City Council Minutes 09-11-2000MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 11, 2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of August 28, 2000 budget workshop meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 28, 2000 BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 211. Approve minutes of August 28, 2000 regular council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 28,2000 REGULAR MEETING. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Rick Wolfsteller reminded the council of the IDC banquet being held on September 26". John Simola informed the Council that the left turn signal project on TH 25/CSAR 75 was scheduled to start on September 12". Clint Herbst asked that an update on the bike park and a discussion on using commercial parking lots for used car sales be covered at this meeting. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Kathy Parker, 9597 Mill Trail Lane, spoke requesting additional street lights for that area. John Simola indicated that placement of street lights in the cul-de-sacs are optional and additional lights beyond what is installed would have to be petitioned for by 50% of the property owners. He indicated that he was not aware that any of the lights that were supposed to be installed were not but he would check into it. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of a request for a CUP for new and used automobile/light truck sales (� and display in the B-3 District. Applicant: Jacob Holdings of Monticello LLC (Denny Hecker's Automotive Group.) Recommendation: Approve the Conditional Use Council Minutes - 9/11/00 Permit for Monticello Dodge in accordance with the conditions noted on Exhibit Z of the agenda item. B. Consideration of preliminary plat for right-of-way and commercial lots known as the 90th Street Addition. Recommendation: Approve preliminary and final plat based on a finding that it is consistent with the development plans for the area as described in the Comprehensive Plan, approve the joint resolution supporting annexation contingent upon Municipal Board approval; approve transfer of former right-of-way to adjoining landowners and approve the rezoning from AO to B-3. C. Consideration of an ordinance amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 3-5, [D] 7, by adding subsections (a) and (b), establishing regulations for commercial vehicles in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello, City Council. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment. D. Consideration of an amendment to a planned unit development in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot. Applicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. Recommendation: Approve the amendment to the planned unit development in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot contingent upon completion of items noted in Exhibit Z included in the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that Item #5C be removed from the consent agenda and Clint Herbst asked that Item 45D be removed from the agenda. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C AND #51). BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Item 45C - Brian Stumpf asked what prompted the proposed ordinance amendment and if the concern was about vehicles in excess of 9000 lbs parking on the street or being parked in the driveway. It was explained that parking in the street was governed by the City's traffic ordinance and parking in the driveway was covered by the Zoning Ordinance. The vagueness in the ordinance in specifying the type of vehicle the ordinance applies to makes enforcing the ordinance difficult. It was recommended that clarifying the type of vehicle the ordinance applied to would make the ordinance more enforceable. Brian Stumpf stated that it didn't seem appropriate that while the City tries to encourage business, the City won't allow people to park a business vehicle in their own driveway on property that they pay taxes on. He noted that there are a number of people whose business vehicle is their personal vehicle and the vehicle is used on a daily basis. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chairman stated that when the Planning Commission conducted the hearing on the proposed amendment, they did 2 Council Minutes - 9/11/00 not receive any input from the public. John Simola informed the Council that there is no overnight parking any streets for trucks of a certain weight. There are signs posted noting these restrictions. The signs are specific and enforceable. The Council felt that the staff should investigate this more thoroughly and bring it back to the Planning Commission. