City Council Agenda Packet 04-09-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 9, 2007 - 7 p.m. NOTE: BIOSOLIDS WORKSHOP - 5 P.M. APRIL 9, 2007 Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of March 12, 2007 Special Council Meeting - Public Works Needs 2B. Approve minutes of March 22, 2007 Special Council Meeting - Fiber Optics 2C. Approve minutes of March 26, 2007 Regular Council Meeting 2D. Approve minutes of April 2, 2007 Special Council Meeting - Revenue Stabilization Agreement, Finance Director Interview and Big LakelBig Lake Township Annexation Agreement. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC. B. Consideration of approving an on-sale beer license for MCC for operation of softball!baseball concessions. C. Consideration of reimbursement resolution for bonding for fiber optics D. Consideration of approving current petty cash and change fund balances. E. Consideration of approving purchase of traffic speed monitor and trailer and LED display F. Consideration of acceptance of improvements for the Morning Glory development. G. Consideration of approving a request for a charitable gambling license for a rame at the Monticello Country Club. H. Consideration of extension of uniform contract with Aramark. 1. REMOVED -Consideration of replacement of 1997 Ford Ranger pickup truck. The state bid expired a short time ago. Staff will wait until the 2008 state bid comes out. Agenda Monticello City Council April 9, 2007 Page 2 J. Consideration of approving updates to Fiscal Policies and Procedures. K. Consideration of setting dates for special meetings. L. Consideration of establishing part-time Human Resources position and authorize advertising for the position. M. Consideration of submitting comments on Wright County Comprehensive Plan. N. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for grading and drainage improvements at the Monticello Middle School and a Glorious Church. o. Consideration of internal posting for Part-time Finance Clerk. P. Consideration of waiving building permit fees and SACfW AC charges for facility proposed to be constructed for the girls softball fields. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 7. Consideration of submitting an offer on Hoglund property as possible second liquor store site and update on land prices for other possible sites. 8. Review of costs for publication of minute summary and bills. 9. Approve payment of bills for April. 10. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 3/26/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 26, 2007 -7 p.m. Members Present: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: Clint Herbst 1. Call to Order and Pledee of Alleeiance Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Brian Stumpf noted the passing of former mayor Roger Belsaas and asked for a moment of silence in his memory. 2. Approve minutes of March 12. 2007 Reeular Council Meetine SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 12, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine items to the aeenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Development across the bridge in Sherburne County; 2) Evaluation of City Administrator position; 3) Blight citations; 4) Special joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council to review the Comprehensive Plan and 5) Load limits in the area of Sunny Fresh (4th Street and Locust Street) . The Council moved item #12, a special meeting to interview the candidate for the Finance Director position to item #5K on the consent agenda. The American Legion, applicant for a sign request under agenda item #11 asked that the item be tabled. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON AN AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 2-2(PJ) DEFINING PUBLIC SIGNS AND AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3-9 REGULATING SIGNS TO ADDRESS OFF-SITE, QUASI-PUBLIC SIGNS:SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 1 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 5. Consent A2enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC and Parks Department. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. Recommendation: Approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn shop for another month. C. Consideration of approving an on-sale liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe and Catering Co. Recommendation: Approve the request for an on-sale liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe & Catering, 154 West Broadway, contingent upon payment of the license fee covering the period of May I, 2007 through June 30, 2007. D. Consideration to approve a resolution reimbursing expenses from possible bond proceeds for 2007 Core Street Project 2007-01C and Chelsea Road (Fallon Avenue to CSAH 18, Project No. 2006-31 C. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures from the proceeds of a future bond issue. E. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development approval for an inline retail center at Union Crossings. Recommendation: Approve the development stage planned unit development based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-4 District subject to the following conditions: 1) All wall pack lighting shall be full cutoff lighting to reduce glare and 2) The applicant shall revise the plans to comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer, as outlined in this report and detailed in the memo from WSB & Associates dated 2/27/07 and any additional recommendations from the City Engineer regarding grading, drainage, and utilities. F. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development approval for a multi-tenant shopping center, final plat approval and conditional use permit approval for a drive through lane at Union Crossings. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. Recommendation: Approve the final plat and a conditional use permit for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PUD and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. G. Consideration of resolution updating Municipal State Aid Street System for the City of Monticello for the CSAH 75 Turnback. Recommendation: Approve the proposed resolution to designate CSAH 75 from the intersection ofCSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue as a MSAS addition for the year 2006. H. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 1. Consideration of approving final payment to Wright County for City's share of CSAH 75 improvements under City Project No. 2000-16C. Recommendation: Approve the 2 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 final payment to Wright County in the amount of $153,484.57 for City Project No. 2000-l6C, CSAH 75 Improvements from Washington Street to Otter Creek Road. J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEMS #5G AND #51 REMOVED AND #12 ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5K. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a!!:enda for discussion. #50, Resolution updating MSAS system for CSAH 75 turnback (from CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue: Tom Perrault noted the resolution covered the portion ofCSAH 75 from the intersection of CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 to Meadow Oak Avenue. He wondered when the segment from Meadow Oak A venue to Meadow Oak Drive would be added to the MSAS system. Shibani Bisson from WSB and Associates stated that a street has to connect to another state aid road in order for it to be added to the system. John Simola added that this segment of the road is under the state/county jurisdiction and not the City's. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE CSAH 75 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF CSAH 18/39 TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE AS A MSAS ADDITION FOR THE YEAR 2006. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #51, Consideration of approving final payment to Wright County for City Project No. 2000-16C, CSAH 75 Improvement: Wayne Mayer asked for clarification on this item. He felt that something should have been included with the agenda to show a paper trail as to why the City had delayed in paying the invoice and thus incurred interest costs. John Simola indicated that there were areas of discrepancies that needed to be resolved before final payment could be made. The Finance Department has a file on the correspondence between the City and County on this payment request. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE FINAL PAYMENT TO WRIGHT COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $153,484.57 FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 2000-l6C, CSAH 75 FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO OTTER CREEK ROAD. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Continued Public Rearin!!: on adoption of revenue stabilization a!!:reement with Xcel Enerl!:V. City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill informed the Council that both the House and Senate, at the Committee level, had approved legislation changing the tax rate for utility companies. He felt the lobbying effort by the City had paid off. Action on the revenue stabilization agreement was tabled at the last meeting until tonight. In the event the legislation changing the tax rate is not enacted into law, the revenue stabilization agreement would be a likely safety net. 3 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 Brian Stumpf felt there were still too many unanswered questions to allow him to vote for the stabilization agreement. Wayne Mayer reported that the City of Becker gave a presentation at the Becker Chamber of Commerce meeting. In this presentation the City stated they are holding off on signing the revenue stabilization agreement as they stand to lose the most. Jeff O'Neill said he had contacted the attorneys working on this for the City and they felt it was unlikely that Xcel's response to a request for clarification would change so they did not believe contacting them again be fruitful. Susie Wojchouski stated that even if the City signs the agreement, there are still outs for the City. Susie Wojchouski stated her position had changed somewhat from what it had been. She had talked to Amy Koch and felt the saying a bird in the hand is worth two in the bus was appropriate in this case. Wayne Mayer asked ifit would be helpful to have a workshop for any new information that may come to light. It was noted that Xcel has not commented on the April I , 2007 deadline. There was discussion on what additional information there was to be acquired. Susie Wojchouski felt if the City doesn't sign the agreement tonight, the City should actively lobby the governor and legislature to ensure legislation is passed. Jeff O'Neill suggested a special meeting on April 2, 2007 at 5:00. Wayne Mayer asked if the financial consultant had any comments. Jeff 0 'Neill responded that they had nothing of significance. Wayne Mayer felt that representatives from the School District should be invited to this workshop. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO HAVE A SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING ON THE STABILIZATION AGREEMENT AND RELATED LEGISLATION ON APRIL 2, 2007 AT 5:00 P.M. WITH AN INVITATION EXTENDED TO SCHOOL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES TO BE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING. STAFF AND COUNCIL WILL TRY TO GATHER ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATING TO THIS MA TIER FOR PRESENTATION AT THE MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of catlin!!: for an open house for presentin!!: and obtainin!!: input on a draft ordinance reQuirinl! Iicensin!!: of rental properties. Previously a workshop was held on the proposed rental ordinance. Staff had incorporated recommendations made at that meeting into the proposed ordinance. The draft of the ordinance was being submitted to Council for approval prior to the City conducting an informational meeting on the proposed rental ordinance. The ordinance is similar to that of other communities. The ordinance will be implemented and enforced by the current building department staff and will be funded from rental license fees. Jeff O'Neill stated that if the Council did not feel comfortable with the amount of time to review the ordinance, another workshop could be scheduled. Tom Perrault asked how the ordinance would deal with a situation where someone needs to relocate and would like to rent their house in the interim until it was sold. Building Department staff replied that the process to license property as a rental unit should move 4 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 fairly quickly. Jeff O'Neill noted the interim rental use is addressed in Section 3-16-9, Item G. Tom Perrault also questioned why the mailed notice process was not consistent throughout the ordinance. In one place in the ordinance it is specified notice will be given by certified mail and in another place it was regular mail delivery. Gary Anderson responded that with certified mail, property owners may decide not accept the letter. Property owners are more likely to open a letter that comes as regular mail. The notice is given both ways as a means to ensure that the property owner receives notice. Tom Perrault also questioned why the ordinance specified the owner and not an agent of the owner. He felt that there may be property owners who are not local and would rely on an agent to handle this type of matter for the property owner. The property owner is the individual ultimately responsible for bring the property into compliance so it should be directed to the owner. However, the property owner could delegate this responsibility to another if they desired. Susie Wojchouski suggested if the City was going to hold an informational meeting, the Council should come in a half an hour before the open house to review the ordinance again as it should be formalized at that time. Legal counsel, Tom Scott stated that this ordinance is similar to ordinances from other cities and added that it was a big time commitment from staff standpoint. Brian Stumpf said he too was concerned about the extra work this would place on the Chief Building Official. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official felt that with a full staff they should be able to handle it. Staff will select a date for the informational meeting, post notice of it, and whatever Councilmembers can make it will attend. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO GO FORWARD WITH AN INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON THE PROPOSED RENTAL ORDINANCE AT A DATE ESTABLISHED BY CITY STAFF. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of action relatin!!: to development of fiber optic svstem. The Fiber Optics Task Force conducted a workshop on March 22,2007 and was presenting a number of requests from that meeting to the Council. Representatives from the Task Force along with Milda Hedbloom, fiber optics consultant, and Brenda Krueger from Springsted were present at the meeting to report on the workshop and to address questions from the Council Cathy Shuman and Lynn Dahl Fleming from Fiber Optics Task Force summarized what has taken place thus far with their investigation of the City providing fiber optics to home and what steps are needed next. At the March 22nd workshop the Council was updated on the progress made in securing a fiber optic network for the City. Representatives from Bristol, Virginia attended the fiber optics workshop. Bristol has gone through a similar type project and was one ofthe first cities to bring fiber optics to the home. 65% of Bristol residents are customers. Bristol felt reasons for their city to undertake this project included economic considerations as well as having the capability of providing the best service for their resident. Bristol felt fiber optics should be considered as a separate entity so that the political aspects 5 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 could remain out of it. It was felt that Bristol could assist Monticello with the learning curve. If the City proceeds with the project, there can be no in between. That is, the City is either committed to carry it out or they are not. Bristol felt the residents they serve liked the local office with local personnel providing the service which the City of Bristol felt was important to their success. Monticello's goals are similar to those of Bristol. In a fiber optics project installation and support are key to the success of the project. A well developed business plan is needed for the project to succeed. Milda Hedbloom and Brenda Krueger in their presentation covered four areas: 1) Engineering; 2) Financial plan; 3) Wholesale supplier for voice and video content and 4) Formation of enterprise for providing service to the community. The original study included costs for the network based on industry assumptions. CCO Consulting did some additional engineering to get a more realistic estimate of this cost. By conducting this additional study, the cost estimate was reduced by $1,000,000 making a total estimated project cost of $22,000,000. The detailed engineering information will be submitted to the City. As far as financial planning for the project, the Task Force demanded the project go forward with the understanding that there be no increase in taxes. Financing for the project would be done with revenue bonds. Revenue bonds will be repaid by revenue collected by the City, in this case, the subscriptions fees for voice, video and data service. The procedure for issuing revenue bonds is different than the process for general obligation bonds. Revenue bonds are negotiated with one underwriter selected by the City. The underwriter needs to be on board early on so that they can sell the bond to the investors. Springsted was directed to prepare an RFP for an underwriter. They have received a response from Oppenheimer and Company which meets the requirements ofthe City. She recommended the City interview Oppenheimer for the underwriter for the project. Financing for the fiber optics project will be somewhere between $20,000,000 and $25,000,000. This bond amount was not large enough to attract national underwriting firms but did generate responses from regional underwriting firms. The Task Force's goal is to assure that the financial commitment will be handled through revenue income. Brian Stumpf asked whether the revenue bonds would affect the City's bonding capability in the future. The sale of revenue bonds for the fiber optic project would not impact the City's ability to borrow for other projects as it does not fall within legal debt limits. Therefore it would not make a difference for borrowing for other projects. Susie Wojchouski asked about the interest rates. Brenda Krueger responded that would be negotiated with the bond underwriter. Both Springsted and the underwriter would prepare separate interest scales and the differences would be negotiated. Brian Stumpf asked what the term of the bonds would be. Brenda Krueger indicated bonds normally run 20 years. Milda Hedbloom discussed possible suppliers for telephone service and cable television service. The long term goal is that the City would eventually provide these services. Right now it makes economic sense to secure some of these services on a wholesale basis. It was felt that wholesale relations can be established with quality vendors. One or two companies have already contacted the Task Force including Hiawatha Broadband Communications and a local provider. The Task Force will be checking these out. An RFP is already drafted and 6 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 should be issued this week. Brian Stumpf noted the letter received from TDS. He questioned whether this should be handled by the City or by the Task Force. Wayne Mayer said the Task Force had discussed with Mayor Herbst the matter with TDS so it is being taken care of. Susie Wojchouski asked what happens if not enough revenue is generated to cover the bond payments. Brenda Krueger indicated if revenues are insufficient the City would need to find a solution. The City credit rating would be under pressure. However she added that the impact of a default on revenue bonds would impact the City's interest rate for general obligations bonds by .1 to .3% but the interest rate could revert back after a fairly short time. Milda Hedbloom discuss the formation of enterprise for the project. There are a number of options that could be considered including: I) Establishment of an enterprise fund; 2) Creation of a public utility; 3) Formation of a public corporation and; 4) Formation of a cooperative. The Task Force didn't feel they should be making a recommendation for the option for the enterprise but suggested operating as an enterprise fund for the time being. The Task Force indicated they had received inquiries about wireless. At this time wireless does not offer triple play but wireless is something that could be looked at in the future. Wayne Mayer added that now there is a "homerun" that is four services that are offered. Wireless is something the Task Force needs to look at in the long run to see whether it would fit in the overall plan. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $90,000 TO PREP ARE AN RFP FOR THE DESIGN/BUILD SPECIFICATIONS FOR A TIER NETWORK PROJECT; ARRANGE FOR THE FINANCING NEEDED FOR THE PROJECT PRIOR TO SELLING BONDS; PREP ARE AND RELEASE AN RFP FOR VOICE AND VIDEO SERVICES; DEVELOP A PLAN FOR THE ENTERPRISE THAT IS NEEDED TO OPERATE AND PROVIDE FOR TELECOMMUNCATION SERVICES; RESEARCH AND MANAGE THE LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AND BEGIN PROCESS FOR UNDERWRITER SELECTION BY INTERVIEWING OPPENHEIMER COMPANY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of auurovinl!. an interim amendment to Section 9-1 of the City Code rel!.Ulatinl!. traffic. allowinl!. the City to l!.rant uermission to the Chamber of Commerce to ulace a sil!.n on City prouertv for a temporary period of time. Kim Holien of Northwest Associated Consultants provided the background information which proposes a license agreement to allow a temporary sign on City property which would advertise the downtown businesses. The location of the temporary sign is on City property and not in the right-of-way and therefore would not require approval from MnDOT or Wright County. Staff drafted the temporary sign agreement which is good for six months from the date of passage. After six months the effectiveness of the sign can be evaluated. Kim Holien noted conditions A-P of the license agreement. Staff initially thought one sign would be located but the Chamber of Commerce has indicated it is two signs. Susie Wojchouski is on the sign committee and the downtown business owners say it is a different time from 12 years ago when there were identification signs on their buildings. The 7 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 speed of the traffic going through downtown keeps people from seeing the signs on the building. The Chamber of Commerce wanted a permanent sign but none of the property owners wanted to commit any monies so that is why the Chamber is looking at using a temporary sign. The purpose of the sign is to make downtown business identifiable to the traffic going through the City. If there is a positive evaluation they would then consider a permanent sign. Wayne Mayer said if a more permanent sign would be in the comer, he would also look at adding item Q to the license agreement which would give the City authority to remove material on the sign that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive. Brian Stumpf felt the City had to do what they could to help the downtown business people survive. Generally the downtown businesses are not franchises or chain businesses so it is more difficult for them. Susie Wojchouski asked for clarification for the area to be encompassed for use of the sign. Were they looking at 1-2 blocks east and west of the intersection? Kim Holien indicated that any business located in the CCD district could utilize the sign. Staff felt the area allowed to use the sign should be at the discretion of the Chamber of Commerce. Susie Wojchouski felt the actual blocks fronting Broadway should be allowed the use of the sign. Tom Perrault felt it should go one block in from Broadway to include businesses such as US Bank, Snyder Drug, etc. The Council felt the Chamber of Commerce should have the discretion to determine this WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A LICENSE AGREEMENT TO ALLOW A TEMPORARY SANDWICH BOARD SIGN FOR THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON CITY PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT: A. The subject sign shall be located on City property at the southwest comer of the intersection adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce site. B. The subject sign shall be a sandwich board sign. C. The subject sign shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. D. The face area of the sign shall not exceed seven (7) square feet on either side. E. No sign shall be located within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. F. No sign shall be placed within the public right-of-way. G. The Chamber of Commerce shall be responsible for all scheduling of tenants wishing to advertise a message on the sign. H. Color and design shall meet the design guidelines for the CCD zoning district, and shall not be composed of "fluorescent" colors. 1. The Chamber of Commerce shall be responsible for reviewing the design of each faceplate to be placed on the sign. J. The sign must be well maintained and kept in good repair at all times. Maintenance of the sign shall be the responsibility of the Chamber of Commerce. K. The sign shall be located on ground level. L. The sign shall not obstruct the vision of drivers or pedestrians or detract from the visibility of any official traffic control device. M. The placement of the sign shall not impede pedestrians or vehicle circulation. The Chamber of Commerce shall be responsible for sign placement. N. The sign shall not occupy any public sidewalk. O. The sign shall not have electrical connections, nor include any lighted or moving component. P. This agreement shall expire on September 30, 2007. Q. The City has authority to remove language that is deemed inappropriate or offensive. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 Tom Perrault asked for clarification that is was only one sign that was going to be placed at the site. Susie Wojchouski indicated it was one sandwich board sign. 11. Consideration of approvinl!: a request for an amendment to the Monticello Zoninl!: Ordinance Section 2-UPJ) defminl!: public sil!:DS and an amendment to Section 3-9 rel!:ulatinl!: sil!:ns to address off-site. Quasi-public sil!:ns. This item was tabled at the request of the applicant. 12. Consideration of settinl!: a date and time for interviewinl!: Paula Mastev as candidate for Finance Director. This item was approved with the consent agenda under item #5K with at meeting date set for April 2, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. Added Items: Blight Citations: Tom Perrault asked that the person signing the blight citation also print their name legibly so the person receiving the citation knows the individual to contact. Brian Stumpf talked to the Mayor about the citations. The focus was on junk vehicles along side the driveway or in the yard. Jeff O'Neill stated that Junk Amnesty is coming and they are hoping that the property owners will utilize the Junk Amnesty day setup to clean up the blights. Junk Amnesty Day is Saturday May 5, 2007. Wayne Mayer asked Kim Holien about the complaint dealing with a person's driveway not being long enough to stack two cars single file and maintaining the 15' from the curb. He noted that in PUD's the driveways are generally smaller which would make it difficult for those residents to meet the requirements of the ordinance. Development across the river: Susie Wojchouski had a concern about proposed development across the river in the area of the church/River Iun. There is substantial land area that could be developed. Development would create serious traffic problems and would have a significant economic impact for Monticello. Susie Wojchouski would like to have a special meeting of the Council to discuss this development and to include working with Sherburne County on development issues. Jeff O'Neill informed the Council that Big Lake and Big Lake Township are working on an annexation agreement noting there is already an approved 26 acre commercial subdivision which could take away from Monticello's economic development. He felt the staff should discuss with Big Lake their proposed development plans. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ATTEND WHATEVER MEETINGS THEY CAN RELATING TO PLANNING FOR BIG LAKE AND BIG LAKE TOWNSHIP ANNEXATION WITH A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO COUNCIL TO BE ESTABLISHED BASED ON THE RESULTS FROM THE MEETINGS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. City Administrator Evaluation: The Council set a special meeting date of April 23, 2007 at 5 :30 p.m. for the evaluation of the position. Load Limits: John Simola reviewed the load limits which were posted on March 12, 2007. There 9 Council Minutes: 3/26/07 was a question about the load limits in the area of Sunny Fresh (4th Street and Locust Street). The roads are posted at 5 and 7 ton. Sunny Fresh exceeds the 9 ton load limit. There were two designs standards for the streets in the core area. One was 8" of Class V, 2" base bituminous and 2" of wear bituminous. For residential areas it was 6" of Class V, 2" base bituminous and 1 \1,." wear bituminous. There are no streets in the downtown area that are posted for 10 ton. John Simola stated he has a problem pushing the load limit to 10 ton. There are some ways to determine the actual load rating ofthe street. Options are to leave the road at 9 ton as it is posted today or if Sunny Fresh is willing to pay the cost for additional testing to determine load limit, the road could be posted to whatever the test results warrant. John Simola stated that even though streets have been signed, enforcement of load limits enforcement has been lax. The ordinance states that any street that is not signed is considered to be posted at 5 tons. In the past both 4th Street and Locust Street have not been signed. The Council discussed other possible routes that could be used but it was felt that 4th and Locust Streets were the best routes. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO HAVE SUNNY FRESH FOODS FUND THE TESTING OF 4TH AND LOCUST STREETS TO DETERMINE IF THEY WOULD SUPPORT A TEN TON LOAD LIMIT, OTHERWISE THEY WILL BE POSTED AT 9 TON FOR THE PRESENT TIME. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Joint Meeting: There was discussion of scheduling a joint meeting of the Council and Planning Commission regarding the Comprehensive Plan. Brian Stumpf asked that this meeting not be scheduled until after the meeting of the Task Force on March 27, 2007. 13. Approve payment of bills for March. Tom Perrault questioned whether there was appropriate Council authorization for the $3,000 payment for non-farming of the YMCA farm land. Jeff O'Neill provided some background on this item. It was initially thought that the area being farmed would be utilized for ball fields and that ballfield construction would begin early on. That did not take place so the $3,000 was in payment for not farming the area in 2006. It is not anticipated that any payment will be made in 2007. Tom Perrault also questioned the increase of 4% for the Senior Citizen contribution. Again he noted there was no motion to actually authorize that increase but the item was budgeted for. He was concerned that it would be construed that the 4% increase would be constant and that is not the case. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. Recording Secretary 10 Council Minutes: 4/2/07 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 2, 2007 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpfand Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order. Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. A series of special meetings were scheduled for this evening covering 1) Revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel Energy; 2) Interview a candidate for the Finance Director position and 3) Discussion of proposed annexation agreement between Big Lake Township and the City of Big Lake. 2. Discussion on revenue stabilization aln"eement with Xcel Ener2V and update on related leldslation. Jeff O'Neill updated the Council on what had taken place since the last Council meeting. He noted there appears to be strong support in the both the House and the Senate on the proposed legislation to change the tax rate for utility companies. The concern is whether Governor Pawlenty would veto the legislation if it is approved. It is not known where the Governor stands on this legislation. The question is whether the City enters into the stabilization agreement to protect itself. The April 1, 2007 deadline was brought up and the Council discussed whether the agreement was still valid since the deadline had passed. In discussing the financial impact the change in valuation for utility companies would have on the City, it was pointed out that the City would need a 10% increase in order to maintain the same revenue amount they had in 2006. Susie Wojchouski felt with the refurbishing being done at the plant and the resulting increase in market value, the City could come out fairly well even without the agreement. Susie Wojchouski felt the City needs to wean themselves off any reliance on the utility company valuation. Neither Susie Wojchouski nor Brian Stumpffelt comfortable with signing the revenue stabilization agreement. The merits and drawbacks of entering into the revenue stabilization agreement were discussed. Jeff O'Neill stated that if the City had not dropped its tax levy this past year, it might be more likely that City would enter into the agreement. The Council did not feel that Xcel made any effort to negotiate or clarify terms of the agreement. Without clarification of the terms the Council was not secure in their understanding of what the agreement means. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO CONTINUE TO TABLE THE SIGNING OF THE REVENUE ST ABILIZA TION AGREEMENT WITH XCEL. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bill Holmgren from the Monticello School District arrived at the meeting. The Council updated him on the discussion on the revenue stabilization agreement. The school district was 1 Council Minutes: 4/2/07 invited to attend this meeting because the proposed change in valuation could cost them $308,000 in revenue. Bill Holmgren informed the Council that the school district would not lose the revenue but rather that it would be spread out over all the taxpayers so it would be like an automatic redistribution of funds. Bill Holmgren asked if there was anything specific the City was asking the school district to do. Susie Wojchouski asked ifthe school district had a position on the proposed change in valuation for the utility companies. Bill Holmgren indicated the school did not have a formal position because ofthe automatic distribution among the taxpayers to pick up any loss of revenue. 3. Interview with candidate for Finance Director position. Jeff O'Neill noted the candidate being interviewed, Paula Mastey, had not submitted an application at the time the original posting of the position was done. Jeff O'Neill and Cathy Shuman determined after Paula Mastey's annual performance review that she should be considered as a candidate for the Finance Director position. Doug Host who was present when the previous candidates for the Finance Director position were interviewed had commented to Jeff O'Neill that Paula Mastey had done all the work in preparation for the City's audit. Jeff O'Neill stated the candidate could be considered a work in progress adding that with the rate of pay the City was offering, it may not attract any individuals with experience as a City Finance Director. The Council then conducted the interview of Paula Mastey for the Finance Director position. After conclusion of the interview, the Council discussed the qualifications of the applicant. Brian Stumpf expressed his opinion that he didn't feel just three members of the Council should make the selection for Finance Director adding that it is a key position to fill for the City. He would like to have the full Council make the decision. He also wanted information on what wages the City would offer to the candidate and what benefits the individual would be receiving. Brian Stumpf felt the candidate should be interviewed a second time either by the Personnel Committee or by the full Council. Experience level and commitment to work the hours needed in this position were discussed. The Council felt that a good Finance Director would save the City money. With Monticello being at a critical juncture with development issues, growth and the demand for major improvements that could be financially draining, the experience factor is a concern. This position is second to the City Administrator and is a key position in the City. The candidate has two years of government accounting experience and Council questioned whether that is enough experience for the position. The experience of the person in the Finance Director position or the lack of experience could have a significant impact the City of Monticello. Because of the concerns raised regarding the candidate's experience and time commitment to the position, and the lack of comfort in having only three Councilmembers making a decision on a key position, it was recommended that a second interview with the full Council be set up. The Council also discussed other staff needs both short and long term. Jeff O'Neill brought up the possibility of hiring a human resources person part-time. The individual in question currently contracts with other cities for human resources services but working part-time for the City of Monticello would allow her to continue in PERA. 2 Council Minutes: 4/2/07 4. Discussion of proposed orderlv annexation a!!:reement between the City of Hi!!: Lake and Hi!!: Lake Township. Chris Hood from Flaherty and Hood, the City's legal counsel on issues of annexation with Monticello Township was present at the meeting. Jeff O'Neill provided a summary of the proposed annexation agreement between the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township. Sherburne County and Big Lake Township had worked together to approve some commercial development and there are plans for additional development to follow. This development caught the attention of the City of Big Lake. The City of Big Lake felt that no commercial development should take place until the traffic issues were studied. Jeff O'Neill indicated there is an approved 26 acre commercial development. Currently the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township are working on an annexation agreement. Chris Hood was asked to look at the proposed annexation agreement and tell the City what it means in terms of impact to the City of Monticello. The City also needs to know what options are available to the City to protect itself from the impacts of increased traffic volumes and the economic impact the development of the annexation area would create. Jeff O'Neill and Susie Wojchouski had attended a meeting between the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township and asked that the two entities include the City of Monticello in their planning efforts. Increased traffic is the primary concern for Monticello. There is concern as well about the added pressure the economic development would have on Monticello's downtown area which is already distressed. Chris Hood stated reviewing the agreement and looking at the proposed annexation area raised some concerns. He noted it appeared the City of Big Lake was jumping over large undeveloped areas to bring services to the commercial property in the annexation area. Extension of services means that someone has to pay for the services. He felt the extension of services would result in development that would be significant. What is the impact of this development for the City of Monticello as far as taxes, growth and where services should be coming from? It seems premature for the area to develop at this time. Jeff O'Neill felt another question is whether the City of Big Lake or the City of Monticello can best provide for the development needs of the township. Under the proposed agreement, if the City of Big Lake receives a petition from a property owner in the annexation area, the City would file a resolution with the state. The state has 30 days to review the annexation request and comment on it but cannot deny the annexation. If the property is annexed into the City of Big Lake, the options to look at land use in the area diminish greatly. The impact of the agreement is potentially that if property owners want to be annexed they can be. If the property is annexed into the City of Big Lake, Monticello loses any control ofland usage in the area. Extension of sewer and water to the annexation area by the City of Big Lake may take some time. There has been no formal communication between the communities regarding joint meetings to discuss planning concerns. The City of Big Lake indicated they don't want to see development ofthis nntil their transportation issues are resolved. Susie Wojchouski asked Chris Hood ifhe was the attorney for the City of Big Lake what advice he would give regarding the annexation. He said the sooner you can annex the property