Planning Commission Minutes 04-15-1975 . . . e e Plannin~ Commission Meetin~ April 15, 1975 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Larry Muehlbauer, Gordon Steinert, Ron White, Howard Gillham, Fred Topel, J. W. Miller. Absent: Chuck Stumpf, Willa1'd Anderson. Minutes of March 19, 1975 approved. 1. Presentation by Rov Lauring on his property north and south of free- way. Mr. La.uring presented sketches of planned roads in both areas. On basis of recommendation from City Planner the planning commission requested Mr. Lauring present a preliminary plat plan on each area for the connnission and planner review, before any action could be taken by the com mission. 2. Dick Holker. representin~ son Tom. asked for approval of plat 20182. Since no plat available no decision was made. Dick Holker. representing son Tom. inquired as to buildinll: ~rmit for property alon~ East River Road. Manhattan Addition Lot J owned by Leo Kirscht. No approval could be given since lot was in flood plain zone and according to federal flood insurance requirements, city could not issue building permit in this area. J. 4. Presentation by Robert Roblin on Charles L. Ritze Preliminary Plat. Motion to approve plat made by Gillham, seconded by Steinert and unan- imously carried with stipulation that 66 foot area be vacated for street on Northwest portion of property as indicated on plat. 5. Discussion of Buildinj; Permit application by Texaco. Inc. Motion by Topel, seconded by Gillham to deny request until a more definite plan was developed for the property and also in light of our overall comp- rehensive plan requiring a moratorium on land use development, motion carried unanimously. 6. Discussion on Buildin~ Permit for Foster Office Building. City building inspector to review with state bUilding inspector fire code regulations. . . .' ... 1," Planning Commission - April 15, 1975 - continued. Page 2. 7. Discussion of purchase of public works maintenance site. City Planner felt the location was a good choice as it will improve the appearance of the site and the siting of two utilities functions (NSP and Public Works) side by side represented a good grouping of facilities. City Council had taken action to purchase property at their April 14 meeting. 8. Discussion of municipal liquor store site. Mention was made of the Fullerton Lumber Yard site and Howard Dahlgren felt this was an excellent location and his preference of this site over two other locations on the southwest and northeast side of intersection of 175 and #25. This location was recommended bY' the liquor commissionn as a possible site at their April 15, 1975 meeting at 5 P.M. 9. Commission informed of City Council's Decision to retain Howard Dahlgren. Howard Dahlgren had retired recently from Midwest Planning and Re- search and given the option the city council decided to retain his services. Consensus of nlanning commission was that a good choice had been made. 10. Consideration of recommendations from wri~ht Soil and Water Conservation District on plats. Tabled to next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. a~. tJd-. Acting ity Administrator GW/mjq /. ""."". . PLANNING REPORTS City of Monticell 0 Siting of City Public Works Maintenance Facility Gus Hammer, Sabeenor Hammerstrom and Edward Lane Vacation of Street Charles L. Ritz Approval of Preliminary Plot . PREPARED FOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRE PARED BY: HOWARD DAHLGREN April 15, 1975 . APPLI CANT: City of Monticello , , ACTION: Siting of City Public Works Maintenance . Facility ~.:',....__' _ !.....J ___..1'_" - -----".! '- ~~_ " ~ Vb efXJ I 1 . " --, ( 'S~ '" , 'Z~, ' " \\~ ,~ ~ ~~ """,,, ;' ;.' ~",.' . ~" ___jL..:..:.. . .."\ .. ,I' . (pO) ,...f's APPLICANT: City of Monticello .- . CJ r (ep{- f~ ,u:; C1J /). 1- .