City Council Minutes 11-22-2021 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 22, 2021— 4 p.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson (arrived at 5 p.m.), Bill Fair, and Charlotte Gabler Absent: Sam Murdoff Staff: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger, Matt Leonard, Tom Pawelk, Jim Thares, and Jennifer Schreiber Others: Steve Grittman (NAC), Heather Lorch (Capstone), Steven Bona (Capstone), Mike Gair (Capstone), Brian Krystofiak (Carlson McCain), Katie Schmidt (Capstone) and Ryan Cross (BCI) 1. Call to Order Mayor Hilgart called special meeting to order at 4 p.m. 2. 4:00 p.m. East Bertram Planning Area Transportation Design Steven Bona, Capstone, introduced discussion on the East Bertram Planning Area Transportation Design. Heather Lorch, Capstone, then proceeded with a presentation and noted that they are in partnership with BCI Construction, Inc., representing the Monticello School District, as they are dependent on each other regarding the construction of School Boulevard. The School District has plans for this site for the next 20 years. Before either project can move forward, a solution to School Boulevard must be determined. Preliminary traffic counts were highlighted for local, collector, and arterial roads. The presenters consider School Boulevard in this area a local road. Members of the City Council disagreed that this would just be used as a local road as travelers would use it to connect to major roadways. Mayor Hilgart expressed concern that traffic counts would greatly increase in the next 5-10 years. Councilmember Fair also expressed concern that the road should be built to carry regional traffic. All Councilmembers expressed concern that the plan does not show School Boulevard connecting to 90th Street and would have trouble supporting the project. There was also some concern about the driveway access to the roads. Steve Grittman noted that the road could be built with a median and a parking lane which would positively enhance direct driveway access. Mayor Hilgart questioned whether the road could extend east of utilities to 90th Street with housing on both sides. Steve Bona responded that Capstone could review the option. It was noted by the developers that they would be able to fund a fronted local road, however, oversizing and truck credits would have to be the City's responsibility. There was consensus among City Council that they are open to alternative alignment and section design for School Boulevard, provided that: School Boulevard intersects with 90th Street at the time of development of the proposed Capstone neighborhood; City Council Special Meeting Minutes — November 22, 2021 School Boulevard is designed to serve the Monticello School District's facilities; and School Boulevard is designed to manage the expected volume of traffic given the street's service area and growth guidance. 3. 5:45 p.m. Discussion on 2022 Budget Priorities Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, gave a brief overview of the 2022 Budget Priorities and noted that there were no changes to the 2022 preliminary property tax levy. Some of the highlighted items: CIP 2022-2013; Monticello Community Center shortfall will be balance with ARPA funds; personnel changes; equipment; major non - capital; capital projects; and funding. The top six priorities were discussed and reaffirmed by staff and Council with the first three getting some funding in 2022: Public Works Facility, Downtown Block 52, Pointes at Cedar, Fallon Avenue (2025-2029), Bertram Chain of Lake Athletic Complex (2023 Needs Study), and Water Treatment Plant. Medium priorities included ponding, Otter Creek, School Boulevard to 90th Street, Local Option Sales Tax, Ditch 33 utilities, Safe Routes to School Grant, TED and TEDI Grants, and FiberNet extensions. The budget will be approved at the December 13, 2021 City Council meeting. 4. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreib e l/V Ur Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes — November 22, 2021