the sooner you get the tax base and the sooner you 3 Council Minutes: 4/2/07 can determine land use and move for with development. Chris Hood didn't feel the proposed annexation agreement was the way to facilitate development. He suggested some kind of dialogue with the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township asking them not to adopt the annexation agreement until there has been some discussions relating to the impact of the agreement. If the City of Big Lake is not willing to meet with the City it would show their lack of interest in working out the concerns ofthe City of Monticello. Short term development would be good for Big Lake but could have significant negative impact for the City of Monticello. He felt the City should send a formal letter, signed by the Mayor, requesting a meeting to discuss the issues relating to the proposed annexation. There is a tentative meeting scheduled between the City of Big Lake and Big Lake Township on April 15,2007. Susie Wojchouski stated that Big Lake has gone out of the way for developers in extending utilities and she didn't think the City of Big Lake would restrict utility extension in this area. Chris Hood said the state doesn't care which city annexes the property, they are only reviewing the documents submitted to them. The City of Monticello could file a competing petition for annexation. The state could then continue with the hearing process. The hearing would determine which municipality would be in the best position to provide services. Brian Stumpf stated that whether this area is annexed by the City of Big Lake or the City of Monticello it does not resolve the transportation problem for the areas. The annexation has to be stopped until the traffic issue is resolved. One reason for annexation resolution would be to exert some leverage for land controls in the area. If you file an annexation resolution with the state it would go through the hearing process. The other possibility is to set up some kind of joint planning or joint powers board. This joint board would control land use in this area. Chris Hood said Monticello could become a partner to the agreement but up to this point the Monticello has not been invited to participate. The developer is pitting one city against the other. No dialogue between the two cities has taken place. Ollie Koropchak asked if staff has seen an overall land use plan for the annexation area. The developer has a 26 acre plat that includes senior housing and commercial sites. There are some additional property owners who are interested in annexation as well so there is a potential for 150 acres to be annexed. There was discussion of the proposed by-pass for Highway 10 and how that would impact this area. Chris Hood said Monticello should contact Big Lake and ask them not to adopt the agreement and also ask that they recognize that Monticello has interest and concerns in this area. He suggested the two entities try to plan together for the growth. Jeff O'Neill felt that residents in the proposed annexation area probably feel more closely aligned to Monticello than Big Lake since they are in the Monticello school district and are physically closer to Monticello than Big Lake. Chris Hood said you can't look at Monticello Township's boundaries and say that is the boundary of Monticello in the future. Another difference that was noted is that Monticello Township wanted to remain a township but Big Lake Township is seeking the annexation. If Big Lake is not willing to work with the City of Monticello, Monticello could file a contested case. The plus to taking this action is that it would increase the time length for the process so it could be as much as 1-2 years before a decision is made. It was also noted that the Highway 10 by-pass was as much a barrier as the river is. Chris Hood stated as defined by statutes, Monticello abuts and is contiguous to the area in question and thereby 4 Council Minutes: 412/07 would have a valid claim to annex the property. Plus the City of Monticello is in a better position to extend utilities to the area. Susie Wojchouski felt there is no solution to the traffic issue. It would continue to be a problem for a long time. Another condition of annexation is that the property be urban or suburban in nature. The fact that Big Lake and Big Lake Township are looking at an annexation agreement makes the case that the property is urban or suburban in nature. There was some additional discussion on transportation needs and who is responsible for the cost of off ramps and other related transportation items. Chris Hood reiterated that the first step is to make an attempt to talk with the City of Big Lake. In the letter to Big Lake, the City should state they want to delay and restrict development to allow for study of the impacts the development will have. The City should also ask them not to take any action on the adoption of the orderly annexation agreement. The City of Monticello doesn't want them do adopt the agreement until Monticello has an opportunity to sit down and discuss the ramifications of growth in the area. Monticello should try to set up a meeting between representatives of the two communities and request that the City of Big Lake respond to the meeting request within a given time frame. Chris Hood will review the letter before it is sent to the City of Big Lake. Susie Wojchouski suggested e-mailing Mayor Herbst to get his input even though at this time the City is only extending an invitation to discuss the issues. Chris Hood said it would be better if the two cities worked together toward the annexation of Big Lake Township. The consensus of the Council was to send a letter to the City of Big Lake after it has been reviewed by Chris Hood. 5. Adiourn. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:45 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 5 Council Agenda: 4/9/07 SA. Consideration of approvin2 new hires and departures for MCC. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures ofthe employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. Name Brian Vetsch Cynthia Jones Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title PT Custodian WSI Department MCC MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Department Hire Date Class 3/16/07 PT 3/26/07 PT Last Day Class employee councillisl.xls: 4/4/2007 5 B Consideration of approvinl! an on-sale beer license for MCC for operation of the softball/baseball concessions. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Community Center will take over the operations of the concession stand at the City Ball fields this year and as such they will be serving 3.2% beer during the adult softball league play. This does require a Council approved license. The City's insurance will cover the liability of this operation. The Community Center has already begun to hire staff and will be training with the anticipation of kicking off operations towards the end of this month. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. To approve the 3.2% On Sale liquor license for the Monticello Community Center. 2. To not approve the 3.2% On-Sale liquor license for the Monticello Community Center. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofthe application to be sent to the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division of the State of Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Teleph9ne 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 e Certification of an On Sale Liauor License. 3.2% Liauor license. or Sundav Liauor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License MONTICELLO License Period Fro,&pril 10, 20oro: Dec. 1, 2007 Circle One:~w Licensv License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (fonner licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ On Sale Intoxicating Sunday License fee: $ Sunday Liquor ('3.2% On sal0 3.2% Off Sale 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: DOB Social Security # (corpomtion, partnership, LLC, or Individual) Business Trade Name City of Monticello Business Address 505 Walnut St 114 City Monticello Zip Code 55362 County Wright Home Address NA Home Phone NA Licensee's MN Tax ID # (To Apply call 651.296-6181) Business Phone 763-271-3268 City Licensee's Federal Tax ID # . (To "-W1y..all TRS 800-829.4933) e If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer: Ni t. IlUflieil'ality Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address (Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: I) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Yes @ During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: l.eaguQ of Minne"otR Ci t:l'~!icy # CMC 21176 I Certify that this licensees) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) On Sale Intoxicating Iiqnor licensees mnst also pnrchase a $20 Retailer Bnyers Card. To obtain the application for the Bnyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit onr web site at www.dlls.state.mn.us. e (Form 9011-5/06) Council Agenda: 4/09/07 5C. Consideration of Resolution Declarinl! intent to Reimburse Proiect Costs throul!h Bond Sale Proceeds. (IO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND IRS regulations now require that before a city can issue bonds to reimburse itself for expenses it has already paid through a bond sale, a resolution needs to be passed indicating which projects the city will likely sell bonds for in the future. This resolution is simply a technical requirement required by the bond counsel. The resolution being proposed covers the estimated costs for the proposed installation of a fiber optics to the home system for the City of Monticello which may be started in the near future. This resolution will allow the City to finance any of these improvements in the future by selling bonds. Adoption of the resolution is not authorizing a bond sale at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the fiber optics to the home project. 2. Do not authorize the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted as proposed, thus enabling the City to sell bonds to finance the improvement project listed, if desired, in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of resolution RESOLUTION 2007-19 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. ~ 1.150-2 providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE "CITY") AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City reasonably intends to make expenditures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in the maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to designate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, and any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date and shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. ~ 1.150-2 and any successor law, regulation, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of April, 2007 Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED APRIL 9, 2007 Resolution No. 2007-19 Page 2 .M#J~'::::"" PRINe!p "i,,*,';:i:':~;':'0~~0ii"'jN'f,~',"") "AMOUNT'OF DE ,'?\tU(/>i:?:l;J;:0iY);r)i,;:;~ifj:,.":d:'::":'}:,';;' .FORPROJECT " 4/9/07 Fiber Optics Construction $25,000,000 Council Agenda: 4/9/07 5D. Approval of petty cash and chan2e funds for the City. (C.S., P.M.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: To comply with audit requirements, the City Council is asked to approve the petty cash and change funds that are currently used within the City. The following chart shows the various funds allocated for uses in the City. Amounts are not shown in this document. Council members will receive a separate listing showing the amount in each fund listed. FUND Petty cash Chan e fund Change fund DEPARTMENT Ci Hall City Hall Building MCC MCC Ice Arena Chan e fund Li uor Store B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: USE Reimburse miscellaneous ex enses under $20 Cash re . ster drawer Cash drawer for building permits (separate from cash register) Reimburse miscellaneous ex enses under $20 Cash re . ster drawer for miscellaneous recei ts 3 cash drawers-I for each re . ster; extra chan e City reimburses miscellaneous library expenses per annual bud et Reimburse miscellaneous ex enses under $20 3 cash drawers-I for each re . ster; extra chan e Cash drawer used when MCC manages open skate times 3 cash drawers-l for each re . ster; extra chan e I. Approve the petty cash and change funds at the current levels used in the City. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and senior finance staff recommend Alternative #1 to keep in compliance with audit requirements. The level of funding in each of these accounts has been established according to the uses stated above. We have found that these amounts allow sufficient funds to operate efficiently on a day-to-day basis. All petty cash and change funds are kept in secured areas when not in use. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Meeting -04/09/2007 5E. Consideration of Authorizing Purchase of a Speed Trailer. (J .S. TM. BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is a follow up to a previous request by City Council to check on the cost of speed trailers. In working with Lt. Dan Anselment of the Wright County Sheriffs Department, we contacted a company called Kustom Signals which Wright County uses to purchase their equipment. They had given us two different quotes. The first quote was for $11,285.00 + tax (mid-line quality model) and the second quote was for $8,615.00 + tax (less features). The first quote for $11,285 is model Smart-Lp. This model has an optional on board computer for collecting statistics with regards to the number of cars v.s. time; cars v.s. speed; and speed v.s. time. It also has options for programming the "slow down" flashing sign, has an over-speed blanking which means you can program a top speed that it will indicate and also has a anti-axel lock so you can not move the unit. The second quote for $8,615.00 is a basic speed trailer sign board that will just display the speed of oncoming traffic. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to purchase speed trailer, quote number 1. 2. The second alternative would be to purchase speed trailer, quote number 2. 3. Deny the purchase of a speed trailer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Purchasing of a speed monitor trailer would give the City the availability to have a trailer on any given street at any given time to make people aware of their speeds. It has been proven to be affective at reducing speeds. We asked the Chief of Police in Big Lake and he intends to purchase the Smart -Lp model next time around. Speed trailer, quote number 1, would allow us to not only display speeds but also give us the ability to count traffic, monitor average speeds and has more safety features than speed trailer, quote number 2, such as the axel lock and tamer alarm. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, the Public Works Director, the City Engineer and the Street Superintendent that they City Council give approval to purchase speed trailer, quote number 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Cost comparison for speed trailers and specification pamphlets. -- DI'IOM SIGNALS. INC. A 1~_IlFl'lJaJCUFE'IY IQl.IIP~.1IC 1UI_.L.eM.ICUllfNN7 11......_ _1t~42-t'R ~ .... ........n....CIlm WIIIWo...........I...... -rrQ\ \3J' ~ \ Quotation Page 1 of 1 Date 02/13/2007 To... DEB WARD MONTICELLO POLICE DEPT 505 WALNUT ST / STE #1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Quote # 105396756933805 Term. Net 30 Thi. Quote Expire. on 05/14/2007 Phone 763-271-3223 Fax 763-295-4404 Q!y Product Description UnitPrice SubTotal 1 SMART-LP $7,645.00 $7,645.00 1 SHIPPING & HANDLING $780.00 $780.00 1 SMART-LP TRAFFIC STATISTICS COMPUTER $2,195.00 $2,195.00 1 AXLE LOCK $85.00 $85.00 1 TAi'\lPER ALARM $225.00 $225.00 1 AMBER VIOLATOR ALERT $250.00 $250.00 1 THRESHOLD SPEED BLANK $105.00 $105.00 Total $11,285.00 * Applicable Sales Tax Not Included Signature ~ ':::;?~ Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866) SMART-LP Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer - Low Profile Easy set-up in 3 minutes or less 1. Stabilize with leveling jacks and remove the hitch 4. Select the speed limit numbers 2. Release the sign latch 5. Power "on" and it's ready. 3. Raise the display Standard Features: . 18" Amber LED display provides high visibility and adjusts to all ambient light conditions . Adjustable tongue length for safer towing . Tamper-resistant, dual lock storage box houses power switch, low-maintenance batteries, charger, and speed signs Optional Features: . Violator Alert - LED display flashes if pre-set speed is exceeded . DRU (Direction Radar Unit) - displays approaching traffic only . Electric Display Lift - raises and lowers display with ease . Built-in axle lock adds stability and prevents theft . High-speed Blanking - display tums off if pre-set speed is exceeded . Solar Panel - provides alternative power source for longer field use . SMARTStat - Kustom's WindowsT"- based traffic statistics software package Standard Specifications: Display- Faceplate: Construction: Enclosure: Suspension: Stabilizers: Hitch Size: Power: Charger: Hitch Weight: Trailer Weight: Dimensions: DisplayOown: OisplayUp: Radar: Accuracy: Temp. Range: Operating Time: 2-digit, 18' High brightness amber LED Shatter-resistant safety glass Welded square tubing frame Tamper-resistant, anti-skid, stainless steel Torsion spring 4 screw-type leveling jacks 2" ball 2 low-maintenance 12V batteries 110VAC: 10 amp output 751bs. 760 100. 118"L x 70'W x 48'H (300 x 178 x 122 em) 118'L x 70'W x 106'H (300 x 178 x 269 em) True Doppler K-Band ~ 1 mph (:!: 2 kmlh) -22"F to +140"F (-30"C to ->BO"C) 7 days per cha'!le T7u:se spedficlltiolls IIrc subject to clmnge without notice. SMART-LP is a PATCO product distributed by Kustom Signals. Kustolll Signals' wnrrmlty inellufes parts and labor, and warmnts a1/ compollents - without exception -against defrcts ill materials flnd warkmatl- ship. 5lvLA.RT-LP is warranted for one yen!, the mdar is warranted for two years. Lease/Purc!ul5e available. For more informnmm, f1 quote, or to plnce an order, mil tollfree: 1-800-4KU5TOM (458-7866). k(((((( KUSTOM SIGNALS,INC. 9325 Pflumm' Lenexa. KS 66215-3347' 9131492-1400 ,FAX 913/492-1703' 800-458-7866. sales@Jkustomsionals.com ASl.IB!IDWt'l'OfFU3l.J::SAFENEQUIPMENT,IN:. Print/'if in U.S.A. II;flO SMART-LP's advanced see-through design provides a clear line of sight for pedestrians and drivers, Visit our website at www.kustomsignals.com! Ice IOIS1OM SIGNALS, INC. A....llL\RY llFPUaJC~ IQlJP~, ItC __, L.enexo lC$"IINM7 1lwa.14011 ,.. .13...Z.HIIl ........... ~..IgII....CMI .........1urto.....J...... -\ ~ \.-SL\'- ::::tX ~ Quotation Page 1 of 1 Date 03/21/2007 To... DEB WARD MONTICELLO POLICE DEPT 505 WALNUT ST / STE #1 MONTICELLO Ml'l/ 55362 Quote # 101796672903705 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on 06119/2007 Phone 763-271-3223 Fax 763-295-4404 .Qtt Product DescriDtion 1 SMART 800 (18" DISPLAY - ONLY RACK FOLDS DOWN) 1 REMOVABLETRAaERTONGUE 1 ALARM SYSTEM 1 SHIPPING & HANDLING UnitPrice SubTotal $7,295.00 $7,295.00 $250.00 $250.00 $295.00 $295.00 $775.00 $775.00 Total $8,615.00 * Applicable Sales Tax Not Included Signature ~ -::;?~ Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866) SMART Series 500 - 2000 Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailers Neighborhoods, school zones, construction sites and danger- ous roads could use a little help in promoting compliance with the speed limit. But officers canlt be everywhere at once. That's why we offer SMART, a gentle reminder to slow down. SMART, which stands for Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer is just that: a portable, self-contained speed display unit that is towed to sites with speed-related problems. After quick and easy set up, SMART is left on the roadside to display speeds of on-coming vehicles. Brake lights are the usual response Around-the-Clock Duty With SMART on the payroll, you have a virtual officer on duty around-the- clock, with no overtime pay - And officers have more time to deal with other important issues. Features and Upgrades to Meet Every Department's Needs The SMART 500 - 2000 series includes amber LED displays, weatherproof enclosures, GE Lexan@ shielding with a non-glare finish for easy readability even in direct sunlight, automatic intensity adjustment to ambient light conditions and a directional radar to display the speeds of oncoming vehi- cles. We offer multiple trailers and options to fit every departments' needs and budget. kccccccc KUSIOM SIGNALS, INC. A few of the features include: . Kustom SMART Radar-this specially designed directional radar is mounted inside the locked trailer to clock speeds. . Amber LED (Light Emitting Diode) Display -motorists see their speeds on this highly-visible LED display. The speed limit sign above the display reminds motorists to pay attention and ease upon the gas pedal. . Violator Alert -when a preset speed is exceeded, the LEOs flash or change to "Slow Down." Each model can be purchased with options, including: . The SMARTStat Traffic Statistics Computer- offers the advantage of using a road tube or the free flow method for collecting statis- tics on cars vs. time, cars vs. speed, speed vs. time, and much more! It's the most versatile WindowsH.1 compatible computer available for gathering traffic data. Minimum If. VehiCles = 0 Average # Vehicles = 19 ~ Elapsed Time = 1845 minutes Maximum # Vehicles = 0 Total # Vehicles = 2300 Ten Mile Pace =26t035 100 163 Terr_ (5200 blk.) SpringtWarm Speed Limit: 25 mph " " " 3PM 6PM 9PM 17Th" JAM MM !lAM . Over-speed Blanking - display turns off if pre-set speed is exceeded. . Tamper Alarm-deters vandals. . For More Options and Details - refer to next page. Community Relations SMART generates a positive response from the community, because citizens see you responding to their concerns when you take action against speed- related problems in their neighbor- hoods, school zones, and construction areas. They feel safer, and that is what voluntary compliance with the speed limit is all about-safety. We know of at least one officer who returned to the SMART trailer and found a note taped to it reading: "Please bring this to my neighbor- hood." SMART has become so popular that many agencies have waiting lists for neighborhoods that want it. Whether used to promote awareness at the start of a school year, support a temporary speed reduction site for road crews, or to simply promote goodwill, put SMART on your payroll. Call us at 1-800-4KU5TOM or visit www.kustomsignals.com Features 500 600 750800 950 1000 2000 12-inch display X X X IS-inch display X X X 36-inch display X Directional K-band radar X X X X X X X 1 AGM aviation-grade battery X X X SMART 500 SMART 600 2 AGM aviation-grade batteries X X Fold-down speed sign rack X X Fold-down display X X 90" swivel display X Directional traffic arrows X Single cycle on/ off clock X X X X X X X Keyed on/ off switch X X X X X X X 2-yr Warranty on trailer and electronics X X X X X X X SMART 750 SMART 800 SMART 950 SMART 1000 SMART 2000 Construction 2-inch square steel tubing frame White polyester powder-coat finish over high-zinc epoxy primer 3 stabilizer jacks with 750lb. capacity each 2-inch class II ball coupler Full 7-inch wide, 14 gauge steel fenders 2000-lb. rated axle Leaf-spring suspension Taper roller bearings Optional Upgrades Solar panel 3 Traffic statistics computer options Over-speed blanking Tamper alarm Removable hitch Trailer cover Violator alerts: "Slow" Red-blue flashing White LED strobe . Your complete traffic safety equipment source Kustom's Complete Product Line Video Digital Eyewitness' NXT Digital Eyewitness~ Eyeyvitness~' Patrol Cam'" Digital MotorEye Radar & Laser Directional Golden Eagle' II Golden Eagle' II Eagle@ II PLUS Eagle' II Motorcycle Eagle~ Talon n'" PRO-lOOODS'" Falcon@ Falcon' Marine HR-12'" Tracker Pro Laser' III LaserCarn' II Radar Trailers & Displays SMART'" Series 400 - 2000 Models I & II SMART-LP (Low Profile) SMART-VMS (Variable Message Sign) Pole-Mounted Radar Displays Series 250 - 450 SMARTStat (Traffic Statistics Computer) StealthStaf" (Speed Monitoring/ Data Collection) Kustom Signals, Inc. offers a complete range of products to meet the traffic safety equipment needs of law enforcement and public safety agencies including video systems, radar, laser, speed monitor- ing and message trailers and more, For more than 30 years, we've been a world leader in the design and manufacture of public safety traffic equipment, working to bring you the best in performance and reliability, As a recognized innovator in the industry, we've developed an expansive product line through a "we listen" philosophy. By taking a needs-based, consul- tative approach to serving customers, we're able to offer products that work better for you and that offer more features. Designed for convenience, high performance and prolonged use, Kustom products combine cutting-edge technology with feahlfes and quality you can depend on. Every Kustom product is backed with a commibnent of service; providing you with the highest level of sales and support in the business, Our highly- trained staff of sales professionals, customer service representatives and specialized technicians are dedi- cated to giving you the level of expertise you expect from the industry leader. Whether its traffic safety radar, lidar, speed monitoring trailers, or video, with Kustom you get long-lasting, tough, easy-to-use equipment. Since 1970, we've focused on providing products that exceed the performance, safety, quality and reliability expectations of our customers - at a fair price. With an extensive product line and profess- ional sales and service teams, it is easy to see why thousands of agencies worldwide choose KlIstom Signals for their traffic safety equipment needs. k((((((( KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. 9325 Pflumm . Lenexa, KS 66215-3347 . 913-492-1400' 800-458-7866 . FAX 913-492-1703 . sales@kustomsignals,com SUBSlDiARYOfPUBL:CSAFETIECUHIEWINC Council Agenda: 4/9/07 SF. Consideration of Final Acceptance of Development and Improvements for the Mornin!!: Glorv Development (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2002-12P) (AS/JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The current developer (Henry Webster, Jr.) of the Morning Glory development has requested final City acceptance ofthe project and the public improvements within the development. Mr. Webster took the project over after the original developer defaulted on the project and the terms of the City's development agreement. Mr. Webster has worked with the City to ensure that all the terms of the original plans and development agreement have been met. The 2-year warranty bond has passed for the improvements constructed. The improvements have been inspected and approved. The City has received a copy of the executed right-of-way license agreement for the project, which has been transferred from the developer to the homeowner's association. The City also has on file a certificate of insurance for the project from the developer. The certificate will need to be transferred from the developer to the association, as well. City staff has reconciled expenses for the project and will be reimbursing Mr. Webster the amount of $9,670. 15 for escrow in excess of expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. City accepts the development and public improvements for the Morning Glory development, with the condition that the developer work with the Homeowner's Association to supply a transferred certificate of insurance. 2. City does not accept the development and public improvements for the Morning Glory development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City accept the public improvements and the development. G:,C(MICiI&porli,11)(J7'14.9LAGN I1'M_Momi'lgGlory.doc Council Agenda: 4/9/07 5G. Consideration of aDDrovine a reQuest for a charitable eamblinelicense for a raffle at the Monticello County Club. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received an application from Bemidji State University Foundation to conduct a raille on June 9, 2007 at the Monticello Country Club. The event benefits the Danny Kraus Memorial Football Scholarship. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this one-day license, the City of Monticello needs to adopt a resolution approving the license request. In the past the City has not opposed the exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a one-day charitable gambling license for June 9, 2007 at the Monticello Country Club. 2. Do not adopt a resolution approving the license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2007-20 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Bemidji State University Fund has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the Monticello Country Club, 1209 Golf Course Road on June 9,2007; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by Bemidji State University Fund for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the Monticello Country Club, 1209 Golf Course Road on June 9, 2007 is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application.. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of April 2007. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Meeting - 04/09/2007 SR. Consideration of extension of uniform contract with Aramark Uniform Services. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello Public Works Department has been contracting with Aramark Uniform Services since 2001. Although most uniform companies prefer a five-year contract we have stayed with a renewable two-year contract due to problems with other uniform companies in the past. Aramark has given us good service over the past six years. While this contract provides uniforms for Public Works employees, we also get the roll towels for the restrooms at Public Works and the shop towels or grease rags, all of which are washable. The annual value of the Aramark Uniform Services for the uniforms and shop towels is $6,479.89, not including repairs, replacements, size changes or new employees. Through previous council action, the maximum allowable amount for each Public Works employee for uniforms is $502.36 annually. The Aramark contract has allowed us to stay below that allowance for our employees. The contract renewal for Aramark Uniform Services goes from March 29, 2007 to March 29, 2009. Negotiations with Aramark Services have resulted in no increase to the contract costs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to renew the Aramark Uniform Services contract for a period of 24 months with no increase in costs. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the 24 month renewal with Aramark Uniform Services and to obtain quotes from other uniform suppliers for the same services. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Public Works Superintendents that the City Council renew the contract with Aramark Uniform Services for a period of two years as outlined in alternative #1. They have given us excellent service, responded to our needs in a timely fashion and are holding the line on prices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of previous contract and renewal contract. ~.~ ;i.RAMARK Uniform Services ~1- ~ -Yk.tUiOLG"l ( ERVICE TO: f. W~L TO: 909 Gal.t; Co._d'S€- Ro1J ()~ \ Y'<\ I\J SS'"3b~ NO. OF EMPLOYEES CHANGES {per week} UNIFORMS AND APPAREL /00% 6> tfw BloL""S:"~ /P" % 6:itt'tIJ L/~ ~":Ms (,fij/"5S;- t./wlJ tUol"K ~h~l'ts. ft) 10 s h~ l'''\-<;. s/S tDi+uJ S/s S, 1-e.^(J ~~q.S ~ h': M-s s I,:: 1'+ ~ NA-ML -e.m.'t.\'E.N-- 1"~4..f' ~~ ~';\-'i I,,~O . S04 .S-04 $ I. S-O SERVICE AGREEMENT 2005 CONTRACT !lilCOPY FYI CHARGE (emplo\rHper IVeekl . '1~..ud. . 4((-"'~ .~~~ .;;,..-s4~ .~~~ . ":>- S<l-.J~ I!L .~Dt?~ REPLACEMENT CHARGE 17;;.00 I~DD 1~.i!JO / t/. ,go /~.""O 10.00 C3-~ .O~ ARAMAAK Untform Services (AUS) wit provlde a unifonn and apparel rental program 10 (Custome aPl;d Cl.Mtomer agrees to pay for aD 01 CustomeJ"s requirements for unIforms and apparel accordl to th erms and cond ns of this Agreement and the rei sto er I Shee !'dIng Increases. or addlIloos In lIliformS and appareL All such unifonns and apparel will remain the property of AUS. ;-&....s. -. nls Agreement is efhlCtlve on the date of the 1BBf: signature provided for below. and will conUnue for~~~ ~IlOWlng the laler of Stlch dala betow or the dale unIforms ar apparel are first ntaned on CustomaJ"s premises. Renewal wbl be automatic fDf another like term unless. either party gives. !he other party wrinen noflce 01 terminaUon at least 60 days befol (he end of lhe lhen current term by certified mall, return receipt requested. AUS wi! provide regularty scheduled dellv8rtes of uniforms end apparel, freshly procassed, repaired and fmished, and win raplaca unifOrrM and apparel worn O\Jt through normal wear at r addlllooal charge. Uniforms 8lld apparel that ale lost 01 damaged (except"'through normal wear) wilt be promptly paid for by Customer at th& then current replacement charge. Customer nu reduce standard unllorms and apparel and services '0 acoommodate nOfmal turnover of employees In the ordlnmy course of Customer's business.. Customer must notify AUS of an employeE lerminatron and muat Immediately retum unifonns and awarel Issued to thl!lt employee. Upon each anniversary dale of this Agreement, AUS may Increase the above charges then in effect either by an amount up to the- percentage change In the Consumer Price Index over d pJltVious12 months or 5%, whicf1evar Ie "mater. AUS WIll notify Customer In wrlttng (which may be by invoice) 01 such Increases. Customer agrees Ihetlf its weekly rental vofume 1s less thl $25 per week, It will be subjecllo a minimum invoIce cherge of $25. Performance Guarenty: Customer may terminate this Agreemenl for deflclandes in service by InformIng AUS in wrWng ollha precise nature of the S8lVlce deflciencles, allowing AUS at Ie~ 30 days 10 correct or begin to correcf the deficiencies. and givIng AUS 30 days written notlee containing an explanation of lhe deficiencies that AUS has nat begun to correct. If Customer bleaches !his Agreement by early Iennlnation (except In accordance with the aboVe Performence Guaranty), Customer agrees to pay AUS liquidated damages (Intended as a go f1Uth pre-esflrnate of the aelual damages AUS would Inc\Jr and not as a pena1ty), equal 10 the greater of 50% 0' the average weeldy charges during lhe 3 months prior to IeIm1natton limes I weaks remaIning in the uooxpired lerm, or the then currenl replacement charge lor all uniforms, apparel and other Inventory. Customer agrees to pay all loss or damage charges and all unpaid statements upon any lermlnaflon or expiration of lhis Agraement. Any contrOWf'Sy or claIm arlslng oot of ar relating to this Agreement shall be settled by blndlng arbitration administered by the AmerIcan ArbUrall<ln Association under Its Co~rcl81 Arbitral' Rules, and judgmenf on the award rendered' by the arbltrator(s) mey be entered In Bny court having jUJ1sr!1ction thereof. ~ Unless specified In writIng In this Agreement., the uniforms and apparel suppUed under !hIs Agreemenl are not !tame resistant or resislant to. hazan::laus StJbstances. They contain no spee flame res1stanl or hazardous substance resistant features and they are not designed for use in areas where 'they may catch fire or where contact with hazardous substances Is pos&lble. CUslor agrees to Indemnify and hold AUS harmless from and against any loss, claim, expense, includIng attorney's feas, or Uabilily Incurred by AUS as 8 result cf the use 0# such unIforms and appl in areas where contact with !lame or hazardous substances is possible. CUstomer will Immediately notify AUS 01 any toxic or hazardous substance Introduced by Cuslorn9t onto the unltor or appatEll and agrees to be responsible for any loss, damage or Injury experienced by AUS or Its employees as a resull of the 8)listence of such substances. AUS reserves 11'16 nghf na handle or process any unifoons or appanri' soiled with toxic or hazardoos substances. Customer confinns that by signing Ihls Agreement, no existing contcacl to which Customer Is a party Is, or will be, breached. This Agreement Is not bInding on AUS until executed by the Gar'll Manager of the AUS facilIty that will provide service to CUstomer. (71A)") 9::;: 1.7~'Prio.t A 7Tll1'Jr Ph~e Numbsr '----- A~K Repr9891'1teli{e /ri,.J--J,..., ,_ 7/7-4/0::,- Date -+, ~ Print e.!-Jt, OF/;1/!tJ>l!tdtt.o Name of usIomei .rin! '!?I<Y- WCiI,(;rau.:JL. {Ii,? ~tle<ll'CuSlom8rCooIact __.1- By C--/<~A k! t4f )A. LttA. Signalul1llolAlIthori C. rR~ GSA (tOlllO\ ~ ARAMAAK Uniform SelVices, a division of ARAMAAK Uniform & Career Apparel. Inc. "-r~ SlgllBIure . AAAMAAI( Repntsentalive Dat. Slgllature ARAMARj( General Manager AN EQUAl OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYE SERVICE TO: .J'J<AM4RK Oniform Services ~+- f?,.Q;~ W~ '109 (14 ~ (;JDafJ fYJ~rli-~c-eJ/f) VllA) ss-~'=-~ ALLIED PRODUCTS SERVICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT NO, CUSTOMER NO, PAGE NffiJCO py FYI MERCHANDISE QUANTITY UNIT CHARGE FREQUENCY MINIMUM REPLACEMENT PERCEN11\GE CHARGE Ao It Te, weJ..s. /0 J. t.. S- w""- \'1 So S h.~"? It> w e....~ /'10 . D s<l W K'\.y S-O S -eJ''-' 'i c. <<- ~~~ s-/~ ...y R a--\-'€- S. -0t-V"l'\. .Q "r- I ~ I" lI'A.. o-? ~ A ~l'e-,e.y'l')"1-f\i- ARAMARK Unflorm SelVices (AUSl will provide an allled products renlal program to e and Cus~amer agress pay for all 01 Customer's. reql1lremenfs for allied products according to the terms and conditiOll 0 this reement and !he related Cust I 0 i et C Ig i creases or ad(ho;", In aUred prodUcts. AU such alll8d products wll remain the property of AUS. ~ ' This Agreement is effective on !he data of the /as! signature provfded tor below, and shall continue tot-J Jmas';&tive months folloWlng the 18 r such Ie be,ow or the date aflJed prc.....o.IC am first Installed on CUSlomer's premises. Renewal wil b& automatic for another like term unfess e~rty gi...es the olher party wmtan notIce of termination at least 60 days beloR!: the sr of lhe then current lerm by certlfiGd mail, return receipt requested. AUS wfI clean, mainlaln and provide regularly scheduled deliverIes of allied products, and wUl raplece allied prorfucls worn oul through normal wear at no additional charge. Allied produc thai are loat 0( damaged (except Ihrough normal wear) will be promptly paid for by Customer at lhe then current replacement charge. Customer may reduce slandard allied products and seMCI to accomrnodale nonnaf IumOV8t 01 employees In the ordinary course of CuslOmer':s business. Customer must notify AUS of an employee's tellTlination and musllmmedlately return alU( products Issued to that employee. AUS may itK:raase charges at any tme by noIlfylng Customer In wrlUnQ (which may be by InVOice). Cuslomer may rejecl such Increased charges by nOUfylnQ AUS in writing wfltW1 15 days aft receipt of notice of such Increase. It Customer rejects 1I1e Increase, AUS reserves the rfght to terminale Ihls A.greemsnl in whole 0( In perl Customer agrees Ihat If Us wsekly rental vofume less fP1an $25 per week, It wiU be .subject to III mlrllmum Invoice charge bringing Its weekly invoice up to $25. Performance Guaranty; CUs10mer may fermlnale this Agreement tor dencJencies In service by Informing AUS in Writing of f1.e precise nature of the service deficIencies, allowing AUS at lea 30 days 10 oomteI: or begin to correct Ihe deflclencJes, and giving AUS 30 days wrlllen notice containing an explanation of the deficiencies that AUS hae nol begun to correct. If CUstomer breaches thIs Agreement by early lennination (excep1 in accordance with the above Performance Guaranty), Customer agrees to pay AUS liquidated damages (Intended as a gO( faith pre-eetinate oj the actual damages AUS would Incur and nol as a penalty', equal to lhe greater 01 50% of Ihe average weekly charges during the 3 monlhs prior to tarmlnallon lImes If weeks remg.lng In the unexpired term. or the then current replacement charge for aU alUed products and other Inventory. Customer agrees to pay an loss or damage charges end all unpaid statements upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement. Any controversy or dairn arising out of or relaUng to this Agreamenl shall be saWed Dy binding arbilrallon administered by the American Arbilration Associalfon under Its Commercial Arbllralic RlAes, and judgment on the award rendered by Ihe arbttralor(s) may be entered in any court having [urisdiction thereof. Unless specified In wrltfng in this Agreement, the allied products supplied under this AgrsemenlllJlJ not flame resistant Of reslstanl 10 hazardous substances. They contain no special flan resistant or hazardous substance resislanl fealures end they are not designed for use in areas where lhey may calch fire or where contact with hazardous substances fa poesJbie. Cuslom agrees to indemnify and hold AUS harmless from and against any 100s, claim, ItXpensa, Including attorney's fees. or liabBily Incurred by AUS as a result 01 the: use 01 such allied products areas where COOIact wllh name 01 hazardous subslances is possible. Customer will Immediately notify AUS 01 any 10xlc 0( hazardous -substance fntroduced by Customer onto !he allied produc and agreas to be responsible for any loss, damage Of' Injury experienced by AUS or its employees as a result of the alClstence of such substances. AUS reserves !he right noC to hancle process any allied producta soiled wllh to:dc or hazardous substances. CUstomer conflrrns thai by sjgning this Agreemenl. no existing conlract !o which Customer Is a party Is, Or will be, breached. Tl1ls Agreemenl is nol binding on AUS until executed by the Gl!Iner Manager of the AUS facility that wll provide service !o Customer. ~ /dON H ~ 'l' Pool e;t, oF- t1 c.,f-tCf 1/1.' Name oJ Cl.Ilkumlr (, Print \ cf{ ~ \.t'~flp I (' N 3/2.91....:;- Dale' ,4..rn le~' By ....0"'" SignalLKlt. ARMlARK General ManBgc.r rfQ;'S_I; ET CEN7ER COr~'y - Dal. - AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTJON EMPLOYER . ~ ARANfARK Uniform Services - - - -.- - .- - - - - -- - - .- ReJ\~uC\L\ -~--- ------_..._._----_.---..~. SERVICE AGREEMENT SERVICE TO, (.'Ay M- MM\'I<"'~\\O '7D9 (;o\~ C.b v.,,(~E:.... \'\0 ol 1'\01"\\-; L,....\\ U fv\tJ 55 ~d-. 0&3 ~gS'd..11 NO. OF UNIFORMS AND APPAREL CHANGES EMPLOYEES (po< "") CONTRACT NO. CUSTOMER NO. II '-tb '=,0 0 3 PAGE NO. NEW CONTRACT 2007 RENEWAL \-,J 0)- k '3:a~t f S\ ,-\e;.. ;f).e. N / '" :J-e" "'.s W" rlc. Soh irt c\o.s.<;.] c... Kl\ I \- po Jo (,0 t\1:lj0 ~e>.1 SJ,tvts L/s. c.:D ~aN W",k-S).,rvt s/~ CHARGE (erilploy&B per week) REPLACEMENTCHARGE } l:J.D "','\0" '...,.....~~.. .q~ e",~k , If& t'P\et..- .~-el^<-\.... 'Y~(",(..h . d~-( v.",l $O~: 08 .$ 8.{)D 'j:. /0.00 It I y. 01) "frJ;).. b 0 ~ JJ. 00 I I I I. AR' ''lKUnnO,",SeM,..(AUSIWlflProvkJeaunlformandappers,rsnlalprogramto c..'+'\l D4- ~DI'I-\-l (..~ \\0 (Cuatoma~ ar 'orner agrees to pay for aU of Customer's requirements. for uniforms and apparel according 1/1 the terms and conditfOIl8 of this Agreement and the related Customer Information Sheet. inc., .4 Increases or additions In unif(lrms and apparel. All such unJfarms and apparel will remain the~ro ~ ThIs Agreement Is effective on the date ot the lasl signature plOVfded for below, and win continue fo n e s fotlowfnQllhe later of such date below 01 the dale uniforms and apparel are first Installed on Customer's premises. Renewal will be aulomaflc for another like term unl her p the othor party written natlco of tBfmlnatlon at least 60 days before !he end or the then currenlterm by certlffed mafl, return r9Ce!pt requested. I\US will Provide regularly scheduJed deKverh~s of uniforms and apparel, freshly processed, repaired and finIshed, and wJII replace uniforms and apparel worn out Ihcougtl nOJmal wear at no itddlllonal charge. Uniforms and apparel thai BrB lost or damaged (except through normal wear) wJU he promptly paid for by Customer at the then current replacement cf1arge. Customer may 'educe standard uniforms and apparel and services 10 aCcommoda1e normal turnover of employees In ilia oedlnary course of Customer's buUl8SS. Custoffiet' must notify AUS 01 an employee's erminatlon and mllSt Immedl.8tely return uniforms and apparellsslled to lhat employee. Jpon each 8I1nlversary dale of this Agreement, AUS may increase the above charges then In effect either by an amount up to the percentage change In 1119 Consumer Prk:e Imlex over Ihe lre\llous 12 months or 5%, whicnevar Is grealer. AUS will notlfy CUBtomer In wrtlfng (which may be by Invoice) of such Increases. Customer agrBeS thai If Irs. weekly rental volume Is less lhan 125 per week, II win be SUbject to a minimum Invoice Charge of $25. -.dormanee Guaranty: Customer may larmlnate this Agreement for deficfenclas In selVlce by Informing AUS In wrm(lg of the precise nature of the sarvlce deflcfencles, allowing AUS atloost JO days 10 COlrecf or begin to correcl the detfelancies. and giving AUS 3D days written nollce containIng an explanation of the deficiencies that AUS has nol begun to correct. f CUstomer breaches this Agreement by early tarmlnallon (except In accordance with the above Perlormance Guaranty), Customer agrees to pay AUS liquidated damageS (Intended as a goOd ailh pre-estimate of lhe aelual damages AUS would Incur and not as a P9nalty), equal to the greater of 50% of the average weeldy charges during the 3 months prior to termlnallon Urnes the reeks remainIng In the unexpired term, or the then current replacement charge fot all uniforms, apparel and other Inventory. ;US!omer Ilgrees to pay aU loss or damage charges and all unpaid statements upon any termination or expiration of lhis Agreement. my controversy or claim arising out of or relating 10 this Agreement shall be settled by binding arbltrallon adminIstered by the American Arblltallon Assoclatlon under Ita Commercial Arbitration tules, and Judgment on the award nmdsrfld by !he arbltrator(s) may be enlered In any court having jurlsdlcllon Ih8JBof. In1888 specified In writing In this Agreement, the uniforms and apparel suppUed under this Agreement are not llame resistant or reslslanl to hazardous substances. They contain no special ame r"lstalll or haurdous substance resistant features and Ihey are not deSigned for U88 In areas where they may catch fire or where contad wllIl hllzard0U8 substances Is possible. Customer graes- to Indemnify and hold AUS harmless from and agaInst any 1088, claim, expense, Including attomey's less, or nablllry Incurred by AUS as a resull of the USe oleuell uniforms and apparel I areas Where contact wllh flame or hazardous substances Is possible. Cuslomer wlU Immediately notify AUS of allY toxic 01 hazardous Ilubslance Introduced by Cualomer onto Ihe uniforms r apparel and agre8$ to be Tellpoll8lbfe for any foss, damage or Injury experienced by AUS or Its employees as II resull ollhe exlstence of such sli:Jstances. AUS reservea the right not to Bfldle or process any unIforms or apparel soiled with toxic or hazardQus substances. llstomer confirms lhat by siGning this Agreement, no exfstlng contract 10 which Customer is a party is, or wID be, breached. This Agreement Is not binding on AUS unlll executad by Ihs General Ianager of lhe AUS facility ltlat wlll provide service to Cusfomer. ~ ARAMAFlK Unrform Services, a dMslon of ARAMARK Uniform & Career Apparel. Inc. rln' 0'''''''''''''' CIlatornerPl1oneNumber Print ARAMAAK Reprnenltltiva Na!'ll8 a nUe 'int Name 8: nu. af CllItamlW Canl8ct SIgnature - ARAMARK ReprllSlntalWB Date SIgnltll"S of AtMorIzed CU4lomer Aipre58fl18llve A(IMlCl} Date Signature - AAAMAAK GeMr8I Manager Dale 11..11 1\ OVeT ""~"I"''''''' ..........._.., *-ARAiWARK Uniform Services CONTACT NAME: o o N/A {f o o o o o o o o ~ CUSTOMER INFORMATION SHEET (CIS) CUSTOMER NO II L.j 0 <'} () D 3 PAGE NO. C'~_\J_ D.\- ~~~&~CJ "/ CONTACT TITLE: TELEPHONE NO. Credit/Billing/Service Review COD Terms Explained ($5 late charge if amount due Is carried to following week.) Credit Terms Expiained " Charge Payment Due 10 Days After End of Month. Even Billing Explained" 52 Weeks. Lost or Damaged Charges Explained. Weekly Minimum Charge Explained. Emblem Charges Explained. Percentage Minimums Explained. Inventory Maintenance Explained. Preparation Charge Explained. Service Charge Explained. Extra Suit Charge Explained. Locker Opening Charge Explained. See below for actual pan:anlagos Sea below for actual peroantagos per Garment per Week per Wearer )( o o 7i o x QUANTITY '6 ,3 I ~bU as BlIlln Procedure FREQUENCY MIN. % -'t n 0 boa b~ I:J o 1: o INV. MAM. FEPlACEMENT CHRG. .liD a,s.Dl) Special Merchandise (It yes, see Special Merchandise Addendum) Direct Embroidered 0 Other 0 Emblem Description o Name Emblem o Company Emblem o Other Emblem Color: Name Emblem Type/Styie: Embroidered 0 More Than One Delivery Location? No 0 Yes 0 Uniform Storage: Lockers: _ ea. per week Laundry Lock-up: _ea. per week Other Charges/Services: Unit Price Unit Price Company Silk Screen 0 (If Yes, where Storage Rails Soil Container ) ea. per week ea. per week . There will be an extra char e reflected on our invoice for an arment Issued to customer in the followln sizes: Waist Sizes 44" and above h 5' d above Inseam Len lh 2 "a . 35' and a ov AI ha Sizes 2XL and above Neck izes 18" an e n' 8 and above Sleeve L n h " and abov Garme Shirts la er than 5XL n nt h n n sis. . Customer is responsible for all sales and use taxes. . The charges on this CIS may be increased by Aramark at any time by notifying Customer in writing (which may be by in- voice). Customer may reject such increased charges by notifying Aramark In writing within 15 days atter receipt of notice of such Increase. If Customer rejects the increase, Aramark reserves the right to terminate this CIS in whole or in part. . All terms and conditions contained In the Service Agreement to which this CIS is attached are incorporated in this CIS (except for any price Increase provisions). Signature. AAAMARK Representative Cat. CaIe Q) Signature 01 Authorized Customer Aepresan1at1ve C... Signature - ARAMARK General Manager CIS""" MARKET CENTER COpy Council Agenda: 4/9/07 5J. Approval of updates to the City's fiscal policies and procedures. (C.S., P.M.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve updates to the City's fiscal policies and procedures in accordance with recommendations of Doug Host from LarsonAllen, the firm that performs the city's annual audit. His recommendations ensure compliance with GASB #34 reporting. Senior finance staff members have also made several updates to match our actual practices in the City. All updates are shown in the supporting documentation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the updates to the City's fiscal policies and procedures. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and senior finance staff recommend Alternative #1 to keep in compliance with audit requirements. The updates will not have any affect on the city's financial practices and confirms the procedures that we already follow. The updates will assure that we continue to comply with annual GASB reporting requirements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of updated Fiscal Policies and Procedures, effective 4/9/07. (Changes are bolded, italicized and underlined.) City of Monticello MN FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A. MAJOR FUNDS AND FUND GROUPS Under GASB #34 requirements, the maior funds that the City is required to report as major will be shown as such on our annual fmancial statements. In addition, rhe CiIV chooses to reoort the Commullitv Center funtL Lilluor fund. Sanitarv Sewer Access fund. CaDital Outlav Revolvin!! fund and Cemeterv fund as maior funds even ifthev are not reQuired to be reoorted as such oer GASH #34. This is allowed under GASH #34 reoortinfl reauirements. All remaining funds are reported as non-major government-type or business-type (enterprise) depending on the nature of the individual fund. B. CAPITAL ASSETS A caoital asset is determined to be that with a cost of at least $5000 per asset and a life expectancy of greater than one year. Assets with a cost of less than $500 will be classified as a supply expenditure. Assets with a cost between $500 and $5000 will be classified as a small tool and tracked for intemal purposes. The classes of caoital assets will be: land, parking lots, buildings, infrastructure, improvements (other than buildings), machinery and equipment, office equipment and furniture, and motor vehicles. Construction in Progress will be recognized as an asset but is not eligible to be depreciated until the project is completed and/or asset is transferred to the city. Thresholds applied to capitalized assets will be at least $5000 with the following exception: Art collections and historical treasures will be considered exempt from capitalization if they are held for public exhibition or education, is protected and preserved, and is subject to a policy that proceeds from the sale of collectible items are used to acquire other collectibles. Donations of capital assets from an individual or entity are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of acquisition for purposes of capitalizing the asset. Deoreciation is the allocation of the cost of a depreciable capitalized asset over its estimated useful life. Straight-line depreciation will be the method used to allocate the cost on a monthly basis. Land, easements and construction in progress are not considered depreciable assets. The determination of useful lives was made utilizing the following tables: fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 1 Deleted:: will be; General Fund, Debt Service fund (all consolidated), Capital Project fund (all consolidated), Se\Ver fund and Watet fund. Other funds the City chooses to report as major are; Community Center fund and Liquor fund. CITY OF MONTICELLO CAPITAL ASSETS DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE I USEFUL LIFE REAL PROPERTY - CLASS CODE DESCRIPTION MONTHS YEARS INFRASTRUCTURE 300 25 Infrastructure: Fencinq and cates 240 20 Infrastructure: lmorovements 240 20 Infrastructure: Load Area 240 20 Infrastructure: Parking Lots 132 11 Infrastructure: Pathways 240 20 Infrastructure: Roads/Streets (curb, outter, sidewalk, streeVsionalliohts) 480 40 Infrastructure: Sanitary Sewer 120 10 Infrastructure: SlQnaqe 240 20 Infrastructure: Stormwater 480 40 Infrastructure: Watermain VEHICLES 96 8 Dump Trucks, Street Department Trucks 240 20 Fire Trucks 120 10 Snow Plows, Street Sweepers, SIudQ8 Trucks, SIudQ8 Trailer 84 7 ATV 144 12 Tractor, Streets and Parks 60 5 Trucks, Pickups, Vans WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 180 15 Gravity Belt Thickener, Chlorinator, DiQ8ster Cover 480 40 WWTP Expansion UTILITIES 300 25 Booster Station, Water Tower, Wells 300 25 Lift Station MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 120 10 Bike Park, Indoor Plav Structure/MCC 84 7 Black Too Hot Mix 96 8 Brush Cutter, Loo Solltter, Trailer with Lift, Dumo Box, Flatbed 60 5 Cash Racistsr Systems 144 12 Crane, Tractor 120 10 Election Equipment, Security System, Si9nal Control 120 10 Fire Rescue Tool 120 10 Fuel Tanks, Storage Tanks 84 7 Generator, Compressors. Air Tanks 240 20 Irrigation Systems 240 20 Office Cubicles, City Hall 180 15 Office Cubicles, MCC & DMV 240 20 Librarv Book She/vi no, Storaoe She/vino, Reeeotion & Checkout Counters 120 10 Loader, Skid Steere, Black too Planer, Backhoe, Paver 84 7 Mower, Truckster 60 5 Plavoround EouiomenV, Skate Park Ramos, Pool FixtureslTovs fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 2 USEFUL LIFE REAL PROPERTY - CLASS CODE DESCRIPTION MONTHS YEARS 48 4 Seeder, Soraver, Salt Brine mixer 84 7 Trailer 84 7 Snow Blower, Genie Lift, Jet Roddina Machine 120 10 Walk-In Cooler, Wine Racks, Shelvina 60 5 Router, Comoactor, Sewer Camera 120 10 Wheel Loader, Chemicallniection/lron Filtration EQuioment BUILDINGS 360 30 Animal Control, Public Works Shop. Old Library, Warmina House 480 40 Buildina Expansion Liauor Store, OriQinal liquor Store 480 40 Community Center 480 40 Fire Hall 480 40 Librarv, New 360 30 Pole Building and Garages 480 40 VVWTP Administration and SludQe Buildinas 264 22 . Park Concession Stand and Shelters, Chamber Office, Help Center, PW Office 240 20 Park Gazebo 144 12 Park Log Shelter 360 30 Rental House IMPROVEMENTS 180 15 Climbinq Wall, Wood Floor (MCC ), Lighting Systems 300 25 Fencino & Gates, Retainina Walls 120 10 Guard Hut (skate park), Swan Sculpture, Landscaping 144 12 Hockey Rink, Ball field Bleachers 240 20 Soundproofing Tiles (MCC) fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 3 1. Classification of Buildings versus Improvements (related to buildings) BUILDINGS can be purchased or constructed. Costs to be capitalized for a purchased building can include: . original purchase price o expenses incurred to make it ready for the intended purpose . environmental compliance o professional fees . unpaid or accrued taxes to date of purchase o cancellation or buyout of existing leases . other costs associated with placing the asset into operations Costs to be capitalized for a constructed building can include: o project costs . interest accrued during construction o excavation, grading or filling ofland o preparation of plans o building permits o professional fees o temporary buildings used during construction o unanticipated costs such as rock blasting o permanently attached fixtures or machinery that cannot be removed without impairing the use of the building o additions to buildings (expansions, extensions, enlargements) IMPROVEMENTS to buildings should only be capitalized ifpart ofa major repair or rehabilitation project, which increases the value and/or useful life of the building. Each determination should be handled on a case-by-case basis. These guidelines can be utilized for capitalizing costs as improvements rather than expensing as repair and maintenance: o The costs exceed the capitalization threshold ($5000), and o One of the following criteria is met: a. the estimated life of the asset is extended by more than 25% b. the cost results in an increase in the capacity of the asset c. the efficiency of the asset is increased by more than 10% Improvement values can include: . conversion of attics, basements, etc to usable business space o structures attached to existing buildings (such as patios, garages, enclosed stairwells) o installation or upgrade of heating and cooling systems o installation or upgrade of wall or ceiling coverings (such as carpeting, tiles, paneling) . structural changes such as reinforcement of floors or walls, installation or replacement of beams, rafters, or other interior framing o installation or upgrade of windows or doors and frames . interior renovation associated with casings, light fixtures, ceiling trim, etc. fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 4 . exterior renovation such as installation or replacement of siding, roofIng, masonry, etc. . installation or upgrade of plumbing and electrical wiring . installation or upgrade of phone or television systems, networks, fiber optic or wiring for installation of equipment that will remain in the building . other costs associated with the above improvements 2. Proiects and Construction in ProgreSS (CIPl The City designates projects for significant new assets or upgrades to existing assets, which may consume a considerable amount of time and/or dollars. Projects may involve infrastructure, buildings, or improvements and may be public (city) or private (developer). A unique project code is assigned during the planning phase of each project. This code will be used to track project costs from start to finish. If a public (city) project is not completed by December 31 of any given year, the accumulated costs will be capitalized as the value for the asset at that point in time. The asset will be designated as Construction in Progress (CIP) until final. Finalization requires approval of City Council and assurance by the fmance department that all payments have been made. A private project (developer contract) will not be capitalized until the project is fmal and accepted by the City Council. The developer should be responsible for establishing the value of the project with the city. 3. Disoosals Accounting and Reoorting Issues Department heads shall be responsible for reporting disposal of capital items to the finance department. The finance department will record the disposal in the capital asset system. When the entries are interfaced to the general ledger, additional entries will need to be determined to record possible gains or losses. BUSINESS-TYPE (ENTERPRISE) FUNDS: Gains will be receipted to an account designated as an "Other Source" in the appropriate enterprise fund. Losses will be recorded against an account designated as an "Other Use" in the appropriate enterprise fund. Gains and/or Losses in enterprise funds will be reported together on the Statement of Activities under General Revenues as Gain/Loss on sale of capital assets. GOVERNMENT-TYPE (998) FUNDS: Gains are receipted to the appropriate account number at the fimd level. (example: Sale of City Property-Public Works). These receipts do not need to be recorded in Fund 998. Losses will be recorded against "Investment in Fixed Asset" account in Fund 998. fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 5 4. Annual Inventory Tracking The finance department will distribute a list of inventory, by department, to each department head. This list will show what each department should have regarding capital assets and tracked small tools and equipment It will be the department head's responsibility to verify the inventory form, accounting for any changes in their department's inventory, and return it to the finance department. The finance department will then do any necessary adjustments, transfers, or disposals to the capital assets system, to account for these changes. The inventory tracking and updating will be done on an annual basis. 5. Guidelines for Tracking Small Tools and E<luioment Any item deemed as having a value greater than $5,000.00 and a life expectancy of greater than one year will always be considered a capital asset. Any individual item with a cost of$500.00 to $5,000.00 is classified as a Small TooVEquipment and can be tracked for internal use. I Small Tools.l!!!!l:.betracked ifth, following",:e_ true~ _ __ - - - Deleted: should - ~ .