City Council Agenda Packet 08-23-2021AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 23, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center 14I1s9419111,1114L111141M/_14uLaIIZ10 Monticello Community Center 4:30 p.m. Budget Review 5 p.m. Project Discussion — Chelsea Commons and Public Works Facility Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from August 9, 2021 • Regular Meeting Minutes from August 9, 2021 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. E. Public Services Announcements • Labor Day Holiday Hours • Music on the Mississippi — August 25, 2021 • Recognition of Bill Tapper F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • MOAA • 1-94 Coalition G. Department Updates • FiberNet Quarterly Update • Fire Department Update • Construction Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-63 approving a donation from UMC in the amount of $2,477.06 for the Fire Department to be used for new tires for Ranger ATV and exercise equipment and $10,000 from the Monticello Lions for the fish sculpture at East Bridge Park Arboretum Consideration of approving Special Event Permit and waiving fee for Polaris Chiropractic for an event to be held on Friday, August 27 Consideration of approving a Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure — Major in the R-1 (Single Family Residence) District. Applicant: Bill Swan G. Consideration of approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Kampschroer Addition for a car wash facility in the B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: RRG Holdings, LLC H. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 762 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by adding the Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit in the B-3 and B-4 zoning ordinance. Applicant: City of Monticello Consideration of approving a quote and authorizing an expenditure of $12,825 for installation of City Hall Academy Room and Building Department doors and glass J. Consideration of approving the appointment of Hali Sittig to the EDA to complete the remainder of a term with expires December 31, 2021 K. Consideration of approving a contract with Kraus -Anderson Construction Company for the DMV Relocation Project in the amount of $284,179.16 in accordance with Sourcewell EZIQC Contract L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-65 and Ordinance 763 for rezoning to Stony Brook Village Planned Unit Development, Resolution 2021-66 approving the Final Stage PUD for Stony Brook Village and Resolution 2021-67 approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Stony Brook Village. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-64 approving the vacation for a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road, and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition and approving a quit claim deed releasing interest in the vacated parcels. Petitioner: Sherrie Danner 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approving an amendment to the lease agreement extending the term of Great River Soccer Club's use of the City -owned facility at 101 Chelsea Road through May 31, 2026 S. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Monday, September 13, 2021— 5:00 p.m. Monticello Community Center — North Mississippi Room AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5:00 p.m. Preliminary Levy Review 5:30 p.m. Chelsea Commons Discussion 3. Adjournment 2O14A Bond Early Redemption The city issued 2014A bonds to fund the settlement with the bondholders associated with the 2012 default of the 2008 Telecommunications Revenue Bonds and to purchase equipment in the Central Equipment Fund. The city pays over $500,000 in principal and interest on the judgement portion of the 2014A bonds each year through the debt service tax levy. The bonds include a call date of December 15, 2021. As the city has done in the past with other bonds, the option exists to pay off the bonds early with other available resources. Over the past year as the council has held long-term planning discussions, plans how the city can best utilize the healthy fund balance in the Capital Projects Fund has been a common topic. Staff recommends using available fund balance in the Capital Projects Fund to call the 2014A bonds on December 15, 2021 for the following reasons: • If the 2014A bonds are called in December, the city's outstanding general obligation (G.O.) debt level will decline to just over $21 million, and the annual debt service levy will decrease by over $500,000. This change would leave more opportunity for future bond sales for one or more of the potential capital projects on the city's horizon. Until future bond issuances occur, staff is proposing the city allocates that amount to the capital levy for other Capital Improvement Plan costs and to manage future levy increases when new debt levies are added. • The interest rate on the remaining payments ranges from 2.75% - 3.50%, which is higher than the rates at which new debt is being issued. A proposed refunding scenario provided by the city's financial advisor in early July assumed new bond rates ranging from 0.50% - 1.55%. While refunding the bonds with a 2021A issuance is also an option, staff does not recommend doing so because the new bonds would push out a call date to 2029. • The default on the 2008 Telecommunication Bonds caused a downgrade in the city's bond rating two levels. While the city received a one -level upgrade in 2019, investors are still cautious in buying the city's bonds. The city will increase investor confidence in its debt by showing the fiscal stability the city has achieved by being able to call the 2014A bonds early. However, the city's reliance on a single property -taxpayer is still a major concern, so paying off the 2014A bonds early does not guarantee a rating upgrade. The risk involved with the early redemption of the 2014A bonds includes the use of the available fund balance in the Capital Projects Fund, which would not be available for use on other projects or capital purchases. While there is risk in spending the fund balance, the current healthy balance is sufficient for the early redemption and will still leave a fiscally responsible balance in that fund. Note that the equipment portion of the bonds, which are paid using the Central Equipment Fund's lease payments from the General Fund, will remain outstanding and have a maturity date in 2024. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 9, 2021— 5 p.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, and Brian Hudgins Absent: Sam Murdoff Others: Rachel Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Ron Hackenmueller, Tom Pawelk, Tracy Ergen, Mike Mossey, Jim Thares, and Jennifer Schreiber Call to Order Mayor Hilgart called special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Budget Review Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, gave a brief presentation. The presentation included information on personnel, equipment, capital projects, proposed tax levy increase, funding options, Chelsea Commons budget discussion, and material excavation for the 1-94 project. Council and staff discussed personnel additions for 2022. As part of the discussion, there was consensus of the City Council that the City should review hiring a full-time person at Hi -Way Liquors before the end of 2021. At the current proposed tax levy increase, the general fund shows a deficit of $115,000. Council did not communicate support for increasing the levy, so staff will review the budget requests and scale back or reallocate items to balance the budget. There was significant conversation on the Chelsea Commons project and possible allocation of funds for the project in 2022. The Council also requested additional information on bonding for the project in 2022, including projections for the base, the good, and the great. Staff noted, as part of the Chelsea Commons project, there is the opportunity to move materials from the land to be used for the 1-94 project. An agreement would need to be negotiated. This will be reviewed further by staff. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes — August 9, 2021 City Administrator REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 9, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, and Brian Hudgins Absent: Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Hudgins moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from July 26, 2021 • Regular Meeting Minutes from July 26, 2021 Councilmember Davidson moved approval of both sets of minutes. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC — Councilmember Hudgins provided an update. Wright County Commissioner Darek Vetsch was present to provide an update on the Wright County American Rescue Plan Act and noted that $4 million will be set aside for cities. There was also discussion on the 2021 Manufacturers Recognition event on October 14, 2021. The IEDC also added a school district member to their membership. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler noted that the Planning Commission held four public hearings at the last meeting including a conditional use permit and a variance to the size of an accessory use structure, Affordable Storage PUD District amendment, preliminary and final plat for a carwash, excavation of materials in B-3 and B-4 District. F. Department Update • WCSO Quarterly Update — Lt. Jason Kramber presented the Wright County Sheriff's Office quarterly update which was included in the packet. City Council Minutes: August 9, 2021 Page 1 14 • Construction Update — Matt Leonard provided an update on the Fenning Avenue/CR 118 road construction project which included the roundabout at School Boulevard. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Hudgins moved approval of the consent agenda excluding 2F. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a $684,074.12. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Action taken: Approved the hires for MCC, Hi -Way Liquors and DMV and departures for MCC and Hi -Way Liquors. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the Parks Department. Action taken: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Church of St. Henry's annual parish festival Funfest being held August 29, 2021. Action taken: Approved the event permit and City assistance. Consideration of approving the appointment of Eric Olson, Monticello Public School Superintendent, to the IEDC. Action taken: Approved the appointment. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Monticello RV for a Local Heroes Day event being held August 19-21, 2021. Action taken: ITEM WAS G. Consideration of approving the purchase of furniture for the new DMV location at 118 W 6t" Street from Haworth Furniture for $75,638.11. Action taken: Approved the purchase. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-60 accepting a petition and calling for a public hearing on August 23, 2021 for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road, and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition and authorizing review of a quit claim deed releasing interest in the vacated parcels. Action taken: Adopted the resolution accepting the petition and public hearing was set for August 23, 2021. Consideration of authorizing negotiations with Karlsburger Food for sale of an approximately 12,000 square foot parcel and preparation of a cross access and parking agreement for Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition. Action taken: Authorized negotiation with Karlsburger food. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion: F. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Monticello RV for a Local Heroes Day event being held August 19 — 21, 2021 City Council Minutes: August 9, 2021 Page 2 14 Mayor Hilgart removed the item for an update from Lynn Dahl Fleming on the event. Mayor Hilgart moved approval of the special event permit. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adopting Resolutions 2021-61 and 2021-62 in support of requesting funding from the Transportation Economic Development (TED) Program administered by MnDOT and the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program application through MN DEED Matt Leonard gave a brief overview of the projects and the programs. The request for the Transportation Economic Development (TED) program funding was for the Block 52 redevelopment area. The improvements would include increasing the radius for right -turning trucks when making the southbound Highway 25 to westbound Broadway avenue right -turn movement and relocating signal and electrical cabinets. The Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) project can be used anywhere for infrastructure projects. Staff is looking to use the funding for the Walnut Street extension. There was minimal discussion among City Council. The TED program requires a match, however, the TEDI program does not. Mayor Hilgart questioned whether the powerlines could be buried as part of the project. Mr. Leonard noted that staff can look into it. Xcel does not yet have a cost available. Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2021-61 in support of requesting funding from the Transportation Economic Development (TED) Program. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2021-62 in support of requesting funding from the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of approving the 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, presented an overview of the 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office. There were no significant changes to the contract. Ms. Leonard noted the services that WCSO provides, the coverage that is provided to the community, and the relationship between the City and WCSO. There was minimal discussion among Council. City Council Minutes: August 9, 2021 Page 3 14 Mayor Hilgart moved approval of the 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adjournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes: August 9, 2021 Page 4 14 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,083,848.19. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 08/16/2021 - 1:32PM Batch: 00201.08.2021 - 201.08.2021 USB Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4263 CAYAN Check Sequence: I ACH Enabled: True 1920091 (17,884) transactions July 2021 1,920.29 08/15/2021 609-49754-443980 1920091 July 2021 - cc machine rental 128.69 08/15/2021 609-49754-424100 Check Total: 2,048.98 Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 7/1/2021 Life Insurance - July 2021 2,640.32 08/15/2021 101-00000-217066 7/1/2021 Life Insurance - Aug 2021 2,600.39 08/15/2021 101-00000-217066 Check Total: 5,240.71 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 39912709 FSA- Dependent Care 497.86 08/15/2021 101-00000-217200 39924173 FSA - Dependent Care 995.72 08/15/2021 101-00000-217200 39924173 FSA - Medical 100.00 08/15/2021 101-00000-217300 Check Total: 1,593.58 Vendor: 5147 MN PEIP Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 1110965 Health Insurance - Sept 2021 40,052.32 08/15/2021 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 40,052.32 Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 141161 Fitness Rewards - July 2021 16.75 08/15/2021 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 16.75 Vendor: 1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True UB June 2021 5005 - spklr - 822 Hart Blvd. 233.52 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 8631 - Animal Shelter 188.44 08/15/2021 101-42700-438200 UB June 2021 5026 - Ellison Park 951.78 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 8905 - PW Office 80.93 08/15/2021 101-43127-438200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference UB June 2021 5002- spklr- 1510 Hart Blvd 84.27 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 8119 - 303 6th St - Parks new 244.60 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 7224 - WWTP 2,720.42 08/15/2021 602-49480-438200 UB June 2021 8394 - spklr - Riverside Cem. 36.36 08/15/2021 215-49010-438200 UB June 2021 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 19.25 08/15/2021 213-46301-438200 UB June 2021 5004 - spklr - 1390 Hart Blvd 291.21 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 7441 - spklr - 200 W. Broadway 30.37 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 14915 - spklr - 4100 1/2 Cedar 19.34 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 8528 - Monti -NSP Sftbll Fields 2,852.52 08/15/2021 101-45203-438200 UB June 2021 8086 - 4th St. Warming House 16.97 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 8177 - Library 343.84 08/15/2021 101-45501-438200 UB June 2021 8674 - spklr - 207 Chelsea Rd 243.93 08/15/2021 601-49440-438200 UB June 2021 8117 - MCC 1,488.17 08/15/2021 226-45126-438200 UB June 2021 8622 - Pioneer Park bathroom 20.94 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 10128 - Prairie Cntr. Bldg. 38.47 08/15/2021 101-41941-438200 UB June 2021 8906 - spklr - PW 35.35 08/15/2021 101-43127-438200 UB June 2021 5569 - spklr - Meadow Oak Ave 1,873.83 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 8488 - spklr - Hillcrest Park 384.49 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 15291 - Commuter Lot- Stormwtr 40.25 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 13953 - spklr - Hwy25/SE Brdwy 40.62 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 15064 - spklr -Featherstone Pk 170.25 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 15363 - spklr- Fallon/7th St. 283.31 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 5248 - spklr - Bridge Park E 622.24 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 7885 - DMV/Food Shelf 47.93 08/15/2021 653-41990-438200 UB June 2021 15292 - Dwntwn Parking-Strmwtr 19.25 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 5249 - spklr - Bridge Park W 521.64 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 8533 - spklr Chelsea Rd Lft St 230.04 08/15/2021 602-49490-438200 UB June 2021 15362 - spklr-Fallon/Chelsea 319.47 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 37.97 08/15/2021 213-46301-438200 UB June 2021 5003 - spklr - 1460 Hart Blvd 98.16 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 8621 - spklr- Ferning rnd-a-bt 47.52 08/15/2021 101-43120-438200 UB June 2021 8903 - PW Shop/Clerical 547.39 08/15/2021 101-43127-438200 UB June 2021 8120 - Bldg. Inspec. Garage 37.97 08/15/2021 101-41940-438200 UB June 2021 10063 - spklr - Front St. Park 138.07 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 37.97 08/15/2021 213-46301-438200 UB June 2021 10267 - spklr - Comm. Garden 47.52 08/15/2021 226-45127-438200 UB June 2021 5250 - Bridge Park W 62.93 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 8904 - PW Vehicle Storage 11.88 08/15/2021 101-43127-438200 UB June 2021 5637 - Meadow Oak Dog Park 6.87 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 7256-003 - MontiArts 37.97 08/15/2021 101-45204-438200 UB June 2021 8114 - Hi -Way Liquors 337.14 08/15/2021 609-49754-438200 UB June 2021 14522 - spklr - Hillside Cem. 88.38 08/15/2021 101-45201-438200 UB June 2021 15640 - 103 Chelsea Rd- Fire 426.49 08/15/2021 101-42200-438200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference UB June 2021 725 6-00 10 - 101 Broadway W UB June 2021 7256-0011 107 Broadway W 41.40 08/15/2021 101-45204-438200 37.97 08/15/2021 101-45204-438200 Check Total: 16,537.60 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 7 08/06/2021 Home Depot - nipple brass 10.32 08/15/2021 601-49440-421990 08/06/2021 Morrie's Buffalo Ford - refund sales tax from 6/9 -11.06 08/15/2021 101-42200-422100 08/06/2021 Mills Fleet Farm - knob top wind jack 3.79 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - gal. nipple 3.81 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - oil filter 4.24 08/15/2021 101-43127-422120 08/06/2021 AutoValue - oil filter 4.24 08/15/2021 101-43127-422120 08/06/2021 Sherwin Williams - yellow 6.79 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - certified mail 7.00 08/15/2021 101-42200-432200 08/06/2021 Runnings - (2) 24pk. water 7.58 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (15) bolts/nuts goal nets 7.65 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - flouride samples to state 7.70 08/15/2021 601-49440-432200 08/06/2021 AutoValue - mini bulb for roller 7.99 08/15/2021 101-43120-422100 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (2) bulk nipple 8.24 08/15/2021 601-49440-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - air filter 10.97 08/15/2021 101-43127-422120 08/06/2021 USPS - priority mail - meter to be checked 11.40 08/15/2021 601-49440-432200 08/06/2021 OSC - lg. tank rental 13.20 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 Red's - small engine gas 16.16 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Red's - small engine gas 16.67 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Red's - small engine gas 16.77 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Home Depot -12 pk. 8" timberlock screws 16.98 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot -12 pk. 10" timberlock screws 17.98 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (5) 24pk water 18.95 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings -(2) 35 yd. Gorilla tape 19.38 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings -(10) 3/8" x 12" bright spike 19.90 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - permatex extreme cer. 19.99 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue -(2) windshield wiper blades 21.98 08/15/2021 101-45201-422990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (2) tire wet foam; wash; 2.5 gal. exho 23.26 08/15/2021 101-42200-422110 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (4) 50 lb. concrete mix 23.48 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (10) spare keys for tool crib 26.20 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - express mail 26.35 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - 80pc. fuse kit; (12) bolts/nuts 27.97 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (2) braille signs; pipe 30.77 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot -oil pump pressure regulator 31.28 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - 2.5 gal. dexron/mercon 33.99 08/15/2021 101-45201-422990 08/06/2021 Red's - non-oxy gas 35.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-421200 08/06/2021 Mills Fleet Farm - Engine 12 - (11.40) gal. @ $3 36.47 08/15/2021 101-42200-421200 08/06/2021 Runnings - (10) quick link; (4) eye bolt; (4) hoot 40.51 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 Runnings - Command 11 - (13.48) gal unleaded 1 41.77 08/15/2021 101-42200-421200 08/06/2021 Runnings - Command 11 - (13.48) gal unleaded 1 46.58 08/15/2021 101-43120-421200 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (8) 50 lb. concrete mix 46.96 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Cub - resale- lemons/limes 48.59 08/15/2021 609-49750-425500 08/06/2021 Cub - resale- lemons/limes 48.59 08/15/2021 609-49750-425500 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (6) 60 lb. mortar mix; 92.6 lb. por 48.99 08/15/2021 101-43120-422400 08/06/2021 Sherwin Williams - (6) 20 oz. white 50.94 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - (16) epdm strap 53.84 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - #613 - brake pads 53.99 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 AutoValue - (12) OW20 oil 55.08 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (6) 10' stud 56.52 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - (5) oil filters; (12) brake parts clean 57.08 08/15/2021 101-43127-422120 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (2) 31 gal. trash can - Riverfest 57.94 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Martie's - 25# shady grass 58.00 08/15/2021 602-49490-422990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (60) bulk bin nuts/bolts/screws- Berk 58.20 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - door handle for tool crib 58.87 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 Menard's - (5) rebar 59.85 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (4) spiral anchor 59.92 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (3) chain for pole saw 62.97 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (20) 60 lb. concrete mix - Ellison 66.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (18) 5.2 oz. engine oil 71.82 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Red's - (23.83) gal.unleaded gas @ $3.41 81.24 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Hirshfield's - gal. matte 83.68 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - #206 - blower motor assembly; resit 85.98 08/15/2021 101-45201-422990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - 97) #5 rebar 94.29 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - pressure washer cleaner; 150pk sc 99.95 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 MN State Colleges -vehicle inspector recertifrcal 100.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-433100 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (4) artificial grass rug; 10' stud; (2 110.10 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Elk River Landfill - waste disposal 115.65 08/15/2021 101-43120-431990 08/06/2021 Cintas - mat srvc. - inv. 4089118308; 408996745 135.73 08/15/2021 609-49754-431990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (56) 60 lb. concrete mix 147.84 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - #130 - hub assembly; fuel domestic 173.54 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 Safety Kleen - (8) g. waste combustable liquid 179.66 08/15/2021 101-43127-431990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - piggyback kit; prem. 30/30 long; spi 196.03 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 Sherwin Williams -(4) green picnic table 193.08 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Walmart - candy for parade - Riverfest 203.13 08/15/2021 101-42200-421990 08/06/2021 Nuss Truck - #116 - (2) wedge 214.42 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 Cintas - mat srvc. - inv. 4088003899; 408865985 179.15 08/15/2021 609-49754-431990 08/06/2021 AMEM - ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- conference registi 225.00 08/15/2021 101-42500-433100 08/06/2021 Fastenal - drill set; (4) T190 -AG jobber; (400) ez 231.65 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Fastenal - (96) 17 oz. paint for locates - 1/2 Watc 131.01 08/15/2021 601-49440-421990 08/06/2021 Fastenal - (96) 17 oz. paint for locates - 1/2 Sew( 131.01 08/15/2021 602-49490-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (84) 24pk .5L water 318.36 08/15/2021 101-42200-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 Zep - doz. Zep 45 Dual Force; cs. cherry bomb; 4 319.75 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 MRWA - membership renewal - Water 330.00 08/15/2021 601-49440-443300 08/06/2021 NBP - candy for parade - Riverfest 1,547.53 08/15/2021 609-49754-425550 08/06/2021 Breezy Point-ZZZNEP-IMPLEM AMEM Conf. 615.00 08/15/2021 101-42500-433100 08/06/2021 Aramark - June 2021 - towels; rugs; paper servic 116.92 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Aramark - June 2021 -uniforms - Parks 138.77 08/15/2021 101-45201-441700 08/06/2021 Aramark - June 2021 -uniforms - Sewer 108.49 08/15/2021 602-49490-441700 08/06/2021 Aramark - June 2021 -uniforms - Water 108.48 08/15/2021 601-49440-441700 08/06/2021 Aramark - June 2021 -uniforms - Streets 253.62 08/15/2021 101-43120-441700 08/06/2021 Aramark - June 2021 -towels- Shop 165.79 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv. 118708; 119105; 11 973.50 08/15/2021 609-49750-425500 08/06/2021 H & L Mesabi - (4) cutting edge for plows 1,036.00 08/15/2021 101-43125-422100 08/06/2021 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv. 8117309; 117706; 1 1,420.95 08/15/2021 609-49750-425500 08/06/2021 Westside Tire - #150 -(4) HankookAH24; mour 1,454.04 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 WHCE - Sunset Ponds 6/1-7/1/2021949 kWh 140.36 08/15/2021 602-49490-438100 08/06/2021 WHCE - DMV 19.95 08/15/2021 653-41990-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 2171 W. River St 36.45 08/15/2021 101-45201-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 5980 Jason Ave NE 19.95 08/15/2021 601-49440-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - MCC 27.95 08/15/2021 226-45126-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd 32.95 08/15/2021 601-49440-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 209 Cedar St 29.95 08/15/2021 601-49440-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 132 E Broadway 29.95 08/15/2021 601-49440-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 107 River St W 19.95 08/15/2021 101-45201-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - Hi -Way Liquors- June 2021 21.42 08/15/2021 609-49754-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - MCC - June 2021 19.95 08/15/2021 226-45126-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - 200 Dundas Rd- June 2021 29.95 08/15/2021 601-49440-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE -909 Golf Course Rd- June 2021 19.95 08/15/2021 101-43110-431900 08/06/2021 WHCE - General Street Lighting 2,826.66 08/15/2021 101-43160-438100 08/06/2021 Big Lake Lumber - (70) brown treated; (6) 2x4x: 3,570.51 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Walmart Check Printing - Checks for DMV 11.31 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Walmart - Candy for Budget Workshop Buckets 11.78 08/15/2021 101-41520-421990 08/06/2021 Walmart - Candy Budget Workshop - Sales Tax 1 0.66 08/15/2021 101-00000-115030 08/06/2021 Walmart - Candy for Budget Workshop Buckets 8.90 08/15/2021 101-41520-421990 08/06/2021 Walmart - Candy Budget Workshop - Sales Tax 1 0.66 08/15/2021 101-00000-115030 08/06/2021 Walmart - Bottled Water for Meetings 4.38 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Night Hawk Security - Monthly Security @ Park 49.95 08/15/2021 101-43110-431900 08/06/2021 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 75.02 08/15/2021 101-43115-432100 08/06/2021 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 275.07 08/15/2021 101-43120-432100 08/06/2021 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 235.06 08/15/2021 101-45201-432100 08/06/2021 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 97.53 08/15/2021 601-49440-432100 08/06/2021 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 97.52 08/15/2021 602-49490-432100 08/06/2021 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 180.05 08/15/2021 101-42200-432100 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 12.80 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 10.60 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 10.60 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 12.15 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 57.40 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 43,635.89 08/15/2021 101-43230-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 - GFEE 4,157.48 08/15/2021 101-00000-208120 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 - Recycling 19,955.30 08/15/2021 101-43230-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 47.74 08/15/2021 101-45201-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 23.87 08/15/2021 101-45201-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 23.87 08/15/2021 101-45201-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 53.82 08/15/2021 101-45201-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 35.80 08/15/2021 101-43127-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 113.38 08/15/2021 602-49480-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 208.87 08/15/2021 226-45126-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 23.87 08/15/2021 609-49754-438400 08/06/2021 Advanced Disposal - June 2021 11.93 08/15/2021 101-45501-431990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Telescoping Easels (4) 79.99 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Shipping Credit -41.80 08/15/2021 101-45130-444100 08/06/2021 Amazon - Post It Message Flags, Binder Clips, 37.86 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Napkins, Post It Notes, Envelopes, Hi; 42.15 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Buckets for Budget Workshop 12.99 08/15/2021 101-41520-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Hard Candy 9.70 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Engineered Printed Scale 5.59 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Kleenex 61.99 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - 8 Tab Binder Dividers (3) 25.11 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Chair Floor Mats (2) 81.48 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Sit/Stand Work Station 312.00 08/15/2021 101-42400-421990 08/06/2021 Ausco - POP Kids Bags 751.63 08/15/2021 226-45127-421750 08/06/2021 Batteries Plus - Battery for Alarm System (DMV 18.67 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Batteries Plus - Battery for Alarm System (Liq) 18.67 08/15/2021 609-49754-421990 08/06/2021 Cintas - Mat, Mop, Towel Service Inv# 4088003 93.18 08/15/2021 226-45126-431990 08/06/2021 Cintas - Mat Service #409118425 26.17 08/15/2021 101-45501-431990 08/06/2021 Cintas - Mat Service #4088660426 47.43 08/15/2021 653-41990-431990 08/06/2021 Dacotah Paper - Napkins for Concession 60.94 08/15/2021 226-45125-421990 08/06/2021 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Lockerroom Suppl 840.29 08/15/2021 226-45126-421990 08/06/2021 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Lockerroom Suppl 798.33 08/15/2021 226-45126-421990 08/06/2021 Dacotah Paper - Paper Plates & Food Trays for ( 83.31 08/15/2021 226-45125-421990 08/06/2021 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 90.26 08/15/2021 101-45501-421990 08/06/2021 Dell - OptiPlex 3080 Micro BTX (4) 2,366.04 08/15/2021 702-00000-424100 08/06/2021 Dell - Dell Latitude 3520 CTO (3) 3,621.81 08/15/2021 702-00000-424100 08/06/2021 MN Dept Labor - Annual Elevator Operating Pei 100.00 08/15/2021 226-45126-431900 08/06/2021 MN Dept Labor - Qtr 2 Building Permit Surchar; 9,107.93 08/15/2021 101-00000-208110 08/06/2021 MN Dept Labor - Qtr 2 Building Permit Surchar; -364.32 08/15/2021 101-42400-343000 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 MN Dept Labor - Building Official License Reni 35.00 08/15/2021 101-42400-443700 08/06/2021 Fed Ex - Shipping for Alcohol Permits to State 66.85 08/15/2021 101-41410-432200 08/06/2021 Fun Express - Supplies for Father/Daughter Dan 126.82 08/15/2021 226-45127-421990 08/06/2021 GFOA - 2020 PAFR Submission Fee 250.00 08/15/2021 101-41520-431990 08/06/2021 General Credit Forms - CC Tape 92.48 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Dollar Tree - Water Bottles (5) 5.00 08/15/2021 226-45124-421990 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 12.181 gals @ $3.099 37.75 08/15/2021 653-41990-421200 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 10.631 gals @ $3.099 32.95 08/15/2021 653-41990-421200 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 15.439 gals @ $3.099 47.85 08/15/2021 701-00000-421200 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 9.070 gals @ $3.099 28.11 08/15/2021 653-41990-421200 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 11.430 gals @ $3.099 35.42 08/15/2021 653-41990-421200 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 11.622 gals @ $3.099 36.02 08/15/2021 653-41990-421200 08/06/2021 JP Cooke - Ink Pads (3) 34.15 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Les Mills - Virtual Fitness Classes - July 2021 349.00 08/15/2021 226-45127-443300 08/06/2021 Martie's - Softner Salt (63 Bags) 390.60 08/15/2021 226-45126-421990 08/06/2021 Monti Printing - Laminating POP Kids Club Pos 18.00 08/15/2021 226-45127-421750 08/06/2021 Monti Chamber - July Lunch (JT) 15.00 08/15/2021 213-46301-443990 08/06/2021 Monti Chamber - RiverFest Parade Entry 50.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-443300 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - June Background Checks (: 66.00 08/15/2021 101-41410-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - June Background Checks (: 25.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - June Background Checks (: 69.00 08/15/2021 226-45122-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - June Background Checks (: 69.00 08/15/2021 609-49754-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - June Background Checks (: 74.00 08/15/2021 101-42200-431990 08/06/2021 Old Time Wooden Nickel - EBT Tokens for Farn 145.61 08/15/2021 226-45127-421750 08/06/2021 NBP - Paper 139.60 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Pens 26.71 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Binders (3) 71.67 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Paper, Kleenex 126.59 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Paper Plates, Pens 16.22 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Paper 72.99 08/15/2021 226-45122-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Paper Plates, Tab File Folders 21.70 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Prof Office Svcs - Postage for Music on Mississi 498.85 08/15/2021 226-45127-431990 08/06/2021 Randys - Shredding Services (CH) 30.51 08/15/2021 101-41310-431990 08/06/2021 Randys - Shredding Services (DMV) 30.51 08/15/2021 653-41990-431990 08/06/2021 Runnings - Safety Chain for Pool Pit 17.04 08/15/2021 226-45126-422990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - Light Bulbs & Batteries 16.90 08/15/2021 701-00000-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - Plumbing Parts for PW 44.82 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - HVAC Filters for DMV 9.98 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - Duct Tape, Poly Sheeting 26.46 08/15/2021 701-00000-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - Toilet Parts for Prairie Center 10.96 08/15/2021 101-41941-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 32.85 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Large Envelope Mailing 1.60 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 18.60 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 11.95 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 22.15 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 14.40 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 43.20 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 30.55 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 24.00 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 19.20 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 13.80 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 Amazon - Cubicle Clips 17.99 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Ausco - Uniform Polo Shirts (6) 144.00 08/15/2021 226-45122-421990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - July Background Checks (2 631.00 08/15/2021 101-41410-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - July Background Checks (1 23.00 08/15/2021 609-49754-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - July Background Checks (2 46.00 08/15/2021 653-41990-431990 08/06/2021 Trusted Employees - July Background Checks (1 23.00 08/15/2021 101-41310-431990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Cubicle Clips 6.99 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Dry Erase Wall Calendar 38.99 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - 53W Hallogen Bulbs for Popcorn M< 5.91 08/15/2021 226-45126-422990 08/06/2021 Von Hanson Snacks - Pretzels for Resale (21) 35.70 08/15/2021 226-45125-425410 08/06/2021 Cintas - Mat, Mop, Towel Service Inv# 4088659 39.19 08/15/2021 226-45126-431990 08/06/2021 Cintas - Mat, Mop,Towel Svc # 4089967557, 40' 123.25 08/15/2021 226-45126-431990 08/06/2021 Cintas - Mat Service #4091274287 47.43 08/15/2021 653-41990-431990 08/06/2021 NBP - Paper, Staples, Cleaning Supplies 74.06 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - Shower Liners, Rings, Tension Rc 50.94 08/15/2021 226-45126-422990 08/06/2021 Walmart - VGA to HDMI Converter Cable 29.88 08/15/2021 702-00000-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 30.75 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 14.00 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 Sherwin Williams - Paint, Roller for Hallway 48.80 08/15/2021 226-45126-422990 08/06/2021 Holidays - Unleaded Fuel 11.184 gals @ $3.099 34.66 08/15/2021 653-41990-421200 08/06/2021 Sherwin Williams - Paint for Library Ext Door 50.74 08/15/2021 101-45501-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 42.30 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 15.40 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to State 21.35 08/15/2021 653-41990-432200 08/06/2021 Boyer Ford - #105 - base; fuel trans. pump; gask 265.82 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 Auto Value - oil filter 4.24 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - 50 pk. velcro reusable ties 5.27 08/15/2021 702-00000-421990 08/06/2021 Martie's - measuring cup 5.49 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - hex bushing galv.; 2 pk. plug 7.28 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - #124 - led light; grommet 8.38 08/15/2021 101-43120-422100 08/06/2021 Red's - non-oxy gas 10.74 08/15/2021 101-42200-421200 08/06/2021 Home Depot - (2) twin pk. wasp & hornet spectr 11.34 08/15/2021 601-49440-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - 18 lb. EZ sand compound; Scotch 13.56 08/15/2021 101-42200-422990 08/06/2021 USPS - first class mail 14.00 08/15/2021 101-42200-432200 08/06/2021 Runnings - (4) 24pk water 15.16 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 Runnings - propane cylinder exchange 15.99 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - HD tuel farm; oil filters 16.62 08/15/2021 101-43127-422120 08/06/2021 General Rental - 20 lb. propane fill 16.67 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - 25 pk. laminating pouches 17.99 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 AutoValue - #124 - grease cap 18.99 08/15/2021 101-43120-422100 08/06/2021 Amazon - 96 ct. laundry soap pods 21.44 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - 4 pk. toilet cleaner 21.49 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Home Depot - USB surge protector 21.97 08/15/2021 702-00000-421990 08/06/2021 U of M - (5) Tree & Shrub; (5) Pruning - Trainin 250.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-433100 08/06/2021 Martie's - 5# shady; 5# prem. sunny 26.55 08/15/2021 652-49881-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - 2 pk. tub -o -towels 28.34 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Spypoint - Aug. 2021 (2) trail camera 30.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-443300 08/06/2021 Home Depot - well #2- screen for vent cover 30.53 08/15/2021 601-49440-422990 08/06/2021 Runnings - 5pk plug; chuck clip; valve tool; (3)1 32.64 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 U of M - (2) MN Tree Certification- RH; JJ 70.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-433100 08/06/2021 Amazon - (2) radio holder straps 41.32 08/15/2021 101-42200-421990 08/06/2021 Safeguard Security - Aug. 2021 Security Monito 44.95 08/15/2021 101-42200-431990 08/06/2021 Runnings - (2) fittings; (3) clamp; hose valve; et( 48.21 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Grainger - (2) 12 pk. C batteries 48.26 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 General Rental - CAT skid steer rental 630.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-441500 08/06/2021 Sherwin Williams - (6) 20 oz. white 53.34 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Cannon ink cart. 57.95 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Runnings - hose 59.99 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon -Cannon ink tank 60.52 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Martie's - 25# prem. sunny- Otter Creek 62.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-422500 08/06/2021 Runnings - 20 lb. rapid gro seeds; gloves 62.88 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Marrie's - 2.5 gal Makaze MDA acvva- weed kill 63.41 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Mills Fleet Farm - UB 13 - (20.621) gal. unleade 63.90 08/15/2021 101-42200-421200 08/06/2021 AT & T - FirstNet- July 2021 mobile unlimited c 76.46 08/15/2021 101-42200-432100 08/06/2021 Dish - Aug. 2021 service 77.01 08/15/2021 609-49754-432500 08/06/2021 Red's - gasoline 80.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Red's - 23.7 gal unleaded @ $3.41 80.79 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Red's - (23.81) gal unleaded @ $3.41 81.17 08/15/2021 101-45201-421200 08/06/2021 Monti Napa - #179- (3) hydro hose; (2) fittings 83.83 08/15/2021 101-43120-422100 08/06/2021 AutoValue - #116 - (2) 30/30 spring brake 83.98 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 Dalco - case roll towel; 150 can liner 106.63 08/15/2021 101-42200-421990 08/06/2021 Martie's -50 lb. premium grass seed- Otter Creek 115.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-422500 08/06/2021 Runnings - (2) nitrile gloves; synth. gloves; (2) c 120.02 08/15/2021 101-43127-421990 08/06/2021 Cintas - mat srvc. - inv. 4090608556; 409127385 141.00 08/15/2021 609-49754-431990 08/06/2021 Boyer Ford - #116 - (2) slack adjuster - automati 160.48 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 MN Fall Expo - (9) general registration 270.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-433100 08/06/2021 AutoValue - oil drain 284.99 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon -Samsung 32" monitor - TM 295.00 08/15/2021 702-00000-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 MNSFCA - annual conference reg. - DK 300.00 08/15/2021 101-42200-433100 08/06/2021 Dacotah Paper - (4) cs. p. towels;cs. urinal screei 306.77 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 General Rental - CAT skid steer rental w/ tracks 315.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-441500 08/06/2021 Rocky Mountain ATV - FireDN- Ranger -(4) tire 410.17 08/15/2021 101-42200-422110 08/06/2021 Half Off Ponds - pond pump 530.10 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Epic Sports - (12) welded steel chain basketball 1 569.88 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Stepp Mfg. hyd. motor 9.7 CI A-2 1" keyed 602.24 08/15/2021 101-43120-422100 08/06/2021 Bluehost.com - CMRP Website Hosting - To Be 719.76 08/15/2021 101-00000-115030 08/06/2021 AST Sports - Shirts (6 231.42 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Microsoft - Annual 360 Subscription (ML) 99.99 08/15/2021 101-43110-443300 08/06/2021 Microsoft - Annual 360 Subscription - Sales Tax 7.37 08/15/2021 101-00000-115030 08/06/2021 FaceBook - Advertising - POP Kids @ Farmers 1 40.00 08/15/2021 226-45122-434990 08/06/2021 Microsoft - E3 Email Licenses 64.00 08/15/2021 702-00000-431990 08/06/2021 Walmart.com - Fraud Purchase (VL) - US Bank 1 8.62 08/15/2021 101-00000-115030 08/06/2021 Amazon - Trash Bags 6.29 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Blue Refill Ink 5.79 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 NBP - Cleaner 7.22 08/15/2021 653-41990-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - Coffee 42.48 08/15/2021 101-41310-421990 08/06/2021 Trophy Depot - Annual Awards (7) 369.80 08/15/2021 101-41800-443990 08/06/2021 Delegard Tool - pump assy.; freight 99.49 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - (2) 25 pk. Corex Ivy X cleansing wipe 27.70 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - 50 pc yard sign stakes 39.00 08/15/2021 101-43120-421990 08/06/2021 Amazon - (3) sets acrylic paint; (3) gal. water se 347.88 08/15/2021 101-45204-421990 08/06/2021 TSS Automotive - reinstall (2) post lift; bleed & 589.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-440440 08/06/2021 Boyer Ford - #105 - service call to test/diagnose 664.44 08/15/2021 101-43120-440500 08/06/2021 Tiffco - (9) combo drill & tap; extract set; (3) syl 686.60 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Specialty Store Srvcs - (4) shopping carts 724.46 08/15/2021 609-49754-424100 08/06/2021 Clarke Mosquito Cntrl - cs. insecticide 10 EC 4 a 756.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-421600 08/06/2021 Nuss Truck - #116 - suspension parts- (4) u -bolt; 942.98 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 MN Rural Water Assoc -(4) MRWA Training- M 500.00 08/15/2021 601-49440-433100 08/06/2021 MN Rural Water Assoc -(4) MRWA Training- M 500.00 08/15/2021 602-49490-433100 08/06/2021 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv. 119808; 120106; 12 1,093.50 08/15/2021 609-49750-425500 08/06/2021 AIR BNB - MFCA conference lodging- 3 nights 1,953.63 08/15/2021 101-42200-433100 08/06/2021 Nuss Truck - #116 - core return -73.60 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 Amazon - (2) USB cord 16.98 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 USPS - express mail 26.35 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 Fastenal - (3) T190 -AG Jobber; (100 nylock; etc 26.39 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 U of M - (1) class charged in error. refund comm 35.00 08/15/2021 101-00000-115030 08/06/2021 Amazon - 51 oz. coffee 58.00 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Boyer Ford - Base/1368.00 107.07 08/15/2021 101-43120-422110 08/06/2021 Amazon - (2) Cannon black ink 124.00 08/15/2021 101-43110-421990 08/06/2021 Lawson Products - (500) asst. cable ties 216.02 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 08/06/2021 MN Fall Maintenance - (5) Gen. registration 1 & 150.00 08/15/2021 101-45201-433100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2021 Fastenal - (5) 1/4"-20 Bttm Tap 33.07 08/15/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 132,085.50 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 8 Aug 2021 Liq Store CC Fees (WF -0990) 9,584.10 08/15/2021 609-49754-443980 Aug 2021 WF account interest earnings -264.22 08/15/2021 101-00000-362110 Aug 2021 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 56.74 08/15/2021 601-49440-443980 Aug 2021 CH CC Fees (WF -0999) 310.06 08/15/2021 101-41520-443980 Aug 2021 MCC CC Fees (iAccess FM -1476) 107.46 08/15/2021 226-45127-431992 Aug 2021 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 56.73 08/15/2021 602-49490-443980 Aug 2021 WF account bank charges 1,490.39 08/15/2021 101-41520-443980 Aug 2021 UB CC Fees (Bluefin) 1.00 08/15/2021 602-49490-443980 Aug 2021 UB CC Fees (Bluefin) 0.99 08/15/2021 601-49440-443980 Aug 2021 MCC CC Fees (Daxco- 2887) 1,173.21 08/15/2021 226-45122-443980 Aug 2021 UB CC Fees (Bluefin - 7022) 1,098.61 08/15/2021 601-49440-443980 Aug 2021 UB CC Fees (Bluefin - 7022) 1,098.60 08/15/2021 602-49490-443980 Aug 2021 MCC CC Fees (Clover App - Fmrs Mkt) 21.42 08/15/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 14,735.09 Total for Check Run: 212,310.53 Total of Number of Checks: 8 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/23/21 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/16/2021 - 1:32 PM) Page I I Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/18/2021 - 11:18AM Batch: 00203.08.2021 - 203.08.2021 AP Invoice No Description Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5660 ABSOLUTE PRINT GRAPHICS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 57402 UB August Invoices (3659) Print, Fold, Stuff, Er 636.78 08/24/2021 601-49440-431800 57402 UB August Invoices (3659) Print, Fold, Stuff, Er 636.77 08/24/2021 602-49490-431800 57402 Watering Insert (3659) 329.31 08/24/2021 602-49490-443990 Check Total: 1,602.86 Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 8461 Repairs @ WWTP 1,900.00 08/24/2021 602-49480-440100 Check Total: 1,900.00 Vendor: 5750 ALICIA MAI AMUNDSON Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/5 & 8i 69.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 69.00 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 51675 120W Lamp for Pool 641.55 08/24/2021 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 641.55 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 312800 resale- beer credit inv. 3486094 -32.60 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 3488446 resale- beer 158.20 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 3488766 resale- beer 67.70 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 3490060 resale- beer 289.10 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 482.40 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 0002697713 003 Managed Services - July 2021 1,145.60 08/24/2021 702-00000-431990 318671 FNM July Expenses - buried drops 10,850.00 08/24/2021 656-49877-440100 318671 FNM July Expenses - Calix 11,082.58 08/24/2021 656-49877-422990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8/8/2021 IT Services - July 2021 73.00 08/24/2021 702-00000-431990 95846 Mid Year Performance Fee 291.00 08/24/2021 656-00000-380520 95846 Mid Year Performance Fee 14,267.06 08/24/2021 656-49870-430600 95846 Mid Year Performance Fee 0.42 08/24/2021 656-49870-430700 95846 Mid Year Performance Fee 5,066.48 08/24/2021 656-49870-430800 95846 Mid Year Performance Fee 178,845.50 08/24/2021 656-49870-430700 Vendor: 5798 8/10/21 reimb. Vendor: 1065 103698900 103698900 103698900 103737700 103737700 103737700 103737700 103774200 103774200 103774200 103774200 90575800 90575800 90669900 90693500 90693500 90693500 90698000 90698000 90756200 90756200 Vendor: 1067 240893 240894 243241 Check Total CHRISTOPHER BARTA pizza for fire call Check Total: BELLBOY CORPORATION asst. bags resale- mix freight freight asst. bags resale -juice resale- mix resale - mix; condiments resale -juice asst. bags freight freight resale- liquor resale - liquor resale - liquor resale - wine freight resale- liquor freight freight resale - liquor Check Total: BERNICK'S resale - soda pop resale - ber Resale - Pop, Bubblr 221,621.64 88.76 88.76 155.00 114.00 1.23 0.70 74.00 33.60 44.75 171.50 23.00 235.95 1.98 68.57 6,504.69 1,289.50 7,344.77 268.00 88.35 2,208.00 34.10 17.83 1,352.17 20,031.69 Check Sequence: 7 08/24/2021 101-42200-443990 Check Sequence: 8 08/24/2021 609-49754-421990 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49754-421990 08/24/2021 609-49750-425500 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 08/24/2021 609-49750-425500 08/24/2021 609-49754-421990 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 Check Sequence: 9 30.32 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 2,581.30 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 233.98 08/24/2021 226-45125-425410 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 3 Check Total: 2,845.60 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 340560496 resale- liquor 3,337.23 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 340560496 resale- wine 1,556.83 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 340560496 resale- mix 36.90 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 340560496 freight 76.46 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 340560497 resale- beer 122.75 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 340646540 freight 51.15 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 340646540 resale- liquor 4,478.03 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 340646541 resale- beer 82.95 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 9,742.30 Vendor: 1086 BURNHAM COMPANIES LLC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 5985 (100) 100 yds playground chips delivered 1,775.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-422500 5989 (5) yds mulch picked up 67.50 08/24/2021 101-45201-422500 Check Total: 1,842.50 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000OG 228 General Admin - July 2021 2,467.24 08/24/2021 101-41610-430400 2348-000OG 228 PW Engineering - July 2021 48.00 08/24/2021 101-43111-431990 2348-000OG 228 202128 - Kampschroer Vacation - July 2021 320.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-000OG 228 21D005 - StorageLink - July 2021 160.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-0148G 37 16C006 - Fallon Ave Condemnation - July 2021 140.00 08/24/2021 400-43300-430400 2348-0154G 7 18D003 - Carlisile Village 6th Addition - July 2C 90.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-0174G 3 21D005 - StorageLink Plat - July 2021 139.80 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-0177G 2 21D004 - Deephaven 2nd Addition Plat - July 2C 372.60 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-0178G 1 202114 - Stony Brook Village Plat - July 2021 272.80 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 4,010.44 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 2580528 resale- beer 17,177.95 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 2580528 resale- beer mn/a 216.34 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 2580576 resale- beer 399.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 17,793.29 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 21617 resale- wine 1,803.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 4 Check Total: 1,803.00 Vendor: 5799 YAIR CARVAJALINO Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/12/21 25.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 25.00 Vendor: 5144 CASTING CREATIONS OF MN, INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 6062 memorial plaque- Dynamis 216.35 08/24/2021 101-45204-421990 Check Total: 216.35 Vendor: 5801 CHRISTIANSON'S BUSINESS FURNITURE Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 5585-35269 DMV bldg. furniture- 33% deposit 24,960.58 08/24/2021 653-00000-165010 Check Total: 24,960.58 Vendor: 5794 CMDC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 20210813 Underwriting Fee - Sota Car Wash 1,500.00 08/24/2021 213-00000-220110 Check Total: 1,500.00 Vendor: 5718 COLLINS BROTHERS TOWING OF ST. CLO Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 21-81614 2012 Mack - loaded/hooked; underlift hookup to 446.00 08/24/2021 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 446.00 Vendor: 1894 CONDON AND SKELLY Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 28987138 Antique Fire Truck Annual Ins 9/21/21 - 9/21/22 147.59 08/24/2021 101-42200-436990 Check Total: 147.59 Vendor: 4861 CORE & MAIN LP Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False P390866 (12) traffic repair flange kits 3,502.44 08/24/2021 601-49440-422990 Check Total: 3,502.44 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 1434644-2 resale- beer credit - correction -128.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1440008 resale- beer 12,030.40 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1440008 resale- beer n/a 28.90 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 1440468 resale- beer credit -246.09 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1442177 resale- beer 29,444.95 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1442177 resale- beer n/a 162.40 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1442313 resale- beer 1,450.20 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1444115 resale- beer 6,855.70 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1444132 resale- beer credit -321.60 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1445706 resale- beer 1,745.50 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1445994 resale- beer 31,778.90 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1446030 resale -beer 353.20 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1446178 resale- beer credit -150.45 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 725-00001 resale- mix 35.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 83,039.01 Vendor: 4361 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 3816277 4x9 rug 358.16 08/24/2021 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 358.16 Vendor: 1131 DAMA METAL PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 15743 S-3 Model F.D. Key Box w/Tamper SW (50) 9,220.00 08/24/2021 101-42400-421990 Check Total: 9,220.00 Vendor: 5777 ELIZABETH ANN DANGER Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Performance @ Farmers Market 8/26/21 200.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 200.00 Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Parking Lot Maintenance - August 2021 198.02 08/24/2021 213-46301-443990 Check Total: 198.02 Vendor: 5588 DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 21172 19C003 CONSTR - SCADA System Improveme 662.50 08/24/2021 601-49440-453010 21172 19C003 CONSTR - SCADA System Improveme 662.50 08/24/2021 602-49490-453010 Check Total: 1,325.00 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 1187269 resale -liquor 174.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 1187269 resale- mix 24.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 1187269 resale- beer 27.65 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 1189747 resale- beer 1,462.15 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,687.80 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2891 DISCOUNT POST & POLE Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 543579 (6) 5x6x10 posts 157.50 08/24/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 157.50 Vendor: 1147 DOUBLE D ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 26087 mechanic's shop hoist circuit 989.48 08/24/2021 101-43127-440440 Check Total: 989.48 Vendor: 5545 DRASTIC MEASURES BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 1525 resale- beer 308.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 308.00 Vendor: 1793 E.A.T.I. EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True OAK20184B 2021 Ford - adj. equip. compart; (2) LED; (2) do 844.07 08/24/2021 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 844.07 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 848816 ZPARKS ELREST - 2021 Ellison Park Bids Ad; 350.74 08/24/2021 400-43300-453010 Check Total: 350.74 Vendor: 5796 ELECTRO INDUSTRIES Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 072021 refund Water Use Permit - Dep $2000 - 483.87 u 2,000.00 08/24/2021 601-00000-220111 072021 refund Water Use Permit - Dep $2000 - 483.87 u -33.23 08/24/2021 601-00000-208100 072021 refund Water Use Permit - Dep $2000 - 483.87 u -450.64 08/24/2021 601-49440-371120 Check Total: 1,516.13 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/12/21 304.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 304.00 Vendor: 1165 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANCE Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 116259 Engine 1- annual testing; service; repairs 914.00 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 116260 Engine 12- annual testing; service; repairs 1,478.00 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 116261 Ladder 1- annual testing; service; repairs 2,183.45 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 116262 Tender 11 - annual inspection; service 874.00 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 116263 Tender 12 - annual test; service 1,199.00 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 116264 Ulitity 11 -- Emergency Vehicle Safety Inspectio 353.75 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 116265 Ulitity 12 - Emergency Vehicle Safety Inspectior 353.75 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 119328 Engine 12-- repair coolant leak; rep. cab tilt mot( 1,658.02 08/24/2021 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 329.40 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 7 Check Total: 9,013.97 Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - City Hall 711.46 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - MCC 587.40 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Ballfields 20.22 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - DMV 316.21 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Hi Way Liquor 358.65 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Fire Hall 441.48 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Public Works 1,132.35 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Parks 116.10 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Prairie Center 13.40 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone - Sheriff 70.58 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - City Hall 248.90 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - MCC 10.00 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - Ballfields 10.00 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - DMV 43.95 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - Hi Way Liquor 43.95 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - Fire Hall 168.90 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - Animal Shelter 31.95 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - Public Works 51.95 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Internet - Sheriff 43.95 08/24/2021 702-00000-432300 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Cable - Fire Hall 110.85 08/24/2021 101-42200-431990 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Cable - MCC 185.85 08/24/2021 226-45127-432500 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Data Hosting 500.00 08/24/2021 702-00000-431900 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Service Contract 250.00 08/24/2021 702-00000-431900 8/8/2021 Aug 2021 - Phone & Internet - Monti Arts 95.12 08/24/2021 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 5,563.22 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/5 & 8i 74.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 74.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 1070601 (244) July 2021 - 1/2 Water 164.70 08/24/2021 601-49440-432770 1070601 (244) July 2021 - 1/2 Sewer 164.70 08/24/2021 602-49490-432770 Check Total: 329.40 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9015915086 GP Motor 300.79 08/24/2021 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 300.79 Vendor: 5773 HAGEN CHRISTENSEN & MCIIWAIN ARCH Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 2148-2 DMV Relocation Services - June & July 2021 5,859.00 08/24/2021 653-00000-165010 Check Total: 5,859.00 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 5004357 Pool Chemicals 1,032.39 08/24/2021 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 1,032.39 Vendor: 5797 ALEX HOGLUND Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 2021 boots boot reimbursement 2021 60.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 4650 JASEN HOGLUND Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 0189 custom lettering - Parks 150.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-421990 0189 custom lettering - streets 320.00 08/24/2021 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 470.00 Vendor: 5751 TODD JAMESON Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Performance @ Farmers Market on 9/2/21 200.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 200.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 1856216 resale - wine 1,657.60 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 1856216 resale - mix 56.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 1856216 freight 44.70 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 1858215 resale- liquor 1,706.84 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 1858215 freight 24.21 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 1859443 freight 38.22 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 1859443 resale- liquor 3,128.56 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 1859444 freight 28.31 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 1859444 resale- wine 788.26 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 1859444 resale- juice 35.20 08/24/2021 609-49750-425500 1859444 resale- mix 215.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 1861693 freight 52.14 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 1861693 resale - liquor 2,824.30 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1862953 freight 49.54 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 1862953 resale- liquor 3,035.02 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 1862954 resale - wine 3,361.35 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 1862954 resale - mix 36.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 1862954 freight 92.38 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 17,173.63 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 Billboard Leases - June 2021 183.00 08/24/2021 213-46301-430400 MN190-00101 General EDA- June 2021 1,231.00 08/24/2021 213-46522-430400 MN190-00167 Scherer Bros ED TIF - June 2021 650.00 08/24/2021 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 2,064.00 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 135716 resale- wine 1,206.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 135716 freight 13.75 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,219.75 Vendor: 3829 STEVE LANGANKI Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: True 1406 porta toilet rental - soccer tournament 950.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-431901 1407 6/26-7/23/2021 prota toilet rental service 1,865.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-431901 Check Total: 2,815.00 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/5 & 8i 403.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 403.00 Vendor: 5642 LOONEY BIN BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 2955 resale - beer 426.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 426.00 Vendor: 5457 LUCID BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 11438 resale- beer 138.52 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 11475 resale- beer 92.48 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 231.00 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True 39181 resale- beer 789.60 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8938 resale- beer credit -7.70 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 781.90 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 325872 resale- cigars; tobacco; barware 1,271.98 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 325872 resale- cigarettes; juice 1,603.12 08/24/2021 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 2,875.10 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 22524997 (409) gal. unleaded @ $2.80 1,143.91 08/24/2021 101-43120-421200 22524998 (555) gal. diesel @ $2.92 1,619.68 08/24/2021 101-43120-421200 22543945 (558) gal. unleaded @ $2.62 1,464.72 08/24/2021 101-43120-421200 22543946 (473) gal. diesel @ $2.70 1,275.50 08/24/2021 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 5,503.81 Vendor: 5736 MAVERICK WINE LLC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 622101 resale - liquor 510.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 622101 freight 1.50 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 511.50 Vendor: 5719 MIDWEST SOUND AND STAGE INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Final Payment for 8/25/21 Staging - Music on th 250.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 5761 NICOLE MARY MILLIGAN Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False Sculp 8/11/21 Grant/Donation - E. Bridge Sculpture Final 10,000.00 08/24/2021 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 10,000.00 Vendor: 4216 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False P53079 radiator 748.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 748.00 Vendor: 2653 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE - NOTI Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 8/9/2021 Notary Commission Renewal (LN) 120.00 08/24/2021 653-41990-431990 Check Total: 120.00 Vendor: 1932 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT CO Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 834980 (12) clevis swing hangers 375.30 08/24/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 375.30 Vendor: 1355 MMBA - MN MUNICIPAL BEVERAGE ASSO Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 2021-22 Mbrship annual dues July 2021- July 2021 5,700.00 08/24/2021 609-49754-443300 Check Total: 5,700.00 Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 22735 Utility 12 - repairs to adapter - overflow tube fro 38.25 08/24/2021 101-42200-431990 23244 annual maintenence on sprinklers - Parks 610.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 648.25 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True Aug 2021 Monthly Allocation - Aug 2021 5,416.67 08/24/2021 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 5,416.67 Vendor: 5586 MOOSE LAKE BREWING CO. Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 89-005 resale- beer 216.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 216.00 Vendor: 5558 JOSHUA MYLES Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 DJ Entertainment @ Father/Daughter Dance 8/11 200.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 200.00 Vendor: 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 176439 resale - wine 224.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 176439 freight 5.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 229.00 Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 6739 202041 - Chelsea Commons Project 5,805.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-431990 6768 2020 Annual TIF Reporting 1-22 1,000.00 08/24/2021 213-46522-431990 Check Total: 6,805.00 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 25415 July 2021 - Technical Assistance - City Projects 4,103.81 08/24/2021 101-41910-431990 25416 202110 - G Cubed Townhome PUD - July 2021 979.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 25416 202124 - Affordable Storage PUD Amendment - 1,424.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 25416 202123 - Swan Accessory Bldg CUP & Variance 569.60 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 25416 202101 - Swan Accessory Review- July 2021 462.80 08/24/2021 101-41910-431990 25416 202126 - KampschroerAddn Plat & Site Plan Re 1,139.20 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 25417 July 2021 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 150.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 8,828.41 Vendor: 5426 NOVEL SOLAR TWO LLC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 3198 solar rebate program- Xcel 41,316.74 08/24/2021 101-41310-443992 Check Total: 41,316.74 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 15464 (4.01) AC Fines mix 332.83 08/24/2021 101-45201-440910 15471 (4.02) AC Fines mix 333.66 08/24/2021 101-45201-440910 Check Total: 666.49 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 8463502 plasma cutter 70.13 08/24/2021 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 70.13 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 6247794 resale- liquor 3,409.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6247794 freight 38.74 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6248809 freight 20.12 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6248809 resale- liquor 1,416.62 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6248810 resale- liquor 265.50 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6248810 freight 8.94 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6250582 freight 46.19 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6250582 resale- liquor 2,694.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6250583 resale wine 661.48 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6250583 freight 18.37 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6251417 resale liquor 1,500.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6251417 freight 23.10 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6252421 resale- liquor 2,345.28 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 6252421 freight 28.16 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6252422 freight 28.97 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 6252422 resale- mix 163.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 6252422 resale- liquor 805.66 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 638079 resale liquor credit inv. #6207032 -4.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 638080 resale liquor credit inv. # 6241282 -76.12 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 13 Check Total: 13,393.01 Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 07/16/21 battery 118.00 08/24/2021 101-43120-422110 July 2021 Parks non-oxi gas - Parks 274.18 08/24/2021 101-45201-421200 Check Total: 392.18 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 696600 Food for Concession Resale @ MCC 563.11 08/24/2021 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 563.11 Vendor: 4962 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 133628 Name Plate - Planning Commission (TL) 18.41 08/24/2021 101-41910-443990 Check Total: 18.41 Vendor: 5502 ALEX ROWLAND Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/5/21 446.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 446.00 Vendor: 5010 RUM RIVER VENTURES LLC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 401 Contract Inspection Services - July 2021 1,960.00 08/24/2021 101-42400-431990 Check Total: 1,960.00 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True A40127 repin lock cyliner; adjust lock 102.50 08/24/2021 601-49440-440100 Check Total: 102.50 Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/12/21 119.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 119.00 Vendor: 5800 ANDREW SHERMAN Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Performance @ Music on Mississippi 8/25/21 2,000.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Aug 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,622.25 08/24/2021 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,622.25 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 2110759 freight 41.41 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 2110759 resale- liquor 3,525.93 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 2110760 resale - wine 1,143.93 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 2110760 freight 28.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 2113469 resale- liquor 1,224.07 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 2113469 freight 14.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 2113470 freight 1.40 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 2113470 resale- mix 40.12 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 2113471 resale- wine 1,178.72 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 2113471 freight 25.90 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 7,223.48 Vendor: 1710 ST. CLOUD OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 243631 250vac capacitor- repaired opener 177.44 08/24/2021 101-43127-440100 Check Total: 177.44 Vendor: 1886 SWANK MOTION PICTURES INC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False DB 3060357 Rights & Rental Fee for Movie in the Park - Kar; 615.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 615.00 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 763-271-3257 TDS 102.11 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 763-295-0078 TDS - Fire 160.58 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 20.37 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS 344.61 08/24/2021 702-00000-432100 Check Total: 627.67 Vendor: 5422 TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LI Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 166141 Pest Control - Ants - MCC 88.25 08/24/2021 226-45126-431990 166143 Pest Control - Ants - Library 57.00 08/24/2021 101-45501-431990 166144 Pest Control - Hi -Way Liquor 66.47 08/24/2021 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 211.72 Vendor: 5749 THOUSAND HILLS CATTLE CO Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8/17/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/12/21 102.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 102.00 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 897543 resale - barware; mix 438.65 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 897543 resale - condiment 103.25 08/24/2021 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 541.90 Vendor: 1532 TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False IE08593 clevis; pin; bolt 281.28 08/24/2021 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 281.28 Vendor: 4248 ALEAH TUCKER Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 8/17/2021 Performance @ Farmers Market 9/9/21 100.00 08/24/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 3783 ULINE Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 136632557 (2) room fans; (2)cs. paper towels 363.36 08/24/2021 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 363.36 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 8/6/2021 PI 42 - UB August Billing (3659 pcs) (1/2) 841.57 08/24/2021 601-49440-432200 8/6/2021 PI 42 - UB August Billing (3659 pcs) (1/2) 841.57 08/24/2021 602-49490-432200 Check Total: 1,683.14 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L. Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: True 90289155 Sept 2021 - WWTP Operations & Maintenance 62,559.50 08/24/2021 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 62,559.50 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True 2744352 resale soda pop 735.15 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 735.15 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: True 284290 resale- liquor 216.25 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 284290 resale- mix 96.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425400 284290 freight 20.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 284290 resale- wine 296.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 284701 resale- liquor 509.67 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 284701 resale- wine 360.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 284701 freight 12.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,509.92 Vendor: 5295 WATKINS VETERINARY CLINIC PA Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 31840 Euthenasia with Mass Cremation 139.00 08/24/2021 101-42700-431990 Check Total: 139.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False 10185 ZPARKS-ELREST -parts - service pedestal 625.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-440100 10186 Labor - Repair Light Ballast @ CH; Repair Fixth 100.00 08/24/2021 226-45126-440100 10186 Materials - Ballasts (2), Misc Hardware 63.18 08/24/2021 226-45126-440100 10187 labor - fix lights in cooler 80.00 08/24/2021 609-49754-440100 10187 parts - fix lights in cooler 26.02 08/24/2021 609-49754-440100 10191 parts - round bell box; (2) screws; blank cover 17.24 08/24/2021 609-49754-440100 10191 labor- round bell box; (2) screws; blank cover 160.00 08/24/2021 609-49754-440100 10211 ZPARKS-ELREST - Labor -(6) hr. setup design 480.00 08/24/2021 101-45201-440100 Check Total: 1,551.44 Vendor: 4766 SUSAN WESTLEY Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False Qtr. 2 2021- #2 dba- Sue Seeger - MontiArts Director - correctio 4,166.00 08/24/2021 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 4,166.00 Vendor: 2041 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE & SUPPLY R Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False 887607 #124 - (4) tires 891.80 08/24/2021 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 891.80 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: True 179913 resale - wine 404.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 179913 resale - liquor 128.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425100 179913 freight 8.40 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 540.40 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 7340943 resale - wine 944.00 08/24/2021 609-49750-425300 7340943 freight 19.37 08/24/2021 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH 8/12/2021 Court Fines & Fees - July 2021 August Aug 2021 - Deputies Contract 963.37 Check Sequence: 103 3,953.53 08/24/2021 101-42100-430410 129,301.25 08/24/2021 101-42100-430500 Vendor: 1584 Check Total: 133,254.78 Check Sequence: 106 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER 139.00 08/24/2021 Check Sequence: 104 202100000043 Easement & Agreement A#1476256 46.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-443990 202100000043 CUP A#1477100 46.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-443990 202100000043 Agreement Misc A#1477101 46.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-443990 202100000043 202040 -Agreement Misc A#1476821 46.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-443990 202100000043 202040 -Agreement Mise A#1477102 46.00 08/24/2021 101-41910-443990 R016875-000 10 Check Total: 230.00 08/24/2021 Vendor: 5795 WRIGHT COUNTY FINANCE & TAXPAYER 2021 General Engineering Services - June 2021 2,511.00 Check Sequence: 105 8/9/2021 Liquor Store Tobacco Violation 200.00 11,844.25 08/24/2021 609-49754-443990 800MHz 2021 (46) 2021 annual 800 MHz radio infrastructure f 4,830.00 1,827.50 08/24/2021 101-42200-431990 80Mhz2021 PW (4) 800 MHz radio infrastructure - PW 420.00 1,593.75 08/24/2021 101-43110-443300 101-43111-430300 Check Total: 5,450.00 1,851.25 08/24/2021 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 106 002596-400 46 16C006 - Fallon Ave Improvements - June 2021 139.00 08/24/2021 400-43300-459018 R011744-000 33 16C001 Phase 1 BCOL Design - June 2021 962.50 08/24/2021 404-45202-453011 R011923-000 26 20D002 - Haven Ridge 1st Addition - June 2021 2,476.75 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R014321-000 14 20D001 - Buchholz Concept PUD - June 2021 330.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R016850-000 3 20D003 - Camping World Parking Lot Expansioi 321.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R016870-000 9 Risk Assessment - June 2021 2,508.50 08/24/2021 601-49440-431990 R016875-000 10 200005 PRELIM - Monticello WTP Feasibility: 1,975.00 08/24/2021 601-49440-430300 R016914-000 3 2021 General Engineering Services - June 2021 2,511.00 08/24/2021 101-43111-431990 R017007-000 9 21D002 - Weinand Edmonson Ridge PUD Prelir 11,844.25 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R017170-000 8 21D001 - Featherstone 5th Development Plan - J 1,827.50 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R017379-000 5 2021 Maps - June 2021 1,593.75 08/24/2021 101-43111-430300 R017380-000 5 2021 GIS Support Services - June 2021 1,851.25 08/24/2021 702-00000-431990 R017641-000 6 2021 Economic Development Services - June 20 228.00 08/24/2021 213-46301-431990 R017641-000 6 2021 Economic Development Services - Special 850.00 08/24/2021 213-46301-431993 R017879-000 4 202109 - Haven Ridge 2nd Final Plat Review - J 98.50 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R017894-000 2 202110 - Chelsea Commons Townhome PUD Pt 497.50 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 R017991-000 4 202041 - Chelsea Commons Project - June 2021 39,780.50 08/24/2021 101-41941-431990 R018243-000 2 202119 - Deephaven 2nd Addition - June 2021 593.50 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 17 Invoice No Description R018305-000 2 Amount Payment Date Acct Number 202114 - MEH StonyBrook Village PUD Plan R, 2,346.00 08/24/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 72,734.50 Total for Check Run: 871,537.66 Total of Number of Checks: 106 Reference The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/23/2021 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/18/2021 - 11:18 AM) Page 18 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Human Resources Manager 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve new hires and departures for city departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. I. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees. Name Emily Johnson Ellie Schwartz Mario Frucci Diane Yanta Hayden Stensgard Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department Hire Date Parks Slide Attendant MCC 8/13/21 PT DMV Clerk DMV 8/17/21 PT Engineering Tech Engineering 8/30/21 FT DMV Clerk DMV 8/31/21 PT Community/ED Coord. Development Services 9/14/21 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Keith Lent Voluntary Matt Tibbetts Voluntary Matt Martindale Voluntary Dylan Nelson Voluntary New Hire and Terms City Council 2021: 8/18/2021 Class Department Last Day Class Parks 8/13/21 Seasonal Parks 8/13/21 Seasonal Parks 8/13/21 Seasonal Parks 8/13/21 Seasonal City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item N/A 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A N/A There is no report this City Council Cycle. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-63 accepting donation of $2,477.06 for the Fire Deaartment to be used for new tires on Ranger ATV and exercise eauioment and $10,000 from Monticello Lions for the fish sculpture at the East Bridge Park arboretum Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Clerk 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-63 accepting the donation UMC for the Fire Department. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is being asked to approve a donation for City use. As required by State statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council is required to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. UMC donated $2,477.06 to the Fire Department. Its designation was for new tires on the Ranger ATV and for exercise equipment. Monticello Lions donated $10,000 for the fish sculpture at the East Bridge Park arboretum. The total cost of the project is $15,000; the remaining cost was covered by the grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board accepted by the City Council earlier this year. Budget Impact: The donation from UMC will be used by the Fire Department on needed items and the donation from Monticello Lions will be used to pay for fish sculpture. II. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2021-63 accepting the donation. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2021-63 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2021-63 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE UMC Cash $2,477.06 Monticello Lions Cash $10,000 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT UMC Fire Department ATV Tires & Exercise Equipment/$2,477.06 Monticello Lions East Bridge Park Sculpture/$10,000 Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 23rd day of August, 2021. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2E. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit and waiving event fee for Polaris Chiropractic for Back to School Bash being held at Polaris Chiropractic/Union Crossing strip mall parking lot on Friday, August 27, 2021 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Clerk 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator Motion to approve the special event permit for Polaris Chiropractic for a Back to School Bash on Friday, August 27, 2021 and waiver of event fee. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider approving the special event permit for Polaris Chiropractic, including waiving the event permit fee. The event takes place on Friday, August 27, 2021, at the Polaris Chiropractic/Union Crossing strip mall parking lot. Through the month of August, Polaris Chiropractic is partnering with the Monticello School District to collect school supplies to help kids who can't afford the needed items for school. I. Staff Workload Impact: N/A. II. Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the special event permit and waiver of event fee. SUPPORTING DATA • Special Event Permit Application �..rir0�ur monticeno CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Special Event Permit Monticello, MN 55362 Application Checklist (763) 295-2711 . info &ci.monticello.mn.us Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 07/25/16 lor PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 15731 E 1 k sr ^ jY/ ,w Property Legal Description -% Crv>>; Property ID Number 51 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name U (11 VCA l+rrtr _lkoe_ C Owner Address 3 o p c-.cln 5 -,-1-4 & co Owner Phone Owner Email w6 v;Gl, ZLC V fyr OM APP ICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name 14 h ; C, 11 r Applicant Address l `-h Sf /7on Applicant Phone 7 uv Applicant Email iIFb Ca 0- ` _ c Name of Event it<< Location/Address of Event b Dates &Times of Event 44 -JrE Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 07/25/16 lor APPLICANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CITY CHECK-IN CHECK A written narrative including: 1. A description of the proposed special event, how it will function on the property, hours and dates of operation, and any other information necessary to fully describe the request; and 2. An explanation of how the proposed special event will meet each of the review criteria specified by code (on reverse), as well as any additional criteria that may apply for the specific use. 3. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment and City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council A site plan showing all information necessary to accurately depict how the proposed use will function on the site. Information required on the site plan shall include but not be limited to: 1. The location of all existing and proposed structures; 2. Driveways and parking areas; 3. Proposed storage spaces; 4. Natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, shorelines, etc; 5. Proposed number of parking spaces (if applicable). If deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, a survey may be required to be submitted with the application in addition to a site plan. - Certificate of insurance/liability coverage. Electronic copies of all written narratives and plan sets required above. Application fee of $50.00. Soeciai Event Review Process s The Citv Clerk will review all Temporary Use Permit applications. Aoolications determined to conform with the approval criteria outlined in Monticello Zoning Code Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) and listed below shall be approved by the Community Development ueDartment with any conditions deemed necessary. A copy of the approved permit shall be orovided to the applicant which includes all conditions and comments. 2. Injury to persons; 3. Public or private disturbances or nuisances: 4. Unsafe impediments or distractions to, or congestion of, vehicular or 17e.^.eSTr;�n TrsoF. 5. Additional and impracticable or unduly burdensome police. fire. trash removal. maintena:;;-L:. or other public services demands; and 6. Other adverse effects upon the Dublic health. safetv. or welfare. The special event shall not be of such a nature, size, or duration that the particular location requested cannot reasonably accommodate the event. The special event shall not conflict with another permitted special event at the same location in a manner that will negatively impact the public health, welfare, or safety. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Conditions of Approval In approving the Temporary Use Permit for the special event, the City Clerk's Office is authorized to impose such conditions upon the issuance of the Dermii as may De necessary to reauc:e ui immi,ii— any potential adverse impacts upon other property in the area. a5 iL)nF- a�) Ult LUliUILeUto situation created or aggravated by the proposea spec;a; c v c- rL L�:..... Department is authorized, where appropriate, to reauire: 1. Provision of temporary parking facilities, includi,: 2. Control of nuisance factors, such as but not limited to_ the r,rPvP ::r..::: illumination of adjacent properties, noise, vibrations. smoKe. aust. airs. oaors. eases. ana heat. 3. Regulation of temporary buildings, structures and facilities, including placement, height and size, location of equipment and open spaces, including buffer areas and other yards. 4. Provision of sanitary and medical facilities. 5. Provision of solid waste collection and disposal. 6. Provision of security and safety measures. 7. Use of an alternative location or date for the proposed special event. 8. Modification or elimination of certain proposed activities. 9. Regulation of operating hours and days, including limitation of the duration of the special event to a shorter time period than that requested or specified in this subsection. 10. Submission of a performance guarantee to ensure that any temporary facilities or structures used for such proposed special event will be removed from the site within a reasonable time following the event and that the property will be restored to its former condition. Duration of Permit A temporary use permit for a special event authorized in accordance with this subsection shall be limited to a maximum duration of 14 days per site per calendar year, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the City Clerk. 