Planning Commission Minutes 04-02-1996 . . 3. . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 2, 1996 ~ 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Martie. 2. Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting held March 5 and the continued meetin{:' held March 6, 1996. Commissioner Bogart and Commission Carlson discussed a motion regarding the Conditional Use Permit for Ruff Auto. It was agreed the motion was made by Bogart not Carlson. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, WITH THE ABOVE CHANGE, OF THE MARCH 6TH MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSION BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of adding items to the ae:enda. There were no addition to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of a conditional use permit request which would allow development of a 3-bay quick lube facility. Applicant, Dan and Linda Mielke. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported Dan and Linda Mielke requested a conditional use permit which would allow development of a 3-bay quick lube oil change facility at the new parcel created directly south of the Subway Shop. In the B-3 zone, motor fuel station, motor fuel station/convenience store, auto repair minor, and tire/battery stores are allowed in the B-3 zone as a conditional use. City Staff would interpret a quick lube oil change facility as falling into this general category. As you will see in the attached section of the code, there are 18 conditions. However, we do not have enough information to determine if the site will meet condition #2. Since we have not seen actual building plans at this point, it is not possible to determine if the facility meets condition #2, which states that Page 1 . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/02-96 the architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing building or area as to cause impairment in property values. The plan's consistency with this requirement will need to be evaluated after building plans are submitted. It is not suspected that this will be a problem. Development of this site plan presented some interesting complications due to the potential that the Chelsea Road extension to Highway 25 might touch the southern boundary of the property making it a corner lot. If this parcel does become a comer lot, the access will be lost at its present position and must be moved to another location on the property. The Mielkes' are aware of this potential and have established their building alignment and site plan accordingly to allow them enough flexibility to take advantage of the future potential of this site becoming a corner lot. Acting Chairman Martie opened the public hearing. Dan and Linda Mielke were present but did not have anything to add. Acting Chairman Martie closed the public hearing. . The Commissioners inquired if the alignment was shown on the site plan. O'N eill added the alignment of Chelsea Road has not been determined. The Mielkes are aware of this study and have put together a site plan that would not result in a problem if the access changes. The commissioners also had questions on the type of building that would be built. Dan Mielke stated that it would be a steel structure with a nice decor on the outside. It would be comparable to the Subway Shop. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING A 3-BAY QUICK LUBE OIL FACULTY PROVIDED THAT THE FACILITY MEETS ALL THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED BY ORDINANCE AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: . 1. COMPLETION OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN THAT IS CONSISTENT WITH CODE REQUIREMENTS. 2. COMPLETION OF SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND STATE OF MINNESOTA. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO STAFF REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURES. 3. Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/02-96 IF STAFF BELIEVES THAT THE DESIGN DOES NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONDITION #2, THEN STAFF IS DIRECTED TO BRING THE MATTER BACK BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL REVIEW. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing--Consideration of a reQ)1est for a conditional use permit which would allow three or more business 8i~s on a commercial building. Applicantr Stephen Conroy. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that in conjunction with the conversion of the old Pitt Funeral Home to an office building, Steve Conroy is requesting a conditional use permit which would allow development of a sign with more than three business names. This sign is necessary because the new office use will likely result in multiple tenants at the site. The location of the sign is at the location of the pre-existing sign. The sign as proposed has been reviewed by City staff and meets code requirements. In a related matter, City staff has been working with Steve Conroy on development of a long-term parking plan for the site. The current level of parking and parking lot design is adequate to support a fair amount of activity in the structure; however, as the intensity of the use of the facility grows, it is likely that additional parking will be needed. Steve Conroy understand that when 3/4 of the building is occupied, he will likely need to expand his parking. Acting Chairman Martie opened the public hearing. Steve Conroy was not present and there were no other comments. Acting Chairman Martie closed the public hearing. Commission Carlson inquired if the signage would be adequate when the building is maxed out? O'Neill stated that it would be. COMMISSION BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHICH WOULD ALLOW THREE OR MORE BUSINESS SIGNS ON A COMMERCIAL BUILDING BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT THE PYLON SIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CITY CODE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/02-96 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a request for conditional use permit which would allow outside Rales of boats and outRide stora~e. ApplicantRr Leonard Haberman and Dean Rasmussen. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported Lenny Haberman, operator of Lenny and Jim's Bait Shop, and Dean Rasmussen, owner of the Glass Hut property, request permission to allow Haberman to sell up to 6 boats which would be displayed outside of the structure. The existing structure currently houses Glass Hut's operations and is being subdivided internally to house both the Glass Hut and Lenny's Bait Shop. The request also includes permission to have outside storage. The site as it is currently operated is a lawful, nonconforming use. The parking lot, landscaping, and outside storage arrangement currently are in violation of the city code. However, due to the fact that nonconforming aspects of the site were established before the development of the code, they are "grandfathered-in". As with every other nonconforming site, when there is a request to intensify the use, such as in this case where the request is to allow outside sales of boats, the various nonconforming aspects of the site need to be brought up to code. It was noted earlier nonconforming aspects include absence of bituminous paving, no curb and gutter, no landscaping, and the outside storage to the rear of the structure is currently unscreened. The Planning Commission might want to allow phasing of the improvements over time. The storage area cannot be seen from Highway 25 but when Marvin Road develops this area will be visible. There should be a right of access that is documented between the Glass Hut, Lenny's Bait Shop and Royal Tire. The businesses are all using the entrance and parking lot area. There would need to be a written agreement. Typically between properties a five foot buffer area and curb is required. Acting Chairman Martie opened the public hearing. Dean Rasmussen, owner of the Glass Hut, stated that a written agreement for use of the parking lot could be acquired. Glass Hut owns the majority of the parking lot area and there is a good working relationship with Royal Tire. Lenny Haberman, operator of Lenny and Jim's Bait Shop, stated that he would like to start out small with only six boats just to test the market. When there is a need to expand he will move to a larger site. O'Neill inquired what portion of the improvements could be done in the first phase? Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/02-96 Mr. Rasmussen stated that they would add landscaping, concrete sidewalks from one end of the building to the other, fence the outside storage or remove the outside storage and use this space for staff parking. Lenny Haberman added the sign for the business is in the front and it will be moved to south of the existing concrete to direct customers to Marvin Road instead of the Royal Tire entrance. O'Neill added that there should be a site plan showing both facilities, traffic patterns, outside storage, and parking. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO TABLE THE ITEM UNTIL A REVISED SITE PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED AND UNTIL AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROYAL TIRE AND GLASS HUT CAN BE ACQUIRED FOR A SHARED PARKING EASEMENT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. The Commissioners discussed if there were similarities between this request and the Ruff Auto request. It was agreed that this is different because Ruffs are going to look at a PUD. O'N eill suggested if the item is tabled it could be scheduled for 6:00 p.m. April 8th before the City Council meeting then the additional information could be obtained and not slow down the applicant. The Commissioners requested the applicant to draw on the overhead where Royal Tire curb and gutters are, the sign, and the parking lot. Dean Rasmussen demonstrated on the overhead the answers to their questions. Commissioner Bogart stated the City requires the same rules and regulations for everyone. He added that he did not want to discourage the business because it is good but there was just not enough information to make a valid decision. Chairman Frie arrived at the meeting. Dean Rasmussen inquired as to the length of time to complete the improvements? It was decided that one year would be the allowed time. O'Neill would meet the applicants at the site and go over what was needed. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO TABLE THE REQUEST Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/02-96 UNTIL APRIL 8TH, AT 6:00 P.M. BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Chairman Frie added the City needs to put some teeth into the ordinance and procedures in regards to properties in violation of their conditional use permits. Update status of Poach shed construction actives. Gary Anderson, Building Official, reported there has been no activity on this site and it appears the construction site of the sheds has been moved. 9. Public Hearing--Consideration of a request to update the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. Applicant, Monticello Planning Commission and Monticello City Council. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that this agenda item represents what could be the final step for the Planning Commission in the process of updating the comprehensive plan. As you know, since February of 1995, the Planning Commission, with input from various individuals, city commissions and organizations, has been working toward an update of our comprehensive plan. The input came in the form of individual interviews with community leaders, neighborhood discussions and through general discussion at Planning Commission, HRA, and City Council levels. The township was comfortable with the comprehensive plan but the Monticello Orderly Annexation Board (MOAA) will be reviewing the plan the day after this public hearing. If the MOAA has any questions they will go directly to the City Council. Chairman Frie emphasized he has received feedback on the stop lights on Highway 75. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Charlie Pfeffer, developer, stated there has been a tremendous effort put into this plan. His main concern was in the wide range of housing section. The main item industry looks for is a range of affordable housing and rental property. He was concerned the comp plan was trying to micro manage the housing market and this would cause the market to slow down. He also thought the city should have a transportation plan that would tie all the studies together. O'Neill noted that a transportation plan adopted in 1993 is in place that was utilized in preparation of the comp plan. Chairman Frie agreed, stating that everything is not in concrete. The plan is Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/02-96 meant to be back to the table. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Jeff O'Neill reported that there should be a meeting scheduled to write the implementation steps before the next joint meeting. 10. Adjourn. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY CARLSON. Respectfully submitted, W UU(lb kAQJ!;Yhi'A Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 7