City Council Minutes 04-01-1963April 1, 1963 Jegular meeting of the village council held this date in the village council room. Members present- 0jakangas, Adams, Baker, Kasper & &tmn.son. Absent- Done. Minutes of the meeting of March 4, 1963 were approved as read. The request was brought up again by Ray Martie for the vacation of New Street from fourth street to the railroad right of way. A petition was presented with seventeen signatures favoring the vacation of this portion of New Street. Motion by Adams to adopt the resolution vacating New Street from fourth street to the railroad right of way. Seconded by Kasper and carried. A request was recieved from Kermit Lindberg that some action be taken on removal or cleaning up an old building oft the Fred Tozer property. Tabeled for inspection and legal advise. I -lotion by Kasper to accept the offer of Juran & Mood-- to purchase $x.0,000.00 water revenue refunding certificates at a net rate not to exceede 4% . Juran & T�ioody agreeing to pay all printing e� legal expenses. Seconded by Baker & carried. CD Hr Ripsin of K.S.P. explained proposed increase of electrical service to h7onticello. A request was presented by N.S.P. to overhahg theit- new poorer line over the north east corner of the cemetary. I-otion by Kasper to grant this request. Seconded by Swanson & carried. Motion by S-imnson to faire Kermit Lindberg as a part time police officer. Seconded by Baker UO carried. A request was recieved from C.N. Christianson to blacktop sixtft sul-eet iron. Pine street to I- aple Street. Yloti.on by Kasper to table this request for consideration along with other street work needed for tris summer. Seconded by Adams Q"M carried. l otion by Kasper to grant a building pe -mit to H. Flultgren to build a 2? ,X 21ft. garage on lot 4 & the West 2 of lot 3, block 8 of loz-rer Monticello. Seconded by Baker ('Sr- carried. Lotion by Baker to grant a use permit t6 I&. Sandberg to install a redwood fence verring from 4 to 6 ft. in hirth, behind his house on lot6 of block 16. Seconded by Swanson & carried. A request was recieved from A. L. Kuehn & Ida R. Kuehn to vacate all of oak street from the service road north to the river. Tabled for consideration along with the lospital boards request for vacating streets in this area, Motion by Kasper to grant a cigerette liscense to E. Bergerstrom of the Monticello Cafe and to renew on and off sale beer liscense to Thomas Sc}aneider, George Davis, and Sprin- Borg, Larson. Seconded by Baker & carried. -41otion by Adams to change that portion of section 4 of ordinance 1133 concernin=g dogs now reading for a second offence an imz ound fee of $25.00 and a charge of two dol7_ers per day folling the first day for feeding shall be charged, to read For a second offence an impound fee of $5.00 and a charge of =$2.00 per day following the first day for feeding shall be charged. Adams motion further states teat no in liscensing or other fines shall be made. Seconded. by Kasper carried. A request was recieved by 11. Shinler that the village of 11onticello construct a driveoay entrance on his property located at 519 W. Broadway-. Tabled for legal openion. Lotion by Adams that the permit of E. Lindenfelser to operate a used car lot be term inated by I'iay 31, 1963. Seconded by 0jakanga.s after handing chair over to Baker. lotion caarried. Complaints were recieved of burning; of rubbish on the village parking lot. The clerk was instructed to have the Chief of police inform the ovmer of this rubbish burner that it must be removed. Motion by Swanson to approve bills as read. seconded by Baker & carried. Motion by Adams that list of bills approved for payment be published monthly in the Monticello times. Seconded by Baker & carried. Motion by Baker to approve prelisainary plans of trunk highway ,#94 iiithin the limits of the village of Monticello. Seconded by STxranson & carried. i,`Iotion by Swanson to faire _?oger Tesch as village consn1ting attorney. Seconded by Kasper & carried. On motion Wourned 12:30 A.Y* erk