Planning Commission Minutes 06-04-1996 . . . Minutes Regular Meeting. Monticello Planning Commission Tuesday, June 4,1996.7 p.m. 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frie. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 7, 1996, and the special meeting held May 22.1996. COMMISSIONER MARTIE APPROVED THE MINUTES, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN, FOR THE MAY 7TH MEETING. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONER BOGART APPROVED THE MINUTES, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON, FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING MAY 22ND MEETING. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Bob Grabinski requested to add a discussion on planting of prairie grass on a residential lot. Jeff O'Neill added a resolution for a TIF district. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearinghconsideration of approval of a preliminary r~plat of the Monticello- Big Lake Hospital District and Mississippi Shores property. Applicant, Monticello- Big Lake Hospital. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital requests approval of the preliminary plat of the properties owned by the Hospital district, along with the Mississippi Shores property. This is essentially a huge housekeeping item that calls for replatting the existing properties, vacated roadways, and easements into a new plat which more clearly describes the parcels and utility easements. The existing plat under the various parcels originated in 1856 when the original town was platted. Over the years, the hospital, nursing home, garage, Mississippi Shores, clinic, and dental clinic were all placed in locations that are well-suited for operation of the campus but bear little relationship to the underlying lot descriptions on which they are located. What has resulted over the years is a confusing array oflegal descriptions outlining odd- shaped parcels and a number of confusing legal descriptions outlining storm-water, Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 sanitary sewer, and water easements, ect. The proposed plat consolidates all of the existing parcel and easement data into a streamlined document that could be easily read and interpreted. The main goal for the City staff at this time is to make sure that all of the necessary easements required for city utilities are placed on the final plat and that the new lot lines created replicate the original legal descriptions. There has been some discussion of vacating Hart Boulevard and dedicating it to the Hospital District so that the District can use this area for expansion of their parking. The intent was to complete this parking lot redesign at such time that Highway 75 is upgraded. As you can see on the preliminary plat, Hart Boulevard and the existing parking area across from the hospital is not included in the preliminary plat. It is expect that this area will be platted at such time that the parking lot is redesigned. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Barb Schwientek, Hospital Administrator, stated the hospital is working around Wright County's schedule for the improvements to County Road 75. Until the improvements are made to Cty Rd 75 the hospital will not be able to complete the parking lot area. There is money being set aside to construct the parking lot. COMMISSION DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON, TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE PROPOSED MONTICELLO-BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL IS CONTINGENT ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG LOT PERIMETERS MUST BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY CODE. THIS MEANS THAT LOT LINES ALONG THE PERIMETER OF THE PLAT MUST BE ORDERED BY A 12-FT UTILITY EASEMENT; INTERIOR LOT LINES MUST BE ORDERED BY 6-FT EASEMENTS ON BOTH SIDES. ALSO, THE FINAL PLAT MUST INCORPORATE ANY ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS FOUND NECESSARY BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. 2. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL IS CONTINGENT ON VACATION OF CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY WHERE NECESSARY. 6. Public Hearin~uConsideration of a request for a conditional use permit which would allow operation of a car wash in B-3 zone. Applicant. Dan and Linda Mielke. Steve Grittman reported Dan and Linda Mielke have requested an amendment to the previously approved conditional use permit (Execu-Lube automobile service facility) to allow the addition of a mechanical car wash component. The site in Page 2 . Planning Commission Minutes - 6104/96 question is located south of Oakwood Drive and east of Highway 25 and is zoned B- 3, Highway Business. The B-3 District lists car washes as a conditional use. Dan Mielke, applicant, stated the application was for the same size lube center but the building will be moved to the north to allow more room for the tunnel car wash. There would not be a curb cut because it is on a private road and no other business along this road have a curb cut. If Highway 25 is changed the access road could change also, a plan is needed for this. In a tunnel car wash the cars are actually moved through the building at a controlled speed. The under carriage wash is the first procedure to allow the most time for the water to be removed. There is about 8 gallons of water used. The last application of water will be 15 feet from the exit and all cars will be automatically blown dried. There will be a heated exit pad by the door so ice will not form. The cars will be moving forward, not backing out, when exiting which helps with traffic flow. The commissioners discussed the request in connections with the options to the changes being studied for the intersection at Oakwood Drivel Highway 25 and agreed Mielke's plan should work in either option. Next the unique situation of requiring a curb cut on a private road was discussed. . COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CAR WASH IN A B-3 ZONE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. AN OFF-SITE LOADING SPACE IS PROVIDED AND SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED UPON THE SUBMITTED SITE PLAN. 2. ANY LIGHTING (NEW OR EXISTING) USED TO ILLUMINATE THE OFF -STREET PARKING AREA BE HOODED AND DIRECTED TO DEFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF~WAY. 3. ANY NEW SIGNAGE ERECTED UPON THE SUBJECT SITE COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE CITY SIGN REGULATIONS. 