07/25/16 3 Property Owner's Statement I am the fee title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. I certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. (Signature) (Date) Applicant's Statement This application shall be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. Signature) (Date) CITY APPROVAL (City Clerk Signature) (Date) (Community Development Director Signature) (Date) Special Event Permit Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Approval is granted with the following conditions: Internal review checklist (as applicable): Public Works Routing Admin Parks Streets Director Law Enforcement Notification Building Department Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Post -Approval Routing/Requirements Applicant Public Works Law Enforcement Notification City Clerk Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Liability Insurance Certificate Received Surrounding Property Owner Notification Complete 07/25/16 A description of the proposed special event, how it will function on the property, hours and dates of operation, and any other information necessary to fully describe the request; and First Annual Back to School Bash will be held at Polaris Chiropractic/ Union Crossing strip mall parking lot. Event will be on August 27th from 3-7 parking lot will be closed for an event set up from noon- 8 Bpm for tear down. We will be working to establish a layout of any and all vendors. 2. An explanation of how the proposed special event will meet each of the review criteria specified by code (on reverse), as well as any additional criteria that may apply for the specific use. Possible vendors include the following: • Monticello schools • Hoglund Bus • Massage Therapist • Army/Marines • Bounce house • Fire truck • Police car • Ambulance • Food vendor • Vendors • Etc. 3. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment and City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council Is it possible to waive the fee as this is a community engagement event and only meant to give back. A site plan showing all information necessary to accurately depict how the proposed use will function on the site. Information required on the site plan shall include but not be limited to: Red area is where the event would be taking place. 1. The location of all existing and proposed structures; Red area in picture above is where the event will be held 2. Driveways and parking areas; Caribou drive through will remain open as well as parking along the North, South and East side of the parking lot. 3. Proposed storage spaces; 4. Natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, shorelines, etc; 5. Proposed number of parking spaces (if applicable). If deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, a survey may be required to be submitted with the application in addition to a site plan. 45 Parking spots available plus parking around the building to the south as well as target if needed. Certificate of insurance/liability coverage. Electronic copies of all written narratives and plan sets required above. See attached copy. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2F. Consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure — Major in the R-1 (Single Family Residence) District. Applicant: Bill Swan Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item NAC/Community Development Director 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Chief Building Official City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure — Major in the R-1 (Single Family Residence) District for Lot 4, Block 4, Featherstone 4th Addition, subject to conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in Resolution PC -2021-025. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 4, Featherstone 4th Addition PID: 155-252-004040 Planning Case Number: 2021-023 Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to construct a detached garage resulting in total garage space of more than 1,200 square feet, and Variance to allow garage space of more than 1,500 square feet. Deadline for Decision: August 25, 2021 (60 -day deadline) October 24, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-1, Single Family Residential Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Single Family Residential Surrounding Land Uses: North: Single Family Residential East: Single Family Residential South: Vacant - Agricultural West: Single Family Residential 1 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 Project Description: The applicant is proposing to add a detached garage to the property currently developed with a single-family home, including an attached garage. The applicant originally proposed a detached garage which would exceed the maximum 1,500 square feet of garage space on a residential parcel. Planning Commission denied the variance request for size. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit would therefore limit the size under the CUP to no more than 1500 square feet. ANALYSIS: Conditional Use Permit. The subject site is zoned R-1 Single -Family Residence District. Within the R-1 district, detached garages are an allowed accessory use. The zoning ordinance limits total accessory building floor area to 1,200 square feet, or 1,500 square feet by CUP. 5.3(D)(2)(a)( (i) Size. 1. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 5.3(D)(2)(a)(i)(2) below, no detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: 1,200 square feet; or b. The gross square footage of the principal building footprint. Staff Comment: Because the garage is greater than 1,200 square feet and exceeds the footprint of the home, a CUP has been applied for. 2. The size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(2)(a)(i)(1) above may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. Staff Comment: The applicant has stated previously that the garage will be used for storage of personal property. As a condition of approval, no commercial business will be allowed in the new garage or existing garage. b. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. 2 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 Staff Comment: The lot is more than .6 acres in size. The proposed side yard where the building is proposed of sufficient size to accommodate this accessory structure behind the front building line as measured from the cul-de-sac. C. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. Staff Comment: The new garage will be 768 square feet. While this size appears to fit within the required setbacks of the parcel, when combined with the current attached garage square footage of 792 square feet, the total area is 1,560 square feet, over the maximum threshold. The applicant's materials suggests that the existing attached garage area is 720 square feet, however, the building floor plan shows the higher figure cited here. The applicant has requested a variance to exceed the 1,500 square foot maximum, which was denied by the Planning Commission. The applicant will be required to submit revised plans meeting the 1,500 square feet for building permit. d. The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. Staff Comment: The applicant has stated their intent to provide lapped siding with brick on the fagade to match the house, per City code requirements. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the Conditional Use Permit request on August 3, holding a public hearing on the item. In addition to the Conditional Use Permit request, the applicant also submitted for variance to allow an accessory structure larger than that allowed by code. During the public hearing, the applicant addressed the Commission. The applicant's comments to the Commission were focused on the variance request. The applicant confirmed their understanding of the conditions in Exhibit Z. No other public was present to address the Commission. Following the hearing, the Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit unanimously, citing compliance with the criteria outlined by ordinance for the proposed accessory use. The Commission, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, denied the variance based on the findings in the adopted Resolution PC -2021-026. No appeal to the variance has been filed. Therefore, no action by the Council is necessary on the variance. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on the findings in the supporting resolution. The lot is large enough to support additional detached garage space. 3 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 However, staff's recommendation includes a condition that the building result in a total garage area of no more than 1,500 square feet when combined with the existing attached garage. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2021-025, Conditional Use Permit B. Subject Site Arial C. Applicant Narrative D. Site Survey and Proposed Structure E. Applicant Home Elevation and Floor Plan F. Proposed Structure Elevations G. Site Plan H. Supplemental Applicant Information I. Supplemental Applicant Illustration Z. Conditions of Approval 4 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 EXHIBIT Z CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GARAGE SPACE TOTALLING 1,500 SQUARE FEET 8526 EBBEN CIRCLE 1. The applicant provide a certificate of survey including the proposed structure for building permit. 2. The structure is constructed per plans, with the exception that the building is reduced in size to ensure that a total of 1,500 square feet of garage area is maintained on the property. 3. No business use may be made of the building, and such building is utilized solely for the storage of personal residential equipment and materials. 4. The exterior materials used to finish the accessory structure must match the existing home in material type and color. 5. No exterior lighting be attached to the garage that will glare onto adjoining property. 6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be seeded or sodded within one (1) calendar year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 7. The proposed driveway be constructed as illustrated on the site survey, which shall limit the width of the driveway at the property line to that allowed by ordinance. 8. Recommendation of the City Engineer as related to site grading and drainage. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff. 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-025 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED GARAGE IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT 8526 EBBEN CIRCLE, LOT 4, BLOCK 4, FEATHERSTONE 4T" ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct a detached garage structure in the side yard portion of the subject property for storage of private residential storage and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the proposed attached garage space would exceed the standard garage area of 1,200 square feet; and WHEREAS, garage space, when exceeding 1,200 square feet, requires a Conditional Use Permit, and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1) and, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed structure and location of the structure on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage will be in compliance with maximum square footage requirements, which require a maximum square footage for attached and detached accessory structures of 11,500 square feet, or a separate variance to exceed that total. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-025 2. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage addition is architecturally similar to the principal structure in roofline and facade appearance, subject to appropriate conditions of approval. 3. The parcel is a lot which will accommodate the accessory space without crowding the subject property or neighboring parcels. 4. The building will be constructed so as to be consistent with the use and building massing of other single-family structures common in the community and in the neighborhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for a detached garage, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Staff report, as listed below: 1. The applicant provide a certificate of survey including the proposed structure for building permit. 2. The structure is constructed per plans, with the exception that the building is reduced in size to ensure that a total of 1,500 square feet of garage area is maintained on the property, unless a separate variance is approved for additional square footage. 3. No business use may be made of the building, and such building is utilized solely for the storage of personal residential equipment and materials. 4. The exterior materials used to finish the accessory structure must match the existing home in material type and color. 5. No exterior lighting be attached to the garage that will glare onto adjoining property. 6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be seeded or sodded within one (1) calendar year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 7. The proposed driveway be constructed as illustrated on the site survey, which shall limit the width of the driveway at the property line to that allowed by ordinance. 8. Recommendation of the City Engineer as related to site grading and drainage. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-025 MONTI P By: COMMISSION Q PauNbsor. Chair ATTEST: Angela Schuman,)fom%nunity [development Director William Swan I Request for Conditional Use Permit and Variance Created by: City of Monticello Legal: Lot 4, Block 4, Featherstone 4th Addition I PID: 155-252-004040 1 8526 Ebben Circle On December 29th, 2020 1 met with individuals from the City of Monticello via video meeting to discuss the possibility of building a detach garage on my property. The property is located in the Featherstone development at 8526 Ebben Cir. Monticello. This property is a new build, due to these uncertain times there have been many construction delays, hence why the lengthily time between our meeting and the return of this application. We homesteaded this address in May of this year. Proposal 1: I am respectfully requesting a variance on the amount of allowable garage space within the city limits of Monticello. i am aware the maximum allowable garage space is 1200. 1 am requesting to have an increase to 1500 square feet. I currently have an attached garage that is 720 square feet. Proposal 2: If approved to 1500 square feet of garage space, I am requesting to build a 24X32 detached garage on the side of my residence, with a parking pad (14 feet wide) on the west side of the garage. This garage will match my house, with the same siding and garage doors to include the appropriate amount of brick work on the front, as requested from the city. I would like to extend my driveway above the boulevard to the secondary structure. At no time will this driveway be used to park any vehicles on. This part of the driveway will only be used as means to access the secondary structure. This secondary structure will only be used for personal use, storage of boat and an additional vehicle. With placement of the secondary structure in the purposed position I am able to meet the requirement of 20 feet off of any roadway and the 6 -foot requirement off of the neighbor's yard (with the 14 ft pad I would be approximately 15 feet off of property line) . I am also able to meet the requirement that no portion of the secondary structure would exceed the front most portion of the residence. Attached you will find a drawing of the approximate placement of my residence. It is important to note that the house was moved closer (then shown on drawing) to setback line making more room for my detach garage (this has been noted on the drawing). By moving the house closer to the setback line, it will allow for approximately 20 feet between my house and the detached garage. This also allowed for 15 feet from the parking pad to the property line. Any question I can be reached at 320-420-4073. Sincerely, Bill Swan p y III y �� =s =ssseec=eeP9 ! Ia�Fa I ed r w .16 K 2 S cz - r�r Wry�IOY�� £i'goEB q $o vSS9�R. 3 s c ` + I u 16 • a_ I OZc k-- litUJ a w UA s 0 k � � i �• �'�. � � I ` 8 I � m as � �� VA w Im I I it• � #I it � ^� �',. "z'a ? � � � ��' ��` I� ' � p U) cc 7 I a m rn wry l�� ip O p � x !ti I LEFT ELEVATION IV I/ \IIV 1 LI V/ \I VUL I I\LL 51DING � TRIM 11-011 MAINTENANCE FREE 51DING * TRIM FRONT ELEVATION 1 /8" = 1 '-0" GxG WOOD P05T CEDAR WRAP— m Dnr)P: \/FAITC /\C PF/'llfl BEAR ELEVATION 12 G FRONT TO REAR 1 1 �� FilFil II CONC. PORCH � STEP 12 - 8 miiiiwf-,= jwgq oq M Iwrow ■pom! mil: IVIr\IIV I LIVr\IVVL I I\LL 51DING TRIM 1/(5"= 1 '-0" 090 G'-011 81-011 OVHD. DR. RIGI-IT ELEVATION G" TRIM BD. 12 8 il� ■i�l� alp 9'-011 81-011 OVHD. DR. 1/4"= 1 '-0" 4" TRIM BD,ARZ G99 SFT. (LESS OVHD DR.) 110 SFT. (STONE COVERAGE) 15.74% 1/(5"= 1 '-0" D15CLAIMER IN PREPARATION OF TH15 PLAN EVERY ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO AVOID MISTAKES. DESIGNER CANNOT GUARANTEE AGAINST HUMAN ERROR. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAME. THESE DESIGNS, CONCEPTS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND A5 SUCH REMAIN THE EXCLU51VE PROPERTY OF COUNTRY LUMBER AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF COUNTRY LUMBER. o - - CV (\i N C�') Lc) N — N - O O O Nlz 00 c/ N O N O N Cc) z z Q Q 0 0 OF 4 50'-0" 1 G'-0" G'-8" 23'-0" 121-1011 7'-0" CANT. FLR. SLDR. SLDR. TRUSSES I'-G" SLDR. 5036 5036 F/- 503G T 0 2-2x 10 2-2x 10 3-2x 10 0 �r 5 CRS. 8" CONC. BLK. 77 20" x 8" CONC. FTG. XX BEDROOM = 2xG @ I G" O.C. KNEE WALL 12 CRS. 12" CONC. BLK. – 20" x,5" CONC. FTG. N BASEMENT 6' 2/G "' 4" CONC. FLR. SLAB - 0 �9IN cn )� N OF O 12 CRS. 12" CONC. BLK. 0 Vq �, 2011x 8 CONC. FTG. o 0 6'-0" F[47,59'-4" 3G 3'-G" 13'-G" 3'-G" 14'-2" "� m 5— 3G" 2/4 NOTE 4 � — — — — mN 2-2x 10 `\' NOTE 4 2/6 2/8 WH z — U - N m O N BEDROOM R*S `0 15'-4" 5'-0" 12'-0" - 5'-2" 3'-2" 51-10 " NOTE 4 2-9 1/2' MLH FF__ 12 CRS. 12" C0NC. BLK. 20" x 8" CONC. FTG. DZ 0 UP 0 L2/4 1 5F\ 2/G `n 12 CRS. 12" CONC. BLK. CANT. FLR. 20" x 8" CONC. FTG. `9 TRUSSES I'-G" 0 N I CRS. G" CONC. BLK. UNEXCAVATED 4 CRS. 8" CONC. BLK. 0 I G" x 8" CONC. FTG. �r N I CRS. G" CONC. BLK. 0 4 CRS. (5" CONC. BLK. I G" x (5" CONC. FTG. I CRS. 6" CONC. BLK. 4 CRS. 8" CONC. BLK. I G" x 8" CONC. FTG. - N N NOTES: I) HEADERS AT EXTERIOR I'-4 11211 I'-4 I /2" 2'-10 1/2"L I G'-3" 2'-10 1 /2" 9'-3" DOORS � WINDOWS TO BE SIZED BY SUPPLIER 2) SMOKE DETECTORS AS 15'-0" 1 1'-0" G'-0" 22'-0" 12'-0" REQ'D PER CODE Ir 3) STEP FTG'S � FDN'S AS 321-0"34'_0'1 REQ'D FOR GRADE - VERIFY W/ BUILDER 4) 1 CRS. 4" CURB BLK. 66'-0" I G" x,5" CONC. FTG. 2x4 @ I G" O.C. FULL WALL BASEMENT PLAN 1/4"= 1 '-0" 2 OF 4 35'-0" 15'-0" 10-0" 12'-2" 10'-10" 5'-4" 7'-0" z 0008 SLIDING PATIO DR. r_1 DID 5040 CSMT. LDR. 2-2x 10 2 7050 2-2x 10 0 3-1 1 7/8" MLH � L� o 46 2-9 1/2 MLH X 0 � N - 0 301 N N — Ln / L N 2/4 GAS FIREPLACE W/ FLUSH w `_" X N `V v HEARTH VERIFY DESIGN cn DINING RM. - In 6 N IT - BEDROOM W/ OWNER�_ j -1 m - 00" VAN. 4'- 10" LIVING RM. o N lL N X cn O O LIN. o N CV O N , 9'-0" 3'-G" 214 j 7'-4" 29'-8" /—T DW. N W.I.C. O O 9'- I 1/8" CLG. / O - N 0 2/4 R$5 KITCHEN o - 41-110"1 m oz Ln m 3G" VA J(S) 0 � o Q Ln N o LIN. j PAN. Lu N N FF. nN N O SHLVS. a 0 2/8 PKT. �, (n o BEDROOM - 2/6 DR. O Q) � cm � �n 13'-0" 2' 0" I I'-0" 5'- 10" 3'-G" � 4'-G" 9'-8" ��� BEDROOM �o DN. o Ln O O 13R �' o `0 Q GIRDER TRUSS 2-2x 10 cn N LS - U — — 2-2x 10 2-2x 10 2-2x 10 SLDR. 5040co SLDR. CANT ROOF PORCH 5040 TRUSSES G'-0" COVERED 121-1011 5'-2" �o CONC. 18'-0" 10-0" NOTE: GARAGE 5/8" TYPE "x" GYP. BD. CLG. � ON ALL COMMON - 4" CONC. FLR. SLAB WALLS PER CODE VERIFY W/ GXG- 10/ 10 W.W.M. W/ BUILDER cn o 0 , O N ROOF TRU55E5� `\' "' @ 2'-0" O.C. 0 Fa__0"x8'-0" _ I OVHD. DR. �'-0"x8'-0" — — — OVHD. DR. IX 2/81 N 2-9 112" MLH 9'-1 1 /8" CLG. 2-1 1 7/8" MLH I = 0 N NOTES: 1'-8" 5'-0" 5'-0" 3'-4" 0'-0" 5'-0" 3'-1 " 2'-1 1 " 1 1'-0" 1 1'-0" 0'-0" 0'-0" 1) HEADERS AT EXTERIOR DOORS * WINDOWS TO 15'-0" 17'-0" 22'-0" 12'-0" BE SIZED BY SUPPLIER 2) SMOKE DETECTORS AS REQ'D PER CODE 32'-0" 34'-0" 3) SLIDING WINDOWS (UNIT SIZES INDICATED 00'-0" VERIFY WINDOW MANUF. W/ BUILDER FI R5T FLOOR PLAN 1539 SFT. (HOUSE) 748 SFT. (GARAGE) 1 /4"= 1 '-0" 3 OF 4 STAIR INFORMATION - 3-2x 12 STRINGERS - 7 3/4" MAX. RISERS - 10" MIN. TREADS - G'-8" MIN. HEAD CLEARANCE. - HANDRAIL TO BE 34" TO 38" HIGH ENDS ARE TO BE RETURNED. ROOF VENTILATION RATIO 15F. IN 200 5F 50 % ROOF 50% SOFFIT NOTE: CAULK � FLASH AROUND ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS BUILDING SECTION 2'-0" 0-0" CANT. 30'-0" 2'-0" SEE BUILDERS SPECIFICATION FOR BUILDING MATERIALS 3/811= 1 '-0" �, �\ -- ..� � __ —_ ® se f � M` S sT�'� i �,'A, �. y� o Al \� � "ll IIIIIII �'''llllll� Colors 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 How to purchase at the store 1. "lake this packet to any Menards store. 2. Have a building materials team member enter the design number into the Garage Estimator Search Saved Designs page. 3. Apply the design to System V to create the material list. 4. Take the purchase documents to the register and pay. Garage Image 14'11" 2' Garage n+�>ENARLiS How to recall and purchase a saved design at home 1. Go to Menards.com. 2. Select the Garage Estimator from the Project Center. 3. Select Search Saved Design. 4. Log into your account. 5. Select the saved design to load back into the estimator. 6. Add your Garage to the cart and purchase. 1'4" 2' I6" 16' 11'4" 2' 18" I- 11' 2' 1 11' 24' ----J 8" T 3' 11'4" 2' 1/9 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Dimensions Garage Wall Configurations *Illustration may not depict all options selected. ENDWALL B 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider MEN.ARD►S &•j SIDEWALL D Mastercraft&reg; 36"W x 80"H Primed Steel 6 -Panel 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider 3/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 SIDEWALL C 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider *Some items like wainscot, gutter, gable accents, are not displayed if selected. 141>ENARUS ENDWALL A Ideal Door&reg; Commercial 16'x 10' White Insulated 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider 4/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 De="gn&Buy- GARAGE Materials Building Info Building Location Zip Code: 55362 Building Width: 24' Building Length: 32' Building Height: 12' Wall Framing Stud: 2" x 6" Roof Framing: Truss Construction Truss Type: Common Roof Pitch: 6/12 Pitch Eave Overhang: 2' Gable Overhang: 2' Concrete Block Option: 1 Row Block Type: 8" Standard Concrete Construction Block Anchor bolt: Grip Fast 1/2" x 10" HDG Anchor Bolt w/ Nut & Washer Custom Garage Plan: No I do not need a custom building plan Wall Info Siding Material Types: Vinyl Vinyl Siding: ABCTO® Cedar CreekTM Double 4" - White Accent Material Type: None Wainscot Material Type: Vinyl Wainscot: Novik® Stacked Stone Polymer Siding Panel - Moka Wainscot Height: 36" Endwall A: Yes Endwall B: No Sidewall C: No Sidewall D: No Wall Sheathing: 7/16" OSB (Oriented Strand Board) House Wrap: Kimberly-Clark BLOCK-IT99'x75'House Wrap Gable Vents: None 5/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Design& Buy- GARAGE Roof Info Roof Sheathing: 1/2" OSB (Oriented Strand Board) Roofing Material Type: Architectural Shingle Architectural Roofing: Owens Corning0 TruDefinition0 Duration0 Limited Lifetime Vinyl Trim Color: Warranty Architectural Shingles (32.8 sq. ft.) - Estate Gray Roof Underlayment: Owens Corning0 ProArmorO Synthetic Roofing Underlayment 42" x Windows: 286' (1,000 sq. ft.) Ice and Water Barrier: Owens Corning0 WeatherLockO G Granulated Self -Sealing Ice and Windows: Water Barrier 3' x 66.7'(200sq.ft) Fascia material Type: Aluminum Fascia Fascia: 6" x 12' Aluminum Rustic Fascia - White Soffit material Type: Aluminum Soffit Soffit: 16" x 12' Aluminum Vented Soffit - White Gutter material Type: None Ridge Vent: None Roof Vents: None Openings Entry Door: Mastercraft0 36"W x 80"H Primed Steel 6 -Panel Overhead Door: Ideal DoorO Commercial 16'x 10' White Insulated Overhead Door Trim Type: Vinyl Vinyl Trim Color: Brown Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WENS Vinyl Slider ,additional Options Ceiling Insulation: None Wall Insulation: None Ceiling Finish: None Wall Finish: None 6/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443. Estimate ID: 69468 De,14n&.B-u--y= GARAGE 7/9 Midwest Manufacturing Truss: C61224 Address 1 JobNanr: RESSTOCK Address 2 Date: 02/22/17 09:27:48 City, State Zip Page: 1 of l SPAN PrrCll QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R FLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-" 6/12 1 2-0-0 2-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 78 lbs 28-0-0 2-0-0 6-3-4 5-8-12 5-8-12 6-3-4 -- , r 6-3-4 12-0-0 17-8-12 24-0-0 51- T 1.541 1 44/ 612 126 n c� r; O 3x8- 31- T 9 4 4 3x4 EMS 10 - 4 - - 4z 0-0-0 0-0-0 8-2-3 7-7-10 8-2-3 8-2-3 15-9-13 24-0-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted. Loading (psi) General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCI -L: 42 Bldg Code: IRC 201 5) TC: 0.78 (2-3) Vert Tf : 0.25 in L/999 (5-6) L/ 180 Sncw(Ps/Pg):42/60 TPI 1-2007 BC: 0.74(8-1) Vert Ll— 0.13 in L/999 (5-6) L/ 240 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbr Increase: Yes %b: 0.54(3-8) Harz TL: 0.08 in 5 BCLL: 0 LumberD.OL.: 115% B CDL : 10 Reaction Summary IT Brg Combo Brg Width Rgd Brg Width Max React Max GravUplift Max MWFRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 1 1 3.5 in 266 in 1,696 lbs -276 lbs -776 lbs -221bs 5 1 3.5 in 266 in 1,696 lbs -Z76 lbs -2761bs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SPF #2 2x 4 TC Bracing: Sheathed or Purlins at 3-0-0, Purlin design by Cthers BC SPF #2 2x 4 BC Bracing: Sheathed or Purlins at 10-0-0, Purlia design by Others. Webs SPF Stud 2x 3 Loads Summary 1) This truss has been designed for the. effects of balanced and unbalanced snow loads for hips/gables in accordance withASCF7 - 10 with the following user defined input: 60 psf ground mow load, Terrain Category B, Exposure Category Fully Eatposed (Ce = 0.9), Risk Category II (I = 1.00), Thermal Condition Cold ventilated (Ct = 1- 1), DOL = 1.15. Urnzrdilated. If the roof configuration differs from hipYgable, BuildingDesigaec shall verify snow loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 - 10 with the following uses defined input: 115 mph (Factored), Exposure B, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60f% h= 15 ft, End Zane Truss, B othend webs considered. DOL=1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loadinghas been applied in accordance with IRC 307.5 Member Forces Summary Tatia nd cafes Memtxr ID, max CS1 max axial bzcn (ma coops. Icccn fd t$srant frau max axial lista) Only fQons grnale than 30016s a n ahavn in this taHn TC 1-2, 0.760-2,5821bs 34 0.784 -2255 lbs 14-5 2-3 0.784 -2.255 lbs 0.760 -2:1. lbs BC 5-6 0.738 2'199 1b3 -112 lbs 6$ 0.576 1.486 1b, 8-1 0.738 2,199 ba -112 lbs webs 2-8 0.342 -709 lbs 3$ 0.543 902 lbs (-58 lbs) 3.6 0.543 902 lbs (-581bs) 41t 0.342 -709 lbs JSI Summary 1 = 0.91, 2 = 0.46, 3= 0-78,4 = 0-46,5 = 0.91, 6 = 073,7 = 1.00, and 8 = 0.73 Notes l) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or ales anytruss member or plate without prior approval from a Profe sdonal Fngintes. 2) Whoa this truss has been chosen for quality assurance inspection, the Double polygon Method per TPI 1-2007/Chapter 3 sball be used. 3) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 0 % (Cq = 1.00). 4) Brace bottom chord with approved shead-ing or purlins per Bracing Summary. 57 Creep has been considered in the analysis of this truss. 6) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS & C&C loading. ALL PERSONS FAB RICATING,HANDLING, ERECTING ORINSTALJNGANYTRUSSBASEDUPON=STRUSSDESIGNDRAWINGAREINSTRUCTEDTOREFERTOALL TrueBuild(�)Software v5.5.2.240 OF TSEINSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SETFORM IN THE EAGLE METAL PRCDUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH TIES DESIGN AND Eagle Metal Products AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE MEI AL CONNECTORS ARE USED. Dail n, Tat 75234 7/9 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Garage KAVNART3S -- M Job Truss Truss Type City Ply ST QTRECO630025 T1dE COMMON 2 1 Job Reference (optional) Midwest Manufacturing, Eau Claire, vn Run 8.31 S Nov i9 20 i a Print: 8.320 S Novi a i9 Mi i ek i naustnes, inc uvea jun 2406 26.u4 Pagei I D. XKI ub VXKpJEc9h 658zoXl ZzHG SL-IBO kabu XB?wGg dhb3jL 1 H 06mw6gABwhG yXASUl z39En 12-0-0 I 24-0-0 12-0-0 12-0-0 4x4- 6 o cc' r u7 21 3 2 22 ST ST ST ST ST 9 25 10 ST 26 1 0-0_*_ T ST 11 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 3x4,* 3x4 x. 5x6= f 24-0-0 Scale = 1 43.4 Plate Offsets (X, Y): [17:0-3-0,0-3-0) Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in Qoc) Ildefl Lld PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 50.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.20 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 1971144 Snow (Ps/Pg) 45.0165.0 Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.15 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 TCDL 7.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.23 Horiz(TL) 0.00 11 n/a n/a BCLL 25.0 * Code IRC20181TP12014 Matrix -R BCDL 10.0 Weight: 80 lb FT = 15% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No -2 BOT CHORD Ri id ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x3 SPF Stud MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 24-0-0. installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer (lb) - Max Horiz 1=-71 (LC 15) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100 (lb) or less at joints) 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 Max Grav All reactions 250 (lb) or less at joints) 1, 11 except 12=511 (LC 3),13=301 (LC 21),14=390 (LC 6), 15=379 (LC 21), 16=290 (LC 30), 17=379 (LC 20), 18=390 (LC 5), 19=301 (LC 20), 20=511 (LC 3) FORCES {Ib) - Max. Comp./Max_ Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. WEBS 5-17=-341154, 4-18=-340159, 3-19=-286/45, 2-20=-362282, 7-15=-341154, 8-14=-340/59, 9-13=-286/45,10-12=-362/82 JOINT STRESS INDEX 1=0.52,2=O.51,3=0.51,4=0.51,5=0.51,6=0.47,7=0.51,8=0.51,9=0.51,10=0.51,11=0.52,12=0.51,13=0.51,14=0.51,15=0.51,16=0.51,17=0.31,18= 0.51,19=0.51 and 20=0.51 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=115mph (3 -second gust) Vasd=91 mph; TCDL=4.2pst,, BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C -C Exterior(2E) 0-6-15 to 3-6-15, Interior (1) 3-6-15 to 9-0-0, Exterior(2R) 9-0-0 to 15-0-0, Interior (1) 15-0-0 to 20-5-1, Exterior(2E) 20-5-1 to 23-5-1 zone; cantilever left and right exposed . end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown, Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind bads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPl 1. 4) TCLL ASCE 7-16; Pr -50.0 psf (roof LL: Lum DOL=1.15 Plate DOL=1.15); Pg=65.0 psf; Ps=45.0 psf (Lum DOL=1.15 Plate DOL=1.15), Is=1.0; Rough Cat B; Fully Exp., Ce=0.9; Cs=1.00; Ct=1.10 5) Roof design snow load has been reduced to account for slope. 6) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 7) All plates are 1.5x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 8) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 10) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 11) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.Opsf. 12) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joints) 1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 15, 14, 13, 12- 13) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.102 and referenced standard ANSI1TPI 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 8/9 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Garage M�NAR.iiS Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply QTREC0630025 T1dE COMMON 2 1 Job Reference (optional) Midwest Manufacturing, Eau Claire, WI Run: 8.32 S Nov 19 2019 Print: 8.320S Nov 192019 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Jun 2406:2&04 Page: 2 I D: XKI ub VXKpJEc9h658zoXl ZzHG SL-jBQkabu XB7wGg dhb3jL 1 HO6n* w6q A8whG yXASUlz39En 9/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Estimated Price: $19,021.24 FilE1�ARDS Dera*gn&Buy- GARAGE Today's estimated price, future pricing may go up or down. Tax, labor, and delivery not included. Floor type (concrete, dirt, gravel) is NOT included in estimated price. The floor type is used in the calculation of materials needed. Labor, foundation, steel beams, paint, electrical, heating, plumbing, and delivery are also NOT included in estimated price. This is an estimate. It is only for general price information. This is not an offer and there can be no legally binding contract between the parties based on this estimate. The prices stated herein are subject to change depending upon the market conditions. The prices stated on this estimate are not firm for any time period unless specifically written otherwise on this form. The availability of materials is subject to inventory conditions. MENARDS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS INCURRED BY THE GUEST WHO RELIES ON PRICES SET FORTH HEREIN OR ON THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY MATERIALS STATED HEREIN. All information on this form, other than price, has been provided by the guest and Menards is not responsible for any errors in the information on this estimate, including but not limited to quantity, dimension and quality. Please examine this estimate carefully. MENARDS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL, WRITTEN OR OTHERWISE THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE BEING CONSIDERED BY THE GUEST. BECAUSE OF WIDE VARIATIONS IN CODES, THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED HEREIN MEET YOUR CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE PLANS AND/OR DESIGNS PROVIDED ARE NOT ENGINEERED. LOCAL CODE OR ZONING REGULATIONS MAY REQUIRE SUCH STRUCTURES TO BE PROFESSIONALLY ENGINEERED AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2/9 4537 Cobblestone Ct ■ .57 acres = 24,829.2 square feet ■ Attached garage 528 square feet. ■ Detach garage 960 Square feet. Total square feet for garage 1,488 square feet. Using 6% of lot size. 4614 Cobblestone Ct ® .54 acres = 23,522.4 square feet ■ Attached garage 464 square feet ■ Detach garage 720 square feet • Total 1,184 square feet ■ Using a little over 5% of lot size 4442 Eakern Cir ■ .45 acres = 19,602 square feet ■ Attached garage 630 square feet ■ Detached garage 624 ® Total 1,254 square feet ■ Using 6.2 % of lot size I understand the reason behind putting a limit on the amount of allowable garage space. But that limit should reflect the size of the lot. I paid a lot of money to own a city lot this size. I should be allowed to use my lot to the same capacity of my neighbors. My request is over the 1,500 square foot limit however by percentage I will actually take up less yard space with secondary buildings then other neighbors. My request: 1) 2) 3) ■ Asking to use 6% of my .66 acre lot. Square feet 28,749.6 = 1,724.94 ■ Attached garage is 792 measuring the outside. ■ Detached garage 25X32 = 800 square feet ■ Would like a 10x12 shed 120 square feet ® Total of 1592 square feet. Total with shed 1712 ( a little less then 6% of lot size) ■ Garage size 24x32 = 768 ■ Attach garage = 792 • 10x12 shed = 120 • Total 1680 square feet. Less than 5.9% of lot size. ■ Garage size 22 X 32 704 square feet. Attach garage = 792 ■ 10 X12 shed = 120 ® Total 1616 square feet . Just over 5.6 % lot size. Attached is drawing to show the distance between buildings. Yes, asking to go over 1,500 square foot, but above will show I am not exceeding lot size. I am actually under the % of two of the three houses within my neighborhood. 00 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2G. Consideration to approve a request for Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for the Kampschroer Addition. District. Applicant: RRG Holdings Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item NAC/Community Development Director 08/23/21 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, Public Works City Administrator Director/City Engineer ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-68 approving a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat and development agreement for Kampschroer Addition, contingent on compliance with Exhibit Z and the vacations as petitioned for the proposed plat. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Proposed Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 1, Kampschroer Addition PID: 155-500-142402 155-500-142310 155-500-142311 155-500-142312 155-500-142313 Planning Case Number: 2021-026 Request(s): Preliminary and Final Plat to combine and replat several parcels, including remnant vacated right of way into a single development parcel to accommodate the construction of a car wash facility in the B-3 zoning district. Deadline for Decision: August 31, 2021 (60 -day deadline) October 30, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Community Commercial Zoning Designation: B-3, Highway Business Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA 1 Current Site Uses: Surrounding Land Uses: Project Description ANALYSIS: Preliminary Plat. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 Truck Repair North: Automotive Repair East: Vacant Commercial (City owned) South: Auto Parts Retail West: Highway 25 The applicants are seeking a combination of several remnant parcels into a single platted parcel. The platting includes abandoned right of way for previously designated street alignments and platting of required right of way to accommodate existing road alignments and required drainage and utility easements. The applicants will then construct a car wash facility on the newly platted lot, a permitted use in the B-3, Highway Business District. The applicant is establishing a plat consisting of one building lot, but which is comprised of a series of parcels, easements, and former street rights of way. The property has been utilized as a single business parcel for many years, despite the complex legal descriptions underlying the use. As noted above, at least five separate property Identification numbers (PIDs) make up the property in question. The plat consolidates this confused description by eliminating reference to the former rights of way and clearing the title for new development. In addition, it allows for the proper legal description and dedication of the Cedar Street and Dundas rights of way as now constructed. Concurrent with the plat application, the property owner has petitioned for vacation of the rights of way as needed to facilitate the plat as proposed. The applicant will be required to reestablish drainage and utility easements and plat right of way along Dundas and Cedar as required by the City Engineer. The applicant will remove the existing building following the plat approval and develop the property for commercial use as discussed below. The plat itself raises no specific planning issues and is a positive step in redevelopment of the property in question. The only unusual aspect of the plat is the retention of an existing utility line that runs along the Cedar Street former right of way through the south and east portions of the plat. This line will result in a 2 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 much larger utility easement than is typical, however, it does not impact the eventual construction and use of the property. The applicant is seeking concurrent Preliminary and Final Plat approvals. While these are separate applications, the code accommodates their combination for review. The Planning Commission technically comments and recommends only on the Preliminary Plat, with the Final Plat review a function of City Council action only. The Final Plat drawings are included here to help illustrate the objective of the preliminary plat request. Land Use. The proposed net lot area would be 1.15 acres upon platting. The parcel would have approximately 300± feet of frontage on Cedar Street, and approximately 170+ feet along Dundas. The B-3 District standards for commercial lots is for lot widths of at least 100 feet, and no minimum lot area. As such, the proposed plat is compliant. The B-3, Highway Business District allows car wash facilities as a permitted use but applies the following standards to those facilities. The listing here is for the purposes of reviewing the compliance of the project with zoning requirements and supporting the consideration of the plat decision. (4) Automotive Wash Facilities (a) All automotive wash facilities shall adhere to the following standards: (i) The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall be consistent with the existing buildings and area to avoid impairment in property values and blight within a reasonable distance of the lot. (ii) Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (iii) When abutting a residential use, the property shall be screened with at least a semi-opaque buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "C) in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance. (iv) All lighting shall be in compliance with Section 4.4 of this ordinance. (v) Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Section 4.1(F) of this ordinance. (vi) The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is 3 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (vii) The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (viii) Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (ix) All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Section 4.5 of this ordinance. (x) Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. (xi) Car wash facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. (xii) Intermittent sounds produced by car wash operation such as the sound of a vacuum or warning signal shall not be audible to adjoining residential properties. In reviewing the civil and site plan materials, the applicant has addressed each of these requirements. Because the location is not near residential property, the external impacts are not expected to raise any issues. The applicant has provided support for the traffic lanes as proposed, and the majority of these items will be addressed as a part of the formal site plan review that accompanies building permit application. As a permitted use, the development is an expected facility in the B-3 District, with expected impacts. From a site planning perspective, the primary driveway entrance to the site is the only departure from common development standards. The purpose of the multiple -lane entrance is to separate traffic between those customers continuing into and through the wash facility and those entering the parking area only. Staff would suggest that these driveways are marked well to distinguish lane locations and help drivers entering the facility to find the proper lane. This can be a particular problem in winter conditions, when pavement markings only can become obscured, and when car wash facilities are often at peak use. The City Engineer has also reviewed this proposed configuration and made comments in their letter accordingly. Final Plat. The final plat proposed for approval has been revised from the preliminary plat to incorporate the petitioned vacations of Marvin Road, Dundas Road and Cedar Street. The plat also anticipates the approval of a requested quit claim deed transferring property from a parcel owned by the City to the plat. The portion of the noted parcel is west of Cedar Street, detached from the balance of the parcel which lies east of Cedar Street. The quit claim deed also cedes any city interest in the other petitioned rights of way. 4 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 The proposed plat re-establishes drainage and utility easement over portions of the vacated areas. The drainage and utility easement limits are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Other than the noted vacations and easements, there are no other issues identified for the plat. Development Agreement. A draft development agreement is presented for Council review and adoption. The development agreement provides for required trunk area charges, review and inspection escrows and other necessary securities. As the proposed plat includes no public improvements, the development agreement is somewhat abbreviated from the city's standard template for city plat development agreements. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission considered the request for Preliminary Plat on August 3rd, holding a public hearing on the item. Applicant Cory Kampschroer was present to address the Commission. The Commission noted that the proposed use was permitted within the district and therefore the application consideration for the Commission was limited to the evaluation of the plat. No other public was present to address the Commission. Following the hearing and discussion, the Commission indicated no concern with the proposed plat. The Commission unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary plat. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat and accompanying development agreement. As discussed, the plat is a significant improvement over existing conditions, and will result in a compliant B-3 parcel supporting redevelopment consistent with the City's zoning requirements and Comprehensive Plan objectives. This recommendation incorporates the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2021-68 (Preliminary and Final Plat, Development Agreement) B. Resolution PC -2021-028 C. Subject Site Aerial Image D. Applicant Narrative, including image illustrations E. Supplemental Narrative F. Certificate of Survey G. Civil Plans, including: a. Project Location Plan b. Site Plan and Preliminary Plat 5 :1 J. K. L. M N. Z. c. Grading and Drainage Plan d. Sanitary Sewer and Water Plan e. Storm Sewer Plan f. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan g. Existing Conditions and Removal Plan h. Details i. Landscape Plan Architectural Plans Final Plat Proposed Vacation City Engineer's Letter, dated July 27th, 2021 MnDOT Comment Email Finance Plan Development Agreement Conditions of Approval 0 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 EXHIBIT Z CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR KAMPSCHROER ADDITION PI Ds: 155-500-142402 155-500-142310 155-500-142311 155-500-142312 155-500-142313 1. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineers letter, dated July 27', 2021 2. Compliance with the requirements of MnDOT and any review letter provided from that agency. 3. Cooperation and compliance with the City and County in required road vacations, dedications, and other title actions in preparing the plat for recording. 4. Vacation of Marvin Road, Cedar Street and Dundas Road as approved by the City Council. 5. Revision of civil and plat documents consistent with the dedication and vacation requirements of the City. 6. Execution of an encroachment agreement for proposed facilities located within required drainage and utility easements. 7. Execution of a Development Agreement with the City. 8. Recommendations of other City Staff and City Council. 7 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-68 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR KAMPSHROER ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into a single parcel for development as commercial property; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Community Commercial" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned B-3, Highway Business, a zoning district suitable for commercial development as proposed; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial use; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all the comments and the staff report of August 23,d, 2021, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed buildings to industrial use. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as an industrial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The PUD flexibility for the project, including parcels without public street frontage, are consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-68 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City of Monticello hereby approves the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for the Kampschroer Addition subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineers letter, dated July 27th, 2021 2. Compliance with the requirements of MnDOT and any review letter provided from that agency. 3. Cooperation and compliance with the City and County in required road vacations, dedications, and other title actions in preparing the plat for recording. 4. Vacation of Marvin Road, Cedar Street and Dundas Road as approved by the City Council. 5. Revision of civil and plat documents consistent with the dedication and vacation requirements of the City. 6. Execution of an encroachment agreement for proposed facilities located within required drainage and utility easements. 7. Execution of a Development Agreement with the City. 8. Recommendations of other City Staff and City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract for Kampschroer Addition," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 23rd day of August, 2021, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-68 ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-028 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR KAMPSCHROER ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into a single parcel for development as commercial property; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Community Commercial" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned B-3, Highway Business, a zoning district suitable for commercial development as proposed; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial use; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by continuing the development plans for commercial use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a commercial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the B-3, Highway Business zoning regulations. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-028 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Kampschroer Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: Compliance with the terms of the City Engineers letter, dated July 27th, 2021 Compliance with the requirements of MnDOT and any review letter provided from that agency. Cooperation and compliance with the City and County in required road vacations, dedications, and other title actions in preparing the plat for recording. 4. Revision of civil and plat documents consistent with the dedication and vacation requirements of the City. 5. Execution of an encroachment agreement for proposed facilities located within required drainage and utility easements. 6. Execution of a Development Agreement with the City addressing any outstanding plat requirements following Final Plat approval. 7. Recommendations of other City Staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 3,d day of August, 2021, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 RRG Holdings, LLC I Request for Preliminary and Final Plat Created by: City of Monticello PIDs: 155 -500 -142402,155 -500-142310,155-500-142311,155-500-142312,155-500-142313 1 1301CedarSt 'Sota Car Wash Executive Summary: 'Sota Car Wash will provide a new concept car washing experience that is desperately needed for consumers in the car wash industry, with a strong Minnesota theme. For decades, consumers have been forced to settle for a car wash experience that is not convenient, doesn't actually clean their car, and leaves consumers with a poor experience. 'Sota Car Wash will deliver a superior service focused on three critical areas, convenience, quality and experience. 'Sota Car Wash delivers customers a convenient, high quality, first-class experience with exceptional customer service, unprecedented marketing, superior car wash equipment, and cutting edge technology. 'Sota Car Wash is delivering a better car wash experience by bringing forward a design that allows consumers to clean both the interior and exterior of their car in a comfortable climate controlled environment. 'Sota Car Wash is locally owned and is acutely focused on the environment in which we work, live and play. We work and live in this community and are proud to provide a service to our friends and neighbors. In addition, we are focused on building a better climate for our kids and grandkids. Company Goals Our number one goal is to provide flawless customer service resulting in a superior customer experience. Company Mission Statement Convenient, high-quality car wash experience delivered with exceptional service to build a better experience and community. Company Principals Exceptional car washes with a premium experience for consumers to achieve a clean interior and exterior of their vehicle in a climate controlled environment. We will provide them with superior value, delivering on our core principles of convenience, quality, and experience. Convenience Delivering on convenience incorporates several factors, including the physical location, hours of operation and the overall time it takes to wash your car. The physical location of 'Sota Car Wash has been researched, vetted and pursued for a number of years and has been chosen strategically as the most convenient location near the heart of the economic trade center of Monticello. Hours of operation are also carefully designed to meet the convenience of consumers' retail behaviors. Our projected hours of operation are 12 hours a day, seven days a week for a total of 84 hours a week. Our tentative hours of operation are slated for 7am-to-7pm. Hours of operation will also adjust based on seasonality, holidays and peak washing demand. Another critical convenience factor is focused around the overall time it takes for the car wash to wash a vehicle. The overall car wash tunnel length is 120 feet and the car wash itself is designed, in general, to wash 115 cars per hour. As for each vehicle, a customer's vehicle can be washed, dried and shiny in under two minutes from start to finish. Quality Above all else, 'Sots Car Wash promises to deliver a clean, dr, shiny vehicle. No matter the season or whatever the Minnesota weather brings, the design and operation of 'Sots Car Wash brings with it decades of car wash experience to ensure the cleanest, driest, shiniest car possible. Experience We will deliver an exceptional, yet uniquely different experience through multiple facets including exceptional customer service, premium building design and site layout along with cutting edge technology. The site layout and building design will feature a simple and easy to navigate site. The building design will feature lots of windows to create a light, bright, airy, welcoming, clean and attractive experience. 'Sota Car Wash will integrate cutting edge technology to make it easier for customers to quickly become members or buy a single car wash. In addition, the use of license plate reader technology will eliminate wait times and friction points for customers to clean their cars. Customers can quickly and easily sign up for a membership right from their phone within a matter of minutes, regardless of their physical location. And, once on site, members can pull up to a gate and the car wash system will instantly read their license plate and open the gate. Company Leadership 'Sota Car Wash is proud to be locally owned and operated. `Sota Car Wash leadership works, lives and shops in this community and is proud to call Monticello home. Our roots in this community go back generations and we are excited to carry it forward to future generations. Cory Kampschroer, Managing Partner Cory will be responsible for oversight of the day to day operations, management, sales, and marketing. Cory will also be responsible for research and development of the real estate, partnership development, construction and development. Cory's background includes extensive experience in technology and marketing, including as a partner in a new technology platform to raise and collect funds. Cory has lived in the Monticello -Buffalo area for more than a decade and is proud to call this community home. Impact of the Project Environment `Sots Car Wash is committed to building a better Monticello for generations to come, beginning with our environment and climate. The building design and site layout has been strategically designed to maximize natural light to help reduce energy consumption. In addition, only the highest efficiency equipment will be used to further reduce energy consumption and water consumption. The `Sots wash process will leverage a precision timed, on -demand system that measures your vehicle ensuring only the exact amount of water is applied. The water that is used to wash your car is then captured, cleaned and recycled as part of our cutting-edge water reclaim system. The water reclaim system is even capable of capturing, filtering and reusing rainwater as part of our wash process. Because of our investment and focus on building a cleaner Monticello, `Sota's innovative wash process will feature biodegradable soaps and will be the most efficient, greenest car wash. Economic In addition to bringing 6 -to -10 FT and PT high quality, highly compensated jobs to the local Monticello economy, the site redevelopment will create something not many commercial redevelopment projects create. There will be an overall reduction of impervious square footage of the parcel, which is overall better for water quality and the environment. Community Initiatives `Sots is focused extensively on the community in which we also work, live and shop in to help our friends and neighbors to build a better Monticello. `Sota Cares and will feature a number of community initiatives, including, but not limited to: • `Sota Kids is a program designed to advance STEM education for elementary students by hosting field trips to show young students the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and the role they play in the car wash. `Sota Gives is a program designed to provide a portion of every car wash back to our community causes. `Sots will donate a portion from every car wash back to local, Monticello, causes. Better yet, customers will be able to decide the local cause they want to support. This giving program will be displayed in a NEW, groundbreaking, custom built, cutting edge giving back technology platform. • `Sota Scholarships is proud to give back and strongly supports our employees and help them achieve their dreams and goals. The `Sota scholarship program is critical to support and help our team members grow and achieve their goals and dreams. Supplemental Images Below are examples of what the outdoor vacuums will look like and what they will feature. The outdoor vacuums will include canopies and a high quality, high end curb appeal. These outdoor vacuums will be visible and attractive to consumers and potential customers driving by. W I'� ku Li if !o IN From: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT) To: Angela Schumann; ryan melhouse Subject: RE: Monticello Plat Review - Sota Car Wash Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:55:29 PM Attachments: imaae001.a_na Hi Angela, Want to let you know that our District 3 DRC group met this week and pass along to you that they did not have any substantive comments or questions on the Sota Car Wash development on Highway 25. Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thanks! Tom 0: 320-223-6526 C: 320-267-9859 From: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 202112:22 PM To: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT)<Thomas.Cru ikshank@state.mn.us>; ryan melhouse <ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Monticello Plat Review Tom, Hello! Review comments would be appreciated by July 29th, if at all possible. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT) <Thomas.Cru ikshank(@state.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 202111:38 AM To: ryan melhouse <man.melhousePci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Monticello Plat Review Hi Ryan, Thanks for sending this over. I'll run this past our Development Review Committee. I don't anticipate much from them other than our survey folks will most likely want to review for encroachments or other survey issues. Are we on a timeline with this project that we should be aware of for our review comments? Tom Cruikshank Principal Planner I District 3 3725 12th Street North, St. Cloud, MN 56303-2107 Phone: (320) 223-6526 1 Cell: (320) 267-9859 Email: thomas.cruikshanWstate. mn.us 'Ok DEPARTMENT OF r TRANSPORTATION From: ryan melhouse <man. mel house C@ci.monticello. mn.us> Sent: Friday, July 9, 20213:55 PM To: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT) <Thomas.Cruikshank(@state.mn.us> Cc: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Monticello Plat Review This message may be from an external email source. Do not select links or open attachments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security Operations Center. Good Afternoon Tom, I have attached a draft plat for combining several parcels along Hwy 25 and Dundas Road in Monticello for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Ryan Melhouse, PE City of Monticello - Project Engineer 763-271-3227 ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West assumed bearingalong said North line of the South Half of the Northwest uarter, a 9 Q distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A` thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED JULY 12, 2021. UTILITY NOTES UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 111 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL I/t 2 WORKING DAYS h BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 1-800-252-1166 (TOLL FREE) UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF MINNESOTA THE LOCATION OF UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES AND GROUND MARKINGS. THE SURVEYOR WAS PROVIDED WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS. UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS WERE REQUESTED FROM THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS AND PLOTTED AS PROVIDED. GROUND MARKINGS WERE OBSERVED AT TIME OF SURVEY AND THE LINES ARE PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON. MFLOOD NOT BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, NUMBER 2705410005B, EFFECTIVE ON 11/01/1979, PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C AND IS NOT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA WEBSITE (HTTP://MSC.FEMA.GOV). NO FIELD SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS ZONE. SCALE : 1 " = 30' 0' 15' 30' 60' i r r / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ i k/ QO/ Co, �h / O / <0T4�� STORM MANHOLE RIM= 960.61 'S'0 INV. = N/A It �j/Ij Ci>y BZ0 �FST�� / r / of l ITEMS CORRESPONDING T� SCHEDULE B -II 14 14. Reservation of Utility easements in favor of the City of Monticello as set forth in Document No. 1103715. (PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) 15 15. Drainage and utility easement in favor of the City of Monticello as described in Document No. 1122751.PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) ) gU�k_pING O / cry i / i i Q'`/ l / OW= 958.8 STORM INLET \ /� / r IN �� 954.11 4 0�/ FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 / = 1 \ 1 ° U/�DVNG 667 / POINT OF COMMENCEMENT / 33 / O (PARC L D) / \ J �� > O • / /� \ m �� SURFPGE / / / o �)kz\I� PARC E A Qi so :aN of O / Jh I A ,O (b /OF v w IV A Q i i \o ovo o, m .r,1 i 00 I /A, CO00 `b/J r�``/ i 1Q '/ O� / �O V & 17/O rn O , I I I / r & 1 l / i She / O N o`� w ,!�'� \rte CT1 \ o Q i ^per^ �oo�\D__� \ o N i� It ,CIV O3 Qs O4 aQ�� OjCb ���� "� ° � � N\M l �� � �v�0 �VQ 59 All O N I \ Jo \ Q r7�v ^ / �� II I /� Q� yQOO i lJQVp / , I ��, / 0, ��'V /� t' / IA y\ A O O 0/ Al Z \ �� ��- ST2RM INLET i i \ �`ti h/ Q�`'O� Q�v / �,�11 ���� QO FLOW= 957.24 / l l PARCEL D J / /�e� / �V� I 1 / ��}� INV.= 928.94 / / l \ /ZQ STORM MIL FLOW= 957.23 INV.= 952.63 63 POB (PARCEL D) —/�� SANITARY 1 11 RIM= 962.25 O` I STORM INL INV.= 950.58 �• V 1 FLOW= 961.18 zj \ `4�, / / Q r</ l INV 957.88 v / POIN F BEGINN�NG THIRD o a LINE RCEL B C) POI A W �p??� �ry 1 � 0 STORM INLET FLOW= 961.2 - 100 /NV.= 957.7f SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF _ _ –� c / ���, / o) I00 DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED STORM INLET /Ij s ` -� ____ ��9� B �9o. 46`3?iY / Q PER PARCEL D FLOW= 95738 s S ,�� %O, I POIN OF BEGINNING, SECOND \ INV.= 950.42 So?� SQ `��\ ��1�\ – 4.16 %DOQ �ODc,4•k�,�1 ® I �j DESC IED LINE (PARCEL B) STORM MANHOLE ��'\ �•�15h� 6� �o���l 1 ALINE 40.00 NORTHERLY RIM= 957.77 \ I V $1 J INV.= N/A 11\ \ CONCRETE 5 �ti 11 OF "LINE A" /RIRM632 yM9 /��0` INV= 954. 8 STORE FLOW= 957.49 / / \ 4-31(3.44 I I O INV.= 953.74 pC/BL 6 - �_ N C i POINT OF BEGINNING 24-e � (LINE A, PARCEL B) /C R/ 4. 1- -50.00 I N o I o 01-4 \ 2TOR MANHOLE \ I ZZ Ir RIM= 960.72 I --- --- —1 - LEGEND OF SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS 9P POWER POLE iLIGHT POLE EGUY WIRE ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE 8 ELECTRIC METER ❑E ELECTRIC VAULT ❑T TRANSFORMER CLIENT COMMENTS TELEPHONE MANHOLE CLIENT COMMENTS TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CLIENT COMMENTS CABLE BOX ® STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 0 STORM DRAIN INLET INV = N/A I I _ I SANITARY MANHO I RIM= 961.42 ® VAULT ® SANITARY MANHOLE ` ` �� INV.= N/A SIGN (AS NOTED) GAS VALVE 8 GAS METER f-- _ I FLAG POLE �L HANDICAPPED PARKING D4 WATER VALVEMITERED END SECTION FIRE HYDRANT 10 MANHOLE (UNKNOWN) SIAMESE FIRE HYDRANT STORM PIPE ® WATER MANHOLE ® FOUND IRON (AS -~► POINT OF ACCESS NOTED) SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP #5 70 70 — UT UT UT — UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE — UE UE UE — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — GAS GAS GAS— UNDERGROUND GAS -I —I — I —I — I — I- UNDERGROUND WATER — > > > > - UNDERGROUND STORM SEWER >> >> >> — UNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWER \ — — — — — — — – MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM CEDAR STREET A DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED 78605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_____, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v PROJECT REVISION RECORD DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 6/21/2021 FIRST DRAFT 7/19/2021 UPDATED TITLE 7/03/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS 8/17/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS 7/13/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS FIELD WORK: 03/12/2021 DRAFTED: 4/22/21 CHECKED BY: TS FB & PG: MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM CEDAR STREET A DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED 78605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_____, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v Copynghtltl05 digital-topo-maps_cam MINNESOTA CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 651-245-7455 MONTICELLO, MN WRIGHT COUNTY PROJECT LOCATION I CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN co 10 It N 2 N co N a a m� z �. O L� W W I� a m� O V� J (C" C0 o r C W O a m co 10 It N 2 N co N I-- j.. �J� m W ai Q O � NCN n 0) ti I W W I� °�Lo O CO d U O (C" O m bi � m � I-- j.. �J� m W ai Q O � FILE N0. 00821 CO Project Location plan O O m � m � � a0 O O W W Q � W O O O U FILE N0. 00821 CO Project Location plan E STORM INLET FLOW= 957.24 INV.= 928.94 STORM INLET FLOW= 957.23 INV.= 952.63 STORM MANHOLE RIM= 960.61 INV. = N/A ® E R� SNE / SAO / 10 O O 13 Q /i0�// X2.0 / c. / FU TOREJ� BUILDING �� STORM INLET O S� l\ ADDI TION 16 x FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 / �cT / TOR M INLET - 26 \ \ BUILDING FLOW= 958.8 1 6 ^� ,�� \ SETBACK /O INV. = 954. 11 / \ /0000000000000 0000\ / 0°-0000°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0�\ o \ / o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ogg. 0 0 0 O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,-- 5 '0°000 3 J000, _000000000000080 O• i �O° °° O°°°O°°< 5 0� 2 �� °°o°o°o° �o°o° °o°o°o°o°o°o°o°o° y. o"0 0 0 0 0"0"0 o c nj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 O 0000000000-o�oo�0.4 000o000000000000000°0� O• °0000000000 O000000000000000000000o \ / ?o o� 2 ,°°° ,O_ O'0000000000000000° 3 BUILDING O° °00000000000 // O `3 o °j°jP 0000 0°°°0°0°°O°00'000°°O°°° \ 1 6 SETBACK l / 72 0 4 \0000.°0 0�0°� ° ++ 5 O II►0000000000� °0000°00° + 5 9 / Oo00000006 0600000 O + + 0/ °0 3 00 °o°° ° + + 1 + o _++0+++ +++ \i °o°o �Oo°o°o°0000 y� + + + + + + + + d // 41 ° 0 °0°0°0°0° / �� + ++ +++++++ O++ +'O 20 18 / 8010-8810, ° 0000° + + °`° / O` ni y O ° ° 0 0000 -\+ + ^ + + + + + + ° l DEPRESS / °� 10 C. P, + + + + + +� l CURB AT ,,000g��°. ° °'1 j:�o%l l + ++++++ + ++ 19 ° 0040°0 SIDEWALK°o°0 5 /000° ° / 6 + + + + 1 �+ owoOg / --� O411. 0o00c �� 00000°°�/ / / O` +0�+ V + $oci° °°000000� , 0 ,000000° 16 �` +++ °¢°r 9 ♦ 10 / M ° o ° /°i 6 °o°0 5 / O 1 y +P� ��'o° O / c %0000 °000000O / 20 `c 15 o °/+ °°o+++ ° NEW 19 v�g ooo°o°o5•o STREET i0 ° 0 °o°o oR/W LINEO +++ ++ ++ + b SO ///+�01 / Spy 18 / ++ ++ 7 O /�/+ +O+ + 0 ++++ ++ 116 9 /9 , (0 +++++ +++++// 6 �Q 17 0)III+++++++ + ++++++II r``` II++++++ + ++++++ p // / + ++ + / +++ ++ II R=45.0 / R=65.0 + ++ + I + + 16 + + + �11++++++} A ++4 5 / 10 c� `1f+ \�/�-\li•- ��c c� / // / / / // / / / / // / / O \ J /" ,�, MV JJ 0° O .2��,/J�+ �++R += +1G 0+ . 0+i ++ ++ + ++ O+ + + \\\ 16 +' CO +4 ++ + 12 ++ +12 +++ 1 + +++++2 4 ++ +++++ + -++ AftK \G 9 ++ + ++++ 0 + } 0+ + + ++++ + 18 o0 21 `++++++ ++ +++ O+ ++ .+ + + ++++++ OOO0 00/ O0 0CO 00 hl +++ ++++ + + +++ 19 ° 0+ + 0 I O 0+ + ++ ° 00+ ++ °° + +++ }}++ 0000000 VVV + T22 + �J +++ 21 ++ 0 + + + + + + 00000°yyyO21++++ + + ++ + ++++++0 + +++4 + + + + + 0000000 r JJJ+ ^zJ + ++ + + + 0° + + + }++ 21 A" 0 ++ +++++++ �' 22 +1_4O +++ + 15 67 4� 0 + + ++++++ + + + + + + V (� O, I I a / '+ �00 +O +h o0 o "�J v 00 + + + + + 00o00o0o z C0�0'0 00 0 };} }0o0O° G0O J°o } }o°22 } 21 +0oo0'DEPRESS o°++++ +/+++++}+ ++ ++ 10 Ooo ++++ 4 + +t,+ ++o0CURB AT o°}}}}}} ,++ }+}++ } } } } } } } } } } + ° }} 000 °o°g 000 10 ++++ oO SIDEWALK } 3 3 +0 ++++ ++++R=3.0 5 + 16+ +O+21� I I I ill BUILDING SE TBA CK / O ,0o + + + + + + + + QQo° °o°o° I 72 / /+++++++/ 44 + ++ ++ +++++++++++++++ + ++++} +�� X5.0 �000 Q + + +++ 3 +++++++++ ° ++O +/ / +++ ++ ++ ++ ++++++++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ W = /+ 11 16 y %O 25 ++ 2 +// tj��O I ,,0+ ++ ++++++++++ 0 1�0 D //+++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + / 5 + �� 23 01 /` + 4p +( + + +�I/ II �O ++�� O 5 ,+ ++++++++ o)'+++ 18 �� I O / + + + + + + + , O \+ 0 + + + + + + + + + / I+++++++++++++++++++++++ + 6 ,+ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++'�+ ,+ ++ 16 I Ol/++% ++++++++++++++++++ I +++++++++� +++ +++++++++ + +PROPOSED + I 7S0 L / ++ + +++++++++++++�.++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ D&U + / 1 9+ +++ +++++++=,-++++++ �ANyLalTY�gNLIO'L-� EASEMENT ,+ e,4. +4.0 + �� + ,q6�•2+3+ + + + + �+ / 9 STOR IN T I 14 / C/++++++�++++ ++++++++++++ ++1 ++5U5$+++++++++++++ / II FLOW 9 1.18 ++ +�+ ++ ++ + ++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++0++++ + + +++++++/ INV.= 952188 I ++ + + + + ++++++ ++++++ +++ + 16 /++++ + ++ +++ +++++++ +++++++ + t0 + + + + + + + +++++++++++++,++++++ + + + ,+ +.i/ U V + + o' + + + + + + + + 17.0 ORT 5 + + N + O+ + � + 5 Z N o1` 'S'F�� + +++ ++� +++\�, + ++ 5 ;O+ +++ ++++++++++ ++ a+++ + 16 50.0 + + ++++ + + + + + + + --+++ ++ O +++ ++++ ++++ 03 ��03, s R\ \�+ /++ +++++++1 ++ ++ +// _� NEW ? Oq0 + STREET ST RM INLET BUILCo SETBACK \ �� / A` R/W LINE _ FL W= 961.27 I I I 15-++++++ �/ 1 1 IN = 957.7 10 10M I 50 aJ / � S� STORM INLET - s S � 16 FLOW= 957.38 �o / h -,-,_INVlb � 90 - 950.42 �, � 10 � �° �s � o ��o� VACUUM �; �7o. 00 � 0 , N I CON TA INER o STORM MANHOLE C�'� (TYPICAL) �� I �- Gj RIM= 957.77- INV. = N/A `� SANITARY MANHOLE 10 CO TE RIM= 959.38 O STORM MAN OLE CP STM � = 950.74 p. RIM= 961.3 " R ��� INV. 954. 8 O � � o. STORM INLET O d` 10 � FLOW= 957.49 Q INV.= 953.74 `36 ,RCP i LEGEND: EXISTING BOUNDARY EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SETBACK EXISTING R/W LINE 4° • '+":" s. ;.� CONCRETE LIGHT DUTY 00000ppppppppppp CONCRETE HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AGGREGATE SURFACE PROPOSED R/W LINE - - - - - - - - - - PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER STANDARD PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER TIP -OUT ® PROPOSED PARKING STALLS SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING: B-3 HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 24,665 SF LOT AREA: 50,365 SF = 1.15 ACRES (building and pavement areas) BUILDING AREA: 8,208 SF PERCENT PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 49.0% (% of lot area; 24,665/50,365) PERCENT BUILDING FOOTPRINT COVERAGE: 16.29 (8,208) / 50,365) TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA: 25,700 SF (landscape, turf areas) FLOOR AREA RATIO (ALL FLOORS) 0.163 PERCENT PERVIOUS AREA: 51.0% (8,208 / 50,365) (% of lot area; 25,700/50,365) EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 35,092 SF DISTURBANCE AREA: 56,104 SF (includes existing building, existing pavement 1.29 AC and aggregate surface areas) KEY NOTES: O BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET O TRENCH DRAIN 0 CONCRETE PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY; 4,500 PSI MIX; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET O CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY; 4,500 PSI MIX; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET (PRIVATE SIDEWALK) OB612 (6") CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 31`32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) O6 B612 (6") CONCRETE OUTFLOW CURB & GUTTER. (TIP -OUT FLOWLINE). MIX 3F32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) O PAINT 4" SOLID STRIPE - WHITE LATEX PAINT Og RELOCATE EXISTING LIGHT POLE. COORDINATE NEW LOCATION WITH CITY. O9 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACE FOR CLEAN EDGE (REPLACE PAVEMENT SURFACE IN-KIND) 10 EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN 11 EXISTING UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN PLACE. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT 12 CLEARANCE BARS. SEE ARCHITECT PLANS FOR DETAILS. 13 WASH WATER RECYCLE UNDERGROUND TANKS. MONUMENT SIGN 15 FT FROM PROPERTY LINE. SEPARATE 14 SIGN PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM CITY. 15 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL 16 PERVIOUS AREA. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN BY OTHERS 17 B618 (6") CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 31`32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 3F52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) 18 PUBLIC SIDEWALK. SEE MONTICELLO DETAIL ON SHEET C8. 19 PED RAMP TO COMPLY WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT & MnDOT STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 INCLUDING CONTRASTING DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICES. DEPRESS BACK OF CURB AT RAMP. 20 INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNS, MOUNTED ON STEEL POST. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LOCATION. 'DO NOT ENTER' SIGN 21 PAINT TRAFFIC ARROWS - WHITE. 22 PAINT 24" HIGH LETTERS - WHITE. 23 PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSABILITY-WHITE LATEX PAINT. 24 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN (MNDOT #'S R7 -8A AND R7-813). CENTER SIGN ON PARKING STALL. LOCATION PER GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MOUNT ON 6" CONCRETE BOLLARD. SEE DETAIL SHEET. 25 PAINT 4" WIDE SOLID STRIPE - WHITE. (DASH WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN) 26 FLAG POLE 24 FT HEIGHT. GENERAL NOTES 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. 2. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. THE SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH THEREIN ARE A PART OF THE REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND IN CASE OF CONFLICT SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOILS REPORT AND PLANS. 3. SITE CLEARING SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING, VALVING, ETC. 4. SITE GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT IF OWNER HAS PROVIDED SUCH REPORT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SOFT, YIELDING OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND REPLACING WITH SUITABLE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. IF REQUESTED BY THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPACTION REPORT PREPARED BY A QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER, LICENSED WITHIN THE STATE WHERE THE WORK IS PERFORMED, VERIFYING THAT ALL FILLED AREAS AND SUBGRADE AREAS WITHIN THE BUILDING PAD AND PAVEMENT AREAS HAVE BEEN COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT. 5. THE LOCATIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE SURVEY RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO LOCATE THEIR FACILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE AND REPAIR TO THESE FACILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK FORCE. 6. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. 7. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE CURBING AND PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE PRHTECTED FROM DAMAGE. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 8. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. THESE ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 3067 BEMIDJI, MN 56601 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 BENCHMARK: VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT ELEV.=873.74. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SEE SURVEY PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 1, KAMPSCHROER ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROJECT LOCATION SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BUILDING USE AUTOMONTIVE WASH FACILITIES PARKING DATA REQUIRED PARKING STALLS PER CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4.8 SCHEDULE #1: AUTOMONTIVE WASH FACILITIES 10.0 SPACES OR ONE SPACE FOR EACH EMPLOYEE ON THE MAXIMUM SHIFT, WHICH IS GREATER PROVIDED PARKING 10 STALLS SETBACKS: L OCA TION: BUILDING FRON T 30' INTERIOR SIDE YARD 10' REAR YARD 30' S TREE T SIDE 20' LOT MINIMUM: Base Lot Area No Minimum Base Lot Width 100 ft Minimum SITE PLAN NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. MATCH EXISTING GRADES AT EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. 3. EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE SAW CUT FOR CLEAN EDGE. TACK SHALL BE USED ON ALL VERTICAL EDGES PRIOR TO PATCHING. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE CONDUIT REQUIRMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IF ANY WITHIN THE WORK ZONE WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO PAVING. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH FIRE MARSHALL FOR POSTING OF FIRE LANES, CURB MARKING AND SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED. 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING SITE FEATURES THAT INTERFERE WITH NEW WORK AS SHOWN. Drainage and utility easements are shown thus: II I� 6 II 6 _I Being 12 feet in width and adjoining right of -way lines, also being 6 feet in width and adjoining lot lines, unless otherwise indicated, as shown on the plat. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 _Lu V C) Q O N (L 00 m � m O m �Z O W a) � Q Vo W m o UJ O O Vm CIL FILE N0. 00821 V - r0 z INC Q co W O~ O In C- O W N C) C) C) r o 00 m � m O m W O a) V N N 0) V c0 N O O O U FILE N0. 00821 I O U O~ O In C- O A o x ai I mm °n> r F - -%I°' � Wh X000 c�` c o�� c 4,�00421:33 ►�~ 3 IW��ai3 co� � .10o m o p 4 O a too I C2a N C) C) C) O m � m O m W O � V O O O U FILE N0. 00821 CI Site Plan & Preliminary Plat STORM INLET FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 INV. = N/A �✓ 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 INV.=54.11 // cS � // I / o)&- � 964K �\ 141 v LEGEND: Qo lo 11)g6�• gOg Existing Contours � / oq, l >� ExistingStorm Sewer 96319 ° \ 963 / o / ?�s9 // o� 33 xsos.o Existing Spot Elevation 1CP��� 06 908 Proposed Contours N Z DEPRESS CURB //' �, ��' j 9 g \\ 96265 `5� ►► Proposed Storm Sewer Q 4" M J �i a m� a ALONG SIDEWALK / _ l , �� 11 l/l �?o �6, / Nol `� \ � � ` � 3 64g \ � y X 943.50 Proposed Spot Elevation LLI // 1 / 3 359 963.00 �� Z Z 0% 2.40 <<< W / / ` Flow Direction ` C Q oo / / \ 963 /�96/2 ^� / / y �.00, / Overflow Route ♦Q♦ LLI C Z / 0) 0 w /1r r i ?o �i 962.10 / SURVEY DATA Q a c 0111% Gj 62.75/ �R SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: V NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. O W Z °a Co, -J1 90�' 1'92q �` / = `� Q 11 MN3067 Co ~ 0 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 �;' ;•, / / �O 961-60 l �� `t � 11 � BENCHMARK: v / III O l/ / VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT J �� l ;r`' ' 9 1'92% I g614o / \� l/ VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY 6' / V 962 / '90 / �O� 30 AVE.RDRAN (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY INE)NUT 961.60 l ELEV.=873.74. c� -1 / 196. `96- CID GENERAL GRADING NOTES: o c 00 o 96 / 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard Z! :y specifications for City of Monticello, MN, and the latest Minnesota ` Z N / O 63.42 ®j Department of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction ° c c 24 I o E / 963.50 342 0 963 ss21p / and all NPDES requirements except where modified by these contract o �' Lc -4 ' 1 0 a2 / til documents. o 0 96 g6 C~ _ / 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. °c W I °o x � �° 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" 48 hours prior to � ° A m 0 0 rq / 00 Q m=co - o� a6� ' any excavation (1-800-252-1166.) o W [� Ino 0 0 474. The Grading Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of o c '' ►� t; I w° v �^ Y 962 50 I underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction, Z3 � , � o o / rn \ and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. o o N U 5. Erosion Control shall be constructed, as applicable, as sequenced below:Qo �, o \ , S A. Silt Fence. c E ,' V ' N �Q)b osG I B. Rock Construction Entrance. lobC. Demolition D. Common excavation (grading). °`o ° o 0 E. Seed and mulch or sod (See notes on Landscape plan). J / o s6 \ g g 6. Final Plat shall govern for easements and lot dimensions. i aw ° o W 6�5 230 � \ `O`l. / I � c r a 7. Any erosion control items necessary to protect adjacent properties shall 3 a 962.20 �� 6� 80 I be constructed by the Grading Contractor. rn / //\ rho 9 2. q 9 8. Erosion control maintenance shall be performed by the Grading Contractor, and removed as per the Contract Documents or as „D directed by the Engineer, followed by all necessary restoration of / 96318 disturbed area. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. / 963 96� ° // �:: 961.65 9. The Grading Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate � CIV/ �� y // 15 c`O� P V a;II certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests �� g�� o /// II I shall meet the following: / j g63.0 J / ,a' II A. Within the upper 3 of streets, the Grading Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% of the optimum Q 250 ss2,g4 moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: z 96 i. I I D-698 with compaction meeting 100% Standard Proctor Density O and not exceeding this compaction by more than 1%. Below Q 961- 961 55 11 the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95% Standard Proctor 11 I g62 N SANITARY M HOLE �p Density, and be within 3% of the optimum moisture content. W ° Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. C� /RIM= .25 g6�' / STOR IN T I Z / /NV.= 58 9 / 11 FLOW 9 1.18 B. Grading tolerances for the remainder of the site shall be 0.25'. O 961.5p'VV.= 957188 I 15o M W 10. All areas of unsuitable soils found in the pad described above that J 96 / cannot be corrected shall be located in the field by the Grading m 0.60 Contractor. The Grading Contractor shall immediately notify the ? -Q611 oo`� Q Engineer of these areas and provide information as to their size and N 2. location. Z 6�L �o� �� Cq 961.30 O 11. The Grading contractor shall provide positive drainage on the site at N X0`3,0 S qD ►► \0 / 96, a I I times. 96 ° O�' 3S ST RM INLET 12. The Grading Contractor shall keep public streets and travel ways clear 0 p C 2 � / A FL W= 961.27 1 I I of soil and debris. Daily cleaning at the construction entrance shall be ONCR /N = 957.7 performed, especially at the end of each day's work. 99,90/ g622o� I 50 I 13. All silt fence shall be removed at project completion. N C) C) C) 5 14. All proposed elevations are at curb flow line or finished bituminous co CO co STORM INLET 962 XjOP I surface unless otherwise noted. co FLOW= 957.38 / A �5' R 15. All erosion control best management practices shall be per City m m . NV. = 950.42 standardso m W O � O Y Q \ 960` I I Q W I ANHOLE - O O O C� 57.77 �W SANITARY MANHOLE CO TE ✓/A _ RIM= 959.38 STORM MA OLE OP STM V = 950.74 RIM= 961. R � - INV. 954. FILE NO. 00821 O INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS. INLET ' 957.49 953.74 �\ CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN C2 Grading & Drainage Plan INV.= N/A,., E� R� SSE / 96 � S�° / 964 ` / r STORM INLET FLOW= 958.01 - 964 INV. = 940.51 _ \ / TORM l LET FLOW= 58.8 c� / / 6�� o \ O INV. = 54.11 / g 964 \ 963.19 \\ 963 f eo o .ory. III o 5 962.x5 O / Q0 O/ �6 / ► a, ` \ 963.00 6 / l O 11 11 'l O l ' ` Aft . // //-CONNECT TO EXISTING 96300 0)• / 96/2 �/ SANITARY SEWER SERVICE < / /(FIELD VERIFY). 6" DIA. �CLEANOUT WITH NEENAH o // CASTING R-1976 OR I 962.1 EQUIVALENT I IE=950.73 (FIELD VERIFY) 962.;75 75 LF 6" PVC SCH 40 O 2.00% / '�s REMOVE EXISTING VALVE; INSTALL 6"x4" DIP REDUCER; /, I / 961.60' i INSTALL 4" GATE VALVE AND RISER; FIELD VERIFY 6 PVC SCH 40 IE=952.23 J' II 1 / D LOCATION, ADJUST AS / CONFIRM SANITARY SEWER I NECESSARY , SERVICE LOCATION, SIZE, AND 961.40 / 7 -- MATERIAL MATERIAL WITH MECHANICAL / ' I 90 I 4" 450 DIP ,� �� 96230 `v PLANS, ADJUST AS NECESSARY �,,. - I / BENDS, 2 EA V / /// h� 111 6��`L ,► 961-60 4 DIP CL52 TOP=955.00 �\ `� 91 LF 4" CL 52 DIP WM CONFIRM WATER SERVICE LOCATION, SIZE, AND/9625 �\ MATERIAL WITH MECHANICAL 3 CID6?�R �4" 450 DIP BEND PLANS, ADJUST AS 96�\\ NECESSARY / / / 0 963.50 63.42 \ 962.70 / / ^ 63. / 1° \ 963 14" 450 DIP BEND 1610 V / 962.50 0 I / \ 0 / ybb � � I 96---.,30 c�0 / 962.20 \\ 9618000 I ^7 963. I 963 18 96� 11 961.6,5 I 0) 10/ 863.15 �� GjP // °' II I l \® 963.05 962 50 ` I 96 .84 5° / I / s . / 11 96� ' 961.55 I I 962 SANITARY M HOLE 10 RIM= 96 .25 961'/ STOR IN T I / INV.= 0.58 RETROFIT EXISTING SANITARY � FLOW 9 1.18 / O I � SEWER MANHOLE CASTING TO 961.50'VV.= 951-188 I 96150 / RE=961.70 (LOWER 0.55 FT); o CONFIRM RETROFIT METHOD I -0 �(01 WITH CITY PUBLIC WORKS 222, .q,o 1�5 10, o / PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 961..5u / I 703\ 2 ST RM INLET C 962 \\ / A I , FL W= 961.27 I I I IN = 957.7 96220 ` 7 I 50 I STORM INLET 962 FLOW= 957.38 / A 15 INV.= 950.42 MANHOLE �� \ 96'0 I I '57.77- 11A \ Nlb /,\ 1 SANITARY MANHOLE CO TE 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA LEGEND: (n (00 N SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: _908-- Existing Contours NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. LO A Lx I° Im°o(O•> P.O. BOX 3067 >� Existing g Storm Sewer BEMIDJI, MN 56601 Existing Water Main > Existing Sanitary Sewer DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 Existing Trees BENCHMARK: Existing Bndy Line VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT Proposed Sanitary Sewer VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE I Proposed Water Main TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY H Proposed Gate Valve AVE. NE) TOP NUT ►► Proposed Storm Sewer ELEV.=873.74. O Proposed Fire Hydrant GENERAL UTILITY NOTES W 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello, MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651 -454-0002 or 1 -800-252-1166 out state.) 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gate valves or hydrants on the City's water supply system. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the local jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. 11. The Contractor shall keep access roads clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which fail to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. All water main shall be installed with a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. 16. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer, Owner or City shall not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners to minimize disturbance for water shut down and temporary closure of access if necessary. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. All match lines are to be saw cut. 23. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility connections. 24. City will not be responsible for costs incurred that are associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations are to be field verified prior to construction. 25. City will maintain sanitary sewer mainline and watermain system within the site. Property owners will be responsible for maintenance of storm sewer system. 26. Installation of fire suppression systems in buildings to only be installed when deemed necessary by building department based on building use and/or occupier activity. 27. PVC pipe shall be ASTM D1785, ASTM D2241, or AWWA C900. 28. PE pipe shall be AWWA C901. 29. Watermain and service line installation to comply with the requirements of Section 2611 of the City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM), 2018 specifications or current edition. 30. Tracer wire to be installed in accordance with Appendix D of the City of Monticello, MN General Specifications, revised July 2019 or latest edition. 31. Where the watermain crosses either sanitary or storm sewer maintain 18" of separation and insulate with 4" rigid insulation. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 V = W 00 Qa CCW Q W V w O Q(L ♦O w v, co 00 N 2 q) N Qo N Z a ccW R W FILE NO. 00821 INLET CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN 957.49 ` © C1 SITE PLAN 8c PRELIMINARY PLAT 953.74 36„ R _ / C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN / cP SrM C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C3 - ►� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN / I - C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Sanitary Sewer & C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Water Plan (n (00 N �0) LO I LO A Lx I° Im°o(O•> W m_�._ ►� � I Li '0 FILE NO. 00821 INLET CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN 957.49 ` © C1 SITE PLAN 8c PRELIMINARY PLAT 953.74 36„ R _ / C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN / cP SrM C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C3 - ►� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN / I - C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Sanitary Sewer & C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Water Plan N C) C) C) O O m � O DO O W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 INLET CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN 957.49 ` © C1 SITE PLAN 8c PRELIMINARY PLAT 953.74 36„ R _ / C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN / cP SrM C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C3 - ►� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN / I - C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Sanitary Sewer & C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Water Plan 961 964 964 STORM INLET l FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 _ TORM I LET = ME�rV SNEER \ -964 FLOW= 58.8 \ INV.= 54. 1 1 1P 964 \ I (N, TRENCH DRAIN -106 NEENAH R -4990 -BX -A OR EQUAL 10 LF TOTAL LENGTH' (0�� ,�ti° 67 LF 12" HDPE PROVIDE 10" MINIMUM WIDTH GRATE, �� 96 ® 1.87% HEAVY DUTY �� = 96319 y�963-- SLOPE FLOWLINE AT 1.0% / 1 O / IE 960.20 +/- 03 / / 14 LF 8" SCH 40 PVC / 0 2.00% MIN. SLOPE / CBMH-105 / 27 DIA. PRECAST 4 / RE=962.50 (R-4342) S IE(NW)=959.90 (8" IN) IE(SE)=959.59 (12" OUT) �o cs CBMH-103 ,' / c 48" DIA. PRECAST RE=961.30 (R-3067) / IE(NE)=956.80 (12" IN) �I IE(SE)=956.80 (12 OUT) �I 12 LF 8" SCH 40 to , �; / PVC 0 4.17% 1 c� STUB / ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=958.00 963.50 63.5 (:D 0) / 0 \ 0C 4 0 0 9 rn I g6�c:0 / 963.18 R2 �� 963 / 96'5 Cry / // 1� g`15 / \ 957'... 962.84 c� l <962 / SANITARY M HOLE / RIM= 96 .25 g6 \ INV. = 0.58 \ g6� 5° _Q o^.� CPO CB -106 ~ / 2'X3' PRECAST" O6 / RE=961.15 (R-3067) IE(E)=957.65 (12" OUT) li , CBMH-104 / 60" DIA. PRECAST RE=961.30 (R-3067) IE(W)=958.25 (12" IN) IE(SW)=957.20 (12" OUT) h / 3`3 J12. ss SO IQ6.0 963.00 963 0pce / 88 LF 12" HDPE I 962.10 / l 0 0.45% 962.;75 962 A-10 960 Ore I Y61.40 I962-30 4,1 4 L 9a,<, \ 28 LF 12" HDPE / <� \ ® 0.53%CO A STMH-102 48"DIA. PRECAST !� RE=962.29 (R-1733) 962.10 / IE(W)=957.50 (8" IN) / \ �IE(NE)=956.60 (12, " IN) IE(SE)=956.60 (12 OUT) > ' 962.50 I I 163 LF 12" SCH 40 / PVC 0 0.48% I > 6� y 0 g no >62 3 O � 0 962.2 �� 961$ / I 9J CBMH-101 I 48" DIA. PRECAST RE=961.70 (R-3067) 1 I ro IE(N)=956.30 (12" IN) C� c�P /IE(S)=956.30 (12" OUT) II 94 LF 12" SCH 40 II I I 661 ss PVC 0 0.53% II I I •� II / STOR IN T / FLOW 9 1.18 / CBMH-100 i'VV.= 9511.88 I 48" DIA. PRECAST / RE=961.20 (R-3067) I IE(W)=957.00 (12") IE(N)=955.80 (12" IN) 61.30 / IE(SE)=955.60 (12" OUT) 31 LF 12" SCH ST RM INLET I 40 PVC 0 1.61% I FL W= 961.27 I I 0 42 LF 12" RCP 957.7 g6ti? CL 5 0 1.43% k 50 I 65 LF 12 SCH 40 / 5\ STORM INLET \ PVC a 1.00% 962 y 120P I FLOW= 957.38 ------ INV. = 950.42 Q \ MANHOLE '57.77 �lb I ✓/A SANITARY MANHOLE RIM= 959.38 CP STM INV. = 950.74 / J INLET 957.49 '' /i r�/ ��1 41 953.74 �\ UC 4' \ \ y�� STMH-99 48 DIA. PRECAST RE=962.20 (R-1733) IE(NW)=955.10 (12" IN) �IE(SE)=955.10 (12" 0UT) E- REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK, STREE STORM MA PAVEMENT, AND CURB AS RIM= 961. NECESSARY FOR UTILITY INV. = 954 INSTALLATION; �^ SAWCUT FOR CLEAN EDGE; REPLACE Q)' PAVEMENT TO MATCH EXISTING MATERIALS, SECTION, AND ----_ , v 36 RcP ` ELEVATIONS; - ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN ro ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS;- CONTRACTOR TANDARDS;-CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK �� _ nnivi ivLL I CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM MH SAWCUT CONNECTION AND _ LE RETROFIT; IE(NW)=954.50 (12" IN); CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING INVERT ELEVATION; ADJUST AS NECESSARY i I SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 3067 BEMIDJI, MN 56601 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 BENCHMARK: VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT ELEV.=873.74. A 10101 '1�Imhw1[611160 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: 908- Existing Contours >> Existing Storm Sewer = Existing Water Main > Existing Sanitary Sewer � Existing Trees Existing Bndy Line ® Proposed Sanitary Sewer I Proposed Water Main ►� Proposed Gate Valve - ►► Proposed Storm Sewer �LU Proposed Fire Hydrant 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello, MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651-454-0002 or 1 -800-252-1166 out state.) 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gate valves or hydrants on the City's water supply system. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the local jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. 11. The Contractor shall keep access roads clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1 %. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which fail to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 16. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer, Owner or City shall not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. 17. All manhole castings in pavement shall be sumped 0.05'. All catch basin castings in curb shall be sumped 0.10'. Rim elevations on plan reflect sumped elevations. 18. Castings shall be Neenah or equivalent. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. All match lines are to be saw cut. 23. Pipe lengths shown are measured center of structure to center of structure. 24. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility connections. 25. PVC pipe crossing over watermain pipe shall be ASTM D 1785, ASTM D 2241, or AWWA C900. 26. Contractor or owner to provide an as -built utility plan once construction is complete. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 FILE NO. 00821 C4 Storm Sewer Plan = V W N � 3N C) Q pC m M z J a �LU z �z � W U, m �� � V V w Q cc (L r 0) c a: - o OLU o Co - FILE NO. 00821 C4 Storm Sewer Plan N C) C) C) � m � m � � o m o W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 C4 Storm Sewer Plan I *11111, I/ 1 96_;1 4%* / 964 Monticello Country Club _C9 S r yy Golf Course Rd County Ro fie �dy S `1� ra�e1 651-245-7455 oy T`h r GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET STORM INLET / C) 911, 1k 25 S CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 TORY I LET = FLOW= 58.8 INV.= 54. 11 0 9E N / -_-_- k rn // 1 ° rn \\ / on ° ?O 1 I� l O lir A`° 11 o o1-11 (0 • co // �fl`� / 96/2 / 0 g62 / SAN 0 /// 29,/ / r^ - / I / 1.92% / CO J 00 (0 / (-V / ' - v o� / � � 4.4 9 ® i 03 rn 2�' 0 639° 09 o / 963 / o 010 ° CV 9620 SANITARY M HOLE / l RIM= 25 / INV. = 58 / o \\ / 0)\ 0. 60 T � \\ ��'A A D12, 0 ♦/ A , C'ONCR ♦ ` STORM INLET • ` 962 FLOW= 957,3 • / -,---INV.= 950.42 \ ♦ • • , O MANHOLE '57.77 �Ib ISAN✓/A ITARYMANHOLIM= 959.38 RCP STM INV= 950.74 / » O s� /N LET 957.49 O 953.74 �\ I% -964 olsea 1E y Dundas Rd Y e LU / PROJECT LEGEND: SITE \\ ♦, / S ool Blvd 908 Existing Contours W Z Starling D j �ur.