Planning Commission Minutes 07-17-1979 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 17, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Fred Topel, Dick Martie, Ed Schaffer. Loren Klein (ex-officio). Members Absent: Dave Bauer. 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of June 19, 1979, as presented. 2. Consideration of a Variance Request - Glen Nelson. Mr. Glen Nelson, who is the prospective new tenant in the now existing Monticello Meats building on Cedar Street (Parts of Lots 14 & 15, Block B, Upper Monticello) was requesting a variance from the City's off-street parking requirements. Property is currently zoned B-4. The applicant was proposing to change the business to a TV Repair and Sales Business, and wanted a variance to not be required to provide the ten (10) off-street parking spaces as provided by City ordinance. Presently, there is only one (1) off-street parking space on the property, and according to ordinance data on required parking lot sizes, there wouldn't be enough area to develop the spaces for nine more cars as he would be required to provide. presently, the bare parts of the lot aren't large enough to allow a parking lot. In either case, as a meat market or a TV & Radio store, only ten (10) parking spaces would be required. Mr. Glen Nelson and real estate representative, Ralph Munsterteiger, with Sandberg Realty, indicated that the new business would not likely require any more parking than Monticello Meats had required previously. Gary Wieber, City Administrator, also pointed out that the property owner who purchased Denton Erickson's home indicated he had no objection to the variance request from the provision to provide hardsurfaced parking. This individual property owner did have some concern if parking were to be provided to have this parking effectively screened from his residence. A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to approve of the variance request. 3. Consideration of a Variance Request - John Praught. Mr. John praught, who is presently building a new home on Lot 29, Block 2, Ritze Manor, would like a variance to build a 26' x 30' garage in addition to the attached 24' x 30' garage being built onto the home. Mr. Praught would need a variance to allow a second garage because Monticello Ordi- nance Section #10-3-2-(0)-(5) states that no permit shall be issued for more than one (1) private garage structure for each dwelling. . . . . . Minutes - Planning Comm. - 7/17/79 Mr. praught indicated that the intent of the extra building would be to provide storage for such items as a boat, travel trailer, small camper, lawn equipment, etc. Mr. Praught indicated that in no way would he be using this extra building for repair of cars or any commercial type of usage. A motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to approve of the variance request. 4. Consideration of a Variance Request - Vance's Service Center. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission chose to table action on the following item to give themselves time to review the site from the Freeway. Vance's Service Center, in the I-94 Tri-Plaza at the Intersection of 1-94 and Highway 25, made application to extend his pylon sign 10'0" higher than it presently was. Under the present Ordinances, this pylon sign may be 32'0" high plus the difference between the business property elevation and the height of the road abutting it, if the road is higher. In this case, the Intersection of the 1-94 east approach and Minnesota Highway 25 is approximately 10' higher than the property where the Standard station is located, thus the 10' difference has been added to make the present pylon sign 42' high. Mr. Florell was asking that he be allowed to raise his sign to 52'0" in height. Members of the planning Commission discussed their visual observation of the height of the present sign and also heights of other signs in the same area, and it was the consensus of the members that this sign was very visible from the Freeway. A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to deny the variance request. 5. Consideration of Request to Alter Lot Lines - Roy Lauring - River Terrace. Mr. Roy Lauring would like to alter lot lines between Lots 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, & 18, Block 3, River Terrace, and in effect, would make four lots out of the present six lots, and would make the existing lots conform with the present lot size requirement. Presently, the Lots range in size from 9,000 square feet to 10,000 square feet, and Mr. Lauring would like to create two (2) 16,000 square foot lots, and two (2) 13,000 square foot lots. These new proposed lots would require no forseeable variances and the minimum front width would be provided. A motion was made by Ed Schaffer and seconded by Fred Topel to recommend approval of this subdivision provided a Certificate of Survey was received and proof of recording was provided. This motion was carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. G , City Administrator W~ - 2 -