~ /' q ~ ()~ April 15, 1975 . FILE NO. ACTION: Siting of City Public Works Maintenance Facility LOCATION: North of County Rood 39 at the Burl ington Tracks PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: 1. As you all know, the City has passed a bond issue for the construction of a Publ ic Works Maintenance Building and site this past week. Various sites for the faci I i ty have been under considerati on by the Counci I, staff and others in liaison with the Consultant Engineers and Planners. 2. We have recently reviewed a potential site as shown on the sketch at the left. This site is approximately 3 acres immediately east of the NSP utility building. The site has an existing pole type structure suitable for use as part of the facility needed for the City for the storage of equipment and material. . 3. The easterly portion of the land is low and has been used as a land fill operation which use could be advantageously used by the City. An additional structure of appropriate size could be constructed on the site to augment the foci I ity offered in the exisHng building. 4. The site currently represents a problem in the sense that it does not look good in an area that functi ons as a gateway to the residential area to the west. The control of this rather unusual piece of property by the City offers a means of improving the appearance of the site at a location that will be extremely efficient for siting of maintenance equipment and utilities storage needs. 5. The siting of i-he two u}ilities functions (NSP and Public Works) side by side suggests (1 f;ood [Jwuping of Facilities. 6. The site planning ond ultimate development of the land by the City can be done in a manner to improve the oe:;thetic qual ity of the area. The new structure proposed to b,} built by the City can be sited in a manner to contribute toward the develop:,k~ill of an enclosed court yard. Such a yard can 6e developed over a pori od or tirne wi 1'1, on appropriate screened fence and landscaping to provide the necessary arca for outdoor storage of some public utilities equipment and and supplies (tonks, ;,alt, plo\'/5, culverts ond the like). . 7. \ ~ I ! ;'~ . \II . " 1. 1 . . ... f" v.e sugS2sr rh~ '-_Ity ~;ive vcry sel"lCUS conSlonO!'Ion to hle ClcquIsltlOn 0 tnls si;-e Cl3 em C:C'C)I (\t)iirde locutioil rOi' its nevI PuSlic Works Facility. " , ~ ( . <t - r " . . -. '....,:." \ . '\. ~----------- -- ---- --- ~ --- --..... -- ..... ---. ~...'''' \ ~opo~o TO -STCZ eel t'3e I/ACATep ,< " iY~-~~" ;/''' . ,~.~ ".. . /' ----_.~--_. - - - -. ,/. - - - - ", -- // - - .. / '/ ~ 1','<1, .Ie!?., 1"1 ~ \S ,..... '"' '.~ NO. -....---r------- "'-,- . (-. l-c~. II . . /. ,J.---- --_ ,It.".., .~/..... ~ ~ \1<" I '.'~;'r./. : <> I , '. 1.,. ,. ) ~>._<. . . I ~, _. . ", . r:; ",," , I:{ . ~,' ",.,.~ -- -;~l ., -f-- I " I" _ I" I .~ " -. I ~,.~::::" ~ " ,/ "'7/ ~<~,.~ If'l\' 'I \ \j ~.~--- C H' ,_, , 7 ' ---- :. : " .... .! j ; ---......._-~ APPLI CAN T: " Sabeenor Gus Hommel I ~ Edward Lane tr-om <..'<. H.. n-HT'>i~rS .1.....41, " ACTION: . f Street Vacohon 0 ..1 1 I (I? aOO \ \ . \ '", 'co " Ap:'il 15, 1)75 . FILE NO. APPLlCAN T: Gus Hammer, Sabeenor Hammerstrom & Edward Lane ACTION: Vacation of Street LOCATION: Chestnut Street between Broadway and 3rd Street (See Sketch) PLANNI NG CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The street in question is, as you know and as seen in the sketch at the left, one block west of Elm Street, which street is a major north-south street extending from Front Street southerly through the City to the interstate highway. 2. If we were plotting this area of the City now for residential development, we would not recommend the use of 300 foot square blocks. This, of course, was a common practice in post eras and most Minnesota original townsites were platted with this concept. The result is one of too much area in streets (for the City to maintain) and too many "cross streets" (those running perpendicular to "frontage streets" - streets on which residences front or face). In new platting concepts, such streets ("cross streets" such as Chestnut) frequently ore located from 600 feet to 1,300 feet aport. This allows more area for actual residential use, cuts down on the number of traffic intersections, and devotes for I ess area ta aspho It. . 