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY THE ORDINANCE AMENDING MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-5,[D] 7, BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS (A) AND (B), AND ESTABLISHING REGULATION FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #51) - Clint Herbst stated that this had been thoroughly discussed by the Planning Commission. The question of the banners and whether they could be considered as directional signs and also the size of the banners had been addressed. The banners are in violation and one of the conditions listed in the PUD approval was to bring the signage into compliance. Jeff O'Neill stated the banners could be considered bona fide directional signs in that they are far off the road. The Council also discussed the bonding requirements for the landscape work on the project and setting a date for having the banners removed. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN A B-3 DISTRICT TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN AUTO SALES AND STORAGE LOT CONTINGENT UPON COMPLETION OF ITEMS LISTED BELOW AND WITH THE BANNERS BEING REMOVED BY DECEMBER 1, 2001. IF THE OTHER CONDITIONS OF THE PUD APPROVAL HAVE NOT BEEN MET THE EXTENSION FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE BANNERS IS VOID: Installation of additional trees and/or establishment of a S setback between curb and property line adjacent to the day care center in accordance with the buffer yard requirements. Approval of the grading and drainage plan by the City Engineer. Approval of the lighting plan by the Building Official. Removal of the used car banners not identified in the original sign system. Installation of screening slats within the chain link fence to screen the storage area. Payment of trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer fees as required by City policy. Completion date of December 1. 2000. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of resolution adopting preliminary 2001 budget and tax levy. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, briefly reviewed the preliminary budget and tax levy. The levy amount can be reduced from the preliminary levy but the preliminary levy cannot be increased. The preliminary budget funded needs of $585,000 more than last year. After the budget workshop this amount was cut from $585,000 to $300,000. Rick Wolfsteller summarized the areas of reduction and explained how the surplus from 1999 could be used for funding some of the proposed budget items. He also noted that a separate park dedication fund had been established. Bruce Thielen asked about the $40,000 funding for diseased trees and J r\ Council Minutes - 9/11/00 whether this amount could be cut. Clint Herbst suggested before cutting that budget item, an inventory of diseased trees should be done first. Rick Wolfsteller stated that tax funding for diseased tree budget item had stopped 3-4 years ago and the $40,000 is what is left from the previously levied amounts. He noted that reforestation was included in this amount as well. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND TAX LEVY AS MODIFIED WITH THE ADDITION OF $29,200 FOR ADDITIONAL POLICE COVERAGE MAKING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY $5,067,342, APPROXIMATELY 6.9% MORE IN DOLLARS THAN LAST YEAR AND TO SET THE DATES FOR THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE BUDGET AS REQUIRED BY LAW. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Duane Gate from Monticello Community Education spoke to the Council requesting that prior to setting a final levy they would consider continued funding for Community Ed and the YMCA program. He also expressed his appreciation for the City's support in the past for these programs. John Young, a resident on Gillard Avenue, expressed his concern about the number of hours of police protection stating his belief that for a rapidly growing community, the police protection was at almost a subsistence level. Bruce Thielen took issue with the description of the level of service as subsistence noting that you could have a patrol car on every street but it still does not mean that people wouldn't speed or that crime wouldn't occur. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of resolution authorizing a tax rate increase. If the City's levy amount results in an increase in the tax rate, state law requires the City to hold a public hearing and pass a resolution authorizing the tax rate increase. At this time it is not known whether the amount being levied by the City will result in a tax increase but it would be prudent to pass the resolution even though it may turn out not to be needed. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Bill Fair asked what the Council's priorities were in establishing the budget. Clint Herbst responded that they were trying to operate the City without overtaxing the residents. Bill Fair also asked about funding for the improvements to the library. Bruce Thielen indicated that the library improvements would be an item that would be discussed at future budget workshops. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION INDICATING THAT A TAX RATE FOR THE 2000 LEVY, COLLECTIBLE IN THE YEAR 2001 MAY BE HIGHER THAN THE TAX RATE LEVIED FOR 2000. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE { MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. rI r Council Minutes - 9/11/00 9. Public Hearing - Vacation of easement - Cedar Street (Americlnn) City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained that a number of years ago the City had vacated a portion of Cedar Street but had retained utility easement rights. The AmericInn Motel was built and a portion of the structure lies on I F of the 40' easement the motel had acquired. The title company expressed concerns about having a structure on right-of-way that the City could utilize for easement purposes. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING THE UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THAT PORTION OF CEDAR STREET THAT LIES UNDERNEATH THE AMERICINN MOTEL BUILDING WITH THE CITY RETAINING THE UTILITY EASEMENT RIGHTS TO THE BALANCE OF VACATED CEDAR STREET FROM 7TH STREET TO I-94. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of accentinLy revised terms of sale for the former Ferrell Gas site. Jeff O'Neill summarized the new proposal from Silver Creek Real Estate Development. The major change to the proposal is that Silver Creek will pay for 1/2 the cost of constructing a parking area between the library and the railroad tracks. Silver Creek will also pay $60,000 for site improvements such as lighting, cross -walks, pavers, etc. Jeff O'Neill indicated that although the City doesn't have a firm cost estimate for the site improvements, $60,000 would go a long way towards completing these improvements. The Council discussed the proposal noting that it was uncertain if the City would get a better offer if they went out on the open market, nor was there any assurance that another developer coming in would include the residential element in their proposal. The consensus of the Council was that the Silver Creek development fit nicely in with what is in the area and it would put the property back on the tax rolls. However, it was suggested that a clause be added to the purchase agreement setting a time frame for the proposal as the Council felt it was important to tie the purchase in with a building time. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE TERMS OF THE SALE AND AUTHORIZE STAFF AND DEVELOPER TO PROCEED INCLUDING A PROVISION PROVIDING FOR A STARTING DATE OF NOT LATER THAN JUNE 11 2001 TO DEVELOP THE STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO AN APPROVED PLAN. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Review and discussion of options for rebuilding County Road 75 (Broadway). 5 Council Minutes - 9/11/00 11. Review and discussion of options for rebuilding County Road 75 (Broadway). Public Works Director, John Simola reviewed the proposal with the Council and stated that the County had moved up the project from 2002 to 2001 and is planning to improve County Road 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek. This project would totally replace the surface of the road, possibly adding left turn lanes into Pinewood Elementary, change the access from CSAH 75 to the ballfields by Pinewood, and possibly change the entrance to the West Side Market. The County is in favor of channelization which would result in closing off some streets to cross traffic. These streets would likely be Hennepin, Wright and Palm on the east and Linn, Minnesota and Vine on the west. John Simola would like to have an informational meeting on this project before the next council meeting. Clint Herbst questioned the closing off streets to cross traffic and asked if that had been the County's recommendation. John Simola stated that it was the recommendation of the task force. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED NOT TO MAKE A SELECTION AS TO WHETHER TO HAVE DESIGNATED LEFT TURNS OR NOT BUT TO INSTRUCT THE CITY STAFF AND COUNTY TO HOLD A PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 25TH AND BRING THAT INFORMATION BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL SO THAT THEY CAN MAKE A DETERMINATION AS TO WHICH DESIGN TO FOLLOW. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Roger Carlson who was on the task force stated that although the proposed changes to the roadway seem radical, they are good changes and should improve the safety since CSAH 75 is one of the busiest roads in the county. As part of this project, the City is looking at possibly replacing some of the utility lines in the project area. John Simola had gotten quotes from a number of firms for the televising the utility lines so the City could determine if they needed to be replaced. A copy of the quotes was submitted to the Council. John Simola recommended that Infratech from Rogers be awarded the work based on their price of $10,473. He added that there is no money budgeted for this work. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE QUOTE FOR TELEVISING THE UTILITY LINES FROM INFRATECH OF ROGERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,473.00. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of counter offer for purchase of Eisele property. Previously the Council had authorized an offer of $130,000 for the property. The counter offer did not result in a change in the price but rather consisted of removal of certain items R as fj IuuoTITpuoD aril anoiddV :uoijupuauuuuoaa-d (•dnot0 anTjOLuojnV s,.TXi0aH ,�uu2(J) D77 01PO WON JO sfuTplOH qoo-er :luuoildd�iatzisiQ -g aTI� uT �uldsip pup Salus }lomj jg2il/alTgouzojnu pasn puu mau JOJ ED u .Toj lsanba.T u jo uoijampTsuoD v UPU511V juasuoD •S •11 ojul �,Joogo pinom ail Inq jou a.Tam polluisui aq of posoddns a.Tam I-cgj sjgOil z)qj jo .Kuu juTli azumu IOU sum Qq TUT paTuoTpuT aH •s.zaumo Xjzado.Td z)ql jo %05 Xq JOJ pau011TIod aq of 3ALq pinom polluisui si 1-egm puo,�aq sltli?Tl luuoillppu pup Iuuoildo a.zu sous -op -Ino oql uT sTgi?il laa.Tls jo luomoould jvgj paIuoTpui PIOUNS uilor •ua.Tu ILgj zoj sjgi3il 1aa.zls luuoilippu �?uiTsonbaz gods `auuZ 11B.TJ lPW L6 S6 `.1aN:tud Juju -I •sJu!vj moa put sJsan aA suo!J!J5 /sJu5tumoa uazij!, ) •oullootu Sall Ju pa.zanOo Qq solus i-eo pasn .Toj siol OuTNmd luTOJ;)WWOo OuTsn uo uoissnosip u pup N.Tud oNjq all uo oTLpdn uv TuTll p;)Nsu isg.TOH TullD q,Z l j;)gw0 doS uo liuls of polnpogos sum SL HVSD/SZ HI uo loafozd I'MOTs ujnj ijal ;)ql jUgT ITounoD ;)qj pauz.T0JUT ulouzTS UgOr �[,gZ iogw;DjdaS uo pl;)q Ouioq Tanbuuq DQI aT41 jo lTounoo all papuiw;)j ollajs.IloA� Noi?I •1Rpu5u aqj of suuall uippU jo uo1lu.15pisuoa •£ ��sno�iNVNn QarxxVD � NOI.LOW 'NOI.LOW HH.L QaQNODHS NTI3IH.L 3Df12i9 'fJNI.I.IIIN 2IH'If1DH2I 000Z`8Z .LSC1rJflb' 3H.L 30 SH.Lf1NIW JHI.3AOWddF/ OZ QHAOW NOS'RIVD 2IHIJ02I •�ouijaam jtaunoa .mjn-;)j OOOZ 8Z isnD'nV jo salnuiuu an0.1V •gZ 'A1Sr1o1N1 IvNn QgRI2ND NOIZow NOI.LOIN HHs (19(1N0DgS LS9-dJH LN11D d0HSNW0A� .L9DCffAg OOOZ `8Z ,LSI19f1V 9H L AO SgIfININ 9H.I, 9n02lddV O.I., QgAON 3dIVILS I VINg • u!J55tu doqs3fiom J521pnq OOOZ 8Z Jsn nV jo sajnuiuu ano.1v- •vZ luasa.Td wnionb u pomloop puu •urd L It' iap.io 01 i3u1P3uz auk pailuo suuslag OXEN auOx :IuasgV s.TaquzaW •ualoiLll oonzg puu jduznjS uuTig `Isg1aH TuHD `uosizuD J;)00 -j `suuslog ;)OON :luasaad sragLu;)W •tu•d L - OOOZ `II -iaqutajdaS IiupuojV JIDNfIOD A11a 0111DI I NOW - ON111:11V HvrlflojH S:Ilfl lfv �,� MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 11, 2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of August 28, 2000 budget workshop meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 28, 2000 BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of August 28, 2000 regular council meeting ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 28,2000 REGULAR MEETING. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinLy items to the aLvenda. Rick Wolfsteller reminded the council of the IDC banquet being held on September 26" John Simola informed the Council that the left turn signal project on TH 25/CSAR 75 was scheduled to start on September 12t1'. Clint Herbst asked that an update on the bike park and a discussion on using commercial parking lots for used car sales be covered at this meeting. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Kathy Parker, 9597 Mill Trail Lane, spoke requesting additional street lights for that area. John Simola indicated that placement of street lights in the cul-de-sacs are optional and additional lights beyond what is installed would have to be petitioned for by 50% of the property owners. He indicated that he was not aware that any of the lights that were supposed to be installed were not but he would check into it. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of a request for a CUP for new and used automobile/light truck sales and display in the B-3 District. Applicant: Jacob Holdings of Monticello LLC (Denny Hecker's Automotive Group.) Recommendation: Approve the Conditional Use Council Minutes - 9/11/00 Permit for Monticello Dodge in accordance with the conditions noted on Exhibit Z of the agenda item. B. Consideration of preliminary plat for right-of-way and commercial lots known as the 90th Street Addition. Recommendation: Approve preliminary and final plat based on a finding that it is consistent with the development plans for the area as described in the Comprehensive Plan, approve the joint resolution supporting annexation contingent upon Municipal Board approval; approve transfer of former right-of-way to adjoining landowners and approve the rezoning from AO to B-3. C. Consideration of an ordinance amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 3-5, [D] 7, by adding subsections (a) and (b), establishing regulations for commercial vehicles in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello, City Council. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment. D. Consideration of an amendment to a planned unit development in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot. Applicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. Recommendation: Approve the amendment to the planned unit development in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot contingent upon completion of items noted in Exhibit Z included in the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that Item #5C be removed from the consent agenda and Clint Herbst asked that Item #51) be removed from the agenda. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C AND #51). BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Item #5C - Brian Stumpf asked what prompted the proposed ordinance amendment and if the concern was about vehicles in excess of 9000 lbs parking on the street or being parked in the driveway. It was explained that parking in the street was governed by the City's traffic ordinance and parking in the driveway was covered by the Zoning Ordinance. The vagueness in the ordinance in specifying the type of vehicle the ordinance applies to makes enforcing the ordinance difficult. It was recommended that clarifying the type of vehicle the ordinance applied to would make the ordinance more enforceable. Brian Stumpf stated that it didn't seem appropriate that while the City tries to encourage business, the City won't allow people to park a business vehicle in their own driveway on property that they pay taxes on. He noted that there are a number of people whose business vehicle is their personal vehicle and the vehicle is used on a daily basis. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chairman stated that when the Planning Commission conducted the hearing on the proposed amendment, they did 2 Council Minutes - 9/11/00 not receive any input from the public. John Simola informed the Council that there is no overnight parking any streets for trucks of a certain weight. There are signs posted noting these restrictions. The signs are specific and enforceable. The Council felt that the staff should investigate this more thoroughly and bring it back to the Planning Commission. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY THE ORDINANCE AMENDING MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-5,[D] 7, BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS (A) AND (B), AND ESTABLISHING REGULATION FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item 95D - Clint Herbst stated that this had been thoroughly discussed by the Planning Commission. The question of the banners and whether they could be considered as directional signs and also the size of the banners had been addressed. The banners are in violation and one of the conditions listed in the PUD approval was to bring the signage into compliance. Jeff O'Neill stated the banners could be considered bona fide directional signs in that they are far off the road. The Council also discussed the bonding requirements for the landscape work on the project and setting a date for having the banners removed. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED �. UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN A B-3 DISTRICT TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN j AUTO SALES AND STORAGE LOT CONTINGENT UPON COMPLETION OF ITEMS LISTED BELOW AND WITH THE BANNERS BEING REMOVED BY DECEMBER 1, 2001. IF THE OTHER CONDITIONS OF THE PUD APPROVAL HAVE NOT BEEN MET THE EXTENSION FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE BANNERS IS VOID: 1. Installation of additional trees and/or establishment of a S setback between curb and property line adjacent to the day care center in accordance with the buffer yard requirements. 2. Approval of the grading and drainage plan by the City Engineer. 3. Approval of the lighting plan by the Building Official. 4. Removal of the used car banners not identified in the original sign system. 5. Installation of screening slats within the chain link fence to screen the storage area. 6. Payment of trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer fees as required by City policy. 7. Completion date of December 1, 2000. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of resolution adopting preliminary 2001 budget and tax levy. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, briefly reviewed the preliminary budget and tax levy. The levy amount can be reduced from the preliminary levy but the preliminary levy cannot be increased. The preliminary budget funded needs of $585,000 more than last year. After the budget workshop this amount was cut from $585,000 to $300,000. Rick Wolfsteller summarized the areas of reduction and explained how the surplus from 1999 could be used for funding some of the proposed budget items. He also noted that a separate park dedication fund had been established. Bruce Thielen asked about the $40,000 funding for diseased trees and J r� Council Minutes - 9/11/00 whether this amount could be cut. Clint Herbst suggested before cutting that budget item, an inventory of diseased trees should be done first. Rick Wolfsteller stated that tax funding for diseased tree budget item had stopped 3-4 years ago and the $40,000 is what is left from the previously levied amounts. He noted that reforestation was included in this amount as well. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND TAX LEVY AS MODIFIED WITH THE ADDITION OF $29,200 FOR ADDITIONAL POLICE COVERAGE MAKING THE PRELIMINARY LEVY $5,067,342, APPROXIMATELY 6.9% MORE IN DOLLARS THAN LAST YEAR AND TO SET THE DATES FOR THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE BUDGET AS REQUIRED BY LAW. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Duane Gate from Monticello Community Education spoke to the Council requesting that prior to setting a final levy they would consider continued funding for Community Ed and the YMCA program. He also expressed his appreciation for the City's support in the past for these programs. John Young, a resident on Gillard Avenue, expressed his concern about the number of hours of police protection stating his belief that for a rapidly growing community, the police protection was at almost a subsistence level. Bruce Thielen took issue with the description of the level of service as subsistence noting that you could have a patrol car on every street but it still does not mean that people wouldn't speed or that crime wouldn't occur. 8. Public Ilearing - Consideration of resolution authorizing a tax rate increase. If the City's levy amount results in an increase in the tax rate, state law requires the City to hold a public hearing and pass a resolution authorizing the tax rate increase. At this time it is not known whether the amount being levied by the City will result in a tax increase but it would be prudent to pass the resolution even though it may turn out not to be needed. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Bill Fair asked what the Council's priorities were in establishing the budget. Clint Herbst responded that they were trying to operate the City without overtaxing the residents. Bill Fair also asked about funding for the improvements to the library. Bruce Thielen indicated that the library improvements would be an item that would be discussed at future budget workshops. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION INDICATING THAT A TAX RATE FOR THE 2000 LEVY, COLLECTIBLE IN THE YEAR 2001 MAY BE HIGHER THAN THE TAX RATE LEVIED FOR 2000. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 Council Minutes - 9/11/00 9. Public Hearin! - Vacation of easement - Cedar Street (Americlnn City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained that a number of years ago the City had vacated a portion of Cedar Street but had retained utility easement rights. The AmericInn Motel was built and a portion of the structure lies on I F of the 40' easement the motel had acquired. The title company expressed concerns about having a structure on right-of-way that the City could utilize for easement purposes. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING THE UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THAT PORTION OF CEDAR STREET THAT LIES UNDERNEATH THE AMERICINN MOTEL BUILDING WITH THE CITY RETAINING THE UTILITY EASEMENT RIGHTS TO THE BALANCE OF VACATED CEDAR STREET FROM 7TH STREET TO I-94. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of accepting revised terms of sale for the former Ferrell Gas site. t Jeff O'Neill summarized the new proposal from Silver Creek Real Estate Development. The major change to the proposal is that Silver Creek will pay for 1/2 the cost of constructing a parking area between the library and the railroad tracks. Silver Creek will also pay $60,000 for site improvements such as lighting, cross -walks, pavers, etc. Jeff O'Neill indicated that although the City doesn't have a firm cost estimate for the site improvements, $60,000 would go a long way towards completing these improvements. The Council discussed the proposal noting that it was uncertain if the City would get a better offer if they went out on the open market, nor was there any assurance that another developer coming in would include the residential element in their proposal. The consensus of the Council was that the Silver Creek development fit nicely in with what is in the area and it would put the property back on the tax rolls. However, it was suggested that a clause be added to the purchase agreement setting a time frame for the proposal as the Council felt it was important to tie the purchase in with a building time. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE TERMS OF THE SALE AND AUTHORIZE STAFF AND DEVELOPER TO PROCEED INCLUDING A PROVISION PROVIDING FOR A STARTING DATE OF NOT LATER THAN JUNE 1, 2001 TO DEVELOP THE STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO AN APPROVED PLAN. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ( 11. Review and discussion of options for rebuilding; County Road 75 (Broadway Council Minutes - 9/11/00 11. Review and discussion of options for rebuilding County Road 75 (Broadway). Public Works Director, John Simola reviewed the proposal with the Council and stated that the County had moved up the project from 2002 to 2001 and is planning to improve County Road 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek. This project would totally replace the surface of the road, possibly adding left turn lanes into Pinewood Elementary, change the access from CSAR 75 to the ballfields by Pinewood, and possibly change the entrance to the West Side Market. The County is in favor of channelization which would result in closing off some streets to cross traffic. These streets would likely be Hennepin, Wright and Palm on the east and Linn, Minnesota and Vine on the west. John Simola would like to have an informational meeting on this project before the next council meeting. Clint Herbst questioned the closing off streets to cross traffic and asked if that had been the County's recommendation. John Simola stated that it was the recommendation of the task force. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED NOT TO MAKE A SELECTION AS TO WHETHER TO HAVE DESIGNATED LEFT TURNS OR NOT BUT TO INSTRUCT THE CITY STAFF AND COUNTY TO HOLD A PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 25TH AND BRING THAT INFORMATION BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL SO THAT THEY CAN MAKE A DETERMINATION AS TO WHICH DESIGN TO FOLLOW. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Roger Carlson who was on the task force stated that although the proposed changes to the roadway seem radical, they are good changes and should improve the safety since CSAH 75 is one of the busiest roads in the county. As part of this project, the City is looking at possibly replacing some of the utility lines in the project area. John Simola had gotten quotes from a number of firms for the televising the utility lines so the City could determine if they needed to be replaced. A copy of the quotes was submitted to the Council. John Simola recommended that Infratech from Rogers be awarded the work based on their price of $10,473. He added that there is no money budgeted for this work. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE QUOTE FOR TELEVISING THE UTILITY LINES FROM INFRATECH OF ROGERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,473.00. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of counter offer for purchase of Eisele property. Previously the Council had authorized an offer of $130,000 for the property. The counter offer did not result in a change in the price but rather consisted of removal of certain items on Council Minutes - 9/11/00 should follow a plan. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 324 5TH STREET OWNED BY JAMES M. AND KAYE A. EISELE AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS: LOT 1, BLOCK 12 AND LOT 5, BLOCK 11, EXCEPT THE NORTHWESTERLY 23 FEET AS MEASURED AT A RIGHT ANGLE FROM THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH MR. EISELE ACCORDING TO ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND TO DIRECT THE STAFF TO COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL WITH A PLAN FOR THE ENTIRE AREA AND ALTERNATIVES FOR THE COUNCIL TO LOOK AT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of adopting an ordinance establishing a Community Center Advisor Board. Bruce Thielen stated he felt it was important to have this board in place so that there is a body to assist the Council in decision malting regarding the community center and the activities within. The Council discussed the makeup of the five member board. The Council felt that Bob Murray and Harvey Kendall should serve the three year term on the board, and the third position would be held by a representative from the senior citizens center. Another position on the board would be held by either the Mayor or a Councilmember. It was not clear from the proposed ordinance whether the position held by the elected city official would be a voting position. Clint Herbst suggested that perhaps a high school student should be appointed as an ex -officio member serving a one year term. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: 1) THE POSITION HELD BY THE ELECTED CITY OFFICIAL WOULD BE A VOTING POSITION; 2) APPOINT A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT TO SERVE AS AN EX -OFFICIO MEMBER TO BE APPOINTED ON AN ANNUAL BASIS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Items Added for Discussion: Bike Park: Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director, provided preliminary information on the cost of constructing a bike park. The cost is estimated at $30,000435,000 not including the concrete pad. A 6" concrete pad, 7500 sq. ft. in area would add another $15,000420,000 to the cost. Kitty Baltos pointed out if the bike ramp is a Tier II park it must be fenced and monitored. Parking Lot Use: The Council discussed the practice of business parking lots being used to display 7 Council Minutes - 9/11/00 r,f cars for sale on the weekends. It was suggested that the stalls contact the businesses regarding this practice. 14. Approve payment of bills for September. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Adjourn. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary E