City Council Minutes 11-06-1961244 Octobe__^ l(,), 1.961_ Spcci ,.l ricotin7 :geld tl its d.a,r to revielr plans and s-pecifications of iro- p0se(' fire ?.}arra. I'enibe�^s presents finders; xl, r� 'Ter, Tr 3,*)e-, <7 Swanson. )e,, ��)�. s. ot1On b-,7-3�=er second by SirallSon t0 r'�I1t 171Id1i: pOrMI to HorJE,rt Kroutb,auer to build three bedroor_, _°ar:,ble.r —it'two car c;ara.7,e in villa -re limits, Car °ied. 1101,ion b7r Kamer. second by raker that we accent plans for _sire barn, subl-ect to a.1 ter -.tions, ri_th concil h,,.v-• nr; the right to reject -1 and all "ids. Carried A letter -r .s rend ii-formin ; ,i s of _fall_ ou.t c?��.elt,cr inf r-m:,n21 ona1 meet n On n?otic'i a � j n11 -ned November 6, 1961 ^.s a-Ltlar nc;etinc- of 1;'n.c vi11a-e cone_ T held this da�r in the concil_ roorI. I,erj)ers present- Anca.crson,Adar2s, Baker, kasper &I Swanson. Ili_nutes of the previous meetin,i.7e--^e read and ��p.proved. aids on fire truck and eQbiiDrnent were opened, Bids ?-Gere as folloT.rs: On fire truck: Gould Bros. CT�evr^ ,llt Co., I.-onticello Vt, 193.0;. I,i.dTrav ford Co., St. Paul `�6,7�_;.0,23 TT land United_ =ales, honticello y 6;�50,00 ` On equipment : Bar sne ss c, Co . , E�.0 Clare', wi sc . X31!_63,0`) General Sa_-�t;r Eni-i.i-oment Corm., I-!orth r)r�.ncli, I inn. $10,230.00 Fo stner ",'-?ire Apypar. Lti_is Co., I_adelia., 11a m.. Bid "A" - X79 50.00 did "B" e��8295.00 I -_el Swanson moved t -o f old bids on fire tnicIl- and equdpment on av4lance until Wed. eve I�overabec v, 1961. Second by Adams andcar:_-ied. Bids on fire barn we__ ­e n-oened. Bids -ere as f ollowl s : Dad Schlcif Const. Co. I`ionticello. Concrete block- Fire 10,•.rn only ~;15,760.00 Concrete block fire barn u: o-L''L ice area �21, 210.00 y'� Liglit TTeight block F ire barn on1_ T X15, 995,00 Light block _fire 1-;axn (r-* office area ', 215,00 ,Jith b a.serr_ent under fire V rn add to bids-- �9, 600.0o Comet Const. Co. P,rinston, "'Lin. Concrete block fire warn onlr17,57n,00 Concrete block fire barn `� office area " 22 "2? 400.000 Li,7ht zai�_ight block fire barn only ��19, 20 .,00 Li :-_t i�rkirht block fire barn Raz office Pur e , X231600,00 John A. bier z n: Sons. Long Lake, I- Iinr_, - Concre-L-e block fire 10 ­.rn onl_y�16,223.Z61_0 Concrete block fi__^e ban L office area X21, 657.35 Li ;tit T-eitht block fire barn only X16, ?58,40 Li_�11t weittht block firebarn L office area (22,x;-71!..95 Bud Schleif Cons -►,ruction Co. ;Steel b-aildinjo- Fire barn only ill, 7 85.00 Office area 4P1T, 950.00 Lattson Bui_ldin Co, Ca'--a.to,Kinn. Steel Building Fire Darn :' of 'Lice area ��16,666.0� rE. G. Clinton Co. 1-Inneapolis, I inn. Steel Building fire '_yarn ': offi_ce area. ;s21,96b,0o F Swanson moved to grant permission fo._-a use pewit to thie alliance c_rurch to r)I,; �a a, fence 1�e ,incl the Alliance church, Second b r A15 -LT -1s and c4rried. Ilotion by _.Baleter to hold bids on fire barn in exal once until 1-Teome sday nite ITov. i3, 1901. Second b7j Kasper and carried. Ilotion b7T S,ranson that t ?e clerk ,,-right a letter to mens Appliance and Leerseens Coact t- coast asking there not to bivrn rebbis -in the 1oarl.is� Tot.. ,Second bJr ILaspe-c nd carr-ied. i TT ver: er ,.?- continued'" 1. i 1 lotion by Kasper to g ant a building perm --it it to Lenord Larson for buildi n� a Second by raker and carried. A co laint ,,-as. broug It up by r�. H. 1-ller that the si deti�ralk from :his driveTT,-rT to the corner had been damaged durinn-seT-e � construction. i