- - - - - - --- - - Fonnatted: Font: Bold, Italic, i. The asset has a street value--the asset has a desired value on the street Under1ine market and could be sold to make a profit. n. The asset is not attached to another asset. iii. The asset has a personal value. Individuals would desire the asset for personal use. Examples would be: chainsaws, lawn mowers, two-way radios, computers. iv, The city has an interest in the useful life of the item. For example, basketball hoops, swimsuit dryers, and drinking fountains. v. The city has the item on a useful life replacement cycle. Examples are personal and laptop computers. fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 6 , I C. ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET The purpose of establishing an operating budget is to ensure the City's annual operating expenditures are based on a stable stream of revenues. The City follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements. I 1. Prior to Au!!ust 1 of each)'ear, .the City Administrator Frovides all department. _ _ _ .{ Deleted: During June and July ] heads with budget worksheets. Department heads prepare a proposed operating budget and return the worksheets to the City Administrator for review. The City Administrator meets with department heads, if necessary, and accepts proposed budget work papers. 2. Prior to September I, the City Administrator submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fIscal year commencing the following January I. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and !lie means of financing them. 3. Public meetings or hearings are conducted in accordance with the state truth in taxation statutes to obtain taxpayer comments and adopt the final tax levy and budgets for the governmental, special revenue, enterprise and debt service funds. 4. The City Administrator is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between I departmentsJVithin any fund; however, anY. revisions .that alter the total.'''_ . - Deletecl: with , expenditures of any fund must be approved by the City Council. . , Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic, 5. Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during Underline the year for the general fund, special revenue funds and enterprise funds. Formal budgetary integration is not employed for capital projects and debt service funds. 6. Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Budgeted amounts will be reported as originally adopted and as amended by the City Council on the budget to actual financial statements. 7. Operating budgets are prepared for the following funds: General Government - general, library, city streets reconstruction, HRA housing and redevelopment I authority,Minnesota investment" SCERG,(small city econmnic recovery.l~rarlt2", - - - Deleted: environmental c1ean-UD, CMIF (Central MN initiative fund), shade tree, park, park and pathway '--. Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic, dedication, community center, capital project revolving, EDA (economic Underline development authority). sanitary sewer access, storm sewer access, water access, debt service, and Enterprise - water, sewer, liquor and cemetery. D. REVENUE CLASSIFlCATION AND USE Revenues on the government wide financial statements are classified as general revenues or program revenues. General revenues typically consist of: various taxes, rental income, grants and contributions that support the general operations and services provided by the City and are not restricted for a particular purpose, investment earnings, and miscellaneous revenues. PrOl!ram revenues include: special assessments, fees and charges, fInes and forfeits, and grants that are budgeted or indicated for a specific purpose, activity or program. Fees, Charges, Fines and Other is a broad category of program revenues that arise from charges to customers, applicants or others who purchase, use, directly benefit from, or are directly affected by the goods, services or privileges provided. Program revenues are meant to offset the cost associated with the purpose, activity or program. fIscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 7 The OUl"DOSe of this revenue policy is to provide a diversified set of revenues to ensure a stable revenue system for the City, to match similar sources and uses to ensure adequate funding for various City services and programs, and to ensure equitable funding among City programs and services. The City will establish user charges and fees at a level relative to the cost of providing these programs and services. The charges and fees will be reviewed on an annual basis. Fees set for user activities, such as recreational programs, will be at a level to move toward supporting 100 percent of the direct and indirect cost of the activities. User fees and charges for the enterprise funds (water, sewer, liquor and cemetery) will be set a level that supports the total direct and indirect costs of the activity. Indirect costs will include depreciation of capital assets and each fund's share of administrative and general government costs incurred by the enterprise fund. For governmental-type funds, the City will record all revenues received within 60 days after year end (that relate to prior year services) as revenues for the prior year fiscal accounting period. E. REPORTING LEVEL - STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES The government-wide Statement of Activities will report revenues and expenditures at the function level and by government-type and business-type. Revenues from fees, charges, fmes and other; operating grants; and capital grants will be broken out by: government-type: general government, public safety, public works, health and welfare, culture and recreation, conservation and economic development, and interest on long term debt, and business-type: water, sewer, liquor store and cemeteries. General Revenues will be reported together regardless of function. Totals will be separated into government-type and business-type activities. Transfers between government-type and business-type funds will be shown in this section also. F. COMPENSATED ABSENCES Compensated absences will be reported for vested sick leave, vacation, and compensatory time hours. I Vacation hours are accrued by full-time city employees and part-time employees who maintain an average of25 hours per weekfor a continuous s~ !TI_o!1!~~ ~~n::-~I!i~~ _ __ , - Deleted: gfkJ:. ,- employees are entitled to carryover a balance of one and one-balf times their annual Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic, accrual at the end of each year. Union employees are entitled to carryover a balance of Undertine twice their annual accrual at the end of each year. As of April 23, 2001, any employees who reached or reaches an accrual balance equal to or less than that allowed will lose excess hours remaining as of December 31 of each year. Exception can be granted to salaried employees providing they make a request in writing to the City Administrator prior to October I of each year. The request can be made to receive vacation pay in lieu of hours taken, up to one-half of the annual hours earned, and will be subject to approval of the City Administrator. fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 8 i Long-standing employees, who are still carrying balances over the allowed amount of accrual, can use or buy down the excess hours at a minimum of 100 hours per year per City Council action of April 23, 2001. Vacation Severance Pav - Employees leaving City service voluntarily and in good standing and who provide proper advance notice of two weeks are entitled to receive 100 percent of their remaining accrued vacation leave at their current hourly rate. Sick Leave hours are accrued by all full-time city employees up to 96 hours per year (or 1 day per month). Sick leave hours earned can be carried over from year to year. If the balance of accrued sick leave hours reaches 100 days (800 hours) as of October I" of each year, the excess hours will be paid into a city-approved medical savings plan on behalf of the employee. As of October 28, 2002, eligible employees who have accumulated above 100 days of sick leave accrual, will be required to contribute up to 100 hours annually to the city- approved medical savings plan until the accumulated hours have been reduced to 800 hours or less. Sick Leave Severance Pav - Only days of sick leave accumulated after April 1 , 1980, will be considered for any type of severance benefit. Eligible employees leaving City service after 5 years of employment shall receive up to y.o of their unused sick leave times their current hourly rate. Eligible employees leaving City service after 10 years of employment shall receive up to Y, of their unused sick leave times their current hourly rate. Employees leaving City service who have accumulated above 100 sick days after April I, 1996, will be allowed to receive credit for any days over 100 at the current hourly rate of pay as a severance benefit. All such payments shall be deposited in a city- approved medical savings plan account for the employee. Currently, the City has an agreement with the MN State Retirement System (MSRS) Health Care Savings Plan. The employee will be notified by MSRS when funds have been deposited on their behalf and provided with investment options. Current and Long Term Comoensated Absences - The City estimates that most compensated absences earned as of year end will not be used within the next year. Therefore, 100% of compensated absences will be recognized as long term. The exception to this is when an employee announces their retirement for the coming year. if _," this declaration occurs. then that emolol'ee's portion will be reoorted as due within Olle ' vear. This will be determined based on information available to the finance department at year end. G. APPLYING RESTRICTED AND UNRESTRICTED RESOURCES The city will first use restricted resources to finance qualifying activities. Any remaining qualifying activities will be financed with unrestricted resources. H. ALLOCATION OF INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect exoenses will be allocated to the funds and departments that share in the expense, if determinable and possible. Ifthe entire city or many city departments are involved, the cost will be recorded in the city hall department budget or capital project fund budget. fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 9 Deleted: /n this situation. the aDDlicahlt! nnnum f)f cotlUJm~Qwd absences will be 1't!cormiud as short ""'" Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic, Underline I. CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATING AND NON-OPERATING REVENUES IN ENTERPRISE FUNDS Operating revenues in an enterprise fund are those that support the day-to-day operations of the activities in that fund. These revenues cover costs such as salaries, supplies, repairs and maintenance, depreciation, and small tools and equipment. . Water - user fees (billed quarterly), sale of water meters, Gopher State I-call fees, inspection fees, water use pennits, booster station charges, connect/reconnect fees, penalties, charges for repairs . Sewer - user fees (billed quarterly), inspection fees, charges for repairs, permits, penalties . Liquor -liquor sales (beer, wine, liquor, miscellaneous), gift certificate sales . Cemetery - sale of grave sites, administration fees, excavation charges, monument staking fees, memorial program revenues, perpetual care fees Non-Ooeratinll revenues in an enterprise fund are those revenues that occur from nOD- operations of the enterprise activities, including, but not limited to, such items as property taxes; local, state or federal grants; interest income from investments; property rental; assessments; and other miscellaneous revenue. J. IDENTIFICATION AND APPLICATION OF RESERVED AND UNRESERVED FUND BALANCES Reserved fund balances indicate the portion of fund equity which has been legally segregated for specific purposes. Unreserved. designated fund balances indicate the portion of fund equity for which the City has made tentative plans. Unreserved. undesignated fund balances indicate the portion of fundy equity which is available for budgeting in future periods. K. DEFINITION OF CASH AND CASH EQillV ALENTS Cash and cash equivalents include: cash on hand, demand deposits, and short-term investments with original maturities of3 months or less from the date of acquisition. L. ALLOWANCE FOR UNCOLLECTffiLE RECEIVABLES Based on past experience, the City is able to collect almost all of its receivables. Amounts uncollectible have been immaterial. Based on this history, the City will only record an allowance for uncollectibles on a case-by-case basis, if needed. M. INVENTORY REPORTING The City uses the purchase method of inventory reporting for the liquor store on a "first- in, first-out" basis. N. ELIMINATION OF INTERNAL ACTIVITY ON THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES The City, as a general rule, eliminates the effect ofinterfund activity on the government- wide financial statements. The only interfund activity that will be reported on these financial statements are those between the two types of activities: governmental and business-type. fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 10 O. APPLICATION OF FASB PRONOUNCEMENTS TO BUSINESS-TYPE ACTIVITIES The City generally follows private-sector standards of accounting and financial reporting issued prior to December 1, 1989 for the govermnent-wide and proprietary fund financial statements to the extent that those standards do not conflict with or contradict guidance of the Govermnental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The City has the option of following subsequent private-sector guidance for their business-type activities and enterprise funds, subject to the same limitation; however, the city elects not to follow subsequent private-sector guidance. P. SPECIAL AND EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS The City's policy regarding the financial reporting for special and extraordinary items is that they will be reported separately on the government-wide financial statements in accordance with the definitions provided in GASB #34. Q. ADJUSTMENTS TO GENERAL LEDGER SYSTEM Adjustments made on an ongoing basis during a fiscal year will be dated in the month that the error is found and corrected. Prior year adjustments made after the end of the year will be dated December 31 of the prior year, until that fiscal year has been officially closed. No prior year adjustments can be made after that point. ............................................................................... Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this day of ,2 . Attest: Mayor City Administrator fiscal policies and procedures-updated apr 07.doc: 04/09/2007 updated 11 Council Agenda: 4/9/07 5K. Consideration of settinl! dates for mecial meetinl!s. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has a number of items that may require a special meeting or meetings ofthe Council. These items include: 1) Finance Director Position; 2) City Administrator Evaluation; 3) Biosolids Financing Workshop; 4) Joint meeting of Council and Planning Commission and Council concerning the Comprehensive Plan Update and 5) Community meeting regarding the Comprehensive Plan. In initial discussions of these items some tentative dates were suggested. Because of the number and complexity ofthe items listed, staff is asking the Council to look at all the items to determine priority and set scheduled meeting times. 1. Finance Director Position - At the April 2, 2007 special Council meeting, an interview with a candidate for the Finance Director position was conducted. In discussion by the Council it was felt that since the Finance Director is an important position for the City, the entire Council should be involved in the interview process. It was suggested that a second interview be scheduled but no date was selected. 2. City Administrator Evaluation - At the March 26, 2007 meeting, the Council set a special meeting for April 23, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. for the evaluation. 3. Biosolids Financinl! Workshop - Because of the complexity of the biosolids project. The workshop held prior to tonight's regular meeting only briefly addressed the financial considerations for the biosolids project. A second workshop is being proposed to address this. John Simola has indicated that they would like this second workshop held a number of days prior to the April 23rd Council meeting so that there is time for revisions prior to the Council acting on it. 4. Joint Planninl!!Council Meetinl! - Initially April 16, 2007 was proposed for a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and the City Council to review what has taken place with the Comprehensive Plan Update thus far and to confirm that both entities are comfortable with the direction the update is going. With the additional meetings of the Comprehensive Plan Task Force there was discussion about changing this date. 5. Community Meetinl! on Comprehensive Plan It is anticipated that this meeting would be held some time in May but no specific date has been established. One suggestion was to schedule a special meeting on Monday, April 16th in late afternoon so that it would not interfere with the Fire Department meetings which are held on the non-Council Mondays. This date would be suitable for the biosolids finance workshop since it would be a week before the regular Council meeting and therefore would allow time for any revisions to be made. Also a meeting time of 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. should be sufficient to cover the item. The meetings relating to the Comprehensive Plan again because of the time needed to cover the material may be meetings the Council wants to establish for dates other than regular Council meetings. The other concern with both the biosolids meeting and the Comprehensive Plan Update meeting is that they require the presence of the consultants so the scheduling of these meetings will depend on the availability of the consultants. Council Agenda: 4/9/07 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Set the biosolids financing workshop for Monday, April 16, 2007 at 5 p.m.; set the Finance Director interview and/or City Administrator evaluation for April 23, 2007 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and delay setting the date for the Comprehensive Plan Update until it is known when the planning consultant is available. 2. Set other dates and times as detennined by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not have a recommendation on the meeting dates. The City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer agree that the financing aspects of the biosolids project require an adequate block of time to cover and if possible, would like that meeting date established as April 16, 2007 at 5 p.m. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 4/9/07 SL. Consideration of establishine: a Dart-time Human Resources Director and authorizine: advertisement for the Dosition. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Late in 2006, in response to a number of requests from staff relating to the City's pay equity program and in anticipation of establishing a credible evaluation system, a complete inventory of tasks was completed for each full time position. As a result of this study it was found that a number of job descriptions were out of date and that the pay equity system needed a complete review and adjustment. As you may know, the previous analysis was completed in 1991 when the City was less than half the size it is today. Needless to say, even with incremental updates to various job descriptions that were completed, it appears that a complete review is now warranted. In response to this situation and at the advice and recommendation of Susan Hanson, the Personnel Committee requested that staff seek a proposal from Sheri Le on the cost to complete a job description/pay equity project. As you may know, Sheri completed the original pay equity study and is thus familiar with the City's job descriptions and pay equity system. It was believed that she would be in the best position to complete the study in and expeditious and cost efficient manner. Sadly, at about the time that Le was beginning to prepare her proposal, she suffered a serious personal loss at which time we put the project on hold. A few weeks ago, Sheri made contact with staff noting she was ready again to discuss the potential of providing personnel management consulting services. A complete overview of the organization and most job descriptions were provided in order to give her a feel for the scope of services needed. During my presentation to her I noted that one of the major organizational deficiencies/opportunity for centralization is development of a Human Resource Director position. A few days after our meeting, Sheri Le indicated she was working on her proposal but also noted her interest in working part time (20 hours/week) as the City of Monticello Human Resource Director, with the balance of her time spent apart from the City of Monticello working as a consultant for other communities. Under the proposal for establishing a halftime position, the Director would work under a set schedule that would allow for some flexibility. It is likely that he/she would work five full days on a two week basis with a 2 day one week, 3 day the other cycle. It is likely that days of work/schedule would be set in advance to make time in Monticello as effective as possible. The Personnel Committee was provided with this information and noted support for the following reasons: . The cost to pay for consulting services (approximately $16,000 - $20,000) would go toward paying for wages and benefits. . Hiring a qualified Human Resource Director on a halftime basis would be a cost effective alternative to hiring a full time director. . According to the attorney representing the City in the Patch case, hiring a 20 hour per week part time Human Resource Director that works as a consultant for other cities during the Council Agenda: 4/9/07 balance of the week would not be inconsistent with City Ordinances governing outside work for full time employees. Although the concept for development of this position stemmed from discussions with Sheri Le, the position would be opened and advertised like any other position. Qualified candidates would be selected, interviewed and evaluated accordingly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve establishment of the part-time (20 hours) Human Resources Director position as described in the attached description. 