3. You will note that "Chestnut" extended to the south runs diagonally into the school grounds, and then to the tracks. It would serve no purpose and be a duplication of the railroad crossing on Elm Street. 4. The strco;;, ii vClcarc:'.:, would ,everl- Lalf to.he lots on the west and the east. This would produce bC'"tter lot and siting conditions for all the lots affected, and pcrticularly the triangular lot (Lot 5) contiguous to the street on the west . f S we. . "t\ ~...",:,.". " / . ) ;' ~ ...... I "- ....- .'" APPLICANT: 16 f>.vl:(. ',5" Charles L. Ritz \ ---r- ACTION: Approva I Plat of Prel iminary .' 1 '" ; " \ COUNT!Y / ./ .--' ( ,/ , . , I I I , \ I{::: &;0 K .< " I'~""""""'" ~ J " i .....- e: t ., r :.-~,- t ,f .. t" L c; t Ol Ol '\\:> ''': ~ /' ~,~>. ......, \S' ....~"....>, ~,~ /> ", ,.0 ~.\ ^ g .. ;: 1 ~ ..i ./ .f 1 ~ . ~ ~ -~,1--....., ;j-~ .. t ~ ! ~ 6.... .\ ~\- ....... .D. ./"I'J-:.,............ I '='j :~c:- I z ; A ~~ ',,'<.::;: I _. ,. ~ i :. .. r~~r- -) .. l ,. \ . i ! ! {""i ! '-1 r--..............---; -~-- ----=- - _. -------...........,..,. -..=;;----:--- ~ _..i..-=~~:'!:~;--'~-=-T--:--====-:=--'~;";'( . "=-- "'~ . 1 .1. April 15, 1975 ..--....., FiLE NO. APPLICANT: Charles L. Ritz ACTION: Approval of Preliminary Plat LOCATION: North of Highway 75, and generally west of the Cemetery (see sketch of area enclosed by dashed line) PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: 1. This plat was submitted to the Planning Commission at the last meeting at which time it WClS referred to the Consultants for consideration. The plat consists of 51 lots varying in frontage from 60 feet to the largest single lot with 280 feet. The plat as submitted features 0 one acre lot encompassing the old homestead overlooking a wooded slope to the north near the middle of the plat. 2. We suggest first of all that the platting of a single lot at 1 acre to accom- modate the current lot size requirement without sewer could be a mistake in view of the inconvenience of the sewer construction in the area. In the event of an existing private system serving a single home in an area to be platted, there is little risk of a serious pollution problem if sewer services are contemplated in a short space of time. ,"-. 3. In general, the lots me PI"oposed at 100 foot frontages with depth of 135 feet to 180 feet. Thus1 the minimums required (with sewer) are generally considerabl y exceeded. 4. Another area of concern with respect to the plat is the very dangerous intersection ot the west end of the plat. The road noted as "public road" on the plat intersects at q less than 30 degree acute angle with Highway 75 proceeding :ol'd:erly ond easterly from the intersection. We suggest that the easterly part of the intersection design be corrected with this plot by bringing the "public road" into Highway 75 at a right (900) angle. This would olso improve the site condition for the lots in Hillcrest Addition just north of the intersection. s. \Ve hove met v/ith the I'ksrs. t/\eyer and Rohlin to discuss these and other suggcsti ons for considel'(lti on in our offi ce ond have sent them a sketch overlay rl8ting parenti.:-: I Jesig!l changes. These suggesti ons are offered as constructive id2GS in the spir'it of co:-)perotion in the inter,-~5ts of using I'he land efficiently ond c:chievi:lg the best 1 o~s thut the site is copable of producing. .~. 6. Mssrs Meyer and Rohlin are capable good people. They are going to prepare revisions based on our mutual exchange of ideas. The revised plat may be ready for the April 151h meeting of the Planning Commission. The final text Of the quality of the plat lies with the review of the Planning Commission and City Council.