IEDC Agenda - 02/01/2022AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center The meeting will be In -Person -Remote hybrid to accommodate those who prefer to minimize contact with others due to COVID-19. The North Mississippi Room at the MCC will be set up to allow attendees to socially spread out. Participants who choose to attend remotely will be able to do so via Go -To: Web Link: http co m/loin/294416277 Phone Dial In #: United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 Members: Chairperson Liz Calpas, Vice Chairperson Sarah Kortmansky, Joni Pawelk, Bill Fair, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Randy Skarphol, Eric Olson Liaisons: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss, Dave Tombers, Tim Zipoy 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. January 41h, 2022, meeting minutes 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda 4. Consideration of discussion regarding potential new members 5. Consideration of Approving 2022 IEDC Action Statements -Goals 6. Consideration of appointing a member to the Marketing Strategy Working Group 7. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Prospects List b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) c. City Council d. Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) update e. Chamber of Commerce 8. Adjournment (8:00am) AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, January 411, 2022 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center The meeting will be In -Person -Remote hybrid to accommodate those who prefer to minimize contact with others due to COVID-19. The Bridge Room at the MCC will be set up to allow attendees to socially spread out. Participants who choose to attend remotely will be able to do so via Go -To: Web Link: https:l com/join/294416277 (571) 317-3112 A rrPcc C'raa�C-277 Members Present: Vice Chairperson Liz Calpas, Bill Fair, Kevin Steffensmeier, Luke Dahlheimer, Andrew Tapper, Sarah Kortmansky, Eric Olson Members Absent: Chairperson Randy Skarphol, Joni Pawelk, Steve Johnson, Don Roberts, Wayne Elam, Thomas Conboy, Darek Vetsch Liaisons Present: Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Acting Chair Liz Calpas called the regular meeting of the Monticello IEDC to order at 7:04. 2. Approve Minutes: a. December 7", 2021 meeting minutes Kevin Steffensmeier moved to approve the regular meeting minutes from December 7, 2021, Andrew Tapper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None 4. Consideration of Electing 2022 IEDC Officers (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary) Andrew Tapper nominated Liz Calpas to be Chairperson of the Monticello IEDC, Kevin Steffensmeier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Liz Calpas nominated Sarah Kortmansky to be Vice Chair of the Monticello IEDC, Kevin Steffensmeier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Steffensmeier nominated Jim Thares to be the secretary of the Monticello IEDC, Andrew Tapper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of discussion regarding outreach to potential new members Secretary Jim Thares explained that there are two open positions on the IEDC and that ideally, they would be filled. He asked if members have any suggestions or know anyone in the community who may be willing to serve on the committee. Mr. Thares noted that there are also two positions available for student representatives from Monticello High School to serve on the IEDC. Mr. Thares encouraged IEDC members to try and recruit members from the Monticello community. 6. Consideration of 2022 IEDC Action Statements -Goals and Table Topics — Discussion and Feedback It was decided that this item would be further discussed at the next meeting. IEDC members are encouraged to return their workplan to Jim Thares to further discuss at the next meeting. 7. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Prospects List —See Attached b. Planning Commission Agenda —See Attached c. City Council City Administrator Rachel Leonard provided an update on the City Council to the IEDC. There was one meeting in December and the next upcoming meeting will be January 10, 2022. Ms. Leonard informed the IEDC of the Zoning Work Group working to provide feedback to the City on how The Pointes at Cedar will be zoned as well as on detailed information for the land area. The City will be moving to 4 election precincts this mid-term year for election. Previously, the city offered 2 precinct locations to vote. d. Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) update Jim Thares provided the IEDC with an update on the WCEDP from Jolene Foss. e. Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson provided the IEDC with an update on the Chamber of Commerce. Noted that the Chamber is currently in the process of moving from their current location to the building where the new DMV is located. 