City Council Minutes 10-07-1963October 7., 1963 Regular meeting I__3 of the village council held this date in the village hall. Ilenbers present- Adams, Baker., Kasper & Swanson. Absent- 0-*aka-nrras. Adains -oresided as acting mayor at ti -lis mecting.. ILinutes of the m eetij rg s of September 3., 9 & 16th approved as read. T`Jere were no objections in the hearing to vacate Elm Street betwe'ein Broadway and tile ldssissip,pi river to the hospital board. Motion by Kasper to adopt the resolution to vacate V -gat portion of E'ln Street as set forth in the pitition by the hospital board.' Seconded by Swanson and carried Unanm.ously. Ilotion by Kasper that we decline to consider the request of Al L. Kue'hn to vacate Oak st__»eet from Broadway to the 10[ississippi due tote developh-ig-I-e poss4ble T , of this street at a later date. Seconded by Baker & carried. Jay Miller requested infornation on the appointment of a building inspector. A meeting was tet for October 14 at 8:00 P.1-4 to outlin.6 tle duties of a building inspector. Ed. Yonak requested the village run a sewer line down Idulberry street to his" property line or to vac-., ' lue the -i-jesterly one half of 14ii1berry street between Broadway and River street. 1,1r. Yona-k i -,-as ask to brink; a pitition to vacate this portion of Ilulberry street to our meeting October 1�,tii. There was a discussion on installint the seuer line from the dispos-_i_l plant to the village prope---ty line adjoining the La -de nursing 'shone proper J __�, i iie . property. R. Michaelis eras ask to obtain sealed bidds from Big Lake gravil Co., Ed. Lang, and John Weeks to' be opened at our meeting October 34, 1963. 1 -lotion by' Kasper to approve the permit of John 'Jeeks to contract for digging from sei,,,er laterals to homes. This permit subject to the furnmshing of Insurance papers and Bond by lb% Weeks. Seconded by Swanson and carried. Motion by Kasper to set the assessors salary for 1964 at w5800.00. Seconded by Baker and carried. TI -ie =irqw th in the resolution I tion by Baker to a�)prove v Irabe schedule as set for by the North Central Public Service Co. Seconded by Si-mzison =- id carried. Elotion by Swanson to alopoint the following as election judges for tTie November 5' election: W. Schneider., R. Soltau., J. Burkholder and L. Thompson with W. Jongewaard as an at nate. Seconded by Kasper and carried. 1,.',ot--*Lon by S�-anson to transfer t _e o�mership on the buiidilig per mit, for building a meat market, from V. hitter to Neilsons Egizin P -w -LI. Seconded b, -,r p.r.iient Co. of' St A pitition was recieved from H. N. Lungwitz and Peter Clare to vacate ")at portion of Benton Street from .dver street to the 'k-Jssissa*:ppi river. I.-"otion by Kasper to publ..'Lsh and post notice of hearing for vacation of this portion on IDention street. `this hearing to be h1eld Novei-]ber 4., 1963. Seconded by S,vianson and car.ied. Motion by Swanson to renew permit t& Big Lake Gravil Go. to cont act for did, ur sc,uer from sead in to homes. Seconded by Balzer & carried. Notice given by L. Pc-shia s -ie is resigning as deputy clerk as of Decenter 3131963. The clerk eras in to advertuize for someone to tceldce over these duties. Sund-loff supply Co requested permission to u -se the vill.ccFe i-, 1 .for a sheeting d I - village i nl a� m ing an snowing of a movie on the evening of Novemble]­ 6. 1,063. Motion by Swanson to chaxc-e f �_s charge a rental fee of per night to any business or profit making orginazation for rental of the village hall. Seconded by Baker and carried. I-'.otion by Swanson to set the 196' t6&- levy as follows: Revenue- $13,000.00; Street -s- $4,,000.00; P*E*ReAo- $2,,500-00; Audit- X11000.00 and Building and Bonds at `�391300.00. Seconded by Kasper and carried imm-anously. Ilotion by Kasper to certify t -ie $5,000.00 Cirtific ate of deposit and $49000.00 from the liquor fund to lower the building, and bond levy from $'-48,300.00 to ;;395300,000 Seconded by Bake- and carried unananously. Motion by Si,,-anson to pay bills as -read. seconded by Baker 7--nd carried. Ilotion by Kasper to to purchase a portable recessatator, for the use of the police 1�0000 department., fron the Police Equipment a ent store IPor total cost not to exceed/ $8, Seconded by Baker and carried. ) llotion by Bake -r to purchase a filein�; cabnet from t"Ie Monticel--o Times at a cost U1 of 862-50. Seconded by Si,-anson and carried. 110tion by Adams th'at wages for H. ILUchaelis remain at W5.00 per month for 44 h6urs per week. seconded by ST.,,,anson and carried. On Motion adjourned.