Planning Commission Minutes 12-19-1978 . . - ~ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION December 19, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Fran Fair, Fred Topel, Dave Bauer Loren Klein (ex-officio) Members Absent: Denton Erickson 1. Public Hearing on Development stage for 1-94 Tri-plaza PUD. Samuel properties has submitted their development stage plans on their Standard station at the Intersection of 1-94 and Highway 25 in Monticello. These development stage plans have been reviewed by the Building Official and City Administrator and meet the essential criteria of the PUD ordinance required by the City of Monticello. As part of the Planned unit Development, there is proposed a 60' high pylon sign to advertise the Standard Station. This was previously recom- mended for approval after the station had requested a variance. However, since the Standard Station is now part of a PUD, the entire site plan including signs is subject to review. Planning Camnission felt request was reasonable one, and a motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the Planned Unit Development. 2. Consideration of Setback Variance Request - Independent Lumber. Mr. Richard Zahler of the Independent Lumber Company was present and indi- cated his firm would like to be granted a variance to allow a storage building up to the westerly property line of their lot in Oakwood Industrial Park (Westerly portion of Lot 1, Block 2). Independent Lumber Company is situated in an I-I light industrial zone and setback requirement according to the ordinance is 30'. Mr. Zahler felt that the 30' was quite restrictive and was concerned of the maintenance of the setback area which he felt would probably grow into weeds, etc. It was explained to him that it would be necessary for any individual occupant of a piece of property or owner thereof to maintain his property in an orderly and aesthetic manner. Mr. Zahler also felt that if the variance were granted he would be able to make better utilization of his property. Planning Commission discussed the precedent that this might set, and felt that there was no real hardship other than to be allowed to make more use of a stated piece of property, and a motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to recomment denial of the request. Planning Camnission Minutes - 12/19/78 . 3. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of November 21, 1978 meeting. 4. Adjournment. Motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Dave Bauer and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. d r:~s:::~ GW/ns . .