� erg ct N r >� Existing Storm Sewer 3 9g ,♦ 33 Ell 1) " 908 Proposed Contours I.8 �` / ►► Proposed Storm Sewer = Lv ♦ �251 r - w - 9�q t `s Sp / / toe stn St Nle y Proposed Silt Fence vJ 0 c� 4r, NO IMPAIRED WATER 3 y 0 Proposed Fiber Logs / ®: • ` � � •' � .. / ♦ 33Sq - / WITHIN 1 MILE RADIUS t Proposed Storm Sewer Inlet Protection z / / • ?,� OF PROJECT SITE Flow Direction � w I y 1.9% Q j Proposed Erosion Blanket U 0 SWPP NARRATIVE ^ ct / Q\ This comerial project construction will consist of site clearing, grading, utilities, and street construction. Construction is planned for 2021. The SURVEY DATA 0 W r / permanent stormwater treatment for this project is part of an off-site regional pond located south of this project. First, perimeter silt fence and rock construction entrance shall be installed. Then site work (n shall commence. The contractor shall dispose all debris off-site within 24 hours. Then the SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: site can be graded, utilities installed, building constructed, curbing and pavements installed, NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. final grade tolerance, and landscape final stabilization. Once final grade is established and P.O. BOX 3067 certified, the site shall be stabilized with seed and mulch or sod. Once vegetation is BEMIDJI, MN 56601 established, temporary erosion control measures shall be removed. / DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 O� POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES BENCHMARK: V / VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT Solid waste: collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE / fabric, construction debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly off-site and must TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY / comply with MPCA requirements. FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT Hazardous materials: oils, gasoline, paint, and any hazardous substance must be properly C ELEV.=873.74. stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted •C O / access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal must O C C be in compliance with MPCA regulations. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 'q External washing of trucks or other construction vehicles is not allowed on site. No engine o q) degreasing is allowed on site. No concrete washouts are allowed on site. SEE SURVEY j 963 Concrete truck washout is not to be allowed on site unless washout waste is contained with +r v W 0'>>no discharge to round surface or site drainage facilities. Containments stems are to be ra a! / located a minimum 50 feet away from drainage facilities and watercourses. Containment PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .Z o 8 ° ' systems shall have an impermeable liner. Containment system shall be clearly marked with LOT 1, BLOCK 1, KAMPSCHROER ADDITION, a) E0 RESPONSIBLE PARTY signage. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Contact information for the responsible All sanitary was� waste must be collected from portable toilet units on site by a licensed waste e � � c o � art for erosion control is: management contractor. The units must be secured and shall be maintained on a regular p e party basis as needed to prevent overfilling.PROJECT LOCATION ' %, / Owner: CORY & JESSICA KAMPSCHROER S O NE Corner of Highway 25 & Dundas Road EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 ra � 0 1 Monticello, MN 55362 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, t / �\� \ I 1. Erosion control measures shall be inspected by the contractor's representative and WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. p , a) Contractor: Not Known Yet maintained by the contractor every Friday and within 24 hours after any rainfall event larger than 1/2" until the project is completed. Maintenance requirements are as follows: ROCK C0NSTR. silt fence - 1/3 height of fence or damaged, remove sediment and/or repair fence within Manager: Cory Kampschroer 24 hours; rock entrance - refresh as necessary to conform to detail; inlet protection 651 TOTAL SITE DATA: corykampschroer@gmai1.com inserts - remove sediment after each rain event, clean or replace filter when clogged; 4� O ZI:• ENTRANCE corykampschroer®gmail.com surface water - drain and stabilize, within 7 days of discovery; and street sweeping - � o \ remove all sediment tracked onto paved surfaces within 24 hours or as directed by City TOTAL AREA: 50,365 SF 3 w I Engineer. DESIGN CALCULATIONS 2. Replacement - Fabric shall be replaced promptly when it decomposes or becomes EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 35,092 SF ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. Design calculations, including soil types are 3. Any sediment remaining in place after silt fence is no longer required shall be dressed to PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 24,665 SF cZ I on file with: Civil Engineering Site Design conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded with appropriate seed mix, as • SWPPP Designer: Scott Dahlke (Expires 2022) directed by the engineer. TOTAL PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA: 49.0% / 4. Removal of the silt fence- Silt fences shall be removed when they have served their useful (y of total area; 34,360/50,365) ti purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been permanently stabilized. Z EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION SCHEDULE PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA: 56,104 SF = 1.29 AC W 'I I 1. Silt fence shall be installed or restored prior to any construction. Silt fence Q) shall be located as shown to intercept runoff. The area located beyond the VEGETATION GROUND COVER SCHEDULE Z3 II I perimeter silt fence shall not be disturbed during construction. EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES: a 2. Rock Construction Entrance shall be installed prior to grading operations. 1. Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case Q 3. All storm sewer inlets shall have inlet protection inserts installed. Inserts shall completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the ITEM: QUANTITY UNIT be "Road rain -Top Slab" or "Road Drain -Curb & Gutter" inlet protection devices site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Seeding and mulching shall conform to Z P Y P Y 9 9 ROCK ENTRANCE 1 EA � II as manufactured by WIMCO (or approved equal) and installed per manufacture's the latest NPDES requirements for installation schedule with regards to grading. recommendations. 2. Permanent turf ground cover shall include all disturbed areas be covered with a SILT FENCE 871 LF Q 4. All erosion control installations shall remain in place and be maintained in good minimum 6" topsoil and sodded or seeded as allowed by City, or as proposed on City WOOD FIBER LOG 0 LF II I condition by the contractor until the site has been re -vegetated, at which time approved landscape plan for the project. Use of low -impact earth moving equipment MULCH TYPE 1 & DISC ANCHOR 0.36 AC J it shall be removed by the contractor. For proposed paved surface areas, the shall be utilized to prevent compaction of the underlying soils. If not otherwise specified, EROSION BLANKET CAT. 3 0 SY contractor may remove necessary silt fencing to construct roadway, while STOP /N sand soils. MnDOT TyT I maintaining adequate erosion control in adjacent areas. turf seed to be OT Ty mix 25-121 applied at 61 pe 1 mulch shall be applied at 2 at 2 tons/ac and disc for sandy and silty INLET PROTECTION 10 EA C� FLOW 9 1.18 5. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" topsoil Z for disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. Seeding and O INV.= 957 88 6. The contractor shall schedule site grading, utility installation and roadway mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installation LOCATION OF SWPPP REQUIREMENTS IN PLANS _:SI construction so that the general site can be mulched and re -seeded soon after schedule with regards to grading. m I disturbance. Areas that will not be subject to construction traffic for 7 days 3. Temporary ground cover to be MnDOT seed mix 22-111 shall be applied at 31 lbs/ac, shall be seeded and mulched or sodded within 7 days of final grading. or equivalent as approved by City. MnDOT Type 1 mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac '_ N O LOCATION STANDARD BMP DETAILS DETAILS ON SHEET C8 STORMWATER CALCULATIONS and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. STORM SEWER REPORT C LO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN 4. Fertilizer for turf shall be MnDOT Type 3 22-5-10 and applied at 350 Ib/ac. Disc SOILS DATA GEOTECHNICAL REPORT � 1. One of the individuals described in Responsible Party information must complete 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be all SWPPP changes. Changes involving the use of a less stringent BMP must responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. O fertilizer into top 3" of soil. Specification reference is MnDOT 2574. W ORM MA OLE site characteristics. to the grading contract. C) 5. Dormant seed mix shall be used after November 1 or when temperatures do not exceed 1. A temporary sediment basin must be provided where 10 or more acres of 40° F, using same rates specified above. No seed shall be placed on snow or ice disturbed soil at one time drain to a common location. If within a mile of an greater than 2" in depth. r ST RM INLET i FL W= 961.27 1 1 , I impaired water, the temporary basin must be provided where 5 or more acres of disturbed soil at one time drain to a common location. 6. Any seeded areas that do not become established Contractor's expense. with vegetation shall be re -seeded at /N = 957.7 2. The temporary basin must provide 3,600 cubic feet of live storage per acre 7. Erosion blanket shall be installed in seed areas with ground surface slopes of 3H:1V or - draining to the basin or calculate the greater volume of 1,800 cubic feet of steeper. / 50 I live storage per acre or runoff volume of the 2 -year, 24-hour storm. S 3. The basin must be constructed prior to disturbing 10 acres or 5 acres within N �GQ I the one mile impaired water zone. EROSION CONTROL NOTES \ A(5 4. The basin outlet must be designed to withdraw water from the surface and DESCRIPTION LOCATION STANDARD BMP DETAILS DETAILS ON SHEET C8 STORMWATER CALCULATIONS STORM SEWER REPORT SITE MAP STORM SEWER REPORT C LO GRADING PLAN SHEET C2 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DETAIL ON SHEET C8 SUMP MANHOLE STORM SEWER SHEET C4 SOILS DATA GEOTECHNICAL REPORT prevent short-circuiting andthe discharge of floating debris. 1. All devices necessary to control erosion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence, rock K co N construction operations. co C LO O 0z 3 o� O Q reinforced matrix, erosion blanket with seed, or sod. � 1. One of the individuals described in Responsible Party information must complete 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be all SWPPP changes. Changes involving the use of a less stringent BMP must responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. O prevent short-circuiting andthe discharge of floating debris. 1. All devices necessary to control erosion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence, rock K construction entrances, swales, ponds, berms, ETC.) shall be installed prior to any other m construction operations. �z C LO SWPPP AMENDMENTS 2. After completion of final grading, exposed soils must be permanently stabilized within 7 days. Stabilization shall consist of disc -anchored seed & mulch, HECP with fiber 0z 3 o� �z Q reinforced matrix, erosion blanket with seed, or sod. � 1. One of the individuals described in Responsible Party information must complete 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be all SWPPP changes. Changes involving the use of a less stringent BMP must responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. O O - include a_justifirnfl n_describing how the replacement BMP is effective for the The building pad must be provided with a positive outflow. This work shall be incidental O W ORM MA OLE site characteristics. to the grading contract. R/M= 96 1. 4. Entering/exiting exitin of the site shall occur only at rock construction entrance to reduce 2. NPDES permittees must amend the SWPPP to include additional or modified 9/ 9 Y INV.= 954. BMP's as necessary to correct problems identified or address situations tracking of dirt onto paved streets. Sediment tracked onto streets during working hoursFILE NO. whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, maintenance, must be reclaimed via street scraping and sweeping at the end of each working day. INDEX O F f%11111 S ITE DRAWINGS. 5. Stormwater discharge e outlet energy dissipation shall be provided b rip -rap with weather or seasonal conditions having a significant effect on the discharge of 9 pipe 9Y P P Y P P pollutants to surface waters or groundwater. size, quantity, and placement in accordance with City standards. Rip -rap installation O � o' P g CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN d © 3. NPDES permittees must amend the SWPPP to include additional or modified shall be within 24 hours of pipe installation. 6. Install silt fence around all temporary inactive stockpiles which are not place within C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY P LAT BMP's as necessary to correct problems identified or address situations existing silt fence area or other perimeter erosion controls. 3 V / whenever inspections or investigations by the site owner or operator, USEPA or 7 Stabilization of temporary or permanent drainage ditches that drain water from the C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 00 r ((A (0 N N W LOI 6 X I Q) SAI ►�� C:C: r 00 l Q N m W Q a 00821 C) Y QQW Q 6 RCP , MPCA officials indicate the SWPPP is not effective in eliminating or significantly construction site must be initiated within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to CJS SANITARY SEWER 8c WATER PLAN STj11 minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or groundwater or the any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. - discharges are causing water quality exceedonces or the SWPPP is not 8. Sufficient personel, equipment, and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of C4 STORM SEWER PLAN consistent with the objectives of a USEPA approved TMDL. written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ce5 �� / work and install temporary erosion control work in the case of an emergency. I C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Storm Water Pollution C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Prevention Plan 0 q)L �z C LO J Q 0z o� o� �z 0 � zu-6 -I-, > O W Ict0- C) 00 r ((A (0 N N W LOI 6 X I Q) SAI ►�� C:C: r 00 l Q N m W Q a 00821 C) Y QQW Q 6 RCP , MPCA officials indicate the SWPPP is not effective in eliminating or significantly construction site must be initiated within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to CJS SANITARY SEWER 8c WATER PLAN STj11 minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or groundwater or the any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. - discharges are causing water quality exceedonces or the SWPPP is not 8. Sufficient personel, equipment, and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of C4 STORM SEWER PLAN consistent with the objectives of a USEPA approved TMDL. written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ce5 �� / work and install temporary erosion control work in the case of an emergency. I C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Storm Water Pollution C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Prevention Plan / //v v. = /V/,9 REMOVE & DISPOSE 252 SF OF CONCRETE STORM INLET l FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 TORM I LET = FLOW= 58.8 INV.= 54. 11 i REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 111 LF OF RETAINING WALL REMOVE & DISPOSE GAS METER m a /a l/ (v� :C % S�0R� 1 , 1-96--1 /\ Y V A 964 0 -REMOVE &DISPOSE ELEC BOX O/ 3,3 REMOVE &DISPOSE OF 89 LF OF RETAINING WALL / -, REMOVE & DISPOSE 609 SF OF CONCRETE / SA6- -,REMOVE -,REMOVE & DISPOSE 5,840 SF OF BUILDING AND FOUNDATION REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 26 LF OF CURB & GUTTER -1 REMOVE & DISPOSE 1,760 SF OF CONCRETE O 00 962 II 00 I REMOVE & DISPOSE 1,064 SF OF CONCRETE N RIM= 96 .25 INV. = 0.58 N o W o N FR TyFR� y �O 3-0? RpgD � S,q STORM INLET FLOW= 957.38 INV. = 950.42 �� \ lb MANHOLE 57.77 ^gib SANITARY MANHOLE ✓/A \ RIM= 959.38 / \ R6P STM = 950.74 41 /_1 INLET ` 4_ /;'/ /-), `- ,< 957.49 ;'/ /-) /,, 953.74 �\ 4'/„ � CJ/ V/ 1�1 \/ O, 960 ` Ik 4 �0 STORM MA. RIM= 961. INV. = 954. O o � � Q 36 P SrM 50 T REMOVE &DISPOSE OF 35 LF OF CURB & GUTTER & 136 SF OF BITUMINOUS REMOVE & DISPOSE 219 SF OF SURFACE PAVEMENT v � J I I REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 73 LF OF CURB & GUTTER & 249 SF OF BITUMINOUS I N I I REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 297 SF OF SURFACE PAVEMENT I 1 � REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 14 LF OF CURB & GUTTER STOR INLET I FLOW 961. 18 INV957.88 957.88 I I STORM INLET I FLOW= 961.27 I I INV. = 957.7 _ 50 I S�� Cl? I A 5 R 1 I� — 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: —908 — Existing Contours > Existing Sanitary Sewer Existing Water Main >> Existing Storm Sewer Existing Trees z Oz Existing Bndy Line �Z PROPOSED DEMOLITION & REMOVAL AREA . •. •. • ....... •'. •'. • ................... PROPOSED TREE REMOVAL AREA SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 3067 BEMIDJI, MN 56601 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 BENCHMARK: VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT ELEV.=873.74. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SEE SURVEY PROJECT LOCATION SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. DEMOLITION NOTES 1. Install perimeter sediment controls as soon as possible during clear and grub operations. See Erosion Control Plan. 2. Provide air quality control measures at the request of the Engineer or City Representatives. Take necessary measures to keep dust levels to a minimum. Provide sweeping of adjacent paving as needed, or as required by the City Engineer. 3. Locate and protect all utility lines prior to and during demolition. Utility locations shown are based on best available information and are not guaranteed. Contact private utility service for disconnection and removal. 4. Remove or relocate all existing site features that interfere with the proposed construction. 5. Protect existing site features that are to remain during construction. Replace anything damaged with new construction. 6. Pavement shall be saw cut at limits of removal unless noted otherwise. Do not impede existing traffic circulation to adjacent businesses or streets. 7. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" of topsoil in disturbed areas to be re—vegitated. 8. All construction and post—construction parking shall be on—site. At no time shall parking, loading, or unloading be allowed on public streets. 9. Storage of materials or equipment shall not be allowed within public Right—of—Way and shall be maintained on site within project boundaries. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan = W N 003 Q C) C4 C) aCO I00 z Oz � Z �Z �J QW � "d ills pQ VO c Vm V> Q o�Lo I o o (Do z W !a! 0) CO CC QW A Nft X C0 — o W FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan O N C) CU C) C) I00 O N +% C\1 C)) (/� co N O 61 � N� I O E c � W `j o�Lo I o (34o A x I mm °(> o N3 o W 003 W Y.. �� � N Q Q, W m O O V FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan N C) C) C) � m � o m o W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan 4" MIN p L D35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX O NEENAH N0. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE (/ COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34" PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" 24" FINISH " GRADE 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: AStandard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate Revised: n z .1 TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE C CASTING ADJUSTING RINGS A DESIRED MINIMUM OUTER LIMITS OF A� 3' 8" 8" CONCRETE WALK 4" MIN - 12" MAX 3' i 3' 8" 3' 8" UMLO LO STANDARD FRAME & COVER O CONCRETE < WALK O 02 ti n ~ INSTALL INFRA SHIELD r CONK RETEWAAL ti `° (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE 5' 8' a 5' 8" 5, 8 < 5. 8. EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL BACK OF CURB SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 O FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS FRONT FACE OF CURB FRONT FACE i eo m r WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II 7 Oo v OF CUR ... o a PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE 10 T SLOP£' O 10:t SIOPB e I I ® I --I ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD VARI. BASED '0 10:1 SLOPE VARI. BASED 10:1 SLOPE ON SIDEWALK ON SIDEWALK z z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP OR TRAIL WIDTH OR TRAIL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP © CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE CURB APLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP CURB AND GUTTER 50% - 659 5' 4" 4' 0" DESIRABLE OF BASE DIAMETER CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION \" C' 4' TO 10' a (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED ... 0.02 FT./FT, MAX. Q 7 8"-1 7/116 CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT./FT. OR FLATTERQ3 z z BY ENGINEER 1 DOME SECTION o U- CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON SECTION A -A 1 5/8"- OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE P.I. APPROX. P.I. 2 3/8" 15/16"(TYP. �66 10:1 SLOPE �66� rDOME TVP 1 6'b000000dl .000000000 0 W zo AND PIPE CONNECTION _ Q S2 m °° 1_n 158"-23 00000000 iv .o / /" 000000.00 = Y } U 22 a m 0000 oo 16-16-1 15/16"(TYP.) 5/8"MIN. 5/B" P'L �I P'IDOME SPACING MIN. 10:1 SLOPE—o-- 6 - 0"- 10:1 SLOPE STRUCTURE MIN. 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND ELEVATION OF RAMP 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. NOTES: Q1 REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND Q1 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. W DIAMETER REQUIRED. O WHEN POSSIBLE, PROVIDE A CLEAR PATH OF TRAVEL 4' 0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL O Q2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -1 -PF ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. NO SIGNALS, SIGNS, CABINETS, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS ARE ALLOWED (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS IN THE RAMP OR PATH OF TRAVEL. AND SPACED 16" OC. 03 WHEN A MEDIAN IS NOT WIDE ENOUGH FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND A 48" LANDING BETWEEN THEM, THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SHALL 03 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT BE CUT THROUGH THE MEDIAN AT STREET LEVEL. WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS ® PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS (TRUNCATED DOMES) AT THE BACK OF CURB. WHEN THE DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEM IS A PRECAST 4 EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE.,..: MAY BE USED OR PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH ; BASIN MATERIAL, THE CURB SHALL BE HAND FORMED TO FILL THE GAP. QS GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN ' '; 05 ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2' 0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA DIA :: OF THE CURB RAMP. CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK © THE CURB & GUTTER TRANSITION WILL BE PAID FOR AS LINEAR FEET OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP AREA WILL BE ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION PAID FOR ON A PER EACH BASIS. THE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION (2) THE TRUNCATED DOME/DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCESSIBILITY Q REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. GUIDELINES (ADAAG). Title: ® DETECTABLE WARNING PAVERS MANUFACTURED BY HANOVER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS SHALL BE USED WITH THE CHARCOAL COLORING. TO PROVIDE A VISUALLY CONTRASTING SURFACE TO THE WALK. ' Standard Manhole for Title: Standard Plate Library Storm Sewer City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Curb Ramp 4001 the City of Monticello Re"'sed'03-17 �LA Plate No. - 4" MIN p L D35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX O NEENAH N0. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE (/ COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34" PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" 24" FINISH " GRADE 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: AStandard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate Revised: n z .1 TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE A DESIRED MINIMUM OUTER LIMITS OF A� 3' 8" 8" CONCRETE WALK THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED 3' i 3' 8" 3' 8" UMLO LO AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) O CONCRETE < WALK O 02 ti n ~ A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED r CONK RETEWAAL ti `° AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 5' 8' a 5' 8" 5, 8 < 5. 8. 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95% OF BACK OF CURB STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT O GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.21' FRONT FACE OF CURB FRONT FACE i eo m GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER 7 Oo v OF CUR ... o a SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE.VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 10 T SLOP£' O 10:t SIOPB e I I ® I --I Title: VARI. BASED '0 10:1 SLOPE VARI. BASED 10:1 SLOPE ON SIDEWALK ON SIDEWALK Standard Plate Library Typical Trench Compaction and Class B Bedding City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1007 OR TRAIL WIDTH OR TRAIL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP 4" MIN p L D35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX O NEENAH N0. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE (/ COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34" PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" 24" FINISH " GRADE 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: AStandard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate Revised: n z .1 A PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR •15" 24" w •48" P a � A 35-1/4" 1 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V 9" > 'DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 433B OR APPROVED EQUAL SECTION MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" OPENING CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION RCP PIPE NOTES: 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Manhole City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4003 03-17 T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END i A DESIRED MINIMUM OUTER LIMITS OF A� 3' 8" 8" CONCRETE WALK 4' 3' i 3' 8" 3' 8" UMLO LO NOTES: O CONCRETE < WALK O 02 ti n ~ 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS r CONK RETEWAAL ti `° 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT 5' 8' a 5' 8" 5, 8 < 5. 8. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS BACK OF CURB WHERE REQUIRED. O 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID FRONT FACE OF CURB FRONT FACE i eo m FOR 1" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER 7 Oo v OF CUR ... o a WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 10 T SLOP£' O 10:t SIOPB e I I ® I --I 1" COPPER VARI. BASED '0 10:1 SLOPE VARI. BASED 10:1 SLOPE ON SIDEWALK ON SIDEWALK PLUGGED END OR TRAIL WIDTH OR TRAIL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP AIR BLEED DETAIL CURB APLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP CURB AND GUTTER 50% - 659 5' 4" 4' 0" DESIRABLE OF BASE DIAMETER STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL \" BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE ... 0.02 FT./FT, MAX. Q 7 8"-1 7/116 CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT./FT. OR FLATTERQ3 (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK 1 DOME SECTION VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX SECTION A -A 1 5/8"- INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) P.I. APPROX. P.I. 2 3/8" 15/16"(TYP. �66 10:1 SLOPE �66� rDOME TVP 1 6'b000000dl .000000000 0 W 4' °° 1_n 158"-23 00000000 iv .o / /" 000000.00 NOTE: 0000 oo 16-16-1 15/16"(TYP.) 5/8"MIN. 5/B" P'L �I P'IDOME SPACING MIN. 10:1 SLOPE—o-- 6 - 0"- 10:1 SLOPE IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE MIN. GROUND LINE SHALL AGATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN 7. 7.5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED ELEVATION OF RAMP TO THE GATE VALVE NUT NOTES: 2' Q1 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. W VALVE BOX O WHEN POSSIBLE, PROVIDE A CLEAR PATH OF TRAVEL 4' 0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL O 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. NO SIGNALS, SIGNS, CABINETS, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS ARE ALLOWED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE ANDMIN 7.5 ' COVER (UNLESS IN THE RAMP OR PATH OF TRAVEL. GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 03 WHEN A MEDIAN IS NOT WIDE ENOUGH FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND A 48" LANDING BETWEEN THEM, THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SHALL 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR BE CUT THROUGH THE MEDIAN AT STREET LEVEL. WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS ® PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS (TRUNCATED DOMES) AT THE BACK OF CURB. WHEN THE DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEM IS A PRECAST 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. MATERIAL, THE CURB SHALL BE HAND FORMED TO FILL THE GAP. OR APPROVED EQUAL 05 ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2' 0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH WATERMAIN OF THE CURB RAMP. GATE VALVE WATERMAIN © THE CURB & GUTTER TRANSITION WILL BE PAID FOR AS LINEAR FEET OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP AREA WILL BE VALVE BOX INSTALLATION PAID FOR ON A PER EACH BASIS. THE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. Title: (2) THE TRUNCATED DOME/DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCESSIBILITY Air Bleed Detail And GUIDELINES (ADAAG). Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation ® DETECTABLE WARNING PAVERS MANUFACTURED BY HANOVER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS SHALL BE USED WITH THE CHARCOAL COLORING. TO PROVIDE A VISUALLY CONTRASTING SURFACE TO THE WALK. ' City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Title: 03-05 Pedestrian Standard Plate Library for Curb Ramp the City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. - 5009 Revised: 02-06 A PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR •15" 24" w •48" P a � A 35-1/4" 1 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V 9" > 'DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 433B OR APPROVED EQUAL SECTION MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" OPENING CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION RCP PIPE NOTES: 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Manhole City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4003 03-17 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 V = W 00 Qa CCW Q W V� 0 w M LU ca C0 Cz )� q) L q) O j C � h C V i O CX N O 0 C Y °c r- ) L i QO q) 0 0 DO N Z N D; N TO N CIO wLi I• W G T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END i 4' UMLO LO NOTES: C - ti n ~ 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS W `° 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT I LLl NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS U WHERE REQUIRED. O 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID m FOR 1" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER � WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL O BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK O VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) W 4' NOTE: IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE GROUND LINE SHALL AGATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN 7. 7.5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT Q 2' W VALVE BOX O 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED O BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE ANDMIN 7.5 ' COVER (UNLESS GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL WATERMAIN GATE VALVE WATERMAIN VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Title: Air Bleed Detail And Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Z 2003 Revised:03-15 i i INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 V = W 00 Qa CCW Q W V� 0 w M LU ca C0 Cz )� q) L q) O j C � h C V i O CX N O 0 C Y °c r- ) L i QO q) 0 0 DO N Z N D; N TO N CIO wLi I• W G FILE NO. 00821 C7 Details 0) >' UMLO LO W C - ti n ~ Lo I mm (O_>_ W `° M� I LLl C ' 00 U FILE NO. 00821 C7 Details N C) C) C) O O m � O DO O W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 C7 Details 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY (ALTERNATE W/6"X6"—#10/10 W.W.M.) MNDOT SPEC 2461 4" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3F32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - LIGHT DUTY (PRIVATE SIDEWALK) 8'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX SEE ncreE 2006 NOTE: ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. PROPOSED STORM SEWER cc 45' BEQNDS II 20 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello VARIES Title: Watermain Offset Date` 03-05 Plate No. Revised:2005 03-17 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY (ALTERNATE "" EPDXY COATED REBAR 18" O.C.) MNDOT SPEC 2461 6" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 31`32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY DF 1EIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised:6004 03-15 CONTRACTION JOINTS BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH — 6' (MATCH INKIND) DEPTH — 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH— 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS — 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS — 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS IRStandard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Sidewalk Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:03-1 7 5012 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPWEB240B MnDOT SPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 8" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS Gravel pad(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprap Bedding Geotextile fabric Original grade SECTION B—B (not to scale) Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates Original Geotextile fabric SECTION A—A grade (not to scale) NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment trapping device CO z xl w Match Existing Grade Sediment Trapping Device A t I U I I Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates B 24' min. Slope away from highway 50' min. or Right of Way PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised:6002 03-15 2" x 2" WOOD POSTS FILTER FABRIC 4.0' O.C. MIN. FI-ENVIRO FENCE 3 — MAX. QUAL) MIN. 30" —MA36" ABOVE GRADE DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE BACKFILL 6" x 6" TRENCH UNDISTURBED SOIL SILT FENCE NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE SHALL BE BLACK IN COLOR. 2. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED FENCE LINE, OR MACHINE SLICE TO 6" DEPTH. 3. DRIVE ALL POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ON THE UPHILL SIDE ALONG THE FENCE LINE, AND BACK FILL. 5. WOOD POSTS MAY BE SPACED UP TO 4 FEET APART TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC. 6. REMOVE SILT FENCE AFTER TURF IS ESTABLISHED. SILT FENCE DETAIL CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 o aqi N O j L q) C p h C 45 W V iO tizg C (.1 .0 C y O o�� c � co� !i P oC .%.Q q) i QO � C, o Z 00 N Z N 1 07 10 N --CONCRETE CURB WL �V)I Co� r AND GUTTER W W l 0 >_ `° (a 0.0 Lo I W� C N 3 O �00 ��� a ^ EXPANSION \y JOINTS EXPANSION JOINTS � Cl)0 W / /� \,l B 6' B I�.. ,, W Q Q Q V FILE NO. 00821 5 CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONCRETE TO BE EXPANSION EXPANSION POURED INTEGRALLY JOINTS A JOINTS WITH CURB SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN PLAN C4 B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER C8 a � VARIABLE 1 /4 /�1�� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PER 7" MIN. 7 �— 3/4 <: 7" WIDTH VARIES EXISTING CONDITIONS 8c REMOVAL PLAN 5' MIN. C7—C8 SECTION B—B SECTION A—A Title: C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Commercial Driveway Details Standard Plate Library Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5008 8'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX SEE ncreE 2006 NOTE: ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. PROPOSED STORM SEWER cc 45' BEQNDS II 20 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello VARIES Title: Watermain Offset Date` 03-05 Plate No. Revised:2005 03-17 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY (ALTERNATE "" EPDXY COATED REBAR 18" O.C.) MNDOT SPEC 2461 6" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 31`32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY DF 1EIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised:6004 03-15 CONTRACTION JOINTS BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH — 6' (MATCH INKIND) DEPTH — 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH— 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS — 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS — 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS IRStandard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Sidewalk Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:03-1 7 5012 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPWEB240B MnDOT SPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 8" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS Gravel pad(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprap Bedding Geotextile fabric Original grade SECTION B—B (not to scale) Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates Original Geotextile fabric SECTION A—A grade (not to scale) NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment trapping device CO z xl w Match Existing Grade Sediment Trapping Device A t I U I I Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates B 24' min. Slope away from highway 50' min. or Right of Way PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised:6002 03-15 2" x 2" WOOD POSTS FILTER FABRIC 4.0' O.C. MIN. FI-ENVIRO FENCE 3 — MAX. QUAL) MIN. 30" —MA36" ABOVE GRADE DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE BACKFILL 6" x 6" TRENCH UNDISTURBED SOIL SILT FENCE NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE SHALL BE BLACK IN COLOR. 2. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED FENCE LINE, OR MACHINE SLICE TO 6" DEPTH. 3. DRIVE ALL POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ON THE UPHILL SIDE ALONG THE FENCE LINE, AND BACK FILL. 5. WOOD POSTS MAY BE SPACED UP TO 4 FEET APART TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC. 6. REMOVE SILT FENCE AFTER TURF IS ESTABLISHED. SILT FENCE DETAIL CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 o aqi N O j L q) C p h C 45 W V iO tizg C (.1 .0 C y O o�� c � co� !i P oC .%.Q q) i QO � C, o Z 00 N Z N 1 07 10 N r,)0) WL �V)I Co� r >_ X I m m (o W W l 0 >_ `° (a 0.0 Lo I W� C N 3 O �00 ��� m O m m � � Cl)0 W IO Q Q rW^^ vl I�.. ,, W Q Q Q V FILE NO. 00821 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C8 C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS 8c REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Details 0 6.0 FT WIDE STONE MULCH WITH/ COMMERCIAL EDGING 4.0 FT WIDE STONE MULCH WITH COMMERCIAL' EDGING j� nV 7 SGJ % \\ STONE MULCH WITH KFG 19 COMMERCIAL EDGING 6 FF 3 SGJ \ 4 STONE MULCH WITH COMMERCIAL EDGING 1 I L,z 6.0 FT WIDE STONE MULCH WITH COMMERCIAL EDGING REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS 10 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PER ACRE + 2 SHRUBS PER 10 LF OF BUILDING PERIMETER SITE AREA = 45,391 SF = 1.04 AC 10 x 1.04 = 10.4 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PROPOSED BUILDING PERIMETER = 510 LF 510/10 = 51 x 2 = 102 SHRUBS PLANT LIST: Site Plantings QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME TREES 3 CH Celtis occidentalis 2 BHS Picea glauca 'Densato' 2 CGS Picea pungens 14 CALIPER INCHES PROVIDED (10.4 REQUIRED) COMMON NAME Common Hockberry Black Hills Spruce Colorado Green Spruce SIZE/ROOT 2.0" B&B 6' B&B 6' B&B 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SHRUBS 28 FF Forsythia 'Fiesta' Fiesta Forsythia 3 Gal. Pot 39 SGJ Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green' Sea Green Juniper 5 Gal. Pot 45 OV Viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga' Onondaga Viburnum 5 Gal. Pot 112 PROVIDED (102 REQUIRED) ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 19 KFG Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Forestdfarl Forester Feather Reed Gross3 Gal. Pot PLANTING NOTES: Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The guarantee begins on the date of the owner's written acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have a one year guarantee commencing upon planting. All plants to be northern—grown and hardy. Plants to be installed as per standard AAN planting practices. Use minimum 12" loam planting soil on trees and 6" on shrubs. Contractor shall verify locations with all utililies prior to installation of plants. Underground irrigation shall be provided for trees, shrubs, and sod areas. Staking of trees optional; reposition if not plumb after one year. Wrap all smooth—barked trees—fasten top and bottom. Remove by April 1. Open top of burlap on BB materials; remove pot on potted plants; split and break apart peat pots. Prune plants as necessary — per standard nursery practice. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance after acceptance of the work by contractor. Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel—in materials if necessary. Planting beds for shrubs shall have (4 oz. min.) weed barrier fabric, 3" depth 1-3/4" washed River Rock and 6" vertical (commercial grade) black steel edging. The edging shall be placed and staked with smooth curves and lines. Use Preen or equal prior to planting. All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted. Sod shall be northern grown and hardy. Double shredded dark brown hardwood mulch 4" deep shall be provided around all new trees. Field adjust tree and shrub locations to fit utility locations and any changes that may have occured to the site plan and/or grading plan. CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOTES: TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE SHOWN. ITIS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES: HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANING. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL IB IN EDENCE OM INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St INE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 1141, 18" POLVPROPtt E OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL 1 -1/2 - C) AIDE STRAP TYP.) i�Cwaavnnrt a C) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. ARE — 3. 6120" INTERVAL (TYP.) �z a �01 O W TREE MAP TO FIRST BRANCH p J'�L w TURNBUCKLE MATH DOUBLE STRAND ,yE 1BAP Ta �, sAIxH v, LQ 4 GAUGE MIRE — 3 PER TNEE � WM oaf[ amAN) O L MULCH N SAUCER—EXTENDD PAST E ca VAN co o FINAL GRADE OF PLANT TO 4"—S" LAYER OF SHREDDED HARDWOODMULCH m IN SAUCER—EXTEND PAST STAKE EQUAL ORIGINAL GRADE o FINAL GRADE OF TO W W EQUAL ORIGINAL GRADET-1w APAmAT2".2"x30" STAKES SET 120" APARTOUTSIDE THE BALL AT ANGLE — 3 PFR BACKFILL WTH PLANTING SOIL a TREE BACKFILL 'MTI PLANTING SOIL I MAINTAINSIAL OF a a UNDIOIL MAINTAIN PEDESTAL OF Q 1 UNDISTURBED SOIL CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOTES: TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE SHOWN. ITIS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES: HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANING. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL IB IN EDENCE OM INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St INE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 CZ o � Z a> ° j C p h C W V iO v` •` C C o ai o�� c •c `o c ° '15 zi V ' •]z Ln ,°q) Q o P O 3 i Q_ o .b � 3 w •iC 00 r7 N ' (A (NO N c: a� SAIo CID (0 0 N I 2L N 00 Q CL = -i (A' C) C) Q C) co z �z a �01 O W V p a. w � O C v, LQ r o z O L J ca VAN co o CZ o � Z a> ° j C p h C W V iO v` •` C C o ai o�� c •c `o c ° '15 zi V ' •]z Ln ,°q) Q o P O 3 i Q_ o .b � 3 w •iC 00 r7 N ' (A (NO N c: a� SAIo CID (0 0 N I 2L N 00 Q CL FILE NO. 00821 C9 Landscape Plan C) C) C) (N_/ �1J O jY, T o m o W W a a a Q FILE NO. 00821 C9 Landscape Plan W W 0 U 2 U Q �o M X tV LU z CL 0 Z) 0 V) co 0 LLJV LU Z J V Sota Car Wash Southeast Main Carwash Entry View SCALE: 1:1.41 SW 7004 S. d FA BCON PRECAST CONC PANEL WITH RANDOM RIB. EXPOSED AGGREGATE 004 SAND AND 920 ONIX TINT FABCON PRECAST CONC PANEL WITH SMOOTH FINISH AND RANDOM RIB FINISH. PAINTED IN FIELD SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 7004 SNOWBOUND Sota Car Wash Northwest Aerial View SCALE: 1:1.47 Sota Car Wash Southeast View SCALE: 1:1.46 SHERWIND WILLAMS PAINTED CONCRETE COLUMS/ PIERS Black (06) CANOPIES, FASCIAS, AND SOFFTISTO BE WRAPPED IN PREFINISHED METAL - BLACK -Iowa 11 11 H i■I West Exterior Elevation r D Sota Car Wash Northeast Aerial View SCALE: 1:1.47 Sota Car Wash Southwest View SCALE: 1:1.49 Ocean Blue (35) Hawaiian Blue (70) CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS AND OVERHEAD DOORS 12" Coverage Charcoal (17) 1 112" 4'X1' METAL SALES "TLC -1" PREFINISHED FLUSH METAL PANELS IN A RANDOM PATTERN OF THREE COLORS. r i►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z L_O r U oc H = z O U CO W O t LL v, o°c W 3 N rd L. M �— U O u v, z, am ca O E "' >= V�� a a -� z o — Z G � J O v4J o LV W 0 _ U w z CL A0.0 BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS 2020 Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 3 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE Section 304 Business Group B Car Wash Main Level Automatic Car Wash 3,365 sf. Car Wash Indoor Vacuum 3,188 sf Car Wash Equipment 621 sf Office 437 sf Total Net Main Level = 7,611 sf. Mezzanine Level Office 437 sf Car Wash Equip Mezzanine 279 sf Total Net Mezzanine Level = 716 sf Tota I Net Area = 8,32 7 Total Gross Main Level/ Building Footprint = 8,208 sf Chapter 5 GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS Table 504.3 Allowable Building Height In Feet Above Grade Plane B: Type IIB, Nonsprinklered: 55' allowed. 24' Actual Table 504.4 Allowable Number of Stories Above Grade Plane B: Type IIB, Nosprinklered: 3 Stories Allowed. 2 Stories Actual Section 505 Mezzanine and Equipment Platforms A 279 sf Mezzanine is part of the Car Wash Equipment room below Therefore, 279/ 621= 44.9%. Allowed to be 50% in Sprinklered, Type II Buildigs. Okay. Table 506.2 Allowable Area Factor in Square Feet (SF) B: Type IIB, 2 Story Nonsprinklered : 23,000 SF Allowed. 8,208 SF Actual Table 508.4 Required Separation of Occupancies No Occupancy separations required. Chapter 6 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Table 601 Fire -Resistance Requirements for Building Elements Type IIB. No fire rating required. Section 602.5. Type IIB: Structual Elements, Exterior Walls, and Interior Walls are of any material permitted by this code. Table 602 Fire -Resistance Rating Requirements For Exterior Walls Based On Fire Separation Distance. The building is open on West side by 20'. No rating required for 10</= x <30 Other sides are open over 30'. No rating required. Therefore no rating reqired. Chapter 7 FIRE AND SMOKE PROTECTION FEATURES No reaquirements based upon occupancy, construction type, and exteriorwall separation distances. Chapter 8 INTERIOR FINISHES Table 803.13 Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish Requirements by Occupancy B Occupancy/ Nonsprinklered Interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways = Class A Corridors and encosure for exit access stairway and ramps = Class B Rooms and enclosed space = Class C Chapter 9 FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS Section 903 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Not required per 2020 MN Building Code Chapter 10 MEANS OF EGRESS Table 1004.5 Maximum Floor Area Allowances Per Occupant Accessory storage areas, mechanical equipment rooms = 300 Gross Car Wash Equipment + Mezzanine = 900 sf. 900/300 = 3 Occupants Business Areas = 150 Gross Automatice Car Wash = 3,365 sf / 150 = 22.4, round up to 23. Indoor Vacuum = 3,188 sf / 150 = 21.25, round up to 22. Main Level Office = 437 sf / 150 = 2.9, round up to 3 Upper Level Office = 437 sf / 150 = 2.9, round up to 3 Total Occupant Load 3+23+22+3+3 = 54 Table 1006.2.1 Space With One Exit or Exit Access Doorway B Occupancy Max Occupant Load of Space = 49 No spaces have occupant loads 49 or more. Max Common Path of Egress Travel Distance (Nonsprinklered) Allowed is 75'. See code plan for actual Chapter 29 PLUMBING SYSTEMS Section 2902.1.1 Fixture Calculation Occupant Load 54 / 2 = 27 male and 27 female Table 2902.1 Merchantile. Retail Stores, service stations, shops, sales -rooms, markets, and shopping centers. Water Closets 1/500 = 1 each sex required. Lavitories 1/ 750 = 1 each sex required Drinking Fountain 1/ 1,000 = 1 required Service Sink = 1 required. Section 2902.2 Separate Facilities. Exception 3. Separate facilities shall not be required in merchantile occupancies in which the maximum occupant load is 100 or less. Proposed Plumbing Fixtures for Building Official Approval Provide (1) accessible unisex toilet room with water closet and lavitory for staff. Provide (1) accessible unisex toilet room with water closet, lavitory, and urinal for public. 2020 MINNESOTA PROVISIONS TO THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE Section 1303.1500 Recyling Space Table 1-A Minimum Recyling Space Requirements "All Others" = .0025 x 8,327 sf = 20.82 sf required. See Code Plan. Recycling space provided in "Trash Room" 2020 Minnesota Energy Code Chapter 3 General Requirements Table C301 Climate Zone Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota Climate Zone 6A Chanter 4 Commercial Enerav Efficienc Table C402.1.3 Opaque Thermal Envelope Requirements Roof, Insulation entirely above deck R-30 Continuous Insulation Walls, Above Grade, Mass (Precast Concrete) R-13.3 Continuous Insulation Below Grade R-7.5 Continuous Insulation Slabs -on -Grade Floors, Unheated slabs R-10 for 24" below Table C402.4 Building Envelope Requirements: Fenestration U -factor Fixed Fenestration = 0.36 Operable Fenestration = 0.43 Entrances = 0.77 SHGC All = 0.40 Skylights U -factor = 0.50 SHGC = 0.40 Mechanicial, Electrical, and Plumbing Buidling Mechanical and Electrical Systems will be Design/ Build by applicable subcontractor. It shall be said subcontractor's resonsibility to design their system to meet all applicable energy code (and other code) requirements. — — — — — 7 Group B - Mezzanine 71 i r 12 0, o° 12'0" 10'0" rza'roa^ 12'0' 10'0" Code Plan - Mezzanine Level �Grou B -Offiq ftce A 437 sIomi SCALE: 1/1b" = 1'-U" 0 8' 16' 32' �N Code Plan - Main Level Z SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 0 8' 16' 32' FP_ i►. n H U W U 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. v U oc = Z —_ O U CO W O t 10 LL v, L LU 3 N D U O v, Z , ca oLn E >= U,bA Q Q -� 2 Z o - Z �0 � J 0 v4J o LV W _ U w ZX a A0. I SITE SIGN - TO BE INCLUDED WITH SIGN PACKAGE WATER RECYCLING Concept Architectrual Site Plan BUILDING FOOTPRINT = 8,208 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 19,281 SF PERVIOUS SURFACE = 23,029 SF (45.59%) TOTAL LOT AREA = 50,518 SF (1.17 ACRES) 0 10' 20' 40' r ►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z O 1— V oC H = z —_ O ' V m W O s LL v, o°c W 3 N M O u v, z, ca O "' >= Q Q u.ao '� = z Z Z 3 0 Z 0 TRUE NORTH J 4J L V 4J LV 0 O V w z 0 z W _ CL PLAN NORTH A 1.0 2 TRUE NORTH z PLAN NORTH Main SCALE: 1 /f Level Floor Plan - Overall 11 = 1'-0" 0 4' 8' 16' a z f J W CL C1 N 'Q "I Z H F_ U W U OC 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. b�0 :: X Cd � L o°c 0 to V � u � R E O a •� = z o Z Ca = o - eld o 4J L. OW V _ V zX O ALI C1 N 'Q "I Z H fF_ V LU ff2 U 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: u Mezzanine Level Floor Plan SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" 0 4' 9 Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I a duly Licensed — E Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. LO i Signature u Mezzanine Level Floor Plan SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" 0 4' 9 Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z LO i V oC H = z —_ O ' V m W O s � LL v, L o°c ( 0 tv O to .� �- V O u v, z,Ln o� E O z o Ca 0 ed J 4J i O v4J o LV W 0 _ V w z CL !T A1.2 W W UO 0 Q M X �1- N Q W z C) 0 CIO0 LIJv z W J U N Enlarged Mezzanine Level Floor Plan- Wssh Equip. Area 6GALE:1/4" = 1'-U" 0 2' 4' 8' Enlarged Main Level Floor Plan - Wash Equipment Area SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 2' 4' 8' Enlarged Mezzanine Level Floor Plan - Office Area 0 2 4' 8' ---------------------------J Enlarged Main Level Floor Plan - P.O.S/ Control Area SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 2' 4' 8' MEMEM C1 N 'Q "I fF_ V LU ff2 U 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. Z LO i V oC H = Z —_ O V m W O s � LL v, L o°c ( 0 cv O to .� �- V O u v, Z,Ln o� E O Z o — Z= CaA ^0 4J J i O v o LV W 0 _ V w ZZ CL A1.4 LU w 0 U 2 U �o M X d- rV Q LU Z CL CL0 LU co LU0 0 V z J V V-1 2' Roof Plan 191 1/8" : L- LOWER CANOPY ROOF TYP ROOF: BALLASTED EPDM OVER TAPER' D RIGID INSUL OVER R-30 FLAT INSUL OVER PRECAST CONC DECKING TYP 6" OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN SET 2" HIGHER AT EACH ROOF DRAIN SS 15' 1 /8" SS 15' 0 0 ROOF HATCH 6" OVERFLW R.D. i 1/8" : I' SS 15' 17' TAPER' D RIGID INSUL OVER FLAT INSUL OVER FLAT PRECAST PLANK 4' 8' 4' 8' 4' 8' b C 0 0 c0 T I � I I � I I ' I I 6" OVERFLW ' I R.D. I I II V) I I I /8" : LL i 1 /8" : 1' —SS S SS ------------------------- 15' 17' (8) 4'X'4 4' FSKYLIGHTS 8' 4' z 2 6" OVERFLW R.D. 1/8" ss ss — 14' I, 15' I, 151 CONNECT ALL ROOF DRAINS HORIZONTALLY AND INTERNALLY, TIGHT TO BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE DECK. PROVIDE SLOPE AND CLEAN - OUTS AS REQUIRED PER CODE. VERT. ROOF DRAIN PIPE DOWN TO STORM SEWER CONNECTION BELOW GRADE SEE CIVIL FOR UNDER GROUND STORM SEWER CONNECTION r------------- ----------7 i) LOWER CANOPY ROOF HIGHER ROOF W/ OVERHANG VAULTED STANDING SEAM MTL CANOPY 0 4' 8' 16' r ►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z _O H V z O V m W O s LL v, L ODC W 3 N M 0 v, z, ca oLn >= V Q •� = z 0 0 4J J i O v 0 LV W 0 _ V w z CL A 1.5 LU w 0 U 2 U �o M X d- rN Q LUz CL 0 Z) 0 V) m 0 LLJV LU Z J V South Exterior Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ALL O.H. DOORS TO BE FULL LITE ANODIZEI 0 4' 8' 16' 4"X4" STL TUBE PERLINS AT 5'- 011 O.C. VAULTED STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING STL TRUSS MADE OF 4"X6" STL TUBE CORDS & WEBS. (3) THUS DIA STL TUBE SUPPORT 6SEMBLY. .EARANCE BAR - 4" PVC PIPE ;LLED WITH SAND AND JSPENDED WITH GALV . 4AIN W16 STL BEAM - EXPOSED ROCK FACE CMU PIER 24" DIA CONC PIER BASE/ FON. North Exterior Elevations SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" East Exterior Elevation CrAl F• 1/R" = 1' -fl" LED WALL PACK - DOWNWARD 90 DEGREE CUT-OFF LIGHT FIXTURES - TYP. 4'X1' METAL SALES "TLC -1" PREFINISHED FLUSH METAL PANELS IN A RANDOM PATTERN OF THREE COLORS. West Exterior Elevation C( AI F• 1/R„ = 1,J)" PRECAST CONC, SMOOTH,PAINTED FINISH 3' X 1'X 10' PRECAST CONC COLUMN - PAINTED __ I - A _T__ __ __ __ r ALL WOW'S, STOREFRONT, AND OVERHEAD DOORS TO BE CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM. -- 1F T- -- I -- -- -- ------ J ------ ----------- ----J ------ ---- U ----------- UU----------- U—J ACCENT PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE ONIX uRivL.- I"MW rvirvuvry 0 4' 8' 16' PRECAST, RANDOM RIB FINISH, PAINTED 24' Upper T.O. Parapet 181-611 T.0 16' Roof PIS -10'-IU' MF 0" Main Fir — -3' T.O.F 0 4' 9 16' NEEn FP_ !. 'Q n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z LO i V z O V m W O s LL v, L OC W 3 N z, oLn >= V Q •� �� = z Z 3 W o 4� Now% 0 4 J v o LV W _ V w z CL A2. I LU LII 0 U 2 U Q �o M X rN Q Lidz CL 0 Z) 0 V) co 0 LLJV z W J V Building Section - POS & Cano SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 0 4' 8' 16' Buildin CrAI F- 1/R" = Section - POS & Tunnel BALLASTED EPDM OVER TAPER' D RIGID INSUL Ri jildinn SPr:tinn - I nnnifi AinA R SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Q 2 3 4" CONC. SLAB ON GRADE OVER Af 11 i -r% • \ 11 -T 11 ♦ r% 1 I 1 ► 1/1 . • N/1 r% TYP EXT WALLS - PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS. 8" INSUL HOLLOW CORE, 2" RIGID CONT. INSULATION, 2" FINISH CONCRETE. 12" TOTAL 0 4' 8' 16' Q Q 4 Ri jildinn SPrtinn - I nnniti jr]inal A SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ER 8" RAPET FIN. FLR. 0 4' 8' 16' r ►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. Z O H V oC H = O V m W O s LL v, o°c W 3 N M O u v, Z, ca O "' E >= V 0 Z 0 4J J O v4J 0 LV W 0 _ V w z CL A3. I LU w 0 U U �o M X d- tV 0 Z CL 0 ZD 0 m 0 LUV z J V BALLASTED EPDM 3"X15" KEYWAY IN CONC FTG - VER. PRECAST SUPPLIER FP_ !. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT 1/411•1' TAPERED RIGID Minnesota License No.: 23592 INSUL Date Signed: PREFIN MTL PARAPET CAP ??-??-?? 18' -6" T.P. PARAPET I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 6" R-30 FLAT RIGID INSUL Signature 16' PLANK BRG. Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the 8„ PRECAST PLANK ROOF STRUCTURE sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission / to modify or reproduce any of these limitation architectural works, including without I the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly _32 conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. BASIS OF DESIGN FOR PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS. FABCON ~ o� 12” VERSACORE+GREEN SANDWICH V PANELS IN EXPOSED AGGREGATE N FINISH. R - VALUE 28.2. 8" _ STRUCTURAL CORE LAYER (W/ EXP •— BILLET SHAPED CORES), 2 1/211 EXP Z 1 RIGID INSUL, 1 1/2" FINISH 0 1 1/2" LAYER V CO 8„ 2 1/2" O LLLU �' L 3 FINISH GRADE 4' BELOW FIN. FLR. - tv MAX rd �- V s Z 4J CL ca O it E N E ed OIL 0" MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR. tv 4J 3 2" RIGID INSUL OUT 2' AT PERIM. - V sbp TYP. Q Q •;; 2 Z /4Z 2 Now% L _ N -3' T.O. FTG. i. � G Z p .0 _ iY J 4 v c W O O w o w/ V Z E 4" DRAIN TILE W/ FILTER SOCK AND j CRUSHED STONE BED CL A4. Wall Section - Typical Ext Wall SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 0 1' 2' 4' KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liablility company; fee owners of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to -wit: Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 1/4 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West havinga radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 g g seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5 Block 1 Commercial Plaza 25 �' p Y Y and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast comer of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described;thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerlycorner of Lot 5 Block 1 Commercial Plaza 25 according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes g P h' gr' 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel F: That part of vacated Dundas Road, Marvin Road, and Cedar street, within the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies westerly of a line 50 feet westerly and parallel with the centerline of Cedar Street as described per Minnesota Department of Transportation Alignment Layout &Tabulation S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (Westerly line of "new" cedar street); Southerly of the South line and the Southeasterly extension of the Southwesterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25; Northerly of a line 40 feet Northerly and parallel with the centerline of Dundas Road as described per Minnesota Department of Transportation Alignment Layout & Tabulation S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (Northerly line of "new" Dundas Road); and Easterly of MN Trunk Highway No. 25 Right of Way as currently monumented. Abstract Property Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as KAMPSCHROER ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the road, drainage and utility easement as created on this plat. In witness whereof RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed this day of Cory Kampschroer, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by Cory Kamschroer, Chief Manager of RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires I Kaleb J. Kadelbach do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wetlands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 120 Kaleb J. Kadelbach, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 57070 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120 by Kaleb Kadelbach, Land Surveyor, Minnesota Licence No 57070. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires KAMPSCHROER ADDITION / /l LOT 5, BLOCK COMMERCIgL / i / 0 Q) A) / Co / / L=22.13, �-504.00 0-002 30',57 CH. BRG=S21 '31 ' 10 "W to CH=22.1,3 C�k / Cl) QO �'T 0 /(Zi Q � (Zi s ° / /BOJ'` /,Q, - Q���c i v C�� j Q• OQ1O0 / 1 Vg�N� N I l --PARCEL D \ / P / �� w C I \ N I J / — N Cy BRG,�j .P�oO � L/)i I I Q �' �\ L,IS090 �so692j VV Q I I I 03 4 ; R; I O w �l�o7p 381066 1 / o�Q�� v Z14I o In N Ch N2T5727£ �' GO I pp 00 IZ2t) ��, js S, Oq N7926 321 ,\ ` = 6ti 0 L:90 ° °4 Dc t!7 o I Z00 o R_7106 Y 9, 0, 5 f II CH aR �� 66'16 6 `L�rL� �` a I \ 24.89 -90ag \ S27°2757"W — I OVIDA S Ro � I /CDW O DO / \ _ Ui ^, Cp 00 11 / I ' LOF) 1!: ) 00 � 1 00 C) Lr5 11 I 11 S89'00'47 "W 567.42 � � I CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of this plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION Chairperson Secretary 20_, the Planning Commision of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did herby review and approve CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, 505.021, Subd.. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved thisday of 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20_ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20 Wright County Auditor/Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER By Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve as Document No. Wright County Recorder W O p �o o� O� J W 20at o'clock M. and NE CORNER OF THE S 1/2 OF OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 S89'00'47"W 1056.00L / N. LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 VICINITY MAP — NOT TO SCALE ofCD Nil, SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 WRIGHT COUNTY, MN � ��I� SITE �11� � 1 Ik E� 0 -N-0 ME �� rt N -co � N DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS: E SCALE 1"= 30' 30 0 30 60 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NAD83(2011) HENNEPIN COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM • INDICATES FOUND IRON MONUMENTS o INDICATES SET CAPPED 1/2" REBAR BEARING P.L.S. No. 57070 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO BE 6.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF LOT LINES AND 12.00 FEET ADJACENT TO STREETS AS SHOWN ABOVE. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN HEREON N M O -N-0 ME �� rt N -co N SURVEYiI`IG GII`IEERII`IG, IIYC. i P.O. Box 3067 _ Bemidji Minnesota - 56619 m � � O THIS DESCRIPTION IS INTENDED TO BE USED TO VACATE PORTIONS OF CEDAR STREET, DUNDAS ROAD, AND MARVIN ROAD WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KALEB J. KADELBACH (LIC. NO. 57070) 8/17/2021 DATE.' Al Q� O �Q J� Q N STORE l FLOW= 957.24 INV.= 928.94 Z � o FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF MARVI N ROAD, CEDAR STREET AND DUNDAS ROAD / O Q / no��AT Ohl QF STORM MANHOLE !� / RIM= 960.61 S0 INV. = N/A l �j� G>y s BU�LpIN� M�PL R� SNE STO 1 Oy ��oT6 SSRI J s \�A O sroRM INLET 22�C• FLOW= STORM INIE INV.= 954.11 Q CN FLOW= 958.01 INV.= 940.51 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT p (PARC L D) \\ oM- PARCE GRPJ�� (V V� O 'ry p \ O �O° olb Ory \ �., 0M of ry ^� '� \\ D Ss), \ 4 \ a A�7 VO \ a --\ 4 z �cn\/cZ�� rr`` \ No m w Ri °m Octs \m mo\m I \M C> - O cQ�v w w \, M \ / O�Q / v II ^ 21 wOcO\� N o g, ars J Cbo^N co \ G m \ , O 00 / cj oo,h'�h PARCEL D \ / A\ / ti Q� S STORMv NET FLOW= 957.23 POB (PARCEL D) INV.= 952.63 Z Z Nw 6,�01,� I POIN OF BEGINNING THIRD / JP, ILAZ L ,h� / / PO Off' V V LINE 'POI ARCEL B z No o h� ry Z°/ 60 ^V/ / / P O 0� �� p V A» wN o :?—e? Cp' ti' ry Q� O (NaT nO'V SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED S TORM INLET TO F � ��Tfo�-N"6 cy ep 4--Cy�90 4s327v / I I PER PARCEL D FLOW= 95738 lNv.- s5o.42 �S 1 0 , ��� A ,+ _ 710 d > R� On Dc ++� POIN I DESC OF BEGINNING, ED LINE INP, SECOND (PARCEL B) to STORY O MANHOLE J A\ RIM= 95777 \ y INV.= N/A O CONCRETE A 959.38 R/,qe V INV.- 950,74 I LF �ijoTy STORM INS � FLOW= 957.49/? INV.= 953.74 /�(/e C �O =4119 318 44 N yT a-24 37.0 oll 0/4- — z - I A LINE 40.00 NORTHERLY OF "LINE A" O O POINT OF BEGINNING (LINE A, PARCEL B) I I � RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at on angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E. That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED MAY 25, 2021. SHEET 1 OF 1 LnL IE V � N S v CkTY (')F monticeRo July 27, 2021 Re: Sota' Car Wash City Project # 2021-026 OFFICE: 763-295-2711 FAX: 763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 I Monticello, MN 55362 The Engineering Department has reviewed the Civil Plan Set dated 7/6/21 as prepared by Civil Engineering Site Design and offers the following comments: General Comments 1. Cedar street ROW to use 50' from 2006 Centerline. 2. Update slope on south side of driveway on sheet C2, currently shown as 0.07%. 3. Confirm and add note that cross -slope of sidewalk through the driveway is a maximum of 2% to meet ADA requirements. 4. Confirm that the cross -slope at handicap stall is max 2%. 5. If sidewalk is disturbed at corner of Cedar and Dundas, an ADA compliant ramp will need to be installed. 6. An Encroachment agreement will be required for items installed within the drainage and utility easement. 7. Please provide city with verification of NPDES permit coverage from the MPCA prior to starting construction. 8. Add inlet protection to storm inlet between paved trail and silt fence. 9. Recommend extending concrete apron to West side of sidewalk on the driveways. 10. The truncated domes may be eliminated at the driveways, unless traffic control devices are installed at the driveway. The City is not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please contact the Engineering Department with any questions. Sincerely, Ryan Melhouse Project Engineer www.ci.monticeIlo.mn.us From: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT) To: Angela Schumann; ryan melhouse Subject: RE: Monticello Plat Review - Sota Car Wash Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:55:29 PM Attachments: imaae001.a_na Hi Angela, Want to let you know that our District 3 DRC group met this week and pass along to you that they did not have any substantive comments or questions on the Sota Car Wash development on Highway 25. Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thanks! Tom 0: 320-223-6526 C: 320-267-9859 From: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 202112:22 PM To: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT)<Thomas.Cru ikshank@state.mn.us>; ryan melhouse <ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Monticello Plat Review Tom, Hello! Review comments would be appreciated by July 29th, if at all possible. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT) <Thomas.Cru ikshank(@state.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 202111:38 AM To: ryan melhouse <man.melhousePci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Monticello Plat Review Hi Ryan, Thanks for sending this over. I'll run this past our Development Review Committee. I don't anticipate much from them other than our survey folks will most likely want to review for encroachments or other survey issues. Are we on a timeline with this project that we should be aware of for our review comments? Tom Cruikshank Principal Planner I District 3 3725 12th Street North, St. Cloud, MN 56303-2107 Phone: (320) 223-6526 1 Cell: (320) 267-9859 Email: thomas.cruikshanWstate. mn.us 'Ok DEPARTMENT OF r TRANSPORTATION From: ryan melhouse <man. mel house C@ci.monticello. mn.us> Sent: Friday, July 9, 20213:55 PM To: Cruikshank, Thomas (DOT) <Thomas.Cruikshank(@state.mn.us> Cc: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Monticello Plat Review This message may be from an external email source. Do not select links or open attachments unless verified. Report all suspicious emails to Minnesota IT Services Security Operations Center. Good Afternoon Tom, I have attached a draft plat for combining several parcels along Hwy 25 and Dundas Road in Monticello for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Ryan Melhouse, PE City of Monticello - Project Engineer 763-271-3227 ryan.melhouse@ci.monticello.mn.us Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Kampschroer Addition SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Single Phase 8/19/2021, v4 Total Acres in Development 1.15 gross 1.15 net Total Acres in Phase 1.15 gross 1.15 net Total Units in Development 1 Total Units in Phase Trunk Area Charges IF - Improvement Construction Cost Acreage Acres or Credits Net Notes Actual; cost reconciled at project completion/Min. of $2000 Charge Units Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 1 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00% Assessment $2,000.00 Park & Pathway Dedication Planning 2.00% Not applicable as of 1/21 for commercial/industrial Special Assessments Engineering and Inspection NA $3,750.00 Lift Station Grading, Restoration & 3.00% NA Booster Station Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection NA Sanitary Sewer (gross acres) $3,995 1.15 $4,594.25 2021 commercial rate; paid at prevailing rate at time of platting/BP Watermain (gross acres) $2,954 1.15 $3,397.10 2021 commercial rate; paid at prevailing rate at time of platting/BP Storm Sewer (net acres, base fee) $4,268 1.15 $4,908.20 2021 commercial rate; paid at prevailing rate at time of platting/BP Storm Sewer net acres, alternate Donding fee $8,767 1.15 NA 2021 commercial rate; paid at prevailing rate at time of platting/BP Total amount to Assess 1111110IIIIIIIIII $12,899.55 Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units City Escrow (Based on Public Improvement Construction Cost City Administration 2.00% NA NA NA NA NA $2,000.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion/Min. of $2000 Legal 2.00% Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 1 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00% $300 $2,000.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion/Min. of $2000 Planning 2.00% $2,000.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion/Min. of $2000 Engineering and Inspection $3,750.00 Inspector /Engineer cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% Actual; cost reconciled at project completion/Min. of $2000 Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Actual; cost reconciled at project completion/Min. of $2000 Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Total City Fees $9,750.0 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities) Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes Based on value of landscaping at $45,000 x 125% Prairie Restoration NA NA NA NA NA Notes Construction total for purpose of calculating other fees Grading $3,000 1.15 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 1 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00% $300 $59,700. $375.00 Site Grading Estimate 1 $125,000.00 1 Required to calculate grading escrow above ADDITIONAL REQUIRED LETTERS OF CREDIT Landscaping $56,250.00 Based on value of landscaping at $45,000 x 125% Prairie Restoration Tree Preservation Grading $3,000 1.15 $3,450.00 Surety for plans to specifications and restoration $59,700. Escrow amounts as listed in this finance plan template area written estimate of consulting and staff time and cost for plan review and inspection for the development. This may include engineering, legal, planning and environmental consultation. Should the original escrow be exceeded, the applicant or responsible party will be billed for all additional services. In signing the development agreement, the applicant is indicating that they have not relied on the estimate of fees in their decision to proceed. It is the policy of the City of Monticello to require developers to reimburse the City for costs incurred in reviewing and inspecting development projects, so that these costs are not borne by the taxpayers of the City. These costs include all of the City's out-of-pocket costs for expenses, including the City's costs for review and inspection by the City's staff, Consulting Engineer, Consulting Planner, City Attorney, or other consultants. The City will invoice the applicant for these costs within 3 months of final project acceptance and payment will be due within thirty (30) days. If payment is not received as required by this agreement, the City will proceed on action to assess or lien. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) KAmpsmROER ADDITION 2021-026 THIS DEVELOPMENT CONTACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated , 2021, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and RRG HOLDINGS LLC a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat for KAMPSCHROER ADDITION(referred to in this agreement as the "plat" and the "Development") consisting of 1.15 acres. The land is located in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A" ("Property"). The Developer is developing the Property under the B-3, Highway Business, zoning standards. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the 217248v1 County Recorder within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. The City hereby grants approval to the Plat provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of this Contract and the specific City conditions as set forth in City Resolution PC -2021-028 and City Resolution , adopted by the City Council on August 23rd, 2021, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z in the staff report of the Planning Commission Agenda dated August 3, 2021 and Exhibit Z of the staff report of the City Council Agenda dated August 23rd, 2021. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office/Registrar of Title's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. The Development is not a phased development. All parcels described on Exhibit A will be combined into one parcel and will be developed in a single phase. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. Intentionally omitted. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls. 2 217248v1 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations and the requirements and standards of the B-3 District in effect at the time the final plat is approved. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract [this document]. (2) B-3 Zoning District Regulations 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment to the Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and multi -family building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Plan D — Civil Details Plan Plan E — Street and Storm Sewer Plan Plan F — Stormwater Management Plan Plan G — Utility Plan 3 217248v1 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Development improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Developer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes § 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the B-3 Zoning District Regulations. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains 4 217248v1 • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. Intentionally omitted. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. The City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion 5 217248v1 control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The 6 217248v1 Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible parry and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration and City planning -related expenses associated with processing of the Plat. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. 7 217248v1 Developer will provide a $2,000.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $2,000.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. 217248v1 Developer will provide a $3,750.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. B. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA TRUNK AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $4,908.20. The area charge is based on the net area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 1.15 acres — 0 credit x $4,268.00 (Base Fee/Net Acre) _ $4,908.20 9 217248v1 The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $4,908.20 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 24. SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $4,594.25. The area charge is based on a per unit basis of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 1.15 acres/units x $3,995.00 per acre/unit = $4,594.25 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 25. WATER MAIN AREA TRUNK CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $3,397.10. The area charge is based on a per unit basis of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 1.15 acres/units x $2,954.00 per acre/unit = $3,397.10 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 1.5% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 26. PARK DEDICATION. Intentionally omitted. 27. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall follow all requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements and the City approved Landscape Plan. 10 217248v1 28. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: July 27, 2021. 2021- A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City Engineer's letter dated B. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution Nos. PC 2021-028, and C. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the Planning Commission Agenda dated August 3, 2021, including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. D. Implementation of the requirements from MnDOT and any review letter provided from that agency. E. Developer shall cooperate and comply with the City's and County's required road vacation, dedications, and other title actions prior to recording the plat. F. Developer shall revise the Civil and Plat documents consistent with the dedication and vacation requirements of the City. Commission. G. Developer shall comply with all recommendations of City Staff and the Planning H. Developer shall execute an Encroachment Agreement to the City for any facilities located within the drainage and utility areas located on the plat. I. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $300.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 1 unit at $300.00 per unit. The 11 217248v1 security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. 29. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for grading and landscaping, plus a cash fee of $9,750.00 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: Grading $ 3,450.00 Landscaping $56,250.00 ($45,000.00 x 125%) TOTAL $ 59,700.00 The irrevocable letter of credit or other security deemed acceptable to the City is referred to throughout this Agreement as the "Security". The Security shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B", from a bank approved by the City. The bank shall be authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, and shall provide a Minnesota office for presentment of the Letter of Credit or other alternative acceptable to the City. The Security shall extend through completion and acceptance (including the expected warranty period) by the City of the Development Work. This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the Security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The Security shall be for a term ending when 12 217248v1 maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the Security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the Security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the Security, the City may also draw it down. If the Security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the Security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as Security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. 30. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: Legal (2%) City Administration and Planning (2%) Engineering and Inspection (7%) Grading/Restoration & Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) Total Cash Requirements * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. $ 2,000.00* $ 4,000.00* $ 2,000.00* $ Incl. above* $ 8,000.00* 31. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for public 13 217248v1 improvements and underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 32. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 30 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and 14 217248v1 agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable over a five year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at 1.5 % over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello or the date of this contract, whichever is later. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 15 217248v1 33. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 34. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building pen -nits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material 16 217248v1 men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this Contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate 17 217248v1 evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 35. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: RRG Holdings LLC, 682 55th Street NE, Buffalo, MN 55313. Notices to the City shall 18 217248v1 be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 19 217248v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) n STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Rachel Leonard, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2021, by Lloyd Hilgart and by Rachel Leonard, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 20 217248v1 DEVELOPER: RRG HOLDINGS, LLC Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2021, by , the Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ day of of RRG Holdings, LLC, a 21 217248v1 EXHIBIT "A" Legal description Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 1/4 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non- tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 22 217248v1 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non- tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 23 217248v1 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property 24 217248v1 EXHIBIT `B" IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty- five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. :• Its 25 217248v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number agrees that the Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2021. STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ss. Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2021, by a DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ the of Notary Public on behalf of the [print name] [title] 26 217248vl FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , a , fee owner of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by it. Dated this day of 12021. Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2021, by , the a Minnesota Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] [title] day of , of on behalf of the entity. 27 217248vl CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES 28 217248v1 Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.001 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On MM Authorized Insurance Representative 29 217248v1 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2H. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 762 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance adding the Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit in the B-3 and B-4 zoning ordinance. Applicant: City of Monticello Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item NAC/Community Development Director 08/23/21 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 762 amendment amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance adding the Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit in the B-3 and B-4 zoning ordinance, based on findings in Planning Commission Resolution PC -2021-030. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: NA Planning Case Number: 2021-029 Request(s): Amend the Zoning Ordinance to add the potential for an Interim Use Permit authorization within the B-3 and B-4 zoning districts, specifically for public projects permitted or conducted by the City. Deadline for Decision: NA NA Land Use Designation: NA Zoning Designation: NA Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: NA Project Description: The City is contemplating the potential extraction of sand and other aggregate resources as a part of an implementation plan for the Chelsea Commons project. Currently, the City's zoning ordinance only allows "Extraction of Materials" in the Agriculture -Open Space or City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 Industrial zoning districts. The proposed amendment would establish a specific set of requirements for extraction in the B-3 and B-4 districts, where sand and gravel mining may have greater impact. ANALYSIS: There are two primary proposed changes to the current code. The first is a reference correction in the existing language which no longer points to a place in the City Code, following the recent recodification of the City Code. The second relates to the changes being proposed that would allow extraction of minerals in the B-3 and B-4 Districts. The redlined text is as follows: (5) Extraction of Materials (a) All applicable regulations in Title Q, Ch -,p 2.4 (M) and 4.10 of C ity Cede this ordinance FegaFdiRg e a+i^^S shall be met. (b) Plans shall be provided to illustrate how the land will be left in a useable condition upon cessation of extraction activities, shall prove that the finished grade will not adversely affect the surrounding land or future development of the site on which the mining is being conducted, and the route of trucks moving to and from the site. (c) The interim use permit authorizing the extraction of materials shall regulate: (i) The type(s) of material being mined on the site; (ii) A program for rodent control; (iii) A plan for fire control and general maintenance of the site; (iv) Controls for vehicular ingress and egress, and for control of material disbursed from wind or hauling of material to or from the site; (v) A calendar of specific dates when mining operations will be conducted, including specific beginning and ending dates; and (vi) The submission of a surety by the applicant in an amount determined by the Community Development Department to be equal to 100% of the value of the cost of restoring land whereupon mining is to occur and repairing the degradation of roadways used to transport soils. (d) On-site sales may be allowed as part of the interim use permit subject to all conditions established by the City Council to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of those visiting the site and of surrounding property owners. (e) For extraction of materials under this section within the 8-3 and a-4 zoning districts, no such permit shall be issued except where: (i) The City has an interest in the subject property ownership; City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 (ii) The City is conducting the extraction under a contract with the fee title owner or representative, or NO The City approves such a permit for another government agency and/or its contractor for a public project. (f) In the B-3 and B-4 Districts, and at the City's sole discretion, the IUP under this section may include screening, concrete mixing, asphalt plant operation, or other activities utilizing the raw materials being extracted from the site, provided the City finds that no adverse impact on adjoining property use will occur, including, but not limited to, noise, odors, dust, or other particulate matter. (g) For the purposes of this section, mining or excavation shall mean solely the removal of minerals, including sand, stone, clay, gravel, or soil in quantities of more than 1,000 cubic yards, and hauling of said materials from the site. For quantities of less than 1,000 cubic yards, or for projects that extract and relocate the materials on the same project site regardless of quantity, administrative grading permits may be issued without need for an IUP. The substantive changes are found in new subparagraphs (e), (f), and (g). Section (e) requires that any Interim Use Permit granted in the B-3 or B-4 Districts would be a City sponsored, or City -approved public project. This clause is intended to restrict the mining operation requests to public land, or for public projects, and limit the activity in commercial areas where mining can be a highly disruptive activity. Section (f) allows, under the IUP, the potential for other activities that are often associated with sand and gravel mines, including concrete mixing and asphalt production. The language specifically calls for "no adverse impact", which will intentionally be a difficult standard given the location of commercial property. Section (g) is definitional and is intended to exempt small projects including those mining and hauling less than 1,000 cubic yards (about 8-10 truckloads), those projects where the excavated material will be utilized on-site, rather than hauled away. In those cases, the language specifies that an administrative grading permit would be proper regulatory requirement. Finally, the City Attorney has suggested that the excavation of a public stormwater pond and accompanying facilities may be considered an allowed public use, potentially exempt from what is often a private mining operation. This ordinance is designed to ensure that the City has covered possible eventualities for creation of the Chelsea Commons project and is intentionally narrowly written. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Planning Commission reviewed the item and held a public hearing on the proposed amendment on July 6. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 No public was present to address the Commission on the item. The Commission confirmed that the ordinance language is narrowly drafted to include only city or other approved government agency projects. Following that confirmation, the Commission motioned to recommend the ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the ordinance amendment. The ordinance amendment is limited narrowly to allow the proposed use in a limited circumstance related to public lands and/or improvement projects. SUPPORTING DATA A. Ordinance No. 762, DRAFT B. Resolution PC -2021-030 C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts ORDINANCE NO. 762 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE ADDING PROVISIONS FOR CITY OPERATION OF SOILS EXTRACTION BY INTERIM USE PERMIT IN THE B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS AND B-4, REGIONAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Table 5-1, Uses by District is hereby amended to add Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit to the B-3, Highway Business and B-4, Regional Business Districts. SECTION 2. Section 5.2 (F)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows: (5) Extraction of Materials (a) All applicable regulations in Title 4, Chap 2.4 (M) and 4.10 of r ity Cede this ordinance FegaF'o^^ ^ ^*i^1AS shall be met. (b) Plans shall be provided to illustrate how the land will be left in a useable condition upon cessation of extraction activities, shall prove that the finished grade will not adversely affect the surrounding land or future development of the site on which the mining is being conducted, and the route of trucks moving to and from the site. (c) The interim use permit authorizing the extraction of materials shall regulate: (i) The type(s) of material being mined on the site; (ii) A program for rodent control; (iii) A plan for fire control and general maintenance of the site; (iv) Controls for vehicular ingress and egress, and for control of material disbursed from wind or hauling of material to or from the site; (v) A calendar of specific dates when mining operations will be conducted, including specific beginning and ending dates; and (vi) The submission of a surety by the applicant in an amount determined by the Community Development Department to be equal to 100% of the value of the cost of restoring land whereupon mining is to occur and repairing the degradation of roadways used to transport soils. (d) On-site sales may be allowed as part of the interim use permit subject to all conditions established by the City Council to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of those visiting the site and of surrounding property owners. (e) For extraction of materials under this section within the B-3 and B-4 zoning districts, no such permit shall be issued except where: (i) The City has an interest in the subiect property ownership; (ii) The Citv is conductina the extraction under a contract with the fee title owner or representative; or ON The City approves such a permit for another government agency and/or its contractor for a public project. (f) In the B-3 and B-4 Districts, and at the City's sole discretion, the IUP under this section may include screening, concrete mixinq, asphalt plant operation, or other activities utilizing the raw materials being extracted from the site, provided the City finds that no adverse impact on adjoining property use will occur, including, but not limited to, noise, odors, dust, or other particulate matter. (g) For the purposes of this section, mining or excavation shall mean solely the removal of minerals, including sand, stone, clay, gravel, or soil in quantities of more than 1,000 cubic yards, and hauling of said materials from the site. For quantities of less than 1,000 cubic yards, or for projects that extract and relocate the materials on the same project site regardless of quantity, administrative grading permits may be issued without need for an IUP. SECTION 3_ The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall have full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota, this 23rd day of August, 2021 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-030 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING EXTRACTION OF MINERALS IN THE B-3 AND B-4 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City finds that regulation of mineral extraction is important to manage the potential effects of mining on surrounding property; and WHEREAS, use and recovery of aggregate materials is an important environmental consideration, necessary for urban development and efficiency in public infrastructure; and WHEREAS, provision of the ability to extract minerals in commercial areas prior to, or as a part of, public construction projects will help protect public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the current city ordinances allow extractive activities only in industrial districts, despite the natural location and geographic distribution of the resources; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. Changes to the ordinance are necessary to ensure reasonable regulations. 2. Establishing the proposed regulations is consistent with the City's goals for development in key areas. 3. The proposed amendments ensure recovery or valuable resources in the development in the development of public infrastructure. 4. The proposed amendments provide reasonable regulation of the issue to ensure that common elements of the activity are addressed and managed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-030 ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONT.IGE-LLO PLANNING COMMISSION Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumagnj �on)Imunity Development Director 2 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types Base Zoning Districts ConditionallyRequirement AdditionalTABLE Permitted •2 A�l Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Less P P P 5.20(27) than 10,000 SF Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings OverC F I P P 5.20(27) 10,000 SF Specialty Eating 7] C P P P 5.2(E)(28) Establishments Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2E29 Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2E30 Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(E)(3 I Rural Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(E)(3 1 (Neighborhood) P P P None Wholesale Sales Industrial Uses Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(F)(I ) Bulk Fuel Sales and P p 5.2(F)(2) Storage Contractor's Yard, I I I 5.2(F)(4) Temporary Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2 F 5 General Warehousing C P P 5.2 F"6 Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2 F"7 Industrial Services C P None Industrial Self -Storage C C 5.2(F)(8) Facilities Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(F)(9) Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(U(!0) Machinery/Truck Repair P P 5.2 F I I & Sales Recycling and Salvage C C 5.2(F)(14) Center Truck or Freight C C 5.2(F)(15) Terminal Waste Disposal & C 5.2(U(! 