8. Adiournment (8:00am) Luke Dahlheimer moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Monticello IEDC, Andrew Tapper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, 8:00 a.m. IEDC Agenda: 02/01 /22 5. Consideration of 2022 IEDC Action Statements (JT/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The IEDC Organizational & Membership Guidelines requires that the IEDC adopt Action Statements each year. The proposed 2022 Action Statements are attached to this report. It should be noted that many of the Action Statements are carry overs from 2021 and previous years as they are inherently the nature of the IEDC's mission. It should be noted that there were one or two 2021 Action Statement items that were completed in their entirety and they have been removed from the proposed 2022 list. Staff used the submitted member comments and rankings to draft the proposed 2021 Action Statements. The priority ranking as viewed by members are shown following the Statements (e.g. #1 or #4 or #7). A highlighted version of the proposed statements is also attached to the report. The highlights indicate changes either proposed new statements or revised language. Members were also asked to offer feedback or suggestions regarding table topic ideas for meetings in 2021. Those suggested topics will be added to the staff generated list and used throughout the year as opportunities arise. Al. Staff Impact: Limited A2. Budget Impact: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the IEDC's 2022 Action Statements 2. Motion to table approving the IEDC's 2022 Action Statements for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommend Alternative #1. The IEDC reviewed and discussed the status and process of further review and consideration of the 2022 Action Statements during the January 4, 2022, meeting. The Draft proposed Action Statements are priority ranked based on feedback received from members comments back to staff. Many of the core Action Statements will always remain on the annual Action Statement listing as they are a core part of the IEDC's mission. D. SUPPORTING DATA a. Proposed 2022 Action Statements — Clean version b. Proposed 2021 Action Statements — Highlighted Version indicating proposed changes - revisions c. Priority Ranking of Action Statements INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2022 ACTION STATEMENTS Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro -active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting objectives and actions. Objective: Workforce Development, Job Creation and Retention 1. Encourage and Support Business Retention within Monticello. a. In collaboration with Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP), conduct Business Retention (BR&E) visits with key business in the community to help grow stronger relationships between businesses and Governmental units. b. Using shared information and relevant data points obtained in BR&E visits, assemble a Business Retention Action Plan and present to policy makers as needed. c. Market and present various assistance programs available via the City and EDA. 2. Enhance Workforce Development through Partnerships with Local Educators, Businesses, Organizations and Agencies. a. Based on the need of the businesses, partner with Wright County and key leaders of our local businesses, educators, and others to develop and execute a Workforce Development Plan. b. Collaborate with and support the Monticello School District in growing their initiatives to bring businesses into the classrooms. c. Explore and support ways business can bring relevance to educational classes & programs. d. Collaborate with the Wright Technical Center (WTC), Buffalo, in developing and promoting career training programs and courses. e. Continue to engage stakeholders to raise awareness of labor force demographics and potential solutions such as youth career building initiatives. f. Support residential land development and workforce housing as it correlates to workforce development. 3. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry -related events. a. Promote and organize Manufacturer's Week 2022 events. b. Continue Manufacturer's Week Appreciation Breakfast. Objective: Industrial Growth and Tax Base Expansion Through Recruitment and Retention 1. Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. a. Participate in the development and execution of a new Marketing Strategy -Plan. b. Support exploration of development of an incubator -accelerator as way of supporting start-up businesses and entrepreneurs into the community. 2. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. a. Participate in the "Business Day at the Capitol" event(s) and lobby on behalf of the Monticello community to help City staff bring attention to our local transportation needs. b. Develop a needs -based transportation priority statement for lobbying/support purposes. c. Encourage key transportation projects which improve product delivery for businesses, such as interchange, freeway, and bridge crossing projects. d. Identify specific benefits of a 3rd interchange to businesses and/or community and support policy encouraging future development of the interchange. e. Monitor the CMRRPP (Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership) initiative and offer comments on various land and transportation system development plans. 3. Identify, evaluate, and provide recommendations in an advisory capacity to the City regarding general land use, industrial land supply and availability, tax base matters and economic development. a. Periodically evaluate current property inventory and uses for Industrial properties with the objective of better marketing efforts. b. Monitor industrial land availability with the following metrics: 1. Total acreage with developed infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase and the maximum acreage of a contiguous, buildable lot. 2. Total acreage with undeveloped infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase. Owner contact information. 3. Total acreage preserved in Land Use Plan for future development. c. Monitor and support periodic review of accessibility to Interstate 94 and State Highway 25 and utility capabilities. d. Monitor and provide feedback regarding the CET Grant Industrial Analysis Study e. Monitor and provide comments of the site selection process related to locating future industrial -business park development. f. Monitor the status of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant in relation to its license renewal in 2030 and as it relates to the NW Interchange (Orchard Road) Land Use Study. g. Monitor and provide feedback of any Community Energy Transition (CET) Grant Program funding award supported Strategic Transition Plan (STP) development and implementation steps. 4. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial, and civic uses. a. Support and encourage the development of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and recommend the development of a pathway connection to Monticello Businesses. b. Promote CentraCare Health Monticello to industrial businesses. c. Develop a visioning worksheet to get IEDC members views on residential, commercial and industrial needs and challenges related to needed future planning and ordinance changes. d. Review and coordinate public and private actions with parks and trails. e. Support review of childcare services barriers, opportunities, programs and lobby as needed to enhance efforts to bring economical childcare services into the community. f. Monitor and support through information sharing and policy formulation and/or review, the Pointes At Cedar mixed use amenity based proposal and the Block 52 mixed use redevelopment proposal. g. Support and enhance efforts to recruit a new restaurant and lodging facility into the City. 5. Support and facilitate regional development plans and initiatives. a. Support the development and implementation of the Regional CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) Plan through strategy review, feedback and identification of local projects for federal funding support. b. Monitor the CMRRPP (Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership) initiative and provide comments, as appropriate, on various stages of plan development. 6. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects. a. Create and host a Monticello business round table event which will offer businesses a platform for discussion. b. Facilitate "Industrial Round Tables". c. Sponsor networking individually and in small groups for input. INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2022 ACTION STATEMENTS Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro -active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting objectives and actions. V Objective: Workforce Development, Job Creation and Retention 1. Encourage and Support Business Retention within Monticello. a. In collaboration with Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP), conduct Business Retention (BR&E) visits with key business in the community to help grow stronger relationships between businesses and Governmental units. b. Using shared information and relevant data points obtained in BR&E visits, assemble a Business Retention Action Plan and present to policy makers as needed. c. Market and present various assistance programs available via the City and EDA. 2. Enhance Workforce Development through Partnerships with Local Educators, Businesses, Organizations and Agencies. a. Based on the need of the businesses, partner with Wright County and key leaders of our local businesses, educators, and others to develop and execute a Workforce Development Plan. b. Collaborate with and support the Monticello School District in growing their initiatives to bring businesses into the classrooms. c. Explore and support ways business can bring relevance to educational classes & programs. d. Collaborate with the Wright Technical Center (WTC), Buffalo, in developing and promoting career training programs and courses. e. Continue to engage stakeholders to raise awareness of labor force demographics and potential solutions such as youth career building initiatives. f. Support residential land development and workforce housing as it correlates to workforce development. 3. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry -related events. a. Promote and organize Manufacturer's Week 2022 events. b. Continue Manufacturer's Week Appreciation Breakfast. Objective: Industrial Growth and Tax Base Expansion Through Recruitment and Retention 1. Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. a. Participate in the development and execution of a new Marketing Strategy -Plan. b. Support exploration of development of an incubator -accelerator as way of supporting start-up businesses and entrepreneurs into the community. 2. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. a. Participate in the "Business Day at the Capitol" event(s) and lobby on behalf of the Monticello community to help City staff bring attention to our local transportation needs. b. Develop a needs -based transportation priority statement for lobbying/support purposes. c. Encourage key transportation projects which improve product delivery for businesses, such as interchange, freeway, and bridge crossing projects. d. Identify specific benefits of a 3rd interchange to businesses and/or community and support policy encouraging future development of the interchange. e. Monitor the CMRRPP (Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership) initiative and offer comments on various land and transportation system development plans. 3. Identify, evaluate, and provide recommendations in an advisory capacity to the City regarding general land use, industrial land supply and availability, tax base matters and economic development. a. Periodically evaluate current property inventory and uses for Industrial properties with the objective of better marketing efforts. b. Monitor industrial land availability with the following metrics: 1. Total acreage with developed infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase and the maximum acreage of a contiguous, buildable lot. 2. Total acreage with undeveloped infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase. Owner contact information. 