Planning Commission Minutes 10-03-1995 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 3, 1995 . 7 P.M. Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order. Chairman Frie stated that Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, would be late but the meeting should start. Chairman Frie reported that last week he and Jeff O'Neill had attended the State Planning Commission meeting in Alexandria. The meeting was very beneficial and should be highly recommended to every commission member and staff. One of the main ideas he would like to see carried out is a procedure manual for applicants applying for new plats. 2. Approval of minutes of the reeular meeting held September 5, and the special meeting held Saptember 19, 1995. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE SEPrEMBER 5TH, 1995 MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, reqJ1ests, and complaints. There were no citizens comments. 4. public Hearing --Consideration of preliminary plat of Monticello Commerce Center 3rd Addition. Applicant, Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. Jeff O'Neill reported that the Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. is requesting approval for a preliminary plat of the Monticello Commerce Center 3rd Addition. The plat consists of two industrial lots separated by the future Page 1 . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/03/95 extension of Dundas Road. Both lots front Fallon Avenue to the east. The entire platted area amounts to 7.47 acres. Lot 1, north of Fallon Avenue, consists of 4.6 acres, and Lot 2 consists of 2 acres. Each lot meets the minimum requirements of the ordinance in terms of lot size, depth, and width. Both lots are served with sewer and water service that is located in the Fallon Avenue right-of-way. Storm water drainage from the site is intended to flow easterly to land currently owned by Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. As part of the platting practice, the City will be obtaining storm water easement areas in an area east of the plat. Acquiring the ponding easement areas is necessary to assure the City that adequate ponding areas will be available in the future. The preliminary plat is very simple and straight forward. There do not appear to be any planning or significant utility issues relating to the site. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Charlie Pfeffer, developer, did not have any comments to add to O'Neill's report. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. . Chairman Frie asked why the entire parcel is not being platted at one time and who is paying for the Dundas Road extension. Charlie Pfeffer replied that in an industrial park each site will vary in the size depending on the need of the customer. If an entire parcel is platted before knowing what will be built there more time is spent on replatting than simply platting each lot as the Commerce Center develops. Pfeffer went on to add that Dundas road is the responsibility of the developer and he is aware of that. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTER 3RD ADDITION SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A 12-FT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT MUST BE PROVIDED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF EACH LOT AND PLACED ON THE FINAL PLAT. AN ADDITIONAL 12-FT EASEMENT LOCATED ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE PLAT, ALONG WITH A 12-FT EASEMENT 1. . Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/03/95 ALONG THE PROPERTY LINE SEPARATING THE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC. PROPERTY FROM THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY, SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN ARE WAIVED. PRELIMINARY PLANS ADDRESSING DESIGN OF DUNDAS ROAD WILL BE REQUIRED AND COMPLETED IN CONDUCTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF F ALLON AVENUE, WHICH IS SET TO OCCUR IN THE SPRING OF 1996. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Public Hearine---Consideration of a conditional use permit which would allow open and outdoor storae-e as an accessory use in an 1-2 zone. Applicant, Northern States Power Maintenance Facility. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, noticed a few weeks ago that NSP was working on expanding the outside storage area located to the rear of their main structure. In response to this observation, they were informed that they would need a conditional use permit allowing expansion of the outside storage area. In turn, NSP has submitted an application for a conditional use permit and has also written a letter to the City indicating that they are planning to move forward with installation of a perimeter fence and noted that it was their intention to fully satisfy the City on what needs to be done according to ordinance. Due to a staff mistake, the existing outdoor storage area was not approved via the conditional use permit process and is not screened from view from the public right-of-way and is, therefore, a nonconforming use. This expansion represents an opportunity to correct the nonconforming aspects of the site. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Darren Lahr, representative from NSP, stated that at first NSP was concerned that due to the screening the Sheriff's Department might have trouble policing the area at night but that has been worked out. NSP has agreed to comply with all city ordinances. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Page 3 . Planning Commission Minutes - 10103/95 Chairman Frie commented that he had discussed this with the Wright County Sheriff Don Hozempa and Hozempa would be willing to meet with NSP and discuss security issues. Next, the Commissioners discussed the landscaping issues. O'Neill stated that there is one tree needed for every lineal foot, thirty feet beyond the area being used. In the past, the outside storage area had included the building, parking, and storage lot areas. It was decided that staff would work with NSP on amount oflandscaping needed. