Planning Commission Minutes 01-30-1974 (Special Meeting) . . . January 30t 1974 Special meeting of the Planning Commission - January JO, 1974 - City Hall - 7:JO P. M. The meeting w~s called to order at 7:JO P. M. by Chairman Chuck Stumpf. Members present: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Topel, Worth. Absent: White. The minutes for the meeting of January 16, 1974, were approved as read. A discussion was held concerning the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Block 1 (By Holker's East Side Drive In). It was decided by the Commission, no vote, to leave the proposal as it was determined to be at the meeting of January 16, 1974. A discussion was held concerning "A Resolution on Flood Insurance." It was decided by the Commission, no vote, to recommend to the City Council that this proposal be tabled until annexation occurs. An annexation discussion centered on what problems the City of Monticello may face if annexation takes place. It was decided that the city should make immediate provisions for street maintenance and that solutions for other problems will have to wait until annexation occurs . A motion was made by Mel Worth, seconded by Larry Muehlbauer, to recommend to the City Council the following: (1) That the City consider as an eastern boundary in annexation an adjust- ment to the Township line. (2) That the southern line as recommended by the Minnesota Municipal Commission possibly be extended 1/2 section north. A determination should be made on why the Y. M. C. A. property is not included in the annexation proposal. in favor: Maus, !lriller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel, Worth. Opposed: Absent: White. Motion carried. (3) Voting None. Chairman Chuck Stumpf noted that the Planning Commission would try to have representatives at the Monticello Housing Authcrity meeting of February 8, 1974 (1~00 P. M.). .. motion to adjourn was made by Fred Topel" seconded by Jim Maus, Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Topel, Worth. Opposed: None. Absent: White. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. February 20, 1974. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, J(~_..: cLl,'1.-,~.' Kevin L. La France, Adm. KLLF/lsg