City Council Minutes 04-14-1970 Page 2ths Village Council Meeting April 14, 1.970 8:00 P.M. Councilmen present: Mayor Ron Schleif, James Maus, William Sandberg, Richard ?Martie. Absent: Franz Swanberg. Department Managers present: Ronald Michaelis, Arthur McIntire, Jerry DeLong, Walter ?Mack. Engineer: Thore Meyer. Attorney: Gary Pringle. Auditor: Robert Mossford. Mayor Schleif called meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Reading of the minutes of the previous regular meeting dispensed with and minutes approved as mailed. Copies of minutes of special meeting made available to councilmen and approved as presented. Motion for above action made by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie and approved by all councilmen. Financial reports presented by Don Granlund showing operations for first three months of 1970: Receipts of $52,036.00, disbursements of $359678.00, invest- ments of $92,000.00. All departments operating within budget lines. Bills for March were approved as presented, on motion by James Maus and se- conded by Richard Martie. Mr. Granlund instructed to re -allocate some costs -_ allocate a portion of maintenance salaries to dater Department; transfer street lighting and employers portion of PERA to General Fund as budgeted for tax support. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by James Maus to perm -it consolidation of village operating checking accounts. Present four accounts consolidated to one account. Voting in favor: Martie, Maus, Sandberg, Schleif. Against: none. Lynn Smith, spokesman for a committee of Chamber of Commerce, presented the idea of providing waste receptacles in the business district. Council en- courages service organizations to orovide the receptacles at $99.00 each. Village will maintain and service containers after installation. Action tabled pending further consideration. Kenneth Tvedt stated that portions of the area paved behind the business establishments on Blcok 35 was not satisfactory. Mr. Tvedt requested that village maintenance crew sweep the area of winter debris so that inspection can be made. James Maus moved, seconded by Bill Sandberg to approve cleaning of this area with street sweeper. Carried. Arthur McIntire presented the report of police activities for March. One case drugs, 1 case theft, 53 traffic violations, 24 mise. calls and complaints. Ronald Michaelis discussed revised draft of by-laws for Firemen's Relief Association. Directors of Association have not read revised draft. Action deferred until Director's approval. James Maus moved, Richard Martie seconded request to increase budget allocation from $200.00 to $350.00 to allow for two firemen to attend State Fire School in St. Paul. Aproved: Martie, Maus, Schleif, Sandberg. Against: none.