City Council Minutes 11-04-1963November- 4, 1963 A-4 Regular neetin., oJ47' t'rie vi'j'_Ia-e co- m-cii eld t',i - date in t -he vill e couaic,room. -L-L Eembers present-'Ojakan-as., Adams, Baker., Kasper & Swanson. Absent- None. Minutes of 51 -le meetings of October 7 c 28, -,.ere approved as read. Tliere was no objections fron, the floor Li the '1;earing, to vacate '13enton street from liver s-10--ect to +V --.e 11-ississi-11-1,T)i i1i*.ver. 11otion by Si-,-anson to table t.,,.e realliest to vacate Bent -on st.-eet until next re molar meet-ing and t'I'lat the clerk be instructed to contact the village attorney f or a legal openion regarding maintaining an easment for the care and ndintainence of the sto-Arti sei,-,r6r, running ubder Benton street. I'-otion seconded by Baker aaad carried. 1"1 U- 'Ioj__* Lon by E.asper to replace the pickup donated. to tile fire department b the Wright C;O State Bank write two smoke in-ialators. Seconded by 5�-anson cc L -Led. Hev. Donis presented a letter to ttie council From, lh?. Schult-z of the 11-anneso-a 6-1vill DeJCense association're,-,_:,xding finding a place to hold a regional civil dE-.-fense meeting - in 11onticelTo December lIt".. The village hC.11 was suggested if satisfactory, if not thle council agreed to look further for a lamer iDlace. rev. Donis requested perii-dission to cut doi-m two ELTn_ trees north of -Uhie Alliance church. Tabeled for donsideration follo:-dng inspection of ti--.ese trees by the village council. HassellPitt announced to the council t'Qat IL -ie would continue -lis elected term as village assessor for 19'4. motion by :",.asper to transfer $1500-00 froiithe water fund to -Une IVate:rr'I­,Torks sinI-dncr, .Lund, 0500.00 from the sewer fund to the general ixiprovement fund, from the liquor fund to Vile general ipproverient fund and ~;11,500.00 from tae liquor fund to t1 to general fund. Lotion seconded b- y Adaras and ca-rried. 1710tion br Swanson to I Lr c I s. Glen (Adline) &;ing as dq:)Ut�r clerk cl "fective January 11 11964 wT t= a salary of 25,00 p u r irao n 'u- TIh J s4- i 0 pos n to be on a trial basis for t"ree ?pont -1:ts. h-otion seconded bjr Adams and carried. Lotion by Kasper t?- at the village co-Lu-icil n, eet at 9:30 P.I.'-'. ilovember -5., 1196-3 to canvas 0 - - Barer and car-,ied. the results of 'the villa election Seconded bY B, Notion by Masper to -rene-1, on sale club liquor -license for Ame--rican, Legion Post #215'0. Seconded by Baker and carried, 1-Totion b -,,r Adams t'iat the statement for installing se v er line f ro.-vi the property line ,Its main be sent to the bonding company. Seconded by at Dr. Snorstor.. to tie Seue.L p StTanson and carried. 1.6tion by S,;,Tanson to pay bills) as read. Seconded by Baker and carried. I :'lot- on b77 Swanson tlh,,at tI.Le village riiaintenance enrrin&3- be instructed to off the water for all residence that are one full quarter or more deliquent in. paying -uat-er or sei-.7-er rental bills. Seconded by Kasper and carried. I-otion by Kasper tnat a notice be sent to the property oT;ners infornin-- them idien renters become deliquent in patent o_17' their se-v,-er or water bills.Second'ed by Baker and carried. Bob 22-ilers talked ir;it.lq Vie council regarding the reselling of oiz: General Lr4)rovemen-Lu bonds at a possable lower rate of interest. I'Ir. Zalers Baas ask to examine oux� Dound contracts and L-eport to us at a later date what amount if aaay, sl,,,vinr* we might gain by reselling Vaese bonds. 'A Michaelis ask the councils openion on obtaining a iTarminhouse for t-rie staging rinI-z this i --minter. R. I'dchaelis -,,ras ask to the possability of renting, or building a sr -ii -all building acid report his findings back to t! e counci 1. I . On rmti adj ou rined. /clerk.