City Council Minutes 05-12-1970 Page 2Village Council Meeting I�ay 12, 1970 8:00 P. Y. Mayor Ronald Schleif called the regular meeting of Monticello Village Council to order at 8:00 P.M., May 12th. All councilmen were present: William Sandberg, Franz Swanberg, James Maus, Richard Martie. Richard Martie made a motion that the reading of minutes of previous meeting be dispensed with and that minutes be accepted as mailed. Motion seconded by J. Maus and action approved by all councilmen. Arthur McIntire, Chief of Police, reported on April activities. Traffic 45; accident assistance 4; other 35. Patrolman B. Birkholz is resigning effective Ma_r 22 to take a position with the ?.right County Sheriff's Department. Gerald DeLong was not present to report on Liquor Store operation. Walter Mack requested purchase of light generator for sewer rodding machine to provide lighting; in sewer manholes, and as a safety factor for day and night emergency work. Estimated cost 1160.00. Action tabled until next meeting. Thore 'Meyer, Engineer, reported onproposal to install extended sewer and water service west on Third Street from Elm to serve property on Blocks 25 and 42. Costs are estimated at $5,675.00. Don Granlund and Gare Pringle instructed to set hearing mate and publish notice of same. Motion to proceed made by James Maus and seconded by Franz Swanberg. Approved by Martie, Sand b?rg, Schleif. Thore Meyer further reported that the study for a new well was not com- pleted. State Highway Department is revising grades on I-94 and High- way 25 interchange that may effect size of storm sewer drain. Report should be available soon. Conan Philbrook, Hospital Administrator, requested that village endeavor to repair and resurface street in front of hospital. Hospital also has problem of cloudy water when hydrants are flushed. Walt Mack to try to locate by-pass valve. Ron Peters and David Kranz made a request to the council to put ball field on East 4th Street in condition by grading and provide or repair backstop, outfield fences and benches. Local teams want to start a league. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie to direct Park Board to proceed to make improvements coordinating with village office. Richard ;Lerner, John Todd and Ernie Burbage, Suburban Gas Co. appeared before Council expressing desire to buy lots owned by village on Block 14. Councilmen rejected proposal stating they did not desire to sell at this time. Counter proposal made to try to buy Block 15 and in- stitute a trade for Block 14. Council would consider. Third proposal to try to buy property adjacent to village property on Block 14 and 15, including street right-of-way on NIalnut St. extension. Council would consider. Also they requested assurance of water and sewer service to be extended to their property. These services can be made available. 192 Loren Senness, Sheldon Johnson and David. Reaney discussed with council the joint recreation plan for the summer. It was determined that Village and School would cooperate as before. Council will appoint two persons to Recreation Committee. Recreation program will utilize park on East 4th Street also. If demand becomes heavy, scheduling must be done through village office. Stan Hall, reported that abandoned village dump adjacent to his pro- perty should be cleaned up and uncovered junk should be hauled away or buried. James Maus made motion that village maintenance staff be in- structed to clean up dump. Seconded by Richard Martie. Motion approved by all councilmen. Don Granlund instructed to verify description of ownership of property on which dump is located. By-laws for Fireman's Relief Association were again presented for app- roval. No action could be taken as association must complete filing Articles of Incorporation before by-laws can be adopted. Matter tabled. Fire contracts with Silver Creek Township and Monticello Township have not been signed. Council will assume responsibility of direct billing to Railway Company of fires on railroad right-of-way. In view of Legal Notice placed by Silver Creek Township, Monticello Fire Dept. is reluctant to serve fire calls. