City Council Minutes 10-02-1961October 2, 1961 Pegulax meeting of village concil held t' is day in council.. -rooms. Members present. Andersor�,Adams, Dal7-er, (`z Swanson. Absent- Adaiiison idnutes of previous meeting were rea4 and approved, o Designation of Adarason as vilia.ge clerk ,eras read. T`otion by Adar:�s, ,second by Baker to .�.ccept resignation.. -Carried. � t, - Dr. Paul Er rren,-ui spoke to us re^ardinr- V) -e Vetrans (?_ 2i-)mori l cemetery and its uol eep..We agreed it Is eyesore Teas of no contribution to the Tillage of 1 lonticello. .Je were offered a plot of cemetery to help in accurac;T of jut2iro burials. A suggestion was made t6 turn this said property over to village of I•iont_i_c ello and let a civic organization rut e its naintainance, with one member frpm each org;�.nizational group to form a board. A ggrement vas _-r_ade,verbaly to or--anize same. c Paul Zopfi, from Osseo filed for permit to dig sewers. Qhee'L for :,12.00 accompanied filing. Kotion by Adams to OK permit, second Baker. -Carried. 1 J • A letter was+read- on Ci5ri1 Vefencey -8 :oclock �.t,Duffalo, Fireman presided --they ash for a lotj building, tmck. and otter near egi.ipment.ctm ker ^.nd ST.- as.renresentitives from t`l-e cencil, and Jayf T.iiller, Dud Schleif, & i-acCloud representing the fire Dept,, to.begin new fire-, s tation rproceedings. I'lotion by-BP.ker, second bar Adams to gbant building permit of 21X36 fireproof addition to phone building . Iloninations for v=i_lTa-;e clerk t�rere opened witl'1 Dr. Kasper (�. Bill Ojakanga,s recieving n�'minations. On ballat vote there 7Te-_-e two votes for each. 1, ror Anderson than appointed Dr. Kasper in accordance Ud! th pourers ;ranted 'rlim w' en t'�ere is a tie vote. Dr. Kasper was than called a.nd st-roren in as clerk by T,ia or Anderson. T•iotion b --r Baker second b Adams to accept resj.gr.ation of J_i_m Schaffer as Dog Catcher Carried. I m otion by �i-Tanson,to pa* bills as real, with seperate list on file in the office of the clerk. Second b� Daker and carried. motion bar Adams that>10�0U0out of Licucr store fund, endlI�.,000 out of _ ro ment fund, composed of interest and prepaid as sestments, be paid to county auditor to a: ply on street and sm.,-er a,-,.proverlent ✓bonds of 1960. Second by Sizanson and carried. A letter T-ras read from the .110sota. Dept of Highweys -requesting t. yet ire obtain permission before c� ;ns�r uction of a storm, e sei..rer on Walnut street into their storm serer on hiff_ _ray 152. A notion -­ as made by Swanson, second by Ad n–s that t'ie village clerk be aut'Zorized to write, a letter. to the Dept of _`igh?ra�%s stating ti -gat z.re ��i�_l not damn pore than normal seei)age into t'neir storm se?•rer. it T-Tas also si?g,;ested ti -ie clerk- request in t`is letter that Vee girara:y Dent. scree > the sand from )ig'rays 152 25, ir, )ich was reciently put there as a seal eo(At. And also to asli then i,, -hen they are r L-1, _to install -lights on the bridne o�-1 '7igi:1?v•��f 25 crossin V).e T .scis i��j7i river. d a.rried. `i eti�n b `T Baker t`�at we paJr the bill to _�rcon Construction c :rip.:—ix less the _Mr) U.t maid to Sc'lleif Construction c,>r-rr-).any for rep-a.ir of to the retainin gall rade b - Arc on . Second `by Acl a1:ls and c axr ied. Irotion by Adams, second by axranson that surer rental chex'es °be s`a. ted as of Oct. 1, 1961 in accord:-_Mce tr_;_t'� tlie ord--uzance coverinS this. CArried, ° 11otion by Bake.-, second b7r Kasper that a sewer line be put in up r-Tashingt-,n street to service t'�e lots on °lV.shingtan strC:-eat at regular assesment rues. Caxried. On 7 _olio adjovxned. Clerk.