Planning Commission Minutes 05-08-1974 . May 8, 1974 Special meeting of the City Planning Commission - May 8, 1974 - Ci ty Hall. Members present: Maus, Miller, Topel, White. Absent: Muehl- bauer, Worth. Chairman Chuck Stumpf arrived later in meeting. A motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of 1974, was made by Jim Maus, seconded by Ron White. favor: Maus, Miller, Topel, White. Opposed: None. Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Worth. Motion carried. April 24, Voting in Absent: . A presentati08'was made by Mr. Ron Schlief in regard to the construction of apartment/s on what is referred to as the "Zetterberg property." Mr. Schlief requested re-zoning and a variance permit to allow for a 16-unit multi-family dwelling. There was Planning Commission consensus that there is no pro- blem in regard to lot and yard requirements - there is, how- ever, a shortage in square feet of approximately 3,000 feet. After discussion, a motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by Jim Maus, to recommend to the City Council that the south half of Block 11 - Lots 1,2,3,4 and 12, and Block 12, including the present apartment property, be re-zoned from R-2 to R-3, and that a variance permit be allowed to allow for the shortage in square feet. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Topel, White. Opposed: None. Absent: Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Worth. Motion carried. (It was noted by the Commission that this is a recommendation only as the Commission was aware that there were not 5 members present to constitute a quorum). A motion was made by J. W. Miller, seconded by J. Maus, to re- commend to the City Council that a charge of $30.00 be est- ablished to cover costs incurred when a request is made for a zoning change. This charge to be paid by the property owner or person requesting the change. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Topel, White. Opposed: None. Absent: Muehlbauer, Stumpf, Worth. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Mr. Axel Rasmussen and Mr. Gerald Fredin in regard to the Building Inspector position and a discussion was held concerning the present rate schedule. Chairman Chuck Stumpf arrived during this discussion. A pro- posal was made to have Mr. Rasmussen and Mr. Fredin share the . . City Planning Commission May 8, 1974 Page 2 Building Inspector position. Mr. Rasmussen expressed his opposition to this proposal; Mr. Fredin stated there could be some sharing of duties. In this regard, a motion was made by Miller, seconded by White, to recommend to the City Council~_ that Axel Rasmussen be retained as the Building Inspector with the understanding that Mr. Rasmussen will be available on a full time, annual basis. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Stumpf, White. Opposed: Topel. Absent: Muehlbauer, Worth. Motion carried. A motion was made by Topel, seconded by Miller, to double the present building inspection fee schedule; the minimum building inspection fee will be $10.00, the rate will increase to $2.00 per $1,000.00 valuation after $5,000.00 up to $500,000.00. For any amount over $500,000.00, the rate will revert back to $1.00 per $1,000.00. . A discussion was held in regard to a proposal submitted by Mr. Tom Loucks of Brauer & Associates. Mr. Loucks had stated that there would be a $25.00 per hour charge, plus mileage, for attendance at city meetings. A total cost for a city pro- gram would vary with the services desired. A community pro- gram in regard to annexation problems could run up to $10,000.00. In this regard, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Topel, to recommend to the City Council that Brauer & Associates be engaged to resolve specific matters on a "when needed" basis at a fee of $25.00 per hour, plus mileage. A project to be considered for study is Plat Plan #4 - this would be re- viewed by the Planning Commission and the Roads & Streets Comm. with Mr. Loucks in attendance. Voting in favor: Maus, Miller, Stumpf, Topel, White. Opposed: None. Absent: Muehlbauer, Worth. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made by Topel, seconded by Miller. Carried. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. ~, ;i xL Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm. KLLF/lsg . 2 Enc 1 : 1. Typed proposal of Ron Sch1ief. 2. Memo from Brauer & Associates. ... ".I .. . . .e- .- ........ ;{ " - Proposed re-sonlng and variance tor Zetterberg property to aooomodate a 16 unit multi-family dwelli~g. 1) The property i. pre.ently moned R-2. The property i. comp~.edot 3 lots; with a total square toot age ot 24,090 .quare t.et. 2) Essential to our consideration of the 16 unit dwelling on this site would be r.....on1ng of the area to R...3. To support justification for re-Boning of thl. .ite, it might be noted that theaite lay. adjacent to two 8 unit multi-tamily dwellings. Additionally, there . i8 a 4 unit multi-family dwelling within a halt block. Utilization ot this site, tor the proposed purpose, it a.._ to m., ocmat1tutea pfooperty utilization of the highest publie benetit. 3) Given an R-3 z6ning change, this site would accomadate, by ordnanoer ~).726 unite. Becaus. 16 units becomes more tlnanc~ly feasible and even unite (4, a, 12, 16, etc.) are more practicle, it i8 requested that a variance be g:tanted that would allow 16 units on the proposed site. Please refer to the proposed achematics to get a feel tor how the units would be placed on the property. 4) Below find a aktftch of the propoaedm site. t.J (.{./''( - I ~ '- flw;DSt-IJ. 51 n:. ffiffi ffiJWfl-M.~. s B . pli.t. ---~ t-.. -8- {)L:~ y.... .U .---- n I J I 'f.-- H A (.01+'1 <ejt flpr'S i};;U to! r:ur Ron Schle1t consideration, Enclesure 1: To Planning Commission minutes of May 8, 1974.