Parks Commission Minutes 03-22-2007 Parks Commission Minutes: 3/22/07 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, March 22, 2007 - 4:30 p.m. ~'To enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality." Mernbers Present: Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Mernbers Absent: Rick Traver Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Parks Department. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. lA. Joint Meetinl! with MCC Advisory Board rel!ardinl! wheel park. Prior to the start of the regular meeting, the Parks Commission met jointly with the MCC Advisory Board regarding the wheel parks at the Community Center. Richard Quick, MCC Advisory Board Chair stated that the wheel parks (skate park and bike park) would not be operating in 2007. In spite of continued promotion, usage of the wheel parks has been declining. Recently the City Council approved discontinuing the wheel parks operation and directed staff to look at alternative uses for the site. Kitty Baltos , MCC Director, showed pictures of the existing bike and skate park sites. She indicated that there was a good chance of selling the bike park equipment because it was newer and it is stand alone equipment. The equipment from the wheel parks is in good shape. The MCC Advisory Board had discussed some possible options for the wheel parks site. A splash pad is one possible use. Since there is no standing water and there are no chernicals to deal with, maintenance would not be a major itern Other suggestions were sand volleyball courts, basketball courts, trampolines, batting cages, surfer rider, miniature golf and horseshoes. Factors to be considered in selecting an alternative include cost for constructing the interim use, the age group it would appeal to and the ease of constructing the interim use and removing it when a long term use for the site has been determined. It was suggested that an outdoor pool might another alternative to look at. Clint Herbst felt because of the cost the pool might be a long range alternative use. The two commissions discussed the various options. The Parks Commission felt that for interim use basketball courts or volleyball courts would not that be that expensive to install and would appeal to a wide group of people. For the long term use of the area, the Parks Commission favored an outdoor pool with a shaded/rest area. Nancy McCaffrey suggested that if the volleyball courts are selected for the interim use, establishing volleyball leagues should be considered as well. Kitty Baltos indicated there will be informational meetings with citizens to get input on alternative uses. I Parks Commission Minutes: 3/22/07 2. Approve minutes of January 25. 2007 rel!ular meetinl!. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 25, 2007 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. LARRY NOLAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. The following items were added to the agenda: I) Walk N Roll and; 2) Scheduling a parks tour. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 5. Park Maintenance. Tom Pawelk, Parks Foreman, updated the Parks Commission on the work the department had completed. The tree workshop was held Saturday, March 17th with II people participating. Larry Nolan asked about asked about ice skating this year. Tom Pawelk said 4th Street and West Bridge park had very good turnout. The rink at Groveland Park did not have as much activity. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the Otter Creek Bridge pointing out that the boards appear to be wearing. Tom Pawelk responded that the boards require a chemical treatment periodically but the boards are solid. Ifthe boards would need replacing, Parks Department staff would handle that. 6. Fillinl! Park Commission Vacancy. Although the City has advertised the vacancy on the City's website and in the papers, the City has not received any applications to fill the vacancy created when Fran Fair left. Parks Commission staff discussed a couple of possible candidates to contact. Commission members will continue to seek out individuals who would be interested in serving on the Commission. 7. Review of rentallanl!ual!e for use of park facilities bv non-profit l!roups. Tom Pawelk submitted the language to be incorporated on the park rental form for non-profit groups. The Parks Commission felt the language, which is similar to that of the MCC's rental policy, was appropriate. 8. Discussion of parkinl! lot at Hillcrest Park. Tom Pawelk informed the Parks Commission that as part ofthe 2007 Core Street Reconstruction project it is proposed to include a parking lot at the Hillcrest Park. Presently when there are activities at the park, people are parking their vehicles along CSAH 75. Larry 2 Parks Commission Minutes: 3/22/07 Nolan asked ifthe power lines in the area would create any problem with the placement of the parking lot. It is proposed that parking lot which would be ADA accessible will be graveled rather than paved. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PLANS FOR A PARKING LOT AT HILLCREST PARK AS DRAWN. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Discussion of development plan for the Sunset Ponds Park: Development has progressed in this area to the extent that the Parks Commission is considering a development plan for the park. The contractor has been dumping their waste material in the park area of the development. The contractor is supposed to bring 3" of good topsoil on the site. Larry Nolan stated he would like some assurance that the park site will be left in the condition it is suppose to be in. He was concerned because in the past there has been no one inspecting the developments to verify that the developer has done what he was suppose to as far as park land. Larry Nolan would like to see someone from the Parks Department inspect the Sunset Ponds development as well as the Hunters Crossing development to make sure that the terms ofthe development agreement are complied with as far as park land. Larry Nolan also questioned when the improvements to the outlot in the Union Crossings Addition would be done. Nancy McCaffrey asked about location of the "Welcome to Monticello" sign for this area. Tom Pawelk indicated that no location for the sign has been decided upon at this time. 10. Discussion of slims for Groveland Park and Par West Park. Tom Pawelk submitted proposed park sign designs for Groveland Park and Par West Park. The signs will be made in-house and the material for the signs will be cedar. Sign size will be approximately 60" x 35". The Groveland Park sign has a tree design and the Par West Park sign shows frisbee golf. The Parks Commission discussed placement of additional holes for frisbee golf at this site. It was suggested to get input from the frisbee golf group from St. Cloud as to placement of additional holes. Tom Perrault said he would contact the group. BEN HITTER MOVED TO ACCEPT BOTH PARK SIGN LAYOUTS WITH A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE FRISBEE GOLF GROUP REVIEWING THE LAYOUT FOR ADDITIONAL HOLES AT THE PAR WEST PARK. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Update on Groveland tree plantine with Monticello Lions Club. Tom Pawelk informed the Parks Commission that the trees for Groveland Park were ordered on Monday with the tree planting to take place April 28, 2007. The tree planting project is a joint effort between the Parks Department and the Monticello Lions Club. A total of 100 trees consisting of 12 different varieties will be planted. 3 Parks Commission Minutes: 3/22/07 12. Discussion of reco2llizinl!: Fran Fair's service to the City. The Parks Commission discussed naming a section ofthe East Bridge Park plantings for Fran Fair in recognition of her many years of services to the Parks Commission as well as to the City. The Parks Commission discussed holding the recognition event at East Bridge Park during Riverfest. This will be on the next agenda. 13. Discussion ofupcominl!: park proiects. Tom Pawelk reviewed a list of upcoming projects for 2007 which include: I) basketball courts at Groveland Park; 2) development of Sunset Ponds Park; 3) tree workshop project; 4) pathway replacement and maintenance; 5) Hillcrest Park play structure, 6) open air shelter at West Bridge Park; 7)chain link fence at Riverside Cemetery; 8) Riverside Cemetery paving, 9) Country Club Park; 10) construction of viewing deck at Swan Park; II) 4th Street park overlay; 12) install bike racks in parks; 13) disc golf at Par West Park; and 14) fencing on east side of cemetery. Some miscellaneous projects to be completed include dugouts for field #4; seeding and grading around the play structure at Pioneer Park. There was discussion on doing something in the wooded area at Pioneer Park to attract birds. It was also noted that baseball practice starts in April. This year MCC staff will be running the concession stands for the ball fields. The question the Parks Commission posed was whether the work load could realistically be accomplished with the staff on hand. Added Items: Adopt-A-Park Program: The Commission questioned whether a group had to complete the adopt-a- park forms each year. Parks Tour: A date will be set at the next regular meeting. Walk and Roll: Commission members will check their schedules and if there are members available that weekend, the Parks Commission will have a booth in the Walk and Roll. 14. Adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:15 P.M. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~~'Y'< ~::-'~A-- ecording Secretary 0 4