City Council Minutes 11-27-1961 SpecialNovem' or 275 1961 Special meeting held this day in the concil coon at 7:30 P.M. to review, sewer assesmnents t- e A petition signed by 66 persons to bring the purchase of (Certificates of indebtedness, that have 'peen approved by the condil for the purchase of a fire truce and equipment, to a vote b;t the tillage. Tabled until_ next meet -i ng _otion by Kasper to adopt ordinance nimber to change the date of villarpe elections to t'_ -e first Tuesda- _fol _osri.nv ti:e first (Londa in December comrlencing in 1962. Second by Adams and carried. I-Totion by St�anson to purc%� ase tr< actor for the sum of x;950.00 plus, thetrade in of our old tractor fron Long Lake Parn, Supply. Second by Baker and carried. I-Totion by haspor to refund I-Ia �-JI:inson (7: I►augergren t s service station $32.14 tlhich T-jas an ove—payment of t'fle curb c. gutter & street improvement assessment of 1960. Second by BaIier .and carried. 7vIlotion by AcIa!; s to approve asses ents as ?=,ended. Seton. b7 Szanson carried. (lotion by Kasper to transfer '5,000.00 from ;t. Irp. _fund to General .fund. Second by S•ranson c � �r. -cI ied.. On I `b tion Adjourn �� . Dr. J, _ . Kasper Clerk Dec enb er 4, !961 Regular r: ecting of V -2e village council held this day at 7:00 P.M. in the vill {.Pe. council room. T�iembers present- A.nderson, Dakar, Kasper, S=isanson Tardy- Adams until 9:15 P .Y * t-Iotion by S-.ranson th,-Ju- wo pass the re solution pertainatn ; to the fire e:~uiprnent certificates of indebte.'ness as s (,tac'-Ied to minutes. Seconed by Kasper and carr icd, four ayes, Adarls absent. �'otion b T S Tu �zson, sOconed b;r faker th :.t tie pitition filed call:s_g for an election to deterl,L.ne if X14,000.68 shall be spent for fire equipment be Labeled for lacl: of statitory ro u-irement pertaining to signatures. Carried unmmimously by .all present. Potion by S mson, seconed by ll:er that bills be a)aid as read, ux'ri ed. Sepe ate list of bills -p:-.id on file in VI -ie office of the vil lae c�_erk. Yotion b7r Ka,pc-- that z.,e grant liquor linsense to the Le_ ion club for the comr-ii nr_, year. Seco --;id by Bake.' ml carried. Bids on t7ie pro posed f.se bcxn and ecivi�I.:elitb-nl(%i:qM Tf�ere opened and T -,-ere as folio-; : I"atson Dldg Co., C kato, ', inn. 32 t 2Y 102,411 ridigid f. -a: �e Blc gr. X16, 97tt.00 (dation ;Ll- deduct f -,-or, above i.1" color is not -Mated 320.00 .Option -':c .'2 J `.uct from al)ove if roof is not to '�.e lined 231.00 Atte na:te bui7_0 ng- Stran-luster 20 11_). roof load. $13, 874,00 Option"tl deduct iL�' color is not .Tmtec- 300,00 Option ;'-2 deduct if roof.' is not to be lines' 215.00 E. G. Clinton Co. nDis.- 4o t x841 Dura -frame metal clad 771-d-. $12,737.40 Option #_1 add if roof is to 17e 'Lined 83' 0,40 Option >1'1`2 add for colored a_T_urmzur,. 6 33.06 Option "3 add for aluninum roofing 839,6 Option s add for 12r adJitional length 10000,00 Bud Schlief construction 1 onticel_lo- Souix steel bldg. ?12, 995.00 -� Optionl add for pa7 i1t1 n per coat;0.00 Option Y2 Add for linin,-; sealing 1, 200.00 Corset construction Co. Prinston j i ,,.. -- Steel bldg as per -,pec s 17, 2(0 . 0 0 Option „'-1 Add for lining ceilin- 756.00