City Council Minutes 09-03-1963August 12, 1963 9 Special meeting of the village council held this date in the village hall. 1"lembers j:)resent- Ojakangas, Adams, B .Icer, Kasper & Swanson. Absent- None. Cliff Alfords submitted a proposal for removing stumps in the village at a cost to the village of 35 cents per inch of diameNr or $9.00 per hour. TYiotion by Kasper that we adopt an ordinance for control and pre"v-ention of Dutch 1..m azsease as suggested by -Uhe State Department of Agriculture. Seconded by Adams and carried unanamously. " Rev. Donnis give a report on civil defense activities. Dick Holker ,,as present to review a proposed Trailor Court ordinance. Hoti.on by Swanson to approve a bu-i a ding permit for Cliff Kronbeck to build a 12 x12 ft. breeseb"rav between his home and g�_,�'age. On motion adjourned* journed. erk. Sept 3, 1963 Regular meetins- of he village council held this date in the village hall. Members present- Ojakan as, Adams, Baker, Kasper Swanson. Absent- None. Hinutes of the meetings of August 5 and August 12th approved as read. NLr. Burk and Ir. Slatter of the Tilackwin Co. explained their proposed program of fighting the Dutc.h Elm Disease through treating and furtili.zation of the roots of the trees. The council, decided to check witzi the State of I'iirmesota Department of Agriculture regarding the effectiveness of this type of treat-m'E�nt. Lonnie 1�orth met with the village council regarding the connection of the L1 ii nersing home to the village sewage disposal system. Tabeled until meeting with the engineer, to be arrainged 4s soon as po s sable. Lotion by Baker to pay bills as read. Seconded by Adams carried. Iolotion by Si,,anson to transfer `3,000.00 from the Seger fund to the General Improtrement fund. Seconded by Kasper 8; carried. Motion by Baker that the water hookup chard -des of Lee 1'r- r ell be corrected to :85.00 Seconded by Swanson and carried. A -oitition was recieved from the Hospital board to vacate h -an Street from Broadway to River Street and from River street to the hississip,:)i. River. Motion by Kasper to Publish and post notice ofhearing on vacating this street, with the?earing to be held October 7, 1963. Motion seconded by Svfanson and carried. Motion by Sivanson to bill Francis E. Klein for removal of Elm logs from his wood pile at the folloi-ang rate: 51 hours labor at ,1.50 per hour. Police services at $5.00 total. Nine flours truck rental at -$115-00. The total cost of services to be $96,50, Motion seconded by Adams and carried unanamously. Lotion by Baker to grant Art IrlcIntire a raise in pay from $380.00 per month to $1400-00 per month. Seconded by Kaaper and carried. Requests for raise in pay by village assessor and for overtime compensation by R. ldc; elis tabeled until next regular meeting. On motion adjourned. Clerl'. i