Planning Commission Minutes 06-06-1995 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 6,1995. 7 p.m. Members: Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to Order. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Frie. 2. Approval of minutes of the rewlisr meetin2' held May 2 and the apecial meetin2' held M~ 15, 1995. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 15, 1995 MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Added items. Chairman Dick Frie added John Leersson/Cardinal Ponds to the agenda. John Leersson had applied for the subdivision of the plat Cardinal Ponds. The application was not processed because of the study being done with the waste water treatment plant. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that city staffis set to ask council if it wants to accept any applications for annexation during this period when the waste water treatment plant capacity is limited. O'Neill noted that perhaps council will accept applications for processing only and delay implementation until sufficient wastewaster treatment plant capacity has been demonstrated. 3. ~hlic Hearin~ --Consideration of a reql1est for a parkin2' stall and driveway deRiK:n conditional use permit. Applicantr ~ Schmidt. 4. Public Hearin2'--Consideration of a reQJ.lest for a conditional use permit which anow outRide storaK:e in an 1-1 zone. Applicant, Ray &hmidt. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that Ray Schmidt requests that the Planning Commission consider granting his company two condition use permits, which would allow an expansion ofms manufacturing facility. Page 1 Chairman Frie opened public hearing. . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 The proposed expansion calls for development ofa 9,000 square foot addition to the existing structure. The addition would be located on the north side of the existing building and would be used primarily for loading equipment on to trucks. City staff, along with the City Engineer, has reviewed the site plan in detail and found that it meets site plan requirements; however, site plan does call for a reduction in standard driveway and curb improvements, thus creating need for conditional use permit. According to the site plan the areas proposed to be without curb appear to be in areas where the curb is not needed for drainage or to channel traffic; therefore, a request for conditional use permit allowing a reduction in driveway and parking standards appears appropriate. Also, the site plan calls for development of a small outside storage area that will be screed by a fence. Ray Schmidt, applicant, stated that he was half of Ray-Wes partnership and his company manufactures recycling and automotive equipment. The company is growing and needs expansion. Chairman Frie closed public hearing. . Frie asked Jeff O'Neill, about concerns of violations regarding conditional use permits. Are there any violations in at this site? O'Neill stated that from time to time outside storage has been witnessed with the a new conditional use permit the outside storage will need to be screened as required by ordinance. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR A PARKING STALL AND DRIVEWAY DESIGN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DUE TO FACT THAT THE CURBING PROPOSED TO BE ELIMINATED WILL NOT AFFECT THE DRAINAGE AND BECAUSE THE NO CURB AREA IS IN THE AREA OF FUTURE EXPANSION TO THE PARKING LOT. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTON. Motion passed unanimously. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE OUTSIDE STORAGE BASED ON FINDING THAT PROPOSED OUTSIDE STORAGE IS RELATNEL Y SMALL AND WILL BE SCREENED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED BY ORDINANCE. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. . Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 5. Public Hearin~--Consideration of a conditional use permit which would allow e~pansion of an ambulance ~a~e. Applicantr Monticello-Bilr Lake Hm;pital District. Steve Grittman reported on the ambulance garage at the Hospital Campus. The property is subject to a long term development plan which is governed by a Planned Unit Development. PUD permit approvals are given by Conditional Use Permits. The Hospital District has initiated a program by which there are ambulance employees there 24 hours a day. Formerly, ambulance employees were on call and required parking space immediately adjacent to ambulance garage when they came in to respond to a request for ambulance service. Since timing is no longer critical for the ambulance operations, the Hospital District would like to replace two parking spaces with enclosed ambulance garage area. The concern is the increased demand on the main employee parking area and that the Hospital should consider replacing the lost parking spaces. Chairman Frie opened public hearing. Barb Schwientek, Hospital Administrator, reported that there would be two parking spots eliminated but the expansion is necessary for ambulance and storage. The storage capacity is at a maximum and even outside storage is now being used. parking next to the garage is not a useful place for the public to park because of the ambulances going back and forth. We want to be a good neighbor and with the expansion of a 26 x 30 addition it should help. Frie asked if there would be more parking spaces when Mississippi Shores is built next to hospital? Schweintek thought there would be a few spaces but not very many. The hospital administration has encouraged staff to park at the end of access road until the lot can be expanded or such time when Hart Blvd. is vacated. Helen Wulf, a neighbor, stated she was in favor of the expansion because there is an immediate need for inside storage and also a tree, along the property line will be taken down by hospital. Wulf stated that there are three spaces to park on the street that could be used. Schweintek explained that second floor is being renovated but parking lot will have to wait until Wright County widens County Road 75. It would be very costly to redesign the parking lot twice. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 Jeff O'Neill showed a diagram of hospital concept plan and inquired about parking stalls. He noted that the last time the parking needs were analized the complex was 15 parking stalls short. The new Commission needs to be aware of the parking shortage before they allow two more spaces to be removed at this time. When Hart Blvd. is vacated there will be the required parking. There was a study done in this area in 1993 and recommended that traffic was not increased on River Street. Schweintek, stated that contractors on site for renovation are also contributing to the parking shortage. When the hospital is completed there will be more spaces available. Chairman Frie closed public hearing. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND AMBULANCE GARAGE ON MONTICELLO-BIG LAKE HOSPITAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION OF EXPANDING THE EXISTING PARKING WHEN COUNTY HIGHWAY 75 IMPROVEMENTS ARE MADE. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearinlr - Consideration of a reqJ1est for a conditional use permit to allow three (3) business siiJ'ls on one property under a comprehensive siiJ'l. plan. Applicant, River Street Station. 7. Public Hearin~--Consideration of a req).lest for rezonin~ from PZM (performance zone mixed) to B-4 (~eneral business). Applicant, River Street Station. 8. Public Hearin~ --Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to ~ow open and outdoor sales from a wa~on or cart. Applicant, River Street Station Only 9. Public Hearin~--Consideration of a variance reqJ.lest to allow placin~ of ipdividll~ 1 tenant sii1ls on more than one side of a buildin~. 1\p.plicant, River code requires only sign for tenant and finding of hardship and special condition to justify -recommend deny - one sign per tenant Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 10 Public Hearin2'--Consideration of a request for a variance to allow more than 100 square feet of ~wet:ate siiJ'l. area on one property. Applicant, River Street Station. 11. Public Hearin2'--Consideration of a request for a variance to allow a roof sign. Applicant, River Atreet Station. Steve Grittman, City Planner, explained the owners of the building at the intersection of Highway 25 and River Street have applied for a series of approvals relating to the conversion of that building, including antique sales, some office uses, and an outdoor farmer's market cart. The site is currently zoned Performance Zone - Mixed (PZM). This district is structured to allow primarily residential and lower intensity commercial uses. Four of the six applications for this property are related to the proposed signing of building and its tenants, one is related to the operation of outdoor sales cart, and one is for a rezoning from PZM to B-4, Regional Business. The rezoning request is important to consider first, since it will affect the disposition of some of the other applications. The five blocks between Linn Street and Palm Street is split between PZM and B-4 Zoning, with PZM on halfblocks facing River Street, and B.4 on the half blocks facing Broadway. It appears that this zoning pattern may have been established for a transition between the more intense downtown commercial area and the R-I District which faces most of Mississippi River. On this block the river frontage is park land rather than residential and the long term. land use of this area may be transitioning to more of a regional commercial nature. The applicant also wishes to operate a farmer's market on an outdoor sales cart along the River Street frontage of this property. A more acceptable location for this use would be at the northwest comer of the site because traffic stopping on River Street. The four other requests relate to signage. Three of these are variance requests, which must be subject to a "non-economic hardship" to qualify for consideration. Chairman Frie opened public hearing. Tom Brion, River Street Station owner, inquired about sign ordinance. He had received two information packets with different wording on the square footage of signage that is allowed. Also, there was concern that the Page 5 . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 Commission had not received all of examples and diagrams of proposal. Grittman tried to explain to applicant that the sign ordinance had been changed and there was a section that was deleted that should not have been. At this time, Chairman Frie called a recess for the Commission to discuss confusion of the ordinance and to copy additional information. The meeting was called to order and public hearing was continued. Tracy Mikkelson, antique dealer at River Street Station, stated that antiques are a very visible impulse type of busines that need a large sign for attention. Tom Brion used overhead to show how the proposed signage would look and explained that a sign is needed that can be seen by cars traveling by. Carla Dose, antique dealer, thought it was very important to keep process going because the signs are needed for people to know they are open. . Chairman Frie closed public hearing. Richard Carlson recommended that the Commission address the rezoning and the farmers market items first and then discuss the signage. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO REZONE THE RIVER STREET STATION PROPERTY FROM PZM TO B-4 BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SUBJECTS PROPERTY IS CONSISTENT WITH STRICTLY COMMERCIAL USES. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTON. Motion passed unanimously. N en, the commission discussed open and outdoor sales from a wagon or cart. The farmer's market was a favorable idea but the location was not ideal. There were questions from the Commission that if the cart was located on River Street would cars be stopping and parking along River Street causing traffic problems. Also, the proximity to the intersection of River Street and Highway 25 would need to be considered The southwest side of property next to parking lots would be a better location. Mike Olson, River Street Station owner, thought the retaining wall and boulevard would prevent the outdoor merchants from moving forward. . Page 6 Mike Olson explained that business would like to use mansors to hang the roof signs on. . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 O'Neill stated that city does have a transient merchant license that each vendor will be required to apply for. ROD DRAGSTON MADE A MOTION TO ALLOW A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPEN AND OUTDOOR SALES FROM A WAGON OR CART IN SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE LOT. THE SPECIFIC LOCATION IS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY CITY STAFF ON THE OFFICIAL SITE PLAN. THE SITE FOR SALES SHALL NOT TAKE UP EXISTING PARKING SPACES. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. The signs were discussed next. Jeff O'Neill stated that River Street Station is a unique building because there is a minimum amount of wall space with a very low roof line. River Street Station is requesting a roof sign but it needs to be defined as to where a roof line starts. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ALLOW A VARIANCE FOR A ROOF SIGN BECAUSE OF UNIQUE DESIGN OF BUILDING. NO SECOND. . The motion died due to lack of a second. Jon Bogart stated that the item should not proceed further without better information on the zoning requirements and its impact on sign development options. Richard Carlson stated that he did not want to send the wrong waves to applicant but he also needed more information. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ITEMS, 6, 9, 10, AND 11 ON THE AGENDA AT A RESCHEDULE SPECIAL MEETING AS SOON AS POSSffiLE TO RESOLVE ISSUES BEFORE US. INFORMATION SHOULD INCLUDE ACCURATE MEASURE FOR THE FRONTAGE AND THE NORTH SIDE; EXAMPLES OF PROPOSED SIGNAGE; EXPLANATION OF MANSOR SYSTEM OR ROOF BRACKET SYSTEM, ALSO AT THAT TIME AN HOUSE KEEPING ORDINANCE FOR THE SIGN FOOTAGE ALLOWED. A TENTATIVE DATE FOR NEXT MEETING WOULD BE MONDAY, JUNE 26, AT 5:30. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. . Page 7 Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 . 12. Cmnprehensive plan u.pdate. Steve Grittman, City Planner, updated the Commission on the joint meeting results that were held with City Council, HRA, EDA, and the Parks Commission in May. These concepts are delivered in a rough form, since it is important that the community has the opportunity to react to them, fine tune them, or reject them. Grittman separated the information into the following categories: Housing: One idea the city might want to consider is large rural lot subdivisions. There is a high demand for two to five acre lots. Grittman then demonstrated on a map that the area in the southwest part of the city that might be looked toward to develop the large residential lots. This would be one way to attract upscale housing. Another way would be to improve parks, trail systems, and recreational opportunities. . Economic Development: The downtown area is going through radical changes. This is happening all over Minnesota. The realities of contemporary shopping patterns have retailing of traditional comparison consumer goods an activity which occurs largely in mall-type shopping centers This is not to say that downtowns will no longer have a commercial role. Instead, that role must change to reflect the activities which are most likely to be successful. For most small downtowns, that role consists largely of entertainment recreation, and service base commercial activity. Antique stores, specialty shops, theaters, restaurants, and bars. The City's investment in this conversion can take many forms. One would be to establish programs which assist in remodeling projects. Another would be a community center in the proximity to both the downtown and the river which would provide an amenity which encourages both the City's housing goals, and the transformation of the downtown area. . Industrial Development: The City has identified continued industrial development as a major objective for the City's involvement. There was a sense from the joint meeting that any industrial development was positive, higher investment industry, in terms of building quality or wage levels, would be even more welcomed. Traffic is a problem and another interchange with 1-94 will be needed. The location for this interchange is critical because there are not likely to be funds for more than one. In addition, proper planning would allow adequate routes for another industrial park and other development Page 8 . Planning Commission Minutes - 06-06-95 areas without creating the congestion conflict at a later date. The location of additional industrial land is an area that will need to be decided. If housing is extended to the west, past Olson's Electric, that could be a link to an industrial park located on west end of town. This will depend on the interchange off of 1-94. Community Facilities: As noted in the housing discussion, community facility are linked to the attraction of new housing growth. In the past, infrastructure has been thought of mostly as concrete and iron. There is a primary role of the municipal government to provides roads, pipes, and sewage. Infrastructure should be thought of as any facility or service provided by the community as a whole which is necessary to attract and maintain development. For industry, that infrastructure includes solid not congested streets, and adequate sewer and water capacity. For many though, it also includes a labor supply, which is in critical shortage in several employment categories. Labor supply requires housing, and higher end labor requires higher end housing. This means attractive, ample park and trail lands, quality school facilities, and programs, and superior community recreation facilities and programs. . 13. Adjournment. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Respectfully Submitted, f)~ fAOMt1PA Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician . Page 9