Planning Commission Minutes 06-01-1976 (Special Meeting) .. . . ... SPECIAL MEETING - PLANNING COMMISSION June 1, 1976 - 7:30 P. M. Members present: Gillham, Bauer, Doerr and J. Miller. Members absent: Topel and Ridgeway. 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Rezoning a ~rcel in Block D, Upper Monticello for a Chiro- ..E!:actic Office. At the last meeting of the Planning Commission, Dr. Kasper requested the rezoning of a 65' x 76' lot from R-B to B-4 to allow for a chiropractic office. Under the present R-B zoning, the minimum lot size requirements of 10,000 sq ft.. and setback requirements would prohibit the use of this lot for the kind of development Dr. Kasper is proposing. Dr. Kasper indicated that he would provide the required (6) off street parking spaces, but he also requested that parallel parking be allowed in front of his lot. Currently no parking is allowed in one half of the lot frontage. A motion was made by H. Gillham, second by Doerr and unanimously carried to approve the rezoning of a 65' x 76' parcel in Block D, to B-4 and approval of a building permit to construct a chiropractic office providing (6) off street parking spaces. The Planning Commission also recommended that parallel parking be allowed in front of the proposed building if this would not obstruct the exit of fire fighting equip- ment from the fire barn. 2. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for Jay Mi~ and Ordinance Amendment for Multiple Family Dwelling's Lot Size. At the last meeting of the Planning Commission a decision was tabled on a conditional use permit re- quest for Jay Miller's proposed four unit family dwell- ing until the ordinance relative to lot area requirements could be clarified. .~"'t ~:, : . . . . In talking to Howard Dahlgren, city planner, he in- dicated the ordinance should read in Section 10-3-4- (B) that a multiple family dwelling unit (more than 2 units but not including elderly projects) should have 10,000 square feet plus 2,000 square feet per unit as opposed to the present reading of that section merely requiring 2,000 square feet per unit. Jay Miller's proposal complies with the present reading but not with the recommended amendment as his lot size is 66' x 165' or 10,890 square feet. Dan Blonigen stated that a 4 unit dwelling should not be allowed on this lot because of its size. He felt that the ordinance should be changed since more space is now required for a single family residence than for a 4 unit dwelling. Mrs. Ellison reminded the Commission that a petition had been presented by the neighboring property owners opposing this development because of insufficient space. The only variance required according to the present ordinances would be an 8' sideyard variance. The Commission felt that this should not present any problems since the street right-of-way is 100'. A motion was made by Bauer, second by Doerr and un- animously carried to recommend approval of a conditional use permit for a 4 unit dwelling to J. W. Miller, based on the proposal complying with present zoning ordinances, and also to grant a sideyard variance of 8'. 3. Consideration of making a Recommendation to City Council on proposed elderly housing projects. The Planning Commission had previously recommended rezoning of the proposed site for John Bergstad's elderly housing project and approved a conditional use permit. The Planning Commission had also reviewed and approved of Wally Houle's proposed project next to Ridgemont Apartments. The Planning Commission reviewed both projects and felt that each proposal had its advantages and dis- advantages, therefore -- the consensus of the committee was to recommend to the council that both projects would be acceptable. -2- .. . . 4. Discussion of a proposal for a Monticello Pet Clinic by Dr. Joel Erickson. Joel Erickson, D.V.M., discussed his intentions of operating an Animal Pet Clinic in the Monticello Mall. The clinic would perform basic routine outpatient type procedures, but would not perform major surgery or handle seriously ill animals. Dr. Erickson indicated that the Mall occupants have been polled and none were opposed to the clinic. Since our current zoning ordinances do not have pet clinics as a permitted or conditional use in the business districts, a motion was made by Bauer, second by Doerr and unanimously carried to hold a public hearing on June 15, 1976 to consider adding an animal clinic as a conditional use under a B-3 district. A public hearing to consider grating a conditional use permit to Dr. J. Erickson for a pet clinic in a B-3 zone will also be held on June 15, 1976. . 5. Consideration of granting a Variance to Electro- Industries to erect a temporary building in a B-4 District. Mr. Hugo Hillstrom requested a variance to build a temporary storage building for Electro-Industries. Since Electro-Industries is a manufacturing concern and is located in a B-4 (Highway Business) District, additions or expansions are not allowed, and a variance would have to be issued to allow for a temporary structure. Gillham made a motion, second by Bauer, and unanimously carried to approve a variance to Electro-Industries to erect a temporary storage building in a B-4 zone. A public hearing on this variance request will be held by the city council on June 14, 1976. 6. Discussion on Billboards - H Gillham property. When the new zoning ordinances went into effect, Mr. Gillham's property along #94 was zoned R-2 (Residential) but (4) billboard signs were "grandfathered" in. The State Highway Dept. has now informed Mr. Gillham that unless the property is zoned commercial, billboards are not allowed and must be taken down. . A motion was made by Gillham, and second by Doerr and unanimously carried to have the city council resolve the billboard sign problem relative to the grandfather clause. Motion by Bauer, second by Doerr and unanimously carried ~~~~l~~S!'