City Council Ordinance 303-020 (2)ORDMANC1,; NUxS::R 303-020 AN ORDI=XE MUTING TO St U"LNG TI�'.:�,;, ANID DTIC Drd'va* LLD PROVIDD4 PaJALTILS FOR VYOLATIOj:S Tne Counoll of tho Villwyo of. Y:©ntfcollo does ordain; Section 1. Squea?.in .irva, Grind incf Gears, EacleirinC. No porsaq operate. a vehicle on a public hicrhwa.�L�,�-rcat , parking lot, alloy, or oi;hor public proporty in such mannor as to causo theirQs to squeal, the ;oars to Grind, or the motor to bact�fir®, Axcoot 7�rhor� an ont ergoncy croatcs tho necessity for such operat"ion,' w "" 5octiun 2. erratic Drivin ;. No person steal! drives a vehicle on ap ublic highway, street, parking Sat, allay, or othor public proprty at or3•a'cic or irro ular and changing speeds so as to create a hazard to hirasalf or other persons or property or o nt'erfere th othwr 4r affie in the area. 5®Qtion 3, Penalty, Any person violating this ordinancse shall befuj.if:t T of a mi dareanor. and upon conviction thereof, shall be sub�Qct to imprisdnraent for not more than 9Q day3I or to payment of a fico of not moro than300.00 or both. Soation fit. This ordinance shall be in force upon its passage aad publication. P:►ssed November 10 , 1970 Ron` 5 Ch�.f Ez` Atteyz$�s Villace Clem