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie and carried that Gary Pringle and Don Granlund clear procedures for railway billings and township services. Selection of building inspector deferred and Don Granlund instructed to correspond with other villages to learn compensation schedules. Request for building permit for office addition to Johnson Dept. Store approved on motion by Franz Swanberg and second by William Sandberg. Request for building permit for garage by Lester Dupont approved on motion by Franz Swanberg, seconded by James Maus. Request for building permit for addition to home by Ransom Havnen approved on motion by Richard Martie, second by James Maus. v ight County State Bank's request to install illuminated sign approved. Motion by William Sandberg, seconded by James Maus to purchase one set of Minnesota Statutes at a cost of $55.00 for use by Police Dept. and Village Office. Council reviewed the 14 applications received for Liquor Store Manager and selected five for interview. Interviews to take place Friday evening May 15th, Berlyn Birkholz made proposal to buy police radio installed in his car. Council deferred action until special meeting to have time to determine value. Gary Pringle advised that community annexation hearing is scheduled for June 3 and 4 at High School. Council instructed maintenance staff that clean-up and putting parks in order was urgent. Motion for adjournment at 11:50 by William Sandberg duly seconded and carried. Don ranlund, Clerk DCG%lcg Village Council Special Meeting May 15, 1970 Ron Schleif, Mayor, called special meeting of Village Council to order on May 15th at 7:10 P.M. All councilmen present: Ron Schleif, Franz Swanberg, William Sandberg, Richard Martie, James Maus. Arthur McIntire reported regarding resignation of Berlyn Birkholz, stating that he had one week vacation time coming. He also requested that village refrain from selling police radio installed in Birkholz• car as replacement would cost more than can be realized from sale. Gary Pringle reported on situation regarding split liquor bill. Existing licenses will remain good and can be re -issued on expiration in event of annexation. Village may retain their on and off sale facilities and clubs may retain their on -sale license. The following resolution was presented and discussed: "BE IT resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Monticello as follows: 1. That the attached attorney General opinion is recognized as valid law, and that the Village Council will abide by the attached opinion which allows the Village to maintain its "on=sale" and "off -sale" liquor store and annex territory containing private licenses without invalidating the licenses, and may renew the private licenses. 2. That the Village Council will, in fact, pursuant to the above, renew the private licenses. 3. That the license fees for the private licenses in the annexed terri- tory will be somewhere between what the licenses now cost and what the licenses cost in the villages in the area where there is no municipal liquor store." Richard Werner and Ernie Burbage, Suburban Gas, requested privilege to buy 33' of Lot 1, Block 14 and the Walnut Street right-of-way between Block 14 and 13. General consensus of councilmen was to reject proposal to vacate street and sell property. The village can provide water and sewage to the area if building site is determined. The Council spent and hour and a half interviewing and discussing candidates for Liquor Store Manager. They were as follows: Mr. Myron Fisher -- Foley Mr. Don Hoagland -- Crystal Mr. Richard Hesley -- Zimmerman Mr. Jack Langenfeld - Morgan Follow-up of references will determine final selection. An application for building permit to build a garage by Rill McPherson was presented. Motion to approve by Richard Martie was seconded by James Maus. Voting in favor: Martie, Maus, Swanberg, Sandberg, Schleif. Opposed: none. Meeting adjqurned at 10 P.M. Don Gr*lund, Clerk DCG/lcg ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Special Meeting May 20, 1970 Mayor Ron Schleif, James Maus, William Sandberg, Franz Swanberg and Dick Martie assembled at 7:00 P.M. for a special meeting. Meeting called to order and split liquor resolution was read and discussed. After lengthy discussion, action was tabled to set up meeting with Atty. Walter Johnson, Stan Peters and Archie Lindenfelser. Notice of hearing on Mobil Court to be held at Elk River on May 28 at 9:00 P.M. Court site on Sherburne County Road #11. Board of Review set for June 22, at Council Chambers. A review of the finalists for Liquor Store Manager was made and Richard Hesley was selected and advised of his selection. He stated he would ad- vise council of acceptance or rejection by Friday or Saturday this week. A discussion of park and cemetery maintenance revealed a need for up- grading and adding to maintenance equipment, such as a new mower. Follow- up on costs of new mower assembly for existing tractor. Adjournment on motion at 8:45 P.M. Don anlund, Clerk DCG/lcg