City Council Minutes 02-24-1970February 24, 1970 8:05 7- . . A A joint meeting of the Montic -Alo Village, Council and the Vili a le Planning; CorTmission vias called to ord*r b f ]'fir yor Tion Schlief at 8:05 P.m— Councilmen pr*se-, t were s James Mau3s Richard MAr. tie and Franz Swanberg. Planning Commission members Pres nt w#re: Pr. Patrick Gearty, Con Johnson, Giant Schlioef, Robert Davis, Dale, Lungwits, Dr. Charl*s T'rlandson. Abbent: Larry Flak*. Ron Schlief reported that conversations with Village attorney revealed that Garr Pringle, Attorney for Village and James Metcalf, Attorney for Township were, mooting this week to discuss the, legal aspects of merger and annexation and that J. 'iotcal.f was presenting to C. Pringle the proposed bounda.rios of annexation from the, Townshi.p9s point of view. Pon Schlief further reported on discussion with Fr. Ge -arty two major eonsid*rrntions: 1. Possible need to update all members of all broups of what has taken place sine* the, formation of the merger/annotation planning eomittees. Th*re are s*v*ra.l now members that may not have a full understanding of what has gone on before. 2. Restate coneisely the position of the '�illagw Council and. the Planning Commission on the matter. Ittm 1. was consi.d*r*d of +enough importantance that Con Jo'tnson kad prepared a report to be pros=-nted to the joint staffs meeting on March 3rd. His report here, points out that in August of 1968 the Planning Cor-a°dssion was organized and. given a broad scope of planning; Planning could not be limited to village only, so antiro coif munity was used as a basis, henee a need for the, Tovrnshi fa Committ#*; rued for professional help was d*termtined and souf►ht. 141p fmm Fiscal Consultants, Northarn States Power Co., Thor* Myer, Fngi.n**ring, male Johnson, C.P.A., Paul Melchert, Attorn*yv and Mro Moffett from drev*lop�:ent section of N, S. P. Also visits and studies wore made of other cormuniti *s in similar circumstanc*s. A comprehensive study was needed so Beckman, Swenson and Assoc. were enlisted to prepar+el.a Pre 701 as would be presented to Urban and Housing Renewarl dept. March, 1969 a Joint Plan was signed by Village Planning and Township Com'mdttee and presented to Council and later presented for public hoAri.ng. Alternatives presented themselves to solution. 1. Joint new town committee agreement and adoption. 21. Refer to hands of Miuni cipal Cornmission for decision. 31. Refer to p*titi -�n or vote. Petionioning property own*rs in the area s**n*d most oquita.ble. Over 5N of property owners Wer* in favw. fm- 1he entire croup now tools there is an obligation to the Petitioners. The best courr,* of action with least red tap* and probably most easily rtsolv*d is complete merger. A r*f*r*nduyq vote of the ontir* populace is an altarnativ*, The group wants to arrive at a solutionb*forol being handed an ultimatum be Runicipal Corm dssion . The Council vr*xnb*rs s"pt someti* discussing the various aspects of the reits and approved th* **port with minor modifications in points to be omphasizod and dere? phasized The Council retains the -p&ror,-3-tiv* of accoptane* or rejection of the final nogotiation proposals. X'" ax r )�6*tiadjourned at 10:45 - Don -'Orinlund Cl*rk—Troasur*r