City Council Minutes 10-10-1961 SpecialOc tO h Fir 10, 1 961 !, Special meeting veld this dd;;r to hear and pass on all objections to the assessments an in respect to V e sit�� seT,Ter facilities and street improvements. 1 embers present- Anderson, Adams, Baker, Kasper Q"Z Swanson. Coriplaints and questions heard u -ere as fBiloTrs: 11ertin Capes clams to have been assessed side footage instead of front footave. his front footage should be changed from 132 feet to 99 feet. 11ilr�elm Vigen claimed to 1?ave been assessed side foot-.ge instead of froont footage! Front footer age on this cl-,.im should be ch.on�,ed from 132 feet to 677- feet. W.C. Schneider claims to have been assessed for two house co.i nections and he believes his fr,%nt footage is Txong.This T,il1 be corrected and neTsT assessment sent out. TTug11 I•TcKinn.on wanted explanation on TrhJT triose that have had sewers should pay on both front footage and connection fee, Cha -les I.erz feels that front .frotage charge shouTd not be included on some of -pis lots ;.,Mich are not deep enough for building housing. Lots in question by chis. I�erz are in block ITo. 64, rie also jig -,d comploint on damage to curbing that had not been repaired. fi com�ola_ints gill be checked into and corrections made if any are found necessa -y. Clar,-mce rusit claims da '_nr �;e to curbing on his lot wTii.cf' has not been repaired. Ray Georges questioned who ,-Tould ,-ay for repair of old se,Ter lines if trouble should occure. 1n answer to his questimn he T -,-as told it z-Tou=,d be the respons­.bilit , of the village to make repairs on all se,Ter lines up to the individuals property line. Flrancil Klein questioned T-Teat=ier all of block 23 is assessed, anstrTer only half. 1 rancil hl_ein also questioned ,-Teather lot 10 of block 43 is assessed, ans--er yes. Francis Klein hwd complaint that bvrpa.ss on I--ulburyT street is on his property, and also that the mess left by the construction creTT on Mulbury street from Droad,-,rky to the river h^.d never been cleaned up, he cleaned t' -.is up himself and stated he i, -Till present 'his bill for labor to the vill-��e. Francil Klein had com._plaint that. blacktopi ng on street past his lots is in very poor condition. Ue also lead question ,?ill_ triose i,, -ho have sanitary seT•.e-- s . -'o!-Led L-fto storm seT-rers be charged seTTer -ental. at this point tlie concil ask of anytane of -- ' sanitary sewers empting into storm sewers to please ni eRe it I'.ino-vm to the concil. iirancil Klein also had tl.e ruestion, ti�Till the storm sewer put in last summer behind GouJ_d Bios. ar�'.ge be assessed? he -.as ans,rered to this question that it hal_ al- re,.dy been assessed. .ioy Lauring claimed to have beexi assessed for t?ro connections instead of one, this 1 -rill be Chan Jed and neer assessment bill z-,ri.11 be sent out. Grace Pratt claims sle s'Lould not be ^.sse-,sed on leer lot in block no.55 in back of her Douse. This rill be checked into to see if billing. is corredt. Albert TsJeese claims sewer did not come past his lot Trliich is south ' of lot ;;t1 of block t12. it ,T.U.s expl� lined ti -at that lot :-Tould be sere i ced. Z•Talter Gustpf son claimed that his two lots were relit with part of them being sold to C. Sebe7r His front footage sT .ould be c'ianged from 132 ft. to 100 ft. trlil ielm Vigen requested publication of individual seTTer -assessi�!,ent char es. I rs Sullivan questioned TTIry tiro House on old seT,er 1nes should both �.ve to pay igibw connection sham es TT;.{.en one lead in fL-2ni.shes both Douses. I�lonticell public schools h .d question on T,n.at there se,,er rental- charges T-Tould be and arc -:cher t }eJT �Tot�sd be 0!:-Lised on a nine month peri( -,d or a full near. f I eet L Z carried over to concil room. I'oti.on bvr Adalms second bTr Kasper to grant building permit to John 1.'cl:urra , to Lj r,,ove house on his lot. 11otion b-,), Adams second by Baker to ;rant use permit for f ence to Bill Punct lLic ar. Carried. 11-otion bvr Kasper second bur taker to install a light acrosrl from 1adson -11elding and one at the se -cage disposal plant. Carried. I otion by Swanson second by Kasper that the villa -e buy the two lots sou- ', of the y bo;.rlinJ ally from I:ando Kirscht for t''ie sin of °11,750.00. Carried. 1i7otion by Adams second by S,�,anson tliat Ed Sorenson be rel _eved from a,1 employment aryl dutie s7r tiie villa re as of Oct. 1:4, 1961 with wage s being --aid to 'ITov.15, 1961 the Clem beinf, instructed to send a certified letter Oct. 13 -�ri_tli 1�1c1 months par and informing Ed Sorenson of thi-s action. Carried with Kasper obstaining. 11 -lotion by Baker to advertize in tr e Lonticello Times Oct, 193 m -id Oct 26 for new village maintainance man. second by Kasper and carried. On Io ion adjourned.