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE OPEN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AS AN ACCESSORY USE IN THE 1-2 ZONE WHICH WOULD ALLOW EXPANSION OF THE STORAGE AREA AT THE NSP SITE AS PROPOSED PROVIDED THAT: 1. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGULATING OUTSIDE STORAGE IN AN 1-2 ZONE BE MET. 2. THE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE OUTSIDE STORAGE AREA IS REVIEWED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. . 3. MEET WITH CITY STAFF ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. MEET ON THE SECURITY ISSUES WITH THE WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of making a recommendation to the Housine- and Redevelopment Authority and City Council to purchase a residential site west of Bridge Park. Commissioner Carlson abstained from discussion and voting. J eft' O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that Planning Commission and the Parks Commission are requested to consider making a recommendation to the HRA and City Council regarding the potential purchase ofriver~front real estate located directly west of Bridge Park. A few days ago, Richard Carlson, acting in his capacity as a Realtor, infonned me that the owners of the property are interested in moving and that they are willing to provide the City with the first option to buy the property. The . Page 4 . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/03/95 property consists of a house built near the turn of the century, along with the remains of a garage that was severely damaged in a wind storm a few months ago. A key attribute of this property is the length of river frontage that comes with it. The property is located directly adjacent to an existing park and extends along the river to the west a distance of over 300 feet. Purchase of this property would be a key component of an overall long-term plan for redevelopment of the Front Street area, which has been talked about and contemplated from time to time. Also, O'Neill listed the other factors supporting the consideration of purchasing this property: 1) The Monticello area continues to grow and expand, and with this expansion comes an increase in demand for park space, especially park space along the river; 2) Purchase of this property is consistent with preliminary comprehensive plan policy and goal setting; 3) The present owner is considering rebuilding the existing garage and it makes sense to buy the property before more investments are made; 4) Two properties immediately south and across Front Street are in sad shape and would be prime candidates for future acquisition; 5) If purchased today the cost would probably be lower than in the future; 6) This property is a prime candidate for acquisition because it is needed under any plan for river-front redevelopment. . Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Bruce Theelin, Chairman Parks Commission, stated that he thought that river frontage is going to be harder and harder to come by and the City would be amiss to let it go. Larry Nolan, Parks Commission, this has been discussed in the park plan and the direction the city should be going. This plans certainly includes the river and this is an opportunity we should be investing in. Fran Fair, Parks Commission, stated that the Parks Commission appreciates being asked for their input. This is the first step in a dream to redevelop the riverfront and its reassuring to see things start. Earl Smith, Parks Commission, stated that in his opinion this was a rare opportunity to pick up property and this was a chance to make a statement for generations to come. The Planning Commissioners discussed if not knowing the selling price should be relevant. . Page 5 . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/03/95 O'Neill stated that it will be the responsibility of the HRA to negotiate a price. It is the Planning Commissioner's position to recommend the action. The Planning Commissioners also discussed the perfect opportunity of having a willing seller at the same time as the redevelopment of the river property is being set as a priority. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATION THAT THE HRA AND CITY COUNCIL SUPPORT THE PURCHASE OF THE RESIDENTIAL SITE WEST OF BRIDGE PARK. THIS MOTION IS BASED ON REASONS FOR PURCHASING THE PROPERTY AS: 2. 1. THE MONTICELLO AREA CONTINUES TO GROW AND EXPAND, AND WITH THIS EXPANSION COMES AN INCREASE IN DEMAND FOR PARK SPACE, ESPECIALLY PARK SPACE ALONG THE RIVER; PURCHASE OF THIS PROPERTY IS CONSISTENT WITH PRELIMINARY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICY AND GOAL SETTING; . 3. THE PRESENT OWNER IS CONSIDERING REBUILDING THE EXISTING GARAGE AND IT MAKES SENSE TO BUY THE PROPERTY BEFORE MORE INVESTMENTS ARE MADE; 4. TWO PROPERTIES IMMEDIATELY SOUTH AND ACROSS FRONT STREET ARE IN SAD SHAPE AND WOULD BE PRIME CANDIDATES FOR FUTURE ACQUISITION; 5. IF PURCHASED TODAY THE COST WOULD PROBABLY BE LOWER THAN IN THE FUTURE; 6. THIS PROPERTY IS A PRIME CANDIDATE FOR ACQUISITION BECAUSE IT IS NEEDED UNDER ANY PLAN FOR RIVER-FRONT REDEVELOPMENT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. . Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/03/95 7. Other. Commissioner Bogart commented to the Parks Commission members at the meeting that during the tour of parks in August boulevard trees were discussed. He would like to see this item pursued further. The Commission members discussed the advantages of a boulevard tree policy. Gary Anderson, Building Official, requested a list of suggested trees and size of trees that could be given out to residents and builders. Chairman Frie suggested that the Parks Commission review the present tree ordinance and current information. Then he would like them to present a new ordinance to the Planning Commission in the near future. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, gave an update that the City Engineer Bret Weiss resigned from OSM to start a new engineering firm named WSB. The City is negotiating contracts with WeisslWSB and OSM at this time. 8. A<tjournment. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, WCUJ1cb ~ AllM/11A. Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 7