4. THE CITY ENGINEER PROVIDE COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION IN REGARD TO GRADING AND DRAINAGE ISSUES. . 5. ALL CURBING THAT WOULD NOT BE IMPACTED BY HWY 25 BE INSTALLED NOW. CURBING THAT MIGHT BE IMPACTED BE COMPLETED WHEN HWY 25 IS COMPLETED OR WHEN FUTURE Page 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 . DEVELOPMENT IS REQUESTED WHICHEVER IS FIRST. The conditions are based on the following findings: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the purpose of the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The proposed project will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed project shall provided adequate parking and loading as outlined herein. 5. The proposed project shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. 6. The proposed project is designed in such a manner to form a desirable and unified environment within its boundaries which will not be detrimental to future land uses in surrounding areas. Architecture and site treatments shall be compatible with adjacent structures and site plans and shall request the privacy of neighboring businesses. . 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit which would allow operation of a coffee shop and delicatessen. Applicant, Sandra Johnson and Merlin Besler. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Sandra Johnson and Marlin Besler have requested a conditional use permit amendment to establish a coffee shop/delicatessen (with drive-through component) within a portion of the existing Total Mart convenience gas facility located north of Highway 75 and west of County Road 118. The space was previously occupied by a bait shop. The property is zoned PZM, Performance Zone Mixed, which lists delicatessens and gas station/convenience stores as conditional uses. If the City determines that the proposed delicatessen with a drive-through component does not constitute a convenience food establishment, the drive- through window component may be retained. Also, there should be space for at least six stacking spaces which does not disrupt site circulation. . Commissioner Frie questioned the difference between Liberty Savings, the property adjacent to Total Mart, having a drive through banking window and this applicant with a drive through restaurant window. Page 4 . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 Commissioner Frie opened the public hearing. Marlin Besler, owner of the site, stated this is currently the crave of the petroleum business to have food and convenience items for people traveling. We are offering this service now but without a drive-through window. Sandra Johnson, applicant, stated the average speed per order is 30 seconds to 2 minutes. She did not foresee a stacking problem because of the speed of the service. There will be an indoor facility that will use porcelain cups, plates and silverware so people can come in and order also. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The commissioners discussed the main use of the site would not change, it would still be to dispense motor fuel and there was already coffee, sandwiches and convenience items being sold. Chairman Frie inquired if the drive-through window was a necessity. Sandra Johnson answered the drive-through is beneficial as far as dollars go. Many people are regulars and drive through on their way to work. . Next the Commissioners discussed how people can differentiate the area that is parking lot from the drive-through lane. Marlin Beslin stated there has not been a problem with cars stacking by the pumps. They will usually park in a parking space to wait. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN A PZM ZONE WHICH WOULD ALLOW OPERATION OF A COFFEE SHOP AND DELICATESSEN. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE DRIVE-THROUGH WINDOW AND SITE CIRCULATION PATTERNS SHALL BE REVISED SUCH THAT A MINIMUM OF SIX ST ACKING SPACES ARE PROVIDED IN A MANNER WHICH DOES NOT DISRUPT SITE TRAFFIC PATTERNS. 2. AN OFF -STREET LOADING SPACE IS PROVIDED AND SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED UPON THE SUBMITTED SITE PLAN. . 3. ANY LIGHTING (NEW OR EXISTING) USED TO ILLUMINATE THE OFF-STREET PARKING AREA BE HOODED AND DIRECTED Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 TO DEFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. 4. ANY NEW SIGNAGE ERECTED ON THE SUBJECT SITE WILL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE CITY SIGN REGULATIONS. 5. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE EXTERIOR TRASH HANDLING LOCATIONS. ALL TRASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 6. LANDSCAPING WILL BE INSTALLED TO MEET CURRENT CODE.. 7. DRIVE- THROUGH WINDOW HAS LIMITED CAPACITY AND PARKING LOT WILL NEED TO BE STRIPPED TO SHOW LIMITS OF STACKING AREA. THE CONDITIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the purpose of the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The proposed project will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed project shall provide adequate parking and loading as outlined herein. 