Planning Commission Minutes 02-19-1980 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION TuesdaYt February 19t 1980 - 7:30 P.M. . MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim RidgewaYt John Bondhust Dick Martiet Loren Klein (ex-officio). MEMBERS ABSENT: Ed Schaffer, Dave Bauer. 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dick Martiet seconded by John Bondhus and unanimously carried to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of December 18t 1979 and Special Meeting of January 11, 1980. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for Northern States Power Nuclear Plant. . The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has required that NSP place an overflow weir at the end of the outlet channel where the warm water that is discharged from the Power Plant flows into the Mississippi River, thus preventing fish from going into the channel. Because Monticello has adopted the Mississippi Scenic & Wild Rivers Ordinancet the request of NSP to install the weir must be part of a conditional use permit, thus requiring a public hearing. No comments were heard from the public, and therefore, a motion was made by John Bondhus, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit to Northern States Power. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit - Bradley Larson's Townhouses. 3. Previously, Mr. Brad Larson was before the Planning Commission and the City Council with his request for rezoning of the Baptist Church Property from R-l to R-2 for the purpose of constructing townhouse units on the property. Because the Council requested that a site plan which would show the layout of the proposed development be prepared prior to any approval, Mr. Larson was now before the Planning Commission with a site plan and asking for a conditional use permit for the townhouses. Mr. Larson indicated that he ;s proposing to build five 4-unit townhouses with each unit having an attached double car garaget which would exceed Monticello Ordinance requirements. In addition, an association agreement would be prepared binding all owners within the project to set rules and maintenance requirements for the commonly owned property. The site plan as presented shows a cul-de-sac coming from the property onto Highway 75t which does not align with Sandy Lane across the highway so that traffic from the project would be discouraged from using Sandy Lane as a thoroughfare. . - 1 - . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 2/19/80 In addition to the conditional use permitt a variance would be required for the square footage requirement since the open area per unit is 234 square feet short of the requirement of 5tOOO square feet per unit. Several concerns from surrounding property ownerst including Mr. Gilbert Stickfortt Earl Swan and Steve Johnson were presented at the Planning Commission meeting as follows: A. That traffic would be generated because of the additional density of the development. B. Mr. Gilbert Stickfort was concerned that previously there was a promise made on the past variance for a duplex which was granted to Mr. Vern Youngberg on Lot 1 t Block 2t Creekside Terrace on Sandy Lanet which the Planning Commissiont at that timet indicated that there would be no further rezonings of this nature in the areat but should be on a scattered site basis throughout the City. Mr. Stickfort felt that rezoning this property and allowing a conditional use permit for 20 townhouses would be going against what was said a couple years ago when the property in Creekside Terrace was rezoned for a duplex. C. Property owners were concerned whether there was adequate sewer and water to serve this type of development. It was noted that the property has been served by sewer and water across Highway 75 and with the recent refurbishing of the lift station in West Bridge Park, there should be no problem with the increased flow into the sewer lines. D. Steve Johnson felt that additional requirements should be made of the development for landscaping whereby the development should provide trees or screening from adjoining single family residential areas. Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by John Bondhus and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit for the five 4-unit townhouse development. In additiont a motion was made by John Bondhust seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to require Mr. Larson to present a landscaping plan and front and side elevations of the proposed development and structures to the Council in order to give the property owners in the area a better concept of what would be built in the development. 4. Consideration of Variance Request - Beauty Shop in an R-l Zone - Geraldine Vinar. Geraldine Vinar requested a variance to operate a beauty shop from one room of her homet having no employees and no more than one appointment at any timet unless there would be an overlap of one person leaving and a new appointment arriving. The variance was requested to operate this business since this type of use does not fall exactly within the definition of a home occupation. Specifi- callYt the ordinance indicates that no mechanical equipment shall be employed that is not customarily found in the home and no occupation shall - 2 - . . . PLANNING OCMMISSION MINUTES - 2/19/80 be permitted which results in or generates more traffic than one car for off-street parking at any given time. Various objections were received from surrounding property owners, including a petition presented by Mr. Gilbert Stickfort and signed by himself and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Swan and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Burke, along with Steve Johnson. The objections included the following: A. The property owners in the area bought property that was zoned R-l and should remain residential. B. Felt that this type of use would commercialize the area. C. That a beauty shop would create additional traffic and parking problems. D. That commercial uses of this nature should be downtown where the property is commercially zoned. Part of the Planning Commission discussion on this item concerned whether allowing such home occupation uses as a beauty shop might not be an unfair advantage to those beauty shops that operate out of commercial establish- ments downtown and also members of the Planning Commission felt that a precedent would be set with these types of uses and other home occupational uses. Because of the concerns of the surrounding property owners and the possible unfair advantage to the downtown shops, motion was made by Dick Martie and seconded by Jim Ridgeway to deny the variance request for a beauty shop to Geraldine Vinar. Voting in favor: Dick Martie, Jim Ridgeway. Opposed: John Bondhus. 5. Consideration of Variance Request - Beauty Shop in an R-l Zone - Barb Soucy. Barb Soucy also requested a variance to operate a beauty shop within one room of her own home, also having no employees and no more than one appoint- ment at any time. This property is located at 1305 West Broadway and is Zoned R-l, single family residential, and is located approximately one block west of the previous request of Geraldine Vinar. Some of the same property owners in the area, including Creekside Terrace, voiced opposition to this beauty shop request as they did in the case of Geraldine Vinar. Their reasons were primarily the same, and as a result, motion was made by Dick Martie and seconded by Jim Ridgeway to deny the variance request for a beauty shop to Barb Soucy. Voting in favor: Jim Ridgeway, Dick Martie. Opposed: John Bondhus. - 3 - PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 2/19/80 . 