City Council Minutes 04-14-1970 Page 3April 14, 1970 (cont'd. Ron_ Michaelis reported that supnlies have been ordered for Civil Defense shelter at Oakwood School. Three other shelters have been arranged for and are awaiting final approval. Question raised on whether or not Civil Defense salary and costs can exceed $1,000.00. Don Granlund instructed to communicate with State Civil Defense to establish limitations. Walter Mack reported on village operations. Discussion on installing metering system on well at Drying Plant to determine water dumpage into sewer system. James Maus and ItIm. Sandberg committee appointed to study village water usage and sewer usage rates to determine if revised standards are needed. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie, approved by all councilmen instructing Thore Meyer to conduct study for need, location and costs for a new well for village. Gerald DeLong tendered his resignation as Liquor Store Manager effective May 19 1970. Motion for acceptance by 'iftn. Sandberg, seconded by James Maus. Approved without opposition. Clerk instructed to place advertisements for Liquor Store Manager. Question of delayed opening time for off -sale store was raised. Determined that this is managerial responsibility and action tabled pending discussion with new manager. Thore Meyer discussed that new parking lot area should be checked foe cracks and sealing same. Discussion on sealing entire surface of lot preferable to do during hot summer. Action tabled to later date. State Highway Department is conducting study with Thore Meyer regarding drain- age from highway interchange of I-94 and 25. Work on drainage system could start this year. Gary Pringle reported that there would be a pre -hearing conference on April 24, (tentatively) with James 1,'etcalf, Gary Pringle and Rasmussen of Municipal Comm. Mr. Pringle also requested meting of Planning Commission and Council, to- gether with Engineer and Pla-ner before hearing. This meeting set tentatively for Monday evening April 20th. It has been determined that 4th Street west was made a Municipal State Aid Road in 1958. Clerk requested to contact County regarding implications of barricading street at Oakwood School. Gary Pringle reported that Attorney General did not approve method of deter- mining hook-up charges for sewer and water at Pinewood School. Further action deferred pending study by sewer -water usa?e committee. Jim Maus and Richard Martie reported that no action has been taken yet re- garding procurement of new village truck. Four applications for Village Building Inspector have been received. Larry Tostenson, Bernard Johnson, Monte Reese, Grant Schleif. Interviews will be scheduled on basis of application information. Building permits were approved for Don Granlund to remodel house on Broadway and Macle; for Gust Hammer to build new home at Broadway and Chestnut pending receipt of plot plan. Motion for above action by James Maus, seconded by Richard 19U cril 14, 1970 (cont'd.) Martie and carried. Motion by Sandberg, seconded by Maus to approve building permit for Lyle Klatt to build garage on his property at East 4th and Wright. :fiction on request for building permit by R. Havnen tabled pending estimated cost information and plot plan. Thore Meyer instructed to study best way to provide water and sewage service to docks 42 and 43. James Maus moved, with second by Richard Martie to grant request for per- mission for Monticello Nursing Home to add black dirt to boulevard area and for residents to plant flowers there. plantings to be limited to flowers. Action approved. Motion by R. Martie, second by J. Maus to contract with Watertower Paint & Repair Co. to clean and inspect *grater tower for $135.00. Action approved by Sandberg, Maus, Schleif and Martie. against: none. Request to sell the building formerly used for dog pounding was rejected. Solicitation for the village to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce was rejected. The Village cannot legally associate with service organizations. Employees and officers may be individual members. Motion by J. Maus, seconded by R. Martie to appoint Dr. Clyde Bentzin Health Officer for 1970. approved by Sandberg, Maus, Schleif, and Martie. Mayor Schleif discussed Governor's Conference on Drug abuse to be held May 4 in St. Paul and encouraged Councilmen to attend. Motion by J. Maus, seconded by R. Martie that registration fee of $8.00 for each village employee or officer going be paid by Village. Approved by Maus, Martie, Sandberg and Schleif. Against: none. Adjournment by motion at 11:.57 P.M. by William Sandberg. Don Graxilund# Clerk DCG/lcg