2. Motion to deny request to establish said position. 3. Motion to direct staff to seek proposals from private companies for completion of updates to job descriptions and pay equity program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. It is my view that there is an immediate need for assistance as noted above and there are other significant factors at work that support the long term on-going need for a human resource person on staff. Having an expert on board on a halftime basis provides the City with an opportunity to satisfy a great need in a cost efficient way. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of job description Pay equity points analysis (Please note that pay equity points were derived from similar pay equity system used by Albert Lea) Human Resources Director City of Monticello Title of Class: Effective Date: Human Resources Director January 2007 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled administrative and managerial human resource and labor relations work; promotes and maintains positive employee relations; performs other duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the City Manager. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by this position. *Manages the recruitment and selection process for City positions in conjunction with department heads including: advertising, screening, interviewing, testing, applicant correspondence and background checks. *Develops and revises job descriptions, establishes minimum qualifications, evaluates classification and compensation issues and oversees or performs job evaluation work. *Provides organizational development and succession planning advice and recommendations, assists with change management and acts as a mediator for intemal conflicts between employees or between employees and supervisors. *Serves as internal contact for questions concerning employment issues. Provides advice and coaching to employees and management on a variety of issues and approves personnel actions regarding promotion, performance management, discipline, grievances, etc. *Conducts research, identifies concerns and develops proposals and responses for union negotiations; assists the City Manager in negotiating the labor agreements and interprets and administers the contracts. *Reviews and analyzes state and federal laws, rules and regulations related to employment and labor relations to determine actions necessary for compliance and to reduce liability. *Oversees the development, updating and enforcement of personnel policies; ensures any changes are disseminated to all affected employees and provides training on policies as needed. Human Resources Director City of MonticeUo *Coordinates and facilitates citywide training and education; coordinates and directs employee wellness programs. *Oversees employee leaves of absences, including FMLA, Parenting Leave, Military Leave, etc.; advises employees on eligibility for continued benefits during the leaves; administers COBRA. *Oversees the Worker's Compensation program, including investigating and processing claims, and reviewing claims for trends; identifies actions to reduce the number and severity of injuries. *Works with the Managed Care Provider to coordinate return to work and light duty issues. *Conducts employment investigations and prepares reports; oversees and manages the grievance process. *Establishes and maintains all pennanent personnel files; approves all items entered and removed from the files. *Prepares and administers the Human Resource budget; purchases equipment, furniture or specialized items as needed and budgeted; establishes goals and timetables for completion. *Supervises staff including interviewing and recommending hiring, coaching, training, assigning and reviewing work, and administering or recommending reward and discipline. *Serves as the staff liaison to the Personnel Committee, ADA Coordinator for Employment, Data Compliance Officer for Personnel and Labor Relations Data and HIP AA Privacy Officer for employee health plans. * Administers the City's drug and alcohol testing programs; works with outside providers for random selection generation, independent collection and testing, referrals to Substance Abuse Professionals and compliance with relevant laws and rules. *Obtains market information periodically; analyzes various salary surveys and may recommend adjustments to the salary schedule. *Prepares salary projections for the budget year, in conjunction with the Finance Department including COLA increases and changes to the type and cost of benefits; prepares personnel forecasts to project employment needs and reviews department requests for additional employees. *Detennines and recommends employee relations practices necessary to establish a positive employer-employee relationship and promote a high level of employee morale. * Administers the City's employee benefit program including employee insurance, time off, Human Resources Director City of Monticello holidays, etc.; works with outside insurance agents and plan administrators to ensure contractual requirements are met and employee concerns are resolved. *Manages the insurance renewal process and open enrollment meetings and chairs the Labor- Management Insurance Committee; conducts new employee orientation with the Payroll Clerk and oversees benefit enrollment and changes. *Determines FLSA status for all positions and ensures federal and state laws are followed. *Develops and oversees organization-wide performance evaluation system; reviews completed evaluation to identify concerns and provides input to the department heads and City Manager. *Participates with other department heads on the Management Team; participates in strategic planning and the establishment and implementation of City goals. * Attends Pre-Agenda and City Council meetings, as requested. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES *Thorough knowledge of principles and practices of public sector human resource management. *Considerable knowledge of labor negotiations, PELRA, union contract administration, grievance management and labor-management relations. *Considerable knowledge of state and federal laws, rules and regulations related to public sector employment and labor relations, including relevant court cases and standard practices in the field to ensure compliance. *Considerable knowledge of the structure, function and operation of municipal govemment and of sound management principles and practices. *W orking knowledge of organizational development and succession planning. *Considerable skill in using a personal computer and standard word processing, spreadsheet and database software and conduct research on the Internet. *Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, including explaining complex information clearly and concisely and delivering presentations and training. *Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with City staff at all levels, union representatives, outside contractors, elected officials and the public. *Considerable ability to analyze complex information, utilize resources, develop alternatives and recommendations and prepare reports. *Considerable ability to use creativity and sound judgment to resolve problems and respond to challenges. *Considerable ability to manage and direct the human resource function, including the need to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritize the work. *Considerable ability to maintain confidentiality and to classify and release data in accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act. *Considerable ability to listen to all parties, determine credibility, weigh facts and analyze Human Resources Director City of Monticello information to prepare sound recommendations and mediate disputes. *Considerable ability to see, read, understand and discuss written documents and online information. *Working ability to sit for long periods of time and manipulate objects using fine motor skills for extended periods. *Working ability to bend, stoop, push, pull and reach periodically and occasionally lift and carry objects weighing up to 20 pounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A Bachelor's Degree with major course work in business, human resources, management or a related field, and five years of progressively responsible professional experience in human resources. Employee must possess a valid Minnesota Driver's license. Note: Asterisked items are essential to the job. City Council Agenda - 4/09/07 SM. Consideration to review for formal recommendation the Wril!ht County "Northeast Ouadrant" Land Use Plan. (NAC/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As the City Council is aware, Wright County has been in the process of preparing a new Land Use Plan for the Northeast Quadrant of the county. This effort consists ofland use planning primarily for Monticello Township, Buffalo Township, and Rockford Township. The proposed plan does not address land uses inside incorporated City boundaries, nor does it affect land use planning within the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. It is the first of three phases of land use planning for Wright County. The next phase will address the northwest quadrant, and the final phase will address the southern section ofthe county. The plan address future land uses beyond, and adjacent to, the boundaries of the MOAA. Although the plan is described as utilizing a twenty year planning horizon, it will impact Monticello's future by establishing land use patterns in areas which may become targets for long-term incorporation. The County has scheduled a Public Hearing later in April to consider public comments on the planning document. East of Monticello Adjacent to the MOAA, the plan shows five primary future land use designations (in addition to small areas of residential that are already developed). To the east of the City, Rural Residential and Agricultural designations are shown. Rural Residential is defined in the plan as one residential dwelling per ten acres, while Agricultural areas are intended for farming, but allow one residential dwelling per forty acres. The plan discusses the possibility that the County may consider a change in the Agricultural area to one dwelling per twenty acres. This reflected a discussion at the task force level debated the long-term viability of farming in some areas of the county, and whether a re-designation of this area would be better labeled as "Rural", rather that "Agricultural. The 1 :40 versus 1 :20 debate is not likely to affect future City development or growth. Under either density, urban uses are usually able to be integrated over time when municipal services become available. The Twin Cities has extensive experience with one dwelling per ten acres. The Metropolitan Council established this density designation many years ago as a "holding zone" for future urban expansion. This designation has generally not been successful in achieving that goal. In most areas, local governments have been pressured to allow higher densities in some neighborhoods by averaging the 1: I 0 standard over a broader area. In many areas where 1: 10 has been used and developed at that density, urban expansion has been strongly resisted by the residents of those large lots. Due to the development I City Council Agenda - 4/09/07 pattern that has been created by the 1: 1 0 standard, expansion into these areas has been thwarted, or made much more expensive, or both. As a result, reliance on this density as a holding zone is not an effective tool. Instead, the rural residential designation is most likely to result in a long-term, or "permanent", land use pattern. Monticello (as well as the county) should view it as such. The county's plan envisions a land use pattern that has concentrations of urban development in the incorporated cities separated by areas of rural use (primarily rural residential and agricultural uses). The current Monticello Comprehensive Planning effort has focused on building out the MOAA, and encouraging long- term growth to the west of the community. Therefore, agricultural and rural residential uses to the east of the MOAA - between Monticello and Otsego- would appear to be consistent with both the City's planning vision as well as the county's desire for rural spaces between urban concentrations. South of Monticello To the south, the county's draft plan shows additional agricultural uses flanked by two unique preservation designations. One of these surrounds Pelican Lake, and is identified as "Resource Lands". Resource lands are essentially important environmental or ecological areas that provide valuable open space resources to the county as a whole. The designation of the areas around Pelican Lake for this purpose mirrors the City's existing Comprehensive Plan, and is an excellent component of the county's planning efforts. The second preservation area consists of several sections of land along either side of Trunk Highway 25 between Buffalo and Monticello. This area is designated "Aggregate Resources" and is intended to preserve the ability to exploit the sand and gravel in these areas before they are developed. With growth in the Wright County region, aggregate resources area a vital, but limited, requirement for urban growth. The plan is designed to make sure that areas with high concentrations of high-quality aggregates are protected from premature development. The City of Monticello should support this plan. West of Monticello West of the City are three distinct land use categories. The first is an additional "Resource Land" designation for the YMCA property. This is consistent with the city's joint efforts with the county in preserving this important area as public open space. The remainder of the area is split between two categories - Agricultural and Rural Residential. As discussed in previous sections, the Rural Residential must be viewed as a permanent land use - it does not efficiently accommodate transition to urban development. The question for Monticello is whether permanent rural areas to the west of the current MOAA boundaries represent an appropriate land use pattern. 2 City Council Agenda - 4/09/07 The county intends to preserve extensive areas of rural use between concentrations of urban development. To the west of Monticello (not included in this planning phase), there is a small village concentration at Silver Creek (approximately 5 miles) and several more miles to Clearwater, the nearest location for full urban services. Coupled with the city's current planning efforts that prescribe much of Monticello's future growth to the west, planning staff believes that the county's plan should not encourage development of any type in this area. Although the potential urbanization of this area would be many years away, it important that the interim land uses not interfere with the long-term "permanent" pattern. Just as the county is protecting the resource areas from development, areas such as these that may reasonably be expected to urbanize need the county's land use protection. The draft plan discusses urbanizing areas as those which cities will be able to provide with municipal services based on current or planned service capacity- often utilizing the 20 time horizon for the county's plan as definition of reasonableness. This is not an appropriate definition, as municipal infrastructure is planned to last for decades beyond the 20 year timeframe. Introducing land uses that will interfere with urbanization within a 40 or 60 year timeline (or even more) should be discouraged. In summary, the Rural Residential designation to the west of Monticello should be changed to Agricultural. Under this scenario, planning staff does not believe that a possible change to one dwelling per twenty acres would negatively affect future urbanization of this area. Moreover, since there are many miles ofterrltory between the western edge of Monticello Township and the nearest urban area, the county's objective of preserving rural space between urban nodes is maintained. The Planning Commission also had an opportunity to review the NEQ and provide comments for Council's consideration. The Planning Commission, similar to staff's recommendation, had concerns related to the rural residential land use designation located to the west of the current MonticellolMonticello Township OAA. However, the Planning Commission went one step farther, also expressing concern regarding that designation to the east. The Commissioners indicated that should the OAA be expanded in either direction, the issues would be the same. That is, rural residential densities would interfere with urbanization at a future time. At this time, the City has not received any formal comment from Monticello Township representatives. An invitation to comment was requested for Council's consideration. However, during Wright County NEQ Task Force meetings, township representatives did express concern regarding the possibility of a 1:10 designation. 3 City Council Agenda - 4/09/07 Wright County Planner Tom Salkowski has indicated that the 1:10 designation is supported by 3 out of 4 townships in the NEQ area. Monticello Township does not support that land use. He also indicated that the NEQ draft lists the 1: 10 as a designation that requires further study prior to any formal designation by the County. The public hearing regarding the draft NEQ Land Use Plan is April 12th at 8:00 PM at the Wright County Government Center. (Notice is attached for reference.) B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of the draft Wright County Northeast Quadrant Land Use Plan, with the exceptions as follows: a. Rural Residential designation to the west of Monticello should be changed to Agricultural. b. Rural Residential designation to the east of Monticello should be changed to Agricultural. c. The county should study alternative methods for protection of agricultural and natural resources, such as transfer of development rights. 2. Motion to recommend further study of the draft Wright County Northeast Quadrant Land Use Plan. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Monticello provide a formal recommendation to Wright County, supporting the proposed plan and its objectives, with the primary changes noted above. That would be a redesignation of the areas to the west and east of the City from the draft "Rural Residential" to "Agricultural". The city does not have an opinion relating to the county's debate over density in the Agricultural areas, but believes that I :40 designation is preferred. Staff would further recommend that the County consider alternative mechanisms to protect agricultural and natural resources, including such strategies as transfer of development rights programs. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Wright County DRAFT Northeast Quadrant Land Use Plan (Provided with 3/26/07 agenda) B. Wright County Public Hearing Notice 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Thursday, April 12, 2007 the Wright County Planning Commission will hold a hearing in the County Commissioner's Board Room in the Wright County Goverrunent Center, in the City of Buffalo, Minnesota at 8:00 p.m. to consider the following item: Review and recommend to the County Board of Commissioners adoption of the "Northeast Quadrant (NEQ) Land Use Plan" for Wright County. (The primary application of the plan will be to the townships of Buffalo, Monticello and Rockford. The NEQ includes the cities of Albertville, Buffalo, Hanover, Monticello, Otsego, Rockford, and St. Michael. However, Wright County land use planning authority does not apply within the city limits of these cities. The entire plan is approximately 80 pages; paper copies will be forwarded only upon request at this time. Full copies are posted and can be viewed or downloaded from the Wright County website at: http://www.co.wright.mn.lls/department/pandz/l uphome.aso ) LookfurC3-DB-J7 N~Q ~~a=inc D=af~ plan. Such persons that desire to be heard with reference to this matter will be heard at this time. Written comments can be submitted to the address below, and can also be submitted at the same website listed above, at any time prior to the hearing. If there are any questions, please contact the Planning and Zoning Office in Buffalo. Interpreter services for the hearing impaired will be provided on request for public meetings and other county-sponsored classes and events. WRIGHT COUNTY PLA0.'NING & ZONING OFFICE WRIGHT COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 10 2nd STREET NW RM 140 BUFFALO MINNESOTA 553l3-1185 PHONE: 682-7338 Council Agenda: 4/9/07 5N. Consideration of approvine plans and specifications and authorizine the advertisine of Bids for the Pond Imnrovement Proiects for the Monticello Middle School and A Glorious Church Citv Proiect Number 2006-09C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2006, the City of Monticello made significant improvements to the storm sewer pipe under 1-94 into the City's existing storm sewer system. These improvements, which were made as part ofthe interchange project and adjacent commercial development, replaced older, poor, or non-functioning storm sewer pipes with new pipes and collection systems and resulted in a significant increase in storm water discharge toward the river. In response to these changes, two ponding projects were recommended to offset the new runoff rates and solve existing drainage issues. These pond improvements have been previously identified by the City's Surface Water Management Plan and with the improvements upstream, the projects take on greater importance in the City's overall surface water management. The fust project is located at the Monticello Middle School on property located east of the school and running track, adjacent to CSAH 75. The existing pond will be expanded to increase the storage capacity, water treatment volume and alleviate temporary flooding in the area. This project will also be coordinated with the Middle School so it will create a "wetland lab" for use by the school. The second site expands an existing storm sewer pond located south of CSAH 39 and east of A Glorious Church in the northeast comer of Monticello. In addition to expansion of the existing pond, the project will also correct erosion problems found in the existing drainage swale along the south church property line. This swale carries runoff from the Hart Boulevard trunk storm sewer line located on the south side of the church. At the April 24, 2006, City Council meeting, the Monticello City Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications to construct these pond improvement projects. Originally, the grading was to take place in 2006, but the City was unable to find a disposal site for the excavated material. Since the removal of soils off-site would present a significant cost increase to the project, construction was delayed to find a cost-effective way to manage the excess soils. At this time, WSB and City Staff have reached verbal agreements with the adjacent property owners at Bondhus Corporation and A Glorious Church to distribute the majority of excavated materials near the project sites. No additional easements will be required by the City, but a right-of entry agreement will be required before construction. These arrangements and an early spring bidding date should result in a competitive price. The Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost for the construction of the project as presented is approximately $185,050. C:IDocuments and Settingiida_.gros~jngerILocaf Seuings'LTemporary In/ernet FileslOLKBJIAGN ITM_MiddleSchoolPfmd.-AFB_040907.doc Council Agenda: 4/9/07 Should the Council approve the final plans and specifications and authorize the Advertisement for Bids, it is anticipated that the bids will be received and presented to the City Council for consideration of contract award at the May 14, 2007, Council meeting. This work is to be completed using stormwater trunk funding and will not involve any assessments. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the plans and specifications as presented and authorize the submittal of the Advertisement for Bids for publication. 2. Do not authorize the Advertisement for Bids at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize the publication of the Advertisement for Bids on the project. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Location Map C:',DoCumelllS and Setting:i'.du"",.grosstnger'iLocaJ SettingslTemporary Internet F1les',OLKB3I.AGN ITM_MiddleSchoofPond_AFB-040907.doc I ~ 1.- I 0 775 1500 '-", MONTICELLO PROPOSED POND MIDDLE SCHOOL SITE A PROPOSED GLORIOUS CHURCH POND SITE _.'1"" Location Map Proposed Pond Sites for Monticello Middle School and A Glorious Church CITY OF IOlTICEL ""'......., ,~c SiJjTEL >o;UlEUO.,,"""" FIGURE 1 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WWN.wsbeng.com ct A,social=, Inc. .. 16:).5414110O .F3~ 76J.541-1700 INFRASTRUCTURE 1 ENGINEERING 1 PlANNING: CONSTRUCTION K:\Ol62.7.5Q\Cad\EJd'libits\PrqJosed pond Sites Flgyrel.dwg, ol/1912006 l2.:34:29 PM Council Agenda: 4/9/07 50. Consideration of Internal Postinl! Openinl! for Part Time Finance Clerk (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider posting the opening of the Position entitled Part-time Finance Clerk. The job description and pay equity points for this position was established some time ago and was the original job description for the position initially filled by Annie Zimmerman. As you may know, the Finance Department has been under considerable strain due to new accounting standards as well increases in workload due to general city growth. In response to the increase in demand, Finance Department staff consistently works overtime hours in order to keep up. To partially alleviate the ongoing crunch, it is proposed that this part time position be allowed to be filled. This position is set at grade 3 which has an established pay range of$13.45 to $18.59 per hour. Positions working on a part time basis receives payment of benefits proportional to number of hours worked. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve internal posting of opening for Part-time Finance Clerk. Under this option, the position opening would be posted internally only. In the event a qualified candidate is not found from existing city employees, the position would be posted externally. Please note that there is at least one excellent candidate from within staff that is well qualified for the position. 2. Motion to deny posting of position. Council should select this option if it is believed that there is no need to fill the position at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel Committee has not had a chance to review this subject in detail. The City Administrator recommends that the City Council select Alternative #1. The need for this position is easily demonstrated simply by reviewing the additional tasks that are required for completion by Finance Department staff relating to new and emerging accounting standards. This need came to light with the recent review of tasks by department and is illustrated by the number of overtime hours worked by Department staff. The Personnel Policy does provide for the opportunity to hire from within by posting internally. As a general rule hiring from within is preferred when an exceptional candidate is available within existing staff. In this case, there is at least one qualified employee that is well suited for the position that is interested in applying for the spot if opened. In the event that a qualified employee does not step forward, then an external advertisement should be posted. Council Agenda: 4/9/07 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Job Description. FINANCE CLERK City of Monticello Title of Class: Effective Date: Finance Clerk 3/01/2002 Description of Work General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled financial and clerical work for the City, including filing, word processing, spreadsheets, data entry, and related duties as required. Supervision Received: Receives general supervision from the City Finance Director. Typical Duties Performed The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Finance: Accounts payable system: . Enters invoice data; proofs and processes batches; prints checks and verifies to lllVOlces. . Files invoices into vendor files. . Ensures W -9 is on file prior to processing check requests from those vendors. . Maintains project codes. Assists with city deposits. Records and tracks collection ofNSF checks and ACH transactions. Assists with processing liquor store receipt transactions: . records daily receipts by cash and credit card totals into monthly spreadsheet and verifies weekly and grand totals. . enters receipts; proofs and processes weekly batches. Manages petty cash. Assists with bank reconciliations. Assists with budget data entry. Serves as backup for reconciling daily community center receipts. Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable: Prepares charges for billing. Processes invoices in computerized system. Handles inquiries and corrections. Sorts paid invoices. Payroll: Assists with payroll data entry. Runs reports. Processes vendor payments. Sorts and files timesheets. Utilitv Billing: Assists with mailing of utility bills and late notices. Sorts and files paid utility bills. May serve as backup for handling new customer/move-out calls and garbage cart requests. Capital (Fixed) Assets: Assists with inventory and data entry. Miscellaneous: . Maintains file of vendor and employee credit authorizations. . Assists with mailing of city newsletters. . Backup for daily cash register close-out. . May perform special projects as directed by City Finance Director. . Performs other duties as requested. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities . Knowledge of accounting principles, practices, procedures and financial reporting. . Ability to establish effective working relationships with vendors, City staff, auditors and the general public. . Considerable ability to calculate, type and enter information with speed and accuracy and to maintain records and documentation. . Working skill in operating office equipment including operation of a personal computer, cash register and calculator. . Working knowledge of payroll practices and procedures. Minimum Qualifications One or more years of experience working with accounts payable and general ledger accounting, preferably in a computerized environment. Experience in word processing, spreadsheet and database software preferred. A. REFERANCE & BACKGROUND: SP Consideration of waivinl!: buildinl!: permit fee. SACIW AC charl!:es for facility proposed to be constructed at the softball field. This is a request from the girl's softball team that the fees be waived I donated as they were at the baseball fields. The approximate fees that would be on a $68,000 (figure given to us be Matt Froelich) building would be as follows: Building Permit = $ 815.94 Plan review = $ 530.36 SAC (1 unit) $ 4,030.00 WAC (1" line) = $ 801.00 Excavation/Connection = $ 140.00 $ 6,317.30 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Waive the building permit fee, SAC/WAC charges. 2. Deny the request for fees being waived C: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the City Administrator to treat both facilities fees the same. City Council Agenda - 04/09/07 7. Consideration of submittinl! an offer on Hol!:lund DroDertv as Dossible second liauor store site and uDdate on land Drices for other Dossible sites. (J.O., O.K.) A. Reference and Backlrround: The subject of a second liquor store for the City of Monticello has been a topic of interest by Council for the past few years. Last fall, Rick Wolfsteller presented the Council with a summary of three site options: Gladys Hoglund site, Dean HoglundlKen Schwartz site, and Komarek site (next to Liberty Bank). At the request of the Mayor, city staff has assembled information on five sites to assist Council with a decision whether to submit or not submit a Purchase Offer. From previous discussions, it appears the Mayor and Council were most interested in the Gladys Hoglund site due to its close proximity to the Waster Water Treatment Plant and exposure and access to County Road 75; however, a portion of this site may be difficult to develop as the property slopes to the north. Brief summary of sites: PARCEL 2007 EMV ACREAGE ASKING LEASE PRICE 1. G. Hoglund $197,200 3.16 $1.3 million 2. D. Hoglund! $204,800 1.92 $945,000 K. Schwartz 3. Komarek $308,400 1.77 $835,000 4. Broadway Sq 1 acre $785.000 Build to Lease Outlot $29.33 per sq ft, year one 5. Broadway Sq 6,000 sq ft facility 1-3 yrs $24 per Strip Mall- sq ft Lease 4-6 yrs $26.40 per sq ft 7-10 yrs $29.00 per sq ft 1 City Council Agenda - 04/09/07 Staff has highlighted some questions the Council may wish to consider prior to submitting an offer. I. Does a financial proforma indicate building a second liquor store is feasible? 2. Has input been gathered from the Liquor Store Manager on the subject? 3. Does the purchase or construction of a second liquor store meet the goals and budget of the Councilor where does it rank on a list of priority expenditures? 4. Should the Council be most interested in the Gladys Hoglund property, is it beneficial to obtain an appraisal prior to submitting an offer? 5. For your information, Steiner Development, Inc. has requested the opportunity to make a presentation to the Council. Is the Council interested in inviting all property owners to make a presentation prior to a decision? If the Council would like to proceed and submit an offer on the Gladys Hoglund site, perhaps an offer or price might be determined by looking at the property as developable and undevelopable. The site consists 00.16 acres or 137,645 sq. ft. If one-half or 68,822.5 sq. ft. is developable, does this justifY the asking price of $9.445 per sq. ft.? And if the remaining one-half is less desirable, does this justifY a price of $4.722 per sq. ft. (one-half the asking price)? Or whatever price and square foot combination the Council may wish to use in determining a fair market offer. The amount of undevelopable property used in this example is for illustration purposes only and should not to be taken as actuate. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to submit a purchase offer on the Gladys Hoglund property in the amount of $ . Offer good through 2. A motion directing city staff to continue gathering information and to authorize an appraisal of the Gladys Hoglund property. 3. A motion directing city staff to arrange a meeting between Council and all property owners for a presentation. 4. A motion of no action as this time. 5. A motion as defined by Council. 2 City Council Agenda - 04/09/07 C. Reconunendation: City staff is looking for direction; therefore, no recommendation is provided. D. Supportinl! Data: Map and previous information presented by Rick Wolfsteller. 3 Council Update By Rick Wolfsteller Potential Liquor Store Sites At our budget workshop session in November, Council briefly reviewed potential liquor store sites near the new 1-94 interchange that included the former Gladys Hoglund property adjacent to our wastewater treatment plant, the current used car lot site along CSAH 75 owned by Dean Hoglund and Ken Schwartz and the vacant lot adjacent to Liberty Bank. Based on that meeting, [ did contact all three property owners to see if they were still interested in selling and all three parties would be interested in negotiating with the City. It is my understanding that the preferred sites might be the two locations at the intersection of Highland Way and County Road 75, that being the Gladys Hoglund site consisting of approximately 3 acres and the Amanda's Used Car Sales lot which contains about 83,000 square feet minus the Hart Boulevard Frontage Road easement. To summarize, Dean Hoglund and Ken Schwartz are currently asking $945,000 for the approximate 68,000 square foot net usable area lot. Hilary Hoglund, spokesman for the Gladys Hoglund parcel indicates they are asking $1,300,000. While this property does contain approximately 3 acres, a portion of the property would be very difficult to ever build on considering it slopes to the north down towards the river. Finally, Phil Crandall, real estate broker for the Liberty Savings Bank parcel indicates the I % acre site has an asking price of$835,000. It would appear that if the City is serious about acquiring one of these three parcels, it may be preferable to select a first, second, or third choice and then negotiate with the preferred alternative rather than trying to obtain prices from all three. Additional financial profonnas have not been conducted on the feasibility of building a second store, but it is assumed that the City would generate additional business by gathering new customers from traffic generated by the new exit off [-94. Whether sufficient income can be generated to support a $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 investment in the land and building is still questionable, but the City would own a piece of real estate and a building that could always be resold in the future ifit wasn't successful. At this point, direction should be provided to staff on whether there is a preferred site that an offer should be made on or whether further analysis needs to be completed on the viability of even building a second store. J Council Agenda: 4/9/07 8. Review of costs for publication of minute summarv/bills (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past the City has been publishing a listing ofthe bills as well as a summary of the minutes of the regular Council meetings. For 2006 the publication ofthe bills amounted to over $6,500 and the minute summaries ran over $26,000. These amounts do not include any legal notices, public hearing notices, or advertisements. In reviewing state statutes, staff can find no requirement for publication of bills and in checking with several neighboring communities we find they do not publish the bills. As far as the minutes Statutes 412.191 states that cities over 1,000 must publish the official Council proceedings or a summary of the minutes. Statutes also provide an alternative to publishing the minutes which would allow the City to mail a copy of the minutes to any resident who so requests it. With the current technology that is available, the number of people relying on the paper as their primary source of information is not as great as it has been in the past. The City's meetings (Council and Planning) are carried live on cable television and aired at other times in addition to the live broadcast. The minutes as well as the full Council agenda are on the City's website. The Council can determine if they feel the $26,000 spent annually for publication of bills and minute summaries is the most effective method of communicating this information to the residents. The argument can be made that not all residents have access to the internet but by the same token not all residents subscribe to the local paper. With the constant demand on City resources it is a sound practice to evaluate procedures used to make sure they are effective and the service is reasonable in cost. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could continue with the practice of publishing the listing of bills and the minute summaries. 2. The Council could discontinue publishing the bills and publish only the minute summaries. 3. The Council could discontinue publishing both the bills and minute summaries and continue to provide this information to the residents through the City's website or by resident request. 4. The Council could specify that staff to additional research as defined by Council to come up with data needed for the Council to make a determination. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since there is no statutory requirement to publish the bills, staff feels this practice should be discontinued. While there is some question on whether publishing the minutes is an effective means of communicating this information, this cost has been included in the 2007 budget. However, the monies budgeted could just as well be utilized for other methods of getting this information out to the public. Council Agenda: 4/9/07 D. 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