City Council Minutes 02-04-1963February 4, 1963 Regular meeting of t'l,.e village co-uncil held this date in the village council room. Henbers preseat- Ojakangas.9 Baker,, Kasper & 3wanson. Absent- Adams., Hotion by Kasper to appoint Baker as acting mayor in the absence of O-Jakangas durning any meeting for the yen:.r 1,063. Seconded by S,,�anson and carried. Hotion by Swanson to adopt an oz-din6nce-, regulating the use of highways in the village of Honticello incoa-porating the 1961 ILizmesota state highway statutes Chapters 169 & 171. Ordinance to beco4ie effective on passage &- publication. Seconded by Baker- "a cax-Lied.unanamou.3--i-yo Motion by Baker to transfer. $5,,000,.00 from the liquor fund to the General fund. Seconded by Kas-,,:)er & carried. A Leai-,ng was ti,&ld relative to t' --ie -,--xoposed vacating of hew Street fro -L,,1 4th street to the --ad2----oad Jriglit- of T,,ray. An objection to vacating Vnis portion of C -D New street was heard from Jay 11iller. Hotion by Kasper to tabel action on on this until our next. regular meeting so that this proposed vacating could be investigated fur-Urie.--: Seconded by Swanson carried. Fire Chief Tom YcCloud pres'ented a request on behalf of 'ale fire department to postpbone fire drills durning extreeray cold weathe -L. 'Exquest granted. The fire department also reouested that the villacre'purchase, two new smoke Ip Z:_'� I r6cessatator, Tabeled until next regular meeting. The, fire department off er6d to give their old pickup to the village -maintenance department if they could have use for it,. Because this truck was donated to the fire department by the VIright County State Bank Ojakiaigas w -ill check with then to see if there is arry objection to it being used by the village maintenance de-oartment. Motion by Si-ranson to qppr6v6'tI lie bills as read. Seconded by kaspe.- & carried. A seDorate list of bills paid is on file` in the office of the village clerk. The clerk was instructed to take one half of E. Bleaids part time police wages for this month and succedding month's until his water bills have been paid. The clerk was instructed to check with E. Elornlund on the price of a tranqulizer gun to be used for rounding up loose dogss., and also to put a notice in the paper that the dog ordinance will now strictly inforced. On notion adjourned. Ulerk