6) Incineration Wrecker Services C P 5.2(F)(17) City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 361 CHAPTER 8. RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (8) Lots sewers, pipes, catch basins, water storage tanks, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, pumps, lift stations, hydrants, and other similar features necessary for the function of the essential service. Wireless radio frequency reception and transmission antennas and support structures shall not be considered an essential service. Essential Services do not include buildings or uses that include human occupancy or activity beyond occasional service or maintenance. EXTRACTION OF MATERIALS: the development or extraction of a natural resource in excess of four hundred (400) cubic yards from its natural occurrences on affected land without processing. EXTRACTIVE USE: The use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand, gravel, rock, industrial minerals, other nonmetallic minerals, and peat not regulated under Minnesota Statutes, sections 93.44 to 93.51. EVENT CENTER: A multi-purpose commercial venue (public or privately -owned) used for the purposes of performances, trade shows, corporate functions, sporting events, private receptions or parties, holiday gatherings or similar attractions. Common characteristics of event centers, which differentiate such uses from places of public assembly, often include but are not limited to, the following: 1. Varied and/or irregular activity schedules 2. The display and/or sale of retail commercial goods 3. The generation of high traffic volumes at varied time periods 4. Commercial activities and uses in coordination with the events 5. Locations in commercial districts 6. Alcohol service as licensed Accessory uses may include food preparation facilities, concessions, offices, museums, parks, athletic training or practice facilities, stores, restaurants, structured parking facilities, and patron transportation facilities. Event centers do not include adult uses and places of public assembly. EVERGREEN TREE: A tree that retains some or most of its leaves or needles throughout the year. EXISTING TREE CANOPY: The crowns of all healthy self-supporting canopy trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of ten inches or greater and understory trees with a caliper size of four inches or greater at breast height. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 485 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. i Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 Use Types "P" = Permitted .. Conditionally. Permitted • , "I" = Interim Permitted Residential Uses 5.2(C)(1) Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(C)(2)(a) - Duplexp C 5.2(C)(21(b) 5.2(C)(21(c) - Townhouse C p - Multiple -Family C P C C 5.2(C)(21(dl Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential P P P P P 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Single Family Group Residential C C C 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Multi -Family Mobile & Manufactured Home Park C C C P C 5.2(C)(4) Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P 5.2(D)(1) (private) Assisted Living FacilitiesC P C C P 5.2 D 2 Cemeteries C C C C C C C L2(D 3 Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p p C p p None 5.2(D)(4) Hospitals C p p Nursing/Convalescent CC C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D)(5) Home Passenger Terminal C C CC None Passive Parks and Open P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Space Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2 D 6 Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5.2 D 7 Public Warehousing I I I 5.2(D)(8) Temporary Schools, K- 12C C C C C C I I 5.2 D 9 Schools, Higher None Education C Utilities (major) C C C 5.2 D10 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (8) Lots PLANTING STRIP: Areas intended for the placement of vegetation within the interior of vehicular use areas or along street right-of-way edges, typically between the back of the curb and the inside edge of the sidewalk. PORTABLE CONTAINER: A large container designed and rented or leased for the temporary storage of commercial, industrial, or residential household goods that does not contain a foundation or wheels for movement. PRINCIPAL USE: The main use of land or buildings as distinguished from subordinate or accessory uses. PRODUCTION BREWERY: A facility that manufactures, processes and warehouses beer for wholesale distribution in off -sale packages to retail liquor establishments and may retail beer product for on-site consumption in a taproom for off-site consumption as growlers. A production brewer may not have an ownership interest in a brewery licensed under Minnesota Statutes Section 43-A.409, Subd. 6, clause (d). PROFESSIONAL OFFICE — SERVICES: A commercial use involving administrative, clerical, or professional operations, and routinely including direct transactions or consultations with clients for such services. Such uses commonly include legal, financial, insurance, or real estate services, among others, but do not include retail sales of stock -in -trade goods. PUBLIC BUILDING OR USE: Any facility, including but not limited to buildings and property that are leased or otherwise operated or funded by a governmental body or public entity. PUBLIC WAREHOUSING: The indoor storage of equipment and/or materials by a government agency which may, or may not, be related to other principal uses on the same property. PUBLIC WATERS: Any waters as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.005, Subd. 15, 15a. REACH (in relation to flood plains): A hydraulic engineering term to describe a longitudinal segment of a stream or river influenced by a natural or man-made obstruction. In an urban area, the segment of a stream or river between two consecutive bridge crossings would most typically constitute a reach. REAL ESTATE OFFICE/MOBILE SALES HOME: A dwelling temporarily used as a sales office for a residential development under construction for on-site sales City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 499 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 21. Consideration to accept quotes and authorize expenditure of $12,825 for installation of City Hall Academy Room and Building Department doors and glass. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, Chief City Administrator Building Official ACTION REQUESTED Motion to accept quotes and authorize expenditure of $12,475 and agreement/contract with DJ Commercial Door for installation of City Hall Academy Room and Building Department doors and glass. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Staff requested quotes for installation of three doors in the City Hall office area. Facilities Maintenance contacted three companies for the proposed project. Due to current construction activity, only two were willing to provide quotes. Both companies quoted on comparable installation and finish, which will be similar to the balance of doors and sidelights within City Hall. The first door proposed to be installed is within the City Hall lobby area and provides access from the lobby to the primary meeting room, the Academy Room. The door is requested to allow entrance to the meeting room directly from the lobby, rather than entering through the current staff security door or the MCC hallway. The second set of doors would be located at the two entrances to the Building Department inspection offices. Currently, there are no doors on the offices. Doors are requested to allow the inspector's offices to have the same level of access as other offices in City Hall. Doors allow for more privacy and less disruption for plan review, internal and external meetings, and phone conversations. I. Budget Impact: An amount of $15,000 was included for this project in the 2021 budget. The recommended contractor can install all three doors and sidelights within the budgeted amount. The total of $12,825 includes an optional feature for door stops at $175.00 each. II. Staff Workload Impact: An estimated 4-6 hours was spent in obtaining and preparing the quotes by the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Not directly applicable. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of an agreement/contract with DJ Commercial Door for installation of City Hall doors/glass. SUPPORTING DATA • Verbal/Written Quote Summary CITY OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/ WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name: Jerry Hanson Dept: MCC Phone: Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: Jerry Hanson 763-271-7114 Item/Service Requested: Building Inspection Office & Academy Room New Door Installatio Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # Date Vendor Name Contact Person Phone Number Total $ Amount Quoted 1 7/8/21 DJ Commercial Door James Nielsen 612-605-6611 $12,475.00 2 06/10/21 Russell Security Patrick Christensen 763-682-1253 $22,925.00 3 08/03/21 Kiser Construction Rusty Lear 763-633-2010 Declined to bid. 4 5 Selected Vendor: DJ Commercial Door (If you are selecting other than low quote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/comments: 1. Reached out to several contractors only three responded. 2. Lead time on materials is approximately eight weeks. Approval Acknowledgement: Date: Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 DJ Commercial Door 4752 Hauge Circle CommerciaL Saint Paul. MN 55122 US +1 6519645816 jamesn@djcommercialdoor.com JO 0 0 R Estimate ADDRESS ESTIMATE 2149 Monticello City Hall DATE 07/08/2021 505 Walnut St #1 Monticello. MN 55362 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Aluminum Door and Building inspection entrance's. 2 3.625.00 7.250.00 Frame Bone white aluminum frame. (This will not be an exact color match of the current aluminum framing in the building because of fading. They will however be from the same manufacturer (CMI) as the other openings we looked at.) Left side is 3080 left hand swing solid wood door with 20 minute fire rating. Oak veneer with Bayer Standard Provincial (711) finish. Right side is a 16 3/4" x 92 1/4" Day Light Opening (DLO) sidelight. Hardware will be a close match to what you have in color. The lever locksets will be more square than the current curved levers in the building. Door stops. I do not have it noted if you wanted door closers. If yes. add $175 per door. This includes all materials listed and labor. If there is some finishing work required. that is not included and will be completed by others. Aluminum Door and Replacing current window with a bone 1 5.225.00 5.225.00 Frame white aluminum insert. (This will not be an exact color match of the current aluminum framing in the building because of fading. They will however be from the same manufacturer (CMI) as the other openings we looked at.) Left side is 3077 left hand swing solid wood door. Oak veneer with Bayer Standard Provincial (711) finish. A 6" x 25" DLO window kit on lever side of the door. Right side is 30 1/4" x 89 1/2" THE INSTALLATION LABOR TO BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN THE MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE FROM ABUSE. VANDALISM. OR ACTS OF NATURE. MATERIALS THAT ARE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF RE -INSTALLED DOOR HARDWARE WILL NOT BE COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY Page 1 of 2 DLO sidelight with 1 /4" clear tempered glass. Hardware will include a lever keypad with remote latch release same manufacturer to what is on the door to the immediate left. Doorstops. I do not have it noted if you wanted door closers. If yes. add $175 per door. This includes all materials listed and labor. If there is some finishing work required. that is not included and will be completed by others. Memo DJ COMMERCIAL DOOR. LLC WILL 1 0.00 0.00 PROVIDE A ONE YEAR WARRANTY FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION ON ALL NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS AND THE INSTALLATION LABOR TO BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN THE MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE FROM ABUSE. VANDALISM. OR ACTS OF NATURE. MATERIALS THAT ARE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF RE -INSTALLED DOOR HARDWARE WILL NOT BE COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY. A 50% down payment is required to get materials into production. Once payment TOTAL $12,475.00 is received the lead time will be confirmed_ Note this lead time may be different from original quote depending on business volume. Accepted By Accepted Date DJ COMMERCIAL DOOR. LLC WILL PROVIDE A ONE YEAR WARRANTY FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION ON ALL NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS AND THE INSTALLATION LABOR TO BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN THE MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE FROM ABUSE. VANDALISM. OR ACTS OF NATURE. MATERIALS THAT ARE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF RE -INSTALLED DOOR HARDWARE WILL NOT BE COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY. Page 2 of 2 w w O m U) of w 2 F- 0 O m U) 0 O 0 OfO LL U) w Q U - U) F- D m M 0 W w w a LU d- U) LU t J w 0 m N E ca L LL N r ti 0 F - Q U_ m Q LL N U C N C w O M ..t/ 6 16 Oda ..Z/ 1 68 aweJ:J „ £6 w z N Q I x w Nt , Cl? T- T- C) O U- C) O LO O N 1 N L � U �— FW - C >_ 2 O W O 0 0 m N E co L U- 00 LO �O CO J CO T- N U C (o L C W CD M „ b6 MG „t,/ � Z6 E)WeJ J ,.tb/E 56 U) U QN Z � W x N � O O N O LO U `— c M W O CO f— N jL O W O z 0 (o m U L E E to EL O U- 0 LOCKS ®114IR Name / Address CITY OF MONTICI:I.LO 505 \VALNU1 STRHA' MON] ICla.I.O. MN 55362 Russell Securi(v Resource Inc 205 5th St NE #6 Buffalo. MN 55313 Estimate Date Estimate # 6:1W2021 4958 P.O. No. Terms Rep Due on receipt I'M Qty Description Job: Academe Room located in the "Building Department" I Aluminum door cisme N ith side lite and transom: "Bone White" Tulwhic factory finish 1 Clear tempered glass: 114" thick (2 pieces for the frame) Plain sliced "hite ash door: %vith 1;4" clear tempered glass: prclinished to the cit,. provided sample. 4 Hinges. ball bearing: 3 knuckle: US10B 1 Alarm Lock 01.2700 Series Digital Hush -Button Access Control Lock I Keyw y Conversion Cylinder -L4 Includes Generate Key by Code ! MK System, Less Key I Wall Stop 1 Grade I Hcavy-Duty Door Closer. Duronotic 1 36" - 114" X 5" Threshold: Drk Brz 1 Labor and Installation of the Above Including Scrice Fee * Sales tax is not included. If applicable. * Permit fees are not included. 11'applicable. * The ash door is factory order only. * In order f'or the: ash door to be provided with a stained finish. the cit% must provide a color finish sample for the factory to match. otherwise. the door may be provided unfinished and the city will be responsible for all finishing and staining of the ash door. * The white aluminum frame included in the estimate may not be the same shade of white that you presently have. The frame will be manutactured by a different company. It will be similar to the frames on site, but will not be an exact match. * All floor and carpet patching to be done by the city. * All wall and ceiling repair, if needed. will be done by others. Russell Sccurity Resourcc. Inc. guaranties all materials to be of'good qualit% and to be installed in a processional manner. Russell Security Resource. Inc. prides itsell'on hollowing a high code ofethics and will not compromise this high standard. All warranties %ill hollow the manufacturers %%-arrant)- unless otherwise stated. All prices are ,guaranteed for 30 days. no additional charges will tx added without prior approval. Phone # Fax # 763-682-1253 763-682-0139 Subtotal $10.2151M Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 Total $10.215.00 S�:cc�try �'edocutce t1.tc. r Name / Address CITYOF NIONTICI:I.I.t) 505 WAI.NIA STRI:FT R401\1IC'I:1.1.t). MN 55362 Russell Securi(y} Resource Inc• 205 5th St NE 46 Buffalo, MN 55313 Estimate Date Estimate # 61217'2021 4959 P.O. No. Terms Rep Dur on receipt PDC' Qty Description Job: 2 each Building Inspector Office Doors 2 Aluminum door name with side lite. "BoneWWhite" Tublite factor finish 2 Clear tempered glass: 1/4" thick for the frame 2 Plain sliced white ash doors. prefinished to the cin provided sample. g Hinges. ball bearing: 3 knuckle: USIOB 2 Corbin Russ%win 0L3351 entrance fever set: Princeton: USIOB 2 Generate Key by Code / MK System. Less hey 2 Wall Stop 2 36" - 1/4" X 5" 'Threshold; Drk Brz 2 Labor and Installation ofthe Abo%c 2 Service Fee * Sales tar is not included. If applicable. * Permit fees are not included. Ifapplicable. * The ash door is factory order only. * In order for the ;ash door to be provided %with a stained finish. the cite must provide a color finish sample for the factor-, to match. otherwise. the door ma% be pro% ided unfinished and the cin %N ill he responsible for all finishing and staining of the ash door. * The white aluminum frame included in the estimate may not be the same shade of white that you presently have. The frame will be manufactured by a different compam. It Hill be similar to the frames on site. but will not bean exact match. * All floor and carpet patching to be done h% the cit%. All wall and ceiling repair, if needed. will be done by others. Russell Securiti, Resource. Inc. guaranties all materials to be ol'good qualit't and to be installed in a professional manner. Russell Security Resource. Inc. prides itself on I'ollo%wing u high code ofethics and %% ill not compromise this high standard. All %%arranties will follow the manufacturers %varranty unless otherwise stated. All prices are guaranteed for 30 days. no additional charges will be added without prior approval. Phone # Fax # 763-682-1253 763-682-0139 Subtotal $12.710.00 Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 Total $12.710.00 Jerry Hanson From: rusty@ kiserrenovations.com Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 9:28 AM To: Jerry Hanson Subject: RE: Bid numbers? Jerry, We are going to have to pass on bidding this one. I am having a hard time finding someone to manufacturer the door openings. I have gone thru 5 separate companies with no luck. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you guys and do hope that you would keep us in mind for anything in the future. Sincerely; Rusty Lear From: Jerry Hanson <jerry.hanson@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 20217:40 AM To: 'Rusty@ KiserRenovations.com' <Rusty@KiserRenovations.com> Subject: Bid numbers? Hi, Rusty Where we at with the door propoals? Thanks Jerry Hanson Facilities Maintenance Manager City of Monticello Office: 763-271-7114 Mobile: 763-442-0721 Email: ierry.hanson(q)ci.monticello.mn.us At.T'r�0 f�� moil'X 11 COMMUNITY :ENTER City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 21. Consideration of approving the appointment of Hali Sittig to the Economic Development Authority (EDA) to complete the remainder of a term which expires December 31, 2021 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Economic Development Manager 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director, City City Administrator Clerk ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the appointment of Hali Sittig to the Economic Development Authority (EDA) to complete the remainder of Bill Tapper's term which ends on December 31, 2021. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider the appointment of Hali Sittig to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) to complete the remainder of Bill Tapper's six-year term which ends on December 31, 2021. Mr. Tapper provided notice of his resignation effective August 31, 2021. The EDA voted to accept his resignation. He has served on the EDA since 2007. The EDA Commissioner vacancy was posted for applicants seeking to fill the opening. The EDA held a special meeting on August 11 and interviewed three candidates. Following the interviews, the EDA Commissioners unanimously voted to recommend Ms. Sittig to fill the vacancy. Ms. Sittig's application is attached for City Council review. She currently owns a small business located in the downtown area. If the City Council approves her appointment to the EDA, she will be sworn in as a commissioner at the September 8, 2021 meeting. I. Staff Workload Impact: There is minimal staff impact in considering approving the appointment of Hali Sittig as a commissioner to the EDA. II. Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approving Hali Sitting to the EDA to fill the remainder of Bill Tapper's six-year term which ends on December 31, 2021. Per the EDA Enabling Resolution, the City Council must City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 confirm member appointments to the EDA. SUPPORTING DATA A. EDA Enabling Resolution B. Application CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2012-021 AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION ENABLING THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota ("City") as follows: Section 1. Background and Findings 1.01. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 (the "EDA Act") to establish an economic development authority to coordinate and administer economic development and redevelopment plans and programs for the City. 1.02. By Ordinance No. 172, approved April 10, 1989 and codified in the City Code as Title II, Chapter 3 (the "Enabling Ordinance"), the City established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA"), for the purpose of coordinating and administering economic development activities in and for the City. 1.03. By resolutions approved on October 22, 2007 and January 14, 2008, the City transferred to the EDA the control, authority and operation of all projects administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and adopted an Amended and Restated Enabling Resolution (the "Enabling Resolution"), which superceded the Enabling Ordinance in all respects. 1.04. The City Council has now determined to revise and clarify certain provisions of the Enabling Resolution by the adoption of this resolution. 1.05. The City Council has, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 469.093, provided public notice and conducted a public hearing on the date hereof, at which all persons wishing to be heard were given an opportunity to express their views, concerning the modified Enabling Resolution. 1.06. This resolution constitutes an amendment and restatement of the Enabling Resolution of January 14, 2008, and supercedes such Enabling Resolution in all respects. Section 2. Enabling Authority. 2.01. The EDA was established pursuant to the EDA Act under the Enabling Ordinance as adopted April 10, 1989 and codified as Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code, as amended and restated by this resolution. 2.02. The EDA shall be composed of 7 members to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. 2.03. Two of the members shall be members of the City Council. The terms of office of the two members of the City Council shall coincide with their terms of office as members of the City Council. The remaining five (5) members shall be initially appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respectively. Thereafter, all non -Council members shall be appointed for six-year terms. 2.04. A vacancy is created in the membership of the EDA when a City Council member of the board of commissioners ends Council membership, when any member ends EDA membership prior to expiration of his or her term of office, on the day following the expiration of a member's term of office, or when a member is removed by the City Council subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof . A vacancy for this or any other reason must be filled for a new term or the balance of the unexpired term, as applicable, in the manner in which the original appointment was made. 2.05. All of the members who are not members of the City Council must be either residents of the City, business -owners in the City, or property -owners in the City. 2.06. All members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council, subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the confirmation of the City Council. 2.07. A commissioner may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A commissioner shall be removed only after a hearing. A copy of the charges must be given to the commissioner at least 10 days before the hearing. The commissioner must be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by the counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against the commissioner, the City Council may temporarily suspend the commissioner. If the City Council finds that those charges have not been substantiated, the commissioner shall be immediately reinstated. If a commissioner is removed, a record of the proceedings together with the charges and findings shall be filed in the office of the City Administrator. 2.08. The City Council shall make available to the EDA such appropriations as it deems fit for salaries, fees, and expenses necessary in the conduct of its work. The EDA shall have authority to expend all budgeted sums so appropriated and recommend the expenditures of other sums made available for its use from grants, gifts, and other sources for the purposes and activities authorized by this resolution. Section 3. Officers and Meetings. 3.01. The EDA shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and secretary annually. A member must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same member. The other offices of the secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a member. 3.02. The EDA shall adopt rules and procedures not inconsistent with the provisions of this Enabling Resolution or as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.096, and as may be necessary for the proper execution and conduct of its business. The EDA shall adopt bylaws and rules to govern its procedures and for the transaction of its business and shall keep a record of attendance at its meetings and/or resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations showing the vote of each member on each question requiring a vote, or if absent or abstaining from voting, indicating such fact. The records of the EDA shall be a public record, except for those items classified by law as nonpublic data. 3.03. The EDA shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the president as needed. 3.04. All administrative procedures, including contract for services, purchases of supplies, and financial transactions and duties shall be outlined in the bylaws of the EDA. Section 4. Staff. 4.01. The Economic Development Director shall be designated as Executive Director of the EDA. 4.02. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the EDA may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper, and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 5. Functions, Powers, and Duties. 5.01. Except as specifically limited by the provisions of Section 6 of this Enabling Resolution, the EDA shall have the authority granted it pursuant to the EDA Act. 5.02. The EDA shall manage the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (the "Fund") the purpose of which is to encourage economic development by making loans to private businesses. The EDA shall make loans to eligible businesses, and such loan(s) shall serve a public purpose as defined in the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines (Fund Guidelines). The Fund Guidelines are hereby adopted by reference and included in the bylaws of the EDA. No changes to the fund Guidelines shall be made without approval of the City Council. 5.03. The EDA may be a limited partner in a partnership whose purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose. 5.04. The EDA may issue general obligation bonds and revenue bonds when authorized by the City Council and pledge as security for the bonds the full faith, credit, and resources of the City or such revenues as may be generated by projects undertaken by the EDA. 5.05. The EDA may cooperate with or act as agent for the federal or state government or a state public body, or an agency or instrumentality of government or other public body to carry out the powers granted it by the EDA Act or any other related federal, state, or local law in the area of economic development district improvement. 5.06. The EDA may annually develop and present an economic development strategy and present it to the City Council for consideration and approval. 5.07. The EDA may join an official, industrial, commercial, or trade association or other organization concerned with such purposes, hold reception of officials who may contribute to advancing the City and its economic development, and carry out other appropriate public relations activities to promote the city and its economic development. 5.08. The EDA may perform such other duties which may be lawfully assigned to it by the City. All city employees shall, upon request and within a reasonable time, famish the EDA or its employees or agents such available records or information as may be required in its work. The EDA or its employees or agents may, in the performance of official duties, enter upon lands and make examinations or surveys in the same manner as other authorized City agents or employees and shall have such other powers as are required for the performance of official functions in carrying out the purposes of this resolution. Section 6. Limitations of Power. 6.01. The following limits apply to the EDA and its operation: (a) The sale of bonds or other obligations of the EDA must be approved by the City Council. (b) The EDA must follow the budget process for City departments in accordance with City policies, ordinances, and resolutions and the City charter. (c) Development and redevelopment actions of the EDA must be in conformity to the City comprehensive plan and official controls implementing the comprehensive plan. (d) The EDA must submit its plans for development and redevelopment to the City Council for approval in accordance with City planning procedures and laws. (e) Except when previously pledged by the EDA, the City Council may, by resolution, require the EDA to transfer any portion of the reserves generated by activities of the EDA that the City Council determines are not necessary for the successful operation of the EDA to the debt service funds of the city to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City. (f) The administrative structure and management practices and policies of the EDA must be approved by the City Council. (g) The EDA shall submit all planned activities for influencing the action of any other governmental agency, subdivision, or body to the City Council for approval. 6.02. The EDA may exercise all the powers under the EDA Act, including, but not limited to, the following; (a) all powers under the HRA Act. (b) all powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134. (c) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165 for a purpose in the HRA Act or the EDA Act, and all powers and duties in the HRA Act and the EDA Act for a purpose in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165. (d) the authority to acquire property, exercise the right of eminent domain; make contracts for the purpose of redevelopment and economic development; serve as a limited partner in a partnership whose purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose; buy supplies and materials needed to carry out development within the EDA Act; and operate and maintain public parking facilities. (e) the authority to issue bonds in accordance with the EDA Act and the HRA Act. (f) the authority to levy special benefit taxes in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6 of the HRA Act in order to pay or finance public redevelopment costs (as defined in the HRA Act), subject to approval by the City Council in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6. (g) all powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.474 to 469.179. 6.03. As provided in the EDA Act, it is the intention of the City Council that nothing in this resolution nor any activities of the EDA are to be construed to impair the obligations of the City or HRA under any of their contracts or to affect in any detrimental manner the rights and privileges of a holder of a bond or other obligation heretofore issued by the City, the EDA or the HRA. Section 7. Implementation. 7.01. The City Council will from time to time and at the appropriate time adopt such ordinances and resolutions as are required and permitted by the EDA Act to give full effect to this resolution. 7.02. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and other appropriate City officials are authorized and directed to take the actions and execute and deliver the documents necessary to give full effect to this resolution. 7.03. Nothing in this resolution is intended to prevent the City from modifying this Enabling Resolution to impose new or different limitations on the EDA as authorized by the EDA Act. ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Monticello on this 27th day of February, 2012. CITY OF MONTICELLO eel ze�l—1 Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: 1 z4 JeOW City Administrator Hell Sittig Pe aon O. 47837898 ROCMe0 6118¢1811 PM PREFERENCES TYPES OF WORK YOU WILL ACCEPT: L Per Diem EMPUDYMENTAPPLICATION CITY OFCITY OF MONTICELLO Received! 6/18/218',11 505 Walnut Street PM DEGREE RECEIVED: Professonal Monticello, Minnesota 55362 For Official Use Only: )63-295-2)11 QUAL: Montice htto:/Iwww ci.monticello.mn.us Sittig, Jeanne DNQ: PTraini nceg oOtherng 2021-00017 EDA MEMBER (VOLUNTEER POSITION) ER o o0ttler:_ MINNESOTA REASON FOR LEAVING: Salyd not leave P RSDNAL INF IO POSITION TITLE: EXAM ID#: EDA MEMBER (VOLUNTEER POSITION) 2021-00017 NAME Last, First, Mid le SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Sittig, Hali ]eanne N/A ADDRESS: Sheet, I[y, tate mvince, Zip Pasta o e EMAIL ADDRESS: NOTIFICATION PREFERENCE: �T Email SE DRIVER'S LICENSE: Nothing Entered For This Section LEGAL RIGNT TO WORN IN THE UNITED STATES? • Yes o No State: MN Number: • Yes o No PREFERENCES TYPES OF WORK YOU WILL ACCEPT: L Per Diem --- EDUCATION DATES: f CHOOL NAME: Gemologlcal Institute of America LOCATION: CI[y, tate Province Carlsbad California OID VOU GR ATE? •ves o No DEGREE RECEIVED: Professonal WORK E CE DATES: EMPLOYER: From: 1/2016 TO: 1/2021 kali ] Designs DBA Classique Jewelry ADDRESS: Street, C¢y, State/Province, Tip/Postal Code) 141 E Broadway St, Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 PHONE NUMBER: MAY WE CONTACT THIS EMPLOYER! — 7632952958 Yes WE HOURS PER WE 40 POSITION TITLE: Owner DUTIES: Owner REASON FOR LEAVING: Salyd not leave ERTIFICATES AND EICENSES Nothing Entered For This Section Skills Nothing Entered For This Section ADDITIONAL MA ON Nothing Entered For This Section NCES it Nothing Entered For This Section Hali Sittig Person ID: 61331898 Reeeive0: 61181218 11 PM Job Specific Suoplemental Questions 1. Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. I would love to get involved in driving revenue to the city of Monticello. Not only by bringing new businesses to the city of Monticello, but also by community outreach to help existing business owners use EDA funds to grow and enhance their businesses. 2. Please list your qualifications for this volunteer appointment. I own a business in Monticello and have been operating it for the last five and a half years. As a business owner, I have the opportunity to serve our community, thus I'm provided with a greater opportunity for community outreach, involvement and interaction. 3. Please describe your prior volunteer experience (include organization names and dates of service). I volunteered with the moose youth hockey association from 2014 to 2021. Serving as the home tournament director (4 years) and away tournament director (2 years) for the association. I believe my greatest strength is that I lead by example. The following terms were accepted by the applicant upon submitting the online application: By clicking on the 'Accept & Submit' button, I hereby certify that all of the information provided by me in this application (or any other accompanying or required documents) is correct, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the falsification, misrepresentation or omission of any facts in said documents may be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination of employment regardless of the timing or circumstances of discovery. I understand that submission of an application does not guarantee employment. I understand that none of the documents, policies, procedures, actions, statements of the City of Monticello or its representatives used during the employment process is deemed a contract of employment, real or implied. In consideration for employment with the City of Monticello, if employed, I agree to conform to the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the City of Monticello at all times and understand that such obedience is a condition of employment. I understand that if offered a position with the City of Monticello, I may be required to submit to a pre-employment medical examination, drug screening and background check as a condition of employment. I understand that unsatisfactory results from, refusal to cooperate with, or any attempt to affect the results of these pre-employment tests and checks will result in withdrawal of any employment offer or termination of employment if already employed. I hereby authorize all schools, former employers, references, courts and any others who have information about me to provide such information to the City of Monticello and/or its representatives, agents or vendors and I release all parties involved from any and all liability for any and all damage that may result from providing such information. This application was submitted by Hall Jeanne Sittig on 6/18/218:11 PM City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2K. Consideration of approving a contract with Kraus -Anderson Construction Company for the DMV Relocation Project in the amount of $284,179.16 in accordance with Sourcewell EZIQC Contract. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 08/23/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: PW Director/City Engineer City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a contract with Kraus -Anderson Construction Company for the DMV Relocation Project in the amount of $284,179.16 in accordance with Sourcewell EZIQC Contract. PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION August 9, 2021: Consideration of approving the purchase of furniture for the new DMV location at 118 W 6th Street for $75,638.11 from Haworth Furniture. July 26, 2021: Consideration to proceed with relocating the DMV to 118 W 6th Street and authorizing staff to work with the Construction Manager to bid out project specifications. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City of Monticello DMV relocation project continues to move forward. Kraus -Anderson has priced out the materials and labor cost through the Sourcewell joint powers purchasing alliance, which saves the city time and money. While the unit prices in the purchase order are fixed, amendments may be brought forward if quantities change as the project progresses. Sourcewell, formerly National Joint Powers Alliance, is a local unit of government and public agency created by the Minnesota Legislature as a service cooperative. Minn. Stat. § 123A.21 (2018). Sourcewell was established with the statutory purpose to assist members in meeting specific needs which are more efficiently delivered cooperatively rather than by an individual entity. These programs include joint and cooperative purchasing services. Sourcewell is governed by an eight -member board made up of local elected officials including county commissioners, city council members, mayors, and school board members. Member agencies include eligible government, education, and non-profit entities. Sourcewell's indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) construction contracts are made available to Minnesota members through the joint exercise of powers law Minn. Stat. § 471.59. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 The contract allows for 65 calendar days for substantial completion. Construction is estimated to be substantially complete by November 1, 2021. The total project estimate is as follows: Construction $ 385,769 (including design & construction contingencies) Architect design 7,000 Furniture systems 72,000 IT Equipment & devices 21,053 Security cameras & card access 32,340 Sewer lateral 29,800 Parking lot re -striping 20,000 $ 567,962 I. Budget Impact: $284,179.16 in the DMV fund. The proposed purchase order amount correlates to $317,775 within the $385,769 construction estimate above. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload will consist of managing the construction contract and inspection. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving a contract with Kraus -Anderson Construction Company for the DMV Relocation Project in the amount of $284,179.16 in accordance with Sourcewell EZIQC Contract. SUPPORTING DATA • Draft Indefinite Quantity Construction Agreement Purchase Order and exhibits Sourcewell Indefinite Quantity Construction Agreement Purchase Order This Purchase Order (hereinafter "Purchase Order" or "PO") is entered into and effective this 1211 day of August, 2021, by and between the following parties: City of Monticello 118W61hSt, Monticello, MN 55362 (hereinafter called "Owner"), and Kraus -Anderson® Construction Company 501 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (hereinafter called "Contractor") WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS: A. The Contractor entered into an Indefinite Quantity Construction Agreement with Sourcewell (formerly NJPA), dated December 14, 2018 (the "Sourcewell Agreement"). B. Owner is a Sourcewell Member that requested a Proposal Package from Contractor pursuant to the Sourcewell Agreement. C. Owner and Contractor desire to amend the Sourcewell Agreement pursuant to this Purchase Order for the following project: City of Monticello Department of Motor Vehicle Relocation (the "Project"). D. Except as expressly modified by this PO, all terms and conditions of the Sourcewell Agreement, and all the respective rights and obligations of the parties under the Sourcewell Agreement, shall continue unchanged and in full force and effect. Capitalized words and phrases herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to such words in the Sourcewell Agreement, except to the extent otherwise defined in this PO. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby amend the Sourcewell Agreement and agree as follows. 1. Project Name and Description of the Detail Scope of Work: Monticello DMV Relocation dated 08.03.21 by HCM Architects. Owner will complete sanitary tie-in at exterior of building. This scope will be amended upon completion of Construction Documents and final pricing through Sourcewell. 2. Owner's Representative: Matthew Leonard, City Engineer— Monticello 3. Contractor's Representative: Mark Kotten, Construction Executive — Public Sector 4. Architect Name and Address: Tim McIlwain, HCM Architects, 4201 Cedar Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55407 5. Contract Sum: The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Not to Exceed Sum of Two Hundred Eighty -Four Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight and 16/100 Dollars $284,178.16 for the Contractor's performance of this Purchase Order. The Contract Sum will be adjusted by Amendment pursuant to the Sourcewell Agreement pricing requirements following completion of the Contract Documents. The attached Exhibits are part of this PO as if each were physically incorporated therein: Exhibit 1 Contract Work Order 095877.00 Breakdown, dated August 1311/ 2021. Exhibit 2 List of Drawings, Plans and Specifications (the "Contract Documents"). Dated _8/3/2021_. See attached. Exhibit 3 List of Assumptions and Clarifications, Alternates (if any), Allowances (if any) and Unit Prices (if any), dated _8/12/2021_. This will be filled out and submitted with first contract amendment. PA 6. Date of Commencement: The date of commencement of the Work shall be (a) the date of the P0, (b) upon receipt of the Building Permit for the Project, or (c) the date on which the Construction Manager receives a written notice to proceed from the Owner, whichever is later. (Alternatively, if a calendar date is desired in coordination with the substantial completion date, please insert a calendar date below.) The date of commencement will be determined based on the amendment. 7. Substantial Completion Date: The Construction Manager shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than 65 calendar days from the date of commencement under this PO (the "Contract Time"). The date of Substantial Completion shall be November 1St, 2021. 8. Liquidated Damages: Yes /(No (Circle One) 9. Payment and Performance Bond: Yes / No (Circle One and describe any special requirements below) 10. Builder's Risk Insurance: Owner Contractor (Circle the party required to obtain Builder's Risk Insurance for the Project) 11. Minnesota Responsible Contractor: The provisions of Minn. Stat. 16C.285 Responsible Contractor are imposed as a requirement of this contract. A false 3 MI 101-1111,01-11-11" 9. Payment and Performance Bond: Yes / No (Circle One and describe any special requirements below) 10. Builder's Risk Insurance: Owner Contractor (Circle the party required to obtain Builder's Risk Insurance for the Project) 11. Minnesota Responsible Contractor: The provisions of Minn. Stat. 16C.285 Responsible Contractor are imposed as a requirement of this contract. A false 3 statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria shall make the prime contractor or subcontractor that makes the false statement ineligible to be awarded a construction project and may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor or subcontractor that submits a false statement. The Contractor hereby acknowledges that as a condition subsequent to this agreement, should they not meet the minimum criteria in subdivision 3 or fails to verify that it meets those criteria is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. The Responsible Contractor Verification and Certification of Compliance is hereto attached and made a part the specifications as Attachments A, A-1, and A-2. 12. Amendments to General Conditions: The following amendments are hereby made to the IQCC Contract General Conditions (MN-TMA-GC05-120518-KRU) (the "General Conditions"): a. Section 7.1 shall be amended to delete "materials" in the first line and "or provided by the manufacturer" in the last line. b. Section 7.2 shall be amended to read as follows: "During the guarantee period, the Contractor shall repair and replace at Contractor's own expense, all Work that may develop defects in workmanship." c. Section 18.2 shall be deleted in its entirety. d. The following provisions shall be inserted as Section 25.7: "Owner and Contractor waive all rights against (1) each other and any of their subcontractors, sub -subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, and (2) the Architect, Architect's consultants, Owner's separate contractors, if any, and any of their subcontractors, sub - subcontractors, agents and employees, for damages caused by fire or other causes of loss to the extent covered by property insurance obtained pursuant to Section 25 or other property insurance applicable to the Work, except such rights as they have to proceeds of such insurance held by Owner. Owner or Contractor, as appropriate, shall require of the Architect, Architect's consultants, Owner's separate contractors, if any, and the subcontractors, sub -subcontractors, agents and employees of any of them, by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, similar waivers each in favor of other parties enumerated herein. The policies shall provide such waivers of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise. A waiver of subrogation shall E be effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity would otherwise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or otherwise, did not pay the insurance premium directly or indirectly, and whether or not the person or entity had an insurable interest in the property damaged. If during the Project construction period Owner insures properties, real or personal or both, at or adjacent to the site by property insurance under policies separate from those insuring the Project, or if after final payment property insurance is to be provided on the completed Project through a policy or policies other than those insuring the Project during the construction period, Owner shall waive all rights in accordance with the terms of this Section 25.7 for damages caused by fire or other causes of loss covered by this separate property insurance. All separate policies shall provide this waiver of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise." e. The following provision shall be inserted as Section 25.8: "The Contractor and Owner waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this Agreement. This mutual waiver includes damages incurred by the Owner for rental expenses, for losses of use, income, profit, financing, business and reputation, and for loss of management or employee productivity or of the services of such persons; and damages incurred by the Contractor for principal office expenses including the compensation of personnel stationed there, for losses of financing, business and reputation, and for loss of profit except anticipated profit arising directly from the Work. This mutual waiver is applicable, without limitation, to all consequential damages due to either party's termination of the Agreement. Nothing contained in this Section 25.8 shall be deemed to preclude an award of liquidated damages, when applicable, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents." E The parties hereto have executed this Purchase Order as of the date first set forth above. City of Monticello (Owner) City Engineer Date Date Kraus -Anderson® Construction Company (Contractor) Terrance P. Hart Date Vice President, Director of Operations no GORDIAN (R Work Order Signature Document Sourcewell EZIQC Contract No.: MN-TMA-GC05-120518-KRU F_x] New Work Order F-1 Modify an Existing Work Order Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Date: 08/13/2021 Owner PO No: Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Owner Name: City of Monticello Contractor Name: Kraus -Anderson Construction Company Contact: Lloyd Hilgart Contact: Dustin Phillips Phone: (763)271-2711 Phone: 6123327281 Work to be Performed Work to be performed as per the Final Detailed Scope of Work Attached and as per the terms and conditions of Sourcewell EZIQC Contract No MN-TMA-GC05-120518-KRU. Brief Work Order Description: DMV Remodel Time of Performance See Schedule Section of the Detailed Scope of Work Duration Liquidated Damages Will apply: Will not apply: Work Order Firm Fixed Price: $284,179.16 Owner Purchase Order Number: Approvals Owner Date Contractor Date Work Order Signature Document Page 1 of 1 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Sour w ll a Detailed Scope of Work To: Dustin Phillips Kraus -Anderson Construction Company 501 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 6123327281 Date Printed: August 13, 2021 Work Order Number: 095877.00 Owner PO No: Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Brief Scope: DMV Remodel Preliminary FIRevised GORDIAN (R From: Lloyd Hilgart City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 (763)271-2711 FX Final The following items detail the scope of work as discussed at the site. All requirements necessary to accomplish the items set forth below shall be considered part of this scope of work. Scope of work includes construction of interior buildout per the attached Exhibit 2 documents (plans and specifications) including KA scope clarification letter attached. Thank you. Contractor Owner uate uate Scope of Work Page 1 of 1 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Summary Date: August 13, 2021 Re: IQC Master Contract #: Work Order #: Owner PO #: Title: Contractor: Proposal Value: MN-TMA-GC05-120518-KRU 095877.00 City of Monticello DMV Remodel Kraus -Anderson Construction Company $284,179.16 WS 01A General Conditions $16,765.24 WS 02A Demolition $23,583.99 WS 06D Carpentry $11,389.17 WS 08F Entrances, Storefront, and Curtain Wall $11,557.40 WS 09A Drywall $4,874.82 WS 09B Tile $8,860.99 WS 09C Ceilings $14,303.61 WS 09E Flooring $20,076.31 WS 09K Painting $14,264.10 WS 10A Specialties $2,073.53 WS 23B Combined Mechanical $58,641.95 WS 26A Electrical $97,788.05 Proposal Total $284,179.16 Contractor's Price Proposal - Summary Page 1 of 1 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Date: August 13, 2021 Re: IQC Master Contract #: MN-TMA-GC05-120518-KRU Work Order #: 095877.00 Owner PO #: 1 01 22 16 00 0002 Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Contractor: Kraus -Anderson Construction Company Proposal Value: $284,179.16 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 01A General Conditions 1 01 22 16 00 0002 EA Reimbursable FeesReimbursable Fees will be paid to the contractor for eligible $3,300.00 costs. The base cost of the Reimbursable Fee is $1.00. Insert the appropriate quantity to adjust the base cost to the actual Reimbursable Fee (e.g. quantity of 125 = $125.00 Reimbursable Fee). If there are multiple Reimbursable Fees, list each one separately and add a comment in the "note" block to identify the Reimbursable Fee (e.g. sidewalk closure, road cut, various permits, extended warranty, expedited shipping costs, etc.). A copy of each receipt shall be submitted with the Price Proposal. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 3,000.00 x 1.00 x 1.1000 - 3,300.00 Construction Building Permit 2 01 22 16 00 0002 EA Reimbursable FeesReimbursable Fees will be paid to the contractor for eligible $2,750.00 costs. The base cost of the Reimbursable Fee is $1.00. Insert the appropriate quantity to adjust the base cost to the actual Reimbursable Fee (e.g. quantity of 125 = $125.00 Reimbursable Fee). If there are multiple Reimbursable Fees, list each one separately and add a comment in the "note" block to identify the Reimbursable Fee (e.g. sidewalk closure, road cut, various permits, extended warranty, expedited shipping costs, etc.). A copy of each receipt shall be submitted with the Price Proposal. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,500.00 x 1.00 x 1.1000 - 2.750.00 Bond 3 01 22 20 00 0006 HR CarpenterFor tasks not included in the Construction Task Catalog@ and as $2,428.45 directed by owner only. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 24.00 x 71.59 x 1.4134 = 2,428.45 Field Services for Owner FIFE 4 01 22 23 00 0156 MO 200 to 1,000 CFM Portable Air Scrubber $1,429.03 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.50 x 674.04 x 1.4134 = 1,429.03 Air Scrubber 5 01 56 16 00 0003 SF 6 Mil, Plastic Sheeting, Applied To Walls $494.69 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1,000.00 x 0.35 x 1.4134 = 494.69 Poly Protection 6 01 56 16 00 0076 SF Masonite For Temporary Floor Protection $1,447.32 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 800.00 x 1.28 x 1.4134 = 1,447.32 Floor protection 7 01 56 16 00 0083 EA 25" x 45", 30 Layer Sticky Mat $90.57 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 32.04 x 1.4134 90.57 Floor protection Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 1 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 01A General Conditions 8 01 74 19 00 0015 EA 30 CY Dumpster (3 Ton) "Construction Debris"Includes delivery of dumpster, $4,825.18 rental cost, pick-up cost, hauling, and disposal fee. Non -hazardous material. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 6.00 x 568.98 x 1.4134 — 4,825.18 Dumpsters Subtotal for WS 01A General Conditions $16,765.24 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 02A Demolition 9 02 41 16 13 0004 GSF >2,000 To 10,000 SF Commercial Building Interior Demolition, Gutting And $22,008.05 Placing Into Dumpster Or Truck Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,300.00 x 6.77 x 1.4134 — 22,008.05 Demolition 10 02 41 19 16 0010 SF Scarify Concrete Floor $310.95 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1,000.00 x 0.22 x 1.4134 — 310.95 Floor Scraping 11 02 41 19 16 0011 SF Scarify Concrete Tread And Riser $1,264.99 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 500.00 x 1.79 x 1.4134 — 1,264.99 Stair Scraping Subtotal for WS 02A Demolition $23,583.99 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 06D Carpentry 12 06 41 13 00 0021 EA 24" To 27" Wide, 34-1/2" High x 24" Deep 2-Drawer/2-Door CabinetPrefinished $575.34 with solid hardwood face frames, hardwood door frames and drawer fronts. Hardwood veneer on raised door panels. Excludes top. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 407.06 x 1.4134 — 575.34 Base Cabinet - Breakroom 13 06 41 13 00 0025 EA >36"-42" Wide, 34-1/2" High x 24" Deep 2-Drawer/2-Door CabinetPrefinished $1,403.65 with solid hardwood face frames, hardwood door frames and drawer fronts. Hardwood veneer on raised door panels. Excludes top. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 496.55 x 1.4134 — 1,403.65 Base Cabinet - Breakroom 14 06 41 13 00 0039 EA 30" High x 21" Deep x 24" Wide Vanity Bases, 2 DoorPrefinished with solid $448.67 hardwood face frames, hardwood door frames and drawer fronts. Hardwood veneer on raised door panels. Excludes top. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 317.44 x 1.4134 — 448.67 Bathroom Assembly Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 2 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 06D Carpentry 15 06 41 13 00 0052 EA >24" To 30" Wide, 36" High x 13" Deep Double Door Wall CabinetPrefinished $466.25 with solid hardwood face frames, hardwood door frames. Hardwood veneer on raised door panels. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 329.88 x 1.4134 - 466.25 Wall Cabinet - Breakroom 16 06 41 13 00 0054 EA >36" To 42" Wide, 36" High x 13" Deep Double Door Wall CabinetPrefinished $1,124.73 with solid hardwood face frames, hardwood door frames. Hardwood veneer on raised door panels. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 397.88 x 1.4134 - 1,124.73 Wall Cabinet - Breakroom 17 06 41 13 00 0082 EA >30" Wide, 12" High x 13" Deep Double Door Wall CabinetPrefinished with $300.05 solid hardwood face frames, hardwood door frames. Hardwood veneer on raised door panels. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 212.29 x 1.4134 - 300.05 Wall Cabinet - Breakroom 18 08 12 13 13 0008 EA Tx 6'-8" Through 7'-2" High, 4-3/4" Deep, 16 Gauge, Knock Down Hollow $202.65 Metal Door Frame Quantity Unit Price Factor Total X X Installation 1.00 x 143.38 x 1.4134 - 202.65 Install only for salvaged frame 19 08 14 16 00 0041 EA T-0" x Tx 1-3/8" Thick, 5 Ply, Hollow Core (HC), Oak Faced Wood Door $121.58 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total X X Installation 1.00 x 86.02 x 1.4134 - 121.58 Install only for salvaged door 20 12 36 61 16 0004 SF 1/2" Thick, Color Group "B", Solid Surface Countertop Without $2,627.40 BacksplashQuantity based on area of counter, backsplash and apron. Includes drilling holes for fixtures and 1-1/2" drop edge with 1/8" radius edges (when apron not used). Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 42.00 x 44.26 x 1.4134 - 2,627.40 Sills - 7 total 21 12 36 61 16 0004 0025 MOD For Up To 50, Add $846.51 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 42.00 x 14.26 x 1.4134 - 846.51 22 12 36 61 16 0005 SF 1/2" Thick, Color Group "B", Solid Surface Countertop With 4" Backsplash $2,060.74 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 30.00 x 48.60 x 1.4134 - 2,060.74 Counter -tops 23 12 36 61 16 0005 0025 MOD For Up To 50, Add $660.20 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 30.00 x 15.57 x 1.4134 - 660.20 24 12 36 61 16 0005 0037 MOD For Integral 17" x 14" x 6" Depth Lavatory Sink (Corian 837), Add $245.31 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 173.56 x 1.4134 - 245.31 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 3 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 06D Carpentry 25 12 36 61 16 0007 EA Cutout For Sink And/Or Faucet In Solid Surface Countertop $306.09 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 108.28 x 1.4134 - 306.09 Cut ins Subtotal for WS 06D Carpentry $11,389.17 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 08F Entrances, Storefront, and Curtain Wall 26 08 42 13 00 0002 EA Tx Tx 1-3/4" Medium Stile, Aluminum Framed Entrance Doors Including $11,557.40 Glazing, Trim And Hardware (Special -Lite SL -14) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 4,088.51 x 1.4134 - 11,557.40 Note 5 on a2.1 Subtotal for WS 08F Entrances, Storefront, and Curtain Wall $11,557.40 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09A Drywall 27 09 01 20 91 0002 SF Up To 2 SF, Cut And Patch Hole In Drywall To Match ExistingPer location. $2,011.27 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 100.00 x 14.23 x 1.4134 - 2,011.27 Small patching of drywall 28 09 22 16 13 0010 SF 3-5/8" Width, 16" On Center, 20 Gauge, Non Load Bearing, Non Structural $1,013.41 Metal Stud Framing With Tracks And Runners Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 300.00 x 2.39 x 1.4134 1,013.41 Framing 29 09 22 16 13 0010 0011 MOD For >100 To 300, Add $161.13 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 300.00 x 0.38 x 1.4134 - 161.13 30 09 29 00 00 0013 SF 5/8" Type X Fire Rated Gypsum Board $1,060.05 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 600.00 x 1.25 x 1.4134 - 1,060.05 Drywall 31 09 29 00 00 0056 SF Up To 10' High, Walls, Tape, Spackle And Finish Gypsum Board $508.82 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 750.00 x 0.48 x 1.4134 - 508.82 Drywall finishing includes touch up 32 09 29 00 00 0060 SF >10' High, Ceilings, Tape, Spackle And Finish Gypsum BoardUse this task for $120.14 the entire wall area when the wall is >10' high. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 100.00 x 0.85 x 1.4134 - 120.14 Touch up existing ceilings Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 4 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09A Drywall 33 09 29 00 00 0060 0043 MOD For Up To 128, Add $0.00 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 0.00 x 0.33 x 1.4134 - 0.00 Subtotal for WS 09A Drywall $4,874.82 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09B Tile 34 09 30 13 00 0003 SF 8" x 8" And Larger Unmounted FloorTilelncludes glazed porcelain, unglazed $2,261.72 porcelain and glazed ceramic tiles. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 140.00 x 11.43 x 1.4134 - 2,261.72 Floor Tile 35 09 30 13 00 0003 0066 MOD For >50 To 250, Add $183.18 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 120.00 x 1.08 x 1.4134 - 183.18 36 09 30 13 00 0005 SF Less than 8" x 8" Mounted Wall Tilelncludes glazed porcelain, unglazed $4,141.54 porcelain and glazed ceramic tiles. Tiles mounted from back, side or front in 12" x 12", 12" x 24", or similar sized sheets. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 260.00 x 11.27 x 1.4134 - 4,141.54 Wall Tile 37 09 30 13 00 0005 0071 MOD For >50 To 250, Add $356.18 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 240.00 x 1.05 x 1.4134 - 356.18 38 09 30 13 00 0010 LF 4-1/4" To 4-1/2" High Glazed Porcelain, Unglazed Porcelain And Glazed $690.98 Ceramic Cove Base Or Trim Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 36.00 x 13.58 x 1.4134 - 690.98 Note 7 on a2.1 39 09 31 00 00 0001 SF Thin Set - Latex Portland Cement Mortar $757.58 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 400.00 x 1.34 x 1.4134 - 757.58 Thin Set 40 09 39 00 00 0008 LF 1/2" Height, Aluminum Edge Protection Trim For Tile (Schluter® SCHIENE) $469.81 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 120.00 x 2.77 x 1.4134 - 469.81 Transitions Subtotal for WS 09B Tile $8,860.99 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09C Ceilings Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 5 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09C Ceilings 41 09 51 13 00 0017 SF 2'x 2'x 5/8" Mineral Fiber Acoustical Ceiling Panels $5,818.97 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,300.00 x 1.79 x 1.4134 - 5,818.97 Ceiling Tiles 42 09 51 13 00 0017 0434 MOD For Ceilings >10' High, Add $195.05 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,300.00 x 0.06 x 1.4134 - 195.05 43 09 53 23 00 0004 SF 2' x 2' Grid, 15/16" T Bar Ceiling Suspension System $7,899.49 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,300.00 x 2.43 x 1.4134 - 7,899.49 Ceiling Grid 44 09 53 23 00 0004 0434 MOD For Ceilings >10' High, Add $390.10 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,300.00 x 0.12 x 1.4134 390.10 Subtotal for WS 09C Ceilings $14,303.61 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09E Flooring 45 03 54 16 00 0002 SF 1/8" Thick Self Leveling Cementitious Underlayment For Floors Including $556.88 Surface Preparation Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 200.00 x 1.97 x 1.4134 - 556.88 Floor prep 46 09 65 13 13 0007 LF 4" High, 1/8" Thick, Type TP Thermoplastic Rubber Wall Base, All Colors $952.60 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 239.00 x 2.82 x 1.4134 - 952.60 Vinyl Base 47 09 65 13 13 0008 LF 6" High, 1/8" Thick, Type TP Thermoplastic Rubber Wall Base, All Colors $284.94 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 60.00 x 3.36 x 1.4134 - 284.94 Vinyl Base 48 09 65 13 13 0008 0456 MOD For >40 To 80, Add $22.05 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 60.00 x 0.26 x 1.4134 - 22.05 49 09 65 13 23 0003 LF 3/16" Thick, 9" To 12-1/2" Deep, Rubber Stair TreadRaised disc or other $2,816.85 pattern. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 144.00 x 13.84 x 1.4134 - 2.816.85 Stair Tread 50 09 65 19 23 0003 SF 1/8" Thick, Class 1 Type A, Homogeneous, Solid Vinyl Tile (SVT) (Tarkett® $456.81 Azrock® Cortina Grande) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 64.00 x 5.05 x 1.4134 - 456.81 SDT Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 6 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09E Flooring 51 09 65 23 00 0003 SF 0.135" Overall Thickness, 0.020" Wear Layer, Vinyl Plank Flooring $2,359.32 (Armstrong® Luxe Plank TM) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 275.00 x 6.07 x 1.4134 — 2,359.32 LVT 52 09 68 13 00 0027 SY 34 Ounce, Patterned, Nylon Carpet Tile $7,154.18 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 104.00 x 48.67 x 1.4134 7,154.18 CPT -1 53 09 68 13 00 0031 SY 42 Ounce, Patterned, Nylon Carpet Tile $5,472.68 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 64.00 x 60.50 x 1.4134 — 5,472.68 CPT -2 Subtotal for WS 09E Flooring $20,076.31 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 09K Painting 54 01 22 23 00 0053 WK 17' Electric, Scissor Platform Lift $680.19 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.50 x 320.83 x 1.4134 680.19 Lift 55 09 91 23 00 0064 SF Paint Interior Plaster/Drywall Walls, 2 Coats Paint, Brush/Roller Work $13,116.35 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 8,000.00 x 1.16 x 1.4134 — 13,116.35 Paint Walls 56 09 91 23 00 0064 0288 MOD For>5,000 To 10,000, Deduct -$1,356.86 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 8,000.00 x -0.12 x 1.4134 — -1,356.86 57 09 91 23 00 0153 SF Paint Interior Drywall/Plaster Ceiling, 2 Coats Paint, Brush/Roller Work $1,766.75 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1,000.00 x 1.25 x 1.4134 — 1,766.75 Paint Ceilings 58 09 91 23 00 0238 LF Paint Interior Wood Door Frame And Trim, 2 Coats Paint, Brush/Roller Work $57.67 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 20.00 x 2.04 x 1.4134 — 57.67 Paint Door Frame Subtotal for WS 09K Painting $14,264.10 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 10A Specialties Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 7 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 10A Specialties 59 10 28 13 13 0077 EA Surface Mounted, Stainless Steel Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Vendor (Bobrick $608.82 B -370639C) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 430.75 x 1.4134 - 608.82 Note 8 on a7.1 60 10 28 13 13 0108 EA 12 Gallon, Recessed Mounted, Stainless Steel Combination Folded Paper $698.84 Towel Dispenser/ Waste Receptacle (Bobrick Classic B-3900) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 494.44 x 1.4134 - 698.84 Detail 1 on a7.1 61 10 28 13 13 0125 EA 18" Length, 1-1/4" Diameter, Stainless Steel Grab Bar (Bobrick B -5806x18) $200.14 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 70.80 x 1.4134 - 200.14 Grab Bar 62 10 28 13 13 0126 EA 24" Length, 1-1/4" Diameter, Stainless Steel Grab Bar (Bobrick B -5806x24) $202.77 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 71.73 x 1.4134 202.77 Grab Bar 63 10 28 13 13 0128 EA 36" Length, 1-1/4" Diameter, Stainless Steel Grab Bar (Bobrick B -5806x36) $102.16 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 72.28 x 1.4134 - 102.16 Grab Bar 64 10 28 13 13 0129 EA 42" Length, 1-1/4" Diameter, Stainless Steel Grab Bar (Bobrick B -5806x42) $105.34 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 74.53 x 1.4134 - 105.34 Grab Bar 65 10 28 13 13 0317 EA 24" x 36", Surface Mounted, Stainless Steel Channel Frame Glass Mirror $155.46 (Bobrick B-165 2436) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 109.99 x 1.4134 - 155.46 Mirror Subtotal for WS 10A Specialties $2,073.53 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 23B Combined Mechanical 66 01 22 16 00 0002 EA Reimbursable FeesReimbursable Fees will be paid to the contractor for eligible $2,750.00 costs. The base cost of the Reimbursable Fee is $1.00. Insert the appropriate quantity to adjust the base cost to the actual Reimbursable Fee (e.g. quantity of 125 = $125.00 Reimbursable Fee). If there are multiple Reimbursable Fees, list each one separately and add a comment in the "note" block to identify the Reimbursable Fee (e.g. sidewalk closure, road cut, various permits, extended warranty, expedited shipping costs, etc.). A copy of each receipt shall be submitted with the Price Proposal. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2,500.00 x 1.00 x 1.1000 - 2,750.00 Mechanical Permit Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 8 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 23B Combined Mechanical 67 01 22 20 00 0029 HR Sheet Metal WorkerFor tasks not included in the Construction Task Catalog@ $3,620.71 and as directed by owner only. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 30.00 x 85.39 x 1.4134 - 3,620.71 Innefficiencies of rework to existing system 68 01 22 20 00 0029 0004 MOD For Foreman, Add $0.00 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 0.00 x 4.27 x 1.4134 - 0.00 69 02 41 19 13 0005 LF Saw Cut Non Reinforced Concrete Slab Or Paving Up To 4" Depth $729.31 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 300.00 x 1.72 x 1.4134 - 729.31 Mechanical Slab Demo 70 03 31 13 00 0003 SF 4" 3,000 PSI Slab On Grade Concrete Slabs Assembly $1,213.76 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 125.00 x 6.87 x 1.4134 - 1,213.76 Floor Pour Back 71 03 31 13 00 0003 0156 MOD For Up To 500, Add $448.75 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 125.00 x 2.54 x 1.4134 - 448.75 72 07 92 13 00 0067 CLF 3/8" x 5/8" Joint, Flexible Polyurethane Security Sealant And Caulking $1,693.88 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 3.00 x 399.48 x 1.4134 - 1,693.88 Duct Sealants 73 22 05 76 00 0005 EA 4" Floor Cleanout, Round Or Square Top, Cast Iron With Cast Bronze Screw $1,415.86 Plug And Nickel Bronze Cover Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 500.87 x 1.4134 - 1,415.86 Clean out 74 22 05 76 00 0005 0218 MOD For Carpet Flange, Add $165.37 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 58.50 x 1.4134 - 165.37 75 22 07 19 00 0004 LF 3/4" Diameter Pipe, 1/2" Thick, Fiberglass Insulation With All Service Jacket $978.78 (ASJ) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 125.00 x 5.54 x 1.4134 978.78 Piping Insulation 76 22 11 16 00 0831 LF 3/4" Inside Diameter Copper Pipe/Tubing Type LAssemblylncludes all hangers $2,871.46 and couplings, elbow, tee, reducer fittings. All hangers are complete assemblies. Not for use where detail is available. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 120.00 x 16.93 x 1.4134 - 2,871.46 Domestic Water Piping - Sweat 77 22 11 16 00 0831 0132 MOD For Silver Solder Instead Of 95/5 Solder, Add $336.88 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 105.00 x 2.27 x 1.4134 - 336.88 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 9 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 23B Combined Mechanical 78 22 13 16 00 0012 LF 2" Aboveground No Hub Cast Iron Soil Pipe Assemblylncludes all fittings, $3,497.32 couplings and hangers. Fittings are assumed every 10'. Not for use where detail is available. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 120.00 x 20.62 x 1.4134 - 3,497.32 Sanitary Vent Piping 79 22 13 16 00 0012 0120 MOD For Work In Restricted Working Space, Add $621.83 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 105.00 x 4.19 x 1.4134 - 621.83 80 22 13 19 13 0005 EA 6" Round Top Floor Drain With 4" Outlet, Bronze Top $522.17 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 369.44 x 1.4134 - 522.17 Floor Drain 81 22 42 13 13 0006 EA 2 Piece Tank Type, Pressure Assisted, Siphon Jet, Floor Mounted, Wall Outlet, $1,269.97 Elongated Vitreous China Water Closet (American Standard Yorkville TM ) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 821.60 x 1.4134 - 1,161.25 Demolition 1.00 x 76.92 x 1.4134 108.72 Watercloset including demo 82 22 42 13 16 0005 EA Blowout, Wall Hung, Vitreous China Urinal (American Standard Lynbrook TM) $897.30 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 634.85 x 1.4134 - 897.30 Urinal 83 22 42 16 16 0006 EA 17" x 22" x 7-1/4" Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink, Single Bowl, 20 Gauge (Elkay $1,285.69 PSR1722) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 909.64 x 1.4134 - 1,285.69 Bathroom Sink 84 22 42 16 16 0010 EA 33" x 21" x 7-1/2" Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink, Double Bowl, 20 Gauge (Elkay $1,964.07 PSR3321) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 1,389.61 x 1.4134 - 1,964.07 Breakroom Sink 85 22 42 16 16 0010 0229 MOD For 18 Gauge, Add $1,215.38 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 859.90 x 1.4134 - 1,215.38 86 23 05 93 00 0015 EA Balancing HVAC Duct System, Ceiling Height To 12' Supply, Return, Exhaust, $3,648.27 Register And Diffuser Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 40.00 x 64.53 x 1.4134 - 3,648.27 Test and Balance 87 23 07 13 00 0010 SF 1-1/2" Type 100 (1.0 LB/CF) FSK Fiber Glass Duct Wrap Insulation $1,843.07 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 400.00 x 3.26 x 1.4134 - 1,843.07 Duct Insulation Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 10 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 23B Combined Mechanical 88 23 07 13 00 0010 0497 MOD For Work In Restricted Working Space, Add $520.13 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 400.00 x 0.92 x 1.4134 - 520.13 89 23 09 23 00 0004 HR EMCS Engineering Project Management $8,253.97 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 30.00 x 194.66 x 1.4134 - 8,253.97 Engineering 90 23 09 23 00 0092 EA Install And Wire Exhaust Fan Thermostat Control $366.83 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 129.77 x 1.4134 - 366.83 Relocate T -Stats 91 23 31 13 13 0004 LB Sheet Metal Ductwork, Medium Pressure, Field Fabricated, Galvanized, Field $3,329.97 Assemble And Install Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 200.00 x 9.14 x 1.4134 - 2,583.70 Demolition 200.00 x 2.64 x 1.4134 = 746.28 Demo and install new exhaust ductwork 92 23 31 13 13 0004 0140 MOD For Up To 200, Add $825.43 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 200.00 x 2.92 x 1.4134 = 825.43 93 23 31 13 16 0008 LF 10", 26 Gauge, Factory Fabricated, Field Installed, Low Pressure, Galvanized $1,611.28 Sheet Metal Round Duct Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 120.00 x 9.50 x 1.4134 - 1,611.28 10" round 94 23 31 13 16 0032 EA 10", 26 Gauge, Factory Fabricated, Field Installed, Low Pressure, Galvanized $989.66 Sheet Metal Round 90 Degree Elbow Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 12.00 x 58.35 x 1.4134 - 989.66 10" Elbow 95 23 31 13 33 0018 EA 14" x 2-1/4" x 7" Register Boot, Center, Galvanized Steel $774.43 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 18.00 x 30.44 x 1.4134 - 774.43 Floor registers 96 23 33 13 13 0004 EA 8" Diameter Radial Opposed Blade Damper Round, Steel Construction, Manual $710.52 Operated Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 10.00 x 50.27 x 1.4134 - 710.52 Damper 97 23 33 46 00 0006 LF 8" Diameter Flexible Duct, R8.0 Insulated With Polyester Inner Liner And $1,264.99 Metallized Outer Jacket Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 100.00 x 8.95 x 1.4134 1,264.99 Flex Duct Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 11 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 23B Combined Mechanical 98 23 34 16 00 0211 EA 1/6 HP, 1,350 CFM At 1/8" Static Pressure, 14" Diameter, Direct Drive, Sidewall $1,212.80 Propeller Exhaust Fan Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 742.42 x 1.4134 - 1,049.34 Demolition 1.00 x 115.65 x 1.4134 = 163.46 Exhaust Fan 99 23 37 13 00 0152 EA 24" x 20" Aluminum Eggcrate Ceiling Return Air And Exhaust Grille $2,444.05 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 15.00 x 115.28 x 1.4134 = 2,444.05 Return Grilles 100 31 23 16 13 0007 CY Excavation For Trenching By Hand In Soillncludes stockpiling excess materials $2,104.20 and trimming sides and bottom of trench. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 15.00 x 99.25 x 1.4134 - 2,104.20 Excavating for underground 101 31 23 16 13 0011 CY Backfilling or Placing Subbase for Trenches with Imported or Stockpiled $584.51 Materials by Hand Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 15.00 x 27.57 x 1.4134 - 584.51 Backfill for underground 102 31 23 16 13 0014 CY Compaction of Fill or Subbase for Trenches by Hand $659.35 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 15.00 x 31.10 x 1.4134 - 659.35 Compacting Subtotal for WS 23B Combined Mechanical $58,641.95 Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 26A Electrical 103 01 22 16 00 0002 EA Reimbursable FeesReimbursable Fees will be paid to the contractor for eligible $3,300.00 costs. The base cost of the Reimbursable Fee is $1.00. Insert the appropriate quantity to adjust the base cost to the actual Reimbursable Fee (e.g. quantity of 125 = $125.00 Reimbursable Fee). If there are multiple Reimbursable Fees, list each one separately and add a comment in the "note" block to identify the Reimbursable Fee (e.g. sidewalk closure, road cut, various permits, extended warranty, expedited shipping costs, etc.). A copy of each receipt shall be submitted with the Price Proposal. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 3,000.00 x 1.00 x 1.1000 = 3,300.00 Electrical Permit 104 01 51 13 00 0003 EA Temporary 200 Amp, NEMA 1 Or 3R Disconnect Switch With Fuses $4,581.20 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 1,620.63 x 1.4134 = 4,581.20 Temp power 105 01 51 26 00 0004 EA Temporary High Bay Light $2,632.15 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 6.00 x 310.38 x 1.4134 = 2,632.15 Temp Lighting Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 12 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 26A Electrical 106 02 41 19 13 0015 EA Saw Cut Minimum ChargeFor projects where the total saw cutting charge is $948.80 less than the minimum charge, use this task exclusively. This task should not be used in conjunction with any other tasks in this section. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 671.29 x 1.4134 - 948.80 Saw cut for floor box 107 26 05 19 13 0011 EA Box, Floor Mounted With Cover $379.82 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.00 x 268.73 x 1.4134 - 379.82 Floor box 108 26 05 19 16 0014 MLF #12 AWG Cable - Type THHN-THWN, 600 Volt Copper, Single Solid, Placed In $5,706.25 Conduit Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 7.50 x 538.30 x 1.4134 - 5,706.25 Wiring 109 26 05 19 16 0235 MLF #12/2 With #12 Ground Type THHN FPLP Red Armored Cable $6,817.71 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 1.25 x 3,858.90 x 1.4134 6,817.71 Wiring 110 26 05 33 13 0003 CLF 1/2" Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) Conduit Assembly With 2 #12 Copper $410.38 THHN And 1 #12 Copper Insulated Grounding Conductorincludes conduit, set screw connectors, set screw couplings, straps, wire as indicated. Not for use where detail is available. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 0.50 x 580.70 x 1.4134 - 410.38 Conduit with Wiring 111 26 05 33 13 0009 CLF 3/4" Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) Conduit Assembly With 2 #12 Copper $7,510.44 THHN And 1 #12 Copper Insulated Grounding Conductorincludes conduit, set screw connectors, set screw couplings, straps, wire as indicated. Not for use where detail is available. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 8.25 x 644.09 x 1.4134 - 7,510.44 Conduit with Wiring 112 26 05 33 13 0681 EA 1/2" Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) Expansion Coupling $456.29 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 9.00 x 35.87 x 1.4134 - 456.29 1/2" EMT Couplings 113 26 05 33 13 0682 EA 3/4" Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) Expansion Coupling $6,238.10 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 102.00 x 43.27 x 1.4134 - 6,238.10 3/4" EMT Couplings 114 26 05 33 16 0003 EA 1-1/2" Depth, 4" Square Steel Box $1,768.87 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 50.00 x 25.03 x 1.4134 1,768.87 Boxes Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 13 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Sect. Item Modifer UOM Description Line Total Labor Equip. Material (Excluded if marked with an X WS 26A Electrical 115 26 05 33 16 0003 0448 MOD For Stud Bracket, Add $19.84 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 39.00 x 0.36 x 1.4134 - 19.84 116 26 05 33 16 0019 EA 1-1/2" Depth, 2 Gang, 4" Square Steel Mud Ring $780.20 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 50.00 x 11.04 x 1.4134 780.20 Forboxes 117 26 24 16 00 0054 EA 225 Amp Rating, 32 - 20 Amp Breakers, 120/208 Volt, 4 Wire, 3 Phase $2,250.20 Assembled Panelboard, Main Lugs, 42 Circuit Capacity Quantity Unit Price Factor Total X X Installation 1.00 x 1,592.05 x 1.4134 2,250.20 Rework of existing panel. Labor Only. 118 26 27 26 00 0007 EA 2 Gang, 20 Amp, NEMA 5-20, Duplex Receptacle Assembly $7,097.74 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 53.00 x 94.75 x 1.4134 - 7,097.74 Receptacles 119 26 27 26 00 0138 EA 1 Gang, 20 Amp, 120/277 Volt, SPST, Switch Assembly $315.56 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 3.00 x 74.42 x 1.4134 - 315.56 Switches 120 26 31 00 00 0134 EA Datalogger Easy Box (Fronius 4,240,103) $6,592.66 Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 10.00 x 466.44 x 1.4134 - 6,592.66 Data Drops/Boxes 121 26 51 13 00 0287 EA 4,175 Lumens, 2'x 4', Prismatic Lensed, Lay-In/Troffer LED Fixture (Lunera0 $23,796.17 24G4) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 36.00 x 434.22 x 1.4134 - 22,094.16 Demolition 36.00 x 33.45 x 1.4134 = 1,702.02 Lay -in Fixtures includes demo of existing 122 26 51 13 00 0355 EA 1,800 Lumens, 6" Diameter, Recessed LED Shower Downlight With $10,236.72 Non -Conductive Regressed Lens (Gotham® EVOOALED) Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 22.00 x 329.21 x 1.4134 - 10,236.72 Can light fixtures 123 26 53 00 00 0011 EA Single Face, Thermoplastic Housing, LED Exit Sign/Emergency Light Combo $873.03 With Battery Back -Up (Lithonia LHQM LED)Includes two circular side mounted LED emergency lights. Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 2.00 x 308.84 x 1.4134 - 873.03 Exit Signage 124 27 14 13 16 0366 MLF 4 -Pair Solid UTP, 23 AWG, Category 6a, Indoor Telecommunications Riser $5,075.92 Cable, Installed In Conduit Quantity Unit Price Factor Total Installation 4.00 x 897.82 x 1.4134 - 5,075.92 Data Wiring Subtotal for WS 26A Electrical $97,788.05 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Page 14 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 Contractor's Price Proposal - Detail Continues.. Work Order Number: 095877.00 Work Order Title: City of Monticello DMV Remodel Proposal Total $284,179.16 This total represents the correct total for the proposal. Any discrepancy between line totals, sub -totals and the proposal total is due to rounding. Subcontractor Listing Page 15 of 15 GREAT LAKES - City of Monticello 8/13/2021 City Monticello CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS GENERAL NOTES of THE WORK FOR THIS PROJECT INCLUDES ALL WORK NECESSARY TO 1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK NECESSARY TO COMPLETE COMPLETE THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, VENTILATION, PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ITEMS ■ ■ UNDER THIS CONTRACT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL: NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH BUT WHICH ARE REASONABLY IMPLIED OR Del Motor Vehicle Relocation NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER PERFORMANCE OF THIS WORK SHALL BE partment of 1. COORDINATE USE OF PREMISES WITH THE OWNER. INCLUDED. 2. CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE OWNER'S WORK RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. SITE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING FINAL PREPARATION OF PADS, 3. REPAIR OR REPLACE SITE DAMAGE TO CONDITIONS WHICH EXISTED EXTENSION OF UTILITIES TO BUILDINGS, PAVED AREAS, ARE PART OF ■ Construction Documents 4. PREVIOUS TO STARTING WORK. PLAN WORK SEQUENCE WITH OWNER AND ARCHITECT AND OBTAIN THIS CONTRACT. THEIR APPROVAL BEFORE STARTING WORK. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VISIT THE SITE TO VERIFY EXISTING 5. NOTIFY OWNER AND ARCHITECT OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THAT CONDITIONS, REVIEW THE DOCUMENTS AND IDENTIFY ANY ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE INTENT OF THESE DOCUMENTS. DISCREPANCIES. ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE 6. COORDINATE ALL WORK ON THE PROJECT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT AT THE TIME OF THE BID. 118 W 6th St SHALL PROVIDE A PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT TO MANAGE AND SUPERVISE THE WORK. 4. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS, & ontFOR Micello, 7. EACH CONTRACTOR AND SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THEIR APPROVALS NECESSARY FOR COMPLETION OF THE WORK. WORK. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER & ARCHITECT THE 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROTECTION LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR BUILDING PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE AND SAFEKEEPING OF PRODUCTS UNDER THIS CONTRACT. WORK. AN AREA FOR STAGING OF BUILDING MATERIALS STORAGE, AND 9. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF SUPPLIERS TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT LOADING/ UNLOADING WILL BE COORDINATED WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECS AND IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER & ARCHITECT. PARKING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES & July 2d, 2021 RELATED SUB -CONTRACTORS FOR FIELD VERIFICATION AND REVIEW WORKERS WILL BE RESTRICTED TO DESIGNATED AREAS. OF SHOP DRAWINGS PRIOR TO FABRICATION APPROVAL OR FIELD CONSTRUCTION OF ANY RELATED WORK. 6. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK IS ON A DESIGN/BUILD BASIS. 10. PROVIDE A WASTE CONTAINER AND PAY FOR REMOVAL SERVICE OF ALL REFUGE AND WASTE MATERIALS GENERATED BY ALL PRIME Y RS AND NTRACRS. EACH OCLEAN-TUOP OOWN D RAW I N G INDEX , . �.'- , WIOLLTBECREOSPONSIBLEUBOR AND REMOVALCOFTTHEIR WASTE MATERIALS FROM THE SITE. LEAVE THE SPACE VACUUM AND BROOM CLEAN. CLEAN ALL GLASS AND MIRRORS. ARCH TECTU RAE '''"'"�"• ` 4 PROJECT LOCATION 11. RECEIVE AND VERIFY ALL OWNER SUPPLIED MATERIALS AND . 14 EQUIPMENT. ALL SHORTAGES AND DAMAGES SHALL BE DOCUMENTED a0 G INDEX } - r ON RECEIVING TICKETS AND REPORTED TO OWNER AND ARCHITECT d2.1 DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN ' IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT. a2.1 CO STRUCTION F OOR LAN 12. FINAL CLEANING SHALL BE DONE BY A PROFESSIONAL CLEANING a2.1 fe FURNITURE &EQUIPMENT PLAN SERVICE OR EQUAL. 13. PROVIDE OWNER WITH LABOR AND MATERIAL WARRANTIES AND a7.1 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 08.1 DOOR & FRAME SCHEDULE SERVICE CONTRACTS FROM ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT . d AND MATERIAL MANUFACTURERS. THESE WARRANTIES SHALL BE IN a9.1 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AFFECT FOR A PERIOD OF (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF w SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL IS ON A DESIGN/BUILD BASIS. MECHANICAL i d } 1 & ELECTRICAL DESIGN/BUILD SUB -CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTS AS REQUIRED FOR PERMITTING AND CONSTRUCTION. ;. 117 4� i i r �I A , SITE PLAN N.T.S " Comm. No.Issued for Owner Owner City of Monticello I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am Drawing No. 2148 (—�OF duly the laws PRICING SET 06.04.21 CITY Project a registered architect under of Date 0%-23-21 ���`� Department of Motor Vehicle Relocation State of Minnesota. By '?XJ' a00 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21the UPDATED CD SET 08.03.21 Title ■ HAGEN, CHRISTENSEN & MCILWAIN Title Architect Date 07.23.21 onticeRo Title Sheet & Drawing Index AR CH I T E CT S Registration Number 22541 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 • FAX (612) 904 - 7366 DEMO FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO BEGINNING DEMOLITION. 2. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED AREAS TO THE CONDITION WHICH OPEN TO EXISTED PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. BELOW 3. WALLS MARKED FOR DEMOLITION TO BE REMOVED IN THEIR ENTIRETY — INCLUDING ALL WALL MOUNTED FIXTURES/ACCESSORIES U.N.O. 4. OWNER TO REMOVE EXISTING FURNITURE & OFFICE SUPPLIES TO BE USED FOR RELOCATION OR FOR OWNER STOCK DEMO SYMBOL KEY DENOTES EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN (e) DENOTES WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED 15 EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN � EXISTING DOOR TO BE REMOVED (e) DENOTES EXISTING (e) NO WORK THIS AREA $ DEMO FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES 12 L AT (E) FI A A N 0 OF CE E — K REMOVE EXISTING WALL ASSEMBLY IN ITS ENTIRETY, PATCH/REPAIR ADJACENT WALLS & P MI (e) N IS E E 1 FLOORS TO LIKE NEW FINISH REMOVE EXISTING WOOD DOOR & FRAME IN ITS ENTIRETY — SALVAGE 8 2 FOR POTENTIAL REUSE/RELOCATION DNDEMO EXISTING ALUMINUM DOOR & FRAME ASSEMBLY IN ITS ENTIRETY — PATCH/REPAIR ADJACENT WALLS & PREP FOR NEW DOOR ASSEMBLY EXISTING FLOORING & BASE TO REMAIN, PROTECT THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AREMOVE EXISTING FURNITURE, CASEWORK, SHELVING, ETC. — COORDINATE IF TO BE SALVAGED W/ OWNER (e A REMOVE EXISTING TOILET FIXTURES, ACCESSORIES, AND PLUMBING AS REQUIRED — CAP LINES 0 PORTION OF WALL TO BE REMOVED TO GAIN ACCESS TO PLUMBING CHASE FOR SWAP OF FIXTURE 7 LOCATIONS AREMOVE EXISTING FLOORING DOWN TO CONCRETE — PREP FOR NEW FLOORING 8 AgREMOVE EXISTING TILE ® WINDOW SILL, PREP WOOD SILL FOR SOLID SURFACE CLADDING 10 REMOVE EXISTING 2X2 CEILING TILE, CEILING GRID SYSTEM TO REMAIN — SEE a9.1 FOR RCP SCOPE 2 SECOND FLOOR DEMO PLAN � 1/4 of = 1'—O" " REMOVE ALL EXISTING 2X4 LIGHTING —PREP FOR NEW LIGHTING A 12 REMOVE EXISTING CAN FIXTURES IN ITS ENTIRETY — PREP FOR NEW FIXTURES 13 NOT USED 14 REMOVE EXISTING TOILET ROOM WALL FINISHES, PREP WALL FOR NEW FINISHES A 15 REMOVE EXISTING WALLPAPER @ GYP.BD CEILING ABOVE — PREP FOR PAINT (e) 4 (e) 16 DEMO EXISTING WAINSCOT WALL PANELING, PATCH WALL AS REQUIRED TO LIKE NEW FINISH 17 NEW SANITARY SEWER LINE TRENCH DEMOLITION AND UNDERGROUND PLUMBING WORK UNDER 17 S RA ON CT EEXISTING CHAIR RAIL TO REMAIN 18 REMOVE EXISTING CHAIR RAIL —PATCH/PREP WALL FOR PAINT e O 19 9 18 9 18 I I 16 9 16 /� — I 10 I 11 L --J II I 4 (e) , I I , 1 11 5 8 II 1 � II 10 8 II LL�\ 8 5 8 9 1 � � i 10 11 3 \\� � 18 11 � 4>16 A -------- F --------- �� _-- F A , ------ --- — 0 III 2 E) 18 10 8 4 UP 8—ZV------ 1 I L_ A 12 (e) (e)10 11 JJ 10 A --------- 11 (e) 9 1 (e) =r 8 10 11 A 6 — 17 I 5 14 7 0) ° EP EP 0FIRST FLOOR DEMO PLAN 1/4 = it—off " Comm. No. 2148 Issued for Owner (7, Owner City of Monticello I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared b y y 9 p p y me or under my direct supervision and that I am Drawing No. g Date 07-23-21 PRICING SET 06.04.21 CITY o F �— Project De P of Motor Vehicle Relocation a duly registered architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. By �/Nt201 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21artment UPDATED CD SET ZL 08.03.21 iceflo Title Demolition Floor Plan H A V E N, C H R I S T E N S E N & MCILWAIN Title Architect Date 07.23.21 Registration Number 22541 ARCH I T E C T S 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 • FAX (612)904-7366 (: 2 SECOND FLOOR 1/4 = 1 -0 ff PLAN KAN 4W FIRST FLOOR PLAN r II./-`f1UV VL IILLJ 1 � 1 /4 = 1 -O " Comm. No. 2148 Date 07-23-21 Issued for Owner PRICING SET 06.04.21 CITY o F CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21, UPDATED CD SET z!�j 08.03.21 MontilLufflo Owner City of Monticello Project Department of Motor Vehicle Relocation Title Construction Floor Plan I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. By fi/YN *vWMH'►J Title Architect Date 07.23.21 Registration Number 22541 FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, ETC. AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT/EXAMINE THE SITE TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND TO DETERMINE THE FULL EXTENT OF THE WORK REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE DESIGN SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO FIELD VERIFY ALL FINISH CONDITIONS TO REMAIN AND PATCH/REPAIR AS REQUIRED TO MATCH A NEW CONDITION. FLOOR PLAN SYMBOL KEY P1 DENOTES PARTITION TYPE X EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN NEW OR RELOCATED DOOR DOOR NUMBER � NEW PARTITIONS EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN NO WORK THIS AREA INTERIOR PARTITION TYPES P 3-5/8" METAL STUDS ® 16"O.C. WITH 5/8" GYP BD ® EACH SIDE. EXTEND WALL TO DECK. PROVIDE SOUND INSULATION IN CAVITY. FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES O1 INFILL GYP BD WALL ASSEMBLY TO MATCH EXISTING O2 EXISTING CHAIR RAIL TO REMAIN, PAINT (PT.1) ONEW CHAIR RAIL TO MATCH EXISTING, PAINT (PTA) O4 SALVAGED EXISTING WOOD DOOR, FRAME, AND TRIM RELOCATED O(2) 3'X7' ALUMINUM ENTRANCE SYSTEM. ANODIZED FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING BUILDING STANDARDS — SEE a8.1 FOR DOOR SCHEUDLE OMILLWORK BASE AND UPPER CABINETS W SINK AND REFRIGERATOR O7 WALL MOUNTED TV DISPLAY — PROVIDED BY OWNER O8 NEW SOLID SURFACE SILL (SS.1) — COVER OVER EXISTING WOOD OUNISEX TOILET ROOM: — PORCELAIN TILE (PFT.1) FLOORING W/ COVED METAL BASE (SCHLUTER, CB -1) — CERAMIC WALL TILE (WT.1) TO 6'-0"A.F.F. METAL TOP TRIM SCHLUTER — SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOP (SS.1) W/ UNDER MOUNT SINKS — SST GRAB BARS — ACCESORIES 10 COMPACTED FILL AND CONCRETE SLAB INFILL AT SANITARY SEWER TRENCH — GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ROUTE & SCOPE OF WORK AT SITE WITH OWNER FINISHES KEY NOTES 1 EXISTING FLOORING TO REMAIN, PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION, PATCH AS NECESSARY 2 TRACK OFF CARPET TILE (CPT.2) — EXISTING WOOD BASE TO REMAIN, PATCH AS NECESSARY 3 VINYL STAIR TREADS AND RISERS (VST.1), PATCH AS NECESSARY 4 NEW CARPET TILE (CPT.1) AND VINYL BASE (VB.1), MATCH EXISTING O5 LUXURY VINYL TILE (LVT.1) AND 6" VINYL BASE (VB.1) OPAINT WALLS PER SCHEDULED COLOR ON FLOOR PLAN O7 NEW TILE FLOORING (PFT.1) AND SCHLUTER COVE BASE (CB.1) FINISH SPECIFICATIONS FLOOR FINISHES CPT.1 CARPET TILE 1 MFR: J & J FLOORING GROUP PRODUCT: STRATA KINETEX COLOR: FORMATION 1850 SIZE: 18"X36" INSTALL: ASHLAR, MONOLITHIC CPT.2 TRACK OFF CARPET TILE 2 MFR: MANNINGTON COMMERCIAL PRODUCT: FRIXTION COLOR: 11360 CHARGE I KINETIC SIZE: 18"X36" INSTALL: ASHLAR, MONOLITHIC LVT.1 LUXURY VINYL TILE 1 SOLID SURFACE SS.1 SOLID SURFACE 1 MFR: LG JAUSYS COLOR: GP312 DIAMOND DUST 0 N: R C E CE ROOM COUNTERTOP, WINDOW SILLS WALL FINISHES WT.1 WALL TILE 1 MFR: KATE—LO TILE & STONE PRODUCT: KL WALL COLLECTION COLOR: SMOKE SIZE: 3"X6" BRITE INSTALLATION: TOILET ROOM 104 MFR: MANNINGTON COMMERCIAL WT•2 WALL TILE 2 PRODUCT: THE DRIFT COLLECTION MFR: KATE—LO TILE & STONE COLOR: D104 DUTCH ELM/TINSMITH ,N SIZE: 12"X24" COLOR: GRAPHITE INSTALL: BREAK/CONFERENCE ROOM INSTALLATION: KITCHEN BACKSPLASH PFT.1 PORCELAIN FLOOR TILE 1 MFR: ITALGRANTI PRODUCT: NORDIC STONE A SIZE: 9"X36" TOILET ROOM 104, OFFSET PATTERN MILLWORK PL.1 LAMINATE 1 MFR: FOCAL POINT FIXTURES INC PRODUCT: WILSONART COLOR: 8201K-12 GREY ELM INSTALLATION: MILLWORK BASE FINISHES VB.1 VINYL BASE MFR: MATCH EXISTING PRODUCT: MATCH EXISTING COLOR: MATCH EXISTING CB.1 COVED BASE MFR: SCHLUTER PRODUCT: COVE PROFILE Drawing No. a2. 