responsible for sign placement. N. The sign shall not occupy any public sidewalk. O. The sign shall not have electrical connections, nor include any lighted or moving component. P. This agreement shall expire on September 30, 2007. RECOMMENDATION The Council should weigh the addition of another temporary sign in the downtown area with the intent of the sign, which is to detennine whether one temporary sign at one location may best serve the downtown business community. The sign committee will continue to work on the temporary sign issue, and the information gathered from this temporary use may be helpful in establishing a definite direction. Staff would only support the license agreement on a temporary basis as noted, and with the stipulation that the outcomes be carefully measured. 3 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 11. Consideration of a reauest for an amendment to the Monticello Zoninl!: Ordinance Section 2-2 [PJI defminl!: public sil!:lls and an amendment to Section 3-9 rel!:ulatinl!: sil!:ns to address off-site. auasi-public sil!:lls. Applicant: City of Monticello (NAC The Planning Commission heard this item at their March 5, 2007 meeting and recommended denial of the request. The Commission was concerned that amending the ordinance in this manner may allow several other organizations to request signs similar to that requested by the American Legion, leading to a proliferation of such signs within the Community. The Commission was also concerned that preparing an amendment to accommodate the American Legion may give them an unfair advantage, as they are a commercial use competing with similar business in the City. The Commission encouraged the American Legion to pursue other forms of advertising in lieu of an off- premise sign. In regard to the proposed amendment which would allow "public signs" in all districts, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment. Planning Commission supported staff's recommendation, noting the fact that such signs already exist in many of the districts currently excluded by ordinance, and that the intent of such signs is to serve the general public in all areas of the community. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City of Monticello has applied for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to broaden the definition of "public signs", as defined in Section 2-2 [PJ]. The request would broaden the subject definition to allow off-premise signs for quasi-public uses. The City is responding to a request made by the American Legion for an off-premise directional sign. The American Legion building, located at 304 Elm Street, is not visible from any major thoroughfares in the City of Monticello. This organization is therefore requesting a directional sign to direct visitors to their somewhat obscure location. The exact design and location of the requested directional sign have not been identified at this time. ANALYSIS The Zoning Ordinance currently allows such signs as Public Signs within the A-O, R-I, R-2, R-3, R- 4, and PZR districts. The definition of "Public Sign" currently reads, Signs of a public, non-commercial nature, to include safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, memorial plaques, and the like, when signs are erected by or on order of a public officer or employee in the performance of official duty. In order to accommodate the American Legion's request, the definition of "Public Sign" would need to be modified to include signs indicating locations of buildings for civic interest groups. City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 The American Legion is a non-profit organization, as established in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However, the organization does perform functions similar to that of a conunercial business. The Monticello American Legion contains a bar which operates as a conunercial entity. The organization also conducts charitable gambling through the sale of pull-tabs. While the American Legion is a civic interest group, the proposed sign may not fit the definition, which restricts public signs to uses of a "non-conunercial" nature. Any modification to the "non-conunercial" clause of the definition would change the nature of the definition in its entirety. Therefore, broadening the definition to include civic interest groups may still exclude the American Legion from this definition. Size. As the code currently reads, size limitations for public signs follow the same parameters established for pylon signs. As such, signs up to 175 square feet may be erected, if the speed limit allows. Some larger public signs do exist in the City and therefore, the existing language may be appropriate. However, staff reconunends that more restrictive size regulations be established for public signs for non-govenunental organizations, if the City chooses to broaden the definition. For non-governmental organizations, such as the American Legion, limiting the face area of direction signs to 18"x24" may be more suitable. The proposed size is modeled after a similar sign ordinance amendment considered by the Planning Conunission on October 6, 1980. Such signs would also be consistent with the conunon recreational use or "point of interest" signs found on public roads. Staff also reconunends that each non-govenunental organization be limited to one off-premise sign, green in color with white lettering. A sample ordinance to