Planning Commission Minutes 06-15-1976 . . . ... REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 15, 1976 - 7:30 P. M. Members present: Dr. Bauer, Henry Doerr, Fred Topel, Jim Ridgeway, J. W. Miller. Member absent: Howard Gillham. 1 & 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of adding an Animal Clinic as a conditional use in a B-3 Zoning District. Public Hearing - Consideration of granting a conditional use permit to Dr. Joel Erickson for a Pet Clinic in a B-3 District. Dr. Joel Erickson requested permission to open a pet clinic in the Monticello Mall. The pro- posed location would have an outside entrance with no connection to the Mall area. The clinic would serve as an outpatient type service and would perform only minor surgery with no overnight housing of animals. The present zoning ordinances do not have pet clinics classified as a permitted or con- ditional use in any zoning district, therefore, it would have to be added as a conditional use or permitted use. After a petition signed by 13 tenants of the Monticello Mall was presented to the Commission requesting favorable consideration to Dr . Erickson's clinic, Bauer made a motion, seconded by Doerr and unanimously carried to add small animal clinics as a conditional use in a B-3 zoning district. A motion was also made by Bauer, second by Topel and unanimously carried to recommend issuing a conditional use permit to Dr. Joel Erickson to operate a small animal clinic in the Monticello Mall, provided no animals are kept housed over- ni gh t . . 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Rezoni~g a 9 acre parcel south of 1-94 between Hwy #25 & Marvin Road. Mr. John Sandberg requested that approximately 9 acres located between Marvin Road and Hwy. #25 south of 1-94 be rezoned from R-3 (medium density residential) to B-3 (highway business). Mr. Sandberg indicated that he has no specific business use proposed for this parcel but feels that the property is not really suited for apart- ment house development due to its location fronting on Hwy. #25 and distance from the center of town. Mr. Sandberg indicated that this property would be better suited for commercial development be- cause of its highway frontage and proximity to adjacent B-3 development. Motion was made by Bauer, second by Ridgeway and unanimously carried to recommend rezoning Mr. Sandberg's parcel from R-3 to B-3. . Meeting adjourned. Rwjlg .