3. Total acreage preserved in Land Use Plan for future development. c. Monitor and support periodic review of accessibility to Interstate 94 and State Highway 25 and utility capabilities. d. Monitor and provide feedback regarding the CET Grant Industrial Analysis Study e. Monitor and provide comments of the site selection process related to locating future industrial -business park development. f. Monitor the status of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant in relation to its license renewal in 2030 and as it relates to the NW Interchange (Orchard Road) Land Use Study. g. Monitor and provide feedback of any Community Energy Transition (CET) Grant Program funding award supported Strategic Transition Plan (STP) development and implementation steps. 4. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial, and civic uses. a. Support and encourage the development of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and recommend the development of a pathway connection to Monticello Businesses. b. Promote CentraCare Health Monticello to industrial businesses. c. Develop a visioning worksheet to get IEDC members views on residential, commercial and industrial needs and challenges related to needed future planning and ordinance changes. - _. _.... d. Review and coordinate public and private actions with parks and trails. e. Support review of childcare services barriers, opportunities, programs and lobby as needed to enhance efforts to bring economical childcare services into the community. f. Monitor and support through information sharing and policy formulation and/or review, the Pointes At Cedar mixed use amenity based proposal and the Block 52 mixed use redevelopment proposal. g. Support and enhance efforts to recruit a new restaurant and lodging facility into the City. 5. Support and facilitate regional development plans and initiatives. a. Support the development and implementation of the Regional CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) Plan through strategy review, feedback and identification of local projects for federal funding support. b. Monitor the CMRRPP (Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership) initiative and provide comments, as appropriate, on various stages of plan development. 6. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects. a. Create and host a Monticello business round table event which will offer businesses a platform for discussion. b. Facilitate "Industrial Round Tables". c. Sponsor networking individually and in small groups for input. INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2022 ACTION STATEMENT WORKSHEET Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro -active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives: q Ljb fks�'43 1. Please rank the following objectives: I 101 Ranking (1-12, Objectives 1 being highest) Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use �p matters relating to industrial and economic development. Encourage the development of planning process for identification of a 6 �b third Monticello 1-94 interchange and guidance of surrounding land use (Northwest PlanningArea), includingindustrial land uses. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, 5 including residential, commercial, industrial, and civic uses. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects 2 which support economic development. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through 10 organization of and artici ation in industry -related events. 3 LEncoura a business retention within Monticello; support BRE visits. Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local / j 4 educators, businesses, organizations and agencies Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives 7 7 for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and 9 3 prospects. Restaurant recruitment and establishment support — Hospitality Industry � 10 related. efforts. Other: �eCFvJ16V6 -Yom� 1 Other: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION NO. 2008-44 RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to create advisory boards for the City as deemed necessary for the proper management and operation of the City by Minnesota Statutes Section 412.111, and; WHEREAS, in 1982 an Industrial Development Committee was formed to operate as an independent organization serving as an advocate to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, and; WHEREAS, on February 11, 2008, the City Council of the City of Monticello adopted Resolution No. 2008-16 recognizing the Industrial Development Committee, and; WHEREAS, in May 2008, the purpose of the Industrial and Economic Development Committee was amended and restated to operate as an independent organization serving as an advocate to influence and assist industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota with an emphasis on industrial, and; WHEREAS, the mission of the IEDC was amended and restated to increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage -level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment, and; WHEREAS, the City Council and the Industrial and Economic Development Committee have determined it mutually beneficial to more formally recognize the IEDC's importance and role in promoting and maintaining industrial and economic development and job creation within the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello: The existence and continuation of the amended and restated IEDC is hereby recognized by the City Council. 2. The IEDC as an independent organization shall make recommendations, advise, and assist the City Council, the Economic Development Authority, and other City boards and commissions on matters relating to industrial development and job creation and retention. 