City Council Agenda Packet 11-28-2005 Special .. ,-,.--- .. . AGENDA SPECIAL CLOSED MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday November 28, 2005 6 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order 2. Conduct performance review and evaluation of City Administrator. 3. Adjourn i , ..., , f 1 , ~ MEMO MONTICELLO DATE: Mayor and Council ".-... '\ Rick Wolfsteller, City AdministratW / November 17,2005 TO: FROM: RE: Administrator's Evaluation Swan River Facility Insurance City Maintenance/Service Agreements Performance Evaluation Forms: With the Council setting a special meeting prior to the next Council meeting at 6 p.m. November 28, 2005 to conduct an evaluation of my position, I'm not really sure how this Council wants to handle the evaluation process, but I wanted to send to each Council member a copy of an appraisal document that has been used in the past by previous Councils as part of the evaluation. I'm not sure really if this is the same process you want to use this time, but . regardless, at least you will have a copy of a blank appraisal form to use as a guide. If the Mayor and Council are interested in using a completely different format, that would be fine with me and it could be just as simple as Councilmembers indicating their likes or dislikes of my performance or setting goals and objectives you would like to see accomplished by myself. Possibly the Council already has other ideas on how to conduct this evaluation, but I will leave that up to you. In addition to the evaluation forms that had been used in the past as a reference, I took a moment to also send along a copy of some goals and objectives I had set for myself after the last evaluation that I wanted to try and accomplish this past year. Along those same lines, I have also attached a list of accomplishments that were or are being done to meet those goals I had set for myself. As I noted above, the Council may want to discuss things you would like to see the Administrator's position accomplish in the next year or so as another way of evaluating the position. . Another point I would like to mention is that changes have occurred in many of the positions within our organization over the years since the comparable worth plan was originally established in 1991. Many of our job classifications have had changes made to their job descriptions because of additional duties or responsibilities that have occurred as the community has grown and their jobs have evolved which have resulted in many of the job classifications receiving upgrades in the comparable worth point system which also resulted in additional pay increases. That was one of the responsibilities of the City Administrator's position to review these individual requests as they came forward and determine whether adj ustments were warranted and to ensure the City continues to be in compliancc with the comparable worth program statutes. The reason I'm bringing this up is that the Administrator's position is one of the few jobs that has not had any changes since 1991. I mention this not to complain, but it is a fact that hopefully the recently authorized salary survey that is being conducted b . Frank Mad f ).{onliccllo City Hall. 505 Walnut Street. Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 GolfCuurse Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170' Fax: (763) 271-3272 -. . . With my performance review being conducted in a special closed meeting, a brief summary of the action of the closed meeting needs to be mentioned at a future open meeting. Typically the Mayor will indicate that a meeting was held to conduct an evaluation and just provide a brief overview of any actions discussed or taken as a result of that review. Swan River Facility Insurance Coverae:e: At the last Council meeting, Isabelle Olson spoke to the Council indicating that Swan River School was planning on building a playground at their site and indicated that they would open it to public use if the City would provide additional insurance coverages. As I noted at the meeting, and confirmed again through our insurance agency, Dan Carlson representing the League of Minnesota Insurance Trust, the City of Monticello is not able to provide liability insurance coverage for playgrounds that are not owned by the City. The fact that anyone can now utilize any of the playgrounds or recreational fields on school property doesn't expose the City of Monticello to any liability and we are not covering any liability issues on school facilities elsewhere. Ijust wanted to again let the Council know that this is not an option, even if the City wanted to, as our insurance carrier will not provide that type of coverage. Related to insurance coverage at the Little Mountain Chapel, the City of Monticello does have insurance coverage for liability purposes any time we use the church facility at the Swan River building or rent it out for weddings or events. Even though we don't actually own the Little Mountain Chapel, we can obtain coverage by the fact that we are renting the facility. City Maintenance/Servicc Ae:rcements: A question was asked at the last