5. The proposed project shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. 6. The proposed project is designed in such a manner to form a desirable and unified environment within its boundaries which will not be determined to future land uses in surrounding areas. Architecture and site treatments shall be compatible with adjacent structures and site plans and shall request the privacy of neighboring businesses. 8. Public Hearing--Consideration of an ordinance amendment which would allow footin~ elevations to be placed at an elevation less than 1 ft above the street elevation when positive draina~e is achieved. Applicant, Willi Hahn Corporation. Page 6 . . 9. . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 The amendment would allow the ground elevation of all residential, commercial and industrial buildings to exist less than 12 inches above the finished street elevation. Such allowance would, however, be contingent upon demonstration of positive drainage and City EngineerIBuilding Inspector approval. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. No public comments. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioner discussed this item and agreed in this should be allowed with the approval of the City Engineer and Building Official. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART, TO APPROVE THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT WHICH WOULD ALLOW FOOTING ELEVATIONS OF RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS TO BE PLACED AT AN ELEVATION LESS THAN 1 FOOT ABOVE THE STREET LEVEL WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR BUILDING OFFICIAL. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Public Hearin~--Consideration of an ordinance amendment which would eliminate curb construction requirements where curbing would be impacted by planned parking lot expansion. Applicant, Monticello Plannin~ Commission. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported staff has recently been confronted with a number of situations in which the development of a portion of a larger parcel has resulted in a request to be excused from the curbing requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance makes the following requirements of parking lots for commercial and industrial properties. 1. Continuous curb barrier surrounding entire parking lot and driveway. 2. Curb to be 6 inch non-surmountable concrete. These requirements may be avoided in the following instances: 1. Properties in the industrial districts may get permission from the Planning Commission and City Council for curbing around the parking lot only to be of a different design. 2. Properties in the industrial district may get a conditional use permit to vary the design of their parking and driveway areas, including as a part of this process, a variation for temporary installations. Otherwise, the CUP is intended to be a permanent design. Page 7 . . 10. . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 As a result, where property owners have wished to construct temporary improvements pending a later permanent installation, they have used the conditional use or variance process. The disadvantage of this process is that it is burdensome and time-consuming. In the alternative, the burden may actually discourage some of the requests, possible resulting in more general compliance. However, staffis requesting an ordinance change which would allow a property owner to temporarily avoid the concrete curb requirement, under certain conditions, with administrative approval only. Chairman Frie opened public hearing. There were no comments. Chairman Frie closed public hearing. The Planning Commissioners discussed the item. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART, TO APPROVE AND ORDINANCE AMENDMENT WHICH WOULD DETER CURB CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS WHERE CURBING WOULD BE IMPACTED BY PLANNED PARKING LOT EXPANSION. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearingnconsideration of an ordinance amenriment that would allow one storage shed per residential property in addition to an accessory buildin~. Applicantr Monticello Planning Commission. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported recently a property owner had approached the City for a building permit to allow the relocation of a detached garage building on his property. Staff was required to advise the applicant that due to the existence of a small storage shed in addition to the detached garage, a Conditional Use Permit was necessary prior to the issuance of a building permit. Pursuant to discussion at a recent Planning Commission meeting, staff has proposed a Zoning Ordinance text amendment which effectively excludes one storage shed from the imposition of Conditional Use Permit procedures. The amendment applies to one detached building accessory to a single family home, up to 120 square feet in floor area. Such buildings do not require building permits, however they are subject to all other zoning and City Code performance standards. The proposed Ordinance merely excuses the need for a Conditional Use Permit. This ordinance has been designed to apply only to those storage sheds which are accessory to conforming single family homes. For non-single family uses, or for single family uses which are non-conforming due to zoning district, setbacks, or for some other reason, this exclusion would not apply, and all Zoning standard Page 8 . . . 11. Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 (including then need for a Conditional Use Permit for a second detached accessory building) would be in force. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There were no comments. James Kojetin stated he received two different answers from staff on placement of his accessory building. Jeff O'Neill replied he would check the code and see that Mr. Kojetin was given the correct information. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART, TO APPROVE THE ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TO PERMIT A SMALL SECOND DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ON CONFORMING SINGLE F AMIL Y LOTS WITHOUT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. Bob Grabinski's request to plant prairie grass for ground cover on his residential lot.. Jeff O'Neill explained that the Planning Commission and City Council can grant permission for a homeowner to plant prairie grass for ground cover on a residential lot. Bob Grabinski explained the area on the lot he would plant the prairie grass was adjacent to a field and a drainage ditch. The Commissioner discussed the request and agreed that because it was bordering an undeveloped area the prairie grass could be planted. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST BY BOB GRABINSKI TO PLANT PRAIRIE GRASS ON HIS LOT. 12. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on an ordinance amendment clarifying re~ulations governing accessory structures. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that Planning Commission was asked to review a current planning case involving a request to build a two-car Page 9 . . 13 . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 detached garage in the rear yard of a zero lot line duplex lot. In addition, the Planning Commission was asked to review the current regulations governing accessory structures and determine whether or not to continue to allow relatively large accessory structures (up to 1,000 sq. ft.) to be constructed in rear yard areas when an attached garage exists. The application for a building permit that generated this agenda items was a request for a detached two-car garage at 220 Marvin Elwood Road. As you know, the Marvin Elwood Road area is an R-2 district. The duplex is on a zero lot line and is situated on a lot that is less than 12,000 sq. ft. Staffis concerned that the ordinance did not intended to allow a 1,000 sq ft accessory structure to be allowed on lots as small as 6,000 sq ft. By allowing this structure to be erected as proposed, we would be continuing a precedent that would enable other property owners with duplex-size lots to build similar structures. The Planning Commissioner will need to interrupt the code. COMMISSIONER MARTIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART, TO ADOPT A MORATORIUM ON NEW CONSTRUCTION OF ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN Rl AND R2 ZONES, EXCEPT THOSE THAT HAVE ALREADY MADE AN APPLICATION AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING TO DISCUSS THE HOOK APPEAL ON JUNE 24 AT 6:00 P.M. Consideration of setting a date for a workshop on comprehensive plan implementation task identification. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the comprehensive plan was approved and the next step would be to have a work session to identify and brainstorm the implementation steps to be accomplished over the next two to three years. CHAIRMAN FRIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE, TO BEGIN THE SPECIAL MEETING ON JUNE 24TH AT 5:00 TO BEGIN DISCUSSION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION STEPS. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSL Y. 13. Consideration of appointment to MCP Board. Chairman Frie inquired if anyone on the Planning Commission would be able to replace him on the MCP board. The Commissioners had been given two weeks to think about the time commitment and decide if this would fit in their schedule. The Commissioners were in agreement the Planning Commission should be represented but could not commit to the time involved. CHAIRMAN FRIE MADE A RECOMMENDATION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE, THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE BE JEFF O'NEILL BECAUSE OF HIS WORK WITH THE Page 10 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 6/04/96 PLANNING COMMISSION AND HIS INVOLVEMENT IN THE COMMUNITY. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Jeff O'Neill replied he was interested in serving on the MCP board and honored to be considered for representing the Planning Commission but would need time to reschedule other commitments he had. O'Neill would let the Planning Commission know his final decision at the special meeting, June 24. 14. Consideration of adopting a resolution for a TIF district. Richard Carlson abstained from discussion as a Planning Commissioner. The Commissioners were not clear on how the resolution for TIF Plan works with the Prairie West Development. There was concern that the entire concept plan had not been reviewed by the Planning Commission. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the Commissioners can wait until more information is presented to make their decision. CHAIRMAN FRIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN, TO TABLE THE DRAFT RESOLUTION AND STRONGLY URGE LINKAGE OF THE PARKS COMMISSION TO THE PRAIRIE WEST PUD. FINAL DECISION OF THE RESOLUTION WILL OCCUR AT THE SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 24. MOTION PASSED. RICHARD CARLSON ABSTAINED. 15. Adjournment. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE. Respectfully submitted, -.L1 ) Cil,~d~tt&#1LA", _ l Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 11