City Council Minutes 03-16-1961 SpecialMarch 16, 1961 Special meeting duly called was held this day. Members present . Anderson Hickman Baker Adamson. Absent Adams. Meeting called to discuss remodeling liquor store and petition for improvements by property -owners on broadway between Mulberry and Oak. Motion by Adamson to adverise for bids for remodeling and redecorating Municipal Liquor store and building per specifications.on,a general contract. Second -,,by H ickman. Carried.. Motion by Hickman to authorize issuance of'Cigarette license to -the following for 1961 Rays 66 service, Al & Roland DS,, Red Owl Store Hitters Super Market, Goulds, Laurings, Nelsons, Crandalls, Schneiders. Gene Broulliard, Mrs. Archie Sieg.Walter Gohman, George Maus, George Davis, Elmer Hornlund, Springborg & Larson, Sample & Bangs Monticello Legion Post # 260, Dairy Store,. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Adamson to authorize issuance of corporate licenses for - 1961 and "on" and"off" 3.2 A914.1 Beer licenses to Tom Schneider and Springborg and Larson also 3.2 beer license to George Davis for "on" and " off"..sale. Second Hickman. Carried. Petition was presented by the property owners on Broadway between Mulberry and Oak street for sanitary sewer improvement. This was discussed previously with the engineer. east Motion by Adamson to extend the sewer on broadway "to Elm and from the corneraof Broadway and Elm down Elm to the interceptor sewer. Second by Baker. Carried. On motion adjourned. clerk.