6. Consideration of a Variance Request from Provisions of Monticello Sign Ordinance Requirements - Scotwood Partnership. A request was made by the Scotwood Partnership for a ScotWood Motel for the following variances from the Monticello Ordinances relative to sign height and size requirements: A. 180 square foot wall sign (Ordinance Section 10-3-9-(E)-2-(b)-(2) allows maximum of 100 square feet). B. Pylon sign to be either 52 feet above Highway 25 at closest point, or 65 feet high from base, whichever is less (Ordinance Section 10-3-9-(E)-2-(B)-{4) allows maximum height of pylon sign to be 32 feet above roadway). C. 32 square foot directional sign (Ordinance Section 10-3-9-(B)-1-(h) allows maximum of 10 square feet). The Planning Commission members discussed previous sign variances that have been granted to such businesses as the Silver Fox Motel, which has a 60' high sign and Vance's Standard Station, which has a 52' high sign. It was noted that the primary reasons for granting uses such as a motel and a gasoline station these additional variances for height were because their business depended primarily on the freeway and the highway for their trade. . It was noted by the Planning Commission that previous variances were granted for establishments that did not butt directly against the freeway and it was felt that some of these businesses were a distance away from the freeway and that their particular signs were hard to see, and thus the reason for the variances being granted. In addition, it was noted that all the signs on the north side of the freeway do meet the present ordinance requirements, and in fact, signs such as Perkins and Kentucky Fried Chicken could even be higher without the necessary variances. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that due to the location of the proposed ScotWood Motel being adjacent to the freeway, additional height above 32\ would not be necessary as their sign should be adequately seen in both directions since they can put the sign next to the Freeway. Additionally, concerns were raised over whether future motels or gas stations located anywhere within the City Limits would be granted variances just because of their type of business, if this variance was allowed for the ScotWood Motel. Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by John Bondhus and unanimously carried to deny all three sign variance requests for the ScotWood Motel since it butts next to the freeway now. . - 4 - . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 2/19/80 . 7. Consideration of Subdivision Request and Variances - John Sandberg. Mr. John Sandberg, current owner of a duplex on Lots 1 & 2, Block 30, Upper Monticello, requested a subdivision of the property and variances from minimum lot sizes in an R-2 zoning district. The proposed subdivi- sion would create a 68'x132' lot fronting on Linn Street with the duplex remaining on a 97' x 132' lot. Mr. Sandberg indicated the reason for the subdivision would be to sell the smaller lot to Les Finn so that he could build a single family resi- dence near the downtown area. Mr. Les Finn indicated to the Planning Commission that he does not desire a large lot for maintenance and upkeep purposes, and because of his and his wife's age, they would prefer to be closer to the downtown area. The variances needed for this subdivision included a 12' variance from the minimum lot width of 80', and also, a variance from the minimum square footage of 10,000 square feet, since the lot is only 8,976 square feet. In addition, the lot line as proposed would be 3~' from the stairway of the existing duplex, thus requiring a rearyard variance of 26~' from the minimum requirement of 30' for the existing house. Committee members were concerned over the type of precedent this might set allowing variances from the minimum lot standards, but also felt by some of the Committee members that possibly some smaller lots closer to the downtown area should be available for people who want to live close to downtown and who are older and do not like to maintain such a large lot. Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by John Bondhus to approve the subdivision as presented along with the variances as requested for Mr. Sandberg's lot in Block 30 with the understanding that there would be no further variances necessary at the time of a building permit application by Mr. Les Finn. Voting in favor: Dick Martie, Jim Ridgeway. Opposed: John Bondhus. 8. Consideration of Subdivision and Request for Variances from Minimum Lot Widths by Mr. Rick Cole. Mr. Rick Cole requested to subdivide Lots 2 (except the W 10') and Lot 3, Block D, Upper Monticello, into two equal size parcels of 61' x 165' each. The present lot sizes are 66' x 165 and 56' x 165'. The present property now has a home located on it which is situated in the middle of the lots, but Mr. Cole indicated that he is planning on removing the building and building a new home on one of the lots. In addition to the variance needed from the minimum lot width of 80' , Mr. Cole requested that the sideyard setback requirements of 20' for an R-B zone be reduced to only 10'. - 5 - ~ . . . 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 2/19/80 Although Mr. Cole indicated a single family home with a tuckunder garage is planned for one of the lots, the Planning Commission was concerned about seeing a specific site plan for the two lots prior to granting this subdivision and variances. It was noted that although there are two lots, or two legal descriptions at the present time, only one of the lots - that being the 66' lot - would actually be a buildable lot and meet the 75% requirement of the present ordinances as far as lot width goes. Planning Commission felt that without having a specific site plan indicating the single family home, approval of a subdivision as requested would leave the lot open to other types of structures such as a duplex, etc. Since a specific site plan was not available, motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jim Ridgeway and unanimously carried to deny the subdivision request and variances. 9. Consideration of Changing Meeting Date. The Planning Commission discussed changing the meeting date from the Third Tuesday of each month to either the second or fourth Tuesday of each month. The primary reason for the requested change by the City Staff was that the agenda for the City Council is now being prepared as early as Tuesday of the week preceedin9 the meeting. Normally, the items from the Planning Commission go forth to the City Council at their next meeting, and by preparing the agenda for the Council's following meeting on the previous Tuesday, some of the items of the Planning Commission will have to be brought to the Council not at their next meeting, but at the meeting after that. It was noted that by changing the meeting date to a different Tuesday, this would allow anything that is on the Planning Commission agenda to go forth to the next regular Council meeting without any delays. Motion was made by John Bondhus, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to set the second Tuesday of each month as the regular Planning Commission meeting date. Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by John Bondhus and unanimously carried to adjourn. RW/ns - 6 - -