City Council Minutes 05-07-19621 a.�T 7 s U � n-P f.� F.-� -� r..j ,� r + �. '� 7 .t , _ n r-� -L e 7 1 1 > _� t_. 1 �._ e C . t-_C�C_t i_,, :..,ire 7 n c"vnr,_i_�_ I e,, �e �s pr,�sent- 0J''.i-^'1: � `, n :i er, Adams' Kamer 7T Tal >o}�. 31) sent- I"oI-ic ' 'nr l P -']',i1 s^i 0I1 for i;1 E' ' 1ri Ji1i; CollyltT% `� � "A -e 7� ,rile t 0 Cr j 1- eC t tllere r p dry-.� 1.1 Int i i";.e storm sml d -c ii a'- '- corner .of `I', I7, i r25 anC� -Hiver O O C� �.1 �. the e 1. Street, ?"�.i.r rl r11.7C ^t bein-~ P ;.de a.n re1 7 T tc) �r E; V;!�_ '_=t"<"; r �c {�uF:r� t, v^ C:! sc')Il[:tect t1 C'i 1 roh-r' ara-! r y^^ )n thC�S; n1 • )r`' `'8Z'e:' s-rstern. 1'he Cle..-'- Z, -as instr-ac to d i10 d�^. -, 1-1,t' "gent re-ardinr-, 1.1 .. _'GC1v.e ";nut s n �' the n �cvious r,-ee-t _n s ��on I-�.rc 5t1 h to -U-e prese__a-?� -�c �c am) ---)r ovec3_ as talc yi ��_l_ �s , ' ��-T ,-�_ocz-.tion T.Tere present �en e� ;7 ,.> -? L' 1 ,or V r.. C) V 01',. Vc�.-` u il v. �.�t •_.�.> the villa -e :: ,_e (A?er :' -illride ccrr1.et_.T. I otion bv,T ST-Ta.lSol l Seconed b Kasper t .at tl=e vJ_�_l_. c - -p -16 th-e reso-l_uti on to _.cce?t 'Ile T-illsi 'o cer�ct.. � fro11 the Idoni;icello Ce_ etarf asscciat_1_on alon-"=i_ti, all its asso-(:'s. C:=r_cied. A discussion z.mI el(-) on '_f e 3 oposed fire '>arn T-,T?.til elled_icision 'o n0stpin.one t'_tle d• -,.-Ge of a.Cceot'�nce o:r 1-`? ds i-vit .1 new planes CGlt� C� be Cf�'"';TTP u'7 ,?nG� �-01-),- , I_Gtion bJ� ranson that we reduce V -to -p,,3,, -lent of ti rei-Ter rsse^srenu on the wcst 6 :Feet of 1Jloc'_. 21 Loi -Ter I"onticello, belon�jnrr to Albert Euehn from ""129.0,C) to ;"64.50- _.50. Secone�." 1: _ Paler cP.d c Brie; 1'I't e clerk T-aS instriic'ted to m - i to to Rubl)?n Larson instruc tin`; ' J r to c�_e�n iij) his groper LUT in 1?lock ;;'2�-r,it..in 30 C%^.-`rs o the village i;olt d 1mve it done at } is e� --r) en,se . Bill Ha-,,-'U-nresented 't'o lc cvnci7_ i -T - t1 .h ideas on cle^n:Lr- t'le T:.tc silpypl�r. i?o action _ alt, -e -D. on this. T3_ids for i ie n!-o-)osed toilet for the par!,: TTure as foJloiT -: Trane Schleif- 1,11-5.00 day Gco-r„e s- 5 1,100.00 W. Ojakanras hand.ea ti -,,.e pre'se-Ients chaise -over to Adan' d and a r!io tion iTas rt,.-tde by Ojakan—as to accept the b'_d o” Bud Schleif for `"A 11i.�.00 ' ecau.sc t' e toilet in tlxe S' 1) _T'I; ; ad beenC':;rl'r?.CtCC'. t0 Ray rac0 ';eS nd t_'.is ZrOv1d c).evi o elle v-i�_1a.Je iTork, ari,o-mr;st locai1. ccnti,actors. Seconed b -,r STTanson and. ca:>rrie('. �' "110, 000. L I-otior� that TvTe transfer � � 00 fro�.� she seiTe-r ivna to �,?:e .,en�:ra,�_ Trr��roveri�cnt Eyre', TY-ich is i-iione7T desicma'ed to pa-ment of bond and 5 1 s, ,�2, 00.00 from 1-ater a1G 1"3,500.00 from !.7.0110-' f1�1d t0 the T'raterT�TOr1S Sii�%�:in fund t0 pa�T Ol"I Taa'er- t3Tor'L--s revenue bone? s and Ghat tele bills 1_)e approved <' s read TTi-t1?_ "-,,e exception of t1, e bill from Shell Oil Cor,m@zv-v hi.c11 should be -ret-Lirned f cr Tl .,a deduction and the bill frorf Li-T�atera.1 fire rTOse Company vhich is not a cce'ptable and s1.].oz-0-d be ;.-etvrnd with instructions not to shin the r ercllandise, tir_.s rade b --,r Kasper Seconed by Adc�,ms �ano_ c�.rried, a scr)ar-_.te list o b _lls be in a'ta.c;led to the IlLnute s . y 'J . -'he rotarv- c111b rcouested that the village tare u#rr the re;.ponsil_ ,.liter of i-T<�.tering the fj_oT Ters in the boxes on pr�_.adT aJ ;tree'. �eauest denied. I otirn b-,,- Iia,Uper 't' a' ZTe r .nt bui�_din-p per, -,}its to Fred. !Tines for a 10 x16 ft. - addition to t.'t eir pre sent I -.ogle cn lot 5 block 1- ,r- ' ' � ,� n �, 1 and to ]: ��r'i,� �. Cis 1�.r for �� 21, x lam' ft. aC1_dition to her present ''horse on lots 1 7 block � Secr-ned. by Ada= and carried, A r ea_llest for a raise in nav for tih.c -'.iouor store err) I loyees TT`s tabled until next r,eeti_nv TTith ins-`1',-uctions for tele clerk to notify L. L. Ila:skins to be Present a� ' this rzeetil���, i-7'�'�_ic', is the sneci_�1 �;lee�itl-; to be aleld Ea -,,r V1. -1-0 "tion 1_?r Ada, L,.i -.t we rectif-y- the rn3nuted of Sept.5, 1961 to aplorove the in prmy fir Jim Pollors to 00.00 per month this 1-1?otion haviizr; been rndsta?.- in l-- ormlit1d from ".-Le 7-linutes of t'is date 6eco1-,ed b Kt.ke and Carried, r. o ion by STTanso�l Vit �_ .e clerk write to the police c' : ief, Jim. PoTrer s, advisi_.z that airy pol-icer.a.n foLmd carrin' passengers :in the police ca -r, not in elle line c_" duety, woul(j "-,.ave 1 _is er yoloy en t terr!d- na.tod ifmr.edSatl. Seconed b -Tr Adams and Carried.. I°Totio-n i)T Kasper t--cce'^t :Lns1nr,-;1,nce _frop' 7Hsl.e crency for insLL'al?ce on the Seuar,e disposal pl wnt. Seconed 1sT Baker and. c._=ied. Or, mo i,. n Ad_ 01-1r_'led,