Planning Commission Minutes 04-28-1980 (Special Meeting) . . . .--" MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, April 28, 1980 - 5:00 P. M. Members voting: Bondhus. Schafer, and Martie Members not voting: Ridgeway and Bauer Ex-officio: Loren Klein 1. Review of minutes. "~-'----_."-,.,.,'~-- Motion by Bondhus and second by Martie to approve the minutes of the April 8 1980 meeting. Unanimous vote to recommend approval. 2 .P~LgJlf~__!.j~~a_!:_i!1g__':"__.c.gn?_i.~_~!9,,!.i on_.9f a Cond it i ona 1 Use Permi t - ~_~<;!_.:_~_!.LE!l>_ ~.PT_i_~ .U!'JL: Item #2 for the Best-in Webb Printing and the Conditional use for the Clow Stampimg Company were the same in request and met the criteria set out by the Ordinances for that type of request, so consequently both items were voted upon at the same time. A motion by Bondhus and seconded by Martie carried unanimously to recommend approval of both requests. (see item #3) 3. Refer to item #2 4. Considera!.1g.0----2f..D~!..t.?!1ce r~est. - Clow Stamping Clow Stamping requested a Variance from the present parking requirements of 64 parking spaces to allow the development of 61 spaces, and to all 50% of the spaces to be for compact cars. The 50% consideration is recommended by the City Planner. Amotion by Bondhus and seconded by Martie carried unanimously to recommend approval of this request. 5. lhan~}_..!..~B~:lLular ~--".!lli meeting for May. The members agreed to change the regular meeting date from May 13, 1980 to May 20, 1980 because of a conflict with the assessors meeting that is to(be held on May 13, 1980. ( r.1eeting adjourned ~o_n a Motion. by pchafer and seconded by Bondhus. All -- --. . '. r " Voted in fa v()r.L-f,j_~0~-:~~1~e.i\~:\~6-~:~~~' ~~~ strator -~_.,