acconunodate this change may be found attached as Exhibit B. This amendment only needs to be considered if the City chooses to broaden the definition of "Public Sign." Zoning Districts. Regardless of whether or not the definition is expanded, staff believes some minor modifications to the regulations regarding public signs are necessary. As the code currently reads, public signs are only permitted in the A-O, R-I, R-2, R-3, R-4, and PZR districts. Staff recommends that this provision be removed from the "district regulations" portion of the Ordinance to allow public signs in all zoning districts instead. A corresponding amendment has been prepared and may be found attached as Exhibit C. Code Search. As a measure of comparison, staff performed a code search of area cities for examples of ordinance language relating public signs. The City of Big Lake defines public signs as, "any public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance; signs of a non-conunercial nature and in the public interest, erected by, or on the order of a public officer in the performance of public duty such as directional signs, regulatory signs, warning signs, public signs for parks, public buildings and informational signs. " 2 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 The City of Otsego allows public signs as, "any signs in the public interest, erected by, or on the order of, public officers in the performance of their public duty, such as directional signs, regulatory signs, warning signs, and informational signs and all warning signs posted by public utilities whether or not such signs are in the public rights-of-way." Results from these and other cities demonstrate that most area cities do not contain a specific provision in their zoning ordinances to allow any non-governmental organizations to erect public signs. These signs are typically allowed strictly for public uses and buildings and in situations where such signs are necessary for a public notice or other public purpose. Broadening the parameters of the ordinance may solicit similar requests from other CIVIC organizations, including, but not limited to, the VFW, the Monticello Jaycees, the Monticello Masonic Lodge and the Monticello Lions Club. All are similar civic interest groups which may qualitY for an off-premise sign under the proposed amendment. CONCLUSION In regard to the proposed Ordinance Amendment, the City should carefully consider whether or not the nature of the proposed use is generally consistent with the intent of the existing definition. In other words, the City should consider whether or not the American Legion fits the description of being non-commercial in nature. The City should also consider the potential increase in requests for off-site directional signs that may result from this amendment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended denial of an amendment to Sections 2-2 [PJ) and Section 3-9[E)1(b). A. Regarding the request for an amendment to Section 2-2 [PJ], attached as Exhibit A, and the corresponding amendment to Section 3-9 [E]I(b), attached as Exhibit B, the City has the following options: I. Motion to approve the amendment to permit off-site directional signs for CIVIC organization as proposed, based on a finding that tl1e amendment is consistent with the intent of the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance relating to signage. 2. Motion to deny tl1e proposed amendment to permit off-site directional signs, based on a finding that the requested amendment is not consistent with tl1e intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Motion to table the request for further study. The Planning Commission recommended approval of an amendment allowing "public" signs in all districts. 3 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 8. In addition to the proposed amendment to broaden the definition of "public signs", staff has prepared an amendment that would permit such signs in all zoning districts. Regarding this amendment, attached as Exhibit C, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the amendment to Section 3-9 of the zoning ordinance to allow public signs in all zoning districts. 2. Motion to deny the request for an amendment to Section 3-9 of the zoning ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Regarding the request to broaden the definition of "Public Sign", the City should consider the nature of the use of the American Legion, and whether it fits the description of being non-commercial in nature. If the City believes the proposed amendment is appropriate, staff recommends that any off- premise directional sign for a non-governmental use should be limited to a face area not to exceed 18"x 24". Staff also recommends that each non-governmental organization be limited to one off- premise directional sign each. Regardless of whether or the City chooses to broaden the subject definition, staff recommends approval of the amendment proposed in Option B above. As the ordinance currently reads, public signs are only allowed in agricultural and residential districts. A number of non-conforming situations may exist with public signs located in business districts or other districts within the City. Staff recommends that public signs be added to the list of permitted signs under Section 3-9 [B] I, which would allow them to be erected in all zoning districts. 