Council meeting what different type of maintenance agreements or service agreements does the City have and with whom. I have enclosed a list of the various vendors through which we do have service or maintenance agreements and note the purpose for each agreement. Additionally, I ran a finance report which I have included for the category of maintenance agreements that should correspond with the summary. It should be noted that in some cases the amounts expended under various department maintenance agreement categories might be actually repairs to some items rather than a true service contract, but in most cases the report is selt~explanatory. One last note, the largest maintenance agreement amount is under City Hall and is through Marco Business Products which covers our primary copying machine. This is not a true maintenance agreement in that we are actually paying for the cquipment, including service calls by means of an agrecmcnt that charges us on a pcr copy basis. It is likc a lease agreement rather than a true maintenance agreement but is coded for our purposes under maintenance agreements. [1' this is still confusing to Councilmcmbers, just let me know and [ can try to give you more background. Attachments: Evaluation Forms Certificate ofInsurance Maintenance Agreement Information . APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE . position: Date: . This column for office use only '" c: o ~ - II) ~ " :> '" c o ~ - en '" - to ::I C" '" .., < - " c E " o E II) .. .. > .., e '" e- .. E z_ - c ili .. ;::; E c " U),!> -g!~ '" ::I E ZII)- c ~ o c "" c: ::l . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation Please indicate if this form is being completed by: Staff Council A. POLICY 1. Understands the difference between policy and administration Assists in policy formuiation without exerting undue influence Provides sound advice on policy matters Carries out adopted policy effectiveiy, faithfully and in a timely manner COMMENTS . o B. PLANNING 1. Plans, organizes and supervises implementation of on-going City programs and services 2. Organizes program planning in a manner that anticipates future needs and problems and establishes common goals for adoption by the City Council 3. Achieves goals set by or in conjunction with the City Council o COMMENTS 0 1. Prepares a sound agenda 0 . 2. Balances work flow from meeting to meeting as much as possible 0 3. Prepares agendas that foous on policy- making issues while keeping unnecessary administrative matters off 0 4. Provides adeouate back-uP material C. AGENDAS . COMMENTS . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only Cl C o ~ - III ~ Gl > Cl C o ~ - III ll) - co :::l e- ll) "C < - ll) C E ll) o E III ll) en > "C e ll) c. ll) E Z_ - c iii Gl ::: E c " ct)J9> "C en e ll) .c c. ll) :::l E ZIIl- c ~ C C "'" c =:l D. REPORTING 1. Provides reports in a comprehensive and understandable manner provides appropriate information for making sound policy decisions COMMENTS . . .0 1. Presents realistic budget 0 2. Seeks efficiency and economy in all . '. programs . -::- 0 3. Presents budget in an understandable I " C,." fashion 0 . 4. Keeps City Council informed on fiscal '. " matters 0 5. Administers the budget within adopted I limits 0 6. Instills in department heads and empioyees a sense of efficiency and economy E. FISCAL MANAGEMENT COMMENTS . 0 1. Demonstrates ability to recruit excellent I , personnel 0 2. Demonstrates ability to retain excellent . personnel 0 3. Impartially administers the merit system through evaluation 0 4. Mair,tams good relations with employee organizations 0 5. Effectively represents city interests in collective bargaining 0 6. Seeks to develop skills/abilities of employees F PERSONNEL COMMENTS . . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only '" c: o - - Ul i:- ll) > Cl c o - iii .. - .. = l:T Gl "" < - .. c E Gl o E en III In > 'Ce ll) Co ll) E z_ - c ftj ll) =E c: ll) en ~ ~ "" In _ ll) .., Co ll) = E ZUl_ c ~ o c: "" c :J G. SUPERVISION 1, Properly supervised Department Heads 2. Knows what is going on in various departments Encourages initiative in Department Heads Conducts reguiar and meaningful evaluations of Deoartment Heads Is available to all City employees Keeps Department Heads informed of Council policies COMMENTS . o . 1. Motivates others to accomplish goals .,; 0----:;;-, 2. Delegates appropriate responsibilities to I ,:,,: other members of management team 0 3. Develops teamwork and cooperation among staff . 0 4. Has support of employees in decisions .. 0 5. Effectively evaluates performance of staff H. LEADERSHIP COMMENTS . .. . 0 1. Takes appropriate and timely steps to . improve departmental deficiencies -. 0 3, Obtains the greatest possible performance . from Department Heads and employees .... 0 4, Is aware of exceptional and/cr unusually productive administration personnel and strives to have their accomplishments recognized 0 5, Effectively represents City interests in ." collective bargaining 0 6, Seeks to deveiop skills/abilities of :',' employees l. DEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE COMMENTS . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only Cll c o ~ - Ul ~ 0> > Cll C o ~ - Ul 0> iii ::l c- O> ." < - 0> C E 0> o E en 0> en > "0 e 0> c- O> E z_ - c l! lP _ E c 0> '" .. > -cCi.ie 0> .Cl c- O> ::l E zen_ c ;= o c "'" c ::::l J. COUNCIL RELATIONS 1. Assists Council members in resolving problems administratively to avoid unnecessary action at meetings Deals with Council as a whole on policy Issues Demonstrates Impartiality and maintains appropriate relationships with individual Council members Is receptive to constructive criticism and advice Responds promptly to Council's inquiries Maintains a balance between frankness and diplomacy COMMENTS . K. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS o 1. Maintains good cooperative relations with: o a. Municipalities and School District o b. State and Federal agencies o c. State legislators o d. Agencies contracting with or supported by the City COMMENTS . 0 1. Viewed by the community as a person of high Integrity, ability and devotion to the city 0 2. Handles citizen's questions and/or complaints oromptly and effectively 0 3. Properly supports the city Council 0 4. Maintains good relations with the media; provides accurate and timely information 0 5. Prcperly aVOids politics and partnership 0 6. Creates a feeling of respect for City government within the community l. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMENTS . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only Cl = o ~ - Ul i:' " > Cl = o ~ - Ul '" - .. = C" '" ... < - " c E " o E Ul " In > 'C e " C- " E z_ - c ii " ;: E c " In .. > "C U; e " J:l C- " = E ZUl_ c ~ o c "" c ::l M. PROFESSIONAL REPUTATION 1. Well-respected by fellow managers 2. Represents City in professional organizations 3. Seeks positive recognition for City by public administration associations 4. Knowledgeable of current developments affecting the management field 5. Str.ves to continue professional grow1h COMMENTS . , 0 1. Controls emotions effectively in difficult situations '.' 0 2. Is creative in developing practical solutions to problems faced in the oourse of work .,:: . . 0 3. Is fiexible in accepting and adjusting to . change 0 4. Has positive altitude 0 .: 5. Demonstrates personal honesty and . frankness in day-to-day relationships 0 6. Seeks to improve own skills/knowledge I 0 7. Completes work in an acceptable time period 0 8. Performs work accurately N. PERSONAL TRAITS COMMENTS During the coming year, what can the City Manager take the greatest pride in? What do you feel are his strongest points and his finest accomplishments this year? . What areas do you feel most need imprcvement? Why? Do you have any constructive, positive ideas how the City Manager can improve these areas? . . . City Manager Performance Evaluation Addendum Please feel free to make additional comments or identify concerns you may have in areas not covered by this evaluation: . . . City Administrator's Goals and Objectives for 2004 ____ Participate in development of a long term annexation or merger agreement to resolve the annexation dispute with Monticello Township _m Help organize and develop a Wright County Cities organization Continue participation in the League of Minnesota Cities legislative policy adoption committee on improving fiscal futures for Minnesota cities Successfully implement revisions to the cities accounting system to accommodate the new auditing requirements of GASB 34 Create a complete inventory of city assets, including all equipment, land, vehicles, buildings and infrastructure improvements owned by the city since 1980 to meet requirements of conversion of annual audit report to meet new GASB 34 rules Continue participation as vice-president of the Coalition of Utility Cities' organization who's primary mission and goal is to preserve the personal property tax valuation ofXcel's power plant. Current issues revolve around Xce!'s attempt to have the Dept. of Revenue modify how they value personal property of utilities, which could lower our valuation by 20% or more m_ Develop a finance plan that will allow for the construction of a new interchange at county road 18 and 1-94 m_ Develop a new fire contract or service arrangement with Monticello township that can more accurately reflect the cost of providing service to the township. _m Effectively Manage and oversee city budget to continue the trend of increasing fund balances (surplus) each year. General fund surplus has increased annually from $1.6 million in 1993 to over $5.3 million in 2002 ____ Continue to explore opportunities for cooperation with other local jurisdictions, including the hospital district and school district ____ Begin to study and plan for future organizational needs to accommodate future retirements of staff within the next 5yrs..ie: Street Supr., PW Director, Econ. Develop. Director, Deputy City Clerk and myself . . ~ Accomplishments related to 2004 Goals and Objectives Participated in development of annexation agreement thru mediation process Continue to be involved in recently organized Wright County Cities Administrators group ___ Continue to serve on League of Minn. Cities legislative policy