City Council Minutes 10-15-1970 Special Page 2"A14 Special meeting of Village Council and Planning Commission October 15th, Village Hall, 9:30 P.M. Meeting called to order by Ron Schleif and James Maus, Richard Martie, Bill Sandberg, Franz Swanberg attending;. Bob Davis, Larry Flake and Don Hueller from the Planning Commission, and Charles Tooker, Planner. Stan Hall, J. W. Miller, Jr. from Hillcrest Addition and Lynn Smith. Ron Schleif advised that information received from meeting of attorneys on annexation that NSP would appeal decision of drawing annexation lines thru their property to split tax base. Pringle and Metcalf were meeting with township board tonite to recommend merger. Gary Pringle called that township board absolutely opposed to merger. Ron Schleif meeting with Pringle on Oct. 16 to get details of thinking. Pringle and Schleif to meet with NSP's Dave McGannon on October 20. Question put to Charles Tooker "where do we go now?" He advised that basic planning to be based on a "merger plan." We need planning for urban develop- ment. Planning is essential for application of federal funds for development. Senior Citizen Housing grants are handled thru another agency and do not necessarily need a planning program. Discussion determined that delays in planning were unnecessary. Village is committed to planning for orderly growth. Motion by Richard Martie to go ahead with planning program and apply for federal funds of $3750.00 as available thru State Planning Commission. Seconded by James Maus. Voting in favor: Swanberg, Martie, Maus, Schleif. Voting "no": Sandberg. General discussion indicated that NSP has a preference of being in Village. However, would request that council pass a resolution to prevent mil rate from skyrocketing. Mr. Melchert should be at Oct. 21st hearing. Jay Miller requested that shut-off valve on water line to lot behind Dunk Hickman's be moved to property line on Third St. So ordered by the council. Motion for adjournment at 11:30 P.M. by Richard Martie. Don Gra Lund, Clerk DCG /lcg