City Council Minutes 08-11-1970 Page 3203- (August 11, 1970 meeting cont'd.) Discussion on North Central Public Service request for rate change was tabled pending response to a letter written by W. A. Sandberg on July 30, 1970. James Maus reported on the condition of Elm trees and Dutch Elm disease. Mr. Wendt, from Waite Park, a professional tree man, detailed methods of dealing with the removal dead trees, salvaging broken and damaged trees and spraying treatment. Yr. Wendt will survey entire village and report on condition and number of trees to be removed. J. Maus to co-ordinate with 1,7r. 'tendt and report back. Discussion of an ordinance to ban open burning in Monticello was tabled until October meeting. Motion by Richard Yartie, seconded by James Yaus, to ratify the hiking of Robert Westermann as patrolman effective August 1st. Motion carried. Clerk was instructed to write to B.C.A. to determine what certification was nec- essary to qualify in Minnesota, as Mr. 'r'estermann's previous training was in New York State. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by James ?haus to accept the agreement to provisions as modified pertaining to the closing of 4th Street. Action is pending designation of 14est 3rd Street as a state aid road in lieu of 4th St. Copy proposal is as follows: "The Board of Education has no desire to own the street but feels there must be an assurance of adequate safety measures. The present manner in which safety measures are being practiced is far from adequate. The Board of Education would perhaps accept the approve a plan whereby a substantial swinging gate system at the east end of Fourth Street were utilized under the following conditions: 1. A permanent swinging type gate securely anchored at each end and when closed secured by means of a metal bolt or slide. Such gate to cover the full width of the street. Such gates to be constructed of a heavy gauge tubular steel and covered with tornado fencing of a type similar to the present installed fence around the playground. 2. Installation of such type gates should be the responsibility of the Village Council, which removed the installed fence. Maintenance and upkeep of this gate to also be the responsibility of the Village Council. 3. Gates are to be closed when the playground area is being used for school purposes, involving student activities. Opening and closing of these gates to be the responsibility of school personnel. 4. Provisions for traffic control at the west end of the school pro- perty to be handled by the Board of Education. 5. Such agreement must be arrived at by both rarties by August 12, 1970 and installation of gates completed prior to the opening of school on August 31, 1970. 6. The conditions agreed to for providing safety standards for school children daring school hours to be mutually agreed to by the Village Council and the Board of Education and any change from this policy must be by mutual agreement of both interested parties." (August 11, 1970 meeting, cont'd.) Voting in favor -- Martie, Maus, Schleif. Abstain -- Swanberg. Voting no -- Sandberg. Motion carried. Reference made to July meeting minutes pertaining to vote on removal of posts between alley and municipal parking lot. Vote should have read: "In favor: Martie, Swanberg, Schleif. Abstain -- Maus. No -- Sandberg. Motion carried." Babe Clausen requested building permit to remodel home on Linn Street to 3- plex. Motion by J. Maus, second by R. Martie to grant permission. Motion carried unanimously. Request to repair pick-up truck belonging to village at cost of $453.50 tabled to study need for new truck. Swanberg and Maus to report as soon as possible. Request to mount 10 ft. wing on snow plow for better snow removal tabled for study. Roy Robideau requested permission to remove an old garage and replace it with a new garage. Franz Swanberg moved to allow, Dick Martie seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Request for surfacing portion of East Minnesota Street deferred pending report from Engineer n proposed street improvement program for village. Financial reports nd ill were approved for payment on motion by James Maus and seconded by Richard Martie. Motion carried. Letter of resignation received from Dr. C. Erlandson resigning as a member of the Manning Commission. Resignation accepted by the Council. Adjournment,,on motion by Richard Yartie and seconded by J. Maus. Don Uranl�nd, Clerk DCG/lcg /