1 PT.1 PAINT 1 MFR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR: TBD FINISH: EGGSHELL LOCATION: TBD PT.2 PAINT 2 MFR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR: TBD FINISH: EGGSHELL LOCATION: TBD PT.3 PAINT 3 MFR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOR: TBD FINISH: EGGSHELL LOCATION: TBD OTHER VST.1 VINYL STAIR TREAD MFR: NORA PRODUCT: NORAMENT COLOR: 0749 STONE GREY INSTALL: STAIRS I--IAGEN, CHRISTENSEN & MCILWAIN A R C H ITE C T S 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 • FAX (612)904-7366 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. G.C. TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AT LOCATIONS SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE WALL MOUNTED MILLWORK, COUNTERTOPS, SHELVING, KITCHEN EQUIPMENT, ETC. 2. ALL FURNITURE TO BE PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR — GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO OPEN TO PROVIDE POWER AND DATA AS REQUIRED BELOW FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT PLAN KEYNOTES (2) WRITING COUNTER TABLES @ 42" AND 29" HEIGHT — PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BE G.C. (6) L—SHAPED WORKSTATIONS W/ FILING CABINETS AND STOOL —PROVIDED BY FURNITURE OR, INSTALLED BY G.C. (e ADA WORKSTATION W/ FILING CABINETS AND CHAIR — PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BY G.C. �4 WORK COUNTER W/ STORAGE — PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BY G.C. �5 MULTI—FUNCTION COPIER/PRINTER, BY OWNER — PROVIDE POWER AND DATA ENCLOSED OFFICE WALLS W/ WOOD DOOR — PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BY G.C. L—SHAPED DESK WITH FILING CABINETS, TASK CHAIR AND SIDE CHAIR — PROVIDED (e) BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BY G.C. L—SHAPED DESK WITH FILING CABINETS, CHAIR AND 42" HIGH COMPOSE PANEL W/ 16" GLASS STACKS — PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR INSTALLED BY G.C. (E) COMMON AREA (5) WORKSTATIONS W/ FILING CABINETS AND CHAIR — PROVIDED FURNITURE 206 VENDOR INSTALLED BY G.C. (E XIS G SU E 10 WALL MOUNTED TELEVISION DISPLAY, BY OWNER — PROVIDED POWER AND DATA E 211T (e) V 09 11 (2) 36"X36" TABLES AND CHAIRS — PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BY G.C. 12 REFRIGERATOR, BY OWNER — PROVIDE POWER DIN 13 U SHAPED DESK W/ STORAGE CABINETS, FILING CABINETS, TASK CHAIR AND 2 SIDE Ift CHAIRS —PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED 14 SWING GATE PROVIDED BY FURNITURE VENDOR, INSTALLED BY G.C. (e 0 TO ET 00 2 (E) STAIRS 205 2 SECOND FLOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT PLAN 1/4 = it—off " (E) VESTIBULE 101 (e) 7 77 77 77--1 ---7F---- — — — — — I � I f I I I I 'L �I II HI II I I I I I I I�III MANAGER II II ----�— � �� (e) ---- L----_I I I I I I IL----�L— — — — - II I�I I I I I I � OFFICE 115 1 DMV LOBBY 113 1 DEALER LOBBY 109 ❑ ISI ❑7 II I III I I I L—� I I I_ I L -- L-- (E) OFFICE 111 I I T : 2 STAND—UP HEIGHT ADA _OPEN _ FFICE OSERVICES kJ_/ —7 DEALER N 110 4 (E) COMMON 9 AREA 102 FRINTE7R - - - - - - )EVXI o � 103 () 6 14 // 2 3 UP 10 (e) e E EV OR (e) DMV STAFF _ 4F__ — _ _ _ —1� _ _ _ ___ _ _ �__ _ _ T _ Q ME R M 107 $ ( — _l BREAK/CONFERENCE —J LL R08M TYP. ��— (e) ADA 11 i -- — F — r,���� — — — II II J — — TOILET ROOM 104 (e) —�--� � 1 11111 8 .111 g I� 4 � �I LL �I II II I _ �I 4 L -1I J N g E) C IC 6 � J — ` = J �� SAFE ROOM 112 1111 I- li 111 ISI F-PRINTER-��G--��G����-�� 1 ❑5 (E) STAIRS (e) 105 O ( I I I 12 I P aO FIRST FLOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT PLAN 1/4 = if-019 " Comm. No.Issued 2148 for Owner (�, Owner City of Monticello I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am Drawing No. PRICING SET 06.04.21 CITY C) F Project a duly registered architect under the laws of Date 07-23-21 ��^ �� De Department of Motor Vehicle Relocation p the State of Minnesota. BY 6445��_ a2. 1 fe CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21 UPDATED CD SET 08.03.21 Title H A G E N, C H R I S T E N S E N & MCILWAIN Title Architect Date 07.23.21 ice o Furniture & Equipment Plan A R C H I T E C T S Registration Number 22541 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 • FAX (612) 904 - 7366 INTERIOR ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES: INTERIOR ELEVATION KEY NOTES LATCH SIDE HINGE SIDE 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, ETC. 1 TILE BASE W/ METAL COVE SCHLUTER - PERIMETER OF ROOM 3'-4" AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT. MIRROR 12" 3'-6' 18 RM SIGNAGE r, 9 PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT/EXAMINE THE SITE TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING 2 STAINLESS STEEL GRAB BAR GRAB BARS 3'-0" 6' INSULATED ALL HOT 4" 18 CONDITIONS AND TO DETERMINE THE FULL EXTENT OF THE WORK REQUIRED TO WATER & WASTE PIPING COMPLETE THE DESIGN SHOWN ON THE PLANS. < WALL HUNG WATER CLOSET - SEE MECHANICAL SANT. NAPKIN TOP OF LAVATORY DISPOSAL l, FORWARD APPROACH 5 MAX. CONTROL AREA SIDE APPROACH 3 1 2" MAX. / MA _ 0 14' 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO FIELD VERIFY ALL FINISH CONDITIONS TO REMAIN SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOP WITH UNDER MOUNT LAVATORY, PROVIDE CONTINUOUS I I 1 I N AND PATCH/REPAIR AS REQUIRED TO MATCH A NEW CONDITION. PERIMETER SURFACE MOUNT SUPPORT ANGLES WITH IN-WALL CONCEALED BRACKET ILI Q Z >< _ _ / 4. TOILET ROOM WALLS TO BE PAINTED ABOVE TILE AT GYP.BD WALL ASSEMBLIES. - INSULATE ALL HOT WATER WATER AND WASTE O `D o_ o o_ ❑ M s o �N X = 8"MIN. z o �'_CDo o_ o_ PIPING PER A.D.A. STANDARDS, SEE MECHANICAL. 5• SEE 1/x7.1 FOR TYPICAL MOUNTING HEIGHTS �' j�10 z z ¢ � w in O I N I I - I i N pp N 5 WALL MOUNTED SOAP DISPENSER PROVIDED BY OWNER I N I N N N I \V 01 0100 _ w I a M0-1 M i 1'-6" 11" MIN.7 7r 6 MIRROR SIZE SHOWN (24" x 36") W/ BRUSHED SST. CHANNEL FRAME TOILET ZONE IN WHICH ALL OPERABLE CONTROLS OF TOILET 7 SURFACE MOUNTED TOILET TISSUE DISPENSER - BY OWNER DISPENSER PAPER DISPENSER AND SANITARY PRODUCT RECEPTACLES ARE LOCATED 1 TYPICAL ACCESSIBLE MOUNTING HEIGHTS (PER MN CODE) 8 SURFACE MOUNTED SANITARY NAPKIN DISPOSAL ff 14=1-0 9 TILE WALL (WT.1) UP TO 6'-0" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR 0 PAINTED GYP. BD. WALL (PT.2) <8> 11 EXISTING CLOSET DOOR TO REMAIN PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION, PAINT TO MATCH WALL 6 12 FAUCET & CONTROLS a7.1 13 MILLWORK TOP & BASE P.LAM CABINETS (PLA) 6'- 9 7 -6 6'-9" 7'- 6 14 SOLID SURFACE COUNTER (SS.1) 2'-9" 2'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" Ne 3'-0" 15 4" VINYL BASE (VB.1) 10 -3 < 10 10 10 N IN 13 16 REFRIGERATOR BY OWNER - PROVIDE POWER O / / \ % � 5 / \ / 9 �9 I I I I I I 17 TILE WALL BACKSPLASH (WT.2) TO TOP OF CABINETS �/ '� 7 � 6 6 - CD 14 12 8 \ / 162<4>V 4 2 - 15 II II 13 ALL INTERIOR CABINET N 15 01 SURFACES TO BE WHITE -0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0'r MELAMINE, TYP. 1 1 3 3 1 1 1'-2" 2A. NORTH ELEVATION 2B. EAST ELEVATION 2C. SOUTH ELEVATION 2D. WEST ELEVATION 5 4 a7.1 a7.1 ADJUSTABLE SHELF CLIPS WITH HOLES ® 1" O.C. 2 TOILET ROOM 104 ELEVATIONS 3 COUNTER ELEVATION @ BREAK ROOM o o 1/4=1-0 1/4=1-0 ° ° (2) ADJUSTABLE P.LAM SHELVES o o ° ° ° ° N o DOORS W/ P.LAM (PL.1) o EACH FACE AND EDGE ° ° o 4" SST HANDLE ° o BACKSPLASH WALL TILE (WT.2) TO T.O. OF CABINETS BACKSPLASH WALL TILE (WT.2) BACKSPLASH WALL TILE (WT.2) SOLID SURFACE COUNTER _ 2'-1 " BACK SPLASH (SS.1) 0O 2'-0" FAUCET & CONTROLS WALL TILE (WT.1) ON Y2" CEMENT SINK, SEE MECH. SOLID SURFACE COUNTER BACKER BD ON 2x4 & WD STUD AND BACK SPLASH (SS.1) FRAMING (BEHIND MIRROR.) SOLID SURFACE BACKSPLASH --------- 2'- 1 AND COUNTER (SS.1) x / LL 1 O L.� \ ICV Z ^ ICN co " 1 ALL INTERIOR CABINET ADJUSTABLE SHELF CLIPS 1 ° FIXED VENEER PANEL(PL.1) OPBE WHITE WITH HOLES ®1" O.C. MELAMINE, TYP. SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOP / - - REMOVABLE PIPE SCREEN \\ RECESSED SST a (SS.1) W/ SIDESPLASHES & I f P.LAM PANEL (PL.1) MOUNT° PULLS BACKSPLASH \ PANEL WITH CONCEALED "Z" \ ° - CLIPS UNDERMOUNT SINK - SEE IN. \ o RECESSED SST PULLS ° MECHANICAL - WRAP PIPING \ 4 i ° N PER CODE. ;�, z \ N N ° C14 ADJUSTABLE PLAM SHELVE ° 3"x3"x3/8" STL. ANGL SUPPORTS INSULATE &PROTECT PIPING \ \ P-LAM (PL.1) FINISH ° AT 2'-8" O.C. - ANCHOR TO STUD ALL INTERIOR CABINET Q FRAMING W/ 3 - 1/2" THRU BOLTS Ig 6" SURFACES TO BE WHITE ° EA. SUPPORT O OUTLINE OF REQUIRED A.D.A. � MIN. MELAMINE, TYP. CLEARANCES TO BE MAINTAINED 4" VINYL BASE 4" VINYL BASE WALL MOUNTED P.LAM PANEL (PL.1) (VB.1) (VB.1) _ -= 4" VINYL BASE (VB.1) 3 LAVATORY DETAIL 1 1 /2 =1 -0 4 MILLWORK DETAIL 1 1 /2 =1 -0 5 MILLWORK DETAIL MILLWORK DETAIL 6 91=1 $-of$ 1 11 2"=1'-0" 1 1/2 Comm. No.Owner Issued for Owner I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared by Drawing No. 2148 PRICING SET 06.04.21 CITY O F City of Monticello Project me or under m direct supervision and that I am Y p a duly registered architect under the laws of Date State of Minnesota. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21the 07-23-21 -- Department of Motor Vehicle Relocation By ' a7.1 UPDATED CD SET 08.03.21 Title H A V E N, C H R I S T E N S E N & M c I L w A I N Title Architect Date 07.23.21 Montiuuffo Interior Elevations Registration Number 22541 ARCHITECT S 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO. • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 . FAX (612)904-7366 THIN SET CERAMIC TILE METAL E EDGING CARPET TILE RUBBER/VINYL FLOORING FLOORING - TRANSITION STRIP CARPET TILE DOOR & FRAME SCHEDULE NOTES: 1. ALL NEW HARDWARE TO BE TYPE ACCESSIBLE AND MATCH EXISTING BUILDING STANDARDS. 2. ALL EXISTING HARDWARE TO BE VERIFIED AS MEETING CURRENT ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS AND EGRESS STANDARDS DOOR & FRAME SCHEDULE DOOR NO. DOOR SIZE (W x H) DOOR TYPE FRAME SIZE (W x H) FRAME TYPE HARDWARE REMARKS 110 3'-0" x 7'-0" A 3'-4" x 7'-2" 1 - EXISTING INTERIOR SALVAGED WOOD DOOR/FRAME USED @ DOOR 110 113 3'-0" x 7'-0" B 6'-4" x 7'-2" 1 2 - MATCH EXISTING WOOD TRIM SURROUND FRAME TYPES OCARPET AND TILE ) CARPET AND VINYL SEE SCHEDULE SEE SCHEDULE < i v 1 3 CARPETt-off DETAIL 0 TYPE 1: EXISTING SALVAGED WOOD FRAME 0010 . w a w U Cn W W V) SEE SCHEDULE 41 C� 11 TYPE 2: ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME W/ WOOD TRIM SURROUND FRAME COLOR: MATCH EXISTING WOOD STAIN: MATCH EXISTING W 0 w U co W W N SEE SCHEDULE v v TEMPERED GLASS TYPE A: EXISTING SALVAGED TYPE B: ANODIZED ALUMINUM DOOR WOOD DOOR W/ TEMPERED GLASS COLOR: MATCH EXISTING Comm. No. Owner I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared b Drawing No. Issued for Owner y y 9 p p y g City of Monticello me or under my direct supervision and that I am 2148 PRICING SET 06.04.21 CITY (7,�01` Project a duly registered architect under the laws of Date CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21 -- the State of Minnesota. 4 0 Department of Motor Vehicle Relocationa8-1 f 07-23-21 UPDATED CD SET zL 08.03.21 �– Title By -?X* ontice o DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE Title Architect Date 07.23.21 H A L E N, CHRISTENSEN & MCILWAIN Registration Number 22541 A R C H I T E C T S 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 • FAX (612)904-7366 RCP GENERAL NOTES 1. REMOVE, RELOCATE, OR ADD NEW SPRINKLER HEADS AS REQUIRED BY CURRENT CODES. OPEN TO 2. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OR OWNER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BELOW 3. RELOCATE AND RECONFIGURE HVAC DUCTS, FANS, DIFFUSERS, AND ELECTRICAL DEVICES AS REQUIRED. REFER TO MEP NARRATIVES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - SYMBOL KEY: 0 0 EXISTING PARTITIONS NEW PARTITIONS NEW LED LIGHT FIXTURE 3 TYP 0 6" RECESSED CAN LIGHT FIXTURE ONO 4 WORK THIS AREA 0 0 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN KEY NOTES 3 TYP O NEW 2X2 ACT (ACT.1) CEILING TILE W/ EXISTING GRIDS - CLEAN & TOUCH UP 1 EXISTING GRID AS REQUIRED 0 PAINT 0 02 NEW 2X4 LED LIGHT FIXTURES SPT.1 03 NEW LED CAN LIGHTS ®EXISTING LOCATIONS 3 04 PAINT CEILING/SOFFIT PER SCHEDULED COLOR ON FLOOR PLAN 05 REPLACE EXISTING TOILET ROOM BULB W/ LED BULB TYP FINISH SPECIFICATIONS OCEILING FINISHES ACT.1 ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE SPT.1 CEILING/SOMT PAINT 1 MFR: USG MFR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS PRODUCT: FROST COLOR: TBD 2 SECOND FLOOR CEILING PLAN SIZE: 24"X24" FINISH: EGGSHELL COLOR: WHITE LOCATION: CEILING/SOFFIT 1/4 = it -off " 2 2 0 0 2 TYP TYP TYP 3 1 TYP 2 TYP TYP O 1 2 NP np O PAINT SPT.1 TYP 4 0 00 00 00 PT? 2 TYPTYP 3 O TYP 2 � TYP 04 1 2 TYP TYP 4 0 2 TYP 2 PAINT SP TA O TYP TYP P FIRST FLOOR CEILING PLAN 1/4 = if -019 " Comm. No.Issued 2148 Date for PRICING SET 06.04.21 Owner CITY OF Owner City of Monticello Project I hereby certify that this drawing was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Drawing No. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 07.23.21 07-23-21 Department of Motor Vehicle Relocation By '? ' aq. 1 UPDATED CD SET � 08.03.21 Title H A V E N, C H R I S T E N S E N & M C I L_ W A I N Title Architect Date 07.23.21 ice o Reflected Ceiling Plan A R C H I T E C T S Registration Number 22541 4201 CEDAR AVENUE SO • MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407 TEL. (612)904-1332 • FAX (612) 904 - 7366 KRAUS-ANDERSONo August 12th 2021 RE: Exhibit 3 — Assumptions and Clarifications City of Monticello — DMV Relocation Included - Kraus -Anderson Construction Company 501 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404 1. All work outlined in Exhibit 2 scope of work documents provided by HCM Architects. 2. Payment and Performance Bonds. Excluded: 1. Builders Risk Insurance. 2. Owner/Construction Contingency. 3. Owner and Architect have agreed that a submission to the Department of Labor and Industry is not necessary based on scope and therefore is not included 4. Construction Testing. 5. Construction Surveying. 6. Fire Suppression 7. FFE items noted on overall budget. 8. Room signage 9. Existing sanitary waste is to be capped and abandoned in place. 10. Any work on the exterior shell is not included Office 612-332-7281 1 www.krausanderson.com I Fax 612-332-0217 Building enduring relationships and strong communities City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 2L. Consideration of adoatine Resolution 2021-65 and Ordinance No. 763 for rezonine to Stony Brook Village Planned Unit Development, Resolution 2021-66 approving the Final Stage PUD for Stony Brook Village and Resolution 2021-67 approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Stony Brook Village. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community8/23/21 Development p Director /NAC ®Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, Chief Building Official City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Decision 1: Rezoning to Planned Unit Development for Stony Brook Village Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-65 and Ordinance No. 763 approving rezoning of the legally described parcel to Stony Brook Village Planned Unit Development. Decision 2: Final Stage PUD for Stony Brook Village Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-66 approving the Stony Brook Village final stage PUD, subject to conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said Resolution. Decision 3: Final Plat & Development Agreement for Stony Brook Village Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-67 approving the Stony Brook Village final plat, subject to conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said Resolution. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: Unplatted PID: 155-500-101402 Planning Case Number: 2021-014 Request(s): Final Plat/Rezoning from R-2, Single and Two -Family Residence District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District/Final Stage PUD Deadline for Decision: July 23, 2021 (60 -day deadline) applications extended to September 21, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Mixed Density Residential Zoning Designation Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Uses: Surrounding Land Uses: Project Description ANALYSIS: Final Plat City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 R-2, Single and Two -Family Residence District NA Vacant North: Vacant Land, Single Family Residential (R-2) East: Vacant Land (R-3) South: Existing Single -Family Residential (B-3) West: Single Family Residential (R-1) The applicant proposes to plat the property with a public street, developing 14 two-family buildings (total of 28 units). The plat creates a series of 28 building lots, each 45 feet in width by 82 feet in depth, in a paired configuration, consistent with the approved preliminary plat. The building lots are surrounded by a common area lot owned and maintained by a Homeowner's Association. The plat includes right of way dedication for Elm Street, as well as a portion of undedicated 7th Street in the southwest corner of the site. The revised plat meets the City Engineer's requirement for additional right of way width on Elm Street to meet collector route standards. The applicant has not shifted the building/lot locations around the cul-de-sac to minimize the siting of buildings 9 & 10 behind adjoining structures per Exhibit Z for the preliminary plat and development stage PUD. However, staff has reviewed the revised plans and finds that the proposed design is compliant with required building setbacks and therefore acceptable as proposed. The plat labels the internal public street as "Stony Brook Circle". As the City follows Wright County's naming convention for street addressing, it is likely that the plat will require revision for renaming consistent with County grid requirements. The plat continues to show a discrepancy in the legal description along the west boundary adjacent to the single-family neighborhood. The final plat sheet recognizes that the legal is still subject to resolution, with no legal description included. Review of the plat has been based on the legal description included with the applicant' submitted title commitment. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 Staff's understanding is that the applicant continues to work on the title issues to accurately detail the plat boundary. The discrepancy is required to be resolved by the applicant and the County Surveyor during formal County plat review and continues as a condition of approval. At that time, the applicant is required to provide the city with an accurate legal description and updated title commitment. Land Use & PUD Zoning The proposed project density is consistent with the Monticello 2040 guided "Mixed Density Residential" designation. The designation is intended to encourage a wide range of housing types, densities and residential development between 8-25 units per acre. The proposed density for this project is below the guided range and the location of the site relative to the mix of adjacent densities and uses results in an ideal transition within the area in both unit style and density. The 4.1 unit/acre project density is also below the 6.2 units/acre range allowable in the current R-2 zoning district. The proposed PUD incorporates the following flexibilities, which are met with enhancement in site landscaping and building design: (1) accommodate the additional length of the cul-de-sac street (just over 700 feet); (2) accommodate building lots that do not have direct frontage on a public street, but rather rely on access across a common lot owned by an HOA. In regard to the HOA, Exhibit Z includes conditions which require that the association documents specify for individual versus common maintenance, as well as expectations for allowable accessory uses. These documents will be subject to the review of the City Attorney. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the rezoning of the parcel to planned unit development in July with the preliminary plat and development stage PUD. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning to PUD unanimously. Council now acts on the rezoning with the final plat and PUD request. The ordinance for rezoning of the site to planned unit development establishes the uses and standards for the project as provided in the submitted plans, subject to Exhibit Z. Building Design The applicant has not yet provided final stage PUD building plans, including both exterior elevations and floor plans. Any approval of the final stag PUD is subject to submission of plans consistent with the development stage PUD submittals in terms of design detail and materials. They must also resolve discrepancies between earlier documents regarding materials for use of LP siding materials. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 Pedestrian Circulation A revised preliminary plat sheet has been provided illustrating the following as recommended by the PARC: • A 10' bituminous pathway along Elm Street • A 6' concrete sidewalk along one side of the internal street The applicant will be required to verify details related to the required pathway and sidewalk per city standards per the City Engineer. Landscaping The landscaping plan has been revised for compliance with west and south buffer requirements. The applicant has also provided a detailed individual unit planting plan. The unit plan specifies for 5' x 8' patios, with arbor vitae screening between patio areas. As noted in the preliminary plat review, the landscaping plan also addresses the loss of the single specimen tree on site, a large Sugar Maple in the northeast corner of the site, listed at 46 inches in diameter. The landscaping plan detail tabulations should be revised to note the loss and replacement, however. Development Agreement and Finance Plan A development agreement and finance plan for the Stony Brook Village project has been prepared, outlining the terms and conditions of approval and project development, as well as the necessary fees and securities for the development. The development agreement requires that the internal public street and all other public improvements, including utilities and pathway facilities, meet city standards. The development agreement notes that as a PUD, it is the plans approved with the Final Stage PUD (subject to conditions) which take precedence in application of design standards. Therefore, the applicant's final stage plans, including those floor plans, elevations, and landscaping plans define the applicable development standards for the development. Budget Impact: None. The applicant is required to submit escrows to cover the costs for plan review and inspection at both the planning and project stages. II. Staff Workload Impact: Both in-house and consulting staff have reviewed the application and revised submittals in preparation for the staff report and supporting documents. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan guides the subject site as Mixed Density Residential. The Monti204O Plan specifically cites City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 this designation as an opportunity for development projects which respond to the surrounding land uses, the specific parcel size, and the scale of neighborhood. In addition, the Plan supports a full -range of housing types to accommodate life- cycle housing options. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the Final Plat, Final Stage PUD, rezoning to PUD and development agreement for Stony Brook Village, with the conditions noted in Exhibit Z, and as referenced in the accompanying resolutions. The project is consistent with the land use plan and zoning for the site. The proposed project provides an appropriate level of transition in densities and unit styles for the existing and proposed land uses in the area. As a proposed PUD, the project offers enhanced architectural detail in the home design and site layout, as well as an enhanced landscaping plan for the site. SUPPORTING DATA A. Ordinance No. 763, Draft B. Resolution 2021-065, Rezoning C. Resolution 2021-066, Final Stage PUD D. Resolution 2021-067, Final Plat and Development Agreement E. Resolution PC -2021-022, Recommending Rezoning F. Aerial Site Image G. Applicant Narrative H. Certificate of Survey I. Final Plat J. Preliminary Plat K. Revised Civil Plans, including: a. Preliminary Plat b. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control c. Utility Plan d. Civil Details e. Tree Preservation Plans f. Landscaping Plan g. Landscaping Notes L. Colored Elevations, Development Stage M. Elevations & Floor Plans, Development Stage N. City Engineer's Letter, dated August 17th, 2021 O. Development Agreement P. Finance Plan Z. Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Stony Brook Village Final Plat, Final Stage PUD 1. Submission of plans consistent with the development stage PUD submittals in terms of design detail and materials and resolving discrepancies between earlier documents regarding materials for use of LP siding materials. 2. Plat addressing is subject to City review and comment. 3. Revise the landscaping plan to accurately detail Specimen Tree loss replacement required by city ordinance. 4. Address the discrepancy in west lot line location to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor as a part of the Plat recording process. 5. The applicant provide the city with a final accurate legal description for the plat and updated title commitment. 6. Compliance with the terms of the City's engineering staff letter dated August 17th, 2021. 7. Association documents are subject to the review and comment of the City Attorney and shall provide for individual and common maintenance responsibilities, as well as accessory structure allowances. 8. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 9. The applicant enters into a stormwater maintenance agreement as a condition of Final Plat and PUD approval. 10. Comments and recommendations of other staff and City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 763 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY AMENDING THE TEXT AND ZONING MAP, ESTABLISHING THE STONY BROOK VILLAGE PUD DISTRICT, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM R-2, SINGLE AND TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO STONY BROOK VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-29, STONY BROOK VILLAGE I�.►��i�'I��I�I��[�►��1��:►��1i�'L�1yi�I�1►�i�[����1:►�:a �'1�1:7�7_�lP► �� Section 1. Section 3.8, Planned Unit Development Districts, of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to add the following: (13) Stony Brook Village PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Stony Brook PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for two-family residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Stony Brook PUD District shall be two-family residential uses as found in the R-2 Single and Two -Family Residential District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated August 23rd, 2021, and development agreement dated August 23rd, 2021, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to residential uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Stony Brook PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R-2, Single and Two -Family Residential District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, exterior building materials or colors, lot coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning ORDINANCE NO. 763 Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District: PID NUMBERS: 155-500-101402 Lots to be plated as BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-29, STONY BROOK VILLAGE Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 23rd day of August, 2021. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-65 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP, CREATING THE STONY BROOK VILLAGE PUD DISTRICT, AND REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO STONY BROOK VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the subject site consists of unplatted property along Elm Street, currently zoned R-2, Single and Two -Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into 28 residential building lots and one common lot under a PUD; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for medium density residential uses under the label Mixed Neighborhood in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD falls below the densities prescribed in the Comprehensive Plan, but create positive density transition between the adjoining single family and other higher density property in the area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 6th, 2021 on the rezoning to PUD application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the rezoning to Stony Brook Village PUD; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello has considered all of the comments and the staff report of August 23rd, 2021, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The Rezoning provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to appropriate residential densities for the area. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-65 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the PUD Zoning are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a mixed residential area. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The PUD flexibility for the project is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the that the Monticello City Council approves the creation of the Stony Brook Village PUD District and rezoning of the subject property to Stony Brook Village PUD District. ADOPTED this 23rd day of August, 2021, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 2 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-66 APPROVING A FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDVISION WHEREAS, the subject site consists of unplatted property along Elm Street in the R- 2, Single and Two -Family Residential Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into 28 two- family unit lots and one common lot, along with public street dedication and other features, under a PUD; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for medium density residential uses under the label Mixed Neighborhood in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD falls below the densities prescribed in the Comprehensive Plan, but create positive density transition between the adjoining single family and other higher density property in the area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 6, 2021 on the Development Stage PUD application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Development Stage PUD for Stony Brook Village; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Development Stage PUD with conditions at its regular meeting of July 26, 2021; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello has considered all of the comments and the staff report of August 23rd, 2021, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to a low to medium density residential use. The proposed improvements on the site under the Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a mixed residential area. 3. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-66 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development and building designs successfully fulfill the intent of the City's development plans and regulations. 5. The flexibility from Subdivision Regulations in the Plat for the project is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council hereby approves the Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Stony Brook Village, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: Plat addressing is subject to City review and comment. 2. Revise the landscaping plan to accurately detail Specimen Tree loss replacement required by city ordinance. 3. Address the discrepancy in west lot line location to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor as a part of the Plat recording process. 4. The applicant provide the city with a final accurate legal description for the plat and updated title commitment. 5. Compliance with the terms of the City's engineering staff letter dated XX, 2021. 6. Association documents are subject to the review and comment of the City Attorney and shall provide for individual and common maintenance responsibilities, as well as accessory structure allowances. 7. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 8. The applicant enters into a stormwater maintenance agreement as a condition of Final Plat and PUD approval. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff and City Council. ADOPTED this 23rd day of August, 2021, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL By: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-66 ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-67 APPROVING A FINAL PLAT & DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDVISION WHEREAS, the subject site consists of unplatted property along Elm Street in the R- 2, Single and Two -Family Residential Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into 28 two- family unit lots and one common lot, along with public street dedication and other features, under a PUD; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for medium density residential uses under the label Mixed Neighborhood in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the plat will comply with the required policies and requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, contingent on conditions noted in this resolution and upcoming Final Plat review comments; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 6t", 2021 on the Preliminary Plat application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat with conditions at its regular meeting of July 26, 2021; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello has considered all of the comments and the staff report of August 23rd, 2021, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval: The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to a low to medium density residential use. The proposed improvements on the site under the Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a mixed residential area. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-67 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development and building designs successfully fulfill the intent of the City's development plans and regulations. 5. The flexibility from Subdivision Regulations in the Plat for the project is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council hereby approves the Final Plat for Stony Brook Village, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Plat addressing is subject to City review and comment. 2. Revise the landscaping plan to accurately detail Specimen Tree loss replacement required by city ordinance. 3. Address the discrepancy in west lot line location to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor as a part of the Plat recording process. 4. The applicant provide the city with a final accurate legal description for the plat and updated title commitment. 5. Compliance with the terms of the City's engineering staff letter dated XX, 2021. 6. Association documents are subject to the review and comment of the City Attorney and shall provide for individual and common maintenance responsibilities, as well as accessory structure allowances. 7. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. The applicant enters into a stormwater maintenance agreement as a condition of Final Plat and PUD approval. Comments and recommendations of other staff and City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development and for Stony Brook Village," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-67 ADOPTED this 2311 day of August, 2021, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL : ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-022 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP, CREATING THE STONY BROOK PUD DISTRICT, AND REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO STONY BROOK PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant owns property along Elm Street, currently zoned R-2, Single and Two -Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into 28 residential building lots and one common lot under a PUD; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for medium density residential uses under the label Mixed Neighborhood in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long- term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD falls below the densities prescribed in the Comprehensive Plan, but create positive density transition between the adjoining single family and other higher density property in the area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 6, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Rezoning provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to appropriate residential densities for the area. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the PUD Zoning are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a mixed residential area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-022 4.. The PUD flexibility for the project is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the creation of the Stony Brook PUD District and rezoning of the subject property to Stony Brook PUD District. ADOPTED this 6t" day of July, 2021, bythe Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: An*Schanmunity Development Director 2 Mark Elliot Homes I Request for Variance, Rezoning to PUD, Development Stage PUD, & Preliminary Plat 701 Elm Street I Legal: Lengthy Legal - See City Hall I PID: 155-500-101402 Created by: City of Monticello STONY BROOK VILLAGE Residential Development Narrative Monticello, MN Existing Conditions The 7.5 -acre site is located in the northwest quadrant of Elm Street & 7th Street W. in Monticello, Minnesota. The site is currently vacant. Historical aerial photos indicate the site was once used for automobile storage. The site is sparsely treed and consists mostly of Siberian Elm with a smaller amount of Ash, Cottonwood, Boxelder and Maple. No wetlands are present on the site. The site is zoned R-2 Residential Multifamily. The Developer Mark Elliot Homes (MEH) is an experienced developer/home builder in the Twin Cities that has developed 3 communities and built over 350 homes, including in the cities of Cottage Grove, Inver Grove Heights Lakeville, Farmington, Rosemount and Buffalo. MEH understands the financial obligations of land development, including the need to put up a financial surety for the construction costs and to pay development & application fees; all of which will be detailed in the Developers Agreement. Neighborhood Goals Stony Brook Village will convert a vacant lot into a residential neighborhood with 28 twin home units. The identified goals in creating this new neighborhood include: • Provide housing and an increased tax base for the City of Monticello by redeveloping a historically underused parcel. • Develop a PUD project that follows R-2 zoning standards as much as feasible. • Provide increased residential market diversity with the development of quality slab -on - grade twin homes. • Creating a neighborhood layout that is sensitive to the existing conditions, including availability of utilities, natural grades and drainage patterns. • Assist the City in enhancing the pedestrian and trail connectivity of the area. • Enhancement of a small community feel. The Neighborhood General Site Information The proposed 7.5 -acre Stony Brook Village consists of 28 twin home units with a typical lot size of 45 feet wide by 82 feet deep with common space that will be maintained by the Home Stony Brook Village Narrative 5/17/2021 Owners Association (HOA). Minimum setbacks are proposed to be consistent with R-2 standards: front setback of 30 feet; side setback of 10' feet, 20 feet between buildings; corner lot side setback of 20 feet and rear yard setback of 30 feet. The site will have one cul-de-sac to serve all the units with road access from Elm Street. The twin homes will be one story slab -on -grade units with 1,605 square feet of living space and 9' ceilings throughout. The floor plan includes two bedrooms with a den, a master bathroom and a % bathroom. Layout There are a number of site conditions that were reviewed and considered in the layout of Stony Brook Village. These include: • Existing Terrain and Drainage. The site is generally flat but gradually drains to Elm Street. This drainage pattern will be maintained but enhanced with stormwater best management practices and engineered outlets connected to Elm Street storm sewer. • Tree Screening. Perimeter tree and landscape planting will provide a sense of place and privacy screening for the residents and neighbors. • Utilities. Water & sewer will be extended to the site from existing stubs in Elm Street. Stony Brook Village Narrative 5/17/2021 2 O 0 U- 00 00 0 m 0 m 0 0 w Un 0 0 0 00 0 m 0 m 0 0 in l \ 3 I I I \ \ \ I- FD. 1/2 IN OPEN \ _ i \ FD. 7 IN IRON ROD FD. 1/2 OPEN, LS #75233 I `7' 1 �,V \ \ / /-I �' �' %/ /--)/AV/ \ �e Z SOUTHERLY PLAT OF HAROLD RUFFS E RECORDED \ (680.4 DEED) S83 21'23"E ADD/T/O/� & i \ 676 79 (MEAS) AS l�/ONUMENTED cb - - POTENTIAL OVERLAP i FD. 1/2 OPEN -� J' TAREA: 804 SF OR 0.018 AC MORE OR LESS - - - 10.5± EX. 8" DIP -' Qo � x POSSIBLE FENCE ENCROACHMENT 4 I x X30 -11.2± 00� rY, A,, U v", w EX 8" DIFF �o ` �) Q o a NO BUILDINGS OBSERVED I �� Ln L -w k NO APPARENT RIGHT OF WAYAND \ Z 0 0 \ /„ �q EASEMENT ON RECORD o W W \LL- LL LI)U L \ ° o je \ Z o wo CENTERLINE OF TOWNSHIP _ Ln w ROAD AS TRAVELED O� LLnLn Lu`- - w z of w i z n I° ---LL LL LU <j \ = n�_ I il W ^r 40 vV �I / �I FD. 1/2 IN OPEN -'// I I l^I v v i L. v i i -t /I / I � I / 4336.74 N88°50'01 "W `-W 1/4 COR OF SEC. 70, SE COR OF THE TWP. 727, RGE. 25 RECORDED PLAT OF COUNTRY CLUB MANOR FD. 1/2 IN OPEN; LS #UN -READABLE DESIGNED: DDG CHECKED: MJW DRAWN: SRM/JWM HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: INITIAL ISSUE: 04/02/2021 REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: �P NO APPARENT RIGHT OF WAY AND j EASEMENT ON RECORD I I , I i SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 70 i i ❑r sro - SAN SAN SAN SAN FD. COTTON GIN SPIKE MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 �s qN NE COR OF SEC. 10, -' TWP. 727, RGE. 25 FD. CAST IRON MONUMENT 0 0 wv 1Z LU I U- Uo O W LU Ln z W IW=— I I Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Allance LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PER TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 626830) That part of the East 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 70, Township 727, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the 30 acre tract,- thence Northerly along the west line of said tract distant 659.0 feet, thence easterly distant 680.4 feet to the centerline of Township Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Township Road distant 703.8 feet to the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence westerly along said south line distant 274.0 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property GENERAL NOTES 7. This survey was prepared using Land Title Inc., Issuing Agent for Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Number 626830, having an effective date of December 2, 2020 at 7:00 A.M. 2. Address of subject property: 707 Elm Street, Monticello, MN 55362. (Table A, Item 2) 3. Subject property appears to be classified as "Zone X" (area of minimal flood hazard) when scaled from Flood Insurance Rate Map Community - Panel Number 2705410005B, dated November 1, 7979. (Table A, Item 3) 4. Subject property contains 326,683 Sq. Ft. or 7.50 acres. (Table A, Item 4) 5. No buildings were observed as part of this survey. (Table A, Item 7(a)) 6. Subject property contains no parking stalls. (Table A, Item 9) 7. The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. The surveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated although the surveyor does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from information available. The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. (MINNESOTA ticket number: 270060493) (Table A Item I7(a)) 8. Bearings based on the Wright County Coordinate System 1983NAD (7986adj) In US Survey Feet. 9. Field data collection on which this map is based was performed while snow was covering all or part of the subject property. There is a possibility that existing improvements that would normally be observable without the snow cover may exist. EXCEPTIONS (PER TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 626830) 72. Subject to rood(s) as shown by available maps. (Road Right of Way Map not provided, Existing Road Shown on Survey) 73. Reservation in favor of the State of Minnesota in trust of the taxing districts concerned, of all mineral rights as provided by law as referenced in Document Number A7290776. (Blanket in Nature) POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS O1 FENCE OVER WEST PROPERTY LINE ()OVERHEAD POWER ACROSS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The west line of the subject property is referred as both the east line of the West 70 acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, and the west line of the East 30 acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 on multiple recorded subdivision plats. In all instances said line has been accepted as monumented and occupied. The east line of the West 70 acres and the west line of the East 30 acres will inherently have complications with regards to gaps or overlaps based upon how they are calculated. We have show 3 calculated positions for these lines on this survey. Further review by a qualified real estate attorney or title examiner is necessary to clarify title and ownership. CERTIFICATION TO Mark Elliot Homes, LLC, Tyler South, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company and Land Title, Inc., Issuing Agent for Old Republic National Title Insurance Company: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND THE SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS BASED WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2027 MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEYS, JOINTLY ESTABLISHED AND ADOPTED BYALTA AND NSPS, AND INCLUDES ITEMS 7, 2, 3, 4, 7(a), 8, 9, and 77(a) OF TABLEA THEREOF. THE FIELD WORK WAS COMPLETED ON March 75,202 7. MATHEWJ. WELINSKI, PS DATE 04/02/2027 MN LICENSE NO. 53596, EXPIRATION 06/30/2022 MATT. WELINSKI @WESTWOODPS. COM I E 1/4 COR OF SEC. 70, TWP. 727, RGE. 25 - I WATERMAIN CORNER FALLS INA TELEPHONE MH FENCE LINE S88°50'00"E ` CONTROLLED ACCESS — — 687.39 A SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN I LEGEND • 0 SANITARY MANHOLE POWER POLE co SEWER CLEANOUT BOUNDARY LINE sr STORM MANHOLE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ® CATCH BASIN LOT LINE ® FLARED END SECTION — — — — — — EASEMENT LINE I HYDRANT — — SECTION LINE X GATE VALVE GAS GAS LINE POH POWER OVERHEAD Q ELECTRIC BOX SAN SANITARYSEWER STREET LIGHT sro STORM SEWER GUY WIRE STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westw000dps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) X� I I � I 7TH STREET W SITE ELM STREET I I I I I CITY OF MONTICELLO / SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 727, RANGE 25 WAr WATERMAIN FENCE LINE x CONTROLLED ACCESS A CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE • FOUND MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O CAST IRON MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O SET MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) Q TELEPHONE BOX ® STEEL/WOOD POST o SIGN 1"=50' 0' 50' 100' 150' SHEET NUMBER: 1 ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE of SURVEY 1 PROJECT NUMBER: 030308.00 1 DATE: 04/02/2021 W 0 Q J J O O of C0 z O STONY BROOK VILLAGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: that Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: TYPE LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as STONY BROOK VILLAGE and does hereby donate and dedicate the public ways, as shown on this plat and also dedicate the easements as created by this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of hereby review and approve this plat of STONY BROOK VILLAGE. M Gni Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNEOTA ,20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did In witness whereof said Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of This plat of STONY BROOK VILLAGE was approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. MARK ELLIOT HOMES LLC By (Signature) Its STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of (Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE (Name Printed) ,20 ,by of Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. County, (Name Printed) its I, Mathew J. Welinski, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on the plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one year as indicated on the plat; that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in MS Section 505.01, Subd. 3 existing as of the date of this certification are shown and labeled on the plat, and that all public ways are shown and labeled on the plat. Dated this , day of Mathew J. Welinski, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 53596 STATE OF COUNTY OF ,20 The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me on this day of Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 53596. (Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, ,20 , by Mathew J. Welinski, Licensed Land (Name Printed) By Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR By City Administrator I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of ,20 By Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY LAND RECORDS Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered on this day of —,20 By By Wright County Land Records Administration Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this at o'clock M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. , Sleeve By Wright County Recorder day of , as Document No. ,20 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets ,-W 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 / Found Wright County Cast Iron Monument /1 J � Y I I -Found 1/2 Inch Open _j I I I II I I I -7 I / ,-Found 1/2 Inch Open I I I ,— I -Found 1/2 Inch Open; LS #15233 L L1� � II I �> 0 YJ 10 0 Lu Ln" II wo �) o v� c — w N Z i LJ 11 \ East line of the West 10 acres of the SE 1/4 of of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 I 12 I � \ East line of the recorded plat ----\------_ 13 of COUNTY CLUB MANOR & as monumented I I I � \ 14 ' Found 1/2 Inch Open-/ I I � \ 15 O rn Ln110 I w I 16 o \ z 17 I II \ 1 I 41 Found 1/2 Inch Open-' /' I iT/ /1T A 4336.14 — — — N88°50'01 "W SE Cor of the recorded plat of COUNTY CLUB MANOR; Found 1/2 Inch Open STONY BROOK VILLAGE ,` 2631.53 J N8837'72"W / N 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10,-' LL, i Twp. 121, Rge. 25 N NE Cor of the NE 1/4 of -' Found Wright County o Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 Cast Iron Monument I L o Found Wright County Ln Cast Iron Monument S 1/4 Corof Sec. 10,-, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 Found Wright County Cast Iron Monument �J (274.0 DEED) - y I / I / / I \ I / VICINITY MAP \ (NOT TO SCALE) \ \ AiIA/ 4 i, Air- \ I V Y r I/ `r / V L_ i/ `r \ � I \ I 7TH STREET W - SITE / / I ^y/ \ \ 66 ELM STREET— \ / 0 Southerly line of the recorded—� (6804 DEED) plat of HAROLD RUFF'S \ ,; S83°11'23"E ADDITION & as monumented \ I A A I 676.19 (MEAS) ; i Found 1/2 Inch Open -\ 4.Q CITY OF MONTICELLO ^, ^� I SECTION 10, To 121, RANGE 25 �A) �0 N o� �\oo N � z I SET- ---centerline of Township 1 /A Road as traveled 3 OF 3 SHEETS) /Q I �,y , . � -centerline of Township / Road as traveled /� 00 South line of the SE 1/4 <<1 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 i -Found Cotton Gin Spike 681.39 S88°50'00"E 0 v o wV Ln v �Ln 0 o Z c w v L� LU E 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 �� I (corner falls on a telephone manhole) O SET 1/2" BY 14" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596 • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON PLAT BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S 88°49'47" E SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 180 SCALE: 1 INCH = 60 FEET Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets STONY BROOK VILLAGE I \ \ -Found 1/2 Inch Open; LS #15233 S84°02'52"E S83011'23"E 676.19 56.67S89°53'52"E 90.00 N78 -744,51,W 633.80 11 -23.70- 00 0� 45.00 45.00 S79°09' 42" �C, R 9° 45.00 E 90.00 N7 ° 2 9 `'' 37 S9„ 5-A 00 0 0 0 0 45.00 2.79 W F coo w co N o 42.39 �0o n 01, w Q w 7 00 o S6S, Drainage & Utility Easement 2�9° 7 °o P O P o 80 6 W o 4.00 S4'7S,F over all of Lot 29 0v', o 0 0 CO 5 00 o0 9000 0° z z � o CO �,ti� qs0 tiSS° l 10 d o S cu 2�9° ci O ��� z o uoi P T �� /9S ��" dL� �� 4� �G/ ° ° z ° h INSET moo, 00 45.00 45.00 0 0 �"'� `� ^n' Ln � ,�°° N89°53'52"W 90.00 45.0p =tip o� 3 0� SS (FROM SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS) ?O° p0 c�1°� N79°0942„ 45.00 IS00 8807 Rh Sc,O �ti 55.52 �/ 90.00 =�' ��o° F9000 1 D'' S° 4;24 23 4500 0) 4S ,�� c�'� o L c 7 j2 4p 7 " 6SS. S �� ^` o° 00 S89°05'53"W 82.00 p � 7 , 2 C) D�p - S83°11'23"E 55.52 _ M9000 4500 �� CD o L o Q° �pL Rc 2327„ °� 00 o �' �C \ 73jS 00 '� 1 Q/. Z �9 63 4S o .00 Ln S89005'55"W 82.00 Ln 55.52 ' /l/S(90 01- Ln Lnoto R� 07,� z0 1 2 0 z ��� 4 �; 746.86 7 9 00 4500 Lri 7 0 --- --- --- N89°05'25"E 82.00 2423 Z7" �S8 � � y LU S89°05'55"W 82.00 o S7 R C) o? 9 4°1420-,F \ DO 0 30 30 0 2 Ln 6 Ln S p 4 N89°05'55"E 82.00 o S �'r o o� q 4 S6° i 40 h � ° 0 500 0384 8° 8 /-F/ Q �. LU N89°05'25"E 82.00 w o F S0 F �O-0 C) I rn in 9 8 / � 0 13 o m m m �y Q00 // o Ln rn 77 Ln o v v 0 J °� Ln o ^� 2 7 0 4500 �S8 CD u� o U o 0 0 0 O C? N� 25 � N tilzr Ln 68-65 Ln S89°05'55"W 82.00 0 2$ oo S73°5232"F LU � O S89°05'25"W 82.00 - - 1 O N CD z p 14 z N4500 ^cb 0 L�� �w 0 00 } Zr, ° �� X20° Q� �� X60° o r- z o, O � z `i' S89°05'55"W 82.00 O �'s�s °�� 0 °� 912 0 1 M CDv~i CD `�� 24 �� 00 0 z N89°05'55"E 82.00 I v -P 90 OCP� g2�° '00 40 `1 O SET 7/2" BY 74" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596 15 0 0 os� '0 °052$23 � o • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON PLAT C) Iq oo 'o Drainage & Utility Easement CY),' �, Drainage - over all of Lot 29 & Utility Ln S89°05'55"W 82.00 I o i Easement �� ° BEARING ORIENTATION: i °29 Ln 00 0 0 30 0`° 00 0° o i �i g��'2 THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 70, C) 0 16 C) z ��,� �o ��°052 z TOWNSHIP 727, RANGE 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S 88°49'47" E Lri C) co LriLUS a ^� S89005 55"W 82.00 `v 6 - 30.00 30.00 S S, S89°06'22"W S89°05'25"W -�:t 83007'4 11E 82.00 0 o c� \` Drainage 63 8?00 m Md &Utility 6S CD ° �;� Easement _ 0 17 23��00° S 22 63° ao 2 0 > F82oo In "' 0 00 n' S83°48"W 82.00 moo. n, 07' "' S89°17'11"W 90.00 21 Found 1/2 Inch Open- `fl o o ^� P v' 18 45.00 45.00 N63° o 0 0 4>O>' o (o 082 0 0 0 00 � 0 0 S83007 -48" \N 82.00 "' N N co Co Co >� 19 20 No 01 N N v S.-, o 0 0 2 � ,�y ��60 "°�� 'Ib SCALE IN FEET CD S �9 45.00 45.00 i�Q F� S89°17'11"W 90.00 /A cb,0Q) 0 40 80 120 vv // SCALE: 7 INCH = 40 FEET 119.12 154.05 52.59 S88049'47"E 325.77 Found 1/2 Inch Open Found Cotton Gin Spike Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet X of X Sheets V C a� V Ln 0 LA 0 a 0 0 v N 0 N O DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 04/05/21 REVISIONS: A 05/03/21 ADDED DRIVEWAYS A 08/16/21 REVISED PER FINAL PLAT A A ❑A PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA CORY MEYER DATE: 05/03/21 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance That part of the East 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the 30 acre tract; thence Northerly along the west line of said tract distant 659.0 feet; thence easterly distant 680.4 feet to the centerline of Township Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Township Road distant 703.8 feet to the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence westerly along said south line distant 274.0 feet to the point of beginning. SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA • EXISTING ZONING: • GRnSS SITF ARFA- MAJOR R.O.W. (7TH ST W & ELM ST): NET SITE AREA: • DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TWINHOMES: • PROJECT DENSITY: GROSS: N ET: LOT STANDARDS STANDARD R-2 STANDARDS SETBACKS FRONT 30' MIN SIDE INTERIOR LOT 10'/10'; 20' BTW BLDGS SIDE CORNER LOT 20' REAR 30' DEVELOPMENT NOTES R-2 7.50 AC 6.72 AC 28 HOMES ±3.73 UN/AC ±4.17 U N/AC TYPICAL TWNHOME LOT DETAIL 5' 45 45 40 40 N00 00 L 1 00 00 LnLn N 00 X,XXX SF X,XXX SF 40 40 45 T45 TYPICAL LOT DIMENSION 1. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST FOOT. 2. ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT. 3. STREET NAMES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY. 4. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES AND UP TO 1 FOOT ABOVE THE HIGH WATER LEVEL OF ALL PONDS. 5. STREET WIDTHS ARE SHOWN FROM BACK OF CURB TO BACK OF CURB. SITE LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc 5' LOT NUMBER LOT AREA ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY LINE LOT LINE SETBACK LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER TIP -OUT CURB AND GUTTER POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL RETAINING WALL 0' 50' 100' 150' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 I DATE: 05/03/21 11 W 0 a J J 0 0 ckC m z P__ v c V CU v Q) N c O N N O IL O O >CU N O N N FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE,, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 CONTACT: MARK PASVOGEL PHONE: 952-392-9227 EMAIL: MARK@ MARKELLIOTHOM ES.COM PREPARED BY: Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 CONTACT: JOHN H. BENDER SHEET INDEX Sheet List Table SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE 1 Cover 2 Existing Conditions and Removals Plan 3 Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan 4 Details 5 Details 6 SWPPP Narrative 7 SWPPP Notes 8 SWPPP Maps 9 Vegetation Preservation and Protection Plan 10 Vegetation Preservation and Protection Data Vicinity Map (NOT TO SCALE) NO. DATE REVISION SHEETS 1 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION 9,10 CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN •C STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA INITIAL SUBMITTAL DATE: 07/27/21 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 LU a J J 0 O W m z O O I I I \L I I I I II I/ - FD. 1/21N OPEN / 1 / FD. 1/2 OPEN; LS #15233 I - -POTENTIAL OVERLAP T X - - 10.5± X POSSIBLE FENCE ENCROACHMEI IX I I - 11.2± I- > OC,)::Q W dS I / C> I 0 \ \ 3 7/_, ���/ ,� \ vL_LJ // \ SOUTHER[ V Ll/VE OF THE RECORDED , \ (680.4 DEED) PLA T OF HAROLD RUFFS S83°77 23 AsMONU EIVr & E 676 79 (MEAS) MENTED I 1 I 1 IN I ON ROD -' j C3 "CB -5001 - e 9 RE=933.07 \ s' �e)=935 ai 7C9, EX. 8" DIP � qT EX. 8" STUB -' / IE=±921.23 ,% n EX. MH 6004 936EX. 8" PVC -' /� �C' FD. 1/2 OPEN -' h CB -5003 - - - v RE=933.83 0 O IE(E)=930.45 REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY EX. 15"RCP -- REMOVE EXISTING APRON AND ASSOCIATED BITUMINOUS DRIVE c Mc EX. 8" DIFF �� 40 EX. 8" STUB -IN IE=±920.67 REMOVE EXISTING FENCING k EX " PVC - h / - EX. MH 6003 Q REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE a 938 p COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND CONC. APRON /�/° r REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY Q°�� �} ` -CENTERLINE OF TOWNSHIP ROAD AS TRAVELED EX 8" DIP 36 EX 8" STUB -' O 8.35 EX.X. 8" " PVC - CB -5005 - EX. MH 6002 RE=935.06 a° �� s' RE=935.65 IE(E)=931.39 I IE(W)=920.24 / I (N,S)=920.04 Call 48 Hours before digging: \SqIV 811 or call811.com Common Groun A iance O I LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the East 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 721, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the 30 acre tract; thence Northerly along the west line of said tract distant 659.0 feet; thence easterly distant 680.4 feet to the centerline of Township Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Township Road distant 703.8 feet to the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence westerly along said south line distant 274.0 feet to the point of beginning. Z O EX. 15 RCP - y U REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE ° o d COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY a EX. 30" STUB, / TIAL G vO a b IE=928.27 I P LN O O EX. 30" RCPQ'- 936 CB -50 ------ P 5P s'P RE=93.28 � I FD. 1/2 IN OPEN O IE(E,W)= 798 i' n D � Q�C. 30" RCP -'' D 0 EX. 8'STA yam° IE -9 3 N EX. 14-2- RE=9 90 I EX 34'-15" RCP - EX 8" DIP IE(N E)=915. Sgti �q @ 2.05% ��\ e°� EX. 8" PVC -' C/ CB -5010 - - SW COR 0 THE EAST 30 A OF THE" RE=936.18 �\ `� 1 IE(E)=932.74 �` 1 / SE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 10 EX. MH 9-2 - oz \ \\\ �� zP �� - EX MH 6001 l/ \ �� ��' RE=934.95 "9T � RE=±936.00 `Q \\ � 1 IE(W)=919.77 _ i O IE(N)=±929.0 (ABND) \ \ \\ P 10 IE( N,S)=9 IE(S)=±928.50 \�\ \\\ \/ �1��. s\P 1 l A \ V 10° vv/L.v1 . sq� �q EX.M_ -1-, \ �P SOUTH LINE OF T 0 RE = 6.10 �� 6 / I THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 10 IE(N -921.0 _ = R7 /S c) S88°4947"E 325.77 (274.0 DEED) SE COR OF THE RECORDED PLAT OF -' �sgti �yT (MEAS) // \ ED COUNTRY CLUB MANOR IQ / / / STOD. 1/2 tA( OPE ; LS #UN -READABLE EX. ABND LS -4 FD. 2 IN OPE ; -'/ o ` \ AN SAN SAN SAN - �$ASAN SAP EX. 18" RE=±942.00 i LS #15233 -9 RCP NL- -- AN SAN � \ � �_ �� �� � SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN sgti IE(SW)=914.30 I SPM sP `- FD. COTTON GIN SPIKE IE(NE)=913.80 eI� EX 18° R�P \` V C) ~ �Q RE = 936.40 IE(N)=918.85 r IE(SW,E)=913.01 I O� 0 ^_ ~' FX IW 7 7 -' g �qT. 9A2 //I TIP r / 1 n DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR S' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION A ❑A PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA MATT WELINSKI DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 53596 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc GENERAL NOTES: 1. Property description is a Conveyance of Forfeited Lands per Document No. 1290716 2 Field data collection on which this map is based was performed while snow was covering all or part of the subject property. There is a possibility that existing improvements that would normally be observable without the snow cover may exist. LEGEND Qs o- W ? STEEL/WOOD POST co SEWER CLEANOUT SIGN sr STORM MANHOLE BOUNDARY LINE ® �W RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE FLARED END SECTION - �1.1 a HYDRANT - - - - - EASEMENT LINE X GATE VALVE Qa SECTION LINE ❑E ELECTRIC BOX AAs GAS LINE \) ii Q) � O a POWER OVERHEAD STREET LIGHT W W LU LU W W ~ SAN SANITARY SEWER O O GUY WIRE I �W \ LL.O O = U LL Q LL wAT U-1 ❑T TELEPHONE BOX O O FENCE LINE A CONTROLLED ACCESS J W Ln W CONCRETE SURFACE Ln LL1 Z BITUMINOUS SURFACE LL. • FOUND MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O CAST IRON MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O SET MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) LL LJ_ z� \ W W / / / ) FD. 1/2 IN OPEN -' C Ci t9 - - LLJ , �\ 0p� N 0¢w LU QQ 2 ��z WUO 2 � I- > OC,)::Q W dS I / C> I 0 \ \ 3 7/_, ���/ ,� \ vL_LJ // \ SOUTHER[ V Ll/VE OF THE RECORDED , \ (680.4 DEED) PLA T OF HAROLD RUFFS S83°77 23 AsMONU EIVr & E 676 79 (MEAS) MENTED I 1 I 1 IN I ON ROD -' j C3 "CB -5001 - e 9 RE=933.07 \ s' �e)=935 ai 7C9, EX. 8" DIP � qT EX. 8" STUB -' / IE=±921.23 ,% n EX. MH 6004 936EX. 8" PVC -' /� �C' FD. 1/2 OPEN -' h CB -5003 - - - v RE=933.83 0 O IE(E)=930.45 REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY EX. 15"RCP -- REMOVE EXISTING APRON AND ASSOCIATED BITUMINOUS DRIVE c Mc EX. 8" DIFF �� 40 EX. 8" STUB -IN IE=±920.67 REMOVE EXISTING FENCING k EX " PVC - h / - EX. MH 6003 Q REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE a 938 p COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND CONC. APRON /�/° r REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY Q°�� �} ` -CENTERLINE OF TOWNSHIP ROAD AS TRAVELED EX 8" DIP 36 EX 8" STUB -' O 8.35 EX.X. 8" " PVC - CB -5005 - EX. MH 6002 RE=935.06 a° �� s' RE=935.65 IE(E)=931.39 I IE(W)=920.24 / I (N,S)=920.04 Call 48 Hours before digging: \SqIV 811 or call811.com Common Groun A iance O I LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the East 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 721, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the 30 acre tract; thence Northerly along the west line of said tract distant 659.0 feet; thence easterly distant 680.4 feet to the centerline of Township Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Township Road distant 703.8 feet to the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence westerly along said south line distant 274.0 feet to the point of beginning. Z O EX. 15 RCP - y U REMOVE EXISTING POWER POLE ° o d COORDINATE RELOCATION WITH UTILITY a EX. 30" STUB, / TIAL G vO a b IE=928.27 I P LN O O EX. 30" RCPQ'- 936 CB -50 ------ P 5P s'P RE=93.28 � I FD. 1/2 IN OPEN O IE(E,W)= 798 i' n D � Q�C. 30" RCP -'' D 0 EX. 8'STA yam° IE -9 3 N EX. 14-2- RE=9 90 I EX 34'-15" RCP - EX 8" DIP IE(N E)=915. Sgti �q @ 2.05% ��\ e°� EX. 8" PVC -' C/ CB -5010 - - SW COR 0 THE EAST 30 A OF THE" RE=936.18 �\ `� 1 IE(E)=932.74 �` 1 / SE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 10 EX. MH 9-2 - oz \ \\\ �� zP �� - EX MH 6001 l/ \ �� ��' RE=934.95 "9T � RE=±936.00 `Q \\ � 1 IE(W)=919.77 _ i O IE(N)=±929.0 (ABND) \ \ \\ P 10 IE( N,S)=9 IE(S)=±928.50 \�\ \\\ \/ �1��. s\P 1 l A \ V 10° vv/L.v1 . sq� �q EX.M_ -1-, \ �P SOUTH LINE OF T 0 RE = 6.10 �� 6 / I THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 10 IE(N -921.0 _ = R7 /S c) S88°4947"E 325.77 (274.0 DEED) SE COR OF THE RECORDED PLAT OF -' �sgti �yT (MEAS) // \ ED COUNTRY CLUB MANOR IQ / / / STOD. 1/2 tA( OPE ; LS #UN -READABLE EX. ABND LS -4 FD. 2 IN OPE ; -'/ o ` \ AN SAN SAN SAN - �$ASAN SAP EX. 18" RE=±942.00 i LS #15233 -9 RCP NL- -- AN SAN � \ � �_ �� �� � SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN sgti IE(SW)=914.30 I SPM sP `- FD. COTTON GIN SPIKE IE(NE)=913.80 eI� EX 18° R�P \` V C) ~ �Q RE = 936.40 IE(N)=918.85 r IE(SW,E)=913.01 I O� 0 ^_ ~' FX IW 7 7 -' g �qT. 9A2 //I TIP r / 1 n DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR S' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION A ❑A PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA MATT WELINSKI DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 53596 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc GENERAL NOTES: 1. Property description is a Conveyance of Forfeited Lands per Document No. 1290716 2 Field data collection on which this map is based was performed while snow was covering all or part of the subject property. There is a possibility that existing improvements that would normally be observable without the snow cover may exist. LEGEND Qs SANITARY MANHOLE STEEL/WOOD POST co SEWER CLEANOUT SIGN sr STORM MANHOLE BOUNDARY LINE ® CATCH BASIN RIGHT -OF -WAV LINE FLARED END SECTION - LOT LINE HYDRANT - - - - - EASEMENT LINE X GATE VALVE - - SECTION LINE ❑E ELECTRIC BOX AAs GAS LINE POH POWER OVERHEAD STREET LIGHT SAN SANITARY SEWER ( GUY WIRE sTo STORM SEWER POWER POLE wAT WATERMAIN ❑T TELEPHONE BOX x - FENCE LINE A CONTROLLED ACCESS REMOVALS [� CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE • FOUND MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O CAST IRON MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) O SET MONUMENT (SEE LABEL) SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The west line of the subject property is referred as both the east line of the West 70 acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, and the west line of the East 30 acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 on multiple recorded subdivision plats. In all instances said line has been accepted as monumented and occupied. The east line of the West 10 acres and the west line of the East 30 acres will inherently have complications with regards to gaps or overlaps based upon how they are calculated. We have show 3 calculated positions for these lines on this survey. Further review by a qualified real estate attorney or title examiner is necessary to clarify title and ownership. • 0' 50' 100' 150' CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: EXISTING CONDITIONS AND 2 of REMOVALS PLAN 10 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 08/17/21 W a J O m z O Un V C a� V i 4J V7 C: 0 N 0 a 0 3 LA CD N 1 \ \ 0 \ -9.? \ F rye- - II SILT FENCE PLACED 1 FT \ 0 / - INSIDE PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 9�G \ 9� / INFILT. BASIN (1P) \ \ OCS-1 2.0% NWL 931.5 30 LF -12" RCP CL 5 RE=934.00 �N� ` -940 938 X936 936 OE 933.0 @ 0.00% IE -931.00 (SE) LL X W .0� HWL 934.0 / - / TW 39.3 2 934 - BW 3 .� TW 39.3 TW 39.3 a / 9 W 5. BW 36.1 33 LF -12" RCP CL 5 8 7 BW 38.3 TW 39. i @ 1.69% 12" FES -10 CBMH-EX 5003 X q 6 BW 38.3 ' IE=929.00 936 I N 1 EOF � RE=933.83 SOG� ' S TW 39.E IE=930.45 (NW) 1 O 99 1 SO ' BW 383 x IE=930.45 (SE) / ` S 940.9 G °\° LVV 3,g.3 934 �7.0 0 4 BW3 \ �. 39. ry T 8. I X / o'� Q °� x I ` = 0.2 ' v BW 38.3 F6. / v o °° I 940 3 4 .7 /1 \ �� 3$.7 I �° 3 .8 N38.5LO x 9 G BW ­37$.8 ry 39 �° 9 POND MAINTENANCE ACCESS (TYP.) I ,2 ° N ��° , 2 TW 38W� 36 � / MIN 12' WIDE, MAX 10% SIDESLOPES 7 n 938 BW 36.'8 21" FES 100 I I 11 � /I" --O -�- _ 8�° x 38. � 1TW 38.8 BW 38 8 IE=931.50 6.2% 5A 37.9q f - �. p 3 o SO � I _/ M 6 23 LF -21" RCP CL 4 O �\ y 3j 9392 , h / @ 0.21 % v 38.8 3j S VVI 32 S, k STMH-101 12 8.3% 9� TO 938 e RE=936.25 F�P4xS00 o\° / IE=931.55 (SW) I I E(r 386g �R P IE=931.55 (N) m m 26 4126 LF -21" RCP CL X2.1% 3 4 @ 0.21% - J x -y LU 936 �R 6 9 ■� Vo+ 3.1 ° 9 t7 I 3a o �� ; C/ o� CII to o S a CD 0 I_2101L.� � \ I / 25 27 386 N rn 3.9°i° s INLET PROTECTION (TYP.) I 6S'S° \ I O-°�� I 0 28 369 3 A/ / CBMH-102 RE -935 92 \ 14 $. % C} 1 00 1) V - °I° \ IE=931.82 (SW) hr z 2f 938 IE=931.82 (NE) 0 / Qom ROCK CONSTRUCTION 2�5%�X39.52.1% W 38.4 24 9°w c 936 ENTRANCE (TYP.) °I° x 9 I o n \ 8 LF -15" RCP CL 5 �934 c°y 30 LF -15" RCP CL 5 15 ° @ 0.33% @ 0.35% � I �7.4/° \ JO/ / 6°I° 9r9� C 23 \ CB -103 ^ CB -202 RE=935.92 I O-0-C)RE-936.43 ��' 85 LF -21" RCP CL 4 \ �� ® / IE=931.92 (NE) V).' IE=932.70 (S) @ 0.21% I 16 8.5% 38.10 1°I° 21 " FES -200 / 9� 37. IE=932.50 x POST CONSTRUCTION 37.32 / C 28.0 / � SILT FENCE (TYP.) LP 7+95.34 °o 12" FES -20 .6% ELEV 936.90 .IE=930.00 CBMH-201 � INFILT. BASIN (2P) 38.8 BMH- 01 93 A c NWL 932.5 %= IE=932.67 (N) 48� 8 936 �� E OE 934.0 IE=932.67 (E) 22 5.5 HWL 934.8 0' 50' 100' 150' 4 \ 0-NW10 (b 30 LF -12" RCP CL 5 rn�..o� v @ 0.00% RIPRAP OVERFLOW (TYP.) _ o Co Orn '010 rn N ON A.I pO // p °\g 18 M STORM STUB ° 938 ° - 37.8 2 sr ^\° 4 C9 x J� IE=928.27 `\ CBMH-EX 5008 _940cb RE = 934.28 940.3 �' / IE=927.98 (NW) ° x 38'8 1 14 LF -30" RCP CL 3 IE=927.98 (SE) 19 SOG 2 Q '010 @ 1.38% O OCS-2 RE=934.80 \ IE=930.00 (N) IE=928.46 (SE) ik 0°�° 940 7 J \ 38.5 3S CB EX 5010 / RE=936.18 15" FES -300 IE=932.74 (W) 38.5 938 IE=934.50 IE=932.74 (E) 936 � �° X 37.5 .0% 34.8 3� Q 50 LF -15" RCP CL 5 STO @ 3.52%s / • - \ O Q �� � �� ✓ \ � �� 9bti �p D O 0 5 0 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA nHN H. BENDER DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 a a LOT CORNER ELEVATION co co M M LOT NUMBER DRAINAGE ARROW 99 REAR GROUND GRADE AT WALKOUT/LOOKOUT (0.5' 983.0 BELOW BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION FOR WALKOUT) WO 983.0 MINIMUM BASEMENT 991.0 G FLOOR ELEVATION Ln a FRONT GROUND GRADE af LU AT GARAGE DOOR oNi > K ° 0 o 00 rn rn R = RAMBLER, GRADED F R 8.2' OF DIFFERENCE FROM BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION TO FRONT GROUND GRADE AT GARAGE DOOR. R(1) = RAMBLER, GRADED FOR 7.7' OF DIFFERENCE FROM BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION TO FRONT GROUND GRADE AT GARAGE DOOR. LO = FULL BASEMENT LOOKOUT GRADED FOR 5.0' OF DIFFERENCE FROM THE REAR GROUND GRADE AT THE LOOKOUT TO THE FRONT GROUND GRADE AT THE GARAGE DOOR. WO = FULL BASEMENT WALKOUT, GRADED FOR 8.7' OF DIFFERENCE FROM THE REAR GROUND GRADE AT THE WALKOUT TO FRONT GROUND AT GARAGE DOOR. SOG = SLAB ON GRADE UNIT. NOTE: 1. THE NUMBER IN THE PARENTHESIS INDICATES THE NUMBER OF BLOCKS THAT THE GARAGE IS DROPPED. EACH BLOCK = 8". INDICATES A CUSTOM HOUSE PAD WHICH HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETELY GRADED OR PREPARED CUSTOM TO PROPOSED GRADE. ELEVATIONS AND HOUSE STYLES SHOWN ARE ENGINEERS SUGGESTED DESIGN FOR CUSTOM LOTS AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED WITH THE DEVELOPER. LAST REVISED: VAN* 111100d TYPICAL LOT 08/15/17 GD25A STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance GRADING & EROSION CONTROL LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE SB -19 SB -19 SOIL BORING LOCATION 980- -980. INDEX CONTOUR _ - - -98 2- - --982- - INTERVAL CONTOUR • 900.00 x 900.00 SPOT ELEVATION HP/LP HIGH/LOW POINT x 900.00 CL -CL CL -CL ELEVATION x 900.00 0.00% FLOW DIRECTION TW=XXX.XX TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL BW=XXX.XX E.O.F.--� ♦ EMERGENCY OVERFLOW X.XX% PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADE DD ►► STORM SEWER TREE LINE TREE PROTECTION FENCE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GL GRADING LIMITS SF SILT FENCE POST -SF SILT FENCE -POST GRADING HDSF HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE RSC REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROL OO■ INLET PROTECTION C)000(_' CONTROL CHECKS/BIOROLLS ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH 0- - -0 WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS O WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT D N D DO NOT DISTURB GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1. ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. REFER TO THE SITE PLAN/RECORD PLAT FOR MOST CURRENT HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WITH THE OWNERS AND FIELD -VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL RULES. 5. POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON-SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAY BALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE CITY SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. 2. ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. 3. REDUNDANT PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE NECESSARY WHEN SOIL DISTURBANCE IS WITHIN 50 FEET OF SURFACE WATERS. REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS COULD INCLUDE: 3.1. TWO ROWS OF SILT FENCE (SEPARATED BY 8 FEET); OR 3.2. SILT FENCE AND A TOPSOIL BERM (STABILIZE BERM WITH MULCH); OR 3.3. SILT FENCE AND FIBER LOGS; OR 3.4. TOPSOIL BERM AND FIBER LOGS (STABILIZE BERM WITH MULCH). 4. REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE SURFACE WATER. CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND 3 of EROSION CONTROL PLAN 10 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 08/17/21 W a J J O O m z 0 Un IN STONY BROOK CIRCLE (STA -0+50-10+00) •.1 •.1 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 7' MIN. 3' (VARIES) 7 MqX 0.67' OCS OUTSIDE MH WALL HWL RIPRAP CLASS 3 [B] OCS SIZE TO FLAT BAR = 1" 1/4" x 1" FLAT BAR [E] SUMP [F] INLET [G] INLET SIZE ENGINEERED FILL [1] OUTLET [J] TOP OF PROVIDE 4 1/2" SS OUTER RING) SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TYP.) DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' EL. OF GROUND 0.5 FEET BELOW GARAGE SLAB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 0.5' TOP901L 58' REVISIONS: 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION A ❑A 3' 27, R.O.W 14' 16' 4 ROADWAY I FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE v FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD FLOOR EL. ------------ 1.0' TO SUB RADE ENGINEERED FILL � � ENGINEERED FILL SUITABLE BEARING SOIL N.T.S. (TYP.) SLAB -ON -GRADE (SOG) PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW MIX: TOPSOIL BORROW (MNDOT 3877.2G) CONSISTING OF 70% SAND (MEETING THE GRADATION REQUIREMENTS OF 3126 "FINE AGGREGATE FOR PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE") AND 30% GRADE 2 COMPOST (MNDOT 3890) NOTE: FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW TO BE PLACED BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AFTER SITE IS GRADED AND STABILIZED. THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, KEEP HEAVY EQUIPMENT OFF THE INFILTRATION AREA TO AVOID COMPACTION OF SOILS. INFILTRATION MEDIA 12" FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW `NO SOIL SHALL HAVE MORE THAN 5% CLAY CONTENT. BOTTOM 12" ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- NATIVE - - WELL -DRAINING SANDY SOIL INFILTRATION BASIN SECTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA nHN H. BENDER DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 NWL ELEVATION OCS (SEE DETAIL) 10' 7 i POND SECTION MIN. 2 CU YARDS OCS OUTSIDE MH WALL HWL RIPRAP CLASS 3 [B] OCS SIZE TO FLAT BAR = 1" 1/4" x 1" FLAT BAR [E] SUMP [F] INLET [G] INLET SIZE (ROLLED TO PROVIDE [1] OUTLET [J] TOP OF PROVIDE 4 1/2" SS OUTER RING) ANCHOR BOLTS ELEVATION SIZE w/ CLIPS ELEVATION ELEVATION SIZE WALL ELEV. A 1 A A A \ / s 6" 928.00 929.00 12" 931.00 12" 934.00 2 #5 SMOOTH BAR @ 4" O.C. 932.50 934.80 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED EACH WAY 934.00 PLAN GRATE IN 2 SECTIONS (PROVIDE 3 1/4" x 3 1/4" 12" 928.46 30" OPENING) PLAN TOP OF WALL [J] W.M. _iTi. [A] 9"OUTLET L J PIPE [1..1][11 VARIES ORIFICE [CI[D] O [Bl F G, [E] 12" 5.. t ELEVATION SECTION A -A POND OUTLET SKIMMER Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance POND OCS NWL HWL [A] RIM [B] OCS SIZE [Cl ORIFICE [D] ORIFICE [E] SUMP [F] INLET [G] INLET SIZE [H] OUTLET [1] OUTLET [J] TOP OF ELEVATION ELEVATION SIZE ELEV. ELEVATION ELEVATION SIZE WALL ELEV. 1 1 931.50 934.00 934.00 60" ID 933.00 6" 928.00 929.00 12" 931.00 12" 934.00 2 2 932.50 934.80 934.80 60" ID 934.00 6" 927.46 930.00 12" 928.46 30" 935.00 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc I N — !I 0' 50' 100' 150' CONSTRUCTION PLANS DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 SHEET NUMBER: 4 OF DATE: 08/17/21 10 Cn Ica z 01 0 W DO o� F ss '5�;q •.'-fir •M`-i.'..��v'''��`' ,'1 o c o � m if. 1. �44.,���,.. Mui. N.. aorn Z I� IH IN ' �3mIX J❑ L` - d N H Ua� � o� mFrommamnmm �ria rir a��mm<[NONmmmmm ¢ o� nav rc mJZo 2 -5 yzi'yl 1<Y'll`� W L NmOm In z� m�Tr>N;Nm.�-amry�mwry R2 G I�I c 1a LL rain o OL �I �m� d ._. 4 €iZS � Cn Ica z 01 0 W DO / 40' R. (TYPICAL) I (T'YPICAL DESIGN) 0 60' R/W 32' FACE TO FACE — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D” CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL -DESACS. SPECIAL NOTE: SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. Y / 3" OF 1 D'R 2" ROCK 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE -DR / APPROVED EQUIVALENT 1Z Z TAPER DEPTH AND WIDTH IN 10' SIDEWALK CURB &GUTTER -3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK OR 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE Z!*"VE' OVERFLOW IS J� of CURB BOX HEIGHT PLAN WIMCC ROAD DRAIN CG -23' HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP of FILTER ASSEMBLY FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALLWIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG --3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6' GN -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC OVERFLOW! Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.11 Common Ground Alliance OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD VG NUT TACHMENT HOOK T FABRIC SLEEVE 3 MnDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3685 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Ri ra Title: Title: Tik€e: Tilde: Title:t€e: Concrete Curb & Gutter Typical Residential Gravel Inlet Protection Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Standard Plate LibraryStandard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library ? for Streets � � Y Construction Entrance y Catch Basin Insert � Cit of Monticello Data. Grate InletCoverNover Cit of Monticello Date: Plate Na. City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. City 03_05 City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Y Y Y Revised: 400:? 03-05 03-05 03-07 03-07 0,3-15 Revised: 0, 5005 Revised:03-15 50� ° Revised: 6001 6001 Revised: 6004 6004 Revised: _ 6005 03 15 MDT4 mo o� F ss '5�;q w w w o c o � m if. 1. Mui. N.. aorn Z I� IH IN ' �3mIX J❑ L` - d N H Ua� � o� mFrommamnmm �ria rir a��mm<[NONmmmmm ¢ o� nav rc mJZo 2 -5 yzi'yl 1<Y'll`� W L NmOm In z� m�Tr>N;Nm.�-amry�mwry R2 G Li„ c 1a LL rain o OL �I �m� d ._. 4 €iZS � Z a N � U IT vlamm FFqqqg Standard Plate Library Of O - - ~ Q a o m3j l¢1F�_a - om -V R �mm d ¢ - i7mmmm mO �N.1N - mmm �M.oaL"i,'I"g a� I �ciNM.m moa _ / 40' R. (TYPICAL) I (T'YPICAL DESIGN) 0 60' R/W 32' FACE TO FACE — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D” CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL -DESACS. SPECIAL NOTE: SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. Y / 3" OF 1 D'R 2" ROCK 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE -DR / APPROVED EQUIVALENT 1Z Z TAPER DEPTH AND WIDTH IN 10' SIDEWALK CURB &GUTTER -3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK OR 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE Z!*"VE' OVERFLOW IS J� of CURB BOX HEIGHT PLAN WIMCC ROAD DRAIN CG -23' HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP of FILTER ASSEMBLY FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALLWIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG --3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6' GN -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC OVERFLOW! Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.11 Common Ground Alliance OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD VG NUT TACHMENT HOOK T FABRIC SLEEVE 3 MnDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3685 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Ri ra Title: Title: Tik€e: Tilde: Title:t€e: Concrete Curb & Gutter Typical Residential Gravel Inlet Protection Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Standard Plate LibraryStandard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library ? for Streets � � Y Construction Entrance y Catch Basin Insert � Cit of Monticello Data. Grate InletCoverNover Cit of Monticello Date: Plate Na. City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. City 03_05 City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Y Y Y Revised: 400:? 03-05 03-05 03-07 03-07 0,3-15 Revised: 0, 5005 Revised:03-15 50� ° Revised: 6001 6001 Revised: 6004 6004 Revised: _ 6005 03 15 MDT4 mo o� F ss '5�;q w w w o c o � m if. 1. Mui. N.. aorn Z I� IN ' �3mIX J❑ L` - d N H Ua� � o� mFrommamnmm �ria rir a< uI a amao mJZo 2 -5 yzi'yl 1<Y'll`� W L �rD ~ink 4 4n S'm € �p Li„ c 1a LL mmna,moa41u?mw d ._. 4 €iZS � Z a N � IT O DO FFqqqg Standard Plate Library O - - ~ a o d ¢ - mO �N.1N - _ / 40' R. (TYPICAL) I (T'YPICAL DESIGN) 0 60' R/W 32' FACE TO FACE — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D” CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL -DESACS. SPECIAL NOTE: SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. Y / 3" OF 1 D'R 2" ROCK 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE -DR / APPROVED EQUIVALENT 1Z Z TAPER DEPTH AND WIDTH IN 10' SIDEWALK CURB &GUTTER -3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK OR 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE Z!*"VE' OVERFLOW IS J� of CURB BOX HEIGHT PLAN WIMCC ROAD DRAIN CG -23' HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP of FILTER ASSEMBLY FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALLWIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG --3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6' GN -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC OVERFLOW! Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.11 Common Ground Alliance OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD VG NUT TACHMENT HOOK T FABRIC SLEEVE 3 MnDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3685 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Ri ra Title: Title: Tik€e: Tilde: Title:t€e: Concrete Curb & Gutter Typical Residential Gravel Inlet Protection Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Standard Plate LibraryStandard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library ? for Streets � � Y Construction Entrance y Catch Basin Insert � Cit of Monticello Data. Grate InletCoverNover Cit of Monticello Date: Plate Na. City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. City 03_05 City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Y Y Y Revised: 400:? 03-05 03-05 03-07 03-07 0,3-15 Revised: 0, 5005 Revised:03-15 50� ° Revised: 6001 6001 Revised: 6004 6004 Revised: _ 6005 03 15 MDT4 mo o� F ss '5�;q w w w o c o Z = 7�C W o if. 1. �H R �i�oZ rc IN ' �3mIX J❑ L` - EIno ¢ xWY 5 3 a4 �¢ q xmi:l Q� ow i dEDa a< uI a mJZo 2 -5 yzi'yl 1<Y'll`� L �rD ~ink 4 4n S'm € �p �a� 1a LL d ._. 4 €iZS � Z a N r � -VW IT w<aS�S �NSVI [i] Standard Plate Library City of Monticello DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## m n = � II E 11 A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) 15 RrOu RED A MINIMUM Or 48 "OURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. rtte. Residential Building Erosion Control Date:5 Plate No. Revised:03-003-15 6006 INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 G' TO 7" CIA. ROLL ENCLOSED IN PLASTIC OR POLYESTER NETTI NO TYPE 21 BIOROLL DITCH CHECK USE ON ROUGH GRADED AREAS 1" X 2" X 18" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 1' O" SPACING MAXIMUM. STAKES SHALL BE CRIVEN THROUGH THE EACK HALF OF THE SIOROLL AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WDH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. E[OROLL PROVIDE S' TO 10" OF EMBEDMENT DEPTH. 45' FLOM 10' EMBEDMENT DEPTH BIOROLL STAYING DETAIL 1 ENTRENCH A MINIMUM OF 2' NOTE WHEN MORE THAN I BIOROLL/COMPOST LOG IS NEEDLD, OVERLAP ENDS A MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAKE Title: Bio Log Staking Standard Plate Library Straw or Wood Bio Roll Citv of Monticello Date:03_0 Plate No. Revised :03-15 6° Where I.— nvrY VI wuLCI Ia sheeting, place sod strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. SHINGLING SOD OF V` Where the flow of water is concentrated, place sod stips parallel to the direction of OVERLAPPING SOD water flow. NOTE: Although pegging of sod is not specifically required it is understood that the contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including repair or replacement of sod which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of protection or proper care. Title: Standard Plate Library Sod Placement City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: p3-15 6010 REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: A 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA nHN H. BENDER DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 0.1 STPPLES PER -YD P1 sLOPes D • • • 0" 3. • • 3.3' 115 bTAPL6 PER -YD. 3.756TA—PER 60. YD. 3:16LOPE6 HGHFLOWGNANNEL6 SHORELINE -6' I. 11 1111111 SFPORE 1NI-11 IIANKEI$ INcl 1 -ANY NECFssARv APPLIOA 1 -OF UL FERRIffRANO sFFO. z. eFOKu IR mEIOPaTNI: ELOPEer ANCH ETNE:NLASFa;TTAa' Hsrm]oEEvxe Slwnl wloETraNCN �,,,DFR NKFT�TENDEDREGNDTREDPS'TINTHRTIGNO1OFTHE RONCK NDRHE GWIKET WITH 0.RWJ OF 6TPPL1S- 10:6 P.PWM%MIATELY IT934m)�APART IN THE BOTf0A1 OF THE TAENEH. A KPILLANe�G _41 ESE«� A TERSTAP INS, PPLL saL= x ;�e�a'�,,�oRio. TM 11R," -I' 6TAPLES5TAKES SPAOEDAF9ROkIM4TELY IT130 )APARTAOROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. Ts tAIGOWN ORIBLTORrzoNT YAOROssnIEELOPE. s KEFEWIu NNFn 1IIHPaPROPRwTEsRF PAAIN6T THE SOk.SUR—E. PLLBLNMETSHMSTEESEOURE FA5TENEDTOSOIL6MRFAOEGYPIAGINGSTAREG5TAKE6 sHOULn Set— =,I. 3EAc' o'nae!:.A11O POoiS OpeRE3PpmINe TO'".1�nONll Ioar STATER ranPn�slwas a. THE EOCESOP PpPwL[L a' [5.m.iTSm�l aeERwP DEPE+rewc RF PREFERsEAN AHCN"FNI, PL.THFETHEm,ERL.wPwO eLANKeTI3LANKET eENc .IJENW"ISAITTLNAO6KLLeOETnSE1 E DwW 8OIDeNrRHTLO.P PPj. DSITTPNmINW,6E ,TTTHRHTPEmHUEUSGEN OOFO�SeTwADpPLEPEPOmhR SnSHRTAEKqE AOLPENPN7RGHoTEkHIPSNRGAETRVFEILAvTE�3R'Y T[TIH4AENmuACLL115an) MfAN 1PLAYKYS]E3ETE9. eNENECWIIERS3 SPRI'ATPOP RO%IM THE— ECURE rt€e: Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Revised:03-0$03-15 6011 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 0 6' 7' SIDEWALK BOULEVARD L 60' �/W 30' I 30' R/W I R/W € 15' I 15' I I 14' CONCRETE WALK -J 2 ROLLS OF SOD AT BACK OF CURB (TYP.) J MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc BOULEVARD 2% _ 4%f SLOPE TYPICAL STREET SECTION REFER TO PLAN SHEET FOR DIMENSIONS 1.5" Mil TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPWEA240C)(2360) Mil SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" MnDOT TYPE SP 12.5 NON -WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPNWB230C)(2360) 6" Mil SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) W/GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACTED SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR) TYPICAL STREET - PAVEMENT DESIGN CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 5 DETAILS OF 10 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 08/17/21 V C v V Qj C 0 .Ln Ln v 0 a 0 0 3 V) a� N 0 N SWPPP NARRATIVE THE SWPPP IS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) REGULATIONS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE CLEAN WATER ACT. THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY'S CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT MN R100001 (CSGP) (EXPIRATION DATE: JULY 31, 2023) PROVIDES A FRAME WORK OF REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE TO DISCHARGE STORMWATER FROM A CONSTRUCTION SITE. THE SWPPP IS FOR IMPLEMENTATION BY THE OWNER AND OPERATOR, AS LISTED BELOW, AT STONY BROOK VILLAGE. THIS REPORT SHALL BE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE OWNER MUST ALSO KEEP THIS SWPPP ON FILE FOR THREE YEARS AFTER SUBMITTAL OF THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION. THE FOLLOWING ARE OUTLINED IN THIS SWPPP: - CONTROL MEASURES FOR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION - CONTROL MEASURES FOR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION - SOURCES OF STORMWATER AND NON-STORMWATER POLLUTION - INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES THE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PREPARED FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED PART OF THE SWPPP. PROJECT LOCATION THIS DOCUMENT PRESENTS A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE IN MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA. THE SITE IS LOCATED IN THE 701 ELM STREET (NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF ELM STREET AND 7TH STREET WEST). PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION OWNER/DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES TBD MARK PASVOGEL 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE MN 55044 CONTACT MARK@MARKELLIOTHOMES.COM IDENTIFY PERSONNEL INVOLVED WITH THE PROJECT AND THEIR RELATED NECESSARY TRAINING COMMENSURATE WITH THEIR TASK PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SWPPP DESIGNER: SWPPP INSPECTION: BMP INSTALLER: WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC TBD TBD CHAD L. JOHNSON MINNETONKA, MN 55343 952-906-7489 CHAD.JOHNSON@WESTWOODPS.COM XPIRATION DATE: MAY 31, 2022 OWNER -DEVELOPMENT OF SWPPP PRIOR TO APPLICATION/NOI SUBMITTAL. -SUBMIT A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE APPLICATION FORM (NOI) -COMPLIANCE WITH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION GENERAL STORMWATER PERMIT -SWPPP SUBMITTAL FOR 30 DAY REVIEW FOR PROTECT GREATER THAN 50 ACRES & DISCHARGING TO SPECIAL/IMPAIRED WATERS WITHIN 1 MILE OF SITE DISCHARGE. -KEEPING PERMIT COVERAGE UP-TO-DATE (TRANSFER/SUBDIVISION) -SUBMIT NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ALL PERMIT TERMINATION CONDITIONS AS LISTED IN SECTION 13 ARE COMPETE -SUBMIT NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF FINAL STABILIZATION -IDENTIFY WHO HAS LONG TERM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMANENT STORMWATER SYSTEM. -DEVELOP CHAIN OF RESPONSIBILITY WITH ALL OPERATORS TO ENSURE NPDES COMPLIANCE. -IDENTIFY TRAINED PERSONNEL TO DEVELOP THE SWPPP, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, AND OVERSEE THE SWPPP AND CONDUCT INSPECTIONS OPERATOR -COMPLETION OF AN ACCURATE NOI WITH THE OWNER -COMPLIANCE WITH CSGP SECTIONS 3, 4,6-22, 24 AND ANY APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN SECTION 23 (MINN. R. 7090) -KEEPING THE PERMIT UP-TO-DATE WITH THE OWNER (PARTIAL, WHOLE, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER, ETC) -COMPLETE AND SIGN APPLICATIONS FOR PERMIT TRANSFER AND MODIFICATION AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITH OWNER AS NEEDED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE SITE IS APPROXIMATELY 7.50 ACRES. CONSTRUCTION WILL CONSIST OF, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO GRADING, INFILTRATION BASINS, ONE POND, 28 TWIN HOMES, STREETS AND ASSOCIATED UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. PROJECT AREA = 7.5 ACRES DISTURBED AREA = 7.1 ACRES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.0 ACRES PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 2.6 ACRES PRE -DEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS TEH EXISTING SITE IS APPROXIMATE 7.5 ACRES, FORMERLY AN AUTO SALVAGE YARD THAT HAS BEEN REMEDIATED. SOILS BORINGS PROVIDED BY BRAUN INTERTEC INDICATE PRIMARILY POORLY GRADED SAND (SP) OVER SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL) WITH LAYERS OF SILTY SAND (SM). GROUNDWATER WAS OBSERVED IN MUTIPLE BORING RANGING IN DEPTH FROM 922 TO 928. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT DATED 03/23/2021 COMPLETED BY BRAUN INTERTEC. POST -DEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL RESULT IN 28 TWIN HOMES. THE PROPOSED SITE DRAINAGE WILL BE ROUTED TO TWO INFILTRATION BASINS WITH PRETREATEMENT CELLS FOR RATE CONTROL, WATER QUALITY AND VOLUME CONTROL. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN THE TEMPORARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WILL CONSIST OF GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE ITEM 22 OF THE SWPPP NOTES SECTION THE PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN WILL CONSIST OF SURFACE DRAINAGE BY CURB AND GUTTER, DRAINAGE SWALES AND STORM SEWER PIPE. THE SITE DRAINAGE WILL BE ROUTED TO PROPOSED STORM SEWER WHICH WILL BE DISCHARGED TO TWO INFILTRATION BASINS. REFER TO THE STONY BROOK VILLAGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRE -DEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS, POST -DEVELOPMENT SITE CONDITIONS, AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS. THE SITE STORM WATER DETENTION FACILITY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED TO MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. SPECIAL AND/OR IMPAIRED WATERS WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE PROJECT SITE NAME: MISSISSIPPI RIVER IMPAIRMENT SCENIC AND RECREATIONAL RIVER DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM SITE: 0.6 MILES TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S ALONG WITH THE PROCEDURES TO BE USED TO ESTABLISHED ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY BMP'S AS NECESSARY FOR SITE CONDITIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE IDENTIFIED ON THE SITE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PREPARED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROJECT, AND WITHIN THE PROJECT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN. DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: CHECKED: JHB A 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION DRAWN: CTY Q HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### Q VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## Q CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT A PREPARED FOR: POTENTIAL STORM WATER POLLUTANTS POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION AND WASTE MATERIALS THAT ARE USED OR STORED AT THE SITE, ARE DESCRIBED IN THE SECTION. BY IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE BMPS, THE POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES ARE NOT REASONABLY EXPECTED TO AFFECT THE STORM WATER DISCHARGES FROM THE SITE. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, CHEMICALS AND WASTE MATERIALS THAT WILL BE USED OR STORED AT THE SITE: POTENTIAL POLLUTANT LOCATION CONTROL MEASURE ANTIFREEZE VARIOUS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT DRIP PAN DIESEL FUEL VARIOUS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT DRIP PAN FERTILIZER LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT GASOLINE IN EQUIPMENT/FUELING AREA SECONDARY CONTAINMENT/ DRIP PAN GLUE/ADHESIVES CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HYDRAULIC OILS/FLUIDS CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PAINTS CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT GREASE CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT/ DRIP PAN SANITARY WASTE PORTABLE BATHROOMS SERVICE PROVIDER TO SECURE UNITS FROM TIPPING OVER AND MAINTAINED SOIL AMENDMENTS LANDSCAPING MATERIALS VARIOUS LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SECONDARY CONTAINMENT CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT WASHOUT AREA CONCRETE / MORTAR MOBILE MIXER S.C. / WASHOUT AREA CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE THE INTENDED SEQUENCING OF MAJOR SITE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. INSTALL PERIMETER CONTROL DEVICES (SILT FENCE, BIO -LOGS, ETC.) AND INLET PROTECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AS SHOWN ON PLAN. INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE AS SHOWN ON PLAN. 2. INSTALL STABILIZED ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. 3. CLEAR AND GRUB SITE. 4. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL. 5. ROUGH GRADE OF SITE. 6. STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND STOCKPILES. 7. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND SERVICES. 8. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION AROUND CATCH BASINS. 9. INSTALL STREET SECTION. 10. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER. 11. INSTALL PAVEMENT. 12. INSTALL SMALL UTILITIES (GAS, ELECTRIC, PHONE, CABLE, ETC.) 13. FINE GRADE BOULEVARD, LANDSCAPE AREAS, SEED AND MULCH. 14. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT. 15. FINAL GRADE. 16. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED BY EITHER SEED OR SOD AND LANDSCAPING, REMOVE SILT FENCE AND RESEED ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL. CONSTRUCTION NOTES IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE CONTRACTOR MAINTAIN A STOCKPILE OF EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S ON SITE AT ALL TIMES FOR IMMEDIATE USAGE. IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENTAL SEDIMENT DISCHARGE TO WATERS OF THE STATE, OR ANY DISCHARGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OF REPORTABLE QUANTITY, CONTACT THE MPCA STATE DUTY OFFICER AT 1-800-422-0798. TIMING OF BMP INSTALLATION THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MINIMIZE EROSION FROM DISTURBED SURFACES AND CAPTURE SEDIMENT ON SITE. THE FOLLOWING LIST DEFINES THE TIMING OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IN SPECIFIC AREAS. • PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE SHOWN IN THE PLANS AND SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: 1. INSTALL SILT FENCE OR OTHER SEDIMENT CONTROL AROUND THE PERIMETER OF AREAS TO BE GRADED AND ALL AREAS WHICH ARE NOT TO BE DISTURBED AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 2. CONSTRUCT GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AT FIELD ENTRANCES TO THE SITE AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 3. INLET PROTECTION IS TO BE INSTALLED AT ALL STORM WATER INLETS WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO RECEIVE STORM WATER RUNOFF FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE WITHIN 200 FEET OF LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. 4. INSTALL SILT FENCE OR OTHER SEDIMENT CONTROL AROUND ALL TEMPORARY INACTIVE STOCKPILES. ALL SILT FENCES FOR STOCKPILES SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO GRADING CONTRACT IF STOCKPILES ARE PLACED OUTSIDE OF SILT FENCES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. • DURING CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE SHOWN IN THE PLANS AND SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 1. PHASE GRADING WORK TO MINIMIZE THE DURATION THAT ANY DISTURBED SOIL IS EXPOSED. 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL HAVE TEMPORARY PROTECTION OR PERMANENT COVER OVER EXPOSED SOIL AREAS IF NOT BEING ACTIVELY GRADED AND/OR IF NOT AT FINAL GRADE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASING. TEMPORARY SEED MIX 150, APPLIED AT A RATE OF 40 LBS/ACRE, SHALL BE USED PRIOR TO WINTER, IF SITE NOT SODDED. 3. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL FOR REPLACEMENT OF 6 INCHES OF TOPSOIL OVER TURF AREAS WHEN GRADING IS COMPLETE. 4. PLACE A MINIMUM OF 2 TONS/ACRE OF STRAW ON ALL AREAS AFTER REACHING FINAL GRADE WITH TOPSOIL AND ANCHOR STRAW WITH EITHER A STRAIGHT DISK, HYDROMULCH OR POLYMER. 5. STABILIZATION OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES THAT DRAIN WATER FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE MUST BE INITIATED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTING THE DRAINAGE DITCH TO ANY CONVEYANCE SYSTEM THAT DISCHARGES TO SURFACE WATERS. THE FIRST 200 LINEAR FEET MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS. THE REMAINING DITCH SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS. 6. INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND ALL TEMPORARY INACTIVE STOCKPILES WHICH ARE NOT PLACED WITHIN EXISTING SILT FENCES OR OTHER PERIMETER CONTROLS. 7. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION AT PIPE APRON OUTLETS WILL BE PLACED PRIOR TO BUT NO SOONER THAN 7 DAYS BEFORE APRON IS INSTALLED. RIPRAP SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER APRON LIP ACCORDING TO THE STANDARD DETAIL. 8. SUFFICIENT PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, AND MATERIALS SHALL BE MOBILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A WRITTEN ORDER BY THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE TO CONDUCT CORRECTIVE WORK AND INSTALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL WORK IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. 9. REMOVE ANY SEDIMENT THAT HAS BEEN TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS AT THE END OF THE DAY OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DETECTION, OR MORE FREQUENT AT DIRECTION OF SITE INSPECTOR. 10. COLLECT ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS IN DUMPSTERS AND ROLL -OFF BOXES, EMPTY WHEN DEBRIS REACHES TOP OF DUMPSTER 11. INSPECT POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED WITHIN SECTION 11 OF THE GENERAL PERMIT. • INLET SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP REMOVAL IF INLET SEDIMENT CONTROLS (WIMCO TYPE OR EQUAL) BMP'S ARE REMOVED FOR FLOODING / FREEZING CONCERNS UPON REQUEST OF THE MUNICIPALITY, WATERSHED DISTRICT OR OTHER AGENCY, DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE INSPECTION REPORTS AND THIS SWPPP OR BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 72 HOURS OF REQUEST. DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE A WRITTEN FORM OF CORRESPONDENCE VERIFYING THE NEED FOR REMOVAL. • UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERMIT TERMINATION CONDITIONS ARE ACHIEVED FOR THE PROJECT WHEN PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL BMP'S ARE APPLIED TO THE SITE. THE PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL BMP'S MAY BE A COMBINED OF VEGETATIVE AND NON -VEGETATIVE COVER TYPES. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO ACHIEVING FINAL STABILIZATION PERMIT TERMINATION CONDITIONS INCLUDE: 1. ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS COMPLETED. ALL DISTURBED AREA WITHOUT PERMANENT IMPERMEABLE SURFACES ARE VEGETATED FOR FINAL STABILIZATION. 2. PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (IF REQUIRED) IS CONSTRUCTED AND ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. CLEAN OUT ALL SEDIMENT FROM CONVEYANCES AND FROM TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS THAT ARE TO BE USED AS PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASINS. THE CLEAN OUT OF PERMANENT BASINS MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO RETURN THE BASIN TO DESIGN CAPACITY. 3. THE VEGETATIVE COVER FOR THE SITE IS AT A DENSITY, WITH UNIFORM PERENNIAL COVER OF 70% OF THE EXPECTED FINAL GROWTH DENSITY. 4. ALL TEMPORARY, SYNTHETIC BMP'S HAVE BEEN REMOVED. MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ?IDHN H. BENDER DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance PERMANENT VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT PERMANENT TURF SHALL FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS PER NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS IN THE GRADING AND/OR LANDSCAPE PLAN. SEED THAT IS TO OCCUR AFTER OCTOBER 20TH SHALL CONFORM TO THE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS FOR DORMANT SEEDING. SWPPP INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND ALL SUPPORT ACTIVITIES MUST BE INSPECTED (USING MPCA CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER INSPECTION CHECKLIST OR AN ALTERNATIVE FORM) WITHIN THE PARAMETERS OF THE SCHEDULE BELOW. THE INSPECTOR SHALL BE A PERSON TRAINED AND FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SWPPPP AND THE MPCA MN R100001 PERMIT. ALTERNATES WILL INCLUDE INDIVIDUALS TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE OWNER AND MAY INCLUDE CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL OR OTHER QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS AND SHALL BE LISTED IN THE PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION SECTION OF THIS PLAN INSPECTION SCHEDULE - IF THE SITE IS ACTIVE: INSPECTION NEEDED ONCE EVERY 7 CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A RAINFALL GREATER THAT 0.5 INCHES. - INACTIVE AND STABILIZED AREAS: INSPECTION NEEDED ONCE EVERY 30 CALENDAR DAYS. - INACTIVE AREAS WITH FINAL STABILIZATION: INSPECTION NEEDED ONCE EVERY MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS (NOT INCLUDING FROZEN CONDITIONS). - SUBJECT TO WINTER/FROZEN CONDITIONS: NOT APPLICABLE/NOT NEEDED IF NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS OCCURRING. SCOPE OF INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: 1. RECORD DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTION 2. NAME OF PERSON(S) CONDUCTING INSPECTION 3. FINDINGS OF THE INSPECTION 4. LOCATION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS NEEDED 5. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN (DATE.TIME/BY WHOM) 6. DATE AND AMOUNT OF RAINFALL (RAINFALL AMOUNTS TO BE TAKEN FROM AN ONSITE RAIN GAUGE) 7. OBSERVED DISCHARGES LOCATIONS 8. DESCRIBE DISCHARGE (COLOR, ODOR, FLOATING. SETTLED, SOLIDS, FOAM, OIL SHEEN) 9. THE SITE INSPECTOR WILL VISUALLY CHECK A DISCHARGE FROM A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASIN TO ENSURE ADEQUATE TREATMENT IS OBTAINED AND DISCHARGE WATER WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE EXCESSIVE SEDIMENT OR OTHER NUISANCE CONDITIONS. 10. RECORD CHANGES MADE TO THE SWPPP. AMENDMENTS FROM INSPECTIONS NEED TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN 7 DAYS. 11. ALL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE DOCUMENTED WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER COMPLETING THE FIELD INSPECTION AND AVAILABLE IN PAPER OR ELECTRONIC FORM ON SITE. MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BMPS AS WELL AS ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS, FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION WORK AT THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSPECT ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS AND POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES TO ENSURE INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVENESS DURING ALL ROUTINE AND POST RAINFALL EVENTS. ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WITH FUNCTIONAL BMPS BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS UNLESS ANOTHER TIME FRAME IS SPECIFIED BELOW. THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES WILL BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, OR REPLACEMENT: 1. ALL NON-FUNCTIONAL BMPS - OBSERVED CONDITION; SEDIMENT OVERTOPPING, UNDER WATER, SCOURED ENDS, UNDERMINED, DESTROYED, NON-FUNCTION AS DESIGNED, ETC. - SHALL BE MAINTAINED OR REPLACED BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY OR NOTIFICATION, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. 2. PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL (SILT FENCE, FIBER LOGS, BERMS, ETC.) - OBSERVED CONDITION TO BE 1/2 FULL OF SEDIMENT, FLATTENED TO 1/2 HEIGHT, DRIVEN OVER, UNDERMINED, SCOURED, MOVED FOR ACCESS, ETC. - SHALL BE MAINTAINED, REPAIRED OR SUPPLEMENTATION OF PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL SHOULD BE DONE BY THE END OF NEXT BUSINESS DAY OR AD FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. 3. INLET PROTECTION BMPS, CONVEYANCES, SURFACE WATERS - OBSERVED CONDITION; SEDIMENT DEPOSITION, SEDIMENT DELTAS AN ACCUMULATION OF SEDIMENT MATERIAL, DEVICES APPEAR PLUGGED WITH SEDIMENT - REMOVAL/CLEAN OUT OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DELTAS TO BE REMOVED WITHIN 7 DAYS, STABILIZE AS NEEDED IF SOILS ARE EXPOSED DURING REMOVAL/CLEAN OUT. 4. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS AND TRAPS/PERMANENT SEDIMENT BASINS - OBSERVED TO HAVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITION AND ACCUMULATION TO z OF THE STORAGE VOLUME - CLEAN OUT, REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT MATERIAL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF OBSERVATION, OR AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. 5. SITE EXIT LOCATIONS, ROCK EXIT PADS, OTHER ANTI -TRACKING PRACTICES - OBSERVED TO HAVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT IN ROCK OR OTHER ANTI -TRACKING BMP, TRACKING OF SEDIMENT FROM THE SITE ONTO PAVED SURFACES - TOP DRESS ROCK, MAINTAIN ROCK EXIT OR OTHER ANTI -TRACKING CONTROLS, SCRAP PAVED SURFACES, SWEEP PAVED SURFACES WITHIN 1 CALENDAR DAY OF DISCOVERY. 6. PAVED SURFACES AND ADJACENT STREETS - OBSERVED TO BE TRACKED WITH SEDIMENT AND SOIL MATERIAL FRO THE SITE HAULING OR ACCESS - SWEEP WITHIN 1 CALENDAR DAY OF DISCOVERY, ADDITIONAL AND/OR MORE FREQUENT SWEEPING MAY BE NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PUBLIC SAFETY OR PREVENT WASHING FROM FORECASTED RAINS. TERMINATION OF COVERAGE THE PROJECT PERMIT MAY BE TERMINATED IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SCENARIOS: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE, TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC BMP'S ARE REMOVED, ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM CONSTRUCTION IS REMOVED, AND PERMANENT COVER HAS BEEN ACHIEVED WITH VEGETATIVE AND/OR NON -VEGETATIVE COVER. THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION FORM FROM THE PCA SHOULD BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF MEETING THE CONDITIONS ABOVE. UPON MIDNIGHT OF THE POST MARKED DATE, THE PERMIT COVERAGE IS TERMINATED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED BY THE MPCA. OR: 2. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF SELLING OR OTHERWISE LEGALLY TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP OF THE SITE IN IT'S ENTIRETY (INCLUDING STREET SWEEPING AND STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE) FROM THE ORIGINAL OWNER TO ANOTHER PARTY TAKING RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERSHIP. THE TERMINATION IS EFFECTIVE UPON MIDNIGHT OF THE SUBMISSION DATE OF THE NOT. IF A PORTION OF THE SITE IS TRANSFERRED (I.E. OUTLOTS, LOTS/BLOCKS) THAT PORTION OF THE SITE IS TERMINATED FROM THE ORIGINAL PERMIT COVERAGE AT MIDNIGHT OF THE SUBMISSION DATE. OR: 3. PERMIT COVERAGE CAN BE TERMINATED IF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE MET: 3.a. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS CEASED FOR 90 DAYS; AND 3.b. AT LEAST 90% OF THE AREA OF THE ORIGINALLY PROPOSED ACTIVITY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED WITH VEGETATION OR NON -VEGETATIVE COVER; AND 3.c. WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE, PERMANENT COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED; AND 3.d. THE SITE IS COMPLIANT WITH PERMIT SECTIONS 13.3 THROUGH 13.7. 4. WHERE THE PROJECT OBTAINED PERMIT COVERAGE BUT NEVER STARTED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DUE TO CANCELLATION OR OTHER REASONS, DOCUMENTATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE PCA WITH THE NOT FORM AND IS SUBJECT TO PCA APPROVAL. SWPPP BMP QUANTITIES SILT FENCE 3,128 LF BIO -ROLL 80 LF INLET PROTECTION 8 EACH TEMPORARY SEED MIX (21-111) 300 LBS PERMANENT SEED MIX (25-131) 1,320 LBS EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 2,500 SY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1 EACH STREET SWEEPING 1 EACH Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 6 SWPPP NARRATIVE OF 10 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 08/17/21 w 0 Q J J > O O oC CQ z O L V C v V v V) c 0 Ln Ln v 0 a 0 0 3 a� N 0 N M SWPPP NOTES LISTED BELOW ARE ADDITIONAL BMP'S THAT MAY BE CONSIDERED FOR USE IF THE BMP'S IDENTIFIED IN THE EROSION CONTROL PLANS PROVE TO BE INSUFFICIENT. PAYMENT FOR THESE BMP'S MAY ONLY BE MADE IF PRIOR APPROVAL FROM AN OWNER HAS BEEN GIVEN. 1. WORK ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES • INSTALL SILT FENCE FOR PERIMETER BARRIER BETWEEN TOE OF FILL AND PROJECT BOUNDARY. • INSTALL RUNOFF DIVERSIONS TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS IF 10 OR MORE ACRES ARE DRAINING TOWARD THE PROPERTY BOUNDARY. 2. IMPORTANT VEGETATION • SAFETY FENCE OR A SIMILAR METHOD OF PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PROTECT IMPORTANT VEGETATION AND PROHIBIT VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. • A SECONDARY SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT FIELD OFFICES, STORED EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING VEHICLE PARKING), CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL LOCATIONS, AND TOPSOIL OR FILL STOCKPILES INSTALLED WITHIN A 25 - FOOT MINIMUM BUFFER OUTSIDE THE DRIP LINE OF TREES. 3. LONG -STEEP CUT/FILL SLOPES • THERE WILL BE NO UNBROKEN SURFACE SLOPE LENGTHS OF GREATER THAN 75 FEET FOR SLOPES WITH A GRADE OF 3:1 OR STEEPER WITHIN 200 FEET OF SURFACE WATERS. ALL EXPOSED AREAS WITH A CONTINUOUS POSITIVE SLOPE WITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER WILL HAVE A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT COVER YEAR ROUND. THE EXPOSED SOILS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 DAYS • PLANNED SLOPES OF 3:1 (H:V) OR STEEPER AND GREATER THAN 75 FT IN LENGTH WILL BE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY STABILIZED IN INCREMENTS NOT TO EXCEED 75 FT, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR DISTURBING A NEW INCREMENT. • LONG SLOPES SHOULD BE BROKEN INTO SHORTER LENGTHS BY INSTALLING STRAW BIOROLLS IN INTERLOCKING HERRINGBONES AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLAN. IF TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCH CAN NOT BE USED ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1, THEN THE SLOPE MAY BE COVERED WITH TARPS OR PLASTIC SHEETING. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTORS METHOD OF SEQUENCING THEIR CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. • THE SOIL SURFACE ON RE -VEGETATED SLOPES WILL BE ROUGHENED USING ANY APPROPRIATE IMPLEMENT THAT CAN BE SAFELY OPERATED ON THE SLOPE, SUCH AS BULLDOZERS OR DISKS. THE GROOVES SHALL BE CREATED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE TO HELP ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER, REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITY, INCREASE INFILTRATION, AND PROVIDE FOR SEDIMENT TRAPPING. 4. CULVERT INLET/OUTLET PROTECTION • SOD MAY BE PLACED AND ANCHORED AT CULVERT INLETS AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLAN, UNLESS VELOCITIES REQUIRE RIPRAP. • AT LEAST ONE 2 -FOOT WIDE STRIP OF SOD OR FIBER BLANKET SHALL BE PLACED ALONG THE EDGES OF CULVERT HEADWALLS AND WINGWALLS AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING AND/OR UTILITY PLANS. • RIPRAP AT PIPE APRON OUTLETS WILL BE PLACED PRIOR TO BUT NO SOONER THAN 7 DAYS BEFORE APRON IS INSTALLED. RIPRAP SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER APRON LIP ACCORDING TO THE STANDARD DETAIL. 5. STORM SEWER INLET PROTECTION • STORM DRAIN INLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED UNTIL THE DISTURBED AREAS THAT COULD DISCHARGE TO AN INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. • INFRASAFE SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIERS OR APPROVED EQUAL SHALL BE USED WHEN CASTINGS ARE NOT IN PLACE. AS INDICATED ON THE UTILITY PLAN AND AS APPROVED BY THE OWNER. • INFRASAFE DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT SHALL BE USED WHEN CASTINGS ARE IN PLACE AS INDICATED ON THE UTILITY PLAN AND AS APPROVED BY THE OWNER. • DOCUMENTATION IS NEEDED WITHIN 72 HOURS IF REMOVAL OF PROTECTION BMPS IS NEEDED DUE TO WINTER CONDITIONS OR FLOODING CONCERNS. 6. STORM WATER POND OUTLETS • TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE STORM WATER POND OUTLETS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DIRECT CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. • RIPRAP AT PIPE APRON OUTLETS WILL BE PLACED PRIOR TO APRON INSTALLATION AND SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE APRON LIP. • POND EMERGENCY SPILLWAYS SHALL BE LINED BASED ON THE DESIGN DISCHARGE FLOW VELOCITY AND AS INDICATED ON GRADING AND/OR UTILITY PLANS. 7. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS • TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS WILL BE PROVIDED WHERE 10 OR MORE ACRES OF DISTURBED SOIL DRAIN TO A COMMON LOCATIONS. THE BASIN SIZE IS BASED ON RUNOFF FROM A 2 -YEAR, 24 HOUR STORM, FOR EACH ACRE DRAINED TO THE BASIN. AT A MINIMUM, THE BASIN WILL PROVIDE 1800 CUBIC FEET OF STORAGE FOR EACH ACRE DRAINED TO THE BASIN. • SEDIMENT BASINS WILL DETAIN WATER LONG ENOUGH TO SETTLE OUT AT LEAST 75 PERCENT OF THE SEDIMENT. THE USE OF FLOCS MAY BE NECESSARY. THE DISCHARGE QUALITY SHALL BE EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN THE RECEIVING WATER. THE TEMPORARY BASIN MAY BE DRAWN DOWN WITH A PUMP TO INCREASE CAPACITY FOR THE NEXT RAIN EVENT. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTORS METHOD OF SEQUENCING THEIR CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. • THE SEDIMENT PONDS WILL BE EXCAVATED TO MAINTAIN THE NECESSARY SEDIMENT CAPACITY AND CONTAINMENT. • TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FOREBAYS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED TO CAPTURE SEDIMENT BEFORE IT ENTERS THE POND, IF NECESSARY. • THE SEDIMENT PONDS WILL BE MONITORED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE THE SEDIMENT LEVEL IN THE POND. • WHEN THE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN THE TEMPORARY BASIN REACHES 112 FULL (50% OF THE STORAGE VOLUME) THE BASIN SHALL BE DRAINED USING PUMPS AND ENERGY DISSIPATION AND SEDIMENT REMOVAL SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 72 HOURS OF DISCOVERY OF THE BASIN BEING 1/2 FULL OF SEDIMENT, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTORS METHOD OF SEQUENCING THEIR CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. • TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS WILL HAVE A STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW AND CONTAIN ENERGY DISSIPATION AT BASIN OUTLET. 8. STOCKPILES (TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT) • LOCATE STOCKPILES A MINIMUM OF 100 FEET FROM CATCH BASIN INLETS, PONDS, AND SITE DRAINAGE ROUTES • PERIMETER CONTROLS SUCH AS SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL STOCKPILES IF NOT PLACED WITHIN EXISTING SILT FENCES OR OTHER SEDIMENT CONTROL. • TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH SHALL BE USED TO STABILIZE THE STOCKPILES AND THE STOCKPILES SHALL BE SHAPED TO FACILITATE SEEDING AND MINIMIZE EROSION AND SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN 7 DAYS. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTORS METHOD OF SEQUENCING THEIR CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. • IF TEMPORARY SEED AND MULCH CANNOT BE USED, THEN THE STOCKPILES SHALL BE COVERED WITH HYDROMULCH, TARPS OR PLASTIC SHEETING AS APPROVED BY THE OWNER. • IF STOCKPILES MUST BE PLACED WITHIN A CONVEYANCE A TEMPORARY BYPASS SHALL BE INSTALLED (I.E. PVC PIPE) TO ADEQUATELY CONVEY RUNOFF. TEMPORARY BYPASS BMPS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT UNLESS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE OWNER / ENGINEER DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: CHECKED: JHB A 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION DRAWN: CTY Q HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### Q VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## Q 9. CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING • DURING DEWATERING ACTIVITIES, THE SEDIMENT LADEN WATER CANNOT BE DIRECTLY DISCHARGED TO SURFACE WATERS. OPTIONS FOR REDUCING THE TURBIDITY OF THE WATER INCLUDE: (TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTORS METHOD OF SEQUENCING THEIR CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT): o CONSTRUCT A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP FOR TURBID WATER DISCHARGE. o USE A PORTABLE SEDIMENT TRAP SYSTEM. O APPLY NATURAL BASED FLOCCULENT TECHNOLOGY SUCH AS CHITOSAN IN SEDIMENT TRAPS OR A SERIES OF DITCH CHECKS TO CONTAIN SEDIMENT. O DISCHARGE THROUGH FIBERLOGS OR A ROCK WEEPER INTO A LARGE VEGETATIVE BUFFER AREA. o PUMP TO A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN. • ENERGY DISSIPATION WILL BE PROVIDED AT ALL DISCHARGE POINTS. • DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING ACTIVITIES WILL NOT CAUSE EROSION IN RECEIVING CHANNELS OR ADVERSELY IMPACT WETLANDS. • ALL EROSION CONTROL OR SEDIMENT TRAPS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIRING DEWATERING. 10. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES • A TEMPORARY CRUSHED ROCK OR WOOD CHIP PAD SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE VEHICLES LEAVE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. • THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PAD SHALL BE AT LEAST 50 FEET IN LENGTH. • GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MAY BE PLACED UNDER THE CRUSHED ROCK OR WOOD CHIPS TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF MUD FROM UNDERLYING SOIL INTO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MATERIAL. • ROCK PADS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF ROCK 1 TO 3 INCHES IN SIZE AND PLACED IN 6 INCH LAYERS. • CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST EVERY 7 DAYS AND MAINTAINED AS NEEDED. • TRACKED SEDIMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PAVED SURFACES AT THE END OF EACH DAY USING PICK-UP TYPE STREET SWEEPER. • IF TRACKING INTO ROADWAY BECOMES PROBLEMATIC THE ENTRANCE PADS SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR ANOTHER TECHNIQUE APPLIED. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED DUE TO CONTRACTORS METHOD OF SEQUENCING THEIR CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. • THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MONITORED CLOSELY DURING WET CONDITIONS. IF TRACKING INTO ADJACENT ROADWAYS OCCURS, THE FREQUENCY OF STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE INCREASED. 11. CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT • CONCRETE TRUCKS SHALL UTILIZE THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO WASH AND RINSE THEIR EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SITE. • WASHOUT OF CONCRETE MIXER TRUCKS WILL BE PERFORMED IN THE DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY. • WASHOUTS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT CONTAINMENT FOR ALL LIQUID AND CONCRETE WASTE GENERATED BY WASHOUT OPERATIONS. • WASHOUTS SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED ON SITE WITH SIGNAGE BY THE UTILITY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL FROM OWNER. • WASHOUTS SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET FROM DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND WATERCOURSES. • CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS WILL HAVE AN IMPERMEABLE LINER TO PREVENT CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER FROM INFILTRATING/CONTACTING WITH SOIL. • IMPERMEABLE LINER INCLUDES 10 MIL POLYLINER OR COMPACTED CLAY LINER. • WASHOUT SYSTEMS CAN BE USED AS ALTERNATE WASHOUT AREAS. 12. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE • ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL OCCUR IN STAGING AREAS ONLY. • VEHICLE WASHING SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IF WASHING IS NECESSARY, RUNOFF FROM THE WASHING WILL BE CONTAINED AND LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF MUST BE CONTAINED AND WASTE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. • ENGINE DEGREASING SHALL BE AVOIDED. IF DEGREASING IS NECESSARY, RUNOFF FROM THE OPERATION WILL BE CONTAINED IN A LINED SEDIMENT TRAP AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF AT A TREATMENT FACILITY. • ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENT TRAPS AND CONTAINMENT FACILITIES AND PROPER DISPOSAL OF WASH WATER/DEGREASING AT A TREATMENT FACILITY SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. 13. FUELING • ANY FUEL TANK OR TRUCK STORED ON THE PROJECT SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM. • FUELING AREAS SHALL NOT BE WASHED OR RINSED WITH WATER SINCE THIS COULD CAUSE FUEL SPILLS TO BE DISCHARGED INTO STORM WATER SYSTEMS. • ABSORBENT MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE FOR USE IN CLEANING UP SMALL SPILLS. • ALL REQUIRED FUEL CONTAINMENT AND CLEAN-UP MATERIALS AND THE PROPER DISPOSAL OF THE MATERIALS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. 14. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS • HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE PROPERLY STORED TO PREVENT VANDALISM OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. • CONTAINMENT UNITS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. • MPCA STORING AND DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE FOLLOWED FOR ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE. • NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SHOULD BE STORED WITHIN 200 FEET OF AN IDENTIFIED CRITICAL AREA. • ABSORBENT MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE FROM THE CONTRACTOR ON SITE FOR USE IN CLEANING UP SMALL SPILLS. • IF BUILDING MATERIALS, CHEMICALS, OR GENERAL REFUSE IS BEING USED, STORED, DISPOSED OF, OR OTHERWISE MANAGED INAPPROPRIATELY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CORRECT SUCH DEFECTS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DETECTION OR NOTIFICATION. • ALL REQUIRED CONTAINMENT / STORAGE UNITS / ABSORBENT MATERIAL AND REQUIRED DISPOSAL SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. 15. CHEMICAL CONTAINMENT • GASOLINE, OIL, PAINT, SOLVENTS, AND OTHER CHEMICALS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CONTACT THE GROUND SURFACE, BE EXPOSED TO GROUNDWATER OR BE RELEASED TO A SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER EXCEPT IN DE MINIMIS QUANTITIES. • ALL PRODUCTS SHALL BE KEPT IN THEIR ORIGINAL CONTAINER, WITH ORIGINAL LABELS STILL ATTACHED, UNLESS THE CONTAINER IS NOT RESEALABLE. • HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE AREA AT THE END OF EACH DAY. • AN EFFORT SHOULD BE MADE TO STORE ONLY ENOUGH PRODUCTS TO DO THE REQUIRED JOB. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TANKS OR BARRELS TO COLLECT LIQUID BYPRODUCTS THAT POSE A POLLUTION HAZARD. • THE POLLUTANTS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. • ALL SPILLS SHALL BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER DISCOVERY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDED METHODS. • ALL REQUIRED CONTAINMENT/ STORAGE UNITS/ ABSORBENT MATERIAL AND REQUIRED DISPOSAL SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT • ALL STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE SECURED TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. 16. SOLID WASTE • SOLID WASTE SHALL BE STORED IN APPROPRIATE CONTAINERS AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF ON A REGULAR BASIS. • CONTAINERS SHALL BE COVERED TO PREVENT WIND BLOWING THE WASTE AROUND THE SITE. • MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS WILL BE FOLLOWED FOR ALL SOLID WASTE. • SOLID WASTE STORAGE CONTAINERS AND PROPER DISPOSAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. 17. DUST CONTROL • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE A VARIETY OF DUST CONTROL INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A. RAPID STABILIZATION METHODS ON SLOPES B. WATER ON ROADWAYS AND GRADED AREAS C. ALTERNATIVES: IN THE FORM OF VEGETABLE POLYMERS, WATER AND CALCIUM CHLORIDE PETROLEUM EMULSION RESINS, OR ACRYLIC COPOLYMERS MAY ALSO BE USED. • ALL REQUIRED DUST CONTROL SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 18. WINTER STABILIZATION • COVER EXPOSED SOILS ON OR AROUND NOV. 15TH AND/OR PRIOR TO TERMINATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR WINTER • ALL EXPOSED SOILS TO BE COVERED WITH 2 TONS TYPE 1 MULCH • ALL EXPOSED SOILS TO BE SEEDED WITH MNDOT SEED MIX 150 • ALL LOW POINTS IN ROADS TO BE ADEQUATELY DRAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NPDES DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS PART IV. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS. SECTION D. DEWATERING AND BASIN DRAINING. • PERIMETER SILT FENCE OR OTHER CONTROLS TO BE INSTALLED 3-5 FEET FROM THE BACK OF THE CURB AND OUT OF THE PLOWED SNOW AREA. • PERIMETER CONTROLS AROUND PERMANENT STORMWATER BASINS TO BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED • INLET CONTROLS TO BE REMOVED ACCORDING TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS WITH DOCUMENTATION WITHIN 72 HOURS FROM LEGAL AUTHORITY. • IF WORK HAS OCCURRED NEAR OR IN STREAMS OR OTHER SURFACE WATERS, THE EXPOSED SOILS SHALL BE STABILIZED TO PROTECT AGAINST FLOODING AND SPRING RUNOFF TO THE 100 -YR FLOOD ELEVATION. • ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORMWATER BASINS AND SEDIMENT BASINS SHOULD HAVE OUTLETS AND STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOWS INSTALLED AS PER THE GRADING AND/OR UTILITY PLAN AND AT THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER. 19. NON-STORMWATER DEWATERING • HYDRANT FLUSHING: FLUSHING OF HYDRANTS WILL BE DISCHARGED • THROUGH TEMPORARY PIPES AS NECESSARY, ONTO IMPERVIOUS SURFACES OR TO STABILIZED ARES WITH ENERGY DISSIPATION AT THE DISCHARGE POINT. THE DISCHARGE SHOULD BE COLLECTED BY THE STORM WATER BASINS AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM. • POTABLE WATER DISCHARGE: ALL WATER LINES WILL BE FLUSHED USING HOSES AND DISCHARGED ONTO AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AND DIRECTED TO THE STORM SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE BY NON-EROSIVE MEANS. 20. WORK NEAR SPECIAL WATERS • EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ACTIVITY TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. • TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN NEEDED WITHIN AREAS 5 ACRE DISTURBANCE WITH COMMON POINT OF DISCHARGE. • IF WORK IS NEAR SPECIAL WATERS REFER TO APPENDIX A OF THE NPDES PERMIT FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. • MAINTAIN AT ALL TIMES, 100 FT UNDISTURBED BUFFER AROUND SPECIAL WATERS. • NO UNTREATED DEWATERING WILL TAKE PLACE AND DISCHARGE TO "SPECIAL WATERS" • SEE PERMIT FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS 21. WORK NEAR OR IN IMPAIRED WATERS • EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ACTIVITY TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. • TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN NEEDED WITHIN AREAS 5 ACRE DISTURBANCE WITH COMMON POINT OF DISCHARGE. • IF WORK IS NEAR SPECIAL WATERS REFER TO APPENDIX A OF THE NPDES PERMIT FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. • NO UNTREATED DEWATERING WILL TAKE PLACE AND DISCHARGE TO "IMPAIRED WATERS" • SEE PERMIT FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS 22. INFILTRATION/FILTRATION AREAS • FENCE OFF AREA PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. • EXCAVATION AREA SHALL TAKE PLACE AFTER CONTRIBUTING AREAS ARE AT FINAL GRADE AND STABILIZED. • DO NOT USE HEAVY/WHEELED EQUIPMENT IN FILTRATION AREA. • DIVERSIONS, REDUNDANT SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROLS MUST BE USED TO PROTECT AREA. • ENSURE 8 FT MAINTENANCE ACCESS IS ADEQUATE FOR AREA. • IF GRADING MUST OCCUR IN FILTRATION AREA, LEAVE GRADE 3 FT HIGH TEMPORARILY UNTIL AREA CAN BE FINAL GRADED AND STABILIZED STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance CONSTRUCTION PLANS SWPPP NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 SHEET NUMBER: 7 DATE: 08/17/21 10 O 'n FVW;+I,TriS ��eil erson•B lvd•NWe S how search results for 45-3037 468 9 --- �rrta F, fj} I �r Cb Big Lake 4 tF I 12othstNE 0. �St SE � C .. ap v f z S 4r U. zs - sF 61 o` s Prairie Rd a y Riverside � X L'GM262ry a TrawcreLll �9luay Otter reek`�r - - - - ��'ti 1751 9nde7evlew � \ 1 Park yR � Z � 'ry5e -fid :2 in Mnn[csRo 0. Mub i9�r r 5p i=•?' Coifrlty Raad 35 NF, - `. �prf'ryJ �f7$ ��ly'g c sc LBi Golf Course Rd a r 4 �rC L4 j r-- - Monticell ` r 3 se'. County Road 14 NVY J P-911 I � CE 111 N a N d l ¢ Target i1vE r ew n, E39]: o �yki I2J %h � f97[.v I .� Jh�ceafi 1sl Durldas.Rd a a�{ � w i 'O W - I rn - O School Blvd LU L 1 I Star �ih9 Dr 9Dth 91 NE - - 'lellberg C1 m a h377 H - 9u - - Ell nLL Ry@ Ji _.. 11i, K -,. RSth r. tiE 'ilE: _$5th 51 NI i �f: . { ` 1�1 Esri Canada, Esri, HERE. Garmin, INCREMENT P. USG 5, MET}INASA, EPA, USDA 11= � VICINITY MAP/IMPAIRED WATERS MAP INFEASIBILITY DETERMINATION (ITEMS 5.13, 5.14 AND 5.15) TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN IF PERMITTEE DETERMINES A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN TO MEET SECTION 14 IS INFEASIBLE, DOCUMENT THIS DETERMINATION; PERMITTEES TO CONSIDER PUBLIC SAFETY, SITE FACTORS SUCH AS SITE SOILS, SLOPE, AND AVAILABLE AREA ON SITE. BUFFER ZONE AS DESCRIBED IN PERMIT ITEMS 9.17 AND 23.11 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: A 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION A ❑A ❑A Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com SWPPP AMENDMENTS Common Ground Alliance THIS PLAN AND THE ATTACHMENTS MUST BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OR MODIFIED REQUIREMENTS WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING CONSTRUCTION IF ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUR: 1. THERE IS A CHANGE IS DESIGN CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS THAT SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTS THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS FROM THE SITE TO SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER. 2. INSPECTIONS OR INVESTIGATIONS BY THE SITE OWNER, OPERATOR, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY OFFICIALS INDICATE THIS PLAN IS NOT EFFECTIVE IN ELIMINATING OR SIGNIFICANTLY MINIMIZING THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS. 3. THIS SWPPP IN NOT ACHIEVING THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF MINIMIZING POLLUTANTS IN STORMWATER DISCHARGES OR IF THIS PLAN IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE MN R1000011 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT. 4. IF THE MPCA NOTIFIES THE OWNER AND/OR OPERATOR (i.e. PERMITTEES) THAT ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ARE NEEDED, REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT BEING NET FOR TMDL OR OTHER WATER QUALITY STANDARDS, OR THAT THE SWPPP DID NOT INCORPORATE THE NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS. 5. CHANGES INVOLVING THE USE OF A LESS STRINGENT BMP MUST INCLUDE A JUSTIFICATION DESCRIBING HOW THE REPLACEMENT BMP IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE SITE CHARACTERISTICS. THE FOLLOWING TABLE SHOULD BE COMPLETED AS NECESSARY DURING CONSTRUCTION TO DOCUMENT CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS TO THIS DOCUMENT. AMENDMENTS MUST BE MADE BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS:THOSE PREPARING THIS DOCUMENT; THOSE OVERSEEING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP; THOSE REVISING THE SWPPP; THOSE PERFORMING INSPECTIONS FOR THE PROJECT; AND/OR OTHER QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL. PLACE THE AMENDMENT NUMBER NEXT TO ALL APPLICABLE CHANGES, REDLINES, AND INFORMATION IN THE DOCUMENT TO REFERENCE BACK TO THE CHANGES SUMMARIZED BELOW. AMENDMENT NO. I DATE I REASON, LOCATION, AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE OR AMENDMENT I REQUESTED BY I PREPARED BY CONSTRUCTION PLANS 10 LU Q J J O O ry CID z O SHEET NUMBER: PREPARED FOR. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A Westwood Q DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS Q MARK E L L I OT HOMES OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 9� STONY BROOK VILLAGE SWPPP MAPS OF 1 Minna Phone (952) 937-5150 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888)937-5150 westwoodps.com BHN H. BENDER 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 4335$ MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Professional Services, Inc. LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 08/17/21 10 LU Q J J O O ry CID z O V C a) V a) V) c 0 .N 0 a 0 0 3 Ul v N 0 N O J 5114 I ka 5113 I ro m m 5105 5104 940 938 936 5125 59 7 AW 5128 10/ t w 5127 0 116 Co rn 11 12 00 M rn 5090 1 —5,zz INFILT. BASIN (1P) \ 5012 NWL 931.5 OE 933.0 5011 o o�� 936 HWL 934.0 W r 934 a 5003 p / 5013 � 932 5014 1 6 5016 9311- 5 v �� - 936,/9'�7.S / / / 5017 9 -?4 002 A 5017 019 940 5118 X5120 11 5023 g38 so3 5109 5041 5018 502, 3 5022 5020 5024 j 2 s 5006 q � 5005 i TREE PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS 5027 004 5008 — 5007 93 37 Ma, 9 0 STO^ 8 6 �d 5035 O v v e LU 5034ham° _ 26 �c�R 33� 5029 938 L7 vU 00 ` e o 25 5043 27 5031 / O 50 / s1o7 � � � 28 i' � 40 Co z 5050 9'38 so4 / Q oz / L _04 / 24 ��' C 936 p �6 9 \ 5 934 gas 1 5101 23 1 5095 \ / 509 / 29 \y/ Qo �/— 5098 / ;088 _ INFILT. BASIN (2P) so `� NWL 932.5 938� Qo 936�� . OE 934.0 22 b / �� HWL 934.8 l -J 936 5083 508'[ 8 505 21 �C' 5072 5076 , 5071 'Af1� 5078 09 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 uso 940 19 I o � 5060 5059 P I , I 940 SAVED TREES AVAILABLE FOR CREDIT: II A CREDIT OF ONE -AND -ONE-QUARTER (1.25) MULTIPLIED BYTHE AGGREGATE CALIPER (17 ACI SAVED x 1.25 = 21.25 ACI CREDITED) TOTAL ACI REPLACED/CREDITED 3.25 ACI *CREDITTO BE APPLIED TOWARDS REQUIRED BUFFER PLANTINGS (CREDITED) 940 938 936 5125 59 7 AW 5128 10/ t w 5127 0 116 Co rn 11 12 00 M rn 5090 1 —5,zz INFILT. BASIN (1P) \ 5012 NWL 931.5 OE 933.0 5011 o o�� 936 HWL 934.0 W r 934 a 5003 p / 5013 � 932 5014 1 6 5016 9311- 5 v �� - 936,/9'�7.S / / / 5017 9 -?4 002 A 5017 019 940 5118 X5120 11 5023 g38 so3 5109 5041 5018 502, 3 5022 5020 5024 j 2 s 5006 q � 5005 i TREE PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS 5027 004 5008 — 5007 93 37 Ma, 9 0 STO^ 8 6 �d 5035 O v v e LU 5034ham° _ 26 �c�R 33� 5029 938 L7 vU 00 ` e o 25 5043 27 5031 / O 50 / s1o7 � � � 28 i' � 40 Co z 5050 9'38 so4 / Q oz / L _04 / 24 ��' C 936 p �6 9 \ 5 934 gas 1 5101 23 1 5095 \ / 509 / 29 \y/ Qo �/— 5098 / ;088 _ INFILT. BASIN (2P) so `� NWL 932.5 938� Qo 936�� . OE 934.0 22 b / �� HWL 934.8 l -J 936 5083 508'[ 8 505 21 �C' 5072 5076 , 5071 'Af1� 5078 09 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 uso 940 19 916 DBH. IN. 20 5060 5059 ALLOWED REMOVAL WITHOUT REPLACEMENT 853 DBH. IN. 5058 940 0 Q1 o O� 5053 505 QOM 938 °� Q Oo � 5066 936 5 - T 5062 s ❑ �_ .T��—�.= 5063 r Q / STO 5064 ( / a 1 1 / , Q XX r C� O 0 ( O / 1 T /t • O I94 946 A D I REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA CORY MEYER DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SPECIMEN TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS ANY CANOPY TREE WITH A DBH OF 36 INCHES OR MORE AND ANY UNDERSTORY OR ORNAMENTAL TREE WITH A DBH OF 10 INCHES OR MORE THAT IS NOT EXEMPTED AS A SPECIMEN TREE BY THIS ORDINANCE CREDIT AMOUNT A CREDIT OF ONE -AND -ONE-QUARTER (1.25) MULTIPLIED BY THE AGGREGATE CALIPER OF TREES THAT ARE NOT SPECIMEN TREES SHALL BE CREDITED AND APPLIED TOWARDS THE LANDSCAPING STANDARDS IN SECTION 4.1, LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING, WHEN THE TREES THAT ARE SAVED COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM SIZE STANDARDS: CANOPY TREES CANOPY TREES, WHETHER DECIDUOUS OR EVERGREEN, OF SEVEN INCHES IN CALIPER OR GREATER, MEASURED SIX INCHES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL UNDERSTORY/ORNAMENTAL TREES UNDERSTORY OR ORNAMENTAL TREES, WHETHER DECIDUOUS OR EVERGREEN, OF FOUR INCHES IN CALIPER OR GREATER, MEASURED FOUR INCHES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. CREDIT APPLIED TOWARDS REQUIRED PLANTINGS THE CREDIT SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE AGGREGATE TREE CALIPER INCH STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPING. IN NO CASE SHALL CREDITS SUBSTITUTE FOR MORE THAN 75 PERCENT OF THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING MATERIAL. TREE REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS TOTAL ONSITE CALIPER INCHES: 916 DBH. IN. TOTAL TREES SAVED: 17 DBH. IN. TOTAL TREES REMOVED: 870 DBH. IN. ALLOWED REMOVAL WITHOUT REPLACEMENT 853 DBH. IN. SPECIMEN TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIRED: 18 ACI EACH HEALTHY SPECIMEN TREE REMOVED OR DESTROYED SHALL BE REPLACED WITH THREE OR MORE REPLACEMENT TREES EQUALING OR EXCEEDING ATOTAL OF EIGHTEEN (18) AGGREGATE CALIPER INCHES SAVED TREES AVAILABLE FOR CREDIT: 21.25 ACI A CREDIT OF ONE -AND -ONE-QUARTER (1.25) MULTIPLIED BYTHE AGGREGATE CALIPER (17 ACI SAVED x 1.25 = 21.25 ACI CREDITED) TOTAL ACI REPLACED/CREDITED 3.25 ACI *CREDITTO BE APPLIED TOWARDS REQUIRED BUFFER PLANTINGS (CREDITED) LEGEND IV EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE TO REMAIN EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE TO BE REMOVED Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common GroundAlliance 0' 50' 100' 150' CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: VEGETATION PRESERVATION 9 of AND PROTECTION PLAN Q PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 08/17/21 O TREE Ti - SPECIES � SIZE (DIB , MODIFI , NOTES , STATUS 5002 SUGAR MAPLE 9 x CHECKED: DRAWN: REMOVED- EXEMPT- SIZE 5003 COLORADO SPRUCE 17 VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## SAVED 5004 NORWAY PI NE 16 pd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5005 SUGAR MAPLE 46 bd REMOVED EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5006 SUGAR MAPLE 19 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5007 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 14 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5008 SIBERIAN ELM 12 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5009 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5010 SIBERIAN ELM 10 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5011 SIBERIAN ELM 19 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5012 SIBERIAN ELM 15 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5013 SIBERIAN ELM 8 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5014 BOXELDER 7 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- SIZE 5015 SIBERIAN ELM 12 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5016 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 6 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5017 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 7 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- SIZE 5018 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- SIZE 5019 SIBERIAN ELM 15 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5020 SIBERIAN ELM 29 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5021 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 9 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- SIZE 5022 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 8 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5023 SIBERIAN ELM 11 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5024 SIBERIAN ELM 13 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5025 SIBERIAN ELM 22 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5026 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 13 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5027 SIBERIAN ELM 9 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5029 COTTONWOOD 10 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- SIZE 5031 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5033 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5034 GREEN AND WHITE ASH 8 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5035 SIBERIAN ELM 48 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5037 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5039 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5041 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5043 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5044 SIBERIAN ELM 7 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5046 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5048 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5050 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5052 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5053 SIBERIAN ELM 8 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5054 SIBERIAN ELM 11 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5056 SIBERIAN ELM 11 x pd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5058 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5059 SIBERIAN ELM 11 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5060 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: CHECKED: DRAWN: SHB CTY Q 08/17/21 ADDED VEGETATION PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION Q HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### Q VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## Q 5064 PREPARED FOR: TREE T) + SPECIES + SIZE (DB + MODIFI + NOTES + STATUS 5062 SIBERIAN ELM 11 x bd OFFSITE 5063 SIBERIAN ELM 9 bd OFFSITE 5064 SIBERIAN ELM 12 bd OFFSITE 5065 SIBERIAN ELM 14 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5066 SIBERIAN ELM 18 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5067 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5068 SIBERIAN ELM 10 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5069 SIBERIAN ELM 14 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5071 SIBERIAN ELM 15 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5072 SIBERIAN ELM 33 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5074 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5076 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5078 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5080 COTTONWOOD 7 x REMOVED - EXEMPT - SIZE 5082 SIBERIAN ELM 7 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5083 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5085 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5087 SIBERIAN ELM 10 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5088 SIBERIAN ELM 7 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5090 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5091 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5092 SIBERIAN ELM 9 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5093 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5095 SIBERIAN ELM 7 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5096 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5098 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5101 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5103 BOXELDER 12 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5104 SIBERIAN ELM 19 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5105 SIBERIAN ELM 14 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5107 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5109 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5111 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5113 SIBERIAN ELM 10 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5114 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5116 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5118 SIBERIAN ELM 6 x REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5120 SIBERIAN ELM 7 x bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5122 SIBERIAN ELM 9 bd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5124 ASPEN 8 x REMOVED - EXEMPT - SIZE 5125 COTTONWOOD 8 x REMOVED - EXEMPT - SIZE 5127 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE 5128 SIBERIAN ELM 6 pd REMOVED- EXEMPT- UNHEALTHY 5130 SIBERIAN ELM 6 REMOVED- EXEMPT- INVASIVE MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA CORY MEYER DATE: 08/17/21 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: VEGETATION PRESERVATION 10 AND PROTECTION DATA IT PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 1 DATE: 08/17/21 10 O Tr 0 V 00 O m O m O O I) O O 00 O O m O O I II o I CD II I II 41 / TW 39.3 x /��o ` -940 939 936 BW 36.0 / ` T 39. TW 3.9. 8 BW 38.3 W 5. 7TW 39. I X 9 ` ' 6 BW 38.3 5 10 9 1000, 9.2l O940 \ p � �. \ I 7 38.8 38.5 93 II I 11 5b 37.94 c3 A 3 I � 38.8 M 38.5 12 NP 4xS w r opI -- oLn g38 �� ! o o 27 r� _ co l0 WqT M c6 rn M W 0 \ \ s INFILT. BASIN (11P) \ / NWL 931.5 D 936 OE 933.0 HWL 934.0 EOF W 39. 934 34.7 Qo BW 36.1 932 � O 932 936 /BTW 39.3 `-Y3 4BW / s'e a TW 3.2.3 934 / X yQ BW 35.8 � �7.0 TW 39.3 I W 38.8 �/ Q BW 38.3 B 36. 3 TW -3$.8 / B 37 8 / 2 11)p936 h TW 38.8 BW 3K' 2 TW 38.8 1BW 38.8 / 3'S 102 1.18 AC a I \ 14 m LLI M \\ sq\ LU 9 38 "' '`,,\ 9"'cp � 936 ti C �9r �9 \ T sy ti 4 .934 202 3 0 49 AC 38.10 ss 328.0 x yv LP 7+95.34 co ` s ELEV 936.90_ INFILT. BASIN (2P) 38.8 NWL 932.5 � � � o ( 5= � 938 E % / 'P OE 934.0 1�p, _ 201 2 936 3.5 P HWL 934.8 1.22 AC 40 411,�Q co , M sgti 18 938 37.. 2 � �9r 940 L � 38.8 � � O 19 Jq O O 9 rn vti -9 0 Qo� 38.5 938 /P / _ s -938 9ti �vT 38.5 38.5-1 P �(51 1 x 37.5 936 34 1 300 3 1 ` \syti O Q ` s 0.37 AC \q QOM SPN 5 T l � X29 9A2 �P T T Q 1 S % / 96 P� P� / K . a - STO N SA - �SCCL �SAb� S N SAN SAN - AN SAN SAN SAN Q �o 1 61)o d I � O 1 [, o 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA DATE: LICENSE NO. STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Groun A iance X 1"=50' 0' 50' 100' 150' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: 1 PROPOSED DRAINAGE of MAP 1 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/6/1 LU a J J O r.� m z 0 in INITIAL ISSUE: 04/05/21 DESIGNED: CTY REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: CHECKED: JHB Q DRAWN: CTY MARK ELLIOT HOMES HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' Q 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 / K . a - STO N SA - �SCCL �SAb� S N SAN SAN - AN SAN SAN SAN Q �o 1 61)o d I � O 1 [, o 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA DATE: LICENSE NO. STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Groun A iance X 1"=50' 0' 50' 100' 150' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: 1 PROPOSED DRAINAGE of MAP 1 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/6/1 LU a J J O r.� m z 0 in v c V CU v Q) N c O N N O IL O O >CU N O N N FOR SANITARY SEWER, VVATERMAIN, STORM SEWER, AND STREETS FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 CONTACT: MARK PASVOGEL PHONE: 952-392-9227 EMAIL: MARK@ MARKELLIOTHOM ES.COM PREPARED BY: Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 CONTACT: JOHN H. BENDER SHEET INDEX Sheet List Table SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE 1 Cover 2 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Construction Plans Street and Storm Sewer Construction Plans Lighting and Signage Plan 3 4 5 Details 6 Details 7 Details 8 Details Vicinity Map (NOT TO SCALE) NOTE: PLANS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS LISTED IN THE CITY GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. NO. DATE REVISION SHEETS CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER, AND STREETS FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA INITIAL SUBMITTAL DATE: 07/27/21 SHEET: 1 OF 8 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 LU Q J 0 O W m z O I -- Ln V c a� V i a� C: 0 N 0 a 0 0 3 LA v N 0 N O STC n El(p �9T xz o � A BLK NO. LOT NO. S&W BEND DIST TO WYE (FT) XXX.X RISER L (FT) XXX.X a� TOP OF WM TOP OF 1 11 0+06 - 931.7 - a� 940.8 12 y - a5 51 940.8 13 0+26 - m Zn,m a 51 G zm 0+74 - 1� II II I+ z 56 940.2 15 1+25 - W A N 62 939.6 000� 1+74 - -- J 67 939.5 17 2+19 - STC n El(p �9T xz o � A 00DI e 935 930 925 920 15 10+00 STONY BROOK CIRCLE 682 LF - 8" PVC C900 WM w/TRACER WIRE 7.5' MIN COVER 0 10 8"-450 BEND 1� 12 13 A $ 1" COPPER SERVICE w/CURB STOP (TYP.) \ \ 1 I r 8"-450 BEND --T- i� DIP'S, 93 OE ` g34 0 NW $„STUB , IE=+g21/.23 PVC I, 5 4 4" IRRIGATION 4" PVC SDR 26 3 ► 3 ► MH -3 MH -4 MH -5 26 -MH-6 25 p/ 6011 own 8"-22.So BEND MH -2 REMOVE 7 LF EX. 8" WM & CONNECT TO EX. 8" WM w/8" GV AND 45° & 22.50 BENDS z CONSTRUCT MH -1 Ll / OVER EX. 8" STUB wq o / / N 6002 _ExM = _620 3565 E .24 1� IE V)- 520 04 \ / IE( BILK NO. BLK NO. LOT NO. S&W BEND DIST TO WYE (FT) XXX.X RISER L (FT) XXX.X WYE=X+XX TOP OF WM TOP OF 1 11 0+06 - 931.7 - 64 940.8 12 0+43 - 931.7 - 51 940.8 13 0+26 - 931.2 - 51 940.3 14 0+74 - 931.2 - 56 940.2 15 1+25 - 930.5 - 62 939.6 16 1+74 - 930.5 - 67 939.5 17 2+19 - 929.8 - 71 939.1 18 2+28 30 929.8 - 92 939.2 19 2+34 23 930.3 - 71 939.0 20 2+22 8 930.3 - 76 939.2 21 2+13 9 928.8 - 85 938.2 22 2+04 - 928.8 - 91 938.2 23 1+87 - 929.4 - 84 938.6 24 1+42 - 929.4 - 64 938.6 25 0+57 - 930.0 - 42 939.6 26 0+37 - 930.0 - 46 939.7 00DI e 935 930 925 920 15 10+00 STONY BROOK CIRCLE 682 LF - 8" PVC C900 WM w/TRACER WIRE 7.5' MIN COVER 0 10 8"-450 BEND 1� 12 13 A $ 1" COPPER SERVICE w/CURB STOP (TYP.) \ \ 1 I r 8"-450 BEND --T- i� DIP'S, 93 OE ` g34 0 NW $„STUB , IE=+g21/.23 PVC I, 5 4 4" IRRIGATION 4" PVC SDR 26 3 ► 3 ► MH -3 MH -4 MH -5 26 -MH-6 25 p/ 6011 own 8"-22.So BEND MH -2 REMOVE 7 LF EX. 8" WM & CONNECT TO EX. 8" WM w/8" GV AND 45° & 22.50 BENDS z CONSTRUCT MH -1 Ll / OVER EX. 8" STUB wq o / / N 6002 _ExM = _620 3565 E .24 1� IE V)- 520 04 \ / IE( BILK NO. LOT NO. S&W BEND DIST TO WYE (FT) XXX.X RISER L (FT) XXX.X WYE=X+XX TOP OF WM TOP OF 1 1 0+06 - 929.2 - 48 938.4 2 0+54 - 929.2 - 51 938.5 3 1+01 - 929.7 - 54 939.0 4 1+50 - 929.7 - 51 939.0 5 0+25 - 930.2 - 52 939.5 6 0+74 - 930.2 - 53 939.6 7 1+13 - 930.9 - 54 940.1 8 0+06 22 930.9 - 54 940.1 9 0+11 - 931.7 - 82 941.1 10 0+41 - 931.7 - 78 941.1 27 1+06 - 928.6 - 45 938.2 28 0+57 - 928.6 - 44 938.2 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR S' STA: 4+82 STA: 4+29 STA: 3+80-r RE=938.58 RE=938.62 RE=938.37 R937.4 =E99 37.4 IE=S 924.12 IE=S 923.81 IE=N 924.02 IE=NE 923.71 IE=SW 923.52 IE=W 922.83 IE=E 923.42 IE=SE 922.73 DEPTH=14.56 DEPTH=14.91 DEPTH =14.95 DEPTH=14.76 945 • Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com LEGEND Common Ground Alliance XXX.X SANITARY SEWER SERVICE INVERT ELEVATION @ LOT LINE WYE - X+XX SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYE LOCATION ON MAIN LINE FROM DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE X.X' RISER XXXX.X DENOTES ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF WATER SERVICE STOP BOX O WATER SERVICE TO THIS LOT SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER PROPOSED STORM SEWER & SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION FROM STORM PIPE OF 2.0 FEET © SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TO THIS LOT SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER PROPOSED STORM SEWER - INSTALL RISER AT PROPERTY LINE GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS. 4. THE CITY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. UTILITY NOTES 1. FLAG HYDRANTS. 2. EXTEND RODS ON DEEP VALVES. 3. TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER PER CITY DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VIDEO FILES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. 4. UTILITY CROSSINGS SHALL MAINTAIN 18" OF SEPARATION. INSTALL 4" RIGID INSULATION. SSWR & WM CONNECTION Sao Sao Sao 935 935 930 930 925 925 920 920 915 915 9+00 8+00 7+00 6+00 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 2+00 INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA nHN H. BENDER DATE: 07/27/2 LICENSE NO. 43358 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood 115 LF - 8" PVC C900 WM w/TRACER WIRE 7.5' MIN COVER - ` APPROX. FM 935 (ABND) STA = 0+22 TOP OF WM TOP OF WM , ELEV = 932.10 STA = 1+59 STA = 0+30 ELEV = 928.91 ELEV = 928.65 TOP OF WM 930 STA = 0+84 ELEV = 927.37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 925 114 LF -8"P VC I I I I 37 LF -8" SDR 3S @ PVC @ 1.349/0 0.30% I I - -920 MH -EX 6002 1" = 50' MH -2 MH -1 STA: -0+00 STA: 1+51 STA: 0+37 RE=935.65 RE=936.51 RE=936.17 IE=NW 920.24 IE=NW 922.08 IE -S 921.98 IE=N 920.45 IE=NE 920.04 0' 50' 100' 150' DEPTH=14.53 IE=SE 920.35 IE=SW 920.04 DEPTH=15.82 DEPTH= 15.61 915 CONSTRUCTION PLAN S 1+00 0+00 Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc SHEET NUMBER: SANITARY SEWER AND 2 WATERMAIN OF 8 CONSTRUCTION PLANS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/27/21 LU a J J O 112C m z O Un DEPTH12.00 0 0 0 �a CL CURVE CT) DATA � W N D=5° 01'48" CL CURVE DATA R=126.00 A=53° 07'48" yar L=11.06 R=126.00 All T=5.53 VO L=116.84 PI STA=6+39.65 m T=63.00 _o PI STA=8+88.10 s TRANSITION CURB TO R50' BOC 1 Of RsSTONY RO K CIRCLE � e°c � -I- g 5 R60' ROWI D 937 1 937.02 94 i 6' CONC. SIDEWALK ADJUST MH CASTING (TYP.) 937.,per 1INSIDE ROW (TYP.) ri O t o� PED RAMP (TYP.) °o CL CURVE DATA �( A=238° 09'37" _ R=34.00 `N L=141.33 CB -202 °oy FES -300 T=61.14 CBMH-201 I MODIFIED DESIGN "D" D� CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) PI STA=6+22.64 10' CORE DRILL INTO N N I EX. STORM STRUCTURE. REPLACE CURB AS NEEDED. N w 11 �qT\ A°ti 21 " FES -200 _ 7.1 CU YD CLASS III RIPRAP \ IE=932.50 z T poy\ \ REMOVE BULKHEAD & OCS-2 FES -20 CONNECT TO EX. 30" RCP N / IE=928.27 Q0 / ✓/ \ N / o � sq DD \ ti sT � 10' BIT TRAIL (TYP.) D n \ \ \ n D ww w © bo o in N N I z � \ "10 p 1 950 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 M M � M m rn rn 7+00 -0.60% X O FM Lo X C•� x STONY BROOK CIRCLE 6� N 06 M m rn rn PVI STA = 5+57.60 PVI ELEV = 938.20 -\ Ln Ln 06 m rn 9 CL CURVE DATA 1Q A=97'43'12" R=60.00 L=102.33 T=68.68 PI STA=4+34.65 11 12 06 06 06 � m m m m H.P ELEV = 938.69 H.P. STA = 4+50.00 PVI STA = 4+50.00 PVI ELEV = 938.84 A.D. = -1.20% K = 83.33 100.00' VC PVC = 4+00.00 ELEV = 938.54 PVT = 5+00.00 LEV = 938.54 gP5\N 11Pl Structure Casting Type Ln o rn o Dia. 1 rn oN r M m r__� rn rn 2 OCS 60" SEE DETAIL 10 FES 12" ,;Trn 20 L.P ELEV = 936.90 12" - + M FES 21" 945 101 O1II 11 w 48" L.P. STA = 7+95.34 PVI STA = 8+20.00 102 CBMH 48" N w 103 PVI ELEV = 936.62 2'x 3' R -3067-V 200 FES A.D. = 1.89% w/TRASHGUARD 201 > > 60" R -3067 -VB 202 CB a R -3067 -VB K = 71.40 FES 15" w/TRASHGUARD 135.00' VC 940 PVC = 7+52.50 RE=933.83 ELEV = 937.03 IE=930.45 (12" NW) PVT = 8+87.50 14 LF -30" RCP ELEV = 937.49 IE=930.45 (15" SE) 1.29% 935 CL 3 @ 1.38% 935 8 LF -15" RCP CL 5 @ 0.33% DEPTH=3.38 935 935 CB -202 CBMH-EX 5008 STA: 8+01 CBMH-201 RE=936.43 n STA: 0+65 IE=932.70 (15" S) 930 DEPTH=3.73 I 1 RE=934.28 925 CBMH-201 I I STA: 7+95111 21" FES -200 CL 5 @ 0.00% RE=936.41 I E=932.50 IE=932.67 (15" N) 85 LF -21" RCP CL 4 @ 930 930 12" FES -10 IE=932.67 (21" E) 0.21% 930 920 I I 12" FES -20 IE=930.00 I�I DEPTH=3.74 10+00 9+00 8+00 DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 M M � M m rn rn 7+00 -0.60% X O FM Lo X C•� x STONY BROOK CIRCLE 6� N 06 M m rn rn PVI STA = 5+57.60 PVI ELEV = 938.20 -\ Ln Ln 06 m rn 9 CL CURVE DATA 1Q A=97'43'12" R=60.00 L=102.33 T=68.68 PI STA=4+34.65 11 12 06 06 06 � m m m m H.P ELEV = 938.69 H.P. STA = 4+50.00 PVI STA = 4+50.00 PVI ELEV = 938.84 A.D. = -1.20% K = 83.33 100.00' VC PVC = 4+00.00 ELEV = 938.54 PVT = 5+00.00 LEV = 938.54 gP5\N 11Pl Structure Casting Type Number -0.60% Dia. 1 ----- 14 CL CURVE DATA 6 A=24° 23' 21" R=375.00 L=159.63 \ T=81.04 PI STA=2+31.86 ADJUST MH CASTING (TYP.) ---------- V_ --- \ 3 a 6' CONC. SIDEWALK 1' INSIDE ROW (TYP.) MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB &\ GUTTER (TYP.) _ 26 \ 1 T I Call 48 Hours before digging: NW 9933 0 I 811 or call811.com NWS 9340 I LEGEND Common Ground Alliance OCS-1 I EXISTING PROPOSED / x 900.00 GUTTER ELEVATION Z9 C 1 FES -10 ' ® 300 / W GENERAL NOTES 21" FES -100 7.1 CU YD CLASS III RIPRAP 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 IE=931.\ PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY 3 STMH-101 DIFFERENCES. 2 0I/ 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. 1 ; OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN 10' BIT TRAIL (TYP.) AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING S ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD Lo SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF PED RAMP (TYP.) /I TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO �= Sr0/�/yY BR CBMH-102 ' FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. 2 �� 9OK C� z T 936.63 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR O O c� RCt _ 936.13 ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS. M � __/ T 936.73 G 936.23 4. THE CITY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS 36.14 36.0 INCURRED THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE VARIATIONS IN THE 36.05 36.23 UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. VERIFY EXISTING INVERT a 36.11 1� LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. CB -103 Ql� T 936.67 PROPOSED VALLEY GUTTER 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" 2, X20 G 936.1 FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. T 936.48 2$ G 935.98 z STREET & STORM SEWER NOTES / /I 1. RADIUS TO BE B618 CURB & GUTTER WITH 10' TRANSITIONS 0 o I FROM SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER. 2. ALL RCP SHALL BE CLASS V, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 ? FEET. MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED o © 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PROFILES REFLECT 29 / gp5\N �2P1 THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 4. TELEVISE STORM SEWER PER CITY DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VIDEO FILES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. 1"=50' %= 0' 50' 100' 150' CONSTRUCTION PLANS ko m o r � � � M m m m m M M M M M PVI STA = 0+00.00 PVI ELEV = 936.45 PVI STA = 0+14.00 PVI ELEV = 936.237 FES 210 - Existing Storm 940 940 935 15" FES -300 IE=934.50 50 LF -15" RCP CL 5 @ 3.52% CB -EX 5010 950 930 STA: 0+50 RE=936.18 Ln IE=932.74 (15" W) 1,6 IE=932.74 (15" E) °i DEPTH=3.44 0.60% CB -103 23 LF -21" RCP 03 CL4 @ 0.21% CL @ 0.21%P STA: 0+45 RE=935.92 IE=931.92 (15" NE) 21" FES -100 DEPTH=4.00 IE=931.50 CBMH-102 STMH-101 30 LF -15" RCP STA: 0+50 STA: 0+45 RE=935.92 CL 5 @ 0.35% RE=936.25 IE=931.82 (15" SW) �_IE=931.55 (21" SW) IE=931.82 (21" NE) IE=931.55 (21" N) DEPTH=4.69 DEPTH=4.10 6+00 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 REVISIONS: PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA nHN H. BENDER DATE: 07/27/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 935 930 STORM SEWER CASTING SCHEDULE Structure Casting Type Number Type Dia. 1 OCS 60" SEE DETAIL 2 OCS 60" SEE DETAIL 10 FES 12" - 20 FES 12" - 100 FES 21" w/TRASHGUARD 101 STMH 48" R -1642B 102 CBMH 48" R -3067-V 103 CB 2'x 3' R -3067-V 200 FES 21" w/TRASHGUARD 201 CBMH 60" R -3067 -VB 202 CB 2'x 3' R -3067 -VB 300 FES 15" w/TRASHGUARD 945 925 1 1 925 0+00 1+00 I N FI LT. BASIN 1 OUTLET I N FI LT. BASIN 2 OUTLET 940 940 940 940 CBMH-EX 5003 STA: 0+63 RE=933.83 IE=930.45 (12" NW) 14 LF -30" RCP IE=930.45 (15" SE) CL 3 @ 1.38% 935 935 DEPTH=3.38 935 935 CBMH-EX 5008 n STA: 0+65 F1 I I RE=934.28 30 LF -12" RCP I I IE=927.98 (30" NW) CL 5 @ 0.00% I I IE=927.98 (30" SE) 930 930 12" FES -10 33 LF -12" RCP 930 930 I I 12" FES -20 IE=930.00 I�I DEPTH=6.30 IE=929.00 CL 5 @ 1.69% 30 LF -12" RCP OCS-1 CL 5 @ 0.00% 21 LF -30" RCP 925 925 (SEE DETAIL) RE=934.00 925 925 OCS-2 (SEE DETAIL) CL 3 @ 1.38% IE -928.27 IE=929.00 (12" W) RE=934.80 IE=931.00 (12" SE) IE=930.00 (12" N) 1.0' SUMP=928.00 IE=928.46 (30" SE) DEPTH=6.00 1.0' SUMP=927.46 920 920 920 920 DEPTH=7.34 0+00 1+00 0+00 1+00 Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc •�1 930 925 920 1+50 SHEET NUMBER: STREET AND STORM] SEWER CONSTRUCTION °F 8 PLANS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/27/21 LU a J J O ckC m z O O J r DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: CHECKED: DRAWN: JHB CTY Q Q HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50.000001' Q VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' Q CROSSWALK STRIPING MAIL FMA Ll PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA nHN H. BENDER DATE: 07/27/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SAN SAN - SAN Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance STRIPING, SIGNAGE, AND LIGHTING LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED -� —r SIGN (SINGLE POST) SIGN (DOUBLE POST) STREET LIGHT 000000 1 1 1 1 1 1 CROSSWALK STRIPING MAIL FMA Ll MAILBOX 1"=50' 0' 50' 100' 150' CONSTRUCTION PLANS LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE PLAN PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 SHEET NUMBER: 4 OF DATE: 07/27/21 W V a J J O O 112C m 0 Un Es U 0 DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA � &9� REVISIONS: CHECKED: JHB Q DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### Q BHN H. BENDER DATE: 07/27/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR## ore di ging: EXISTING FINISHED) GRADE 8 1 1 or call 8 1. o m O O O (OR PLUGGED END 4' Common Grou A iance FIL NOTES: 1'- 0" OR 5' IN BACK OF CURB I. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT NOEADDRE ION RECCOMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS F A G IF CONCRETE WALK OR BITUMINOUS PATH ARE 2. N LIN WILL AI ORA UNI PRICE 10 HYDRAFINDLR PRESENT FOR I" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER FLAG WATEROUS MODEL 67 WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. HYDRANT 1' COPPER YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG PLUGGED END TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. H TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE HE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/OOT 2105) AFTER BACK -FILL EXISTING OR FUTURE � BREAKOFF FLANGE CURB OR GUTTER LINE STREET 1" TO 2" MAXIMUM ao ABOVE BURY LINE (FINISHED GRADE) FINISHED GRADE Q a I VALVE BOX AS WATERMAIN SPECIFIED - MEGALUG MEGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL POLY AIR BLEED DETAIL STEEL T_ STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL I TO 2" TAPE BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM P" REF THE POST (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TDP OF THE POST TO MARK A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MINE 4' NOTE: O 0 0 OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) I Z I d C, 2 LAYERS OF is 6 2'- 6" AS REQUIRED 10' :-y`T-.. � PLUG GROUND LINE IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE SHALL BE A GATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN 7.5 OF FINISHED TO THE VALVE NUT GRADE AND ATTACHED O 4 COVER COMPACTED TO 95� OF POLY 4 mil u TYPICAL () � w TEE AND BEND PLUG I STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PIT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH 1/4 STEEL VALVE BOX AOAPTOR MINIMUM OF 1 C.Y. OF 1 2' 1--1/2" CLEAR STONE 1 WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1 NOTES: ^ � MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. Il OR APPROVED EQUAL MEGALUG 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/2' AND OVER. VALVE BOX WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. 6.0 SQ FT ffSSIZFBEAOOMEGALUG2. HRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE 4.0 SQ FT RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED GRANULAR BEDDING O 120 SO FT1/2" 20.0 S4 FT BETWEEN HE GATE VALVE ANDMIN AS PER MN/007 3149.2F _ _[* 3 TAGAINSTBUONDISTURBEDS0AREA TO BE POURED IL 7.5 GATE VALVE ADAPTOR I OTHERWISE COVER(UNLESS 4- POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING • GATE VALYE TEE MEGALUG SHALL BE USED FOR 12' OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR O O O GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE THRUST BLOCKING BEHIND BLOCKING THRUST 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 Co.Yp. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER HYDRANT BELOW GATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE VALVE BLOCKING OR APPROVED EQUAL AS SPECIFIED (15">< 15"x 4") BEHIND TEE O NOTE: 1. STRUCTURE MARKER SIGNS AND 3' TUBING WEIH 2-1" SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO REFLECTORIZED STRIPS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED FOR ALL STRUCTURES LOCATED OFF THE STREET SURFACE. EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY HE ENGINEER. (INCIDENTAL) O 2. 3^ TUBING SHALL BE ATTACHED TO SIGN POST WATERMAIN 3. THE SIGNS MAYBE OMITTED AS PER THE ENGINEER 4. THE SIGNS SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE GATE VALVE WATERMAIN WITH C OF POST EXPOSED 5. SIGNS SHALL FACE TRAFFIC VALVE BOX INSTALLATION 0.063" THICK ALUMINUM SIGN. BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTORIZED BACKGROUND. U—CHANNEL POST, MINIMUM 1.2 LB./FT. 6' LONG, GALVANIZED, Title: Blocking for Standard Plate Library � Watermam City of Monticello Title: Structure Marker Standard Plate Library � Sign Title: Typical Trench Compaction Standard Plate Library yp p y and Class B Bedding� Title: A Typical Hydrant Standard Plate Library Installation City Of Monticello Title: Air Bleed Detail And Standard Plate Library v Valve Box Installation City of Monticello City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Date: 03-05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Date: Plate No. Plate No. Date: 03-05 03-05 2001 2002 Revised: 1005 Revised: 1007 Revised: Revised:o3-17 _ ___- - -� Revised: 2003 03-15 03-15 --- 03-15 STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE DEPTH OF COVER OVER _ INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4" OR 6" PVC STEEL T -SME FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT 4" FIELD CONDITIONS MIN THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE O WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING CASTING ADJUSTING RINGS 4° MIN - 12" MAX WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER STANDARD FRAME & COVER ALL MANHOLES WITHkAD,IuSTINc RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4' - MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27" DIA o z z z�.• - ' 6" SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW a.<r-'.a MIN 4> INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED LQUAL} ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL R SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 J 1 I FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS Mt Mt Mrz PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LOW 12> DRAINAGE AND STREET - _,�::• WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II '•' PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DA MAY BE ca a� Z a� 4, & 0 z 4, g• BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS UTILITY EASEMENT DIRECTED BY HE ENGINEER UNELI"p BUILDING ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDCT STANDARD o z 8" CAST IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP a a STREET12' MANHOLE SECTION TO BE 1' TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER F ® ? CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE N 12' AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED ASTM C-478 CLASS II CIRCULAR REINF I TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS 2' INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT INSTALLED AS PER CITY CONTRACT CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION o N 4' TO 10' (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED LATEST REVISION NOTES: 5' TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX a r BY ENGINEER GROUND LINE GROUND LINE 111- 0" 11'- 0" 48 DIAVI } PVC - POLY -VINYL CHLORIDE SDR 26 DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SLAT GROUND LINECONCRETE co 0 w DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE 2' Y USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY FIELD CONDITIONS O AND PIPE CONNECTION ALL MANHOLE JOINTS m 5 •�; BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT HE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE BID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" I TRACER WIRE SPLICE = a CURB BOX WITH !'- 1 1/4 "STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD T- 6" MIN COVER STEPS AT 4 •:• 15" OC� > OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALE BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. r I I CURB BOX STANDPIPE w g = Y } � 1" CORP. COCK 6" 8 "CRE -SEAL ."RESEAL", OR APPROVED EQUAL o 4" OR 6^ PVC 45'BEND WYE rk £LEV TO BE SET BY HE I COPPER -CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE i 2' SPOOL COPPER -CLAD STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 3D MIL HIGH DENSITY GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY I POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKETI O POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET I TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE I TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT d m _ - •• PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE ENGINEER - CONTRACTOR /.3.. TO VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY I CONTRACT 1" COPPER 1" COPPER BRICK BRICK J 4" MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING 4i� I / ¢STRUCTURE— 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE WATERMAIN a"xs^xz^ a^xs^xz^ ¢ WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER 1' COPPER WATERMAIN BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 MODIFY DIAMETER AND VARIABLE � 1 �"� CONCRETE ENCASEMENT { AWG 12 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. CAP CURB STOP WITH BLANK SLUG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP MAX. 24" © (TYPICAL) ,iy}-eq✓; SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR COPPER -CLAP STEEL GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY SEE SPEC. 6" MIN L 6° i TL=" CAULKING BETWEEN DISSIMILAR PIPES MIN POLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION - "r-;"=+;=•:'';+%-: A 4T si WITH INVERT #5 AT 12" OC EACH WAY SANITARY SERVICE MAINLINE REFER TO O DIAMETER REQUIRED. PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND SANITARY SEWER O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALLBE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER AND SPACED 16" DC. STANDARD MANHOLE FOR ADAPTER TO BE RESILIENT TDP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE O3 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT SANITARY SEWER ASTM C425-64 TYPE III OR NO SCALE APPROVED EQUAL FOR DISSIMILAR PIPES `.CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OQ' (TYPICAL) 4 EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE" MANHOLE O MAY BE USED OR PLASTERED CATCH � EXTERIOR OR CATCH © GENERAL DIMFNShONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN NOTES: / — PVC WYE �- VCP TO PVC FFRNCC ENCASED IN ,��-. TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA BASIN CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. 7 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF Q CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK (DY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. '�' �'��':� VCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). '�"'•' '' DETAIL ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION 2g) IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. (TYPCROAL)F ENCASEMENT', THRUST BLOCKING FOR (2) REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnOCT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Title: Typical Water Standard Plate LibraryStandard Service City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Ttle. Standard Sanitary Plate Library y Manhole City of Monticello Date: Plate No. CLEANING EQUIPMENT Title: Standard Plate LibraryTypical Service Connection City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Title: Standard Manhole far Standard Plate Library Cit Storm Sewer y of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. • Title: Tracer Wire Standard Plate Library y (New Developments) City of Monticello Date: Plate Na. 03-05 03-05 03-05 03-08 4001 Revised: 2 0 0 6 Revised:03-15 Revised: 3001 Revised: 3004 Revised:03-15 3005 03-17 03 —15 03-15 CONSTRUCTION PLANS DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA � &9� REVISIONS: CHECKED: JHB Q DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### Q BHN H. BENDER DATE: 07/27/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR## Q STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 SHEET NUMBER: 5 DATE: 07/27/21 :3 LU C� Q J J O O CID 0 Ln U 4" MIN L O35 1/4 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURD BOX O NEENAH NO. R -3067-V PLAN 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHkMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN l MAX I ENCASE N COO NCRETE COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34 ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 020151101, WE A PLAN CASTING TO BE SEF DAB' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR A 35-1/4" 143" r CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOR STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V M CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36"ANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA 6' OPENING 24" FINISH GRADE •15" 24" 9' 31" 2" 5" 3'- 6" "48" TYP 5 'DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER / L 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A—A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUNO RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Standard Catch Basin )ate: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:4002 03-1 MODIFIED DESIGN D CURB & GUTTER `0 200% 1 2.00% 2.00% 4.00% w.� 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, Em CONCRETE WALK, AND MULCH OR SOD 1) 6" THICK WITH 12" SAND OR 6" CLASS 5 BASE 2' 1 1/2 " TYPE 2,360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE (TYPICAL) TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 3'. TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON -WEARING COURSE 6" CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6" BEHIND CURB) (D 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION Thickness determined URBAN RESIDENTIAL by developers Geotech and approved by city 1D 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDLWALK/TRAIL engineer ® THE USEAND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. Q STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 6' PERFORATED PVC PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SDILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY $UBGRAOE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Street Residential (Minor) Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 5002 03-20 CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION RCP PIPE CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE J NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 4338 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE WEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello IH --12" 3/4 /PER FT 1/2 R 1/2 " R " 7" r2-- 0' i MODIFIED DESIGN "D" Catch Basin Manhole 03-05 Plate No. 03-17 4003 MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & 8618 GUTTER (TYPICAL, SEE ABOVE) PLAN S't 0" lCAL MATCH MODIFIED DESIGN "O' CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) 0 i7'Or'q(� NOTE: STORM SEWER TOP OF CASTING ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS INCLUDES A0.10' DEPRESSION FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE. THE CONCRETE CURB SHOULD BE TRANSITIONED FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE TO THE CASTING ELEVATION 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER OF THE CASTING. AStandard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Concrete Curb & Gutter at Catch Basin late: 03_05 Plate No. Revised: 03 — 1 5 5004 DESIGNED: CTY 5'- a'(TYPICAL) PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA STANDARD FRAME & BOX FOR 13616 CURB & GUTTER CHECKED: JHB Q DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### O 07/27/21 43358 DATE: LICENSE NO. VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## N� x�rc� a�a�k' nr�mna�nemrnaooa,00noa O[I OOMNm,[)�u'I NmmmmNa o�n ci O�tn MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & 8618 GUTTER (TYPICAL, SEE ABOVE) PLAN S't 0" lCAL MATCH MODIFIED DESIGN "O' CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) 0 i7'Or'q(� NOTE: STORM SEWER TOP OF CASTING ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS INCLUDES A0.10' DEPRESSION FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE. THE CONCRETE CURB SHOULD BE TRANSITIONED FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE TO THE CASTING ELEVATION 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER OF THE CASTING. AStandard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Concrete Curb & Gutter at Catch Basin late: 03_05 Plate No. Revised: 03 — 1 5 5004 DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REVISIONS: CHECKED: JHB Q DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### � 07/27/21 43358 DATE: LICENSE NO. VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## N� x�rc� a�a�k' nr�mna�nemrnaooa,00noa W H Z D O L� O W J Q F N i U Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -_ Revised: 03-15 4009 EXPAND (TYPICF STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 8-618 — 3' WIDE B-624 — 4' WIDE �3' MIN. T SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. R�,1sed:03-15 5009 Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952)937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.corn Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before di ging: 811 or cal.11l Common Ground A iance • PLAN AND SECTION MAY BE MODIFIED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY ENGINEER WHEN CON 1710 SUCH AS PIPE VELOCITIES DO NOT REQUIRE SUCH EXTENSIVE RIP RAP. Title: Standard Plate Library Spillway Section ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:0 Z _ 4010 ROW 40' R. (TYPICAL) a' 60' R/W-- 32' FACE TO FACE (TYPICAL DESIGN) — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN) 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D" CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS. Title: Typical Standard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 15 5010 CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 6 DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/27/21 :3 w t� Q J J O O Iry CIO 0 I-- - Ln Yl cgWi �.p+ - a '� C C n p a c� o Z W LL � � in o cv���l-"�mminmm �W�J N� x�rc� a�a�k' N i U Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -_ Revised: 03-15 4009 EXPAND (TYPICF STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 8-618 — 3' WIDE B-624 — 4' WIDE �3' MIN. T SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. R�,1sed:03-15 5009 Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952)937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.corn Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before di ging: 811 or cal.11l Common Ground A iance • PLAN AND SECTION MAY BE MODIFIED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY ENGINEER WHEN CON 1710 SUCH AS PIPE VELOCITIES DO NOT REQUIRE SUCH EXTENSIVE RIP RAP. Title: Standard Plate Library Spillway Section ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:0 Z _ 4010 ROW 40' R. (TYPICAL) a' 60' R/W-- 32' FACE TO FACE (TYPICAL DESIGN) — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN) 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D" CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS. Title: Typical Standard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 15 5010 CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 6 DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/27/21 :3 w t� Q J J O O Iry CIO 0 I-- - Ln � cv���l-"�mminmm �W�J x�rc� a�a�k' nr�mna�nemrnaooa,00noa O[I OOMNm,[)�u'I NmmmmNa o�n ci O�tn p C7 W� _��NNMcm,om OO NI ,CIm�a �n � NSG u1 O U LL U a V) na�� �mryoamawnm,aamop n U n H;rc �NNM1 O 2 a n dIq a N O N W m m N m N m o m a Narc W :2 �e - �,ri Nnnaamn ri doaov �nc�rin V] m t 0 N m m O b m m mwz��Nriauo ods�am,cea�.ria W Nn qq D N moz JU.-.-NN1'1Y�1 LL ,OmO�n,G QD NN Oo O on x �e a m N wm n mm Nm 6,on (n �a CL U"n r Q�,nv� �i �i�riou ul nm Na�ne� p� �Pm Awa Uc3 riauie o m n w �NNNM."f o Yi r' ov rr oua V YI p� Q O - no3���oiwvim �a�a� eovHHnn 0`_ Q�� r Nam J}--am,nma�nmam-n,nmam O L U na�U x R m nainpnna ori �iNN Of NII ��a x�i vim�Mvi o, .i ni ridw�a Q U D- o "'�a p } mm�cm mmmpp Ce -a�n ^off Uoi of "Ravi 6.6 ri ,uwM��g �nNn aha oma a. �o�NM� III N n �Oa ZNu]OO�NNr)M��N�4mnmm oo OO N i U Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -_ Revised: 03-15 4009 EXPAND (TYPICF STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 8-618 — 3' WIDE B-624 — 4' WIDE �3' MIN. T SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. R�,1sed:03-15 5009 Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952)937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.corn Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before di ging: 811 or cal.11l Common Ground A iance • PLAN AND SECTION MAY BE MODIFIED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY ENGINEER WHEN CON 1710 SUCH AS PIPE VELOCITIES DO NOT REQUIRE SUCH EXTENSIVE RIP RAP. Title: Standard Plate Library Spillway Section ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:0 Z _ 4010 ROW 40' R. (TYPICAL) a' 60' R/W-- 32' FACE TO FACE (TYPICAL DESIGN) — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN) 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D" CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS. Title: Typical Standard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 15 5010 CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 6 DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/27/21 :3 w t� Q J J O O Iry CIO 0 I-- - Ln � cv���l-"�mminmm �W�J NY,C O[I OOMNm,[)�u'I NmmmmNa o�n ci O�tn p C7 Z Q �n � a V) na�� �mryoamawnm,aamop H;rc �NNM1 ,nmennm� z u W J V] m t 0 N m m O b m m mwz��Nriauo ods�am,cea�.ria W NII V W O on x �e a m N wm n mm Nm 6,on (n �a U�mv.i ,o of riroo �NN.]u'l �i �i�riou ul uln DO W p� O O - no3���oiwvim �a�a� eovHHnn Q LL I� U Uo x R m nainpnna ��a x�i vim�Mvi o, .i ni ridw�a Q D- Ce I d aha oma z`"J �o�NM� N N i U Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 -_ Revised: 03-15 4009 EXPAND (TYPICF STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 8-618 — 3' WIDE B-624 — 4' WIDE �3' MIN. T SLOPE 3/4 "/FT. SECTION A—A Title: Typical Concrete Standard Plate Library Valley Gutter City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. R�,1sed:03-15 5009 Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952)937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.corn Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before di ging: 811 or cal.11l Common Ground A iance • PLAN AND SECTION MAY BE MODIFIED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY ENGINEER WHEN CON 1710 SUCH AS PIPE VELOCITIES DO NOT REQUIRE SUCH EXTENSIVE RIP RAP. Title: Standard Plate Library Spillway Section ACity of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:0 Z _ 4010 ROW 40' R. (TYPICAL) a' 60' R/W-- 32' FACE TO FACE (TYPICAL DESIGN) — ROW (TEMPORARY DESIGN) 40' R 32' FACE TO FACE NOTE: ALL TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS SHALL CONFORM TO TYPICAL STREET SECTION DETAILS. NOTE: DESIGN "D" CURB AND GUTTER TO BE USED WITHIN TEMPORARY CUL—DF—SACS. Title: Typical Standard Plate Library Cul -De -Sac City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 15 5010 CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 6 DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 07/27/21 :3 w t� Q J J O O Iry CIO 0 I-- - Ln M u CONTRACTION JOINTS L12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - 6' DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: AStandard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised;5012 03-17 OVERFLOW OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD NG NUT TACHMENT HOOK .T FABRIC SLEEVE R MnDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3886 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 Title` Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Grate Inlet Cover City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6005 BITUMINOUS TRAIL DESIGN ® - PATHWAY WIDTH 10 ft ® - SHOULDER WIDTH i ft MIN. 3" SP 9.5 WEARING 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE 12' SELECT GRANULE 6' MINIMUM SCARIFY (SUSGRAOE PREP) FABRIC IF pIRECTEO _. ........... NOTES: 1. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL PLATES. 2. PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TRUNCATED DOMES AND CONFORM TO ADA REQUIREMENTS. 3. MODIFY SURFACING, BASE, AND SUBGRADE DESIGN BASED ON EXPECTED VEHICULAR USE AND SUBGRADE SOILS. AStandard Plate Library City of Monticello 2'T TIZrZ O C] -4 DmmTqAm �mbzn ym�0� Z ?r n TTI TTI Lq m>MOX 7070 rFrim- Z nomx u m y oWoo Z z�� �C] pzz➢ �C-i Gim Z 1271 Z PI • 1_r1 N �T 0 r M -i TTI - ZA = 0x0> 2f ZzU n V O 710 m nom= 1- r D -T'ZT=f*1Oo r*I�ZZ -4 O -A *Z,-CX1, Z = Z Z SC,z(7 OC== cm i 1 Title: Typical Trail Section ,ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5013 Title: AStandard Plate Library Joint Trench Utility For Town Houses City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. R811sed: 7004 03-15 { NOTE: ALL WOOD SHALL BE CEDAR OR TREATED MAILBOX HEIGHT & OFFSET TABLE —Q Q1 TOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX HEIGHT 1 OFFSET(D Q2 BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX. CURB & GUTTER DESIGN (IN) (IN) B6 41 - 42 11 BOX ( ) EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER MOO b" 44 - 45 15 MAILBOX NOTES: PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 Q1 TOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX REVISIONS: Q2 BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX. Q FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET 4. FRONT OF MAILBOX 9'-12" FROM BOX ( ) EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## 30PROVIDE YELLOW 3- ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH 51DE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3' SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6" SQUARE CEDAR OR WOOD POST NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM B MAILBOXES ON DOUBLE POST INSTALUiTION Standard Plate Library City of Monticello BITUMINOUS ROADWAY (TYP) MODIFIED "D' CURB & GUTTER (TYR) NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST INSTALLATION Title: Mailbox Detail New -Residential Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised03-15 5014 -P TRACE WIRE ON EAST SIDE OF WATER MAIN I PIPE I sI I I I ;I I 4-111AY CONNECTOR OR TRACE WIRE ON NORTH I TWO 3 -WAY CONNECTORS SIDE OF WATER MAIN I WITH SHORT JUMPERWIRE P{PE 1 sI I I I __________ ______ w W W w w w w I I WATER MAIN WATER MAIN (TYP) CROSS I I I I I ` I �I I I MAINLINE TO LATERAL LUG CONNECTOR (TYP) I I GRADE LEVEL IN -GROUND I TRACE WIRE ACCESS BOX I AND DRIVE-IN MAGNESIUM WATERSERVICE I GROUNDING ANODE (SEE (TYP)----------- WATER SERVICEDETAIL) r - sl I CURB STOP ABOVE GROUND ACCESS BOX (TYP) SECURED TO HYDRANT FLANGE I (SEE HYDRANT DETAIL) } I I sl I I #12 AWG COPPER HYDRANT I CLAD STEEL - BLUE I ITYP) I �I II I NOTES: DRIVE-IN MAGNESIUM 1. WIRE SHOWN AWAY FROM PIPE FOR CLARITY. WIRE SHALL BE GROUNDING ANODE(TYR) INSTALLED ON THE BOTTOM $IDE OF THE PIPE BELOW THE SPRING LINE. THE WIRE SHALL BE FASTENED TO THE PIPE WITH TAPE OR PLASTIC TIES AT F INTERVALS. TRACE WIRE PLAN (WATER) n0 SCALE DESIGNED: CTY INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REVISIONS: CHECKED: JHB Q DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### Q 07/27/21 43358 DATE: LICENSE NO. VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## 2-3/8" BOULEVARD GRADE I� Y TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: -080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30' .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30' SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. 