City Council Minutes 07-29-1985 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 29, 1985 - 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Mayor Grimsmo, Council Members Jack Mxwell, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, and Bill Fair. Members Absent: None Also in Attnedance: City Administrator Eidem, John Uban representing Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban, and John Badalich representing Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates. 1. Call to Order. 2. Annexation Study Proposal - DSU & OSM Mayor Grimsmo explained that the sole agenda item was to discuss the proposal submitted by DSU and OSM for preparing an annexation study. He asked that Eidem provide a brief background on the question. Eidem explained in May that a meeting was held with the Mayor, the Town Board Chair, the County Zoning Administrator, Mr. Uban, Mr. Badalich, Mr. Wolfsteller and himself to discuss the existing conditions in the Orderly Annexation Area, and whether or not some annexation would be appropriate. Eidem noted that the net results of the rather lengthy conversation was that without an in-depth study a firm conclusion could not be made with respect to annexation. Eidem noted that at the conclusion of that May meeting, he requested Mr. Dahlgren and Mr. Uban prepare a cost proposal for the preparation of the annexation study. That proposal was then presented to the City Coundil at their regularly scheduled meeting of July 22. This then led up to this special meeting where the Council may discuss the proposal in-depth with the consultants. At that point, Eidem turned the discussion over to John Uban of Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban to review the proposal. John Uban provided a general explanation of the proposal noting that the 13 items highlighted in the proposal coincided with the crucial criteria as laid out in Minnesota Statutes regulating annexation. He noted that in order to go before the Minnesota Municipal Board, these 13 areas needed to be discussed and explored at length in order to presnet an in-depth case to the Board. Mr. Uban cited an example of a North Dakota Community that approached annexation unsuccessfullly simply because they had not prepared in a thorough enough fashion to state their case. It is his contention that if one is going to prusue annexation the data and all other related elements need to be firmly established in order to state ones case efficiently, and in the long run the performance of such a study is more cost effective than going through the process and being unsuccessful in the attempt to annex. Special Council Minutes - July 29, 1985 Uban went on to note that the cost estimate was based on the total project, but such cost could be substantially reduced provided a large amount of data could be supplied by City Staff. Uban noted that consultant hours could be substantially reduced by avoiding duplication of effort. Mayor Grimsmo provided a brief background of the Orderly Annexation Area and the joint Planning Board that has regulated growth. He noted that the Towship has been extremely cooperative in directing urban type development into the City and the OAA as it was originally disigned. He agreed that due to the rapid development over the last 10-11 years it is time to evaluate the growth patterns and the effect of services within the area. Mr. Badalich representing OSM discussed their portion of the Annexation Study and emphasized that the engineering firm would concentrate on the physical improvements required to provide services. He noted that the water study that was done previously for the City provided substantial data with respect to those types of public improvements, but the City needed to study sanitary sewer, storm sewer, traffic patterns and streets, and make physical planning decisions. He also noted that a good deal of the information would already be on hand based on earlier public facility studies. Council Member Bill Fair asked whether or not the entire Orderly Annexation area would be studied. Mr. Badalich responded that the proposal addressed only the OAA and not the entire Township. Going a step further Eidem asked how the scope of the study was originally determined. He asked whether or not some kind of determination had been made to direct the study inside of a boundary line that was established in 1974. He wanted to know if it was accurate to say that this boundary line is effective and we will study only the area inside of it. Badalich and Uban both indicated that the City primarily had to arbitrarily and artificially select an area suitable for study. Since this line was determined in 1974 by the City and the Township, that would be the appropriate area to research. Council Member Fran Fair asked the question that if the City does annex, then is a new Orderly Annexation area created on the new perimeter of the City. Eidem explained that a new OAA is an option, but because the CIty has extra territorial development powers, an OAA would not oe required. Whether or not sucn an area would be established would have to be done jointly through the annexation negotiation process. Special Council Minutes - July 19, 1985 A question was raised with respect to the development proposal being constructed by the Osowski Orchard/Flea Market. Eidem indicated that a very small portion of the Osowski's property currently lay withing the OAA, but that their recreational proposal encompasses all 440 acres of their property. Eidem noted that Osowskis had expressed an interest in having their entire parcel annexed even though it goes beyond the lines of the OAA. Council Member Bill Fair asked how much the cost of the proposal might increase in order to look at all of Osowski's property. John Uban indicated that it might increase approximately 10%. Council Member Blonigen indicated that it was his preference the City study what currently exists and that if greater study is required for the benefit of Osowski's development they would have to assume financial responsibility for that portion of the study. Council Member Bill Fair agreed that the approximate 400 acres of Osowski's property lying outside of the OAA should be excluded from the study, and that when the development project is at a significant stage then the Osowskis can petition for annexation and would assume financial reposibility for that portion of the study. Both Uban and Badalich indicated that in the course of the study if a major physical feature lying outside of the OAA presented itself as a significant issue, the study of that feature would have to be included to ensure thoroughness of the results. The Mayor asked if there were other concerns about the study. He indicated that the proposed 4-6 month term seemed reasonable, and that he favored engaging the consultants to do the work. He noted that he felt confident Staff could do-- the lion's share of the work, but saw no reason to create additional burdens on the Staff. Council Member Bill Fair indicated that it was his preference to postpone a final decision authorizing the study until after the City meets with the Township Representatives in Special Session on August 7. He indicated that there may be certain areas or issues that the Township would like addressed in the study, and these matters could be inserted after the Special Meeting. There was general concurrence on postponing action amongst all Council Members. The Mayor acknowledged Stewart Hoglund, a member of the Monticello Town Board, who was sitting in the audience during this meeting. The Mayor asked if Mr. Hoglund had any comments or any specific-. concerns that the Council should be alert to. Mr. Hoglund responds that he tends to favor annexation in the highly developing areas so long as the process does remain orderly. Mr. Hoglund's concern was that the unregulated development of sewer and septic systems could eventually jeopardize the ground water quality. Special Council Minutes - July 29, 1985 Mr. Hoglund indicated that in order to protect ground water the City might have better control in terms of extending sanitary sewer. 3. Adjourn. Thomas A. Eid m City Administrator