City Council Minutes 06-19-1961 SpecialJane 14, 1966 Special meeting held this day. Present, Adams, Adamson, Baker, Anderson. Motion by Adams to adopt a resolgtion to put in a sanitary sewer lead into lot 1&2 Block 4.9 with half the cost to be villages obligation and half the property owners. Also to put in X corrogated metal pipe -catch basinsin the area of 4th street and Wright. Second baa Baker. Vote 4 yes. Motion by Baker to advertise for bids for toilets in parks per spec- ifications. Second by Adams. Carried. On motion Adjourned. Clerk June 19, 1961 Special meeting held this day. Present, Anderson, Bz.?;er, Adamson. Absent Adams. Meeting held to study and discuss ordiance in regards to sewer and treatment plant, also to take up necessary business. Motion by ._damson to grant a building permit to Mark Schafer to build. a funeral parlor per application. Second by Baker. Carried. Motion by Baker to grant a building permit to Fred Hines to build a garage. Second by Adamson Carried. Motion by,,Baker to grant a building permit to harry Stokes to build an addition on house Second by Adamson. Carried. Motion by Adamson to grant A building permit to Central Lumber to build house per application. Second by Baker. Carried. On motion Adjourned. Clerk June 26, 1961 Special meeting held this day to make final work on sewer and treatment R plant ordiance. Present. Anderson, Baker, Adams, Adamson. Motion by Adamson to move for adoption of ordiance #14.2 regarding sanitary Brewer , treatment plant, Usage and charges. Second by Adams. Carried. Voting yes, Adamson, Adams, Anderson, Baker. P Motion by Adamson to adopt the attached resolution in regards to assess- ment role for curb & gutter, street improvement and lighting improvement and sidewalk improver, apt of 1961. Second by Baker. Carried. 4 yes. On motion adjourned. Clerk