adoption committee for improving fiscal futures of Minn. Cities ___ Worked with financial advisor (Mark Ruff) in structuring the largest Bond sale in Monticello's history ($25.5 million) and met with Moody's Investor analysis to maintain the city's upgraded A2 bond rating. m Worked with finance staff in establishing new accounting systems to meet required GASB 34 audit/finance reporting requirements for cities (2nd year) ___ Continue to serve as V.P. of Coalition of Utility Cities lobbying organization who's primary goal is to preserve xcel energy personal property tax base for the city. ___ Continue to manage and oversee increasing City budget and 528 million dollar fund balances along with maintaining healthy reserves for the city which provides the city council with flexibility to meet unexpected expenses and ability to maintain a good bond rating. ___ Successfully administer comparable worth program adjustments and reporting requirements to ensure compliance with state statutes. To: Rick CSID: 763-295-3010 11/15/20052:23 PM P 2/3 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANf CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO AL.L. THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. l~~~ r;;'s'!.d lYPE OF INSURANCE POLlCY NUMBER CArE rMMlDD DATE MMlDDNY LIMITS ~NERAI. L1ABIl.1TY I EACH CCCURRENCE $ $J., 000,000 A : X COMMERCIAL. GENERAL LIABILITY CMC 25:1.50 03/07/05 03/07/06 PREMISES (Ea occurence) $ $50,000 i CLAIMS MADE .:!J OCCuR i MED E/P (Anyone person) . Excluded PERSONAL & PDV INJuRY . $J. ,000 ,000 ~ GENERAL AGGREGATE . NONE ~'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APP~ ~ER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGO $ $J.,OOO,OOO ,nPRO- X POLICY JEeT LaC I~UTOMOBILE l.lASlLllY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT . $J.,OOO,OOO A ~ mY AUTO ' CMC 25:1.50 03/07/05 03/07/06 (Eaaccidentl i - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY ~ SCHEDULED ,..:.mas (Per person) I I -- 0- HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY " 0- NON-OWNED ,..:.mOS (Per accident) I -~--- , ~ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ I (Peraccidentl ~GE LlABlL.1lY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT . I '$ H ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EAACC AUTO ONLY AGG , EXCESSJUMBREl.LA L1ABILIlY EACH OCCURRENCE $ $J. ,000,000 A , OCCUR ~ CLA.IMS MADE wu. 4594 03/07/05 03/07/06 AGGREGATE $ $J. ,000 ,000 , I . R DEDUCTIBLE . I RETENTION $ " WORKERS COMPENSATION AND l-TORYLlMITS I xl ER- A EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 02-000523J.8 J.0/J.0/05 I J.0/J.0/06 EL EA.CH ACCIDENT $ $:1.,000,000 ANY PROPRIETORIPAATNERlEXECUTIVE OFFICERfMEM8ER EXCLUDED? EL DiSEASE - EA EMPLOYEE '$J. ,000 ,000 Ifyes,deSCnoel.lnder , I E L DISEASE - POLlC'" UMIT . $J.,OOO,OOO SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER A I Liquor Liabili ty LLCJ.J.56 03/07/05 03/07/06 occur/Aqll $J.,OOO,OOO I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS J LOCATIONS J VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDEO BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 , , , I , I PRODUCER ter, Car1son, White Aqency W Bdwy PO Box J.88 Monticello MN 55362 phone:763-295-26J.4 Fax:763-295-30J.0 INSURED city of Monticello 505 Walnut st, ste J. MonticeJ.lo MN 55362 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE HOLDER SWANUV Swan River MOntessori school PO Box 876 Monticello MN 55362 ACORD 25 (2001108) OPID c~~-J. J.J. J.5 05 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A L:EAC3UZ or }IJN Cl:TZZS INSURER 8 Old Roe ub1ic Surety INSURER C" INSURER 0 INSURER E ,NAIC# Group CANCELLATION SHOUL.D ANV OF TH& ABOVi DiSCRlB&D POLICIES BE CANCELl.ED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING INSURER Wll.L ENDEAVOR TO MAIL. ~ DAYS WRl1TEN NOTICE TO fHE CERTIFICATE HOL.DER NAMED TO THE L.EFT, BUT FAll.URE TO 00 SO SHALL. IMPOSE NO OBL.IGATION OR LlABIl.1TY OF Am KINO UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Dan Carlson @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 . . . SUMMARY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS VENDOR PURPOSE Crabtree Laser Fiche Equipment Chader Dictation Equipment Girads Check Printer Marco Business Products Copier(s) in City Hall Image Tech Large Plan Set Xerox Copier Pitney Bowes Postage Machine/Meter Ricoh Fax Machine Deputy Registrar/Parks/ Sewer/Water (Wright-Hennepin) Security Systems McDowall HV AC Systems Dalmation Fire Extinguishers Sentry Security System G&K Uniforms - Public Works > '" " '" '" '" t< n n :> H '" ~" " " " ~ eJ m ~ ~ "' " m ~n '-<" " 0 ~. tJ " H H "' "0 "' ~Ul 0 " H " 0 ill ill " "H 0 >-' '-<t1H ~ " CT 0 H " " 0 "" ~ <n" "''' H 0. ~ 0. 0. " "'''' CT ~H W ill H CT ~ ~ . ~. "'Z . tpCT tp " 0 0 ~ " >-' ,"0 Ul g~ ~~ " " ~ eJ " m ,," '" n 0 tJ '" '" Ul '" ,,'" H <nn "0 to n CT ~ " CT H n 0 H mCT m 0 ~. 0 to 0. . . n," 0 " " ~. rt " < ~ m ~ " 01" rt >-'t< 8 " m CT "" ~. 0 in 0 rt >< tp " "to 0 ..Ul ~ m is' eJ " '" tJ "m " >-'>< n.. tJ m ~ '" <nUl 0 >< . n ~ 0 CT "eJ 0", ill ~. 0 tJ '" '" ill "''" >-'~. 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