1111111-11111111=11111111 ;� � =111111 =11111111=1111111 (IIIIIII IIIIIII �� IIIIIII—IIIIIII TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS 1111IIII �° �� p =lfll 1111 =1IIIII� : IIIIIII-11[1111 TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC MI CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE 'IIIIQII ri A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION (IIIIIII °Q — DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE e° IIIIIII 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE IIIIIII — A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUT {1I (III VIII{II NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AStanlarl Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation late: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:5017 03-15 RIGHT-OF-WAY GRAI WIRE ACCESSLEVEL BOX O TRACE OR LINE I WIRE ACCESS BOX ON NORTH OR I EAST SIDE OF WATER SERVICE I I WATER MAIN 1 #12 AWG COPPER GLAD STEEL - BLUE I MAINLINE TO {TVP) DRIVE-IN LATERAL LUG MAGNESIUM CONNECTOR I GROUNDING 1.0' MAXj_ ANODE ROD — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7— — — 1.0' M SERVICE SADDLE WATER SERVICE I I CURB STOPBOX 5 0' MAX TAPE OR PLASTIC TIE NOTES: (TYR) 1. WIRE SHOWN AWAY FROM PIPE FOR CLARITY. WIRE SHALLBE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY ADJACENTTO THE SERVICE PIPE. THE WIRE SHALL BE FASTENED TO THE PIPE WITH TAPE OR PLASTIC TIES AT U INTERVALS. WATER SERVICE - PLAN VIEW NO SCALE 1.51 MAX FINISHED GRADE r7-- GRADE LEVEL( IN -GROUND TRACE WIRE ACCESSBOX TO CURB STOP BOX BE INSTALLED ON NORTH OR EAST SIDE OF WATERSERVICE u 14 COIL2' OF EXTRA RED ANDBLUE II WIREIN ACCESS BOX. RED II #12 AWG COPPER WIRE IS FROM GROUNDING Il CLAD STEEL - BLUE ANODE AND BLUE WIRE IS III (TYP) TRACE AND ON SERVICE PIPE THAT CONNECTS TO THE MAIN I I LINE WIRE. I I DO NOT SECURE WIRES TO CURB STOP BOX III AS TO ALLOW FOR ADJUSTMENTS WITHOUT 4 DAMAGING WIRE #14 AWG COPPER CLAD I l STEEL - RED, FACTORY L 1 CONNECTEDTO I GROUND ROD ll I I I I I I DRIVE-IN MAGNESIUM I I GROUNDINGANODE SI ROD II it O CURB STOP WIRE CONTINUES WITH WATER SERVICE AND CONNECTS TO MAINLINE WIRE (SEE PLAN VIEW ABOVE) WATER SERVICE - SECTION VIEW STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.eom Westwood Professional Services, Inc. EXISTING CURB OVERFLOW IS 12 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT Call AR HrHir ore di ging: 811 or ca118 1. om Common Grou A iance PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS )2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6004 1112 AWG COPPER CLAD STEEL -BLUE ABOVE -GROUND TTYP) TRACE WIRE ACCESS BOX TRACE WIRE AROUND FIBRE OR STAINLESS STEEL BRACKET TO NORTH OR EAST SIDE I NEW STAINLESS STEEL I PERMANENTLY OF FITTINGS I BOLT TO ALLOW FOR BRACKET INSTALLATION BOX TO RA ESS BOX G GRADE ABOVE -GROUND TRACE FLANGE WIRE RA ACCESS BOX IIF--- 1a'MAX PERMANENTLY MOUNTED I 2.0'MIN I (S E FRONT FLANGE BOLT SWAY (SEE FRONT VIEW} 1.0' CONNECTOR �pL�yIII---- 1 Y I V MAX r-- — "- I➢" 'A1 1 TRACE WIRE Y AROUND NORTH I OR EAST SIDE OF FITTINGS 1 I II I 912 AWG COPPER II 6.0' MAX 1.0'MAX 1.0'MAX J CLAD STEEL -BLUE II DRIVE-IN (TYP) 11 MAGNESIUM TAPE OR GROUNDING ANODE ROD I PLASTIC TIE (TYP) 5.0' MAX WIREUNDERNEATH 1 a' MAIC NSIDE ORTH H EAST I AIRE ST SIDE OF UNDERNEATH II #14AWG COPPER CLAD LEAD OFHYORANT I WATERMAIN 4Af STEEL - RED, I FACTORY CONNECTED l TO GROUND ROD TAPE OR I WATER MAIN PLASTIC TIE (TYP) WIRE CONTINUES UNDER HYDRANT LAD AND DRIVE-IN CONNECTS TO MAINLINE MAGNESIUM WIRE (SEE PLAN VIEW) GROUNDING ANODE ROD HYDRANT - PLAN VIEW HYDRANT -SECTION VIEW NOSCALE NO -L= MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION STANDARD DETAIL TRACE WIRE Ra Fv HYDRANTOETAIL RUIGIL W.-1TUR M.y28,2014 LftLibrwyWIunkiDaIhPmfm510e9 ssmia Iw um a er jemim I race wim alis b 28.14.dwa CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 7 DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 1 DATE: 07/27/21 :3 LU J J O O IIry m 0 Ln IM RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE I TRACE WIRE SHALL BE 412 AWG COPPER I ROUTED AROUND CLAD STEEL -GREEN ! (TYP) MANHOLES ON THE NORTH 'OUTTUAROTNAce WARE LNID BE ANDIOR EAST SIDE MAINLINETO DRIVE-IN NJolo —TSIDE BON NORTH LATERAL LUGk MAGNESIUM MNNUNE TO GROUNDING 7-- CONNECTOR GROUNDING ANODE LUGCDNNECTGR FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW MIX: TOPSOIL BORROW (MNDOT 3877.2G) CONSISTING OF #72 AWG COPPER GLAD 1'� MAxi ANODE ROD _ (TYPE` GREE" 1� ---- ----------_ 70% SAND (MEETING THE GRADATION REQUIREMENTS OF 3126 "FINE AGGREGATE FOR P �'T� PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE") AND 30% GRADE 2 COMPOST (MNDOT 3890) _______r_ __________J MAINLINE TO LATERAL IAVM w. AWG CCPPFR CLAD I SEWER SERVICE LU,CONNECTOR GRADE LEVELfIN-GROUND TRACE sT[EL-RDD. cACToar . 1�`'pI I ON PRIVATE SIDE CONNECTED TO , `--n-„--ITY� WERE ACCESS BOJCDIRECTLV ABOVE I I SEWER SERVICE r I 5 J/(jh--r—.1 V MAXL I _..” ! E il TAPE OR DRNE+N MnaNEsnlu CLAD." STEEL ""GREEN ! 1 PLASTIC TIE NOTES: EllING MODE 1.7 l 1. WIRE SHOWN AWAY FROM PIPE FOR CLARITY. WIRE SHALL BE E INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE SERVICE PIPE. NOTE: FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW TO BE PLACED BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR AFTER I GRADE LEVEL IIN-GROUND THE WIRE SHALE BE FASTENED TO THE PIPE WITH TAPE OR ACCESS BOX AND DRIVE-IN PLASTID TIES AT VINTERVALS. SITE IS GRADED AND STABILIZED. THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, KEEP HEAVY MAGNESIUM GROUNDING SEWER SERVICE - PLAN VIEW SEWER MANHOLE -PLAN VIEW W ANODE(SEE SERVICE ETAIL) EQUIPMENT OFF THE INFILTRATION AREA TO AVOID COMPACTION OF SOILS. ____---- w� /T MR SEWER SERVICE) (T+% I DRIVE-IN MAGNESIUM 4 -WAY CONNECTOR OR GROUNDING ANODE COIL 2' OF EXTRA REO AND GREEN 4 TWO 3 -WAY CONNECTORS GRADE LEVEL! IN -GROUND TRACE WIRE E WITH JUMPER WIRE WIRE IN ACCESS BOXREDGRE O N I IS FROM GROUNDING ANODE AND ACCESS BOX TO BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY GREEN WIRE IS TRACE WIRE ON OVER SEWER SERVICE NEAR THE SERVICE PIPE THAT CONNECTS TO RIGH--WAYLINE NO SOIL SHALL HAVE MORE THAN _____________ ____________ THE MAIN LINE WIRE. 5 5 J S 5 4 ' S% CLAY CONTENT. N LINI:ruNIAGNESIUM TAM OR INFILTRATION MEDIA y GRIX NNGANGDELUG PVSFIC TIE N II I 1 #14 AWG COPPER CLAD cDNNEcraR IT1'v) MANHOLE[ I� STEEL -RED, FACTORY °DNNEC�Nm� UU 12" FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW GROUND ROD ROD GROUNDINGNMWE ' CENTERLINE SEWER I I s I! SERVICE I I I 1 BOTTOM I "CLAD STM RCN — — — — — — I #12 AWG COPPER CLAD NOTES', N STEEL -GREEN_ -- 1. WIRE SHOWN AWAY FROMPIPE FOR CLARITY. WIRE SHALL BE (TYP) I I, SEWER MANHOLE - SECTION VIEW INSTALLED ON THE BOTTOM SIDE OF THE PIPE BELOW THE ` I ! I DRIVE-IN MAGNESIUM Noxrxf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I GROUNDING ANODE SPRINGLINE THE WIRE SHALL BE FASTENED TO THE PIPE I I ROD --- --- --- — --- ----- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- --- ----- --- WITH TAPE 037 PLASTIC TIES AT 5' INTERVALS_ - � I SEWER SERVICE l —-------------------------------------- — TRACE WIRE PLAN (SEWER) WIRE CONTINUES WITH SEWER— "n SERVICE AND CONNECTS TO= _ _ MAINLINE W IRE (SEE PLAN VIEW MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION NATIVE ABOVE) STANDARD DETAIL WELL -DRAINING mww SEWER MANHOLE DETAILSANDY SOILINFILTRATION SEWER SERVICE - SECTION VIEW TRACE WIRE NG BCALE Eil H 1I 1t lTi IE BASIN SECTIONS MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION NWL ELEVATION OCS (SEE DETAIL) 10' 4•� POND SECTION DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## INITIAL ISSUE: 07/27/21 REVISIONS: 0 ❑. ❑A MIN. 2 CU YARDS I PLAN ELEVATION L:TibrarylMuniupaRPro(esslonal Assaciat—NRural Wafer DaNilslTrwe Wire Details 5,28.14 dwg OUTSIDE MH WALL TO FLAT BAR = 1" PROVIDE 4 1/2" SS ANCHOR BOLTS w/ CLIPS 1/4" x 1" FLAT BAR (ROLLED TO PROVIDE OUTER RING) #5 SMOOTH BAR @ 4" O.C. HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED EACH WAY GRATE IN 2 SECTIONS (PROVIDE 3 1/4" x 3 1/4" OPENING) PLAN TOP OF WALL [J] [Al 9., OUTLET I I [Bl VARIESPIPE [H][1] ORIFICE [C][D] 8" [E] 12" �f POND OUTLET SKIMMER 0 6' 7' SIDEWALK I BOULEVARD 2% SLOPE I 1 CONCRETE WALK J 2 ROLLS OF SOD AT BACK OF CURB (TYP.) MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) POND OCS NWL HWL [A] RIM [B] OCS SIZE [C] ORIFICE [D] ORIFICE [E] SUMP [F] INLET [G] INLET SIZE [H] OUTLET [1] OUTLET [J] TOP OF ELEVATION ELEVATION SIZE ELEV. ELEVATION ELEVATION SIZE WALL ELEV. 1 1 931.50 934.00 934.00 60" ID 933.00 6" 928.00 929.00 12" 931.00 12" 934.00 2 2 932.50 934.80 934.80 60" ID 934.00 6" 927.46 930.00 12" 928.46 30" 935.00 PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA DATE: 07/27/21 LICENSE NO. 43358 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 60' �/W Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.l Common Ground Alliance 30' I 30' R/W I R/W I 15' 15' 14' Westwood BOULEVARD 1' AOi cI nPF 2% I 2% TYPICAL STREET SECTION REFER TO PLAN SHEET FOR DIMENSIONS 1.5" MnDOT TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPWEA240C)(2360) MnDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" MnDOT TYPE SP 12.5 NON -WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPNWB230C)(2360) 6" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) w/GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACTED SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR) Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc TYPICAL STREET - PAVEMENT DESIGN CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 8 DETAILS OF PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 1 DATE: 07/27/21 LTJ a J J O O r1C m 0 L u FOR FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 CONTACT: MARK ELLIOT PHONE: 952-392-9227 EMAIL: MARK@ MARKELLIOTHOM ES.COM PREPARED BY: Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 CONTACT: JOHN H. BENDER SHEET INDEX Drawing Index DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING TITLE 01 COVER 02 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN 03 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS 04 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS Vicinity Map (NOT TO SCALE) NO. DATE REVISION SHEETS 1 21-08-02 CITY COMMENTS ALL CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA INITIAL SUBMITTAL DATE: 07/13/21 SHEET: 01 OF 04 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 LU Q J 0 O m z O I— V) O 2 -QUA /-- 13-BHS f C 6-WHP I I r 10 -ACD /4-PFC 13 -CAV I \1b -ACD 7411 13-BCB \ 1 S " pl 6 -ACD 940 936 18-BCB 29 934 _ 8+ 7 1 + + y��L\ .1932`. 9 6 9� + + + �+ + 32r. + + + + + J �w 4� \� - 3 • \� w 9''6 - 2 10 -FFM FINAL PLANT SCHEDULE CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY 34 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance SIZE SPACING O.C. MATURE SIZE FFM 10 1-HAK 8 -SCE 2.5" BB AS SHOWN 15 25 3 White Oak / Quercus alba 2.5" BB AS SHOWN �16 1 SCE 9 St. Croix Elm / Ulmus americana 'St. Croix' 2.5" BB 10 -FFM FINAL PLANT SCHEDULE CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY 34 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance SIZE SPACING O.C. MATURE SIZE FFM 10 26 / ` ✓ 938 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-70'W 50' 25 3 White Oak / Quercus alba 2.5" BB 10 -FFM FINAL PLANT SCHEDULE CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY 34 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance SIZE SPACING O.C. MATURE SIZE FFM 10 Fall Fiesta Maple / Acer saccharum 'Bailsta' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-70'W 50' WHO 3 White Oak / Quercus alba 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-70'W 40'-50' SCE 9 St. Croix Elm / Ulmus americana 'St. Croix' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 60'-80'W 40'-60' ACE 9 Accolade Elm / Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana 'Morton' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 70'W 40'-50' HAK 3 Hackberry / Celtis occidentalis 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-75'W 50' / CONIFER TREES 41 BHS 16 Black Hills Spruce / Picea glauca 'Densata' 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 30'-40'W 20'-30' WHP 12 White Pine / Pinus strobus 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 30'-40'W 20'-30' NOS 13 Norway Spruce / Picea abies 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 40'-60'W 30'-40' / O ORNAMENTAL DECIDUOUS 47 / TCH 12 Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn / Crataegus crusgalli 'Inermis' 1.5" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-20'W 15'-20' / \ QUA 10 Quaking Aspen / Populus tremuloides 6' HT., BB CLUMP AS SHOWN H 10'-15' W 10'-15' PFC 15 Prairie Fire Crabapple / Malus 'Prairie Fire' 1.5" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-25'W 15'-25' \ ALS 10 Allegheny Serviceberry / Amelanchier laevis 6' HT., BB CLUMP AS SHOWN H 15'-25'W 15'-25' 3-TCH SHRUBS 241 1 / C � BCB 79 Black Chokeberry / Aronia melanocarpa elata #5 CONT. 4'-0" O.C. H 4'-5' W 4'-5' ACD 76 Alleman's Compact Dogwood / Cornus sericea 'Alleman's Compact' #5 CONT. 4'-0" O.C. H 4'-5' W 4'-5' CAV 86 Cranberry Viburnum/ Viburnum trilobum #5 CONT. 4'-0" O.C. H 4'-5' W 4'-5' NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. SYMBOL LEGEND NATIVE SEEDING LEGEND L DENOTES STORMWATER OVERSTORY 0 BUFFER NATIVE SEED MIX (33-261) 61, P O / DECIDUOUS UNDERSTORY TOTAL AREA (0.29 AC) STR ES EVERGREEN �,�`r + + + + DENOTES WET MEADOW S & W & l / +++++ SEED MIX (34-271) \ °` ` OVERSTORY lb + + + ++ TOTAL AREA (0.16 AC) BUFFER DECIDUOUS UNDERSTORY BUFFER TREES * ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 27 �� ��' DECIDUOUS TREES 3-PFC Q� L OVERSORY 28 hyo / r DECIDUOUS BUFFER YARD TREES 0 SHRUBS �T CA LANDSCAPE REQU I REM ENTS \ / 2 -Qu / l 23 - 29 A6 24-13CB — — — — / 2-TCH --� 8-WHP 1 _ II + + + + 13 -CAV 2 -QUA 4 -BHS 22 6 24 -CA - � � V sJ v 18 938 21� i L 3 -PF O C � 1-HAK / g WHO { DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## 940 J>9 20 4 -QUA r 24 -BC O Q -TCH 6 -ALS ° / \~ J 4-N S\ 4-TCH PFC i 1 -WHO Q° 4 N 5 S / STO �l 4 -ALS 25 CD4 —7 rte' � �- FTI 401 0' 50' 100' 150' g� 1 01 _ CONSTRUCTION PLANS INITIAL ISSUE: 07/13/21 REVISIONS: 21-08-02 CITY COMMENTS 0 PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA CORY IM EYE R DATE: 21-08-02 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA TOTAL LANDSCAPE REQUIRED: 137 TREES 4.1(G) STANDARDS FOR PERIMETER BUFFER: 79 TREES TYPE A - BASIC BUFFER, WEST PROPERTY LINE ( 552 LF ) 2.0 ACI OF CANOPY TREES, 10.0 ACI OF UNDERSTORY TREES, 15 SMALL SHRUBS PER 100 LINEAR FEET (12 ACI CANOPY TREES, 56 ACI UNDERSTORY TREES, 83 SHRUBS REQUIRED) TYPE B - 20' AESTHETIC BUFFER, SOUTH PROPERTY LINE ( 324 LF ) 8.0 ACI OF CANOPY TREES, 10.0 ACI OF UNDERSTORY TREES, 15 SMALL SHRUBS PER 100 LINEAR FEET (26 ACI CANOPY TREES, 33 ACI UNDERSTORY TREES, 49 SHRUBS REQUIRED) 4.1(H) STANDARDS FOR SITE LANDSCAPING: (28 LOTS TOTAL, 3 CORNER LOTS) 62 TREES EACH LOT REQUIRES 4.0 AGGREGATE CALIPER INCHES (ACI) OF CANOPY TREES REQUIRED PLANTINGS FOR CORNER LOTS SHALL BE DOUBLE THE LISTED REQUIREMENTS (8.0 ACI OF CANOPY TREES) ( 25 REGULAR LOTS x 4.0 ACI*) + (3 CORNER LOTS x 8.0 ACI) = 62 CANOPY TREES (124 ACI) * INDICATES ACI MET OR PARTIALLY MET WITH TREE PRESERVATION INCENTIVE CREDIT 4.2(D) TREE PRESERVATION INCENTIVE CREDIT -3.25 ACI (SEE CALCULATIONS ON TREE PRESERVATION TABLE SHEET) TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS REE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS: 0 TRE ,EE CALCULATIONS ON TREE PRESERVATION TABLE SHEET) OVERALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS TOTAL LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 137 TREES * REQUIRED SITE LANDSCAPING 138 TRE 132 SHRL * TREE PRESERVATION REPLACEMENT 0 TRI OVERALL PROJECT PROVISIONS TOTAL LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: * CANOPY DECIDUOUS STREET TREES: * CANOPY DECIDUOUS YARD TREES: * BUFFER CANOPY DECIDUOUS TREES: * BUFFER CANOPY CONIFER TREES: * BUFFER UNDERSTORY CONIFER TREES: * BUFFER UNDERSTORY ORNAMENTAL TREES: * BUFFER SHRUBS: Weftwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc 156 TREES 28 TREES 34 TREES 6 TREES 13 TREES 28 TREES 47 TREES 241 SHRUBS SHEET NUMBER: 02 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN OF 04 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 21-08-02 LU a J O af m z 0 O PLANTING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE AT 811 OR CALL811.COM TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANTS OR LANDSCAPE MATERIAL. 2. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS. 3. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 4. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF ANY BID AND/OR QUOTE BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TWO YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE GUARANTEE BEGINS ON THE DATE OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S OR OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING. REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 6. ALL PLANTS TO BE SPECIMEN GRADE, MINNESOTA -GROWN AND/OR HARDY. SPECIMEN GRADE SHALL ADHERE TO, BUT IS NOT LIMITED BY, THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DISEASE, PESTS, WOUNDS, SCARS, ETC. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM NOTICEABLE GAPS, HOLES, OR DEFORMITIES. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES. ALL PLANTS SHALL HAVE HEAVY, HEALTHY BRANCHING AND LEAFING. CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL HAVE AN ESTABLISHED MAIN LEADER AND A HEIGHT TO WIDTH RATIO OF NO LESS THAN 5:3. 7. PLANTS TO MEET AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2014 OR MOST CURRENT VERSION) REQUIREMENTS FOR SIZE AND TYPE SPECIFIED. 8. PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MNLA & ANSI STANDARD PLANTING PRACTICES. 9. PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE. PROPERLY HEEL -IN MATERIALS IF NECESSARY; TEMPORARY ONLY. 10. PRIOR TO PLANTING, FIELD VERIFY THAT THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR IS LOCATED AT THE TOP OF THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE. IF THIS IS NOT THE CASE, SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED DOWN TO THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR. WHEN THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE IS PLANTED, THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR SHALL BE EVEN OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. 11. OPEN TOP OF BURLAP ON BB MATERIALS; REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS. 12. PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY - PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRANCHING OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED TREES. 13. WRAP ALL SMOOTH -BARKED TREES -FASTEN TOP AND BOTTOM. REMOVE BY APRIL 1ST. 14. STAKING OF TREES AS REQUIRED; REPOSITION, PLUMB AND STAKE IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR. 15. THE NEED FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS. 16. BACKFILL SOIL AND TOPSOIL TO BE EXISTING TOP SOIL FROM SITE AND ADHERE TO MN/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3877 (COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW), FREE OF ROOTS, ROCKS LARGER THAN ONE INCH, SUBSOIL DEBRIS, AND LARGE WEEDS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. MINIMUM 4" DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAWN GRASS AREAS AND 12" DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR TREE, SHRUBS, AND PERENNIALS. 17. MULCH TO BE AT ALL TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND MAINTENANCE AREAS. TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE 4" DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO BE USED AROUND ALL PLANTS WITHIN TURF AREAS. PERENNIAL AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS BEDS SHALL HAVE 2" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. MULCH TO BE FREE OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL AND COLORED RED, OR APPROVED EQUAL. MULCH AND FABRIC TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. MULCH TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 18. EDGING TO BE COMMERCIAL GRADE VALLEY -VIEW BLACK DIAMOND (OR EQUAL) POLY EDGING OR SPADED EDGE, AS INDICATED. POLY EDGING SHALL BE PLACED WITH SMOOTH CURVES AND STAKED WITH METAL SPIKES NO GREATER THAN 4 FOOT ON CENTER WITH BASE OF TOP BEAD AT GRADE, FOR MOWERS TO CUT ABOVE WITHOUT DAMAGE. UTILIZE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS FOR EDGING WHERE POSSIBLE. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V -SHAPED DEPTH AND WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN MULCH AND GRASS. INDIVIDUAL TREE, SHRUB, OR RAIN -GARDEN BEDS TO BE SPADED EDGE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. EDGING TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 19. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED OR SEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SOD TO BE STANDARD MINNESOTA GROWN AND HARDY BLUEGRASS MIX, FREE OF LAWN WEEDS. ALL TOPSOIL AREAS TO BE RAKED TO REMOVE DEBRIS AND ENSURE DRAINAGE. SLOPES OF 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE STAKED. SEED AS SPECIFIED AND PER MN/DOT SPECIFICATIONS. IF NOT INDICATED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN, SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 20. PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO ALL PLANTED AREAS ON SITE. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN/BUILD BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OPERATION MANUALS, AS -BUILT PLANS, AND NORMAL PROGRAMMING. SYSTEM SHALL BE WINTERIZED AND HAVE SPRING STARTUP DURING FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. SYSTEM SHALL HAVE ONE-YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND LABOR. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT INSTALLATION AND SCHEDULING CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY WATERING OF PLANT MATERIALS UNTIL THE PLANT IS FULLY ESTABLISHED OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL. OWNER WILL NOT PROVIDE WATER FOR CONTRACTOR. 22. REPAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REQUIRED FOR ANY ROADWAY BOULEVARD AREAS ADJACENT TO THE SITE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 23. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO OWNER. STANDARD CITY PLANTING NOTES (1) IN SUBDIVISION PLANTINGS, NOT LESS THAN TWO OR MORE THAN THREE SPECIES OF TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN ANY BLOCK, AND NEITHER LESS THAN 20% NOR MORE THAN 50% OF THE TOTAL TREES PLANTED IN A BLOCK MAY BE OF THE SAME SPECIES. ONLY TREES LISTED IN § 92.46 SHALL BE PLANTED. (2) REQUIRED TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN THE BOULEVARD AT A LOCATION RANGING FROM FOUR FEET TO TEN FEET FROM THE CURB. PRECISE LOCATION WITHIN THIS RANGE TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY. (3) REQUIRED SUBDIVISION TREES MUST HAVE A TRUNK DIAMETER OF AT LEAST TWO INCHES AT ONE FOOT ABOVE THE GROUND. (4) REQUIRED SUBDIVISION TREES MUST BE PROTECTED AND SUPPORTED BY TREE GUARDS OF APPROVED TYPE. (5) NO REQUIRED SUBDIVISION TREE SHALL BE PLANTED IN SOIL TOO POOR TO ENSURE THE GROWTH OF THE TREE UNLESS 27 CUBIC FEET (THREE FEET X THREE FEET X THREE FEET) OF SOIL IS REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH SUITABLE LOAM. DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## INITIAL ISSUE: 07/13/21 REVISIONS: 21-08-02 CITY COMMENTS 0 PREPARED FOR: ENTRY MONUMENT DETAIL SCALE 1 " = 10' SHKEDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (TYP.) ` LARGE BOULDER WITH/ NAME ENGRAVED (BY OTHERS) - NATIVE SEEDING / SEEDING LIMITS \-♦ ENTRY MONUMENT PLANT SCHEDULE CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS 5 S �O 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK O 1� Qo PLANTING DETAILS Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance PRUNE OUT MISDIRECTED BRANCHES. PROVIDE ONE CENTRAL LEADER. a�rDO GUYING AND STAKING, AS REQUIRED, FOR ONE (1) YEAR ON ALL DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES: TOP STAKES 5' ABOVE GROUND (MAX.) OR TO FIRST BRANCH. BOTTOM OF 0 STAKE 3' (MIN.) BELOW GROUND. P oma° STAKING POSTS TO BE 2"X2" STAINED WOOD OR PAINTED STEEL DELINEATOR POSTS. PLACE 3 POSTS EQUIDISTANT REMOVE CONTAINER, SCARIFY SIDES, AND AROUND AND OUTSIDE ROOT BALL. oQo� SET SOIL MASS ON COMPACTED SOIL BASE oP SECURE TREE TO POSTS WITH 16" LONG sp�o MOUND, MATCHING SHRUBS NATURAL POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE, 40 GROUNDLINE WITH FINISHED GRADE MIL., 1.5" WIDE STRAP. �w p MULCH AS SPECIFIED (AND FILTER FABRIC, v AS INDICATED) TREE WRAP MATERIAL FROM GROUNDLINE > u EDGING AT PLANTING BEDS, AS SPECIFIED, UPWARD TO FIRST BRANCHES, AS REQUIRED. f�IT" a CO ADJACENT TO LAWN AREAS X PLACE MULCH, DEPTH AS SPECIFIED, OVER\ BALL PLANT PITS - DO NOT PILE AGAINST TRUNK. / SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. \ \ \ DIAMETER \�\ DEPTH PER CONTAINER SOIL DEPTH \\ FORM 3" DEEP WATERING BASIN. BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED BACKFILL SOIL. BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED REFER TO AMERICAN STANDARD FOR PLANTING SOIL OR AS APPROVED \ NURSERY STOCK FOR MINIMUM BALL SIZE. ROOT FLARE TO BE PLANTED AT OR NEAR FINISHED GROUNDLINE. SET CONTAINER ROOT SOIL ON UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL OR MILD SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. COMPACTED SOIL FOR DEPTH TO MATCH SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL FINISH GRADE OR COMPACTED SOIL MOUND MATCHING TREES NATURAL GROUNDLINE WITH FINISHED SITE GRADE. N.T.S. N.T.S. LAST REVISED: LAST REVISED: .... nn DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING 10/19/18 LA28 SHRUB & PERENNIAL CONTAINER PLANTING 10/23/18 LA27-C PRUNE OUT MISDIRECTED BRANCHES. PROVIDE ONE CENTRAL LEADER. GUYING AND STAKING, AS REQUIRED, FOR ONE (1) YEAR ON ALL DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES: TOP STAKES 5' ABOVE GROUND (MAX.) OR TO FIRST BRANCH. BOTTOM OF STAKE 3' (MIN.) BELOW GROUND. STAKING POSTS TO BE 2"X2" STAINED o WOOD OR PAINTED STEEL DELINEATOR POSTS. PLACE 3 POSTS EQUIDISTANT o, AROUND AND OUTSIDE ROOT BALL. SECURE TREE TO POSTS WITH 16" LONG 3!?°0 POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE, 40 p MIL., 1.5" WIDE STRAP. PLACE MULCH, DEPTH AS SPECIFIED, OVER PLANT PITS - DO NOT PILE AGAINST TRUNK FORM 3" DEEP WATERING BASIN BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED BACKFILL SOIL. REFER TO AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK FOR MINIMUM BALL SIZE. ROOT FLARE TO BE PLANTED AT OR NEAR FINISHED GROUNDLINE. SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL OR COMPACTED SOIL MOUND MATCHING TREES NATURAL GROUNDLINE WITH � FINISHED SITE GRADE. � ° N.T.S. I LAST REVISED: EVERGREEN TREE 10/19/18 / PLANTING LA29 40 5 SIZE SPACING O.C. MATURE SIZE TAY 3 Taunton's Yew / Taxus x media 'Tauntonii' #5 CONT. AS SHOWN H 3'-4' W 4'-5' MCS 2 Magic Carpet Spirea / Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma' #5 CONT. AS SHOWN H 2'-3'W 2'-3' PERENNIALS 13 KKC 5 Kit Kat Catmint / Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Cat' #1 CONT. AS SHOWN H l' -2'W V-2' DAY 8 Chicago Apache Daylily / Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' #1 CONT. AS SHOWN H 2'-3'W V-2' NOTES: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA CORY IM EYE R DATE: 21 -08-02 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Weftwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc 0' 10' 20' 30' CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHEET NUMBER: 03 OF LAN DSCAPE NOTES &. UETAI LS 04 PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 DATE: 21-08-02 O TWIN HOME PLANTING DETAIL (TYP) SCALE 1 " = 10' DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: ### VERTICAL SCALE: ### OR ## INITIAL ISSUE: 07/13/21 REVISIONS: 21-08-02 CITY COMMENTS 0 HARDWOOD MULCH (TYP.) PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 TWIN HOME PLANTING DETAIL SCHEDULE CODE QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SPACING O.C. MATURE SIZE CONIFEROUS SHRUBS 13 TEA 13 Technito Arborvitae / Thuja occidentalis 'Bailjohn' #5 CONT. AS SHOWN H 8'-10' W 4'-5' DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 34 MCS 16 Magic Carpet Spirea / Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma' #5 CONT. AS SHOWN H 2'-3'W 2'-3' AFD 10 Arctic Fire Dogwood / Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow' #5 CONT. AS SHOWN H 3'-4'W 3'-4' BOH 8 Bobo Hydrangea / Hydrangea paniculata 'ILVOBO' #5 CONT. AS SHOWN H 2.5'-3'W 3'-4' PERENNIALS 58 KFG 24 Karl Foerster Grass / Calamagrostis aculiflora #1 CONT. AS SHOWN H 3'-4'W 2'-3' DAY 14 Chicago Apache Daylily / Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' #1 CONT. AS SHOWN H 2'-3'W V-2' KKC 20 Kit Kat Catmint / Nepeta x faassenii 'Kit Cat' #1 CONT. AS SHOWN H l' -2'W V-2' NOTES: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA COIRY IM EYE R DATE: 21 -08-02 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Weftwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance 1 0 �?� 0' 10' 20' 30' CONSTRUCTION PLANS LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 SHEET NUMBER: 04 OF DATE: 21-08-02 .?r'*" , u :�'N• \"mar r it t fdaire�.. at��?:i�" - - _ r it * v.' �. R• � c t?a Far :. d Io 1 � �= P� �_ ,L uALL, �� �,� z ? I I+ kir tod? So I It IL 11 10 It No I JI µ ,4 O4 i E r or �to!, ` 4f If it Ybs. t i w %:,„,,, > i r';- $.r ✓��..}af �f� i i4 fir}} i i..it r R, a4S iii,40 wt!+ # ti d Axl A�,a 'Y i R.4. ! ¢ �e "; "� i `t'. (° ,it '�F4 ' '.x fIr, py I. ..� 1 ,! !,,:114 1 i R+ „rk ti �'ps.i ,V �� i : t: t`i�, r�. JC` J'.t h i ., '`.1 Vit' %i,to It.v�yh l�No toadti x.. 4 '} 1, w +JiV•,..YR .s } a 1,. { Nha�h to to to �R •i �( '� } r V s idt'`r •i { .'! a kAlr�r iY s : 4. A" �t S`` t •x•+ P ' }rd" y,�j� _ !loI, i i d ! i y ,�lr it ' z t , SVSc'E'€dmd Iv � R, ws '� Ar- x ti i �, j `! r �„ nx " } 1 It arit 4Y:Srii�� *0 I.I� �4�, i �.f .; ar, 3;< 'a!' �R�l I ���• "� �r� i .rx�� �i�' !r�'�� rf � H;` aw i CI r ttS �i'..�}r �,, f 44 1 fit At dd it � tl 16 ta a I I : at I of R h. Y or y( ;* A _ r iter r at + id :�' .load a h� ,. . . .x. y , rir - `ft.Llrl ryyra " }tom p 22 do I 4 do I Ail 14 01 rr ` k s.. _. +s F do 41 at too it 0 a it do JAI op TT AL I JL do it YY^�41 'V� 6, r.pwad t i Y r a W moo A A it I'Pi VIII- I- I do A oot < 1 W4 w ar7 i'i t SS t ! %.. t 4 V � p.€'i y�y � syr` " 1 t F'.4• sf-S to ; f { 1+.�,ei arts d:a aw'I low 1kN6 , a d off ik III . �R.� _ 114 1 3. It IAF or I two Ti 4 I If it W _\ tL PR it do: I It aft - "-- Ve It . It g I 1 1hit ' 1 _ too r 'ewei 11 drai -do KK 41 to At f tL �tow I" - �'*gym,;, .f'• It Ito at I _ t r oddow h•R ��!�R mota.�M/ _. _ .?r'*" , u :�'N• \"mar r it t fdaire�.. at��?:i�" - - _ r it * v.' �. R• � c t?a Far :. d Io 1 � �= P� �_ ,L uALL, �� �,� z ? I I+ kir tod? So I It IL 11 10 It No I JI µ ,4 O4 i E r or �to!, ` 4f If it Ybs. t i w %:,„,,, > i r';- $.r ✓��..}af �f� i i4 fir}} i i..it r R, a4S iii,40 wt!+ # ti d Axl A�,a 'Y i R.4. ! ¢ �e "; "� i `t'. (° ,it '�F4 ' '.x fIr, py I. ..� 1 ,! !,,:114 1 i R+ „rk ti �'ps.i ,V �� i : t: t`i�, r�. JC` J'.t h i ., '`.1 Vit' %i,to It.v�yh l�No toadti x.. 4 '} 1, w +JiV•,..YR .s } a 1,. { Nha�h to to to �R •i �( '� } r V s idt'`r •i { .'! a kAlr�r iY s : 4. A" �t S`` t •x•+ P ' }rd" y,�j� _ !loI, i i d ! i y ,�lr it ' z t , SVSc'E'€dmd Iv � R, ws '� Ar- x ti i �, j `! r �„ nx " } 1 It arit 4Y:Srii�� *0 I.I� �4�, i �.f .; ar, 3;< 'a!' �R�l I ���• "� �r� i .rx�� �i�' !r�'�� rf � H;` aw i CI r ttS �i'..�}r �,, f 44 1 fit At dd it � tl 16 ta a I I : at I of R h. Y or y( ;* A _ r iter r at + id :�' .load a h� ,. . . .x. y , rir - `ft.Llrl ryyra " }tom p 22 do I 4 do I Ail 14 01 rr ` k s.. _. +s F do 41 at too it 0 a it do JAI op TT AL I JL do it YY^�41 'V� 6, r.pwad t i Y r a W moo A A it I'Pi VIII- I- I do A oot < 1 W4 w ar7 i'i t SS t ! %.. t 4 V � p.€'i y�y � syr` " 1 t F'.4• sf-S to ; f { 1+.�,ei arts d:a aw'I low 1kN6 , a d off ik III . �R.� _ 114 1 3. It IAF or I two Ti 4 I If it W _\ tL PR it do: I It aft - "-- Ve It . It g I 1 1hit ' 1 _ too r 'ewei 11 drai -do KK 41 to At f tL �tow I" - �'*gym,;, .f'• It Ito at I _ t r oddow GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DOOR AND WINDOW HEADERS TO BE S.P.F. #2 OR BETTER, SEE PLANS FOR SIZES. 2. HOUSE TO BE BUILT PER CURRENT I.R.C. CODES. 3. VERIFY GRADES AND ADJUST FOUNDATION/FOOTING STEPS AS NEEDED. 4. SEE PLANS FOR CEILING HEIGHTS 5. 4' HIGH POURED FDN. WALLS STD. 6. FLOOR PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF FRAMING AND FOUNDATION. 7. ALL TRADES & SUPPLIERS TO REVIEW & VERIFY INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THEIR WORK AND NOTIFY CONST. OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 8. NOTED CABINET SIZES ARE +/- AND TO BE FIELD VERIFIED. 9. TRADES TO VERIFY BASE AND TRIM SIZE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 10. ALL WALLS MORE THAN 10'H. TO BE S.P.F. #2 OR BETTER. 11. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY: HOME SITE, FILL AND TOPOGRAPHY WILL DICTATE ACTUAL GRADES AND MAY VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 12. NOTE: SUBFLOOR JOINTS SHALL BE STAGGERED FROM FLOOR TRUSS OR JOIST JOINTS 6' CORNER BD. SLOPE SIDEWALK AS REQUI ED TO MATCH DRIVEWAY HT. / SLOPE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" AZ �L� oma" Q �*6 �o �. o IV •L a L � � •_ m � N L N w� o o� 3 rn C o.> : WL U N a�— J > a L a a Qo' N �— w C_0 a�06 ai ul 3 p C �— O p,_ aU Ja> (UD C: opCc: lo� N a t 3 a N t w a) UU} L E N Z a O ow °N L c)� Uo N a 0 t U a v v fl -t V J W O O O O V .ov PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: REVISIONS: 9-21-18 BID SET 1 SHEET, F VINYL SHAKE cD cD N N b� T.O. SLAB —8" TRIM —4" TRIM 6" TRIM TYP 12F-/ 2x OVER 10" TR 10" TRIM -BKT 12x24x3 (FYPON) ON 8" LP TRIM TYP. \ — VINYL SHAKE 7:12 12 �12 ALUM. SOFFIT &FASCIA H 00 Ll BKT 12x24x3- F (FYPON) ON 8" LP TRIM TYP. VINYL BD. H co W F a�� FIT 12 F co Ora H BKT 12x24x3- F (FYPON) ON 8" LP TRIM TYP. VINYL BD. H 12 W F a�� FIT 12 F co Ora 10" TRIM QC:AQ w U Q co of ofU VINYL SIDING ,,-- 4" LAP M M/ATIn 7:12 10" TRIM ni 2 H 00 Ll 8" TRIM - 4" TRIM— ' TRIM TYP. \�12 OVER 10" TRIM 10" TRIM VINYL BD. & BATTEN N b� T.O. SLAB 19 Qo N SL WiLUMEMIL .�_ -_ :...� .... _ . �. _. - . � � •�-� � � � SHOWN ON THE PLAN. SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" WE W> az BKT 12x24x3- F (FYPON) ON 8" LP TRIM TYP. VINYL BD. &BATTEN 12 W F a�� FIT 12 F Ora 2 H 00 Ll 8" TRIM - 4" TRIM— ' TRIM TYP. \�12 OVER 10" TRIM 10" TRIM VINYL BD. & BATTEN N b� T.O. SLAB 19 Qo N SL WiLUMEMIL .�_ -_ :...� .... _ . �. _. - . � � •�-� � � � SHOWN ON THE PLAN. SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" WE W> az F W Zd Ulm a W F a�� Ora a W � Q 0.Un�lu- zi d L y O m + a �.o E•°Lo-tm a •L N N � a L C > L 7 a (n �— N ��S v►0 0 �rn0LE ��0 W�0 �rn --o o --o 0 > CN. a E L U 0 J0 m � UL o>0)E7 N�; 2 0 3.-c � --a ov_ 3 om N O L 2 •� E E '�, •� m a JJ 0 L 0-0 N m — a�-o E Wcc3���0E H LL Ooa say u1 3 0 rnJ U - , � .aU -_ O J> C to O 0 a U om �-ca,v°U=mo �3ams Lv 0),- °� (n Zc00U) LE Ld w owy y C v ou 0 �aD03rn�a� oma s U a >� HaE v► V J W O F� O O O r v W C � w V � o PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 2 SHEET 11 OF 40'-0" 40'-0" 18'-0" 22'-0" 22'-0" 18'-0" zz W Q(QgF W Q �U � N I I }QUW� I�LL�WL Q I I I _ 1 Q 0 co I " I p •L a) a) p L N p- m N L N 0 0 c>`U U �oa,�3• crn C 0-2-5 c�, — Q C L U N p4-2 M oT y oa)=3EEL. v�•3 I 77 co N to ��� �}O w Cc • � ��C O p H N p -y_2 O L L N (q 3 O O rn� -a c O > p q C ID U J c N o N C--_—_----------- I � 20'-2" L� JJ2�6" I!i o N p N 3 � O�C •V) U a O �Q -----------_—_--� I II 2'-6"L _ J 20'-2" M M F -O L___JL---J w UNEXCAVATED 6'-3' O UNEXCAVATED � O °' _ 11 riliv - ` L� � � H °' 7 ih 3'-7i \3 -7, ih i STARTED: X REVISIONS: 9-21-18 BID SFT I� IL-- ---J r-- L---------- li i 77-/ ----------� --- / ____ /7//lit 1 JI -- i -- SHEET 3 11 OF Eo Lo L 00 I� �IFl / / / / / I I / / 6'-0" h'-4" 11 6' 8y" - 5' 5%z" / / / / / / 20'-6" / / / 20'-6" / 5'-5yz' 6'-8Y2" 11 6'-0„ cV u LI I\�J/II I /UNEXCAVATEDo/ % / /o /UN X AVATED o f LLFOPR, SL i i U -OR S B k I 1'-6" 6'-0" 1'-6" V-6" 6'-0" 1'-6" 11'6" -- g0 — — --19,6" — -- -- --- -- 90" — 19'6" 40'-0" J 40'-0" TWIN HOME FND PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" LV Y_\ I V—\LL—\I_ V --\./J �w-}W QjF zz W Q(QgF W Q �U }QUW� I�LL�WL Q _ 1 Q 0 co O a) c O N p N = p C L L p •L a) a) p L N p- m N L N 0 0 c>`U U �oa,�3• crn C 0-2-5 c�, — Q C L U N p4-2 J am p L c — O > ' oT y oa)=3EEL. v�•3 p -a OL L N p Q a) a) Qp to ��� �}O w Cc • � ��C O p H N p -y_2 O L L N (q 3 O O rn� -a c O > p q C ID U J p O �C �3pN£S w �� V U� N Zc0 Orn L Ld3aa) o°�v Cha 5�Ua,ao p N 3 � O�C •V) U a O �Q N > S U p >� Qs H p E to W F -O w O 0 � O W � � � W � w � � H PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 9-21-18 BID SFT SHEET 3 11 OF 18'-0" 22'-0" 22'-0" 18'-0" TWIN HOME MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" Q� w 'dmaT 0 oma a �u 0 � o u! V1 0 (CD 0 - a EO N N � L s L N6 0 '3 L L GREAT ROOM W U - �0(D c� \ / j Gi L c •- U o (>i 0)E v; (D (n 3._ c —0010 0(D o wo m: E E 'vi • i 'o L c�d a vi L - Q0 ul M3-0c� N °acs WccOo 60E / O-0 U c GREAT ROOM 0 O 0)C 2-0 < s — •N . -a a° w y 0 s O 2- 0 yv 0)� Z c OO W3a� o°.n DEN 0 c pa O0 sU006-�s �vE rn w DEN w OWNER'S SUI E(MINER'S I I I I v 0 I w� SUITE I I O � H I PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O I I I I I I ---� I I REVISIONS: I I I I I I I I ---� SHEET 4 11 OF I DINING N DINING 1 Eli I a 1-��-� E)i LNDRY LNDRY — — — — — — — — — — — 00 I I MUDRM OATH . BL-- MECH. O 0 u --J u O B T MECH. MUDRM I I ---� o f L --------J KITCHEN I 11 L ---------I KITCHEN lFr. o I I = I I I / II ° I I I tIP- �\ `n `ID \ / 1 I o- 7 1I ° BATHcDo 2°'-6" 20'-6" BATH ° Do oz ------------- - - - 2-CAR 2 -CAR GARAGE N 2 -CAR GARAGE FOYER FOYER — — — — — — — BEDROOM #2 I I I BEDROOM #2 V-6" 0 PORCH I 1'-6" I I I PORCH 1'-6" q co 1'-6" M 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" Frm — 00 L�J — — — Lu o N L�J V-8" 1'-8" 1'-8" Q J 11'-6" 9'-0" 19'-6" v 19'-6" 9'-0" 11'-6" 40'-0" 40'-0" TWIN HOME MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" Q� w 'dmaT 0 oma a �u � o u! V1 0 (CD 0 - a EO N N � L s L N6 0 '3 L L c 3v 010 Ec>.0 W U - �0(D c� o�> cy� QELU 00}- j Gi L c •- U o (>i 0)E v; (D (n 3._ c —0010 0(D o wo m: E E 'vi • i 'o L c�d a vi L - Q0 ul M3-0c� N °acs WccOo 60E N 0 s 0 L L V1 J U} O-0 U c o > c c w o 0 J 0 O 0)C 2-0 < s — •N . -a a° w y 0 s O 2- 0 yv 0)� Z c OO W3a� o°.n 0 00 O 0 c pa O0 sU006-�s �vE rn w w v 0 0 w � � w� W O � H PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 9-21-18 BID SIFT SHEET 4 11 OF NOTE: 1. 3/4" DIA. & 5/8" DIA. CAST IN EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR J -ANCHOR BOLTS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR DRILL AND EPDXY USING A36 THREADED RODS WITH HILTI HIT-HY 200 ADHESIVE WITH 12" EMBEDMENT. A.B.'s TO FOLLOW PATTERNS AND DIA. AS NOTED ON THESE PLANS AND HAIR PINS MUST ALSO BE IN PLACE. 2. FOLLOW HILTI MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDING HOLE PREP AND CURE TIME. = - ARTIC FORM LOCATION - SUB SLAB RIGID INSULATION TYP. FDN. PL) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 40'-0" 1 18'-0" 22'-0" 1 7 I g \ -- --- � -- I o " NOTE: NO ANCHOR BOLTS IN DOOR OPNG. ABV. FOUNDATION NOTE: 1/2" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS 6'-0" O.C. & WITHIN 12" OF ENDS OF EACH SILL PLATE 2 7 4 7 I N _ TYP. FDN. @ HOUSE NOTE: PLUMBING FIXTURES q EZ FORM FOUNDATION SYSTEM VERIFY LOCATIONS FOR RGHANS N 20'-2" Lam-—�J2'I-6" co NOTE: - TAPERED CONCRETE UNEXCAVATED FOOTER @ PERIMETER FILL FOR 4" CONC. SLAB 6'-3" �_-- - SEE DETAIL - I � M -- - T-7 F_ 4M 7 >�II J 7 O 9 9 l;Tf) lEo f) N L J RADON NO ANCHOR BOLTSG7 ---------------- WENT / / / IN DOOR OPNG. ABV/ r- - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - - -- 7 Eo -\FI 6-0" 1'-4„ I 6'-8%2" � 5'-5%2" / / / / 20'-6" lk di NOTE: / _____rARCTIC FORM TYP. / UNEX/ CAVATED / o / su�LAB RIGID INSOUL. @ GARA EN cq FOUNDATION NOTE: 6-0„ O C & WITHIN 12" OF ENDS OF EACH SILL PLATE NOTE: NO ANCHOR BOLTS I � IN DOOR OPNG. ABV. LINE OF EXT. WALL 7 4 AT FRONT PORCH r--__-_-_ _ / BFILL FOR OSNNC. LAB 7 F i SUBS AR GID NSULS@PORCH/ t/ OPNG. FOR 16_0_' GARAGE DR. ABOVELu 0 V-6" 6,-0„ V -6"U o N Q N 0 NN 7 40'-0" $ 7 � —� — NOTE: APPROX. 1,530 SQ. FT. FOUNDATION A Mr'Tli` CnDna TVD a� KAI 0 oma a �u AW is�b � o N to O vi -0 (Di N 0 N — a EO C, L (D m ID � N Gi '3 D L Gi C D-0 0)0 L.Ec>,o W U - +o(D c� o-2> cy� QELU o0}— J L c 7 U0(>DD)E ;D c —000 0(D o w 2.3 E E '�, •� .0 o L 0 0 0-0 V) �3-0�� N -03c-0 t H0 amt OCL U) 3 to J U -0 _ U o J ;��►�c0-0 a o 0)c 0_0_ �sNcv — Li y N L a i O E N 0)� U� U LE Ld 0 a- 3 N C aa)>,aoe, _c U 0 > �0E V) W O � w O � � � O LTi w W PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: SHEET 5 11 OF NOTE: 2X6 EXT. WALLS U.N.O 2X4 INT. WALLS U.N.O. NOTE: - STD. BASE & CASING TO BE PRINCETON - 1/2 WALL w/ WD. CAP & INVERTED CASING - 42" UPPER CABINETS DOOR ROUGH OPENINGS: BIFOLD DOORS: 82" OVER CARPET CERAMIC TILE & WOOD 82" OVER VINYL 1 3/8" WIDER THAN DOOR PREHUNG UNITS: 83" HEIGHT 2" WIDER THAN DOOR SRO = SHEET ROCKED OPNG FINISH SIZE NOTED ON PLAN (EXAMPLE: 2668 ) R.O. 1" WIDER, 83" HIGH CO = CASED OPENING (WOOD) FINISH SIZE NOTED ON PLAN (EXAMPLE: 2668 ) RO. 1 1/2" WIDER, 83" HIGH WINDOW SCHEDULE - PLY GEM FLOOR WINDOW LABEL RGH. OPNG. DESCRIPTION 2-2x10 V-6" N= FIRST LEVEL 8'-0" 1-T. 8'-0" HT. Al 72" x 96" PATIO DOOR A2 106" x 66" 3W SGL. HUNG A3 80" x 66" 2W SGL. HUNG A4 36" x 54" 1W SGL. HUNG A5 48" x 24" PICT. WDW. T-8" 7 Z - (4) 2x8 d J o Om 11 ;;I- 2'-2"11 o_ U_ co �e Lo N in A/C UNIT' L Cll w RAC 18'-0" 6-9" 3-2x10 �M� GIRDER NOTE: = ZERO BARRIER DOORWAY GREAT ROOM 13'-7" x 11'-10" (164 SQ. FT.) U) W U) =U O L ON C� LL 2 DINING 9' CLG. / LVP FLR. 13'-7" x 9'-4" (130 SQ. FT.) 2'-2" 111, 15-5%4„ -------------------- 8/OH ----- — — I I 3'-6" 12" FLUSH OH. LI _� 4(B r--- --� I I 1 22'-0" 3'-7" 9'-0" 8 13'-0" 3'-10" 5-2" 64" 6-8" 2-2x10 V-6" N= N N 8'-0" 1-T. 8'-0" HT. 00 c"t 0, ° M , N SOFFIT x 3-9 1/2" LSL 4'-0" 3'-3" 3-9 1/2" LSL (4) 2x8 ABOVE 7 91 o N N o o I 9' CLG. / LVPCD - O � o 3068 PKT. DR. U_ DEN >. OL. O N _ a � � L s L TR D. SH— w 00Y 9' CLG. / CARPET o O NER'S SUI IE Na 10'-1" x 9'-7" (98 SQ. FT.) � TRAY VAULT / CAR ET 12'-2i' x 13'-6" (168 SQ FT.) N� `r' DRYER N U L-C Z_O O� -2 W3a� o°cn U) `� \ \ U) 2'-0" 2'-0" 27" BASE — �L — v=i Z) U 6:12 � LAG x 8/0 H_S / LTUB All. F- — 1 06 6-7" x 5'-9" (39 SQ. FT.) o� —� I DOORWAY / \ 6„ $ 9' CLG. / LVT cin T-6" x 5'-9" U w O _ I I DWI _j oCO/ xp SMOKE � SD o / Ll U) zo \ N= L o 00 — FOR FP. LL N SOFFIT CHASE 4'-0" 3'-3" LL 7'-0" ABOVE o 6'-3" o N N o o I 9' CLG. / LVPCD - O � o 3068 PKT. DR. N to 0c 4)a,�v >. OL. O N _ a � � L s L TR D. SH— w N •� W� iNASHER I 11O. CLST � `�06 I `r' DRYER N U L-C Z_O O� -2 W3a� o°cn m2O `� \ \ 00 Ln 27" BASE — �L — v=i 9' CLG. / CARPET � I LSL FL VENT TO OUT � I ( ) r __rr4/0 x 8/0 H_S / LTUB All. F- — 1 06 6-7" x 5'-9" (39 SQ. FT.) Z e► j I DOORWAY / 6„ $ 9' CLG. / LVT cin T-6" x 5'-9" U w OPT. C'TOP. o ABV. W&D _ �6�p N REF. I I i - BUYER S/O (44 SQ. FT.v 4'-8" 6" 12" BOXOUT ✓ ° I 3068 PKT. DR. L a J R&SH SHEET 6 11 OF (V 9 cBATHTL___ 5'-5" x 12'-0" P.H. 1 6 L -O 3068 L. 9„ MUDRM POWER VENT \ / / OTE: STORAGE (67 SQ. FT U) w C? U) zo 2x6 WALL --------- -- L o 00 — FOR FP. LINE OF N SOFFIT CHASE l i KITCHEN e LL ABOVE o O o N N o o I 9' CLG. / LVPCD - O � o N to 0c 4)a,�v >. OL. O N _ a � � L s L 13'-6" x 9'-6" s e 30" D. W � �0�,�3' c� O -p -c w N -O O'O 7 O i N a �oLaoiav R&SH (130 SQ. FT.) GAS RANGHE PANELS H N Ods OCL_ L - Os rn� U}2._�, 40 `r' O O 0)C.2 — �s•N ° �—a v N U L-C Z_O O� -2 W3a� o°cn m2O I 2-9 1/2" MICRO AB \ \ 00 Ln �0E rn NOTE: / � I LSL FL VENT TO OUT � I ( ) r __rr4/0 x 8/0 H_S ZERO BARRIER / DOORWAY / w� W N / 1 REF. I I i - BUYER S/O \ 4'-8" 6" 12" BOXOUT ✓ ° I \ /20'-6" SHEET 6 11 OF (V \ / I 2x6 TB RADON \ / / OTE: STORAGE C3 / \ a Z-10" BATH O L(3CL. VENT 9„ \ - / LVT - NOTE: PULL- \ T ou) = T-11" x 64" P. H. o 9' CLG. /LVP N -i (42 SQ. FT.) . r--- ire (VERIFY LOCATION) \ co LL _ APPROX. 541 SQ. FT. U) C,f (5) SH. ,�O`O� s ►M i `1'=R=TR 9' CLG. / LVP U / PANTRY 2 -CAR GARAGE \ \ 1 I-_ o I� R&S H 8'-4" o N / 2x6 WALLS U.N.O. \ 9' CLG. -- — — — — --- - p O �9-� ' CLG. / / LVP o N CARPET = U o 04 `0 GYP. BD. WALLS TO BE 1/2" GYP. cf) ��� = 06 �o ti CO/ 101Lo 6� 2 SMOKE® I oo I 5/4 x.8/0 H. SRO N--- - 5'-10%4" 2'-6" 0' 4'-5" 6-83/4" SD U) w C? U) zo 2x6 WALL w 7dma� U) — FOR FP. LINE OF SOFFIT CHASE 9'-0" LL ABOVE 42" W. CONC. O 60x36 SF.D.2-1668 5'-0" r"coll O � o N to 0c 4)a,�v >. OL. O N _ a � � L s L a•L W (D v N> j m L L O 6" W � �0�,�3' c� O -p -c w N -O O'O 7 O i N a �oLaoiav R&SH EXICH. H N Ods OCL_ L - Os rn� U}2._�, 40 IBRGL UNIT I TYP. MAIN FLOOR PLAN NOTE: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" - - 2x8 WALL NOTE: ZERO BARRIER SIDEWALK (NO STEPS) - SLOPE SIDEWALK AS REQUIRED TO MATCH DRIVEWAY HT. / SLOPE 9' CLG. / LVP 5'-11" x 9'-1" Ci (55 SQ. FT.) O BEDROOM #2 9' CLG. / CARPET 12'-0"x12'-7" (151 SQ. FT.) NOTE: ZERO BARRIER DOORWAY 12"S.I V-6" o M 3'-0„ 9' CLG. /LVP MECH. WH it MFG. ROOF TRUSSES ®J it LVT w 7dma� @ 24" O.C. — J LINE OF SOFFIT 9'-0" 40'-0 42" W. CONC. SIDEW, 60x36 SF.D.2-1668 5'-0" r"coll � o N to 0c 4)a,�v >. OL. O N _ a � � L s L a•L W (D v N> j m L L O (/1 aCi_ �O' E ur) W � �0�,�3' c� O -p -c O + > C f= L U o O}— Q N -O O'O 7 O i N a �oLaoiav R&SH EXICH. H N Ods OCL_ L - Os rn� U}2._�, 40 IBRGL UNIT O O 0)C.2 — �s•N ° �—a v 2-9 1/2" LSL U L-C Z_O O� -2 W3a� o°cn m2O p> -0a0 \ \ NU>.p00�a s �0E rn NOTE: / � ZERO BARRIER / DOORWAY / w� W / 1 PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER 4'-1" BUYER S/O \ 4'-8" 6" 6'-3" \ /20'-6" SHEET 6 11 OF \ / I \ / / OTE: STORAGE C3 / \ TRUSSES ABV. _o \ (AQPPROX. 14'x13') NOTE: PULL- \ DOWNSTAIRS \ (VERIFY LOCATION) \ APPROX. 541 SQ. FT. U) ix U / 2 -CAR GARAGE \ \ 1 I-_ o I� 4" SLOPED CONC. \ o N / 2x6 WALLS U.N.O. \ -- — — — — --- - p U GARAGE CEIL. TO BE 5/8" TYPE'X' O 04 GYP. BD. WALLS TO BE 1/2" GYP. SHEATHING. ALL WALLS & CEILINGS TO HAVE ONE COAT FIRETAPE 2-2X10 PORCH CONC. 1'-6" o 16'x7' O.H.D. z O U LU a O J U) 3'-0" I . +o ' I R.O. 16-1" FRAMIN 2-2x8 (DR) it MFG. ROOF TRUSSES ®J it w 7dma� @ 24" O.C. — J LINE OF SOFFIT 9'-0" 40'-0 42" W. CONC. SIDEW, 3-16" LVL 12" SQ. LP COL. SON 20" STONE COL. 9'-8" 1 19'-6" 8 — — NOTE: ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 9'-10" M 0 r` N 0 N (V APPROX. 1,622 SQ. FT. APPROX. 9 -0 CLG. @ MAIN LEVEL Q� w 7dma� �o�fx N Q �U isp, Offs � o N to 0c 4)a,�v >. OL. O N _ a � � L s L a•L W (D v N> j m L L O (/1 aCi_ �O' E ur) W � �0�,�3' c� O -p -c O + > C f= L U o O}— Q J a> a� L c •- U o a>i S=_� vi E-0 -O O'O 7 O i N a �oLaoiav ao v► M3�r� (!1 °acs H N Ods OCL_ L - Os rn� U}2._�, 40 o j C W c 0 a 0 J -0 O O 0)C.2 — �s•N ° �—a v a w y N s O i O C OC y M, U— U L-C Z_O O� -2 W3a� o°cn m2O p> -0a0 c N aL >.= c o— NU>.p00�a s �0E rn w w v O 0 W w� W PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: SHEET 6 11 OF NOTE: ARCTIC FORM 7/16" FIRE RETARDANT ROOF SHTG. (4'-0" WIDE) 4'-011 DUCTS PENETRATINGIWITHIN 4'-0" AREA MUST BE ENCLOSED IN AN APPROVED FIRE DAMPER. LINE OF LEGAL VENT AREA FOR ROOF PENETRATION - NOTE: EACH WALL TO MEET UL DES U341 -1 HR. FIRE RATING 2 LAYERS 5/8" FIRE CODE TYPE X GYP. BD. ON CLG. 1 6LU I IUN 7 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" IBRANE OVER SHEATHING— IM @ IOTTOM IM @ BOTTOM )NE TRTD. WD. N STRONG TIE Ab46z GARAG E i GARAG E - FLUE CAP ROLLED METAL STOCK -OVER MEMBRANE (APPROX. 1/4" SLOPE) ,­ 8" TRIM 4" TRIM SHAKE SIDING BLDG WRAP OVER 1/2" SHEATHING 2x6 STUDS 3 FP CHASE CAP DET. 7SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" NOTE: (2) INDEPENDENT TYPE'A' WALLS (UL -U341) SUB SLAB RIGID INSUL. 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. @ GARAGE PARTY WALLS 2x6 STUDS 16" O.C. 1" AIR SPACE _ 2x6 STUDS 16" O.C. 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. 4" SLAB -' SOUND INSULATE (STC 55-59) RAL TL11-160 TRTD. SILL PLATE 2,-0„ 2'-0" 2 TYP. PARTY WALL 7 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 6x6 W10xW10 WWM SLAB REINFORCEMENT ANCHOR BOLT TO BE EPDXIED IN VAPOR BARRIER AS REQ. COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL GARAGE COMMON & PERPENDICULAR PARTY WALL FOOTING DETAIL SCALE: 3/8" = V-0" 1'-4" or 2'-0" 6x6 W10xW10 WWM SLAB REINFORCEMENT SUB SLAB RIGID INSUL. ///,-4" SLAB VAPOR BARRIER AS REQ. COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL GARAGE COMMON &PORCH 1 WALL FOOTING DETAIL SCALE: 3/8" = V-0" wW�W age HiN�nvrt aUL i i v BE EPDXIED IN JCHOR BOLT TO 6x6 W10xW10 WWM W o a�� EPDXIED IN SLAB REINFORCEMENT (2)INDEPENDENTTYPE'A'wALLs 6x6 W10xW10 WWM 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. SLAB REINFORCEMENT SLAB - �uQ�W SUB SLAB RIGID INSUL. GABLE END TRUSS 16" O.C. VERTS 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. NOTE:4TYP.:=;-'- D INSUL. 4" SLAB 1"AIR SPACE 5/8" TYPE'X'GYP.GABLE ARCTIC FO 4" SLAB C > L 3 p N— O N p 0 0 D7p L E� �>`U LIJ U o �,� 3" c -0�-oa�c: QELU Np�a END TRUSS 16" O.C. VERTS (EZ FORM)5/8" p OL L N p p Q Q p 0)).s0 fit Wc�-0 E O O°' ; of�30 TYPE'X'GYP.VAPOR _�— O Np �j C N a U J p O 0 0 — � 3 p wrn��E Z cO o W3Qac o -0y BARRIER AS REQ. d)-_ QU 0, Q NU> a VAPOR BARRIER AS REQ. HpE rn �° w � W COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL C) �C) o w � � 2'-6" 2'-0" I, � � H V .c PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 6 TYP. EXT. FOOTING DETAIL R-4 INSUL. 7 SHEETI 1 OF ryl��7 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 4 TYP. EXT. FOOTING DETAIL GARAGE 7 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" HOUSE or PORCH NOTE: (2) INDEPENDENT TYPE'A' WALLS (UL -U341) SUB SLAB RIGID INSUL. 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. @ GARAGE PARTY WALLS 2x6 STUDS 16" O.C. 1" AIR SPACE _ 2x6 STUDS 16" O.C. 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. 4" SLAB -' SOUND INSULATE (STC 55-59) RAL TL11-160 TRTD. SILL PLATE 2,-0„ 2'-0" 2 TYP. PARTY WALL 7 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 6x6 W10xW10 WWM SLAB REINFORCEMENT ANCHOR BOLT TO BE EPDXIED IN VAPOR BARRIER AS REQ. COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL GARAGE COMMON & PERPENDICULAR PARTY WALL FOOTING DETAIL SCALE: 3/8" = V-0" 1'-4" or 2'-0" 6x6 W10xW10 WWM SLAB REINFORCEMENT SUB SLAB RIGID INSUL. ///,-4" SLAB VAPOR BARRIER AS REQ. COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL GARAGE COMMON &PORCH 1 WALL FOOTING DETAIL SCALE: 3/8" = V-0" wW�W age �oa� 0_q W o a�� LU �uQ�W �N 1 a €o I oa)�'��a >� = p � O N p N p •� a� a� p L N p• -mom NL N C > L 3 p N— O N p 0 0 D7p L E� �>`U LIJ U o �,� 3" c -0�-oa�c: QELU Np�a •- O > —� o� 0 0� y a) EE�,•3 p OL L N p p Q Q p 0)).s0 fit Wc�-0 E O O°' ; of�30 _�— O Np �j C N a U J p O 0 0 — � 3 p wrn��E Z cO o W3Qac o -0y (D a U N00 d)-_ QU 0, Q NU> a 6 sop>�as HpE rn w � W C) �C) o w � � � W � w � � H V .c PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 7 SHEETI 1 OF "I JCLr I IUIV —.._. _._....... SJCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 8 r2-� SECTION @ OPPOSITE UNIT - - - SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EZ FORM "ARCTIC" 3 FORM @ PERIMETER ��8j N.T.S. installation note: 1. backfill over monoslab ez form prior to pour. 2. ensure gravel bed and corner extensions are installed in accordance with IRC 403.3 3. gravel fill over interior form to blend with 4" gravel bed under slab (provide vapor/moisture barrier per plan) overlap 2x8 24" min. @ all monslab joints butt monoslab forms together, no or special connection required. EZ FORM TYPICAL 4 INSTALLATION DETAI L N.T.S. DE FORM (IF -1212 -LIC) Standard INSIDE FORM (IF -1212 -RIC) (if applicable) Standard surveyor stake @ 16" o.c. around entire perimeter. After pour, break stake and pound into foam. stake to remain in place. 4' Gravel bed to accomodate extensions at corners if necessary. See IRC 403.3 for regional requirement Butt 2x8 and fasten (3) 3" Grabber Screws to secure screed board STANDARD RIGHT HAND OUTSIDE CORNER (S -1616 -ROC) STANDARD LEFT HAND OUTSIDE CORNER (S -1616 -LOC) Lu Q� m 'dma� 0 oma a �u ry mk 7 a � o Vl V1 O'i1n ��0 O a) N — a 4 L � L 0 D C > C 3v 0)0 C� c>`U W U - +o(D C� vo0o-C C 0 > Cyd Q C L - U 0 0} J a> C - U o 0 MEQ v; E0 0 3 .- c — -0 0'0 7 O 0 V1 0 QL) E E 'tn •� 0, 8d 0-0 0-0 Vl N 013-0C� UJ 03C-0 � HN Oft OCL N •- Vl 3 O O > C W C 0 a U J -0 O O 0)C.2 — �sNCv — i p C 0C y U� U L C ZC0 0U) W3a� 0 CC C7aa�-CUNao �N0301�Q0 C 'V) _ O NU �p 0Q -C U 0 > Q -t H 0 E uJ CJS w O w O � � � O w � � W O � H PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 9-21-18 RIDSFT SHEET 8 11 of 11-611 11-611 1 ROOF PLAN 9 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 1'-6'1 VON �Lu >- QjF zz W QmaF Ul Q �U f�LL�LU W � o o��I v��v >. � O LLw p a) = p � � L p •L a) a) p L M a) p — () L a) C > L 3 -0 a)_ O N p0 0 D7p L E� �>`U U O O�> c • - Q L U N p� J a) O I- 0> •— OU > � a)� E� via) .— � c —� O-0 Oa v o a!M= E Et p -a OL L N p 0-0 L. a) a) -- -0, 0 Q p (D ---o fit W c : �L. E a) 0�, p�L. O Z _�_ O > p 0 C a) � U J p O 0) s.-0 � a) v � 3pa)s Wrn��U.LEN Z C OO (n W 3 aa) o °� v Cha ��Ua)a0 p a) a-3 d)�_ 0- a) a)L. Oa) Q N U> 00 sop>�as H0E w w O O v O W V .c PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: g-21-18 RIF) SET 9 SHEET of 11 MAIN FLR. ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELECTRICAL KEY DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLET DUPLEX OUTLET ABOVE COUNTER W P WEATHERPROOF DUPLEX OUTLET DUPLEX OUTLET (GROUND FAULT PROTECTED) G.F.I.P. HALF -SWITCHED DUPLEX OUTLET DUPLEX OUTLET IN FLOOR 220 VOLT OUTLET WALL SWITCH 13 THREE-WAY SWITCH 4 FOUR-WAY SWITCH CEILING MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE WALL MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE RECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE RECESSED INCANDESCENT EYE BALL FIXTURE +PC LIGHT FIXTURE WITH PULL CHAIN TRACK LIGHT -----J FLOURESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE Q EXHAUSTFAN O� EXHAUST FAN/LIGHT COMBINATION CH CHIMES (OPTIONAL) SD SMOKE DETECTOR CM CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR TELEPHONE (OPTIONAL) N TELEVISION (OPTIONAL) 0 THERMOSTAT ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC PANEL ® SPEAKER (OPTIONAL) FAN/LIGHT COMBO .� (./' PREWIRE, PROVIDE w 'dma� ADEQUATE 0 oma SUPPORT u _O o- 4 BULB FIXTURE _O� 3 BULB FIXTURE GARAGE DOOR coo OPENER OUTLET x------- - FLUORESCENT LIGHT PER SPEC 200 AMP SERVICE LIGHTING PACKAGE: T.B.D. LINE TO DRYER: T.B.D. Q� w 'dma� 0 oma a �u N a mk M a � o N to O (D Lo104O N O N - � � L s L 0 N _a L L N >'3 c 3 0 O)0 L. Ec>.0 W U - +oa��3' c� —O—O'-C O o+> cy:5 Q� L U N 0}— J a� L c — U -0DE�� _363 (n .- c --00,0 7O0N 0� 2 •� E E 'y •� 0 .0oLO'O ,� 0-0 "o L— °acs E H N Ods OCL O"'•— rn3 O to J U . _ U c °- o ;��►�c0-0 J -0 0 O 0)C.2 — Qsyco�-�v v►0�7DNs v E wrn0'rUL y Z c o ow 0'.0 n C7 °oma= -2 0 o0-3rmmQU c 'Vq _ U e, U) N �p sU0 6-s �vE rn U� w w 0 O v 0 0 w � � W PROJECT# 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 9-21-18 BID SET 1 OSHEET,of 1 MANTLE PER SPECS I 12" SURROUND @ FRONT ONLY PER SPECS (SHTRCK. @ SIDES) 42" W. GAS F.P. R.O. 42"x 8 1/4" x 16 1/4" NO HEARTH 72 1/2" FIN. 54" T7 (REF. ONLY) N OPT. C o BUILTINS N 4'-0" GATHERING RM. F.P. ELEV. SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" NOTE: PUCK LTS. AT C -,I ASS nnnRS 1, 1'-9" 1, 1'-9" 1, 3'-5 1/4" 1. 1'-9" I. 1'-9" OPT. BUILT-INS ( SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" DINING ELEV. CROWN MOULDING CROWN U) Q 01 U) Q U) Q U) Q ANITE TOP w/ OPT. BUILT-INS 2'-6" 2'-6" G 01 2'-3" 000000 �uQ�W 0 APPROX. 27" D. 0 Q a_ 0 D.W. SPACE 0 o U �0�,�3 crn -0 0.--0c o�> C�, - QELU 0C) � 1, 1'-9" 1, 1'-9" 1, 3'-5 1/4" 1. 1'-9" I. 1'-9" OPT. BUILT-INS ( SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" DINING ELEV. 0 ti 2 KITCHEN ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" WALL MOUNT MIRROR ITE C 3LE C 2'-6" ol ol 6 BATH ELEV. 11 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" CROWN MLDG 24" DEEP 15'D. N MICRO ND PANEL (VENT TO 1'-3" OUTSIDE) 1'-3" REFRIG. SPACE 0 0 RANGE 0 0 SPACE 0 D M 3'-0" 1'-3" 2'-6" 1'-3" lool 2'-0" 3'-0" '-0" 3 KITCHEN ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" 4 KITCHEN ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" WALL MOUNT CROWN MOULDING MIRROR 11 OP f . UPORS CD NOTE: WHITE CULT. �L JL —1 L JL co NO MA BLE C'TOP. 2'-6" 2'-6" MARBLE C TOP. LTUB L olti D I RAISED Lin C'TOP WASH. DRYER M w/ FRONT SPACE SPACE LOAD W&D N OPT. 2" SUPPORT 2'-3" 1'-6" 2'-3" 2'-3" w/ RAISED TOP 6'-0" 7 1' O. BATH ELEV. SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" g LNDRY. ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" W � W QjF CROWN MLDG 01 zz W Q(OaF W Q �U 01 2'-3" 2'-9" �uQ�W 0 0 Q a_ SINK D.W. SPACE 0 o U �0�,�3 crn -0 0.--0c o�> C�, - QELU 0C) � J m o > rn ' U - E��;£� C —� 0:3 o� Vl o �=•3 F E.�i p L N � p � Qvi p �— 1'-3" 1'-9" 3'-0" 2'-0" 1'-6" � w c� �E 9'-6" z � °_ O > p q 86 CN- U J -p p O �C o — 0 ti 2 KITCHEN ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" WALL MOUNT MIRROR ITE C 3LE C 2'-6" ol ol 6 BATH ELEV. 11 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" CROWN MLDG 24" DEEP 15'D. N MICRO ND PANEL (VENT TO 1'-3" OUTSIDE) 1'-3" REFRIG. SPACE 0 0 RANGE 0 0 SPACE 0 D M 3'-0" 1'-3" 2'-6" 1'-3" lool 2'-0" 3'-0" '-0" 3 KITCHEN ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" 4 KITCHEN ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" WALL MOUNT CROWN MOULDING MIRROR 11 OP f . UPORS CD NOTE: WHITE CULT. �L JL —1 L JL co NO MA BLE C'TOP. 2'-6" 2'-6" MARBLE C TOP. LTUB L olti D I RAISED Lin C'TOP WASH. DRYER M w/ FRONT SPACE SPACE LOAD W&D N OPT. 2" SUPPORT 2'-3" 1'-6" 2'-3" 2'-3" w/ RAISED TOP 6'-0" 7 1' O. BATH ELEV. SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" g LNDRY. ELEV. 11 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" W � W QjF zz W Q(OaF W Q �U IflLL�W� �uQ�W � o oa)�v��v p •L N N p L N - m N L N EsL > C > 3 "p D7p L E� �>`U U �0�,�3 crn -0 0.--0c o�> C�, - QELU 0C) � J m o > rn ' U - E��;£� C —� 0:3 o� Vl o �=•3 F E.�i p L N � p � Qvi p �— o av rn � w c� �E 0 J z � °_ O > p q 86 CN- U J -p p O �C o — �s �° m v 3-pNS w rn ,c) E N Z c o o U' a U NCO "p N �3 d)— QU 0o0Q sop>� H0E W O W O C) � O W W � W� W O V � .Ov PROJECT # 07 -00 -BUYER AGENT: X BUYER S/O BUYER S/O STARTED: X REVISIONS: 9-21-18 BID SET SHEET 11 11 OF 2 0 0 0 Z LU M W 0 00 a a M Z �i J 0 IL a LU Z Z 0 0 W W W W Z LU a a Z LU X 0 wsb August 17, 2021 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans — Engineering Review City of Monticello Project No. 2021-014 WSB Project No. R-018305-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the Stony Brook Village Preliminary Plat and PUD plans dated July 27, 2021 as prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. The applicant proposes to construct 28 twin -home lots with a 7.5 acre subdivision. The plans and engineering documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater management standards. We offer the following comments regarding the engineering and stormwater management standards. Preliminary Plat & General 1. Elm Street right-of-way is shown as a minor collector, it should have a full right-of-way width of 80' or 40' each side of the centerline instead of the 33' show- Complete. 2. Provide an actual street name for the development. Label adjacent street name on the plat/plans. Complete. 3. nn the plat, show and note drainage and utility easements and outlot locations. Complete. 4. At the conclusion of the Final Plat submittal provide copies to the City of all required permits from regulatory agencies (MCES, MPCA, MDH, NPDES, etc.). In -progress, the applicant will be required to provide these to the City prior to construction. Existing Conditions (Sheet 2 — Grading Plan Set) Add a removals plan to the set (could be included with the existing conditions plan). Label existing utilities pipe sizes and material types and include hatching/notes for removals of all existing improvements (structures, curb, hifi,minous, concrete aprons, fences, etc.) proposed to be impacted with the project. Complete. K:\018305-000\Admin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybrook PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docz Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans — Engineering Comments August 17, 2021 Page 2 Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control (Sheet 3 — Grading Plan Set) 6. An NPDES permit is required for land disturbing activity of one acre or more. With final plan provide a SWPPP meeting NPDES requirements. A more detailed review of the erosion/sediment control plans will be conducted with the final plat submittal. In -progress with comments below. 7. Provide additional drainage and utility easement for the storm sewer adjacent to Lots 22 and 23. Easement widths should meet 1:1 slope requirements with the invert of the pipe and have a minimum width of 20' centered on the pipe. Complete. 8. Provide rim/invert elevations for all proposed inlets. Provide pipe grades/slopes and sizing for all pipes. Complete. 9. Provide maintenance agreements for who owns and maintains retaining walls in the future. Retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height shall be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer and shall include a safety railing at the top of the wall. A drainage swale is required behind all retaining walls. Complete, the walls proposed are 4 feet or less in height. 10. Show all storm sewer maintenance access routes for structures outside of the street, add a note saying that "maintenance access shall be a minimum of 12 -feet wide with 10% max side slopes" to the grading plan. Complete. 11. Rear and side -yard drainage swales shall have a minimum 2% grade. Verify all swales meet the minimum 2% grade and provide drainage arrows and grade percentages at each swale location. Complete. 12. Clarify where the area at the southern and southwestern corner of the development drains. Provide flow areas and proposed spot elevations. Complete. 13. Update typo of 77th Street to 7t" Street'. Complete. 14. At the rear of Lots 9 and 10 extend the swale as far to the southwest as possible to minimize the runoff directed to the existing homes in the westerly direction; add spot elevations showing that runoff from the south side is ultimately conveyed to the northerly direction. 15. For the side yard swale between lots 12 through 17, extend the swales directing stormwater to the front of the lot as much as practicable (with 2.0% minimum grade) in order to reduce the runoff directed to the existing homes in the westerly direction. SWPPP Sheets (Sheets 6 — 8 Grading Plan Set) 16. An NPDES permit is required for land disturbing activity of one acre or more. With final plan provide a SWPPP meeting NPDES requirements. In -progress with comments below. 17. Please identify in the SWPPP narrative who will be responsible for the long-term O&M of the permanent stormwater management system. 18. Ensure documentation of trained individuals is provided as part of a SWPPP amendment prior to construction. K:\018305-00MAdmin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybrook PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docx Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans — Engineering Comments August 17, 2021 Page 3 19. What cover and fertilizer will be provided in conjunction with seed mixes listed? Further, what seed, cover, and fertilizer will be used in infiltration basins? Please revise quantities to reference these items as well. 20. The NPDES CSW permit requires a map of soil types be provided in the SWPPP. Please show this, or reference where it can be found in other project documentation. 21. Please make note that a SWPPP amendment will be needed to show locations of potential pollutant generating activities. A note under the "Potential Storm Water Pollutants" section of the SWPPP would be sufficient. 22. Please include the inspection and maintenance of permanent stormwater management BMPs to the list under "Maintenance of Erosion and Sediment Control Devices." 23. Please show culvert protection/inlet protection at FES that will be draining water from infiltration basins (FES -10, FES -20, and FES 300). 24. The line work for "Silt Fence Post Grading" is hard to read around infiltration basins. Recommend making these easier to read/see. 25. Please show erosion control blanket in drainage swales leading to infiltration basins. 26. Please show protection around OCS adjacent to infiltration basins to ensure that sediment does not migrate inside the open grate of the structure (OCS-1 and OCS-2). 27. Please show rapid stabilization (24 hours, 200' back) from FES -300. Erosion control blanket must be provided in this drainage Swale as plans indicate 2% grade. 28. Additional inlet protection should be shown on Elm Street (5 CBs are unprotected on the plans) in the event that tracking occurs, turbid water could enter these adjacent inlets. Utility Plan (Sheet 2 — Street/Utility Plan Set) 29. With final construction plans, provide confirmation of MDH (watermain) and MPCA (sanitary sewer) plan review and permitting. In -progress, the applicant will provide these prior to construction commencing. 30. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. Complete. 31. Reference that plans should comply with the requirements in the City General Specifications on the Cover Sheet. Complete. 32. A note should be added saying the City specifications require that sanitary sewer and storm sewer require televising. Video files shall be provided to the City for review. Complete. 33. The building department will review the hydrant location/spacing and emergency vehicle access/circulation and provide comments separately from this letter. Hydrant spacing shall be no more than 400 feet. The spacing from the existing hydrant on Elm Street to the nearest new hydrant proposed with the project appears to be more than 400' using K:\018305-00MAdmin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybrook PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docx Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans — Engineering Comments August 17, 2021 Page 4 hose length along the street (not as the crow flies). Shift or add a hydrant so that spacing is 400' or less. 34. Show/note dimension of drainage and utility easements where pipes are present. 35. Provide dimension for 10 -foot separation between the watermain and sanitary sewer. Add a dimension note(s) on the plan view. Complete. 36. Note the material grade of the water and sanitary sewer pipe. Complete. 37. Shift sanitary manhole MH -7 and the hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac to the east to move the hydrant and valve further away from the Lot 17/18 driveway. Complete. 38. With final plat submittal, provide the following: a. Water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer profiles. b. Include crossings of utilities in profiles. c. Add notes at crossings to the effect of "Maintain 18" Separation, Install 4" Rigid Insulation". d. Provide water and sanitary sewer service locations to each lot along with standard elevation information. e. Label all watermain fittinqs. f. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. In progress, this will be coordinated with the City and private utility companies prior to construction commencing. g. If dewatering is anticipated, provide a dewatering plan. In -progress, a plan will be provided to the City prior to construction commencing if needed. 39. Update typo of 77th Street to 7t" Street'. Complete. 40. It appears the proposed trail will impact existing utility pole locations. Add notes to the plan on who is responsible for coordinating and relocating the poles in order to construct the trail as proposed. 41. MH 1 is proposed to be located under the trail. The City would prefer that the casting is not located in the trail. Move the manhole/casting to one side or the other from the trail to provide a minimum 2' clearance. Street & Storm Sewer Plan (Sheet 3 — Street/Utility Plan Set) 42. A 10' wide pedestrian trail will need to be added along Elm Street. In -progress, note all locations where ped ramps are being proposed. 43. A 6' wide concrete sidewalk will need to be added along one side of the internal development street. Complete. 44. The radius to back of curb of the cul-de-sac (46') does not meet the requirement of City standard detail plate 5010 (50'). Complete. 45. Provide horizontal curve information for all segments of the proposed street. Complete. 46. With final plat/plans provide the following: K:\018305-00MAdmin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybrook PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docx Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans — Engineering Comments August 17, 2021 Page 5 a. Subgrade draintile will not be required unless clayey or those with high silt content are encountered. The applicant's geotechnical engineer shall be responsible for reviewing and providing a final recommendation. Complete, acknowledged by applicant. b. Draintile (Rigid PVC) will be required in locations where sump pumps are proposed to be connected. Include tracer wire and cleanouts every 200 feet. See City detail plate No. 4011 and Appendix D of the City's general specifications. Complete, applicant stated the proposed units will be slab on -grade and no sump pumps will be required. C. Dl 1U.. ...—h—,...UJLCI iucations on the plans. Complete. d. Provide a street lighting plan. Show streetlights on and street plans. Complete. 47. The low point shown in the vertical profile for the street does not seem to match the elevations indicated on the plan along the radii at Elm Street. The elevations seem to indicate a low point at the CB's while the vertical profile does not. This is a critical collection point for stormwater and the profile will need to be revised to show this low point correctly. 48. Show the storm sewer schedule, add the build depth of each structure. Catch basin manholes are not allowed to be deeper than 6 feet plus the sump. The minimum catch basin depth is 4 feet per the City's Design Manual. IN -progress, add build depth to the table. 49. inections to existing storm sewer structures and storm sewer pipe stubs. Complete. Civil Details (Sheet 6 and 7 — Street/Utility Plan Set) 50. Include all applicable water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer City standard detail plates. Complete. 51. Provide typical section/detail for stormwater improvements and control structures. Complete. 52. Include updated typical street section detail. City staff will provide. Confirm the proposed street section. The City detail and the separate typical section do not show a thickness for select granular borrow. If select granular is not determined to be necessary with the applicant's geotechnical evaluation, confirm the class 5 aggregate should still only be 6 inches in thickness. Update the typical section for both material thicknesses in both locations. 53. There are repeating details in both the Utility and Grading plan sets. Either remove repeating details or confirm both sets are being updated with any changes made to the plans. Preliminary Landscape Plans (Sheet 8 — 9 Street/Utility Plan Set) 54. Update typo of '77th Street to 7th Street'. Complete. K:\018305-00MAdmin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybrook PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docx Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans - Engineering Comments August 17, 2021 Page 6 55. WSB did not provide a formal review of the landscaping plan; see comments from City Staff. Traffic & Access 56. Based on the proposed site plan and number of homes proposed (28 townhomes), the development will not generate enough trips to require turn lanes on Elm Street. The driveway is spaced far enough from 7t" Street so as not to impact traffic operations at either location. Complete, acknowledged by applicant. 57. A sight line analysis should be completed for the development access that includes consideration for proposed landscaping and other visual impacts. Dimensions were provided on the landscaping plan, but do not meet the distances required for the posted speed limit on Elm Street; update using the MnDOT standard guidance. Stormwater Management 58. Rate Control - Based on information provided rate control is being met. Complete. fixistine Peak D-.-haree Rates Offsite Icfsl Storm H R - Existing Total Offsite Event 1H -Existing North Drainage 2X- Existing East Drainage 3X- Existing West Drainage Drainage 2 -Yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 -Yr 0.14 0.20 0.01 0.34 100 Yr 2.28 3.32 0.46 5.70 Proposed Peak Dischame Rates Offsite Icfs1 _ Storm 15 Proposed North 2R -Combined Pond 3$ -Proposed West PR- Proposed Total Offisite Event Drainage - Offiste Discharge tostorm sewer Drainage - Offsite Drainage I 2 -Yr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 -yr 0.01 0.21) 0.01 0.21 1 100 -yr 1 0.26 1.61 1 0.39 1 1.78 1 59. Volume Control - Based on the stormwater summary volume control is being met. Complete. Infiltration Volumes (0) Treatment Volume Treatment Volume Basin 5ubcatchment Required Provided 1P 2.1S 4916 8133 2P 2.25 5857 10704- N A 0704NA 1s,3s 0 0 TOTAL 10772 18837 60. Water Quality - Provide calculations on the sizing of the pre-treatment areas and treated volumes in the stormwater narrative report similar to the tables abov Complete. 61. Show EOF as being stabilized or reinforced to handle flov� Complete. 62. Provide maintenance access to infiltration basins. If access is planned off of Elm Street show locations as to not interfere with pipes and EOF , Complete. Stormwater Modeling K:\018305-000\Admin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybmok PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docx Stony Brook Village Final Plat & Construction Plans — Engineering Comments August 17, 2021 Page 7 63. Drainage Maps and sub catchment areas do not match. Verify all drainage areas and sub catchments. Explain any difference in numbers and why drainage cannot be routed to infiltration basins if necessary. Complete. 64. Provide HydroCAD model in future submittals so verification of modeling information can be confirmed. Complete. Provide pipe sizing calculations to verify they are designed for the 10 -yr rain fall event. Complete. Wetlands The applicant has indicated there are no wetlands within the site. No wetland permitting is needed. The City, or agents of the City, are not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Feel free to contact me a call at 763-287-8532 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB L James L. Stremel, PE Senior Project Manager K:\018305-00MAdmin\Docs\2021-08-02 Submittal\_2021-08-17 LTR - MEH Stonybrook PUD - WSB Engineering Review.docx DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) STONY BROOK VILLAGE (PC#2021-014) THIS DEVELOPMENT CONTACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated , 2021, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and MARK ELLIOT HOMES LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and Planned Unit Development approval for SwNYBRoox VILLAGE (referred to in this agreement as the "plat" and the "Development") consisting of 7.5 acres. The land is located in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A" ("Property"). The Developer is developing the Property into 28 one-story slab -on -grade residential twin home lots under the R-2 zoning standards. 1 216525v1 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. The City hereby grants approval to the Planned Unit Development ("PUD") provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of this Contract and the specific City conditions, requirements and PUD flexibility as set forth in City Resolution 2021-051, City Resolution 2021-052, City Resolution 2021-0 , and City Resolution 2021-OXX adopted by the City Council on 2021, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z in the staff report of the Planning Commission Agenda dated July 6, 2021 and Exhibit Z of the staff report of the City Council Agenda dated August 23rd, 2021. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office/Registrar of Title's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. phase. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. A. The Development is not a phased development. All lots will be constructed in a single B. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and 2 216525v1 blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. Intentionally deleted. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and the requirements and standards of the R-2 District in effect at the time the final plat is approved. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement [this document]. (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations (3) R-2 Zoning District Regulations 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this PUD Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and multi -family building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans 3 216525v1 may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Plan D — Civil Details Plan Plan E — Street and Storm Sewer Plan Plan F — Stormwater Management Plan Plan G — Utility Plan Plan H - Street Lighting Plan Plan I - Landscape and Tree Preservation Plans Plan J Building Plans, fagade elevations and typical architectural design plans Plan K — Sidewalk and Trail Plan 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities 4 216525v1 I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls M. Mailboxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments (other than standard single family homes) must install locking cluster mail boxes. The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Developer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes § 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 216525v1 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the PUD Resolution, and the R-2 Zoning District Regulations. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30, of the year following the year of recording of the final plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Paving of the public streets shall be in conformance with the most current City of Monticello General Specifications and Standard Detail Plans. 6 216525v1 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. The City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 7 216525v1 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible parry and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will 216525v1 endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration relating to processing of the Plat, PUD and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements and Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $8,755.07 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City planning -related expenses associated with the Plat and PUD development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements and Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $8,755.07 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for 9 2165z5vi this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat and PUD development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements and Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $8,755.07 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. D. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project 10 216525v1 scheduling. Developer will provide a $17,510.14 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this Section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $13,132.61 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 11 216525v1 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA TRUNK AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $29,150.44. The area charge is based on the net area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 6.83 acres — 0 credit x $4,268.00 (Base Fee/Net Acre) _ $29,150.44 No Stormwater Alternate Ponding Trunk Area Charge is applicable. The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $29,150.44 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 24. SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $44,632.00. The area charge is based on a per unit basis of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 28 units x $1,594.00 per unit = $44,632.00 12 216525v1 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 25. WATER MAIN AREA TRUNK CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $33,096.00. The area charge is based on a per unit basis of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 28 units x $1,182.00 per unit = $33,096.00 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 26. PARK DEDICATION. Developer shall pay a cash payment in lieu of land according to the City's schedule. The developer shall pay $44,000.00 in satisfaction at the time of platting in satisfaction of park dedication requirements. The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the park dedication in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 27. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall follow all requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements and the City approved Landscape Plan. 28. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: 13 216525vi A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City Engineer's Report dated June 24, 2021, and August 17th, 2021 by James L. Stremel, PE, of WSB. B. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution Nos. PC 2021-021, PC 2021-022, and PC 2021-023. C. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the Planning Commission Agenda dated July 6, 2021, including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. D. Developer shall install pedestrian circulation improvements including, but not limited to, a sidewalk along the internal street and a pathway along Elm Street, as reviewed and approved by the City. E. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $8,400.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 28 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. F. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. 14 216525v1 E. The contractor shall install conduit, fiber, and other facilities for the city owned fiber network in the joint trench per city standards. The city will provide plans and details for the installation and the contractor shall submit to the city a cost estimate for approval prior to construction. Upon approval and completion, the city will reimburse the contractor for the cost of the installation of the fiber network. 29. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $557,691.88.00, plus a cash fee of $56,907.96 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $ 93,592.50 Watermain $ 88,074.00 Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $ 73,907.00 Internal Streets $ 175,735.00 Mailboxes, Street Lights, Street Signs $ 6,445.00 Retaining Walls $ NA CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $437,753.50 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $ 8,400.00 TOTAL COSTS $446,153.50 TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $557,691.88 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when 15 216525v1 maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. See attached Exhibit `B". B. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, the Developer shall furnish the City with another letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $67,500.00 for grading, and landscaping, including specimen tree mitigation. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: Grading $ 20,490.00 Landscaping $ 308,705.00 ($246,964.00 x 125%) TOTAL $ 329,196.00 30. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: 16 216525vi Legal (2%) $ 8,755.07* Planning (2%) $ 8,755.07* Engineering and Inspection (7%) Grading/Restoration & Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) $ 13,132.61 Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $ 17,510.14* City Administrative Escrow (2%) $ 8,755.07* Total Cash Requirements $ 56,907.96 * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 31. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for public improvements and underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 32. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and 17 216525v1 inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 28 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable over a ten year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello or the date of this contract, whichever is later. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City 18 216525v1 may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 33. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 34. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. 19 216525v1 B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City 20 216525v1 harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this Contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. 21 216525v1 K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 35. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Mark Elliot Homes LLC, 17769 Kenwood Trail, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 22 216525v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) n STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Rachel Leonard, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2021, by Lloyd Hilgart and by Rachel Leonard, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 23 216525v1 DEVELOPER: MARK ELLIOT HOMES LLC Un STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF 1 Mark Pasvogel, Jr., Its Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2021, by Mark Pasvogel, Jr., the Manager of Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 24 216525v1 EXHIBIT "A" Legal description Insert legal description 216525v1 [PIN 155-500-101402] 25 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number agrees that the Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2021. Its STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF 1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2021, by a DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ the of Notary Public on behalf of the [print name] [title] 26 216525vl FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , a , fee owner of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by it. Dated this day of 12021. Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2021, by , the a Minnesota Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] [title] day of , of on behalf of the entity. 27 216525vl IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 21 of (Name of Bank) " b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. mm Its 28 216525v1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES 29 216525v1 Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence Combined Single Limit Policy Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at W7i BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 30 216525v1 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phase 1 of 1 v4, 8/17/21 Total Acres in Development Total Acres in Phase Total Units in Development Total Units in Phase 7.5 gross 6.83 net 7.6 gross 6.83 net 0 Single Family 28 Townhome 0 Mutli-Family 0 Single Family 28 Townhome 0 Multi -Family The storm sewer trunk fee is charged by the net acre which is defined as developable property minus pond acreage (at high water level) and wetlands at the delineation line, rounded to the nearest tenth (1/10th) of an acre." Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication Acreage Acres or Credits Net Charge Units Escrows based on public improvement costs Assessment !�� Park & Pathway Dedication $8,755.07 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $8,755.07 $44,000.00 PA Value of $400,000; PARC recommends cash -in -lieu Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required (11%) $8,755.07 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection Total Park Dedication Required $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% Special Assessments $13,132.61 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Existing Special Assessments Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% Lift Station $17,510.14 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion NA Paid if applicable Little Mountain Booster Station $56,907.96 NA Paid if applicable Street Reconstruction NA Paid if applicable Sanitary Sewer (unit) $1,594 28 $44,632.00 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Watermain (unit) $1,182 28 $33,096.00 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Storm Sewer Base (net acres) $4,268 6.83 $29,150.44 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Storm Sewer Alternate $4,374 NA Pay at final plat or assessed by lot Total amount to Assess $150,878.44 $5,388.00 Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units 1 28 City Review & Inspection Escrows Escrows based on public improvement costs City Escrow ( General overhead and Admin) 2.00% $8,755.07 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $8,755.07 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Planning 2.00% $8,755.07 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% $13,132.61 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% $17,510.14 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Total City Fees $56,907.96 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities) I I I I Notes Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes Construction total (for purpose of Lot Corners/Iron Monuments other $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC 25%) $73,907 $175,735 $437, 1 $446,153.501 Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00% 1 NA Estimated site grading cost for calculation of LOC $244,313.50 City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 3A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-64 for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition and to approve a quit claim deed releasing interest in the vacated Darcels. Petitioner: Sherrie Danner Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 08/23/2021 X Public Hearing Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Public Works Director/Engineer, Project City Administrator Engineer, City Clerk ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-64 for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition, subject to final review and comment of the City Attorney. Motion to approve a quit claim deed for the areas to be vacated for purposes of inclusion within the proposed Kampschroer Plat boundary, with the deeded area of Cedar Street to be conveyed for a consideration of $1, subject to final review and comment of the City Attorney. PREVIOUS ACTION July 26, 2021: Council accepted a petition calling for a public hearing for a portion of Marvin Road and Dundas Road. August 9, 2021: Council accepted a petition adding a small portion of Cedar Street adjacent to the proposed plat not included in the prior consideration. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The current property owner of the land area to be platted as the Kampschroer Addition, Sherrie Danner, has petitioned for the vacation of rights of way within the proposed plat boundary. These include Marvin Road, a portion of Dundas Road, and a portion of Cedar Street. The portion of Marvin Road to be vacated appears to have been part of a prior consideration for vacation which was never fully processed or recorded. The vacation proposed lies completely within the plat boundary on parcels owned by Ms. Danner. The portion of Dundas Road within and along the plat proposed is requested to be vacated and re-established with the new plat. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 The proposed final plat also incorporates a small portion of Cedar Street in the northeast area of the proposed plat. This area is currently included within the boundary of the City's parcel immediately to the east of the proposed plat. However, the parcel proposed for vacation lies west of the new alignment for Cedar Street. It is directly adjacent to the development/plat area and separated from the balance of the city parcel by the existing Cedar Street. The noted parcel is approximately 1020 square feet in size. If vacated, the parcel is then requested to be quit claim deeded to the adjacent Danner property and would then be included within a revised Kampschroer Addition plat boundary. The parcel would be encumbered in majority by the required perimeter drainage and utility easement. Published and mailed notice has been provided per Statute. As a condition of approval, the applicant/petitioners will be responsible for coordinating any required private utility information and communicating this information to the city. The developer has also had the proposed vacations and plat reviewed by a title company. The title company has recommended that in addition to the vacations as proposed, the City also provide a quit claim deed for these areas. The quit claim deed is proposed to release the City's interest in all of the plat area. This is recommended due to the complexity of the title and ownership for the land area. This approach has been deemed reasonable by the City Attorney, subject to the City Engineer's requirements for establishment of the Cedar Steet right of way line and establishment of drainage and utility easements on the plat. The plat applicant has had their attorney prepare the quit claim deed. Staff will continue to consult with the City Attorney on final review of legal descriptions to plat and the quit claim deed given the complicated nature of the legal descriptions and parcel configuration in the area. The approval of the quit claim deed is subject to the review of the City Attorney. The quit claim deed conveyances are proposed at no cost to the petitioner or plat applicant given their location. The majority of the rights of way to be vacated and quit claim deeded are internal to the plat area and upon vacation, would automatically become the property of the adjacent owner. In the case of Cedar Street, the realignment and location on the edge of the plat has caused some question on ownership. Conveyance of city interest at no charge allows the parcel to be combined and utilized for development. Budget Impact: None. The application fee and deposit cover the costs for publication, mailing and review. II. Staff Workload Impact: Workload impact is expected at approximately 10-15 hours for review and recommendation on the vacation requests. Review by the City Attorney will be required. City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Plan specifically cites the Highway 24 Corridor as an "Opportunity Area" for redevelopment and reinvestment. The redevelopment of this existing nonconforming use and site is in direct support of this comprehensive plan goal. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adoption of the resolution vacating the petitioned rights of way. The opportunity to review and simplify right of way and parcel configuration in this area is considered beneficial. For that reason, staff further supports the approval of the quit claim deed ceding city interest in the areas legally described. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2021-64 B. Revised Petition for Vacation C. Vacation Exhibit and Legal Description D. Cedar Street Vacation Exhibit E. ALTA Survey F. Quit Claim Deed, Draft G. Proposed Plat, Revised to include Cedar Street Z. Exhibit Z Exhibit Z Vacation of a portion of Marvin Road, Cedar Street and Dundas Road 1. The applicant/petitioners will be responsible for coordinating any required private utility information and communicating this information to the city. 2. The proposed vacations as legally described and quit claim deed are subject to the review and comment of the City Attorney. 3. The proposed vacations are contingent upon the re-establishment of drainage and utility easements per the City Engineer's office. 4. The proposed vacations are contingent on approval and recording of the proposed final plat of Kampschroer Addition. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-64 RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF RIGHT OF WAYS ON MARVIN ROAD, DUNDAS ROAD, AND CEDAR STREET WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota States Section 4152.851, after two (2) weeks' published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affect by the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of portion of right of ways over the following described property was held on August 23rd, at 6:30 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall: Legal Description: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that the above portion of right of ways for Marvin Road, Dundas Road and Cedar Street are vacated. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 23rd of August, 2021. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on August 23, 2021, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Notary Public: Date: (STAP Rr� Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 08/03/2021 TO: City Clerk City of Monticello To Whom it may Concern: Sherie E. Danner. fee title property owner of 1301 Cedar Street, Monticello, MN 55362, petitioned on behalf of RRG Holdings, LLC for the vacation of public street right-of-way for Marvin Road. Cedar Street and Dundas Road within the property boundaries as herein described. Legal description: See attached Exhibit A Thank You, Property Owner's Signature THIS DESCRIPTION IS INTENDED TO BE USED TO VACATE PORTIONS OF CEDAR STREET, DUNDAS ROAD, AND MARVIN ROAD WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KALEB J. KADELBACH (LIC. NO. 57070) 8/17/2021 DATE.' Al Q� O �Q J� Q N STORE l FLOW= 957.24 INV.= 928.94 Z � o FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF MARVI N ROAD, CEDAR STREET AND DUNDAS ROAD / O Q / no��AT Ohl QF STORM MANHOLE !� / RIM= 960.61 S0 INV. = N/A l �j� G>y s BU�LpIN� M�PL R� SNE STO 1 Oy ��oT6 SSRI J s \�A O sroRM INLET 22�C• FLOW= STORM INIE INV.= 954.11 Q CN FLOW= 958.01 INV.= 940.51 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT p (PARC L D) \\ oM- PARCE GRPJ�� (V V� O 'ry p \ O �O° olb Ory \ �., 0M of ry ^� '� \\ D Ss), \ 4 \ a A�7 VO \ a --\ 4 z �cn\/cZ�� rr`` \ No m w Ri °m Octs \m mo\m I \M C> - O cQ�v w w \, M \ / O�Q / v II ^ 21 wOcO\� N o g, ars J Cbo^N co \ G m \ , O 00 / cj oo,h'�h PARCEL D \ / A\ / ti Q� S STORMv NET FLOW= 957.23 POB (PARCEL D) INV.= 952.63 Z Z Nw 6,�01,� I POIN OF BEGINNING THIRD / JP, ILAZ L ,h� / / PO Off' V V LINE 'POI ARCEL B z No o h� ry Z°/ 60 ^V/ / / P O 0� �� p V A» wN o :?—e? Cp' ti' ry Q� O (NaT nO'V SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED S TORM INLET TO F � ��Tfo�-N"6 cy ep 4--Cy�90 4s327v / I I PER PARCEL D FLOW= 95738 lNv.- s5o.42 �S 1 0 , ��� A ,+ _ 710 d > R� On Dc ++� POIN I DESC OF BEGINNING, ED LINE INP, SECOND (PARCEL B) to STORY O MANHOLE J A\ RIM= 95777 \ y INV.