3. The IEDC shall select and confirm all committee members by a majority of vote of its membership for recommendation to the City Council for Council appointment. 4. The City Council shall appoint the Mayor and a Council Member to the IEDC as non -voting members and shall appoint the Economic Development Director as the Executive Director of the IEDC as a non -voting member. The Executive Director is under the direction of the City Administrator and the City Administrator may assign other support staff to the IEDC as needed. The IEDC shall hold regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello Community Center. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. 6. The IEDC committee size, make-up of the committee, officers, length of membership term, and attendance shall be governed in accordance with the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee Organizational and Membership Guidelines. ADOPTED this 27th day of May, 2008, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. 4� Z"'ll Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: l_) G u Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk 11/17/2016 6/22/2017 10/17/2017 5/22/2018 7/30/2018 8/10/2018 11/29/2018 12/14/2018 3/28/2019 5/9/2019 8/16/2019 9/19/2019 1/20/2020 PROSPECT LIST Company Name Business Category Project Description MN DEED Prospect Metal Mfg. Exist Facility + Equip Project Armstrong Precision Machining New Facility Constr. + Equip UMC Project #6580 Metal Mfg. New Facility Constr. Project Ted Equipment Mfg. New Equipment Karlsburger Foods Food Products Mfg. Facilty Expansion Project Saturn Plastic Products Mfg. New Construction 12/03/2021 Building -Facility Retained Jobs New Jobs Total Investment Project Status 65,000 sq. ft. 0 55 - $2,500,000 Active Search 100 58,000 sq. ft. 205 60 $10,831,000 Almost Done 70,000 sq. ft. 0 49 $5,480,000 On Hold N/A 45 ? $650,000 Concept Stage 20,000 sq. ft. +/- 42 10 to $4,500,000 Act -Plan -Fin 20 5,000 +/- sq. ft. 4+/- $830,000 Active Search Project Jupiter Metal Mfg. New Construction 5,000 sq. ft. +/- 3 $800,000 Active Search Project Blitzen Precision Machining Exist Bldg or New Const. 12,000 sq. ft. 10 $1,200,000 Concept Stage Project Comet Commercial Bus New Const. 1,700 sq. ft. +/- 7 $700,000 Active Search Project Nutt Co -Working Space Existing Building ? ? ? ? Concept Stage Project FSJP Light Mfg -Res. Lab New Construction 20,000 sq. ft. 0 20+/- $1,400,000 Active Search Project Jaguar Office New Construction 22,000 sq. ft. 22 4 $2,700,000 Active Search Project Kata Service New Construction 22,000 to 35,000 sq. a 0 25 $7,900,000 Concept Stage Project Panda v3 Service -Child Care New Construction 10,500 sq. ft. 0 21 $4,100,000 Active Search 3/31/2020 8/27/2020 1.2/23/2020 11/5/2020 2/16/2021 2/18/2021 2/18/2021 3/19/2021 4/23/2021 6/3/2021 Project GiaSaurus Medical Prod. Mfg. New Construction 175,000 sq. ft. 0 Project Nuss Combo Service -sale New Construction 30,000 sq. ft. 0 Project TO Industrial Existing or New Construction 10,000 to 15,000 sq. 0 ft. Project Flower Office Existing 7,000-8,000 sq. ft. 0 Project Cold Industrial -Warehouse -Di New Construction 80,000 sq. ft. 0 stri Project Shay Lounge -Restaurant Existing Bldg. 2,200 0 Project Counsel Office -Service New Construction 5,600 sq. ft.24 Project Orion Warehouse-Distributi New Construction 832,500 sq. ft. 0 on 75 $50,000,000 Active Search 20 to $3,500,000 Almost Done 30 5 to 7 $800,000 Concept Stage 12 $750,000 Concept Stage 21 $12,000,000 Concept Stage 4 $150,000 Concept Stage 3 $1,120,000 Building Completed 500 $125,000,000 Active Search Project Emma Light Ind -Assembly New Construction 20,000 sq. ff. 0 4 $1,350,000 Active Search Project FCW Service New Construction w Redev 4,000 sq. ft. 0 9 $4,619,000 Concept Sta 6/16/2021 Project LJBAA Child Care Services New Construction or Exist 5,000 sq. ft. 0 14 to 19 $2,000,000 Act Search 6/30/2021 Project Ecosphere Industrial Tech Mfg. New Construction 1,000,000 sq. ft. 0 1122 $85,000,000 Act Search 7/29/2021 Project BA710 Lt Assem-Distribute New Construction 6,500 to 7,000 sq. ft 0 10 $650,000 Active Search 8/12/2021 Project Integrity Precision Mfg. New Construction 100,000 sq. ft. 0 60 $14,800,000 Cancelled 10/28/2021 Project Stallion Technology Service New Construction 42,000 sq. ft. 40 $3,600,000 Active Search AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, February 2, 2022 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, Alison Zimpfer, Eric Hagen and Teri Lehner Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Hayden Stensgard, and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Joint Workshop Minutes —January 4, 2021 b. Regular Meeting Minutes —January 4, 2021 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearing A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for Cross Easement for Parking in the Central Community District (CCD) Applicant: Bill & Penny Burt B. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting 2022 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map 3. Regular Agenda A. Introduction of Fire Marshal Dan Klein & Fire Inspection Program Overview B. Consideration of Adopting Resolution PC-2022-05 and Resolution PC-2022-06, a Resolution Finding that the Establishment of TIF Districts 1-42 and 1-43 and the Proposed Conveyance of Certain Land by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority are Consistent with the City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan (Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan) C. Consideration of adoption of the 2022-2025 Planning Commission Workplan D. Consideration of the Community Development Director's Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment