City Council Minutes 11-08-2000 Election. MINIITES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTI(,ELLO CITY COLINCIL November S, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Ragcr F3clsaas, 12oger Carlson, Clint Herbst, .Brian Stumpf and Bruce "I'hielen. Members Absent: None A special meeting of tl~e Monticello City ('ouncil was held for the purpose ol~canvassing the r'csults of the ballots voted in the November 7, 2000 municipal election. The total of votes cast for the o1~Iices voted upon were as follows: For Mayor (2-ycar tcrm~ Roger Belsaas William Fair Mike Maki Write-Ins 1500 1 i (.)1 501 Roger Carlson ('larcncc McCarty Warren Kohnback 1~aron Johnson Rich Habeck ,ion Brawn Jeff Michaelis Chad Kirchner Luke Dahlheimer Darr Frio E3radlcy Fyle For Council Member_(4-year term) Roger Carlson 1 92 Bradley I~,, l~ylc 948 Tom I'erraLilt 1079 Michael Renstrom 94 Bruce 'Ihielen 15 ~9 Write-Ins ~~ Mike Carter Steve Brooks Doug Stange 1 Dayl~ Neches 1 Steve Tho~nzet 1 ,lodi "I~olefson 1 Dayle 'I'oletson I Patricia Schn~it~ 1 Greg Hanso~a 1 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF ANI) SI~:CUNU1h:D BY GLINT HERBST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE TOTALS LIS"I'I-:U AE3OV1/ 'I'O BE CORRECT AND THE FOLLOWING TO BE THE OFFICIAL WINNI~,RS Oh' "I'I II~: NOVEMBER 7, 2000 ELECTION: FOR MAYOR (2-YEAR TERM) ROGER BEI_,SAAS FOIZ COUNCIL, (4-YEAR TF,RM) RULER CARLSUN BRUCI=, THIi~.LF.N MOTION CARRII~,l7 tJNANIMOtJSL~Y. Rh:S. NO. 2000-83 MOTION WAS MADE BY BRi_1CT~. TI-IIF?LI~:N ~I'O AD.IOUItN AT _5:40 P.M. BRIAN S~I'i_JMPF SI:;CUNDED THIS MOTION. MO'I"ION C.ARRIL?[) UNANIMOiISLY. Recording SccrctarY