City Council Minutes 03-27-1961 Special2 March 27th, 1961 Special meeting held this day. All members present, Anderson Adamson Adams, Hickman, Baker. Motion by Hickman to pay bills as read. Second by Baker. Complete list of bills made and filed separately.in clerks office. Carried. The bids for police car rental lease were opened and were as follows. Swanson Bros. Ford. $125.00 for 12 months or $117.50 for 18 months. Moon'Motors $125.00 per month for 12 months. including all grease and oil. Gould Bros. $115.00 per month for present car. no new car. James Powers 72 cents per mmle assuming all expenses including gas and oil. r Billot vote was called for. Ballots were counted and were as follows. Moon Motor Sales 4 votes. I Motion by Adams to enter into a rental lease contract with, Moon Motor Sales for police car rental of 125.00 pdr month for 12 months according to and with the conditions that were bid by Mr. Moon. Second by Hickman Carried. ----- o Motion by Adams to adopt a resolution to have Norm Krueger prepare plans and specifieatrbons, for resurfacing streets after ivewer work is,- completed. s,completed. Local men to prepare the streets by patching holes before resurfacing. Second by Hickman. Carried. On motion adjourned. v Clerk. '!___1