= N/A O CONCRETE A 959.38 R/,qe V INV.- 950,74 I LF �ijoTy STORM INS � FLOW= 957.49/? INV.= 953.74 /�(/e C �O =4119 318 44 N yT a-24 37.0 oll 0/4- — z - I A LINE 40.00 NORTHERLY OF "LINE A" O O POINT OF BEGINNING (LINE A, PARCEL B) I I � RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at on angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E. That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED MAY 25, 2021. SHEET 1 OF 1 LnL IE V � N S v STORM INLET FLOW= 95724 INV.= 928.94 , STORM INLET FLOW- 957.23 INV.= 952.63 FLO INLF, FLOW 95749 INV.= 953.74 srowM MANIroIF� RlM= 960.61 INV.= N/A -,.i_ 001'-"""' RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West assumed bearingalong said North line of the South Half of the Northwest uarter, a 9 Q distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A` thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED JULY 12, 2021. UTILITY NOTES UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 111 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL I/t 2 WORKING DAYS h BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 1-800-252-1166 (TOLL FREE) UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF MINNESOTA THE LOCATION OF UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES AND GROUND MARKINGS. THE SURVEYOR WAS PROVIDED WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS. UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS WERE REQUESTED FROM THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS AND PLOTTED AS PROVIDED. GROUND MARKINGS WERE OBSERVED AT TIME OF SURVEY AND THE LINES ARE PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON. MFLOOD NOT BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, NUMBER 2705410005B, EFFECTIVE ON 11/01/1979, PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C AND IS NOT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA WEBSITE (HTTP://MSC.FEMA.GOV). NO FIELD SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS ZONE. SCALE : 1 " = 30' 0' 15' 30' 60' i r r / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ i k/ QO/ Co, �h / O / <0T4�� STORM MANHOLE RIM= 960.61 'S'0 INV. = N/A It �j/Ij Ci>y BZ0 �FST�� / r / of l ITEMS CORRESPONDING T� SCHEDULE B -II 14 14. Reservation of Utility easements in favor of the City of Monticello as set forth in Document No. 1103715. (PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) 15 15. Drainage and utility easement in favor of the City of Monticello as described in Document No. 1122751.PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) ) gU�k_pING O / cry i / i i Q'`/ l / OW= 958.8 STORM INLET \ /� / r IN �� 954.11 4 0�/ FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 / = 1 \ 1 ° U/�DVNG 667 / POINT OF COMMENCEMENT / 33 / O (PARC L D) / \ J �� > O • / /� \ m �� SURFPGE / / / o �)kz\I� PARC E A Qi so :aN of O / Jh I A ,O (b /OF v w IV A Q i i \o ovo o, m .r,1 i 00 I /A, CO00 `b/J r�``/ i 1Q '/ O� / �O V & 17/O rn O , I I I / r & 1 l / i She / O N o`� w ,!�'� \rte CT1 \ o Q i ^per^ �oo�\D__� \ o N i� It ,CIV O3 Qs O4 aQ�� OjCb ���� "� ° � � N\M l �� � �v�0 �VQ 59 All O N I \ Jo \ Q r7�v ^ / �� II I /� Q� yQOO i lJQVp / , I ��, / 0, ��'V /� t' / IA y\ A O O 0/ Al Z \ �� ��- ST2RM INLET i i \ �`ti h/ Q�`'O� Q�v / �,�11 ���� QO FLOW= 957.24 / l l PARCEL D J / /�e� / �V� I 1 / ��}� INV.= 928.94 / / l \ /ZQ STORM MIL FLOW= 957.23 INV.= 952.63 63 POB (PARCEL D) —/�� SANITARY 1 11 RIM= 962.25 O` I STORM INL INV.= 950.58 �• V 1 FLOW= 961.18 zj \ `4�, / / Q r</ l INV 957.88 v / POIN F BEGINN�NG THIRD o a LINE RCEL B C) POI A W �p??� �ry 1 � 0 STORM INLET FLOW= 961.2 - 100 /NV.= 957.7f SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF _ _ –� c / ���, / o) I00 DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED STORM INLET /Ij s ` -� ____ ��9� B �9o. 46`3?iY / Q PER PARCEL D FLOW= 95738 s S ,�� %O, I POIN OF BEGINNING, SECOND \ INV.= 950.42 So?� SQ `��\ ��1�\ – 4.16 %DOQ �ODc,4•k�,�1 ® I �j DESC IED LINE (PARCEL B) STORM MANHOLE ��'\ �•�15h� 6� �o���l 1 ALINE 40.00 NORTHERLY RIM= 957.77 \ I V $1 J INV.= N/A 11\ \ CONCRETE 5 �ti 11 OF "LINE A" /RIRM632 yM9 /��0` INV= 954. 8 STORE FLOW= 957.49 / / \ 4-31(3.44 I I O INV.= 953.74 pC/BL 6 - �_ N C i POINT OF BEGINNING 24-e � (LINE A, PARCEL B) /C R/ 4. 1- -50.00 I N o I o 01-4 \ 2TOR MANHOLE \ I ZZ Ir RIM= 960.72 I --- --- —1 - LEGEND OF SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS 9P POWER POLE iLIGHT POLE EGUY WIRE ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE 8 ELECTRIC METER ❑E ELECTRIC VAULT ❑T TRANSFORMER CLIENT COMMENTS TELEPHONE MANHOLE CLIENT COMMENTS TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CLIENT COMMENTS CABLE BOX ® STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 0 STORM DRAIN INLET INV = N/A I I _ I SANITARY MANHO I RIM= 961.42 ® VAULT ® SANITARY MANHOLE ` ` �� INV.= N/A SIGN (AS NOTED) GAS VALVE 8 GAS METER f-- _ I FLAG POLE �L HANDICAPPED PARKING D4 WATER VALVEMITERED END SECTION FIRE HYDRANT 10 MANHOLE (UNKNOWN) SIAMESE FIRE HYDRANT STORM PIPE ® WATER MANHOLE ® FOUND IRON (AS -~► POINT OF ACCESS NOTED) SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP #5 70 70 — UT UT UT — UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE — UE UE UE — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — GAS GAS GAS— UNDERGROUND GAS -I —I — I —I — I — I- UNDERGROUND WATER — > > > > - UNDERGROUND STORM SEWER >> >> >> — UNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWER \ — — — — — — — – MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM CEDAR STREET A DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED 78605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_____, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v PROJECT REVISION RECORD DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 6/21/2021 FIRST DRAFT 7/19/2021 UPDATED TITLE 7/03/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS 8/17/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS 7/13/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS FIELD WORK: 03/12/2021 DRAFTED: 4/22/21 CHECKED BY: TS FB & PG: MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM CEDAR STREET A DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED 78605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_____, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON $1.65 Date: QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantor(s), hereby conveys and quit claims to Sherie E. Danner, Grantee(s), real property in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: THIS DESCRIPTION IS INTENDED TO BE USED TO VACATE PORTIONS OF CEDAR STREET, DUNDAS ROAD, AND MARVIN ROAD WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. Grantors certify that they are not aware of any wells on the subject property. together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. CITY OF MONTICELLO L-02 Lloyd Hilgart Its: Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Jennifer Schreiber Its: Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of AUGUST, 2021 by Lloyd Hilgart and Jennifer Schreiber the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantor(s). NOTARIAL STAMP (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) This instrument was drafted by (name and address) OHLY LAW OFFICE 1850 NORTH BROADWAY ROCHESTER, MN 55906 507-289-4529 Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgment Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should be sent to: Sherie E. Danner KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liablility company; fee owners of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to -wit: Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 1/4 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West havinga radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 g g seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5 Block 1 Commercial Plaza 25 �' p Y Y and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast comer of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described;thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerlycorner of Lot 5 Block 1 Commercial Plaza 25 according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes g P h' gr' 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel F: That part of vacated Dundas Road, Marvin Road, and Cedar street, within the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies westerly of a line 50 feet westerly and parallel with the centerline of Cedar Street as described per Minnesota Department of Transportation Alignment Layout &Tabulation S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (Westerly line of "new" cedar street); Southerly of the South line and the Southeasterly extension of the Southwesterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25; Northerly of a line 40 feet Northerly and parallel with the centerline of Dundas Road as described per Minnesota Department of Transportation Alignment Layout & Tabulation S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (Northerly line of "new" Dundas Road); and Easterly of MN Trunk Highway No. 25 Right of Way as currently monumented. Abstract Property Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as KAMPSCHROER ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the road, drainage and utility easement as created on this plat. In witness whereof RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed this day of Cory Kampschroer, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by Cory Kamschroer, Chief Manager of RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires I Kaleb J. Kadelbach do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wetlands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 120 Kaleb J. Kadelbach, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 57070 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120 by Kaleb Kadelbach, Land Surveyor, Minnesota Licence No 57070. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires KAMPSCHROER ADDITION / /l LOT 5, BLOCK COMMERCIgL / i / 0 Q) A) / Co / / L=22.13, �-504.00 0-002 30',57 CH. BRG=S21 '31 ' 10 "W to CH=22.1,3 C�k / Cl) QO �'T 0 /(Zi Q � (Zi s ° / /BOJ'` /,Q, - Q���c i v C�� j Q• OQ1O0 / 1 Vg�N� N I l --PARCEL D \ / P / �� w C I \ N I J / — N Cy BRG,�j .P�oO � L/)i I I Q �' �\ L,IS090 �so692j VV Q I I I 03 4 ; R; I O w �l�o7p 381066 1 / o�Q�� v Z14I o In N Ch N2T5727£ �' GO I pp 00 IZ2t) ��, js S, Oq N7926 321 ,\ ` = 6ti 0 L:90 ° °4 Dc t!7 o I Z00 o R_7106 Y 9, 0, 5 f II CH aR �� 66'16 6 `L�rL� �` a I \ 24.89 -90ag \ S27°2757"W — I OVIDA S Ro � I /CDW O DO / \ _ Ui ^, Cp 00 11 / I ' LOF) 1!: ) 00 � 1 00 C) Lr5 11 I 11 S89'00'47 "W 567.42 � � I CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of this plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION Chairperson Secretary 20_, the Planning Commision of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did herby review and approve CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, 505.021, Subd.. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved thisday of 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20_ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20 Wright County Auditor/Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER By Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve as Document No. Wright County Recorder W O p �o o� O� J W 20at o'clock M. and NE CORNER OF THE S 1/2 OF OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 S89'00'47"W 1056.00L / N. LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 VICINITY MAP — NOT TO SCALE ofCD Nil, SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 WRIGHT COUNTY, MN � ��I� SITE �11� � 1 Ik E� 0 -N-0 ME �� rt N -co � N DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS: E SCALE 1"= 30' 30 0 30 60 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NAD83(2011) HENNEPIN COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM • INDICATES FOUND IRON MONUMENTS o INDICATES SET CAPPED 1/2" REBAR BEARING P.L.S. No. 57070 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO BE 6.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF LOT LINES AND 12.00 FEET ADJACENT TO STREETS AS SHOWN ABOVE. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN HEREON N M O -N-0 ME �� rt N -co N SURVEYiI`IG GII`IEERII`IG, IIYC. i P.O. Box 3067 _ Bemidji Minnesota - 56619 m � � O City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 4A. Consideration of approving an amendment to the lease agreement extending the term of Great River Soccer Club's use of the city -owned facility at 101 Chelsea Road through May 31, 2026 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Regular Agenda Item City Administrator 08/23/2021 ❑ Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Finance Director City Clerk ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve an amendment to the lease agreement extending the term of Great River Soccer Club's use of the city -owned facility at 101 Chelsea Road through May 31, 2026. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In 2014 the City of Monticello and the Great River Soccer Club (previously known as the Monticello Soccer Club) entered into a lease agreement allowing the soccer club to use the city - owned building at 101 Chelsea Road for indoor soccer purposes. The initial term of the agreement expired in 2021, but the lease was subsequently extended through May 31, 2024. In late 2020 the soccer club inquired about city plans for the facility and options for extending the lease beyond 2024. The City received the property in a land trade transaction with the prior owner. The goal has been to hold the property as a future redevelopment site within the core area of the community; however, the City has also been open to use for another public purpose. The continued use of the facility by the soccer club is a mutually beneficial option. It preserves the ability to facilitate redevelopment while also providing a community space rather than letting the building sit empty prior to specific plans for the space. Budget Impact: All other terms of the existing agreement will remain in place. Great River Soccer Club pays $1,177 per month, which fluctuates each year based on taxes and insurance costs. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff have met with the representatives from the soccer club to work through the timeline. The lease amendment was drafted by the city attorney. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A City Council Agenda: 08/23/2021 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommend approving the lease amendment extending the term of the agreement. Staff supports the interim use of the city building as the club pursues long-term plans for an indoor facility. SUPPORTING DATA A. 2021 Lease Amendment B. Original Lease Agreement & 1St Amendment SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is entered into and made as of , 2021 by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("Landlord"), and MONTICELLO SOCCER CLUB, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("Tenant") RECITALS A. The Landlord and Tenant previously entered into a Lease Agreement dated September 8, 2014 and a subsequent First Amendment to Lease Agreement (undated) (collectively the "Lease") for property located at 101 Chelsea Road, Monticello, Minnesota, legally described on the attached Exhibit A. B. The parties have negotiated and agreed to amend the Lease and wish to put their agreement in writing. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows: 1. Section 2, TERM, shall be modified to extend the Term from May 31, 2024 to midnight on May 31, 2026 ("Expiration Date"). 2. Any future changes to the Lease shall be agreed upon by the parties and the parties shall enter into an amendment to the Lease. 3. Except as otherwise specifically amended herein, the Lease Agreement and First Amendment to Lease Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be binding on the parties, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Second Amendment to be executed this day of , 2021. Signature pages follow. 2173620 LANDLORD: CITY OF MONTICELLO M. (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Lloyd Hilgart Mayor Rachel Leonard, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20215 by Lloyd Hilgart and by Rachel Leonard, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public 2173620 TENANT: MONTICELLO SOCCER CLUB Its President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) [print name] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2021, by , the President of Monticello Soccer Club, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 217362v1 EXHIBIT A TO LEASE AGREEMENT Legal Description of the Property: All of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds, in and for said county, LESS AND EXCEPT, the North 300.79 feet of said Lot 1, Block 1 AND LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcel, to -wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the North 300.79 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, thence in a northerly direction upon the westerly line of said described parcel 75.00 feet, thence easterly at a right angle 100.00 feet, thence southerly at a right angle 75.00 feet, thence westerly at a right angle 100.00 feet to the point of beginning on the West line. Parcel No. 155018001012 2173620 LEASE AMENDMENT This amendment ("Amendment") is part of the Lease Agreement dated 9/8/2014 between the City of Monticello, Minnesota and the Monticello Soccer Club for the leased premises located at 101 Chelsea Road, Monticello ,MN 55362 ("Agreement"). The Lease Agreement shall be amended as follows: Section 2 TERM shall be modified to extend the Lease ending date to midnight on May 31, 2024. Section 23 TERMINATION shall be modified as follows for a period beginning on June 1st 2021 to the lease ending date of May 31, 2024. (a) Landlord Termination. Landlord may terminate this Lease, upon six (6) months' notice, as authorized under the provisions of this Agreement, with the following conditions: 1. Continuing from execution of this Amendment until May 31, 2021, the Landlord shall pay Tenant the total costs paid by the Tenant for initial improvements as previously disclosed to the Landlord upon completion of the improvements, including (a) professional labor and (b) 1.5 times the cost of materials. 2. During the period starting June 1, 2021 thru the lease end date of May 31, 2024, the Landlord shall pay Tenant $10,000 for the cost of additional improvements necessitated by changes to the Leased Premises by Landlord. 3. If the lease is terminated and not renewed or extended before its expiration, the Landlord is not liable to Tenant for any termination costs. (b) Tenant Termination. In addition to any other provisions for termination under this Agreement, Tenant may terminate this Lease in the event a proposed improvement required to operate the facility is estimated to exceed $15,000 and the parties fail to come to an agreement regarding responsibility and assignment of costs. New Sections Section 30. SNOW REMOVAL. Due to changes to the Leased Premises by Landlord, Landlord shall remove snow piles that cannot be disposed of on the designated Soccer Facility Snow Stacking Area as indicated on the Architectural Site Plan & Section for the Monticello Fire Station ("Snow Stacking Area") for the duration of the Lease. Landlord and Tenant will make reasonable efforts to consolidate snow removal to utilize the designated Snow Stacking Area to its fullest reasonable capacity. Section 31. LEASED PREMISIS PARKING & SIGNAGE. Due to changes to the Leased Premises by Landlord, Landlord shall provide all parking and traffic control painting and signage for the Leased Premises by November 1, 2019 in accordance with the proposed one-way diagonal parking plan proposed by Landlord to Tenant on January 30, 2019. If Landlord does not provide all parking and traffic control painting and signage by November 1, 2019, Tenant may hire a contractor of its choice to perform said work and Landlord will be responsible for all costs charged by the contractor. Page 1 of 2 If there should be any conflict between the provisions of the Lease Agreement and this Amendment, the provisions of this Amendment will control. All other terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement will remain in full force and effect unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the parties. Landlord's Signature: Date: Tenant's Signature Page 2 of 2 Date: LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is entered into and made as of the 5t' day of September, 2014 by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("Landlord"), and MONTICELLO SOCCER CLUB, a Minnesota corporation ("Tenant"). The parties mutually agree as follows: 1. LEASED PREMISES. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant rents from Landlord, the areas identified as the "Soccer Club Premises" on Exhibit A attached hereto within the building ("Building") located on the property at 101 Chelsea Road, Monticello, MN 55362, (the "Property"), legally described in the attached Exhibit B, containing approximately 21,017 square feet of rentable space, hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises." 2. TERM. The term of this Lease (the "Term") shall be for a period of seven (7) years, commencing September 1, 2014 (the "Commencement Date"), and ending midnight on May 312021 (the "Expiration Date"), unless this Lease shall be sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. 3. RENT. As and for Rent of the Leased Premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the following amounts all of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Rent" and the obligation of the Tenant to pay said Rent shall survive the termination of this Lease. (a) Rent. Except as set forth in this Lease, and starting on Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay as Rent ("Rent") $200.00 per month during the first sixteen (16) months of the lease term. In addition, Tenant shall pay starting on the Commencement Date and for the remainder of the lease term a per month amount estimated to be the Landlords costs under the terms of the Lease (as are further described in this Lease) including, but not limited to, utility charges not included in Paragraph 4(c), Insurance, Taxes and Assessments, Operating Charges and all direct out of pocket costs and expenses of maintenance, repair, replacement and care of the Leased Premises and Property which are not paid directly by the Tenant as hereinafter provided. Upon lease expiration or cancelation, the rent for the last month will be adjusted to reflect actual costs. Rent shall be paid on the 1" day of each month during the term of the Lease, partial months shall be pro -rated. (b) Service Charge. Tenant's failure to make any monetary payment required of Tenant hereunder within fifteen (15) days of the due date therefore shall result in.the imposition of a service charge for such late payment in the amount of Seventy-five and No/100 Dollars ($75.00). In addition, any sum not paid within thirty (30) days of the due date therefore shall bear interest at a rate equal to the lesser of eighteen percent (18%) or the maximum amount permitted by law from the date due until paid. 4. OPERATING CHARGES. (a) Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as a portion of Rent, Tenant's share of Operating Charges as hereinafter defined which shall be paid monthly by the Tenant. Estimated amounts of such Operating Charges shall be paid in monthly installments in advance on the first day of each month during the Term of this Lease beginning on September 1, 2014 and continuing until the termination of this Lease. Landlord shall provide Tenant with the initial estimate of Tenant's Share of Operating Charges to be paid 174689v14 by Tenant on or before October 15, 2014 and from time to time thereafter during the Term of this Lease, Landlord may notify Tenant in writing of any adjustments to the monthly installments of Operating Charges to be paid by Tenant hereunder and thereafter as is reasonably practicable, Landlord shall notify Tenant of the actual Operating Charges for each calendar year and provide Tenant a statement thereof in reasonable detail. Within thirty (30) days after such notice, Tenant shall pay to Landlord or Landlord shall credit against the obligations of Tenant, as the case may be, the difference between the estimated payments made by Tenant during the prior calendar year and the actual amount of the Tenant's Share of the Operating Charges as shown on such statement. Operating Charges shall be prorated from September 1, 2014 for calendar year 2014 and for the year in which the Term of this Lease ends based on the number of days of the Term during such years. Tenant's obligation to pay Operating Charges through the Termination Date shall survive the termination of this Lease. Operating Charges are actual and direct out of pocket expenses incurred by Landlord as described above. Tenant's share of Operating Charges shall be one hundred percent (100%) of said Operating Charges for the Property. Tenant's share of Operating Charges will be adjusted to accommodate any future changes or additions to the Building or to reflect any additional tenants of the Building. Tenant's share of Operating Charges will be adjusted to accommodate any additional tenants of the Building as follows: A new tenant's proportionate share shall be based on the percentage of the square footage of the space leased by the new tenant of the total building square footage; ii. Tenant's proportionate share shall be the percentage of the square footage of the total building square footage less the new tenant's leased space to the total building square footage. (b) "Operating Charges" as used herein shall mean all direct sums expended or obligations incurred by Landlord with respect to the Property, whether or not now foreseen, determined on an accrual basis (including reasonably foreseeable expenditures not occurring annually), including, but not limited to, the actual costs of third party contractors and/or other third party entities providing services; inspection fees; and legal fees incurred in the maintenance and operation of the Property, including the development and administration of this lease; materials and supplies, which materials and supplies were used in or charges were incurred in maintenance and operation of the Property; repairs, maintenance and operation include, but are not limited to, parking lot lighting, replacements respecting the Leased Premises and the Property, including costs of materials, supplies, tools and equipment used in connection therewith, including the repaving of parking areas, which is necessary as a result of Tenant's use, costs incurred in connection with the operation, maintenance, repair, replacing, inspection and servicing (including maintenance contracts, if any) of mechanical equipment and the cost of materials, supplies, tools and equipment used in connection therewith, all other expenses and costs of every kind and nature necessary or desirable to be incurred for the purpose of operating and maintaining of the Property and Leased Premises, whether or not similar to the foregoing which Tenant is not obligated to pay under the terms of this Lease. 5. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. 2 174689v14 (a) Utility Charges. Tenant shall be solely and exclusively responsible for the actual cost of the following utilities and any other building services necessary for the Property, the Building and Leased Premises as may be required by law or directed by governmental authority ("Utility Charges") and insurance cost which shall be paid to Landlord as Additional Rent: i. Cost of all heating, ventilation and air conditioning of the Building including electrical and gas; ii. Cost of all electricity for lighting and operating business machines and other equipment in the Building; iii. Cost of all gas; iv. Cost of all water and sewer; V. Cost of FiberNet Monticello utility services; vi. Cost of security system; vii. Costs of refuse and recycling services; viii. Cost of all replacement of all lamps, bulbs, starters and ballasts used in the Building; ix. Cost of the "all risk" insurance carried by the Landlord on the Building as hereinafter set forth. (b) Additional Services. If Tenant requests any other utilities or building services in addition to those identified above the cost thereof shall be borne by Tenant, who shall reimburse Landlord monthly for the same as provided in Paragraph 5 hereof. (c) Interruption of Services. Tenant understands, acknowledges and agrees that any one or more of the utilities or other building services identified above may be interrupted by reason of accident, emergency or other causes beyond Landlord's control, or may be discontinued or diminished temporarily by Landlord or other persons until certain repairs, alterations or improvements can be made; that Landlord does not represent or warrant the uninterrupted availability of such utilities or building services; and that any such interruption shall not be deemed an eviction or disturbance of Tenant's right to possession, occupancy and use of the Leased Premises or any part thereof, or render Landlord liable to Tenant in damages by abatement of rent or otherwise, or relieve Tenant from the obligation to perform its covenants under this Lease. (d) Additional Tenant(s). Tenant's share of Utilities that are not separately metered will be adjusted to accommodate any additional tenants of the Building as follows; i. A new tenant's proportionate share of shall be based on the percentage of the square footage of the space leased by the new tenant of the total building square footage; ii. Tenant's proportionate share shall be the percentage of the square footage of the total building square footage less the new tenant's leased space to the total building square footage. 6. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. Taxes and Assessments shall mean all real estate taxes levied or assessed upon or with respect to the land or improvements comprising the Property including the 3 174689v14 Building or Rent or other sums payable hereunder. If, at any time during the Term of the Lease, a tax or excise on rents or income or other tax however described is levied or assessed by the United States or the State of Minnesota, or any political subdivision thereof, on account of the Rent hereunder or the interest of Landlord under this Lease, such tax or excise shall constitute and be included as a tax hereunder. Should the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, or any other governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Property impose a tax, assessment, charge, or fee, which Landlord shall be required to pay, wholly or partially, in substitution for or as a supplement to such real estate taxes or levy against the land, or Building, to the extent that the same is in substitution for or as a supplement to said real estate taxes, such taxes, assessments, fees or charges shall be deemed to constitute taxes hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, taxes shall not include any tax on Landlord's income. In the event of a special assessment for a road, pathway or public utility improvement, Tenant shall be responsible for fifty (50%) percent of the annual assessment during the Term of the Lease and the Landlord shall be responsible for the remaining fifty (50%) percent. 7. LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS. Tenant shall be solely and exclusively responsible for the cost of any leasehold improvements that Tenant may choose to make to the Leased Premises ("Tenant Improvements"). All Tenant Improvement shall comply with the State Building Code and all federal, state and local regulations. Plans and specifications for all Tenant Improvements and a cost of Tenant Improvements shall be provided to Landlord within 30 days of completion of the Tenant Improvements. Tenant will indemnify Landlord and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, suits at law or equity, judgments, expenses, costs, liabilities, fines and debts in connection with any injury, loss or damage associated with Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall have no right of reimbursement from Landlord for any Tenant Improvements constructed by or caused to be constructed by Tenant and Tenant shall not permit any liens to be placed against the Leased Premises, except as otherwise provided under the terms of this Agreement. Tenant, its contractors or agents, shall complete construction of any and all improvements in a good and workmanlike manner, utilizing new and first grade material, in conformity with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, building codes, fire regulations, and applicable insurance requirements. 8. REGULATED HAZARDOUS WASTE DISTURBANCE AND REMOVAL. (a) The Building contains asbestos and mold as further identified in the Asbestos and Regulated Waste Inspection Report prepared by Vieau & Associates, dated December 20, 2014 ("Report"). Tenant acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Report. Tenant and Landlord have agreed to a remediation plan, attached hereto Exhibit C, that adequately addresses the issues raised in the Report ("Demolition "Plan"). (b) Tenant is responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for completion of the work identified in the Demolition Plan for the Building, including areas outside of the Leased Premises, through its contractor, C&R Carpet Restoration, and through the use of volunteers as further detailed in the "Demolition Plan." Tenant is responsible for strict compliance with the Demolition Plan. (c) Tenant and its licensed and certified contractors shall prepare, submit and provide copies of all required reporting to the MN Department of health and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in satisfaction of all federal, state and local rules for work performed by Tenant. 4 174689v14 (d) Landlord, in its sole discretion and at Tenant's cost, may require follow up air quality testing to verify compliance with the Demolition Plan and to verify that the asbestos and mold issues have been abated consisted with the Demolition Plan. Such testing may be required no more than once in any given year, unless evidence exists to show that asbestos and mold are not adequately abated pursuant to the Demolition Plan. 9. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION. (a) Tenant acknowledges that it has inspected the Leased Property and accepts the Leased Property "as is". City makes no representations as to the repair of the Leased Property and that no promises to alter, remodel or improve the Leased Property have been made by the City except as provided under this Agreement and Tenant agrees to make any repairs necessary for Tenant to use the Leased Property. (b) Upon delivery of possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant as hereinbefore provided, Tenant shall (but only upon Landlord's request) provide Landlord with an Estoppel Letter, in the form attached to this Lease, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "D", signed by an officer or principal of Tenant acknowledging (i) the original or revised Commencement Date and Expiration Date of this Lease, and (ii) that Tenant has accepted the Leased Premises for occupancy and that the condition of the Leased Premises and that the Building was at the time satisfactory and in conformity with the provisions of this Lease in all respects, except for any defects as to which Tenant shall give written notice to Landlord within thirty (30) days after Landlord has delivered possession of the Leased Premises. Landlord shall as promptly thereafter as is reasonably possible correct all such defects. Tenant's Estoppel Letter, fully executed, shall be attached to and made a part of this executed Lease. 10. USE OF THE LEASED PREMISES (a) Specific Use / "As is" Basis. The Leased Premises shall be occupied and used exclusively for Tenant's recreational activities and related services incidental thereto, and shall not be used for any other purpose, without written permission of the Landlord. Tenant hereby accepts the Leased Premises on an "as is" basis without any representations or warranties by Landlord as to its fitness for Tenant's business or use or for any other particular purpose except as expressly set forth herein. (b) Covenants Regarding Use. In connection with its use of the Leased Premises, Tenant agrees to do the following: (i) Tenant shall use the Leased Premises and conduct its business thereon in a safe, careful, reputable and lawful manner; shall keep and maintain the Leased Premises in as good a condition as they were when Tenant first took possession thereof, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and shall make all necessary repairs to the Leased Premises other than those which Landlord is obligated to make as provided elsewhere herein. (ii) Tenant shall not commit, nor allow to be committed, in, on or about the Leased Premises any act of waste, or use or permit to be used on the Leased Premises any hazardous substance, equipment or other thing which might cause injury to person or property or increase the danger of fire or other casualty in, on or about the Leased Premises; permit any objectionable or offensive noise or odors to be emitted from the Leased Premises; or 5 174689v14 do anything, or permit anything to be done, which would, in Landlord's opinion, disturb or tend to disturb the owners or tenants of any adjacent buildings. (iii) Tenant shall not overload the floors, ceilings, or walls of the Leased Premises beyond their designed weight-bearing capacity. Landlord reserves the right to direct the positioning of all heavy equipment, furniture and fixtures which Tenant desires to place in the Leased Premises so as to distribute properly the weight thereof, and to require the removal of any equipment or furniture which exceeds the weight limit specified herein. (iv) Tenant shall not use the Leased Premises, nor allow the Leased Premises to be used, for any purpose or in any manner which would, in Landlord's opinion, invalidate any policy of insurance now or hereafter carried on the Leased Premises or increase the rate of premiums payable on any such insurance policy. Should Tenant fail to comply with this covenant, Landlord may, at its option, require Tenant to stop engaging in such activity or to reimburse Landlord for any increase in premiums charged during the term of this Lease on the insurance carried by Landlord on the Leased Premises and attributable to the use being made of the Leased Premises by Tenant. (c) Tenant shall not use the Property, Building, walkways, sidewalks and parking area adjacent to the Premises, or other parts of the parking and common areas forming part of the Building, for business purposes (including, without limitation, the distribution of handbills or advertising of any type), except for ingress and egress and parking, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld or denied for any or no reason. (d) Compliance with Laws. Tenant shall not use or permit the use of any part of the Leased Premises for any purpose prohibited by law. 11. SIGNS. Tenant shall not inscribe, paint, affix or display any signs, advertisements or notices on the Leased Premises or in the Leased Premises and visible from outside the Leased Premises, except for such signage, advertisements or notices as Landlord at Landlord's discretion specifically permits by written consent. All signs shall comply with all ordinances, rules and regulations of the Landlord. 12. REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE, ALTERATIONS, IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXTURES. (a) Tenant shall maintain the exterior walls (including glass), roof and foundation of the Building. Tenant agrees to paint the exterior of the Building within one year of the Commencement Date. (b) Except as set forth herein, Tenant shall, at its expense, make any necessary repairs to the Building and Property and every part thereof, ordinary wear and tear excepted, including the heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing equipment and facilities servicing the Building and, such other repairs which may be required by reason of acts or negligence of Tenant, its agents, employees, customers or invitees, or the particular nature of Tenant's use of the Property. Tenant shall be responsible for repairing any damage to the Property and Building caused by the installation or moving of Tenant's furniture, equipment and personal property. In the event that a portion of the Building is leased to another tenant, the new tenant shall be responsible for necessary repairs to the new tenant's leased premises. 6 174689v14 (c) Tenant shall not defer any repairs or replacements to the Building or Property by reason of the anticipated of the expiration of the Term. If Tenant fails to perform the maintenance and repair as required herein the Landlord, at Landlord's option, may elect to perform all or part of the maintenance, repairs and servicing which is the obligation of the Tenant hereunder and/or the obligation of all of the other tenants of the Property with respect to the respective Leased Premises, in which event the costs thereof shall be at Landlord's option either billed directly to and paid by Tenant as included in Operating Charges. (d) Except as otherwise provided herein, in the event that, at the request of Tenant, Landlord, at its option, performs any maintenance, repairs or servicing of the Building or Property which is the obligation of Tenant hereunder, then Tenant shall pay Landlord directly therefor. In the event there is any warranty in effect in connection with repairs or replacements made by Tenant and if Landlord is unwilling to pursue the warranty claim, then Tenant shall have the right to pursue the warranty claim in connection with the repair and/or replacement made by Tenant. (e) Tenant shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair and good working order and condition of the walks, driveways, parking lots and landscaped areas adjacent to the Building including mowing and the removal of snow and all costs associated therewith. (f) Tenant shall contract with a responsible third party reasonably acceptable to Landlord for regular and periodic maintenance of all HVAC systems serving the Building throughout the term of this Lease. (g) Upon expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord broom clean and in good condition and repair, normal wear and tear excepted. (h) To the extent that any structural component of the Building needs to be replaced during the term of the Lease, the Tenant shall undertake such replacement so as to minimize disruption of any other tenant's business. (i) Tenant shall, at Tenant's expense, promptly repair all damage caused by the Tenant to the Leased Premises and replace or repair all damaged or broken fixtures, equipment and appurtenances with materials equal in quality and class to the original materials, under the supervision and subject to the approval of Landlord, and within any reasonable period of time specified by Landlord. If Tenant fails to do so, Landlord may, but need not make such repairs and replacements, and Tenant shall pay Landlord the cost thereof, including Landlord's Costs, forthwith upon being billed for same. As used in this Lease, the term "Landlord's Costs" shall mean five percent (5%) of any costs or expenses paid by Landlord, in order to reimburse Landlord for all overhead, general conditions, fees and other costs and expenses arising from Landlord's actions or involvement. 0) Trade Fixtures. Any trade fixtures installed on the Leased Premises by Tenant at its own expense, including but not limited to movable partitions, counters, shelving, showcases, mirrors and the like may, and at the request of Landlord, shall be removed on the Expiration Date or upon earlier termination of this Lease provided that Tenant is not then in default. Tenant agrees that Tenant will bear the cost of such removal, and further that Tenant will repair at its own expense any and all damage to the Leased Premises resulting from the original installation of and subsequent removal of such trade fixtures. If Tenant fails so to remove any and all such trade fixtures from the Leased Premises on the 7 174689v14 Expiration Date or upon earlier termination of this Lease, all such trade fixtures shall become the property of Landlord unless Landlord elects to require their removal, in which case Tenant shall promptly remove same and restore the Leased Premises to their prior condition. In the event Tenant so fails to remove same, Landlord may have same removed and the Leased Premises repaired to their prior condition, all at Tenant's expense. (k) Wiring and Cabling. Any wiring or cabling installed by Tenant in the Leased Premises or in shafts or ducts shall, at Landlord's request, be removed by Tenant at Tenant's expense on or before the Expiration Date or earlier termination of this Lease. If Tenant fails to remove any such wiring or cabling, Landlord may have the same removed at Tenant's expense. (1) Reserved Rights. Landlord reserves the right to make, at any time or times, at its own expense, repairs, alterations, additions and improvements, structural or otherwise, in or to the Leased Premises and the Building, and to perform any acts related to the safety, protection or preservation thereof, and during such operations to take into and through the Leased Premises or any part of the Building all material and equipment required and to close or temporarily suspend operation of entrances, doors, corridors, or other facilities, provided that Landlord shall cause as little inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant as is reasonably necessary in the circumstances, and shall not do any act which permanently reduces the size of the Leased Premises. Landlord may do any such work during ordinary business hours and Tenant shall pay Landlord for overtime and for any other expenses incurred if Landlord agrees to conduct such work during other hours as requested by Tenant. 13. FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY; CASUALTY INSURANCE (a) Substantial Destruction of the Building. If the Building should be substantially destroyed (which, as used herein, means destruction or damage to at least sixty percent (60%) of the Building) by fire or other casualty, the Landlord will terminate this Lease by giving written notice thereof to the other party within thirty (30) days of such casualty. In such event, the rent shall be apportioned to and shall cease as of the date of such casualty (b) Partial Destruction of the Leased Premises. If the Leased Premises should be rendered partially un -tenantable for the purpose for which they were leased (which, as used herein, means such destruction or damage as would prevent Tenant from carrying on its business on the Leased Premises to an extent not exceeding forty percent (40%) of its normal business activity) by fire or other casualty, Tenant may, at its option, elect to have Landlord repair such damage at Landlord's own expense, or terminate this Lease. Should Tenant elect to have the Leased Premises repaired under this Paragraph 13, Landlord agrees that all repairs will be done in a good workmanlike manner with materials equal in quality and class to the original materials, and in compliance with any and all laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, fire codes, building codes and restrictions and requirements. In the event Tenant elects to terminate under this paragraph, Tenant agrees to provide Landlord with 30 days written notice to that effect, whereupon both parties shall be released from all further obligations and liability hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Building is partially untenantable as set forth above in the last six (6) months of the Lease, the Landlord shall not be required to repair the damage and the Lease shall be terminated or if Tenant desires to use the Building in its then current condition for the remaining term of the Lease, the Rent and Additional Rent shall be adjusted to reflect the actual portion of the Building being used by the Tenant. 174689v14 (c) Casualty Insurance. Without limiting Tenant's liability under this Lease, Landlord shall procure and maintain a policy or policies of public liability insurance, insuring against injury or death to persons and " all risk" hazard insurance for loss or damage to the Building; provided, however, that Landlord shall not be responsible for, and shall not be obligated to insure against, any loss or damage to personal property (including, but not limited to, any furniture, machinery, equipment, goods or supplies) of Tenant or which Tenant may have on the Leased Premises or any trade fixtures installed by or paid for by Tenant on the Leased Premises or any additional improvements which Tenant may construct on the Leased Premises. If Tenant's operation or any alterations or improvements made by Tenant pursuant to the provisions of this Lease result in an increase in the premiums charged during the Term on the casualty insurance carried by Landlord on the Leased Premises, then the cost of such increase in insurance premiums shall be borne by Tenant as an Operating Charge. Tenant shall, at its expense during the term of this Lease, keep in full force and effect a policy or policies of property insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, covering its personal property, furniture, machinery, equipment, supplies, stored goods, trade fixtures installed by or paid for by Tenant or any additional improvements which Tenant may construct on the Leased Premises which coverage shall be no less than eighty percent (80%) of replacement value. Tenant shall furnish Landlord with a certificate evidencing that such coverages are in full force and effect. No reduction in Rent required under the term of this Lease shall be allowed for any period that Tenant experiences an interruption in business for any reason. (d) Waiver of Subrogation. Landlord and Tenant hereby release each other and each other's employees, agents, customers and invitees from any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury to property occurring in, on or about or to the Leased Premises, improvements to the Leased Premises or personal property within the Leased Premises, by reason of fire or other casualty which are covered by applicable standard fire and extended coverage insurance policies. Because the provisions of this paragraph will preclude the assignment of any claim mentioned herein by way of subrogation or otherwise to an insurance company or any other person, each party to this Lease shall give to each insurance company which has issued to it one or more policies of fire and extended coverage insurance notice of the terms of the mutual releases contained in this paragraph, and have such insurance policies properly endorsed, if necessary, to prevent the invalidation of insurance coverages by reason of the mutual releases contained in this paragraph. 14. GENERAL PUBLIC LIABILITY, INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE (a) All insurance, liability and indemnification certificates are subject to review and approval by the City. (b) Except for the negligence or intentional misconduct of Landlord, Landlord's agents, servants or employees, Tenant shall insure against, and shall indemnify Landlord and hold it harmless from, any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury to person or property, arising out of use, occupancy or operations of Tenant and occurring in, on or about the Leased Premises, including use of the Leased Premises by Landlord's guests and invitees during the Landlord Usage Time, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any and all liability for the same. Tenant's obligation to indemnify Landlord hereunder shall include the duty to defend against any claims asserted by reason of such loss, damage or injury and to pay any judgments, settlements, costs, fees and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in connection therewith. 9 17468904 (c) Tenant shall at all times during the Term carry, at its own expense, for the protection of Tenant, Landlord and Landlord's management agent (if any), as their interests may appear, one or more policies of general public liability and property damage insurance, issued by one or more insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and acceptable to Landlord, covering Tenant's use, occupancy and operations providing minimum coverages of $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence with $2,000,000 aggregate coverage together with an Umbrella Liability Policy with a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate. Such insurance policy or policies shall name Landlord, its agents and employees, as additional insureds and shall provide that they may not be canceled or materially changed on less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to Landlord. Prior to Commencement of the Lease, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with certificates of insurance evidencing such insurance for approval by Landlord. Should Tenant fail to carry such insurance and furnish Landlord with copies of all such policies after a request to do so, Landlord shall have the right to obtain such insurance and collect the cost thereof from Tenant. Landlord shall have the right during the term of this Lease to adjust the minimum coverage levels stipulated above upon written notice to Tenant. Within thirty (30) days of such written notice, Tenant shall provide Landlord with evidence of such adjustment. Tenant shall also provide Landlord with certificates evidencing workers' compensation insurance coverages. Tenant's insurance coverages required hereby shall be deemed to be additional obligations of Tenant and shall not be a discharge or limitation of Tenant's indemnity obligations contained in this Lease. (d) Landlord and its partners, shareholders, affiliates, officers, agents, servants and employees shall not be liable for any damage to person, property or business or resulting from the loss of use thereof sustained by Tenant or by any other persons due to the Building or any part thereof or any appurtenances thereof becoming out of repair, or due to the happening of any accident or. event in or about the Building, including the Leased Premises, or due to any act or neglect of any tenant or occupant of the Building or of any other person. This provision shall apply particularly, but not exclusively, to damage caused by gas, electricity, snow, ice, frost, steam, sewage, sewer gas or odors, fire, water or by the bursting or leaking of pipes, faucets, sprinklers, plumbing fixtures and windows and shall apply without distinction as to the person whose act or neglect was responsible for the damage and whether the damage was due to any of the causes specifically enumerated above or to some other cause. Tenant agrees that all personal property located in the Leased Premises shall be at the risk.of Tenant only, and that Landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage thereto or theft thereof. 15. EMINENT DOMAIN. If the whole or any part of the Leased Premises shall be taken for public or quasi -public use by a governmental authority under the power of eminent domain or shall be conveyed to a governmental authority in lieu of such taking, and if such taking or conveyance shall cause the remaining part of the Leased Premises to be un -tenantable and inadequate for use by Tenant for the purpose for which they were leased, then Tenant may, at its option, terminate this Lease as of the date Tenant is required to surrender possession of the Leased Premises. If a part of the Leased Premises shall be taken or conveyed but the remaining part is tenantable and adequate for Tenant's use, then this Lease shall be terminated as to the part taken or conveyed as of the date Tenant surrenders possession; Landlord shall make such repairs, alterations and improvements as may be necessary to render the part not taken or conveyed tenantable; and the rent shall be reduced in proportion to the part of the Leased Premises so taken or conveyed. All compensation awarded for such taking or conveyance shall be the property of Landlord without any deduction therefrom for any present or future estate of Tenant, and Tenant hereby assigns to Landlord all its right, title and interest in and to any such award. 10 174689v14 16. LIENS. Tenant shall not cause or allow any mechanic's lien or other lien to be filed against the Leased Premises or against other property of Landlord (whether or not such lien is valid or enforceable as such). In the event any mechanic's lien shall at any time be filed against the Leased Premises or any part of the Property by reason of work, labor, services or materials performed or furnished to Tenant or to anyone holding the Leased Premises through or under Tenant, Tenant shall forthwith cause the same to be discharged of record. If Tenant shall fail to cause such lien forthwith to be discharged within five (5) days after being notified of the filing thereof, then, in addition to any other right or remedy of Landlord, Landlord may, but shall not be obligated to, discharge the same by paying the amount claimed to be due, or by bonding, and the amount so paid by Landlord and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Landlord in procuring the discharge of such lien, shall be due and payable in full by Tenant to Landlord on demand. 17. RENTAL, PERSONAL PROPERTY AND OTHER TAXES. Landlord shall pay before delinquency any and all real estate taxes, assessments, fees or charges (hereinafter referred to as "taxes"), related to the Leased Premises, except any sales, gross income, rental, business occupation or other taxes, levied or imposed upon Tenant's business operation in the Leased Premises and any personal property or similar taxes levied or imposed upon Tenant's trade fixtures, leasehold improvements or personal property located within the Leased Premises, which will be Tenant's responsibility. In the event any such taxes are charged to the account of, or are levied or imposed upon the property of Landlord, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the same. If this Lease is terminated prior to July Pt of any year, Tenant shall be responsible for the taxes through December 31s' of the year of the termination. If the lease is terminated after June 30t" of any year, Tenant shall be responsible for taxes through December 31' of the year following the year of termination. 18. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. Tenant may not assign or otherwise transfer its interest in this Lease or sublet the Leased Premises or any part thereof without the express, prior written consent of Landlord. Any sublease of the Leased Premises must be consistent with Tenant's use of the Leased Premises. Sub -leases must provide the same level of insurance required under this Lease and must be reviewed by Landlord's legal counsel prior to final approval by Landlord. 19. SUBORDINATION OF LEASE TO MORTGAGES. This Lease is subject and subordinate to any mortgage, deed of trust or similar encumbrance, including ground or underlying leases presently existing or hereafter voluntarily placed upon the Leased Premises, including any renewals, extensions or modifications thereof; and the recording of any such mortgage, deed of trust or similar encumbrance shall,make it prior and superior to this Lease regardless of the date of execution or recording of either document. Tenant shall, at Landlord's request, execute and deliver within five (5) days to Landlord, without cost, any instrument which may be deemed necessary or desirable by Landlord to confirm the subordination of this Lease; and if Tenant fails or refuses to do so, Landlord may execute such instrument in the name and as the act of Tenant. Tenant shall attorn to any subsequent owner or transferee of the Leased Premises regardless of whether or not a subordination agreement has been executed by Tenant. 20. DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES (a) Default by Tenant. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall be a default and breach of this Lease by Tenant: 11 174689x14 (i) Tenant shall fail to pay any monthly installment of Rent or any other charges set forth in this Lease within fifteen (15) days after the same shall be due and payable. (ii) Tenant shall fail to perform or observe any term, condition, covenant or obligation required to be performed or observed by it under this Lease for a period of thirty (30) days after notice thereof from Landlord; provided, however, that if the term, condition, covenant or obligation to be performed by Tenant is of such nature that the same cannot reasonably be performed within such thirty -day period, such default shall be deemed to have been cured if Tenant commences such performance within said thirty -day period and thereafter diligently undertakes to complete the same, but in any event completes cure within ninety (90) days after notices from Landlord. (iii) Tenant shall vacate or abandon or fail to occupy for a period of thirty (30) days, the Leased Premises or any substantial portion thereof; (iv) Tenant files for bankruptcy or makes or attempts to make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or substantially all of Tenant's assets in, on or about the Leased Premises or Tenant's interest in this Lease are attached or levied upon under execution (and Tenant does not discharge the same within thirty (30) days thereafter); or (v) Tenant causes or permits a hazardous condition to exist on the Leased Premises and fails to cure such condition immediately after notice thereof from Landlord. (b) Remedies of Landlord. Upon the occurrence of any event of default set forth in this Lease, Landlord shall have the following rights and remedies, in addition to those allowed by law, any one or more of which may be exercised without further notice to or demand upon Tenant: (i) Landlord may re-enter the Leased Premises and cure any default of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any costs and expenses which Landlord may incur to cure such default; and Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage which Tenant may sustain by reason of Landlord's action, regardless of whether caused by Landlord's negligence or otherwise. (ii) Landlord may terminate this Lease as of the date of such default, in which event: (A) Neither Tenant nor any person claiming under or through Tenant shall thereafter be entitled to possession of the Leased Premises, and Tenant shall immediately thereafter surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord; (B) Landlord may re-enter the Leased Premises and dispossess Tenant or any other occupants of the Leased Premises by summary proceedings, ejectment or otherwise, and may remove their effects, without prejudice to any other remedy which Landlord may have for possession or arrearages in rent; (C) Notwithstanding the termination of this Lease, Tenant shall be responsible for payment of all of Landlord's cost and expenses for any repairs required for Tenant's failure to maintain the Building pursuant to Paragraph 12. The liabilities and remedies specified herein shall survive the termination of this Lease. 12 174689v14 (iii) Landlord may terminate Tenant's right of possession of the Leased Premises and may repossess the Leased Premises by unlawful detainer or eviction action, by taking peaceful possession or otherwise, without terminating this Lease, in which event Landlord may, but shall be under no obligation to, relet the same for the account of Tenant, for such rent and upon such terms as shall be satisfactory to Landlord. For the purpose of such reletting, Landlord is authorized to decorate, repair, remodel or alter the Leased Premises. If Landlord fails to so relet the Leased Premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as damages a sum equal to the rent which would have been due under this Lease for the balance of the Term or exercised renewal period as such rent shall become due and payable hereunder from time to time during the Term. If the Leased Premises are relet and a sufficient sum shall not be realized from such reletting after paying all of the costs and expenses of all decoration, repairs, remodeling, alterations and additions and the expenses of such reletting and of the collection of the rent accruing therefrom to satisfy the rent provided for in this Lease, Tenant shall satisfy and pay the same upon demand therefor from time to time. Tenant shall not be entitled to any rents received by Landlord in excess of the rent provided for in this Lease. (iv) Landlord may sue for injunctive relief or to recover damages for any loss resulting from the breach. (v) Tenant is responsible for any charges that have been forgone by the Landlord including, but limited to, prorated property taxes in the year of default and the year following default. Any agreement for an extension of the Term or any additional period thereafter shall not thereby prevent Landlord from. terminating this Lease for any reason specified in this Lease. If any such right of termination is exercised by Landlord during the Term or any extension thereof, Tenant's right to any further extension shall thereby be automatically canceled. Any such right of termination of Landlord contained herein shall continue during the Term and any subsequent extension hereof. (c) Default by Landlord and Remedies of Tenant. Landlord shall not be deemed to be in default under this Lease until Tenant has given Landlord written notice specifying the nature of the default and Landlord does not cure such default within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice or within such reasonable time thereafter as may be necessary to cure such default where such default is of such a character as to reasonably require more than thirty (30) days to cure. Landlord failure to cure its defaults under this Lease shall entitle Tenant to terminate the Lease immediately, and pursue claims for any damages caused Tenant by Landlord's default hereunder, in addition to such other rights and remedies as may exist under applicable law. (d) Waiver of Covenants. Failure of Landlord to insist, in any one or more instances, upon strict performance of any term, covenant, condition, or option of this Lease, or to exercise any option herein contained, shall not be construed as a waiver, or a relinquishment for the future, of such term, covenant, condition, or option, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect. The receipt by Landlord of rents with knowledge of breach in any of the terms, covenants, conditions, or options, of any of this Lease to be kept or performed by Tenant shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach, and Landlord, shall not be deemed to have waived any provision of this Lease unless expressed in writing and signed by Landlord. 13 17468904 (e) Attorney Fees. If Tenant defaults in the performance or observance of any of the terms, conditions, covenants or obligations contained in this Lease and Landlord placed the enforcement of all or any part of this Lease, the collection of any rent due or to become due or the recovery of possession of the Leased Premises in the hands of an attorney, or if Landlord incurs any fees or out-of-pocket costs in any litigation, negotiation or transaction in which Tenant causes Landlord (without Landlord's fault) to be involved or concerned, Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord for the attorney's fees and costs incurred thereby, whether or not suit is actually filed. 21. BANKRUPTCY OR INSOLVENCY. It is understood and agreed that the following shall apply in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of Tenant: (a) If a petition is filed by, or an order for relief is entered against Tenant under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code and the trustee of Tenant elects to assume this Lease for the purpose of assigning it, such election or assignment, or both, may be made only if all of the terms and conditions of subparagraphs (b) and (c) below are satisfied. To be effective, an election to assume this Lease must be in writing and addressed to Landlord, and in Landlord's business judgment, all of the conditions hereinafter stated, which Landlord and Tenant acknowledge to be commercially reasonable, must have been satisfied. If the trustee fails so to elect to assume this Lease within sixty (60) days after his appointment, this Lease will be deemed to have been rejected, and Landlord shall then immediately be entitled to possession of the Leased Premises without further obligation to Tenant or the trustee and this Lease shall be terminated. Landlord's right to be compensated for damages in the bankruptcy proceeding, however, shall survive such termination. (b) If Tenant files a petition for reorganization under Chapters 11 or 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, or if a proceeding filed by or against Tenant under any other chapter of the Bankruptcy Code is converted to a Chapter 11 or 13 proceeding and Tenant's trustee or Tenant as debtor-in-possession fails to assume this Lease within sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of such petition or conversion, then the trustee or the debtor-in-possession shall be deemed to have rejected this Lease. To be effective any election to assume this Lease must be in writing addressed to Landlord and, in Landlord's business judgment, all of the following conditions, which Landlord and Tenant acknowledge to be commercially reasonable, must have been satisfied: (i) The trustee or the debtor-in-possession has cured or has provided to Landlord adequate assurance, as defined in this subparagraph (b), that: (1) The trustee will cure all monetary defaults under this lease within ten (10) days from the date of assumption and (2) The trustee will cure all non -monetary defaults under this Lease within thirty (30) days from the date of assumption. (ii) The trustee or the debtor-in-possession has compensated Landlord, or has provided Landlord with adequate assurance, as hereinafter defined, that within ten (10) days from the date of assumption Landlord will be compensated for any pecuniary loss it has incurred arising from the default of Tenant, the trustee, or the debtor-in-possession, as recited in Landlord's written statement of pecuniary loss sent to the trustee or debtor-in- possession. 14 174689v14 (iii) The trustee or the debtor-in-possession has provided Landlord with adequate assurance of the future performance of each of Tenant's obligations under this Lease; provided however, that: (1) From and after the date of assumption of this Lease, the trustee or the debtor-in- possession shall pay the Rent payable under this Lease in advance in equal monthly installments on each date that such Rents are payable. (2) The trustee or debtor-in-possession shall also deposit with Landlord, as security for the timely payment of Rent, an amount equal to three (3) months' Rent and other monetary charges accruing under this Lease; (3) If not otherwise required by the terms of this Lease, the trustee or the debtor-in- possession shall also pay in advance, on each day that any installment of Rent is payable, one -twelfth (1/12) of Tenant's annual Operating Expenses, and other obligations under this Lease; and (4) The obligations imposed upon the trustee or the debtor-in-possession will continue for Tenant after the completion of bankruptcy proceedings. (iv) Landlord has determined that the assumption of this Lease will not: (1) Breach any provision in any other lease, mortgage, financing agreement, or other agreement by which Landlord is bound relating to the Property, Building or Leased Premises; or (2) If requested by Landlord, the assignee will obtain guarantees, in form and substance satisfactory to Landlord (i.e. letter(s) of credit), from one or more persons who satisfy Landlord's standards of creditworthiness; and (3) Landlord has obtained consents or waivers from any third parties which may be required under any lease, mortgage, financing arrangement, or other agreement by which Landlord is bound, to enable Landlord to permit such assignment. (c) When, pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code, the trustee or the debtor-in-possession is obligated to pay reasonable use and occupancy charges for the use of all or part of the Leased Premises, it is agreed that such charges will not be less than the Rent as defined in this Lease, plus additional accrued charges and expenses and other monetary obligations of Tenant included herein. (d) Neither Tenant's interest in this Lease nor any estate of Tenant created in this Lease shall pass to any trustee, receiver, assignee for the benefit of creditors, or any other person or entity, nor otherwise by operation of law under the laws of any state having jurisdiction of the person or property of Tenant, unless Landlord consents in writing to such transfer. Landlord's acceptance of rent or any other payments from any trustee, receiver, assignee, person, or other entity will not be deemed to have waived, or waive, either the requirement of Landlord's consent or Landlord's right to terminate this Lease for any transfer of Tenant's interest under this Lease without such consent. 1-5 174689v14 22. ACCESS TO THE LEASED PREMISES. Landlord, its employees and agents of the Leased Premises shall have the right to enter any part of the Leased Premises at all reasonable times for the purposes of examining or inspecting the same, showing the same to prospective purchasers, mortgagees or tenants and for making such repairs, alteration or improvements to the Leased Premises as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable. If representatives of Tenant shall not be present to open and permit such entry into the Leased Premises at any time when such entry is necessary or permitted hereunder, Landlord and its employees and agents may enter the Leased Premises by means of a master key or otherwise, Landlord shall incur no liability to Tenant for such entry, nor shall such entry constitute an eviction of Tenant or a termination of this Lease, nor entitle Tenant to any abatement of rent therefore. 23. TERMINATION. (a) Landlord Termination. Landlord may terminate this Lease as authorized under the provisions of this Agreement. In addition to any other provisions for termination under this Agreement, Landlord may terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days' notice and payment of the following costs paid by Tenant for the Initial Tenant Improvements to the Leased Premises: (i) Professional labor; and (ii) 1.5 times the cost of materials. Within sixty (60) days of Commencement of this Lease, Tenant shall provide to Landlord a summary of the foregoing costs paid by Tenant for the Initial Tenant Improvements to the Leased Premises and evidence of payment of all invoices. (b) Tenant Termination. In addition to any other provisions for termination under this Agreement, Tenant may terminate this Lease as follows: (1) During any portion of the Lease, in the event a proposed improvement required to operate the facility is estimated to exceed $10,000, should the parties fail to come to an agreement regarding responsibility and assignment of costs. 24. SURRENDER OF LEASED PREMISES. Upon the expiration, or earlier termination, of this Lease Tenant shall surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord, together with all keys, access cards, alterations, improvements, and other property as provided elsewhere herein, in broom -clean condition and in good order, condition and repair, except for ordinary wear and tear and damage which Tenant is not obligated to repair, failing which Landlord may restore the Leased Premises to such condition at Tenant's expense, which shall be payable upon demand. Upon such expiration or termination Tenant's trade fixtures, furniture and equipment shall remain Tenant's property, and if Tenant shall not then be in default under this Lease, Tenant shall have the right to remove the same prior to the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall promptly repair any damage caused by any such removal, and shall restore the Leased Premises to the condition existing prior to the installation of the items so removed. Any of Tenant's trade fixtures, furniture or equipment not so removed shall be considered abandoned and may be retained by Landlord or be destroyed. 25. HOLDING OVER. If Tenant remains in possession of the Leased Premises without the consent of Landlord after the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall be deemed to hold the Leased Premises as a tenant from month to month, terminable on thirty (30) days' notice given by one party to the other and subject to all of the terms, conditions, covenants and provisions of this Lease (which shall be applicable during the holdover period), except that Tenant shall pay to Landlord twice the last current Rent, and additional charges or expenses, which shall be payable to Landlord on demand. In addition, Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all damages occasioned by such holding over. Tenant 16 174689x14 shall vacate and surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord upon Tenant's receipt of notice from Landlord to vacate. No holding over by Tenant, whether with or without the consent of Landlord, shall operate to extend this Lease except as otherwise expressly provided herein. 26. QUIET ENJOYMENT. Except as may be provided in this Lease to the extent that it may be applicable, if and so long as Tenant pays the prescribed Rent and performs or observes all of the terms, conditions, covenants and obligations of this Lease required to be performed or observed by it hereunder, Tenant shall at all times during the term hereof have the peaceable and quiet enjoyment, possession, occupancy and use of the Leased Premises without any interference from Landlord or any person or persons claiming the Leased Premises by, through or under Landlord, subject to any mortgages, underlying leases or other matters of record to which this Lease is or may become subject. 27. FORCE MAJEURE. All of the obligations of Landlord and of Tenant under this Lease are subject to and shall be postponed for a period equal to any delay or suspension resulting from fires, strikes, acts of God, and other causes beyond the control of the party delayed in its performance hereunder, this Lease remaining in all other respects in full force and effect and the Term not thereby extended. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the unavailability of funds for payment or performance of Tenant's obligations hereunder shall not give rise to any postponement or delay in such payment or performance of Tenant's obligations hereunder. 28. NOTICE AND PLACE OF PAYMENT (a) All rent and other payments required to be made by Tenant to landlord shall be delivered or mailed to Landlord at the address set forth below or any other address Landlord may specify from time to time by written notice given to Tenant. (b) All payments required to be made by Landlord to Tenant shall be delivered or mailed to Tenant at the address set forth in Paragraph 28(c) hereof or at any other address within the United States as Tenant may specify from time to time by written notice given to Landlord. (c) Any notice, demand or request required or permitted to be given under this Lease or by law shall be deemed to have been given if reduced to writing and mailed by Registered or Certified mail, postage prepaid, to the party who is to receive such notice, demand or request at the address set forth below or at such other address as Landlord or Tenant may specify from time to time by written notice. When delivering such notice, demand or request shall be deemed to have been given as of the date it was so delivered or mailed. Landlord: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Attention: City Administrator Tenant: Monticello Soccer Club P.O Box 1214 Monticello, MN 55362 Attention: President 17 174689v14 29. MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) Estoppel Letters. Tenant shall, within ten (10) days following written request from Landlord, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord or to any lender, purchaser or prospective lender or purchaser designated by Landlord a written statement certifying (i) that this Lease is in full force and effect and unmodified (or, if modified, stating the nature of such modification), (ii) the date to which rent has been paid, (iii) that there are not, to Tenant's knowledge, any uncured defaults (or specifying such defaults if any are claimed); and (iv) such further matters as may be requested by Landlord. Any such statement may be relied upon by any prospective purchaser or mortgagee of all or any part of the Leased Premises. Tenant's failure to deliver such statement within such period shall be conclusive upon Tenant that this Lease is in full force and unmodified, and that there are no uncured defaults in Landlord's performance hereunder. (b) Memorandum of Lease. If requested by either party, a Memorandum of Lease, containing the information required by law concerning this Lease shall be recorded in Wright County, Minnesota. (c) Applicable Law. This Lease and all matters pertinent thereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (d) Entire Agreement. This Lease, including all Exhibits and Addenda, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and may not be modified except by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. (e) BindingEffect. ffect. This Lease and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto as well as the parties themselves; provided, however, that Landlord, its successors and assigns shall be obligated to perform Landlord's covenants under this Lease only during and in respect of their successive periods as Landlord during the term of this Lease. (f) Severability. If any provision of this Lease shall be held to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall not be effected or impaired, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. (g) No Partnership. Landlord shall not, by virtue of the execution of this Lease or the leasing of the Leased Premises to Tenant, become or be deemed a partner of Tenant in the conduct of Tenant's business on the Leased Premises or otherwise. (h) Waiver of Jury. To the extent permitted by Law, Tenant and Landlord hereby waive any right either may have to a jury trial in the event of litigation between Tenant and Landlord pertaining to this Lease. (i) Right to Change Name and Building Address. Landlord reserves the right to change the name or street address of the Building. 0) Limitation of Landlord's Personal Liability. Tenant specifically agrees to look solely to Landlord's interest in the Leased Premises for the recovery of any judgment against Landlord, it being agreed that Landlord shall never be personally liable for any such judgment. 18 174689v14 (k) Execution by Landlord. Submission of this instrument to Tenant, or Tenant's agents or attorneys, for examination or signature does not constitute or imply an offer to lease, reservation of space, or option to lease, and this Lease shall have no binding legal effect until execution hereof by both Landlord and Tenant. (1) Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Lease and each of its provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the day and year first written above. Landlord: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Its: Mayor By:Pswcx Le Its: 0 t ministrator 19 174689v14 Tenant: MONTICELLO SOCCER CLUB By: Its: Pre dent _'4,�,'j4�'''`''���i,`'�'4,`'�"�:�•''_t�i ••`yam: __.,.�i�;:__�.,�;.� -�V MJI woo 179 INk "INA ,% # +'4 +�,►� \� �``� '�\ .,.. iA A! Y1 x+!11._ !!"e..::`'► �i.`�\�� ; 11 �: 11 ii: I1 «! 1 �I I1. -I ON :- NNN� EXHIBIT B Legal Description of the Property: Parcel No. 155018001012 All of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds, in and for said county, LESS AND EXCEPT, the North 300.79 feet of said Lot 1, Block 1 AND LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcel, to -wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the North 300.79 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, thence in a northerly direction upon the westerly line of said described parcel 75.00 feet, thence easterly at a right angle 100.00 feet, thence southerly at a right angle 75.00 feet, thence westerly at a right angle 100.00 feet to the point of beginning on the West line. 21 174689v14 EXHIBIT C DEMOLITION PLAN 7/22/2014 C & R Carpet Restoration ard Monticello Soccer Club demolition plan for the Monticello Bowling Alley Building. Below is the proposed demolition plan for the old 'Monticello Bowling building to be completed by C&R carpet Restoration and the MSC. The plan is based off of the Environemntal plan completed in )an 2014 and the on-site investigations performed by C&R as to the extent of the mold in the building. 1. The on-site investigations revealed that there was a significant issue with water leaking In around the windows In the restaurant and bar area, the cause of this Is the windows are not properly installed and are not property caulked. Even though these areas are not going to be used by the MSC, the club will have the windows reset and then correctly caulked so that the Issue of water coming in them will not reoccur and re-create the mold issue. (MSC) 2. During the general demolition C&R will have Hydrowle machines (air purifier/deodorizer) and Air Scrubbers (eliminates large quantities of particles, bacteria, mold and fungal spores)running in the building to help maintain a better air quality. (C&R) 3. C&R will supply the sanitizer that will be used to clean all surfaces. 4. The carpet in the bar will be removed and disposed of. (MSC) S. All sheet rock and insulation wili be removed and disposed of frorn the exterior walls of the bar area. (MSC) 6, All other debris in the bar will be hauled out and disposed of. (MSC) 7. The suspended ceiling In the bar wilt be taken down and disposed of. (MSC) S. Flexible air vents in the bar will be removed and replaced. (MSC) 9. All surfaces, In the bar, will be NEPA vacuumed and w3ped down with sanitizer. (MSC) 10. The bar area will then be sealed off as to not allow entry from the bowling alley area either by locking the mess door or permanently sealing the door. (MSC) 11. The carpet In the restaurant will be cleaned by C&R and sanitized to remove any mold spores that may be present on It. (C&R Restoration) 1.2. All sheet rock and insulation will be removed and disposed of from the exterior walls of the restaurant area. OASC) 13. The suspended ceiling in the restaurant will be removed. (MSQ 14. Flexible a r vents in the bar will be removed and replaced. (MSC) is. All surfaces, In the bar, will be NEPA vacuumed and wiped down with sanitizer. (MSC) 15. The Restaurant area will then be sealed off as to not allow entry from the bowling alley area either by locking the access door or permanently sealing the door. (MSC) 17. The kitchen area will be thoroughly cleaned and NEPA vacuumed. (MSC) 22 174689x14 18. The kitchen area wi^1 be sealed off so there is no access from the common areas. (MSQ 19. The suspended ceiling in the restaurant will be removed. (MSC) 20. All sheet rock and insulation will be removed and disposed of from the exterior walls of the bowling lane area. (MSG 21.. Flexible air vents in the b4nAing lane area will be removed and replaced. (MSG) 22. All surfaces, in the lane area, will be HEPA vacuumed and %%ped down Vith sanitizier. (MSC) 23. The carpet in the bowling lane area will be cleaned and sanitized. (C&R restoration) 24. All debris it the lane area, will be removed and disposed of (MSC) 35. HVAC ducting will be leaned by a professional duct work cleaner that will be contacted by C&R restoration. 26. Once all demolr~,itm and cleaning is done t ydro)de machines (air purifier/deodorizer) will be rum in the buliding for 6 days minimum. (C&R restoration) 27. Once all demolition and cleaning is completed Air (eliminates large quantities of particles, bacteria, mold and fungal spores) will be run for up to 6 days. (C&R restoration) 28. All common areas, bathrooms, hallways, conference rooms, utility room, etc. ti1+►IN have ceiling tits remover!, debris cleaned up, HEPA vacuuming and sanitizing of all surfaces. (V.SC) 29. All workers In the building during the demolition phases w13 be equipped by the soccer club with all OSHA recommended PPI~ Including: Hooded Tyvek overalls, respirators, non► -vented googles, gloves, shoe covers. These workers will be screened prior to working for any predisposed respiratory issues they will also be briefed on proper procedures per OSHA for working in this environment. Any workers with predisposed respiratory issues wil, not be allowed to work during the demolition/clean up phase. VVSQ 30. if any large areas of mold growth are found (more than a 10 x 10 foot area) C&R will be called to have them dispose of this area. (C&R restoration) 31. final air testing will be done to be sure the of- quality is at an acceptable level for human occupancy. (C&R restoration) 23 174689v14 Lease Dated: Landlord: Tenant: Leased Premises: EXHIBIT D TENANT ESTOPPEL LETTER ,20 Ladies and/or Gentlemen: The undersigned ("Tenant") hereby confirms the following as of the date hereof: Tenant is the tenant under the captioned lease (the "Lease"). All capitalized terms contained herein have the meaning defined in the Lease. The Commencement Date of the Term is , 20_. The Expiration of the Term is Tenant has accepted the Leased Premises for occupancy and the condition of the Leased Premises, including the Leasehold Improvements constructed thereon and the Building is in conformity with the provisions of this Lease in all respects, except for the following: The Leased Premises includes the Building, parking lot and other areas located on the Property legally described as: [insert legal] The lease is in full force and effect; there is not existing default on the part of Landlord under the Lease; and the Lease has not been amended, modified, supplemented or superseded. Dated: .20 By: Its: 24 174689v14 Residential & Business Subscribers Service 2015 Q2-2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Q1-2021 Q2-2021 Phone Only 32 28 28 24 24 24 22 23 24 Internet Only 664 717 829 945 1,014 1,131 1,341 1,352 1,368 Television Only 74 73 72 55 41 28 14 6 6 Phone &Internet 164 156 14S 164 155 166 165 165 164 Phone & Television 44 42 39 35 30 23 14 3 2 Internet & Television 318 280 279 232 206 193 181 177 172 Triple Play 278 254 253 204 174 141 114 111 113 Total Subscribers 1574 1550 1,645 1,659 1,644 1,706 1,851 1,837 1,849 Total Phone 518 480 465 427 353 354 315 302 303 Total Internet 1424 1407 1,506 1,545 1,549 1,631 1,801 1,805 1,817 Total Television 714 649 643 526 451 38S 323 297 293 July 1st 2016 Arvlg's 1st Day Business Subscribers Service 2015 2-2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Q1-2021 Q2-2021 Phone Only 10 10 13 10 10 8 7 7 8 Internet Only 37 31 35 33 37 35 35 34 35 Television Only 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 54 40 Phone &Internet 70 66 60 68 63 62 65 64 64 Phone & Television 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 Internet & Television 3 4 4 4 3 6 5 5 4 Triple Play 15 15 19 16 14 14 9 9 8 Total Subscribers 137 129 133 133 129 127 123 120 120 Total Phone 96 92 92 95 88 85 82 81 81 Total Internet 125 116 118 121 117 117 114 112 111 Total Television 20 22 25 22 19 22 16 15 13 Residential Subscribers Service 2015 Q2-2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Q1-2021 Q2-2021 Phone Only 22 18 15 14 14 16 15 16 16 Internet Only 627 686 794 912 977 1,096 1,306 1,318 1,333 Television Only 73 71 70 54 40 27 13 6 6 Phone & Internet 94 90 85 96 92 104 100 101 100 Phone & Television 43 41 39 34 29 22 13 2 1 Internet & Television 315 276 275 228 203 187 176 172 168 Triple Play 263 239 234 188 160 127 105 102 105 Total Subscribers 1437 1421 1,512 1526 1515 1,579 1,728 1,717 1,729 Total Phone 422 388 373 332 295 269 233 221 222 Total Internet 1299 1291 1,388 1424 1432 1,514 1,687 1,693 1,706 Total Television 1 694 627 618 504 432 363 307 282280 Entity: Entity: FiberNet Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 5/01/2021 -5/31/2021 Netting Period: 6/01/2021 -6/30/2021 FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 4/01/2021 -4/30/2021 Revenues Subscriber Billings 163,987.00 Total Revenues: 163,987.00 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 161,977.00 Total Revenues: 161,977.00 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 162,566.00 Total Revenues: 162,566.00 Expenses Expenses: Expenses: Subscriber Fee (35,607.00) Subscriber Fee (35,112.00) Subscriber Fee (35,076.00) Management Fee (14,491.00) Management Fee (14,491.00) Management Fee (14,491.00) Fixed Fee (44,607.00) Fixed Fee (44,607.00) Fixed Fee (44,607.00) Total Expenses: (94,705.00) Total Expenses: (94,210.00) Total Expenses: (94,174.00) Net Income $ 69,282.00 Net Income $ 67,767.00 Net Income $ 68,392.00 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: 2nd Quarter 2021 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billings 488,530.00 Total Revenues: 488,530.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee (105,795.00) Management Fee (43,473.00) Fixed Fee (133,821.00) Total Expenses: 283,089.00) Net Income $ 205,441.00 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: YTD 2021 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billing: 959,638.00 Total Revenues: 959,638.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee (215,233.00) Management Fee (86,946.00) Fixed Fee (267,642.00) Total Expenses: 569,821.00 Net Income $ 369,817.00 Financial Projections PRELIMINARY Q2 2021 - per Contractual Netting Statements Prelim Budget 2021- YTD 2021- YTD Projected Revenue: $959,638 $922,173 Expenses: Subscriber COGS Fixed Cost Cash flow from Operations Management Fee: Fixed Adjusted EBITDA Management Fee: Incentive - 50% Capital Expense Budgeted: City Cash Flow 215,233 $261,837 267,642 $294,606 $476,763 $365,731 86,946 $86,946 $389,817 $278,785 $182,409 $126,892 (55,814) (57,000) 151,595 94,892 FIBERnet arvig Budget Variance 2021 $37,466 $1,844,345 ($46,604) 523,673 ($26,964) 589,211 $111,033 $731,461 $0 173,892 $111,033 $557,569 $266,285 (190,000) 101,285 Financial Projections Final end of Contract June 30, 2021 Projected Revenue: Expenses: Subscriber COGS Fixed Cost Cash flow from Operations Management Fee: Fixed Adjusted EBITDA Management Fee: Incentive - 50% Capital Expense Budgeted: City Cash Flow FIBERnet arvig. Final Budget Budget 2021 -June 30 2021 -June 30 Variance Full Year 2021 $959,347 $922,173 $37,175 $1,844,345 229,499 $261,837 ($32,338) 523,673 272,711 $294,606 ($21,895) 589,211 $457,137 $365,731 $91,407 $731,461 86,946 $86,946 $0 173,892 $370,191 $278,785 $91,407 $557,569 $172,596 $126,892 (55,814) (57,000) 141,782 94,892 $266,285 (190,000) 101,285 Capital Expense Report; Budget versus Actual 2021 2021 Capital Budget: Actual Budget Variance 2021 HE/CO Equipment 3,034 9,000 $ 5,966 Drops 7,315 19,500 $ 12,185 HE/CO Equipment 30,000 CPE Equipment 45,466 21,000 $ (24,466) Road Jobs/Moves 7,500 $ 7,500 Drops - Plowing 65,000 $ 55,814 $ 57,000 $ 1,186 CPE Equipment 70,000 Road Jobs/Moves 25,000 Developments possible starts in 2021 Unbudgeted Mapcom - Plant Records - Development - Haven Ridge 124,942 Development- Featherstone 5th Addition 107,864 TOTAL -yearly $ 190,000 Development - Edmonson Ridge 75,665 Joint Tinto, not odudee Total Unbudgeted $ 308,471 FIBERnel Delivered by arvig. Marketing 2nd Qtr 2021 • Website(Apr-Jun): o Number of unique visitors: 2,948, down 54%. Note: The swans weren't active, that accounts for the change in visitors. o Total sessions/visits: 3,730 o Average time on site/page: 2:02 o Search keywords bringing customers to our website: fibernet, wifi tv, my wifi tv, fibernet monticello, fiber internet • Search Ads o Impressions: 11,131 o Clicks: 260 o Search keywords customers are using/clicking: internet access providers, services of the internet, TDS, wifi internet, broadband internet • Number of potential customers/existing customers that input their address to see if service was available and the cost: o June: 186 o May: 102 o April: 129 o March: 155 o February: 237 • January: 175 • Most popular web/landing pages: Home page, Swan Cam, Gig Offer fhe 2021 promo offer is: • Gig Price for Life - $68/month, includes the fiber center and free installation. Two-year agreement. treated front invoice messages, direct mail and city inserts. Following is some of the artwork that was used: Spring Is the season d new beginnings. You get state -of -Mean flber Internet up W 1GbMODOMb1 for on"M/mo; the earth gets amther tree. E�Q6?!ri�t Hhx Qay n Pp it 3U'. fm every Oenon woo slgm up fa mfb W NMerMNApM.FlbvMpwllpWee,ubW: mi Wsm+mrw+ma ♦rwammr...ue i wufa uk—m�din leen •rndre4raaiM r NrbNmm Wfiv.... • ,O]eryryUwAr((ae�m FIREBM nvuw,m i nma.rn.r�ryoor ..—... tU. ��tiuert.. s�w wavwn• nOn,..a9e....m rub.• Remember when mom saW'Mpney dM NOT grow on tree&? Shp was rghr_abouta lIX ofthings, M" her proal by getting the best deal in town m sta f-the-aN Hber hrtemet M0, hae a Iuppy AlW,erY D^ Up to i Gig I1,000Mb1 W W. IHq NOT fust temporary prking. :i•prl¢(q ire—.a nceen rtes ;?•smmarbai ueaaama«naaa ;o wtde.Iwmew.il innwee :?eiod,nee 2w.ea .,'Conte[, In. 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