4 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 EXHIBIT A: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF CHAPTER 2 RELATING TO THE DEFINITION OF PUBLIC SIGNS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 2-2 [PJ] relating to the definition of public signs is hereby amended to read as follows: [PJ] PUBLIC SIGN: Signs of a public, non-commercial nature, to include safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, memorial plaques, and the like, and signs for civic interest grOUPS as designated by the City Council when signs are erected by or on order of a public officer or employee in the performance of official duty. 5 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 EXHIBIT B: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO PERMITTED SIGNS AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR SIGNAGE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 3-9 [E]l(b) relating to the permitted signs is hereby amended to read as follows: (B) Pulllie sigas, iB.elUllill.g Jlll-9lie sigas that aiGJlla-y ill.f-ermatioll. elcetFell.ieally, Jlr-eYiaea that thc gross s'lHa-re footage of siga a-r-ea docs lI.ot eJ,aeea siga height ana size relj:ooell.lell.ts iaealifiea ill. Seatioll. 3 9[E]1e ofilia Meffiieello ZOllill.g Ordill.anec. SECTION 2. Section 3-9 [B] 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: (i) Public Signs (as defined in Section 2-2 [pm. Such signs shall be subiect to the following requirements: I. Anv public sign for a non-governmental organization shall have a face area no larger than 18" x 24". 2. All non-governmental organizations shall be limited to one sign each. 3. Anv public sign for a non-governmental organization shall be green in color with white lettering onlv. EXHIBIT C: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO PERMITTED SIGNS AND AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR SIGNAGE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: 6 City Council Agenda- 03/26/07 SECTION 1. Section 3-9 [E]l(b) relating to the permitted signs is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Puhlie signs, iaeludiag poolie signs that Elisplay iaf{)rmatioa eleelfoaieally, provided that the gross sljllare footage of sign area does aot e)(oeed sign height and size reqcuiremeats id6fltiHed ia Seetioa 3 9[E]4e oftbe Moatieello Zoaiflg Offiiaanee. SECTION 2. Section 3-9 [B] 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: 0) Public Signs (as defined in Section 2-2 [PJl). THIS AMENDMENT SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ITS PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION Approved by the Monticello City Council the 26th day of March, 2007. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Mayor Clint Herbst ATTEST By: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 7 Council Agenda: 3/26/07 12. Consideration of call1n!! for a special meetin!! for the purpose of interviewin!! Paula Mastev for the Position of Finance Director. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As was noted in a previous City Council update, upon completion of a recent successful evaluation of Paula's performance as Senior Accountant Cathy Schuman and I came to realize that Mastey should be considered as a viable candidate for the position. We met with Paula on the matter and suggested that she consider seeking the position. Paula thanked us for the invitation to apply and noted that she would prepare a cover letter and resume accordingly. The Personnel Committee was informed of this potential and supported reopening the position for internal posting. The position opening was posted only internally. Paula Mastey provided a cover memo and resume in application for the position. No one else applied. Council is asked to consider calling for a special meeting for the purpose of interviewing Mastey for the position. unable to take the position. She did ask that she be kept in mind for future reference, but did not say when she might be able to tackle the job. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion calling for a special meeting of the City Council for the purpose of interviewing Paula Mastey for the Position of Finance Director. Proposed meeting date is Monday, May 2nd at 5:30 PM. 2. Motion supporting reopening the position to the general public. Council could take the view that that announcement of the re-opening ofthe position should be extended to the general public again. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is my recommendation to select alternative I. It is my view that unless the City Council increases the salary range opening the position to the general public is not likely to yield candidates equal to or superior to those already interviewed. I believe we have done our due diligence in seeking candidates. In the event the City Council is not comfortable with hiring Mastey, then other options for finding a Finance Director will need to be explored. '" '" 0" " '" tJ '" w() y" , i:l '" '0 "-"' 0 0 ~ 0 ~ yt1H W ,. ~ ~,. "'" H , " ,,-() ID U; y GO tv() to" '" '" '" "' 00 ~~ 0 , 0 '" ::~ "" 0 H c:: H "0 -.J tJ "' '" >-l "''' , 0 Ul ~ ~- U; " 0 0 H ~- "'"' " U; 0 ..,. ID 0 " W", ().. ,. " W W,. 0 --- ,. H ..OJ 0'0 "' >-l U; we< ",e- ,. 0 "''" '" () -.J ID 0: () '" 0 OJ () ~ 0 " () ~ "' '" 0 Ul 3 ~ ~ n w :r '0 --- '" " ~ H Z 0- ~- u; >-l " " --- H " 0 ro m -.J ~ 0 H> 0: ,. zo --- m H '0 e- o, H () H Ul '" m '0 '" Ul~ () "' 0 " . m Ul '< rn w tJ' e< "- H "'"' "' . 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