City Council Minutes 12-03-1990 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 3, 1990 - 4:00 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Shirley Anderson, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None City Council reviewed the proposed budget submitted by City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller. Wolfsteller reported that the proposed budget results in a tax levy of $2,752,778, which amounts to a 7.2% increase over last year's tax levy. This increase in the tax levy, when combined with the effect of the increase in property valuation, will result in an actual property tax increase of less than 60, which is fairly close to the cost of living adjustments projected. It was the consensus of Council to support the adoption of the proposed budget as it now stands with any subsequent changes to be made as a result of input from the public at the upcoming public hearing. Dan Blonigen noted that he can support the budget and the increases projected with the understanding that major items purchased in 1991 would again be considered by the Council before purchases are made. There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to present the budget and proposed tax levy of $2,752,778 to the public at the public hearing on adoption of the 1991 budget and tax levy scheduled for December 10, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. Ken Maus requested an itemized list of the bond issues now currently being paid by the City, the list to include the expiration date of each bond issue. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Je O'Neill Assistant Administrator